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03x24 - Ill Wind

Posted: 04/22/22 09:21
by bunniefuu
I'm going to put a fresh
bandage on your arm...

get some clean
water from the well.

I'll... I'll go with you.

You're not up to
a long walk yet.

In that case, a fresh
bandage won't be necessary.

I think it is.


Hey, big man, didn't you hear?

The lieutenant's calling you.


I'm going to have to sh**t.

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim
of blind justice.

Falsely convicted for
the m*rder of his wife.

Reprieved by fate when a
train wreck freed him en route

to the death house.

Freed him to hide
in lonely desperation.

To change his identity.

To toil at many jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

He saw leave the
scene of the crime.

Freed him to run before
the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

The guest stars
in tonight's story:

John McIntire.

Jeanette Nolan.

Lonny Chapman.

Also starring Barry Morse
as Lieutenant Philip Gerard.

The work is hard,

to be endured from day to day.

But here, just 20 miles
North of the Gulf of Mexico,

Richard Kimble has found reason
to gain a new foothold on life.

His first in a very long time.

Quitting time!

The last day in a patch
is always the best day.

You tired, Katherine?

sh**t, Mike Johnson,

I could work another 10 hours.

I think Katherine's bone slender

but she's got a
mighty strong back.

Oh, go on, Ma.

Well, it's a fact. Like her Ma.

Kind of does
something for a woman

to be strong in
the back, don't it?

Well, it never done
nothing for me.

That's a fact.

Oh, you Lester, you're
funning me again.

Don't you kind of think it does
something for a woman, Mike?

That's a fact.

Oh, you, hush.

♪ Once a pretty girl grew
From a pig-tailed child ♪

♪ To a woman tall and fair ♪

♪ And the flowers ran To
hide every time she smiled ♪

♪ Afraid folks might compare ♪

That Jonesie.

All the time funning
with Ida Katherine.

I used to think, Naomi and me,

we'd have ourselves a
guitar-picking son-in-law.

Now she can't even
give him the time of day.

That's him all right.

I checked with that photographer
over at the newspaper.

He said most of those workers
hired out to the Crawford Farm.

It's a big place, North
part of the county.

Can we get started right away?

Sure can, sir.

Take us into the
night to get there.

Still can't figure a fellow like
him being with folks like that.

He must be bored half to death.

He figures he's safe with them.

Kimble won't find that boring.

Bye. Bye. You're my pen pal.

General delivery.

Say, Mike, you just
got to stay with us.

Here, you kids get out of here.

b*at it.

I'm fixing real beef
hamburger with scallions.

Of course, that's
better than side meat.

Now, I ain't got no chair
and no cloth and no table...

Ain't every day you
can set out in the weeds

and eat your supper
without any table or chair.

I can't stay. I've...

Got to catch that 9:00 freight.

Well, you can have
a cup of coffee.

That won't keep you too long.

Going out for up North
in the morning, Mike.

If picking corn sure
beats cutting cauliflower

you better come along with us.

Please come, Mike.

The man says he's got
to be moving on, Lester.

You keep out of this.

Now, I, uh, heard
that little Herrera girl

come down with something

and I thought maybe
I'd go over there

and try and cheer
her up a little bit.

Thought maybe you'd
like to come along, Kate.

Sorry, Jonesie, I
don't feel up to it.

All right.

You know, you sure
brought about some changes

around here, Mr. Johnson.

♪ From the hills Of
night the outlaw came ♪

♪ Just running for to live ♪

♪ And the pretty little girl ♪

♪ Never knew his name ♪

♪ Still all her
love She'd give ♪

I thought you said you had
some folks to go visit, Jonesie.

What's the matter?
It's just a little song.

I believe my daddy told me

it was writ about Billy
the Kid and Pat Garrett.

Well, I don't like it.

♪ And it's a sad ♪

♪ Sad song ♪

♪ That I am singing ♪

♪ It's a sad ♪

♪ Sad tale I tell ♪

♪ About a love
That a poor girl ♪

♪ Is bringing ♪

♪ To a man who
Is destined for hell ♪

When you found me I
guess I was pretty sick.

You said I, uh,

was out of my head sometimes.

I never asked you what
I said during that time.

Oh, what a man was ain't nearly

as important as what he is.

And we never told nobody.

Others just must have
guessed that you was running.

Jonesie too, I suppose.

