05x11 - Sole Sister

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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05x11 - Sole Sister

Post by bunniefuu »

Ah. Hey.

Why did you want me
to meet you here?

I thought we had a
rendezvous in town.

It was right over there.

You came running up beside me,

and my heart jumped
into my throat.


The first time I ever saw you.

And I... I think it was the
last time I was really happy.

You know, everything
else has been so...



Do you think it's because you're

still in love with your wife?

Kimberly's gone.
She's in the past now.

Maybe. But you still
have feelings for her.

Well, I mean...

you go through all the
things we went through

and then...
Then it's suddenly gone,

yeah, sure.
I got feelings. But...

they'll pass.

It's just gonna take a
little time, that's all.

Michael, I need to know
how you really feel.

I want to believe it's
just a question of time,

but I'm, you know...

I'm afraid that no
matter how long I wait,

you're still going to be
in love with Kimberly.

Weeks'll go by, months...

and still every time
you're holding me,

you'll be holding her.

I don't think I can stand that.

I need you to love me.

I do.

I swear.


Syd. I was hoping I'd
see you this morning.

We've got to talk,
but now's not the time...

I thought I heard
your voice, baby!

I was so worried about you!


Hi, Sydney.

I slept at
the restaurant last night.

I should have called.

It doesn't matter. This
is not your fault.

I made you a promise, and I broke it.
Taylor, I...

I'm sorry. I swear to you,

I swear to you, there's nothing
going on between Peter and me.

He just needed a friend,
and I wasn't thinking.

I was the one
that was way outta line.

You should be able to have a
friendship with another man

without me getting
suspicious and jealous.

But I knew how you felt,
and I ignored it.

And I just want you to know that
I will never do that again.

No more broken promises, okay?

No. No more.

Make love to me.

♪ Go ahead ♪

♪ Make a wish ♪

♪ It doesn't come true ♪

♪ In a big swish ♪

♪ Looking for some ♪

♪ Good advice ♪

♪ Everything has got
it's price ♪

♪ There's a bird up
in the laurel tree ♪

♪ Singing about
four two's mystery ♪

♪ Singing hang on
baby and don't... ♪

- What time is it?
- It's already half past 8:00.

I could've sworn
I set the alarm.

Did you mess with the clock?

I didn't touch your damn clock.

The only reason I'm asking

is because I didn't hear
you come in last night.

Things go all right
at the hospital?

Not really.

Well, things aren't going
too well for me, either.

I am firmly convinced

that Craig Field
has been sent up from hell

to t*rture me.

You wouldn't believe the
mess he's causing at work.

Please tell me all
about your problems.

Some other time.
I'm running late.

Peter, use a glass.

What, you worried about germs?

I believe we've already shared

more than milk cartons, Amanda.

I wouldn't remember.
It's been a while.

I really don't
need this right now.

What is with you this morning?


I got it.

Hi. Hey, Peter. I just
wanted to make sure

you were okay After last night.

It happens to the best,

so don't let it get you down.

No, I'm fine. Thanks
for your concern.

What happened last night?

Thanks for stopping by, Matt.
See you, Matt.

I thought you were running late.

My meeting can wait.
Tell me what happened.

I froze.

I couldn't do the operation.

I made a fool of myself

in front of the entire
surgical team

and Matt Fielding,
medical student.

So any chance of that
chief of staff job

is pretty much dog meat.

Why didn't you tell me this?

There really wasn't much you
could do about it, was there?

But we talked about this.

That woman dying last week

had nothing to do with you
or your skill as a surgeon.

But I don't know that!

I... I just can't seem to get back

in any kind of a groove.

I'm in some sort of
a tailspin here,

and I can't get out of it.

Last night...

if I would have
started that cut...

I... I was just so afraid

of making some kind of
a horrible mistake.


you're too smart to let
this keep you down.

You'll work through it.

You're the great Peter
Burns, after all.

I love you.



The doctor said your
surgery went well.

You're gonna be okay.


that depends.

That depends on whether
or not you're going to

forgive me for lying
to you all of these years.

Mom... Janey, please.

Your father and I just...

didn't... know how to tell you.

It was wrong.

But don't hate us.

It was a mistake
made out of love.

I could never hate you.

I'm just confused. I...

I feel like I don't know
who I am anymore.

You're our daughter,

and we're very proud of you.

