05x04 - Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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05x04 - Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love

Post by bunniefuu »

Stupid lock.

Oh, my God.
Are you ok?

Yeah, I'm fine.
Who are you to ask?

I'm Samantha,
Jane's roommate.

I--we met.

Are you sure
you didn't hurt yourself?

The lock's
just messed up,
all right?

It's none
of your business,
so just leave me alone.

Yeah, think I'll do that.



Why are you sitting
in the dark?

I thought we were
going out to dinner.

The medical board
is reviewing my license.

Oh, that's probably
just a formality.

No, it makes perfect sense.

After all, what kind of life
can I be allowed to have,

the kind of life I've led?

You're allowed
to be happy
like anyone else.

I don't think
that's true anymore.

I'm not sure I deserve
happiness or pleasure.

Come on, everyone
deserves that.


What's the matter?

You're not, um--

no. No, I'm not Betsy.

That's all over.

It's just
all this thinking about
the past and the future.

I'm not really in the mood.

You must understand that,
don't you?

Yeah, I guess.


maybe you could just lie here
with me for awhile instead.

As in, "just hold me?"


They say that
this kind of intimacy

can be just as
fulfilling as sex.

Oh, yeah?

I never heard that.

♪ When you're shattered
and you just don't care ♪

♪ My heart's been broken
baby I've been there ♪

♪ There are times
when it seems like ♪

♪ There's no way out ♪

♪ The sky I falling
and your world is blue ♪

♪ Faith is gone
don't know what to do ♪

♪ Take my hand
let me lead the way ♪

♪ From the darkest night
to a brand new day ♪

♪ Darlin'
I see your pain ♪

♪ Just like
the falling rain... ♪

Married life
is so convenient,

if you know what I mean.

Sorry, sweetie.
No time.

Where are you
off to so early?

Well, someone has to reclaim
the helm at Burns-Mancini.

Peter, you were
just released from jail.

Don't you think
you should
take a breather

and not just
jump into a routine
right away?

No time to waste,

Now is when we embrace life,
move forward.

Which brings me
to the subject of packing.

When can you start?

Packing for what?

Well, naturally, I thought
that we'd live at my place.

I mean, we're married,
after all.

Which means reaching
a decision mutually.

Shouldn't we
discuss this first?

Well, what's
to discuss, huh?

I live in a beautiful house,
you live in a dinky apartment.


Enough said, huh?

Meet me there
tonight at 8:00.

We'll go over the particulars
of merging furniture.

Why'd you leave me
last night?

Did you spend
the night here?

Yeah, I didn't
really feel like being
at the apartment building.

Besides, it gave me a chance
to sort some things out.

And you needed to be
away from me to do that?

Yeah, I did.

You know, the bottom line
is we got together
pretty quick,

and thinking didn't have
a whole hell of a lot
to do with it.

Maybe this is a good time
for us to step back,

take a look at the situation
from all sides.

you know what I mean?

The only logical
thing to do

is to bring
our relationship
out in the open.

Well, it's not that easy.
There's other people involved.

What other people?


This is about Jane,
isn't it?

The last thing she needs
is for Billy

to put some ugly spin
on this thing.

Especially after everything
she's been through.

I see.
So your concern for her
is the real reason

we've been
skulking around,

keeping this whole thing
under wraps.

Come on.

We've been
bending over backwards

to protect
your precious Billy.

That was a decision
we made together.


You know what?

I'm over it.

The only people
that matter in this
are you and me.

And anybody
who can't handle that

can just go to hell
for all I care.

You're going
to tell Billy that?

I think I will.

Michael in?
I need to talk to him.

No, he has surgery,

but, coincidentally,
I need to talk to you.



uh, listen,
while you were gone,

things got
a little tight
around here.

Sydney, it's your job
to pay the bills,
not talk to me about them.

Return these calls,

Ok, but I really think
that we need
to discuss the--

There can't be more,
can there?

