05x06 - Jane's Addiction

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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05x06 - Jane's Addiction

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm sorry
you had to see that.

I don't know
Jake very well,

but I wouldn't
have guessed

he was such
a violent person.

I thought you showed
a lot of restraint,




Go ahead,
I'll be there
in a second.

I'll make us some coffee.

So why do I have
a feeling

that all of this
has something to
do with you?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

You bitch Alison.

[sound of air escaping]

You are in
great shape from
all this jogging.

Look at those legs.

Why, Kimberly,
you're looking
at my legs.

That's a very
good sign.

Oh, um...

I'm sorry, Michael,

I didn't
mean to send out
the wrong signal.

I still have
a lot of issues
I need to work out.

My therapist says
I need to concentrate
on my daily routine

the complications of
passionate feelings

that challenge
my sense of

Which means,
Michael gets no sex.


I just need
you to be patient

for a little
while longer.

Why don't you go
for that run?

You know,
you're right.

A nice long, hard run
on the beach is
what I need.

[knock on door]

What do you want?

An explanation.

Let's just
drop it, okay?

No. I want to know
what the hell

that was all about
last night.

It's not enough
that you're doing
Alison behind my back,

but do you have
to embarrass me
in front of Samantha?


I promised Alison that
I would leave you alone

and that's what
I'm gonna do.

Well, that's okay
by me, then.

Thank you.

No problem.

[door shutting]

Good morning.


I think I'll go down
to the bar

and get started
on last night's receipts.

See you in a bit.

Okay, I'll walk
out with you.

God, I just miss
designing full-time.

But I guess
you can't look back.

Oh, no. You have
a flat tire.

Four of them.

God, who would have
done such a thing?

You know, I think I have
a pretty good idea.

I know it's out
of your way,

but can you give
me a ride to D&D?

Oh, of course.
Here, hop in.

You poor thing.

What a day
you're having.



I was hoping
to see you again.

Here, I have
something for you.

My place, tonight.

That is, if you want to.

You won't be disappointed.


I need the files
for the three-point account

on my desk right away.

Already there,
under your briefcase.

Here's your
cappuccino, decaf,
with cinnamon.

No cinnamon.

I'll take it back.

I see Amanda's
keeping you busy.

Yeah, she really
knows how to
pile it on.

Good morning, Arthur.

I take it that
you've given Craig

all of the accounts
that Campbell was handling.

Yes, and I'll have
Billy do nothing this week

but get him up to speed.

Amanda, make sure
that my boy

goes to the next
few pitch meetings.

I think he should
see you in action,

learn from the master.

Or should I say,

I'll see to it.

I knew you had problems,

but I never expected
anything like this.

Jake started it.

You know what
I'm talking about.

You slashed my tires.

Isn't that a little
juvenile, even for you?

Now, obviously,
you're still harboring
a lot of rage.

I think it's time
you learned to deal with it.

about you and Jake?

I'm over you.

Oh, yeah?

You were the only one
who didn't have an alibi

when that brick
came through our window.

You publicly humiliated us
at Jane's party,

and you have always
had a problem with
me and Jake being together

from the very beginning.

Jane slashed
your tires.

She threw the brick,

and she probably
started the fire,

because she thinks
you stole Jake
from her.

And after
what happened
with Richard,

she's not the most
well-adjusted person

on the planet,
is she?

Jane was with me
when I saw the tires.
She was totally surprised.

So how can you...

because she hit on me.

She said that
we should be a couple.

She had some kind
of twisted idea

that that was
gonna cause a problem
between you and Jake.

And break us up?

Just watch out for her.

I gotta go.
Talk to you later.

Hey, Matt.

Hey, Matt, I know
you're here as
a voluntary admit,

but I don't
think you're
ready to leave.

Dr. Hathaway,

I appreciate
all your help,

but I've been through
the whole regimen

and I am okay now.

You haven't even
admitted to yourself

that you're
an addict yet.

And that's just
step number one.

You know what?
I don't need steps.

I need to get back
to medical school.

You know what?

You sound like
every other user

that's given me that
"I can handle it"
song and dance,

ended up right back
in here again.

I think
you said it yourself.