We love you so much.

I know.

But I still need to
find my real mother.

I found out that her last
known address is in L.A.

Janey, you have to do

what your heart
tells you to do, but...

do you really think finding her
is gonna make a difference?

It has to.

I have to go.

My plane's leaving in an hour.

Take care of yourself. I'll
call you when I get in.

Good-bye, sweetheart.


Miss Woodward, Arthur Field
is on the phone for you.

I'll take it in my office.

I'll be right back.

Hey, boss. You were
running a little late,

so I took the liberty
of postponing

the Glorious Gowns pitch
until after lunch.

Bless you, Billy Campbell.

Any rumblings
from the boy wonder?

No. He's been in his office
since early this morning.

What are you gonna do
about this jerk anyway?

We keep our heads down
and our backs to the wall.

It's Craig's company... for
the time being, anyway.

Amanda Woodward.

Amanda, I've come to a decision.

I can't afford to wait until
Craig trips himself up.

By then, D and D's
gonna be on life-support.

So you're going back
on our deal?

No. No. Not at all.

You'll still be in charge
once he's out.

I'm just accelerating things.

Now, a lawsuit is going to
be served on Craig today,

challenging the way his controlling
stock was transferred.

I need you to keep your
eyes open for his reaction.

Wait a minute. First you
bring sonny boy on board,

intending to replace me, and now

I'm supposed to be your spy
so you can get rid of him?

Times like these make for
strange bedfellows, Amanda.

Keep me informed.

I've been dodging calls from
Midline Airways all morning long.

Did you close a deal
with Alison Parker yet?

I'm working on it.

You lost her, didn't you?

I said I'm working on it.

You lost her,
and you're too scared

of losing your job to admit it.

I am not scared of anything,

least of all a frat boy
masquerading as an executive.

Well, maybe
you ought to be, Amanda.

Remember... my father hired you.
I didn't.

So... are we gonna talk
about what's bothering you?

I don't know what you mean.

You've barely said 2
words to me in 24 hours.

All I asked for
was a little time

to think about
your partnership offer.

If you needed time, it's obviously
something you didn't want.

Your decision's made.

No, I have not made my decision!

But the way you keep
forcing the issue

makes me wonder what this
is really all about.

A whole lotta nothin', so let's
not make a federal case about it.

All right.

I'll see you at work.

All right.

Take that. What's this?

The lady wanted
the sauce on the side.

That was the veal. Damn
it, you pay attention.

I want all of you to
put a little thought

into your work.

Quit hanging around back here.

There's work to do. I want you
to hit your stations... now!

Mario take 5.

It sure is hard to get
good help these days.

Syd, I... I tried
calling you earlier.

I got your message.

Thought I'd return it in person.

Well, you know what? Now
is not a good time.

I'm behind on orders, and half
my help is still in training.


I just... I wanted to
tell you that

last night was the most
wonderful nights of my life.

It's not gonna
happen again, Syd.

I'm sorry, it was... it
was a stupid mistake.


Hey, it has nothing
to do with you.

You... look, you're
a fantastic woman,

but I messed up big time, and I
can't afford to mess up again.

Last night you said...

Look, whatever I said, I
didn't mean to lead you on.

Taylor: What's going on?
The waiters said

you threw them out
of the kitchen.

Just kicking a little butt.
Sydney was...

I was just asking Kyle if he would
be available to cater a party.

But I guess it's not
gonna work out.

Yeah. I, uh, appreciate
your understanding.


See you later.

What is it with the people
from our building, huh?

They all think they can get
a free meal out of us.

You just gotta
give them a firm no.

Sometimes it's not that easy.

You think you got
troubles, buddy?

Very sexy.

Hi, Sydney. Hi.

- Hey.
- Hey.


Thank God you're home.

You've no idea what I've been
through the last 2 days.

Not now, Syd.

You don't understand I
really need to talk to you.

I don't have the time.

Jane, I really need you.

Not now, Syd.


You okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

I'm just resting.

A stitch in my side.


if you wanna come along
with me, I'll take it slow.

No, no. I...

I lied.

I'm not exercising.

I just needed
some thinking space.

You and Jake having problems?

Yeah. I guess we are.

Well, maybe I could help.

Oh, Billy, that's sweet,

but I really don't
feel comfortable

talking to you about this.

Alison, we're always
going to be friends.