There's someone
waiting for you
in your office.

I'm sorry.

I hope you haven't
been waiting too long,

uh, Mrs. McBride.

So, how can I
help you today?

By telling me
that I look familiar to you.

Well, I'm not sure
that you do.

Have we met?

You might have seen me

at the apartment building
that your wife owns.

I just moved in.

Oh, of course.
Right, right.

the truth be known,

I haven't been
around much lately.

Well, one of the neighbors--
uh, Matt, I think it was--

told me that
I should see you.

I have a heart murmur.

It's something that I've had
ever since I was a child
in Missouri.

It's a family condition.
My father had it, too.

I see.

Why don't we make
an appointment
with the receptionist

for a full physical,

and then, we'll, um--

we'll take it
from there, all right?

Uh, Taylor, right?



It was very nice
meeting you, Doctor.

Well, likewise,
I'm sure.

I'll see you soon.

[siren blaring]

I'll be right back
with you.

Hold up there,
big guy.

Let's have a look.

Look, midterms are over,
all right?

I'm caught up
and drug-free.

Oh, Dr. Schulman doesn't
seem to think so.

She's got
her eye on you, Matt,

you and your
pill-popping friends.

And thanks
to your prescription pad

she's eyeballing
me, too.

Oh. That explains
your heartfelt concern.

Look, I missed
a lot of classes
because I was sick.

I needed to make up for it,
all right?

I just needed a little help,
that's all.

It wasn't enough
to get anybody in trouble,
the least of all you.

Oh, that's a good one.

I used that one myself

Look, you think
you're the only one

who's ever needed help
in med school?

I started taking speed
to get through exams,

Pretty soon,
I needed a boost
to get through rounds.

Then rotations.

I was on schedule,
all right,

but the pills
were in charge of it.

Uppers for work,
downers for sleep.

Mike, I appreciate
your story. Really.

But it's not mine.
I'm all right.

Let me tell you
something, Matt.

I may not be
the poster boy
for family values,

but I was smart enough
to get clean.

And, for both our sakes,

you'd better be, too.

[car approaches]

Dom Perignon,

Peter, we really
should talk about

this "moving in
together" business.

Mm-hmm. Ok, well,
we'll talk later,
all right?

Right now I have
a bride to carry
over my threshold.

Oh, God.


Oh, Peter,
this is silly.

Welcome home,

Excuse me. Melissa, Timmy,
get over here.


Excuse me!

You have

Can I help you folks?

Yeah, you can
get the hell
out of my house.

Oh, you must be
Peter Burns.

Yes, I am,
and you're trespassing,

you and your entire

I'm sorry, but my clients
happen to be the new owners
of this property.

It was sold while you were

I'm his wife, and no one
gave anyone permission
to sell this house.

Well, from
what I understand,

his office manager
authorized the sale.


How could Sydney
do this?

She can't.
That's impossible.

Not only is it possible,
escrow closed yesterday.

Well, I don't care
what closed,

but you're
on my property,

calm down.

I'm not calming down.

You are the trespasser
here, Dr. Burns,

and I hope I am not going
to have to call the police.

This is insane!

She's going
to call the police
if we don't leave.

I don't care
what she does.

Do you know
what this is?

This a setup,
some kind of scam
or something!

And we will
take care of it tomorrow.

You bet I will,

and by putting my hands
around Sydney's neck

and strangling her
to death,

the first thing
in the morning.

And her, too.

You've already had
one close call

between you
and a m*rder charge.

I'll be damned
if there's another.



You remember that lock.

It still sticks.

So what brings you
to my humble abode?

Come by to tell me
to be discreet
about what I know?

Actually, I couldn't
care less about that.

I just wanted to make sure
that you understood

the only reason we didn't
tell you about us sooner

is because we were
trying to protect you.

Oh, is that right?

Yes, it is,
and now that you know,

I hope that
you'll be mature enough
to give us your blessing.

My blessing?


