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03x30 - Coralee

Posted: 04/22/22 09:27
by bunniefuu
What would you like?

Just coffee.

I'll get it.

We're customers.

Force of habit. Hm.

Uncle Frank, two coffees.

How about that?

They deserve each other.

You know, don't you ever
even feel a little bad about

what happened to Johnny? Pete.

Why don't you go back
to your table, Pete?

Why? Am I getting
too close? Huh?

How near does a guy have to get

for the jinx to work?

That's enough, Pete.

And I don't like

what you've been
pulling lately either, Tony.

If you're gonna
talk about a guy,

you better be sure
about what you're saying!

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim
of blind justice,

falsely convicted for
the m*rder of his wife.

Reprieved by fate when
a train wreck freed him

en route to the death house.

Freed him to hide
in lonely desperation,

to change his identity,

to toil at many jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

he saw leave the
scene of the crime.

Freed him to run before
the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

The guest stars
in tonight's story:

Murray Hamilton.

Antoinette Bower.

Patricia Smith.

A derrick barge,

used for underwater
salvage work,

off the coast of California.

Richard Kimble has taken
the name Tony Carter,

and unknowingly,
taken the hand of trouble.

Hey, up there.

Quit rocking the boat.

All I need is a dancing
partner down here, Tony.

Got one handy?

I'll send out for one.

He says it's rough down there.

And it's not gonna
get any better, either.

Ask him if he wants to come up.

Hey, John, you wanna come up?

It isn't that bad.
I'll stay a while.


Hey, Johnny, what's that noise?

Hey, Johnny?

What does he say?

Hey, Johnny!

Come on, come on.


Hey, Pete.

Talk to me, Johnny.

Talk to me.

We'll get you up, Johnny.

We'll get you up.

It's heavy. Suit's full of
water, let's get him up.


Johnny, you stubborn little...

Wouldn't stay away from
this stinking business.

Uh, must have been quick, Joe.

No pain.

Yeah, thanks a lot.

How do I say it to my wife?

"Your brother's dead,
but don't feel bad.

It was quick and no pain."

What about the safety
catch on the helmet, Pete?

I-I locked it, Milt.
Oh, I know I locked it.

Okay, okay, knock
it off. I saw you.

Maybe... Maybe
it just didn't hold.

All... All that corrosion
and... And all.

We'd better head back, Joe.

I called in.

They'll be waiting for us.


Okay, fellas.

No, honey.

Honey, don't.

No, honey, please.

Honey, please.

You should have
stayed away from him.



The safety catch
must have come loose.

I was on the barge.

My name's Tony Carter.

Johnny mentioned
you once or twice.

What was that all about?

It's nothing.

I'd better get back to work.

May I have some coffee, please?

It's all over the
harbor already.

About Johnny.

Thank you.

Stay away from that one, Tony.

Johnny dated her
a couple of times.


We tried to tell him.

It's like she's a Jonah.

She carries trouble
around with her.

She went away for a while
and nothing happened.

She comes back, Johnny's dead.

Now, you don't
believe that, Milt.

It's just superstition.

I didn't at first.

And you're right,
the guys down here,

sometimes I think they've got
more rabbits' feet than brains.

But I've seen it happen,
Tony, twice before.

And it could happen again.

How's about some coffee, Frank?

How's Lucille, Joe?

Not too good.

Yeah, don't bother, huh?

You said coffee, didn't you?

That's what I said,
but not from you.

I don't take any chances.

I don't think that's
very funny, Joe.

Let's have some fresh, Frank.

That was fresh.

Look, honey, I don't wanna
lose anybody else in my crew.

Now, is that clear
enough for you?

Maybe you made a
mistake hiring me, Frank.

Maybe I did, Coralee.

It might be a good idea for
you to take a few days off.

What did you think I
was gonna do, jump in?


I learned to swim
before I could walk.

Now, why don't you go
and mind your own business

for a change.


Besides, don't you know
what happens to people

who get mixed up with a jinx?

I don't believe in jinxes.

Maybe you've never
been around one.

It might help you
to know something.

I'm only gonna be
here a week or two.

Not long enough for
you to do me any harm.

So you're offering
me a shoulder?

Yeah, I guess it's
something like that.


I've got two of my own.

Why didn't you wake me up?


Uh, you feeling
any better, honey?

You need a hot supper.

Uh, no, no. I...

I had a hamburger at the café.

Unless you want something?

Just some coffee.


Yeah, honey?

About what happened today...

Maybe we ought not talk
about that right now, hm?

I can't help it,
he was just a kid.

He was a baby.

Honey, don't
t*rture yourself, huh?

I gotta know, Joe.