That's the way it started
in the first place.

Come on. Tell me
what's going on.


Jake offered me
half of sh**t.

When I didn't jump at it,

he just clammed up,
took it personally.

Now I'm thinking I've done
something that can't be fixed.

That's just Jake. In a few
days he'll come around.

It's not that big a deal.

No, Billy, it is a big deal.

I... I love him.

I've never felt this way before.

I don't want to lose him.


I shouldn't have said anything.

That's fine. It's totally cool.

No, no. I'm sorry.

Just forget it. Look...

All you gotta do with Jake

is understand what
he's been through.

Every woman he's been with

has left him when something
better came along.

He just wants security, so
show him how serious you are.

This is too weird.


Listening to you give me
advice about my love life.

Well, I hope it helps.

Yeah. Me, too.

So... you wanna
run back together?

No, you go ahead. I'm gonna...

take a couple more
laps around the park.


Gold medal performance,
Amanda. You were brilliant.

I wasn't going to let the
loss of Alison Parker

keep me from saving
this account.

No really I mean you were incredible,
it was like poetry in motion.

You're a blatant kiss-ass.

Finally, something
I like about you.

We're celebrating. I'm
taking you out to dinner.

You are?

I'm not taking no for an answer.

Executive orders.

Besides, it'll give me a chance

to pick your brain.

All right. It might even be fun.

As long as I get to
pick your brain as well.

Well, hello there.

Hi. Let me give you a hand.

Ah, thanks.

So what's all this?

New paint sets. Top-of-the-line.
All my supplies.

Wicked, huh?


So, you know how we got
off to that rocky start...

No kidding. I thought
you were such a jerk.

It's nice. Friends now.

Yeah. But I was
thinking if we could

move past just being friends

and take another
s*ab at going out.

I'm sorry?

What I'm saying... what
I've been thinking

is I don't wanna end up
sitting on some park bench

thinking about you
while you slip away

because I didn't do
anything about it.

I really like you, and
it's not a rebound thing.

It's... that's it. So will
you go out with me?

Billy, a date?

I'm seeing Craig. You know that.

He gave you this paint
set, didn't he?

Yeah. He did.

Don't you know what he's doing

by buying you these gifts?

I'll stop you here, because
I'm about to be offended.

I like Craig, regardless of whether
he gives me presents or not,

and vice-versa.

Maybe we could have had
something, but it's too late.

I'm sorry. I don't
mean to shut you down.

Well, shut down, shot down.

What's the difference?

Either way, I'm outta here.

Thought this was your day off.

I need to talk to you.

I have problems.

So do I.

Yeah, well, not like
these, you don't.


What is wrong with you
since you got back?

If I can't talk to you,
who else can I talk to?

Please don't do this
to me right now.

Don't do this to you?
What about me?

No one else can understand me.
You're my sister.

No, I'm not!

I'm not your sister, Sydney.

Shut up.

I'm serious.

What are you talking about?

Mom and dad kept it a
secret all these years.

I just found out last week.

You mean, like,
I'm adopted or something?

No. I'm adopted.

I found out when I was home.

They adopted me and had you.

They never told
either one of us.


Oh, my god. Jane...

What is going on?

I don't know.

I'm lost. I feel like I suddenly
don't have anything anymore.

It doesn't matter
between you and me.

I mean, we're sisters, right?

Just because we're not
blood relatives,

it does-doesn't change that.

Sydney, please.
I can't talk about it.

I just need some time
to think it out.

Meaning what, we can't talk until then?
That's crazy!

Just close up for me, would you?

Jane, please, talk to me!


You're my sister! Jane!

Thank you.


You okay with this?

I mean me having a drink.

If you can handle it, I can.

I never really had a
problem with alcohol...

just dr*gs.

For me, they were all related.

I had to give up everything
in order to live again.

Just be careful, Matt.

Uh, waiter, I changed my mind.

Can I have an iced tea instead.

Absolutely, sir.

You didn't have to
do that, you know.

No, it's okay. You're right.

Healthy mind, healthy body.
All that.

Man: Well, look here!

If it isn't Dan Hathaway,
savior of mankind.

Hello, Roger.

You gonna introduce me
to your friend?

I'm Roger McCormick,

one of Dan's used-to-bes.

Your latest conquest,

or just another disposable
for your ash heap?