I'm here voluntarily.

And now, I'm leaving.

You could at least
try and have a good time.

Why are we here?

We are here to wish
our new friends,
Kyle and Taylor,

good luck with
their new restaurant.

Oh. Couldn't we have
just sent them flowers?

You... look... great.

I know.

What is this?
I've never seen
this before.

Oh, I don't
wear it that much.

Everything's going
great, isn't it?

Man, I hate this stuff.

Oh, come on.

Smiling at people
that I don't know,

that I don't
want to know.

Let's leave.

Kyle, we can't ditch
our own opening.

Yes, we can.

Not now.
You have to mingle.

I'll mingle.

All right,
but in 2 hours,

I want these people
out of here.

Now mingle,
mingle, mingle.


Bob, how are you doing?


Well, this probably
isn't a good time

to talk about
the painting you're
interested in.

No, actually,
this would be
a perfect time.


So, tell me about
the artist.


he's um...


um--post disco,
Eastern European...

No, Syd, I don't need
to know all that stuff.

If I like it,
I like it.

What's his name?

His name is Sam,

Samuel um-- Kirov.

Where's he from?

He's Russian.

That's why
I'm representing him.

He doesn't really
speak English.

He's an immigrant.

Uh-- You think he'll sell?

Oh, sure.

He needs the money.

He sends it all
back to his family
in Siberia.

I guess
their heating bills
are a real doozy.

Look, I uh...

I gotta go
work the crowd

or Taylor is
gonna k*ll me.

Why don't you come by
in a day or two
and we'll talk price?

Oh, great.

All right.


Tell me about Billy.

I like him.
He's really nice.

And then things
just turned bizzaro.

Oh, Billy's
a great guy, really.

You can't blame him
for still having
his hang-up about Alison.

It's understandable
when someone leaves you
at the altar like that.

They were supposed
to get married?


So, he's been
alone since then?

No, he married Brooke.

Who's Brooke?

Brooke was.
She died.

She died?

Drowned in the pool.

In our pool?

It's very tragic.

Not a real stable girl.

What happened?

I don't really
know for sure.

But you can imagine,
it messed up Billy
for a while.

Poor guy.

So he wanted to get
back with Alison.

Well, strange thing was,
Alison's husband
drowned, too.

was married, too?

To Brooke's father.
He was very rich.

Oh, don't worry.

I'm sure Billy
will explain it all
to you himself.

Hi, Billy.


Billy: I just came by
to see if you wanted

to grab a late dinner?

I can't.
I have to do a thing.

A thing?

Yeah, Sam's gotta
go to the warehouse

to pick up some
slacks we got in.

It's kind of
an emergency.

Well, I could go with you.
You don't want to go to

a warehouse at night
by yourself.

Oh, I've done
it before.

Talk to you later.

So, what did
you say to her?


Look, Jane,
I know you're the one

that's hassling
Jake and Alison.

They're together now.
Get over Jake.

In the meantime,
stay out of my life, please.

Look, Billy,
maybe you can just
forget Alison.

Maybe you never
really loved her.

At least,
not the way
I loved Jake.

I can't just forget.


Amanda certainly
leaves you alone a lot.

Oh, actually, I should
probably try and find her.


Oh, I'm sorry.
It's just that that...

that necklace,
the pendant...

Oh, this old thing.

It's been in
my family for years.

It's just looks
uh-- familiar.

Someone I knew...

Well, that was
a long time ago.


Hey, I was just
looking for you.

Not hard enough.
It's time to go.

Oh, that is,
if you're done
fawning over my husband.

We were just talking.

No. When you're standing
less than a foot away
from a person,

definitely fawning.

Well, fawning or not,

we're out of here.

Tell Kyle
I said good-bye.

Mind if I join you?

No, no.

a community pool.

I didn't mean
to chase you off.

No, no.
No problem.
It's all yours.

Oh, good morning,

you going to work?

Yeah, momentarily.

You sure um...

nothing's holding you up?

Oh, I hope I didn't
cause any trouble.

Why would
you say that?


What's going on?

I called administration,
I told them I was
coming back,

but I'm not
on the schedule.