So let me ask you this:

that night that I waited
for you at dinner,

and, you know,
you never showed?

You slept with him
that night, didn't you?

You must think
I'm pretty stupid.

It wasn't like that.
Sure it is.

You enjoy
pulling the wool
over my eyes.

Why not?
You're good at it.

This whole time
we've known each other

I had no idea
you were such a slut.

If you need to hate me
to get over this,
that's fine.

It takes too much energy
to hate.

Oh, damn it,
just yell at me!

Don't just pretend
you've dealt with it.

Drop by anytime, Alison.

Oh, and all the best
to your boyfriend.


Must've taken
the same rude pill
you did the other night.


Did you really think
I wouldn't notice

a family of four
in my house?

Well, I tried
to tell you yesterday,
but you wouldn't listen.

And with the legal bills
you were running up
in the pokey,

bankruptcy was
the only other option.

What a crock.

What illegal strings
did you pull

to carry off
this little swindle?

Everything I did

was under the letter
of the law, I swear.

Well, then,
tell me, Sydney,

how'd you do it?

Well, Mr. Tax-dodger,

if you hadn't
listed your house

and all of its contents
under the corporation,

then I wouldn't
have been able to.

But as part-owner
and office manager,

I had the authority to sell
any and all assets

necessary to keep
the business afloat.

I'm sure once you get
over the initial shock,

you'll thank me.

I guess that
solves the dilemma
of where we'll be living.

Oh, and that BMW lease?

You have two days
to return it.


You're welcome?

You're fired.

I think not.
We had a deal, remember?

I stay on permanently,

or the sexual harassment
suit goes to the courts.

I've been in jail,

For m*rder.

A sexual harassment
suit would be
a walk in the park.

You give and you give
and you give,

and still
no appreciation.

Get out!

Good job.

I'm going to lunch.


the construction crew
is on lunch break.

What do you say
we christen the place?


Baby, why are you

It's nothing.
I'm ok.

No, it's not nothing.

You've been moody
since yesterday.

What's going on?

I'm just not so sure
that we should've
come here.

The people here
are really different.

They're inaccessible.

How would you feel
about going home?

This is some kind of test,
isn't it?

You make me say yes
to every damn thing you want,

and somehow that proves
I love you?

Kyle, please,
let's not get into that.

I made a mistake
one time. Once.

I told you
it wouldn't happen again.

I promised you that,
and I meant it.

Moving to Los Angeles,

that was a way for both of us
to start clean.

I'll be damned
if I take a step backwards
from here.

I'm just not sure
this city is going
to give us what we want.

Then we will take it.

Dr. Shaw,

we've called you here
because of a report
we've received

made by a nurse
formerly employed
at a mental facility,

Willowbridge Institute.

In it, she details
acts of gross misconduct
and abuse

which occurred
while you were
acting director there.

Based on this, we have
no alternative

but to suspend your license
for a period of 90 days

until a further
determination can be made.

Is there anything
you would like to say

to the board
in your own defense?

I guess--

I guess
I'm not surprised
by your decision.

When I reflect
on all the terrible things

that have happened
during the past two years,

it seems very clear,
even to me,

that I'm not fit
to practice medicine.

Sweetie, I don't think
you should be saying
things like this.

No, it's ok.
Let me finish.

Effective immediately,
I wish to surrender
my medical license.

You can't do this.
That's crazy.

No, it's the right thing
to do.

Finally. It's
the right thing to do.

Don't tell me.

My first installment
on my loan is due.

Oh, Jane,
don't be ridiculous.

You have until
the end of the week.

I just came by to see
how things were going.

You left work
just for that?

It must be nice to have
such flexible hours.

Actually, my hours are
more flexible than ever.

I got fired.

Oh, my God.
You're kidding me.

Wow. Is there
anything I can do?

as a matter of fact,
I was thinking,

wouldn't it
be cool if I were
to come and work here?