Did the equipment have
anything to do with it?

Was anything wrong?

Nothing was wrong
with the equipment.

I-I told you,

the currents were
rough down there.

Will there be trouble again?

Why should there be?

I made a full report
to the harbor police.

They were satisfied.

I'm thinking about the
accident six years ago.

Well, don't think about it.

They closed us down,
you couldn't work,

we got so far in debt.

Now, why drag all that up, huh?

It was an accident
last time too, Joe.

If I thought there was a chance

of another
negligence suit, I'd...

There probably won't even
be an investigation this time.

I don't think I could
go through it again.

Honey, it was an accident.

Nobody's gonna
say any different.

Who is it?

Coralee Reynolds.

Could I come in for a minute?


Uh-uh, one of the
rules of the house.

I'm sorry about the
way I acted on the pier.

I'm not usually rude.

It's all right, it's
all right. The...

Our mutual landlady
made a point about the door.

I know.

Sit down.

I think she told me too.

I, uh... didn't pay
much attention.

I don't see you
around very much.

Don't you ever go anywhere?

No, I get to bed early.

I guess it's the salt air.

I had to talk to you.

I have to talk to someone
about what happened out there.

How did Johnny...?

Something caused the
seal on his helmet to break.

He drowned.

Well, that hardly ever happens.

Well, I don't know
much about it.

I don't either.

I've been around
divers all my life

and I don't know how a
thing like that could happen.

I only know it shouldn't have.

I'd better be going.

I just wanted you
to know that I'm...

I'm just not usually
rude like that.

That's all right, forget it.

Good night.

Good night.

We ask you to accept him

into thy heavenly kingdom.

He that believeth in
thee shall never die.

The Lord giveth and
the Lord taketh away.

Blessed be the name of the Lord.



Oh, I-I'm sorry
I'm late, Lucille.

I-I tried to get here.

Joe, could I see
you for a minute?

What's the matter?

Uh, I wanna talk to you.

So talk.

Well, there, ahem, were
some guys snooping around

down around the
landing, asking questions.

Who were they? Do you know?

Well, I think they were
from the port warden's office.

An investigation?

Well, what's to investigate?
An accident's an accident.

Sure, Mrs. Steelman. Joe's
got nothing to worry about.

Joe could lose everything
if this starts up again.

Honey, what are you doing?

It's not their problem.

I'm sorry.

Well, I want you to
stop worrying about this.

Those guys were just
making a routine check.

There's pr...
Probably nothing to it.

Can't stay away
from here, can you?

I can't just sit in that
room and do nothing.

There are only so
many walks I can take.

I know.

But I can't keep you
on here, Coralee.

Business isn't as
good as it used to be.

And the guys don't
like coming in here

when you're around.

Look, Cory, try to
see it from my angle.

I'm not saying I believe
in this jinx business,

and I'm not saying
I don't believe it.

Your father and I planned
a little place like this

when we both got too
old to go to sea anymore.

Now he's dead

and that little
runabout of mine's

the closest I get
to the sea anymore.

Coralee, this
place is all I've got

and I can't take a
chance on ruining it

by letting you stay on here.

You... You
understand, don't you?


Why don't you plan
on staying through

the rest of the
week, though, huh?

All right.

Oh, here's somebody
who'll miss you.

Hi. Hi, George.

Hi, Frank. How are you?

Good, how are you?

I, um, heard about all the talk.

You, uh, shouldn't
worry about it too much.

I'm sure it'll all blow
over in a few days.

I doubt that,

but thanks for saying so anyway.

Do you wanna see a menu?


I just came out for some air.

Pass me the sugar,
will you, George?

Yeah. Cream?

No, thanks.

Ah, Pete, I wish I had more
guys on the crew like you.

Tell you what.

Maybe I'll put you
on the intercom.

That Tony, I...

Well, I got a feeling about him.

Mm, nothing I can put
my finger on but, uh,

well, it's like he's trouble,
you know what I mean?

I know the feeling, Joe.


You know what he asked me?

Was I sure you
locked the safety catch

on Johnny's helmet?
How about that?

Joe, you know I locked it.

Mm... I know. I know.

But you know how some guys are.

Maybe he's thinking that way.

Who knows what
he'll say at the hearing.

You ought to get
rid of him, Joe.

I can't, Pete.

You know, how would it look

if I fired him when
there's wind of a hearing?

Oh, yeah.

I guess maybe you're right.

Too bad he don't just pick up

and get out of town on his own.

Maybe he just needs
a little push, huh?

Maybe you're right, Pete.

Well, anyhow, couple more days,

we'll have the cargo up.

You guys will get your bonus

and I'll be operating
in the black again.