You didn't
get the message?

No, I guess not.

You're suspended.



I had a little problem,

but it's no big deal.

A drug problem
is a big deal

when you work
in a hospital, Matt.

You can reapply
next semester.

Who told?

You know I can't
tell you that.

Never mind. I know.

I'll be back.

You should have come
to Kyle's opening.

I wasn't invited.

Oh, yeah.

I'm really good
friends with Kyle,

Kyle McBride, the owner.

Yeah, I know him.

He liked your painting,

the one in the window?



I talked him
into hanging it up
at the restaurant.

I mean, if that's
okay with you?



Oh, Syd,
that's great.

I mean, who knows,
you know?

If he likes this one

after he kind of
lives with it for a while,

then he might want more.

I'm gonna take it
over there tomorrow.

You? But doesn't
he want to meet
the artist?


All of the big name
artists go through agents.

I am offering my services,

for a small commission.

That's ridiculous.

I'm going with you.

No, you can't.

All right.

You can't meet him


I told him you're
a Russian immigrant

named Samuel Kirov.

You know, those tiny
little typewritten
biographies of the artist

next to the painting?

Well, you don't
want yours to say

Samantha was
a happy child
growing up in Maryland

and now she works
in a dress shop.

Besides, who wants
to buy serious art

from someone perky?

Now, luckily for you,

you signed them "Sam,"

so this just might work.

No, it's so dishonest.

Oh, big deal!

Sam, we'll just
keep up this ruse

until you become
a big hit.

And then,
we'll reveal you.

Ta da!

That'll really give 'em
something to talk about.

Sam, we're talking about
possible, actual money here.

All right.

But only until
my paintings
start to sell.


[knock on door]

We need to talk.

Yes, we do.

I want you to get
Craig Field ready

to attend his first
pitch meeting,

A.P. Ryder Water,
day after tomorrow.

He's gonna pitch
meetings now?

And you are not.

Oh, thanks, Amanda.

Arthur Field says
"Jump," and you say
"How high?"

Look at it
this way, Billy,

you're lucky
to have a job.

[knock on door]

Now, what is it
you want to tell me?

It can wait.


Hey, Pete.

Peter, what are
you doing here

in the middle
of the day?

Well, just a special
guest appearance.

No, I had a little extra
time on my hands,

thought maybe
we could grab
a quick bite.

Know what I mean?

Don't you think
you have a little
too much time on your hands?

Shouldn't you be out
drumming up business?

Chasing ambulances,

it's no big deal.

I had a little
fall-off in
my patient load

since I was gone.

I'm sure it'll
pick back up.

So, you don't think
you can get away
for an hour or two?

As much as
I'd love to,

I have to work
straight through lunch.

I'm sorry.

I promise
I'll make it up to you.

Just let me get
through this day
and I'm yours.

Name the time and place.

Well, how about
your place,

oh, "Our place?"

A nice romantic
dinner for two.

No calls, no work,
no interruptions.


how about...



Put me in ink.



[knocks on door]

Hey, Matt.

Come on in.

No, I'll stay
out here, thanks.

Unless you're afraid
one of your junkies

is going to embarrass
you in front of your
Belair neighbors.

What's wrong?
Are you, high?

No, I'm not high!
I am mad.

You got me kicked out
of medical school.

And to actually believe

that I fell for
the "I care" routine.

You said that
you identified!

You said that
you'd been there!

I feel like an idiot.

Matt, why don't
you calm down
for one second

and tell me what on earth
you're talking about.

When I got to
the hospital today,

they knew about
my little problem.

They suspended me
for at least one semester.

Well, I didn't
tell anybody anything.

And I told you
when you first came in

that discretion
and trust are paramount

at the Hathaway Center.

That's a nice motto.

Was Greg Parker
your connection?

It's okay.
He's already been busted.

And he named names.

And yours is probably
one of them.

I don't know
what to say.

I really feel
like an idiot.

Look, Matt,
why don't you let
me help you?

I'll call in
a few favors,

probably get
your suspension lifted.

You can do that?

Yes, and I will,
on one condition.

Now, you've got to take
this drug problem seriously.