I mean, I'm sure
you could use
the extra help,

what with
the grand opening
coming up,

and I could
waive the loan.

In fact, I could
invest more money.

We could be partners.

You know what?
I think that's a great idea.

You do?

Yes. It just gives me
another opportunity

to put the past behind me
and get back to normal

with everyone in my life,
including you.


Jane, that--
I'm touched.

Hey, Syd.

Sam, guess what?

Syd's going to be joining us
at the boutique.

That's great.

Yeah. Of course,
we'll have to rework

some of your shifts
to accommodate mine.

[door opens]

Hey, Billy.

Excuse me.

Hey, Jane.
This is a nice store.

Thanks. Hey, listen,

we're having a
grand opening party
day after tomorrow.

Yeah, it's going to be
a big bash.

There's going to be
food, drinks, music,
the works.

Well, Syd's exaggerating
just a little bit,

but there will be
food and drink.

Are Jake and Alison
going to be here?

Yeah. I want all my friends
to be here.

Yeah, friends.

count me in.

No music?

So, I asked around
to find out where you worked

because I wanted
to come by and apologize

and invite you to dinner.

Gee, you know,
I don't think so.

Why not?

Well, first impressions
mean a lot to me,

and when it involves
the destruction
of property,

I tend to pay extra
special attention.

Look, I had
a lousy day,

and, you know,
the lock jammed.

I got a little

To say the least.

In spite of what
you might think,
I am a nice guy,

and I would like
to prove it to you.

I'd also like to hear
your life story.

Yeah, right.

I thought
we'd grab a bite,
catch a movie,

that would at least
get us through
junior high, I think.

How about tomorrow night
at 7:00?

You know,
if my mother were here,

she would tell me to drop you
like a hot potato.

But she's not.

What the hell.


Greg: To the end
of midterms.


All right, that's
it for me, guys.

We're not done
celebrating yet.

What about
the dance club, and
staying up all night?

What can I say? I'm--
I'm beat, all right?

I'll see you guys later.
Have a good one.



So, why're you
bagging out on us?

I just don't have
it in me to pull
another all-nighter.

Sure you do.

I got something.

It gives you
a lot of energy and
a damn good time.

Hey, I'm watching
my drug intake
these days, you know?

Midterms had me
practically addicted,
if you can believe that.

We're not talking
about anything

It's a one-time thing.

It's a...
party favor.

Besides, there's someone
I want to introduce you
at the club.

He's a great guy,
and I told him
all about you.

Jane! Hi.


Hi. I haven't seen
you in a while.
How've you been?

Great, since I opened
my own boutique.

Yeah, I heard.

How about a drink
on the house?

Oh, no, thanks.

I just came by
to ask you if...

well, it would
mean a lot to me

if you came
to the boutique's
grand opening.

It's day after tomorrow.

It's sort of
a new beginning for me,

and I'd love for you
to be part of it.

To be honest with you,

I didn't even know if
we were friends anymore.

I can't believe
you'd think that
for a minute.

I mean,
I know things got
a little twisted,

but it was...
a twisted situation.

But it's behind
us now, right?

So you'll come to
the opening, won't you?


I'll see you then.

Hey, Billy.



I'll have a beer.



how're you doing?

Fine. Why do you ask?

Come on, man, you know
what I'm talking about.

You mean, how am I
taking the fact that
you're...doing Alison?

It doesn't bother me.

Just saw Jane
on the way in.

How'd she take
the happy news?

She doesn't know yet,

and I would appreciate
it if you didn't say

until Alison and I had
a chance to talk to her.

Well, you got to be
interested in something
to want to talk about it,

and I don't give
a damn, so you don't have
anything to worry about.

Keep the change.


What was in
that damn pill?

[tires squeal]

[horn honks]


[breathing hard]

operator: 911.
State your emergency, please.


I ca--can't breathe...

Listen, Kimberly,
I'll be home around 7:00.

I was thinking maybe

you can make
that linguini dish.