But it's dangerous, ain't it?

I mean, even them guessing.

Yeah. I'm afraid it is.

Well, I, uh...

Say, thanks.

Goodbye, Mike. Goodbye.

Good luck.

We sure will miss you, Mike.


First time in my
life I'm scared.

Every time you walk more than
10 feet away from me I get scared.

Go right now if you got to go

and even if I call, you
don't look back or anything.

Well, the excitement
of this storm

that's coming and all,

I just forgot to ask
him where he...

Now, Mr. Kelly... Now
if you don't help us

the lieutenant and me are
going to have to take you

into San Martin for questioning.

Now, you might not see your
family for a whole week or so.

I tell you... You want that?

He... He just wandered off.

If he's the fellow you say
he is, sure ain't no surprise

he didn't tell me
where he was going.

Face it, Lester, a
week away from picking

you'll be having to
grub your family...

You keep out of this, Jock.

Now, the sheriff said
a week or so but, uh,

he could be wrong,
because if we find Kimble,

we might charge you
with being an accessory.

That could mean
a year in prison.

Could your family
manage that long?

A whole year in jail?


This man's a police
lieutenant from Indiana.

He means what he says.

He went to the packing shed.

What was that?

Over to the packing shed
to get the slow freight.


Ida Katherine!

Leave her be, Naomi!
It's not your fault!

Take it easy. Stop!

Leave her be.

Who told you where to find me?

The man you were traveling with.

I believe his name is Kelly.

San Martin calling G-104.

San Martin calling G-104.


You live in this country
as long as I have,

you get an itch
about a storm like this.

That's more than
just a wind setting up.

Sheriff, we just got a
report from Junction Center.

That rest home out
there is right in the path

of the hurricane. Over.

They're calling it
a hurricane now?

Well, they say it's
just the edge of one,

but the way this town
is swaying around

it can't be anything else. Over.

The rest home.

Did you give the
order to evacuate?

I did, but we still
need more wheels.

The cars can't
get through. Over.

I'll take the bypass
to Junction Center.

Maybe I can get there
ahead of the storm.

Good luck. Out.

Sheriff, I have to get
this man to San Martin.

I'm sorry, lieutenant,

there must be 30, 40 old folks
out there in Junction Center

that have to be moved.

How long will that
take? Can't tell.

Depends on how
bad this storm gets.

Might take an
hour, might take six.

Any place you can drop us off

where we can get
transportation back to town?

Well, up ahead there's
the Crawford Farm,

at least their field
headquarters. I don't see...

I thought that's
where we came from.

The Crawford place
ain't no truck farm.

Bigger than a lot of
states. That's for sure.

We've been riding through
it ever since we took off.

All right, let us off there.

I don't see how that's
such a good idea.

The storm's
heading this way fast.

The kind that can take a
man, toss him 50 feet in the air.

It'll be just as bad at
Junction Center, won't it?

That's for sure.

Open up!

Hold it! Hold it right there!

What are you doing?

It'll cost you $2 a
head for a 12 hour shift.

You got no right to charge us
for getting in out of the storm.

Hey, what's the
matter with that kid?

No sé, señor.

What do you mean?

She says she doesn't know.

I heard her,

but she just come over the
border last week, didn't she?

What difference does that make?

I heard they got some
typhoid down there.

Well, you don't
know it's typhoid.

You don't know it ain't.

What are you saying?

I'm just saying that you all

been traveling with them.

I ain't going to take the chance

of infecting these
people inside here.

So get going.

Well, where can we go?

Try the stables.

You know that
won't hold up against

the kind of wind that's coming.

It's been holding
up a lot of years.

Besides, that ain't my problem.

Oh, get out of here!

I am sorry, Señor Kelly.

What for?

You didn't fill him
with all that poison.

I want to borrow a vehicle
to get this man to San Martin.

Sorry, I can't help you.

You must have a truck.

Of course I got a truck.

That road between
here and San Martin

is like a sh**ting
gallery by now.

That wind will knock
anything off the road.

Sorry, it's out of the question.


Hold it right there.

Mike. Hold it.

That's far enough.

Mike, Papa told
me you were here.

You've got to help
us. Get out of here.

There's a little
girl in the stable.

She's sick, Mike. She
just can't stop shaking.

Sorry, Kimble. I can't allow it.