You're drunk, Roger.

So why don't you go away
before this gets unpleasant?


Let me guess.

You're a former patient.

Did big, strong Dan
take you home

and kiss your boo-boos
and make them better?

Plays the part so well,
doesn't he?

Has he started living
your life for you yet?

Roger, I want you to leave now.

Word of advice.

Get out while
the getting's good.

You'll be sorry
if you stick around.

What was that all about?

That was a former patient
who never got better.

We were involved for a time.

See, this is why I insist
on not mixing my business

and personal lives.
I'm really sorry

you had to go through that.

No, it's okay. It's okay.

You handled it... really well.

Well, I should. That's my job.

Ah, let's, uh...

come on, let's just order.

Well, this is
a pleasant surprise.

I couldn't help myself.

All day long, I have been
fantasizing about you.

You would not believe

all of the nasty things

that you and I have
done together.

You want to try making a
few of my fantasies...



My pleasure. Your pleasure?


Oh, geez.

Oh, my god.

Don't lose my place.


What is it? Offices are closed.

Michael Mancini? Yeah?

Sign here, please.

Thank you very much.

I think that you were
right about here...


Michael, what's the matter?

It's divorce papers.

Kimberly sure didn't
waste any time.

I know she quit
her job here, but...

but isn't that good?

Yeah, uh...

it's... it's just sudden.

Listen, um... I can't
do this right now.

I've got a lot of work
to catch up on tonight,

um... so I'll see
you later, okay?

You understand, don't you?

Yeah, sure.

So, now that I've sung your
praises over fine champagne,

how else can I show
my appreciation

for saving the midline account?

Don't tempt me.

Believe me, if I could
only find a way.

You can tell me how the apple
fell so far from the tree.

You're not at all like
your father, you know.

God, I hope not.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring
up a sore subject. That's all right.

You might as well know my father

served me with a lawsuit today.

Oh, on what grounds?

He's trying to win back

control of the company
any way he can.

Excuse me,
but your father can be

a bit of a bastard.

Well, I come from a long
line of bastards, actually.

My father, my grandfather,

it's not a pretty family tree.

You know, you really are a
spectacular looking woman.

No fair changing the subject.

Really, aren't you a little
worried about this lawsuit?

I don't mean to be
selfish or anything,

but if you were to go away,

I doubt that I would
be around much longer myself.

You've got me a little worried.

Well, there's nothing
to worry about.

I'm not going anywhere.

You sound awfully
sure of yourself.

Oh, I am.

Dance with me.

As soon as you tell me
why you think

you can beat your father
on his own playing field.

Skeletons in the
family closet, Amanda.

I know too many secrets.


Dance with me.

You know, I can keep secrets
better than anybody.

Well, if this one ever got out,

it would make my dad's
life a living hell.

Wouldn't want that, would we?

Oh, there she is,

the wife with
the mystery social life.

I was out with my boss.
Craig Field?

I tried calling, but I
guess you were out, too.


I clocked in around 10:00.
You got in after midnight.

I guess you guys don't have any
early meetings this morning.

I'll see you later.

Where are you going?

Golf course.

I decided what I need
is a little time off

to get my head together.

I thought you said your
practice was in trouble.

How the hell is playing
golf gonna solve anything?

If I have to accept you partying
the night away with a strange man,

I don't see where you get off
questioning anything I do.

Billy: I saw that fancy
paint set you got her.

That was very nice.

Yeah, she seemed to like it.

That case and that easel,

that's couldn't have been cheap.

Look, Campbell,

it's no secret you once had

the hots for Samantha.

So if all this fishing around

is your not so subtle way

of trying to figure
out my intentions,

let me save you the trouble.

Whatever's going on
between Samantha and me

is my business and her business,

not yours. Absolutely.

Unless of course you do
something to hurt her,

and then I'd have
to kick your teeth in.

See you in the staff meeting.

Excuse me.

Have you had this route long?

18 years. Is that long enough?
Oh, wow.

I'm looking for a woman
who lived in this house

maybe uh... 10 years ago?

10 years ago?

Lady, people come and go around
here on a monthly basis.

You expect me to remember
someone from 10 years ago?

Wait, please. It's
very important to me.

Her name is Sherry,
Sherry Larson.

I wish I could.

But I don't even remember
a Larson living there.

Maybe that wasn't her last name.