For dinner,
you know? To--


Good morning.

Hey, I didn't even
know you were up yet.

Why are you
dressed like that?

Like what?

Like you have
a job interview
or something?

Put on your sweats,
for God's sakes.

Lounge. You're supposed
to be taking it easy.

Unlike me. I got
to get a move on.

I'll just grab my jacket
and go with.

Uh, honey, it's not
my first day of school.

I'm just going to work.

I know. So am I.

Um, you surrendered
your license, remember?

You have no work.

Peter fired Sydney,

and he hired me
to replace her.

I am your temporary


Isn't it going
to be wonderful?


He hired you?

Well, I mean,
I'm just going
to be filling in

for a little while.

Imagine it:
we'll work together,
play together,

and live together
24 hours a day.

It may even increase
our intimacy.

Intimacy? We'll be
on top of each other.

Exactly. Isn't that
the way you like it?

Come on...


Amanda...do you
have a minute?


I have both
an apology

and a proposition
for you.

First off,
my going to
your husband's trial

was simply
idle curiosity.

I had actually
read about the case
in the paper,

and frankly,
I was fascinated,

so if my being there
offended you in
any way, I'm sorry.

Fine. What's
the proposition?

Well, my husband
and I are opening up

a restaurant
in the area, and we
need an advertiser,

and we've heard through
the grapevine that
you're the best there is

so we would like
to hire you.

Well, I guess
the grapevine
forgot to mention

that I'm president
of national accounts,

so I have either
little or no interest
in mom-and-pop outfits.

Well, we have another
restaurant in Boston,

and we're
about to go national.

Good. Call me
when that happens.

Look, why don't you
at least come by,

see what we're all
about before you
make any decisions?

How about today
for lunch?

What if I decide
not to work with you?

Well then, at least,
you will have had
a really great meal.

For an hour
of my time?

It better be

You told the E.R. Doctor

you thought you were
having a heart attack?

It's--I--that's right,
I thought I was.

And you just
neglected to mention

that you were as high
as a kite on P.C.P.?

It's in the report.
Go ahead and read it.

All right, look,
all right, I admit

that there was nothing
physically wrong with me.

It was just--look, I just
hyperventilated a little,

I freaked out
a little, right?
A misdiagnosis on my part.

Listen to yourself,
Matt. You're hooked.

Oh, honey, cut the drama.

You know,
what I took last night
was a mistake, ok?

I don't have any more
of it, I don't want
any more. It's simple.

You know, I've been
thinking about this,

and you leave me no
choice but to report
this to Dr. Schulman.


Well, it's the only way

to make you stop and
think about your actions.

What, you think
you're some kind

of moral barometer?
That's a joke!

Get your hands off me.

You do
anything to damage
my med school standing,

and I will nail
your self-serving ass
to the wall

by telling Schulman
you sold me
that prescription.

Hell, I'll tell her
you sold me that P.C.P.
I took last night.

So drop the threat,
'cause it doesn't mean
squat to me.

As a matter of fact,
neither do you.

Ok, if that's the way
you want to play it,

But from now on,
you're on your own.

Amanda, hi.

So glad
you could make it.

you remember Amanda,
our landlord,

and hopefully
our future
advertising rep.

I appreciate you
sacrificing your
lunch hour for us.

I think
my pumpkin agnolotti

will make it well
worth your while.

Please have a seat.

Taylor, won't you
pour some wine?

Thank you.

I'll be in the kitchen.


This is quite
an arrangement
you have here,

business team.

So, he's the chef and...

what is it you do?

Everything else.

Oh, so it was
your decision
to move here?

Well, at the risk
of being too personal,

both Kyle and I agreed
that L.A. was about
as far away

as you could get
from Boston.

Problems back home?

You could say that.

He had an affair.

But marriage is
a funny thing, you know?

It goes through changes
and keeps on ticking.

But I don't have to
tell you that, do I?

Ha. Well, call me

but I don't consider
infidelity a change.