What would you like?

Just coffee. I'll get it.

We're customers.

Force of habit. Hm.

Uncle Frank, two coffees.

How about that?

They deserve each other.

You know, don't you
ever even feel a little bad

about what happened
to Johnny? Pete...

Why don't you go back
to your table, Pete?

Why? Am I getting
too close? Huh?

How near does a guy have to get

for the jinx to work?

That's enough, Pete.

And I don't like

what you've been
pulling lately either, Tony.

If you're gonna
talk about a guy,

you better be sure
about what you're saying!

What's the matter
with you, Pete?

You better head for home, Pete.

Not making many
friends, are you, Tony?

You okay, Tony? Yeah.

See you in the morning.

Come on.

Wait a moment.

Uncle Frank,

give me the first
aid kit, will you?

Come on.

I'm sorry.

Nothing to be sorry about.

Joe and Pete, you
know, they're right,

you ought to stay away from me.

They have nothing
to do with this.

Tony, you and I,

there's something happening,

and whatever you
wanna call it, I...

It scares me.

That black cloud of yours again?

Look, I know how it must sound.

I've tried to
pretend it's not true

but it is.

I've seen it happen. I'm
some kind of kiss of death.

Coralee, there is no such thing.

Don't you understand?

It wasn't just Johnny.

It isn't just here and now.

Whatever happened before...

Everyone who's ever
had anything to do with me,

they always seem to get hurt.

My father is dead because of me.

If I hadn't gone out with
him on the boat that day,

he'd still be alive.

You can't know that.

There was a boy, we were 18.

Everything was fine until
he started caring for me.

Like Johnny did.

I went away for a while,

as far as I could,
and it didn't help.

What I'm really getting at

is that I don't think we ought
to see each other anymore.

Maybe you're right.

I told you I was leaving.

I... I can't stay
here very long.

I can't stay anywhere very long.

Are you sure
you're not beginning

to be a bit of a believer?

I'm sure.

I see.

I can't.


It has nothing to do with you.

I'm in trouble.

What kind of trouble?

Trouble with the police.


I'll finish out the
week on the barge

and then I'll be leaving.

Hello, Lucille.

Hello, Milt.

How you been feeling?

Better, thanks.

You don't look better.
What's the matter?

They're going ahead
with the investigation.

The preliminary
is set for Monday.

So they'll ask some questions

and fill out some forms

and, uh, that'll be it, Joe.

Will it? Yeah.

Honey, I'll be home
a little later, all right?

Lucy, will you go home?

Well, like Milt says,
Joe... Shut up, huh?

Be right back.




You'll be getting a
letter too, you know.

Well, what do they do
at these hearings, Joe?

Not much, they
ask a few questions.

Too bad we'll have
to lose all that time.

The whole crew have to go?

Yeah, how's that for red tape?

Ah, I mean, it's not like
somebody committed a crime.

An accident's an
accident, right?

Yeah, right.

Uh, when you
get right down to it,

uh, what can you tell them?

What can anybody tell them?

Just what happened, I guess.


I'll see you.


Come on, Joe.

Hi, Lu. I...

I'm sorry, I didn't
mean to drink so much.

It's all right. Come on.

You gotta go to bed.

Didn't help anyway.

E... Everything's
gonna go this time.

I just know it.

Everything's gonna go.

That Tony.

What about Tony?

We... We've really
had it this time, honey.

Tony... Tony, he's
gonna blow the whistle.

And I can't let him do it.

I... I can't let him do it.

I got no business
here after what I said.

When they brought Johnny in.

I guess you...

You know about
the investigation?

Joe went out and got drunk

after he saw the letter.

When there's trouble,
he... He drinks.

I'm sorry, Lucille.

Look, it's late.

I want you to keep Tony Carter
from going to work tomorrow.

Tony? Why?

I got a feeling.

The way Joe's acting, he...

He said something

w-when he got home tonight.

I still don't see what you mean.

He might make
some trouble for Tony.

Well, that doesn't
make any sense.

Now, why would he?

I don't know why,

but if you wanna stop
some trouble for a change,

you'll keep him off that barge.


I'll try.


It isn't for you.

For Tony.


Come on, walk me to the pier.

Tony, don't go today.

Why not?

Well, because if anything
happened to you...

What's gonna happen to me?

Lucille Steelman came
to see me last night.

She's afraid that Joe
might do something.

Did she say what?

Tony, do you know anything
that would cause Joe trouble?

What did Mrs.
Steelman say exactly?

Well, that Joe was afraid
that you'd cause trouble for him

at the hearing.

If he's too afraid...

Now, I work with a lot
of men on that barge

and he's not gonna do anything.