Maybe she was
married or something?

Wait, she was an actress
pretty, too?

Looked sort of like you.

Blond hair, blue eyes.

You left early.

The place needed
a good cleaning.

Jake, I can't go on like this.

I know I hurt you,

and you can't imagine how
badly that makes me feel.

I'm sorry.

You just hit a nerve
when you turned me down.

But I didn't turn you down.

I just needed some time
to think, and I have.

I mean, I don't know

the first thing
about running a bar.

And then suddenly,
there's the prospect

of this huge responsibility,

and... and opportunity,
from out of nowhere.

What you took for rejection

was... was shock.

That's fine.

I have a proposal.

What if I spend the next year

learning about
the business from you,

and then, if we both
agree I'm ready,

I'll sign on as partner.

Come on.

I'm serious.

You're patronizing me.

Admit it. This is just

some kind of rebound for you.

You're probably not gonna
be here in a year.

What is this?

Why do you think I'm so eager

to up and walk out on you?

Don't you get it?

I'm not going anywhere.

But your proposal,
it's not like accepting

a... a bracelet
or some other gift.

This is a major commitment.

Yes. That's exactly
what this is,

a commitment.

All of my other
relationships ended

because they were based on
being free and easy and open.

This is special to me,

and I just wanted
to express that.

Not with dinner or flowers,

but with something
that was a part of me.

Just making the offer
scared me to death.


Look, I'm not angry
with it anymore, okay?

It's just a case of bad timing.

Sydney, please.

Jane, wait a minute.

You don't just drop
a b*mb like that

and then shut me out.

I want something straight. Okay?

I don't care who your
real parents are.

Our relationship
will never change.

Thank you. Now, if you
would just leave.

No, Jane, no!

That is not fair!

Listen, I know what you're
going through is intense.

And believe me, it is
just as intense for me.

Think about what
I'm going through.

Jane, you have
got to talk to me.

I can't talk to you, Sydney.

I just gotta find her.

Find her?


I mean,

do you really think it'll
change who you are?

Well, it... just might
explain a few things.

What is there to explain?

She gave you up, Jane.

I mean,

who any of our parents are

is just an accident.

You don't get to choose them.

But you do get to choose to have

a relationship
with your sibling.

I chose to have a
relationship with you.

I chose to...

emulate you, to envy you,

to help you, and to
have you help me.

Yeah uh...

that's what we both wanted.

But all we did was fight.

We stuck it out.

No matter what you say, Jane,

we've always been close.

Maybe I could help you find her.


I... I could just...

make a few phone
calls, or something.


she's my mother.

I'm her daughter.

Look, I know you mean well.

I just gotta do this for me.

Do you understand that?


I understand.

I understand.

I'm not a part of that family.


This isn't working.

Divorce papers or not,

I can feel him pulling farther

and farther away every day.

Then what are you doing
here talking to me, Megan?

You've gotta get him back.

That's your job.
I can't do it for you.

That's what I hired
you for in the first place.

No, Kimberly, it's
gone way beyond that.

Look, he still wants you.

He's still in love with you.

I don't want to hear
this, all right?

Just stop it with
this jealousy crap!

I will be gone soon enough

and I promise you
that he will love you

more than he ever loved me.

Oh, God.


Do you want me to call
you an ambulance?

No, no. It comes and goes.

I'm just not supposed
to get emotional,

or upset.

Shh. Is there anything I can do?


please, I need to know

that he'll be taken
care of after I'm gone.

Please, you're the only
one who can give me that.

Please give me that.

Please, Megan. Okay.


All right.

I'll find a way.

Jake: Hey, what are you doing?

If I'm gonna be your partner,

I need room for my own desk.

I just got back from recording
that deed you gave me.

If you're only
doing this because...

I'm doing this
because I want to.

It means an awful lot to you,

so it means an awful
lot to me, too.

In fact, it could be fun.

I could really bring something
fresh to this place.

Well uh...

I love you.

And if this is
how I can prove it,

then I'm the happiest
woman in the world.

Wanna shake on it?

I've got a better idea.

Samantha: Why'd you bring me
all the way here.

Craig: I need your help.

Here it is.

What do you think?

Your professional
artist's opinion.

Oh, wow!

Your friend is crazy if he
doesn't snap this place up.

It's perfect!