If my husband were
ever unfaithful--

not that
he would be--

but our marriage
would be over

faster than you can
say "settlement."

So...shall we get down
to business?


Mmm. This bread
is so good.
Do you want some?

No thanks.


So, let's hear it.

Tell me--tell me
the story of your life.

Well, I can start
by saying

there is not
a restaurant this nice
in my hometown.

Which is...

Crisfield, Maryland.


[mouth full]
Oh, my God, it's so good.
You want one?


Mmm. Mmm.

So, anyway,

it's a little town
on the eastern shore.

My parents,
they still live there.

She's a beautician,
my mom, and dad's
a waterman.

And it's pretty,
but it's just not suited

for someone
who's interested in art,

which I am,

so I focused
really hard,

and I managed
to get a scholarship

to RISD--

Rhode Island
School of Design,

and then
after that I left home
and moved there,

and I studied--

Is some--
is something wrong?

I don't think
I can do this.

Oh, God...

It's because I talk
so much, isn't it?

I always try to be aware
of how much I'm saying,

and I always forget,
and I've said too much.

No, that's not it.

The last time
I came here

was when Alison
stood me up

and slept
with my best friend,

so I thought that
I'd come here again

with you, you know,

somebody wonderful,

and make me...

get over it.


It didn't, so...

you want to go.

I'm sorry.
It was a stupid idea.

No, it's ok.

We'll leave.

Look, I meant it
when I said

that I wanted
to get to know you

It's fine. Really.
Another time.

Yeah, another time.

[knock knock]

Jane. Hi.

Hi. I just came by
to check out
your new place.

Sure. Come in.


Oh, I love it.
It's nice.

I really wish
we hadn't been
so estranged lately,

but it's been
difficult, you know?

Yeah, everything
with Richard.

I'm so sorry.

Well, thankfully,
it's all in the past.

Alison, can I
be honest with you?

Of course.

I'm really here because
I miss our friendship.

I mean, we used
to be so close.

It just
doesn't seem right
that we aren't anymore,

and I was hoping
I could take a step
towards redeeming that

by inviting you
to my grand opening.


That'd be terrific.




Thanks for being
such a good friend

in spite of everything
that's happened.

I better get going.

Isn't this
one of Jake's shirts?

Oh! Uh, you know,

he helped me do
some moving.

Probably just left here

Oh, well,
do you want me
to take it back

to the apartments
and drop it off?

Yeah! Yeah,
that'd be great.

Ok. Good night.


Good night.

Jake. Hi.

I'm glad
you made it.

Yeah, me, too.
The place looks great.


Can I get you
another, sir?

There you go.

That's a lot of fun.
Party's going great.

Jake: Yeah, great.

You want
something to eat?

Or drink?

Which one?

Well, looks like
you've got

quite a success
on your hands.

Yeah, well, I decided
this morning

that as long as
you two showed,

it wouldn't matter
if anyone else did.



Look, I was just
going to invite Jake
for dinner afterwards.

Why don't you
come along as well?

Oh, listen,
I'd love to,

but I'm really
tired from work.

Can I take
a raincheck?

Of course.

Yeah, you know,
I can't make it

I got to close
up sh**t.

Oh. Well,
it's all right.

We'll do it
another time.

Sydney: Jane, some
customers over there

want to talk about
design, of all things.

Could you handle it?

Of course.
Excuse me.

So. How do you like
my place?

Well, Jane and mine's.

We're business partners now.

That's news.


I didn't realize
you were that close.

Yeah, well,
we've been bonding

in a very big way lately.

I guess I could say
the same thing
about you two.

I wasn't sure
I'd see you here.

Well, I had to show.

If nothing else,
to give you this.

Sting at
the Hollywood Bowl.

I thought this was
sold out weeks ago.

Oh, I called in
a favor

because I wanted
to do something
to make up

for not getting
past appetizers
last night.

One ticket.
How thoughtful.