If I was you, lieutenant, I
wouldn't come any closer.

The way I figure the little
girl she's talking about...

Like it's not got the typhoid.

That's why I got them
all out in the stable.

You tell them about the $2
a head you been collecting.

When I was working the
fields I kicked back plenty.

Mike, you've got hurry.

Do you think you can help?

I don't know. Maybe.

All right, let's go.

You really going out there?

Hello, Mike.

Mike, it sure is
good to see you.

Where's the child?

Over there.

You'll be taking quite a chance.

I guess you're right.

How long has she been like this?

What do you think?

I don't know. Her
temperature's up.

She has all the symptoms.
It could be typhoid.

We'll just have
to wait. For what?

See if we can break
the temperature.

If we can, it isn't typhoid.

Let's get some blankets,
anything we can find

to keep the child warm.

Lester, put her in
the back of the jeep.

Jonesie, uh, see
if you can get, uh,

Jock to give you some
first aid equipment.

Anything he can find over there.

Whatever it is, it's
likely to cost me

a half a month's pay.


about me telling the
police where you were...

They... Well, they
claimed I might have

to go to jail for a whole year.

I wouldn't mind for myself,

but Naomi and Kate,
they... Well, you know...

I know.

It looks like we're going to
have to be here for awhile,

so we'd better do
some work on this place,

make it as sturdy as we can.

The lieutenant's right.

We'll have to do something
to keep this place together.

You heard Mike. Let's get to it.

The appeal of the underdog?

These people know me.

And trust you.

In spite of what they've
been told about you.

Maybe they don't believe
what they've been told.

Or maybe they don't want to.

It's the same thing, isn't it?

Now, there's your medicine.

Now take off before
you spread any germs.

You know, one day
when you ain't got that r*fle,

I'm going to come back and
whip your head for you, Jock.

I thought you were going
to sing me a pretty love song

with that out of tune guitar.

Jonesie, what happened to you?

Here's your stuff.

Did you get in a fight with him?

No, I'd have liked
to as well as not.

Let me see that.

I just happened to
get my head in the way

of a piece of flying tree.

Anything there you can use?

The aspirin might
help break the fever.

I'm sorry, Ida
Katherine, I ain't no hero.

Well, I guess from
the look of things

you won't be going
anywhere for a little while.

Get me some water, Kate.

Well, I've got some
in my canteen.

Thank you.

Just remember.

I still have a g*n.

Mama. Mama.

Nothing to do but wait.

How come you married a man

who can't do nothing
right for nobody?

Get some sleep, Kate.


Frío. Sí.

You have no idea who it was?


Now, I gotta tell you something,

and you'd better listen.

This man is my prisoner,

and anyone who tries to help him

will be charged with aiding a
convicted m*rder*r to escape.

That's a very serious offense.

And attempting to
k*ll an officer of the law

is even more serious.

Is that clear?

I'd better check the girl.

You throw a mean pitchfork.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

What do you expect me to do?

That man's going to take
you to the electric chair.

Besides, it's not as though

I was trying to k*ll
him or anything.

I just figured that
maybe if he couldn't walk

for a little while,
you could get away.

Kate, promise me
you won't try again.

But he... Promise me, Kate.

All right. I promise.

But what about the others?

I suppose I should thank you.

Don't bother.

What you did, uh...
It didn't surprise me.

You know I'll try
to get away if I can.

That doesn't surprise me either.

♪ At the outlaw's heels ♪

♪ The sheriff rode ♪

♪ With a g*n
strapped To his side ♪

♪ And the ever-running man ♪

♪ Lived the outlaw's code ♪

♪ Take love but never a bride ♪

♪ So the chase went on ♪

♪ Both day and night ♪

♪ With the sheriff
Gaining some ♪

♪ Till they didn't give a hang ♪

♪ Who was right or wrong ♪

♪ Just when the end would come ♪

♪ And it's a sad, sad song ♪

♪ That I am singing ♪

♪ It's a sad, sad tale ♪

♪ I tell ♪

♪ About a love
That a poor girl ♪

♪ Is bringing ♪

♪ To a man who
Is destined for hell ♪

Jonesie, why don't you shut up?

All right, Harry, I'll
check with you later. Out.

Larry, we got them all
over at the Bracken ranch.

I guess they'll be okay there.

Say, what about the
lieutenant from Indiana?

He hasn't showed up here yet.