I've already got
a regular session

set up with
the staff counselor
at the hospital.

Why, why...

why are you
doing this for me?

I meant it
when I said
I've been there.

And I like you.

Right back at you.

How long are you
gonna harp on this?

Jake, listen to me.

Billy said
Jane tried to use him
to make us jealous.

He thinks
she's dangerous.

Jane has been fine
with us being together.

Billy is
the loose cannon.

I believe him.

Big surprise.

What is that
supposed to mean?


Can I get
you anything?


Uh-- soda water. Thanks.

How's it going?

Great. Shop's doing
really well.

Seems my luck
has finally changed.

That's wonderful,

Jake, can I see you
in the back?

I have a question
about the computer.

What's your problem?

Jake: My problem?

You know, it's that
you've been spending

an awful lot of time
with the guy
you broke up with.

You're jealous.

Of Billy? No.

All right.
What about you?

You're always
so quick to
defend Jane.

Oh. My opinion
doesn't count.

No, your opinion
seems to be

the only one
that does count.

You don't listen
to me.

Yes, I do.

I think
this situation

is getting on
both our nerves.

Maybe we need
some space.

Jake: Maybe.

I'm going to check
on my tables.

Don't go.

I don't want to,
not like this,

but this
is so confusing

with you, and me,
and Billy, and Jane--

I love you.

Wow. You have a way

of getting right
to the point, don't you.

I love you, too.

Dad, can I ask you
a question?

I suppose so.

With the vast portfolio
of companies you have,

what's the big deal
with D&D?

The big deal
is Amanda Woodward.

Billy Campbell
was my creation.

He was a tiger.

She destroyed him
to defy me.

You can't trust
a woman like that.

I suppose being
a strong woman
who's crossed you

isn't grounds
for dismissal.

Unless, of course,
it's your wife.

This is
business, Craig.

It has nothing
whatsoever to do
with your mother.

All right.
Here's what we'll do.

This week, we have
a pitch meeting

with A.P.
Ryder Water.

Now, Connor Moran
is the chairman.

He's been doing business
with D&D Advertising for years.

Same old campaign,
year in, year out.

Pure, wholesome,
family values crap.

Only this year,
he'll do something different.


Because I've already
pre-sold him

on the notion
that he needs to go
after the youth market.

Now, Amanda's gonna go in there

with the old campaign
he's always bought,

only this time, I'm gonna
send you in there

with a new idea
that I'm gonna give you.

That way, you look like
the up-and-comer.

And Amanda will look like
she ought to be cleaning
out her desk.

Dad, I wish you would
let me go in there

and kick Amanda
Woodward's butt.

She'd have you
for lunch, Craig.

[knock on door]

breathing heavily]

I'm married.

I don't care.


I can't.

I just can't--

I can't.
I really can't.


I'm sorry. I'm not
a morning person.

Used to be.

Morning, noon,
and night.

Taylor's out there
swimming laps.

Is that where
you'd rather be?

I am not interested
in Taylor McBride.

Kyle seems like
a nice guy.

Is there anything
wrong with making
new friends?

Well, it takes time away
from beefing up

your medical practice,
for one thing.


You know, you're way
out of bounds, here.

Oh-- I forgot
what an expert you are

in the medical field,
Dr. Woodward.

the subject dropped.

Do what you want
with your medical practice,

but those McBride people
are tenants.

Let's keep it that way.

Shouldn't you
be getting dressed?

You know, you're getting
in that out-of-bounds
area again.

Believe it or not,
before I met you

I actually got
myself dressed,

I fed myself and got
myself to work on time.

Hmm. I love you,
you know.


Are we still on
for tomorrow night?

It's a date.

[knock on door]

What do you want?

Just to pitch you
an idea for A.P.
Ryder Water.

I'll make it quick.

2 minutes.

Great. I've been looking
over the files,

and I know Connor Moran
has always gone

for this old-time
family values theme.

This year, we throw him
a curve ball.

We aim for the Generation X
alternative rock crowd.

We use mountain bikers,

divers exploding
off the page.

Be original.
Be on the edge.

Then, right over
the A.P. old-fashioned
water bottle

we graffiti tag,
"It's in the water."