Oh, the lighting is fantastic,

and look at all this room!


I'd k*ll for a place like this.

Well, you don't have to go
to such drastic measures.

I don't understand.

I wasn't looking at it
for an old roommate.

It's for you.

Just wanted to make sure
that you liked it first.

Samantha, I want to
give you the opportunity

to do some great things.

Craig, this is too much.

I can't accept this.

Why not?

Isn't this what you've
always dreamed of,

a place for you to paint.

Of course it is.


I just... can't take
something like this.

Samantha, don't look at this

as a gift from
someone who cares.

Look at this as an
investment in your career.

I don't expect
anything in return,

just great art.

This is too much.

All right.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Um, I really need...

No strings attached.

This isn't about
my feelings for you.

It's about my belief in you.

Thank you.

Hi, stranger. How you doing?


Oh, just taking it
one day at a time.

You sound like someone who needs

to talk to their bartender.

What can I get you?

Another scotch.

Another scotch it is.

Listen, I really
want to thank you

for talking the other night.

It um...

I appreciate it.
It meant a lot to me.

Oh, it was my pleasure.

I gather Amanda's
not a great listener.

Well, she's got
a lot of expectations,

and she's kinda gone through
the ringer herself lately,

and probably figures I can
solve my own problems.

Bet you wish
she was more like Beth.

Oh, I hope I'm not overstepping

my bartender bounds here.

You are.

It's just that I remember how
supportive my sister was

of your career
and your decisions,

how loyal she was.

I've always tried to
emulate her in that way.

With Kyle.

I think those traits are really

hard to find in a person.

She's gone now, Taylor.

And my life has changed,

so it's not really
fair to Amanda or Beth

to compare them.

I just want you to know that
I believe in you, Peter,

in your talent
and your goodness.

You'll work through
this, I know you will.

You know, I think
Beth would be very proud

of the way her little
sister's grown up.

Well, if you'll excuse me,

I should probably get
home before I need a cab.

Good night. Good night.

Hey, Doc.

Hey, hi, Kyle.

We've got to get something
straight here, pal.

You want to be friends
with my wife, that's fine.

But if you so much as
touch her the wrong way,

I'm gonna tear your throat out.

You understand me?

Wait a minute. Slow down.

You've got the wrong idea here.

As a matter of fact...

listen, there's nothing
going on, I promise.



Let's keep it that way.

Syd, I didn't mean to scare you.

I was hoping to catch
you before you left.

Just finishing up.

Look, Syd, I uh...

well I... I want to apologize.

It's my fault. No.

Yeah. I misread your intentions.

If I had known
that all you wanted

was a one night fling,

I wouldn't have made
such an ass of myself.

No, I am the one that
made an ass of myself.

I can think of all
sorts of excuses.

Rocky marriage, new restaurant,

the fact that you are
an incredibly sexy woman.

But when it comes down to it,

I guess...

I wasn't thinking straight.

I understand.

You know, we all act
impulsively sometimes.

God only knows,
I have in the past.

I knew what your situation
was from the start.

It's just been a
really rotten week.

You know?

It's like everyone
that I reach out to

that I think is my friend...

you know, just to
talk about things...

ends up turning away. And...

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to get
all weird on you.


I wouldn't have hurt you
in a million years.

I should be tougher than this.

I'm just... I am in a really...

lonely place right now, and...

sometimes life just...

oh, it just really sucks.

I know.

I know.

It's okay, Shh.

It's okay.

Sorry, we're closed.

Oh, please, please. I've
been looking all day.

I was told that
you have a lot of

research materials on
actors and actresses.

Yeah, but we're closed.
Wait, wait!

Please, I have to
find someone tonight.

It's very important to me.


Gotta make it quick, though.

Thank you.

Come on this way.

Who are you looking for?

An actress. She'd probably

be in her mid to
late '40s by now.

Her real name is Sherry Larson.

I need to find out
her stage name.

Sherry Larson.

Hmm, let me see here.


Sure, I remember her.

Stage name was Sherry Doucette,

did some Corman flicks, I think.

Want to see her file?

Her file? Yeah.

We've got files on almost
everyone who was anyone.

Studio bios, 8 x 10s,
that sort of thing.

Yes, yes, please!
I'd like to see

everything that you have.

Here you go.

8 x 10s are 5 bucks each.

My God...

You're beautiful.
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