Oh, he must have
holed up till it's over.

You think they're still
at the Crawford place?

Well, we won't know that
until we get the phone lines in.

Guess we'd better
figure it that way.

It'll be hours before we
can get a car out to them.

Well, they're as safe
there as any place tonight.

That's not saying much.

With all this exposure,

half these people are
going to catch pneumonia

or typhoid, maybe.

Unless this
place falls in first.

You're a good assistant, Kate.

I'm just good with you.

Mike, after the storm's over,

what are you going to do?

About him?

I don't know.

He's got a g*n and he's mean.

He'll sh**t you
if you try to run.

Let's forget about
him for awhile.

I'd like that.

I'd like to forget the
whole thing ever happened.

I can see you now,
sitting in your office,

driving your big car,

living in your fine house.

Mike, tell me about your wife.

What was she like?

It's getting hard to remember.

She fitted in in that
world, didn't she?

I can remember
when I was little,

we would drive through
the nice neighborhoods

and I would watch
the other kids playing

out in front of their houses.

Mama used to tell me
to envy was a deadly sin.

Still, there was nothing...

Just nothing I could
do to take away

that feeling I had inside of me.

It looks like I
haven't licked it yet.

Señor Doctor!

Watch out for up above now.

Look what happened here.

Now, stay back.

Now, get his back
up against that crate.

Get his coat off.

Get him out of there. He
might need some water.


I'll get his coat.

Watch out above there.

Pull it down.

Be careful back there.

Get me a... A stick
and a piece of cloth.

Now, hurry up! Somebody get
me a stick and a piece of cloth!

How bad is it?

You severed an
artery in your arm.

The leg will give you some pain,

but it's not as bad.

That's it. Thank you.

Hold this.

He don't look so good, does he?

Have everyone get
their gear together.

We're going into the main house.

Now wait a minute, Mike.

That Jock Sims has got a
g*n and he ain't afraid to use it.

Well, that's just what
he's going to have to do.

The cop who's only after
your neck is worth all that?

You want to sit around here
and have this place fall in?

Well, we don't know what's
going to happen to this roof,

but we do know he's got
b*ll*ts to go with that g*n of his.

All right, get back
where you belong.

All of us in the barn,
we're coming in.

Get back where you belong.

The girl didn't have
typhoid. It was just the flu.

That's what you say.

But the lieutenant's
been injured.

He needs proper
medical attention.

And you're going to help him?

We're coming in.

How about it, Jock? You
going to sh**t all of us?

Okay, just be sure you
stay clear of the rest of us.

Let's get the others.

All right, you people,
move to the back.

Don't get too close.

Get on... That's it.

Kate, tear up some more cloth.

I still say we should
of left him in the barn.

He looked comfortable
enough to me.

It just... It don't seem right

for us to help him when we
know he's against you, Mike.

We just can't think all
complicated like you do.

The only way folks like us
can keep a hold on this earth

is to look out for our own.

Even when they don't
want to do it themselves.

You're building up quite a case.

Selfless, devoted
doctor who saves the life

of his persecutor.

They must be impressed.

I suppose even I am.

But that doesn't
change anything.

No, that doesn't
change anything.

What are you doing?

He's lost a lot of blood.
He needs a transfusion.

They should have some medical
supplies they use for animals.

Mike, you got to do
all this? It scares me.

Would you boil me
some water, Kate?

Mike, I know when you leave here

that I can't go with you,

but it will mean something to me

to know that you're
alive somewhere.

Don't help him, Mike.

Don't help him.

Kate, boil me some water.

These instruments
need sterilizing.

♪ Now the outlaw
faces The sheriff's g*n ♪

♪ On this night
One man will die ♪

♪ But no matter who it
Is sees the morning sun ♪

♪ The girl is sure to cry ♪

This man needs a
blood transfusion.

His blood type is B.

If you'll look on your
health certificate cards

you'll find your type.

If he doesn't get
blood, he'll die.

♪ And it's a sad ♪

♪ Sad song ♪

♪ That I am singing ♪

♪ It's a sad ♪

♪ Sad tale ♪

♪ I tell ♪

♪ About a death ♪

♪ That a sheriff ♪

♪ Is bringing ♪

♪ To a man ♪

♪ Who is destined for hell ♪

Drink this.

I'll ask you once more.


Lester, don't you think
we ought to do some...