It would be totally hip.

The only thing
that Connor Moran
knows about hip

is that Liz Taylor
had hers replaced.

Forget it.


Oh, Craig?

At the pitch meeting

you're strictly
an observer.

Keep your mouth shut.

Thanks for having lunch
with me.

All right.

We've got the baguettes,
the crackers,

fruit, caviar,

and if you're
in the mood,

a little white wine.

This is great.

I wanted to do it.

I got off on
the wrong foot
a couple of times.

Yeah. I know.

I know you still think
I'm hung up on Alison.

It's just we have
a long history together.

I really do want
to get on with my life.

I'm glad we're
talking about it actually

because it's sort of been
the elephant in the room,
you know?


You spend a lot
of time with Jane.

I hope you don't
put too much stock

in what she says.

I know, she's not
my biggest fan.

Actually, Jane says
really nice things about you.

She says that
it's no surprise

that you have
your ups and downs

because when Alison
left you at the altar...

Oh. I'm sorry.

Even with my mouth full

I manage to stick
my foot in it.

What else
did Jane say?

About Brooke drowning
in the pool.

I'm sorry. I'm taking
about your dead wife.

It's okay.

I just wish I was
the one to tell you.

It's a painful
part of my life,

and I have
a lot of regrets.

I'm gonna move on
you know?

I don't want my past
to affect our future.

So, do I get
another chance?

Am I still
in the game?

I guess I can
give you another shot.

That's great!

Look at
those colors.

It will certainly
cover up some wall space.

I see you're not
a patron of the arts.

I'm gonna let you
handle this, baby.

Let's go to the kitchen
and talk money.


First, I have this sauce
that I want you to taste.

Tell me
what you think.

Mmm! It's tangy.


That's not good.

So, what's
the Kirov worth?

Well, what do
you think?

I don't know, Syd.
You represent him.

In your opinion,
what's it worth?

Well, I'd say
it's worth $1,000.

But in a few years,
who knows?

Personal check okay?

Make it out to cash?

Look, Syd, you are
a very attractive woman,

but I'm not

Oh, I'm sorry.

You didn't-- I didn't--

I didn't mean to,
you know...

No, that was
my fault.

Sometimes I get in
people's personal space.

I overreacted.
I hope I didn't
embarrass you.

No, no. It's okay.



You're red.

You still have sauce
on your face.

Billy, you've been
trying to tell me
something for days.

What do you know?

Oh, so now you're going
to listen to me?

I know that
Arthur Field
has a plan

to put the boy king
on the throne.

You know
more than that?

It's gonna cost you.

I want my old title,
office, and salary.

If it will help
beat Field

at his own game,
you got it.

All right.
Let's go to
your office.

It's a beautiful
night for a walk.

nobody walks in L.A.

I do.

[bottle rattles]

Did you hear that?

I heard something.
It's probably a cat.

What is it?

Um, I don't know.
Nothing. Come on.


Just get in.

I'll meet you
at home, okay?

Hey, I know you're there.


What are you doing?

Let go.
You're hurting me!

Let me go!

You're stalking Alison
and me, aren't you?

It was you all along,
wasn't it?




Because it was a mistake
that we broke up!

It was Richard.

I didn't mean
to push you away.

I want to
fix things, Jake.

I want you back.
I'll never let you go.

Kimberly, where's
Martin Callahan's number?

I'm supposed to call him
with his test results.

I already did.


Let me remind you,

you are not
the doctor. I am.

It won't happen again.

I'm sorry.
I overreacted.

Look, I'm trying.

I know, Michael.

What do you say
we just have a relaxed

evening at home tonight.

Watch some videos.

All right,
That sounds good.


Oh! You know what?

I think I promised
to fill in on
late rounds tonight.

It's not on
your schedule.

it just came up.

Okay, well, let me know
when you're sure.

Well! Heh heh.
You're gonna be late.

I'm shocked.

I'm sorry, Peter.

The pitch meeting
was pushed to 7:00.

I'll be there soon
as I can.

Yeah. Well, get here
when you get here.

I love you!

[dial tone]

Good evening.


Mr. Moran.

All right.