Yeah. See,
there's a catch.

You have to...

well, you're
stuck with me for
the entire evening.


[hits spoon on glass]

Can I have everyone's
attention, please?

As many of you know,

this has been
a difficult year for me.

But with the opening
of this boutique,

and partnered with
my sister Sydney,

I hope to begin
a new chapter
in my life,

and I'm just happy
that you're all here
to share it with me.

So here's to
good business,

good customers,
and good friends.

I kind of got

Here--here's to Janie,

who has great taste
in clothing,

and...lousy taste
in friends.

Here's to Jake
and Alison,

hoping that their sex
is still good

after everybody knows

about their little
secret affair.

[clears throat]

It's true, isn't it?

That's why his shirt
was in your apartment.

You're sleeping together?

Jane, Billy's drunk.
Don't listen to him.

No, he's telling the truth.
You're the liars!

Jane, we were
going to talk to
you about this.

Get out.

Get out of my store!

You heard what she said.
You guys should go.

Ok. Let's go.

Are you an idiot
or just plain cruel?

Oh, I'm sorry.

It just...
slipped out.

I should listen
to my mother.

Oh. Thanks.

This is comfortable,
isn't it?

Well, not bad

for 800 square feet
of shared walls.

A little
to the right, ok?

But it doesn't
really matter
where I live

as long as
I'm married to you.

Whatever that means.

What do you mean,
"whatever that means"?

you can't argue the fact
that we did get married

under less than
desirable circumstances.


Well, so, we never
really discussed

what marriage meant
to either one of us.

Well, I mean,
it's pretty simple,
isn't it?

Till death do you part--

With a few exceptions.

Those being?


abuse for one,



Well, those will
never be applicable.

And I think it's
in very poor taste

to discuss divorce

before we've even
had a honeymoon yet.

And have you
asked yourself why?

Other than the fact
that Sydney sold me
down the river?

I've got money.

I don't.

Don't say no yet--

[knock knock]

Just think about it.


Hi. I just wanted
to drop off

some chocolate
ricotta cake that
Kyle made for you.

Sort of
a thank you.

How sweet.

Hi. Nice to
see you again.


Well, as you can see,

my husband and I are
very busy, but...

thanks for
the empty calories.

Oh, you're welcome.
Enjoy it.


Well. Since when
are you two so chummy?

We're not. She's
just a new patient.


Oh, Peter...


Let's do
something normal.

Go on a honeymoon.
Anywhere. Just...

let's go tonight,
just get in the car

and get the hell
out of here.



For my wife?


[stirrer striking glass]



Something I can
do for you?

No. Just noticed you
have a lot of energy.

Not really.

bored, I guess.

Yeah. Me, too.

Which means you're
looking for company?

You're the one
who looks lonely.

Give me a break!

You're a hustler?


I'm just having a drink.

Oh, what the hell.

There's always
a first time
for everything.

Just right over here.

[ding ding ding ding]

So, um...

how much does this
sort of thing cost?



It's a bargain.

Sorry, buddy,

but you're under arrest
for soliciting prostitution.

[knock knock]


I am so sorry.

How could you?

How could you
pretend to be
my friend

and the whole time
be sleeping
with Jake?

We didn't even start
seeing each other

till you had
already broken up--

I was r*ped, damn it!
It affects a person.

I had to
process things, Alison.

That meant keeping
to myself for a while,

trying to heal.

But instead
of supporting me
in my darkest hour,

you stole
the only man I loved.


I know you're in pain,

but you have
to understand

that when Jake
and I got together,

we were as surprised
as anyone else.

I don't believe you.

Well, it's true.

And I'm sure,

if you just
think it through,

you'll see that
we really didn't do
anything wrong.

Yes, you did.

I love him,
and you have him,

and it's not fair.


Hey, what's
going on out here?

Alison, what happened?

Jane was just here.

I just feel so bad
about this.

Well, we're just gonna
have to give it some time.
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