Mrs. Steelman's got
a case of the nerves,

I think you caught it.

Tony, I know Joe got Pete
to pick that fight with you.

Pete was drunk.

Well, don't take a chance.

Please don't go out there today.

And you can keep on
believing that jinx of yours.

I'll see you after work.


Thanks, Milt.

Morning, Frank. Morning, George.

Good morning. Hi, George.

How are you?

I think I'll start with a
cup of coffee maybe.

I'm sorry.

Hm, not enough
sleep last night, huh?

I guess not.

George, do you know where
the Steelman barge is anchored?


Could you go out there
and get Tony Carter?

What do you mean? What for?

Well, because Joe Steelman...

I'm just afraid
something might happen.

I tried to stop him from
going out on the job today.

What do you mean, you think
Joe might do something to Tony?

I don't know.

Will you do it?

I can't just go out
there, Coralee.

What if you had a reason?

Like what?

Well, suppose that Tony...

Suppose he was
wanted for something.

Is he?

I think so.

What makes you think so?

Well, I can't tell you, but
could you do it for me?

I could.

I could, uh,

run a check on his
fingerprints or something, but...

His fingerprints are on that.

Will it take long?

Well, it wouldn't take long.

George, please do it for me.

But hurry.

All right.

I think two of us ought to
go under with tanks, Milt.

I'll need somebody to
check out the measurements.

Tony, get another t*nk.

No, you go.

Hey, Tony, I want you
to come under with me.

I didn't hire on
as a diver, Joe.

Nobody did.

But if I need you, you dive.

When Johnny asked
me to take you on,

he said you'd done some diving.

I know a little bit
about scuba equipment,

but that doesn't qualify
me as a commercial diver,

I told Johnny that.

Well, Johnny didn't tell me that

or you wouldn't
be on the payroll.

Every man on this crew
can use scuba gear.

Get one of them.


You're the only one
without a job to do.

We don't need an
intercom operator this time.

Get the suit on, huh?

I'll talk him out of it, Tony.

Pete or me can go down with him.


Go ahead. I'll catch up.

Are you going out after Tony?

Yeah, you were right, Coralee.

He's, uh... He's
wanted all right.

What for?

He's an interstate fugitive.

Tell me all of it.

His name's Kimble.
Doctor Richard Kimble.

He was convicted
of murdering his wife.

Dear God.

Uncle Frank, gonna
have to ask you a favor.

Marine operator, please.

Marine operator calling.

Steelman Barge. Over.

Tony, will you get that?


W-0, 6-0, 6-1. Steelman Barge.

Come in please. Over.

Steelman's barge.


Yes, I know where it is.


So he'll get some experience.

You don't like it,
that's just too bad.

Oh, it's just that he hasn't
been down there much.

And, well, you know,

an accident or... Or something.

Who was it?

It's the Coast Guard.

They want us to put
out some markers,

there are a lot of
small boats in the area.

Uh, maybe it wouldn't
hurt to put out a few more.

Hey, Pete, get out
some more markers.

Don't let him push you, Tony.

He's not pushing me.

We better check your air, Tony.


I got it.

Okay. Go on down.

Stay close to the hull
and away from the cables

till I get there.

Get my t*nk, Milt.

And stop worrying,

we've had enough accidents.



It's a harbor police launch.

Joe. What's up, George?

You got a man named,
uh, Tony Carter onboard?

Yeah, but... Now, where is he?

He just went over the side.

Why? What did he do?

Is that his lifeline?


Give him the regular
signal to come up.

Hey, what is this?
What's going on?

His real name is Kimble.
He's an escaped m*rder*r.


Yeah. Give him the signal.

He's not answering.

Well, haul him up.

What is this, some
kind of a joke?

Where's Kimble?

Where is he, Joe?

How should I know?

All right. Get on the
horn, alert control.

Tell them to send
out another launch

and start searching
close to shore.

We'll pick it up from here.

How much, uh... How
much air did he have?

A regular hour t*nk.

Now, where'd he find this?

Well, that's the helmet
Johnny was wear...

Now, go on.

Pete was just saying

that's the helmet
Johnny was wearing

the day he died.

We better hang onto this.

I suppose I'm glad we
could come this far together.

It's not enough, Tony.

Should have run away and hidden

the first time I saw you.

Happy endings
aren't exactly my line.

Well, this time it's
not your fault, it's mine.

And if there was ever a jinx,

it's broken now.

Tony, I...

There is no more Tony.

The highway north carries
a fugitive to freedom.

A freedom shadowed
by his own special jinx.

He cannot look back now.

He can only look ahead

to the day when that jinx
will ultimately be broken.