We have represented
A.P. Ryder Water

for 6 years.

And for 6 years
we have had

excellent results with
our family values campaign,

so there would seem to be
no need for a change.

But that is exactly
what we are suggesting.

Craig Field has come up
with a brilliant new idea.

Craig, would you like
to do the honors?

Uh, no. You go
right ahead, Amanda.

Okay. Here it is--

You need to reach out
to the youth market.

They don't trust
their parents' politics,

soda pop, pretentious
designer water.

They want a product
that respects
their intelligence.

Be traditional?

Be original.

A.P. Ryder Water--

the cool,
new alternative beverage

with the old-fashioned label.

"It's in the water."

Brilliant, Amanda.

It was time
for a change.

And you read my mind.

I'm glad you're pleased,
Mr. Moran.

We'll draw up the paperwork
in the morning

and get started.

Good work, Amanda.

Just what
I'd expect of you.

Thank you.


Quite a performance.

I don't care
whose kid you are.

Don't ever mess with me.



Where's Amanda?

Is Kyle here?

Yeah. He's right
over there.

Oh. Thanks.


Hey, buddy!

You alone?

Yeah. Amanda's
working late

so I figured,
what the hell?

Why don't you just
sit at the bar,

and I will join you
in just a minute.

Prime ribs
and garlic mashed potato--

How does that sound?


You a Scotch drinker,

Single malt, neat.

You got it, Kyle.

Usual, please.

So, Amanda's
working late again?

Yeah. Yeah.

Maybe it's me,
but I just think

a woman should spend
as much time
on her marriage

as she does
on her career.

I'm sorry.
Are you sensitive?

No, actually.

Oh, I don't know
about that.


I think you'll find
that I know you

a lot better than
you think I do, Peter.

Let's see if the food
is as good

as they say it is here.

Kev, why don't you open
a bottle of merlot.

What do you think?



She knew exactly
what to pitch,

even down to the artwork.

I know I didn't
screw up, Craig.

That only leaves you.

I pitched it to her
as my idea.

I had
this wild notion

that I might work
my way up.

You don't have
to work your way up!

I'll tell you
what you need to know.

It's a dog-eat-dog

k*ll or be k*lled.

Don't be
a smart-ass, Craig.

What, you're surprised
that Amanda stole your idea?

She knows how
the business works.

After eating the dirt
that she shoveled

on you tonight,
do you have a clue?

Yes, Dad.

You want Amanda
Woodward's head
on a silver platter?

You got it.

But I don't need you
to help me get it.

Peter: My compliments
to the chef,

and especially
the bartender.

I love that guy.
He's my favorite.

Hey! Hey...

there's the
little woman.

I was going to ask
where you've been,

but that's obvious.

Wait-- it was my fault,

I talked Peter
into hanging out

at the restaurant
until closing.

Amanda, you shouldn't
leave Peter

on his own so much.

Somebody might
come along
and steal him.

I want you to stay away
from my husband.

Amanda, that's enough.

There, Taylor.

Now you can join Peter
for a moonlight swim.

Oh, man!

No offense, man,

but what--
heh heh heh...

is your wife's

Peter: It's not
her fault.

Oh, Peter, I'm sorry.

It's all right.
I'll be fine.

[laughs under breath]

Sweetheart, come on.

Thank you
for dinner, Billy.

It was so normal.

Yeah. They said
it couldn't be done.

I love
that restaurant.

If you would
have told me

I would eat something
that looked like
a soft-shell crab

I would have told you
you were crazy.

I was such a picky eater
when I was a kid.

And in Maryland
not eating a crab

was like burning
a flag, or something.

Of course,
now I love them.

But I still don't eat
beans, though.

Green beans I never...

Well that was...

I knew you'd be back.

You're late.

That's the man, he's been
stalking me, officer.

What's this?

This young woman
has accused you
of stalking her.

Under this
hearing notice

you can either
show up for court

or stay 100 feet away
from her at all times.

It's up to you.

Ma'am, go inside
and lock your door.

Jane, you're crazy!

Ma'am, that will
be enough.

Get psychiatric help!

I'm not warning
you again.

It's okay.
We're going inside.
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