Hush up.

He's just lucky he's
got us to keep him

from digging himself a grave.

But he's making it sound like

what we're doing ain't right.

Well, what we're doing is right.

Look at all these people.

You think they want Mike to
keep on with this foolishness?

Well, I don't know.

I just don't know.

Mike, I want to
try one more time,

because I really want
to understand you.

I really do.

If that man lives
he'll see you k*lled.

Now, why are you trying
so hard to save his life?

Uh, for a doctor,

every life is worth saving.

I guess I'm just too
stupid to understand it.

No, you're not, Kate.

All I can get out of it

is that you want me
to help them k*ll you.

I don't understand
why you want it,

but I know that's what you want.

You want him to get blood?

All right, Mike, you
can give him mine,

because it's his type.

It's all right, Mike.

You can give him
all of it if you want to.

Ida Katherine! Wh...?

♪ Now the outlaw faces ♪

♪ The sheriff's g*n ♪

♪ On this night
One man will die ♪

♪ And no matter who it is ♪

♪ Sees the morning sun ♪

♪ The girl is sure to cry ♪

♪ And the outlaw lives ♪

♪ Like a running man ♪

♪ With the next
hill In his eye ♪

♪ And there Will
always be a sheriff ♪

♪ With a g*n in hand ♪

♪ And a girl ♪

♪ Who will surely cry ♪

We still can't get through
to the Crawford farm,

but I figured if you
had some lines up,

it must be pretty
well over, right?

Yeah. Yeah, okay.

Yeah, thanks.

The road's clear. Let's
go. The Crawford place?

Well, it figures
he's still there.

They could be in a
ditch, someplace by now.

Well, we'll check
those too. Come on.

That's it, boys. Bring
them all out here

and set them down where
we can all get at them.

Everybody have a drink.

It's on the house.

Here, Mike, have
yourself a drink.

Look at him.

A few hours ago he
was at death's door.

What did you do to him anyway?

There was nothing
really wrong with him.

He just lost some blood.

They can celebrate
the end of the storm.

Me, I'm having myself a wake.

No friend of mine
ever goes without

I give him a wake.

There's not going to
be any wake, Lester.

Oh, no? No.

Well, then you'd better
pull out and quick,

because now that
the storm's over

and that road's open,
they'll come looking for him.

And you.

I'll go. I just want
to check him first.

Something wrong
with his insides?

I'll tell you what's wrong.

They're rotting away
from all that meanness.

All right, now do your
celebrating somewheres else.

The road's open.

And you can all get out of here

soon as you pay
me for that whiskey.

Oh, Jock.

You know every season
when we come to this farm,

when somebody
wants a can of beans,

a little coffee,

even some of this floor varnish

for a Saturday night,

they got to pay you double.

Well, this is on you, Jocko.

We're just drinking
ourselves a little way even.

And we ain't even...

Oh, shut up.
You're drunk, Kelly.

Yeah, well maybe I am,

but that don't
change what I said.

I said shut up, Kelly.

Next year you
better treat us right

or one morning we won't be here,

and you're going to have to
cut up parcels of that cauliflower

all by yourself.

And the general manager's going

to think that's awful peculiar.

Get out.

I said, get out. All of you.

I'm going to put a fresh
bandage on your arm...

get some clean
water from the well.

I'll... I'll go with you.

You're not up to
a long walk yet.

In that case, a fresh
bandage won't be necessary.

I think it is.



Hey, big man, didn't you hear?

The lieutenant's calling you.


I'm going to have to sh**t.

You don't have to do anything.

Kimble, call these people off.




All right, move out
of the way, boys.

I'm going to start the
car in just a minute.

Easy does it.

I'll be all right
now, thank you.

I guess there's no point in
bringing charges against them.

Yes, sir, we could.

There seem to have
been quite a few of them.

Yeah, if there had been
fewer, I might have gotten him.

Then you want to prefer charges?

I'd have to stay
here for the trials.

I'm afraid so, sir.

Oh, forget it.

Kimble's got enough
of a head start already.

I still don't
understand why Mike

went through the trouble of
saving that batch of meanness.

Even a life like that
is worth saving, Ma.

That sounds like some of that
foolishness Mike was talking.

I know it.


The storm has come and gone.

But few of those who
sought shelter together

that night will forget it.

And Richard Kimble,

the next hill now in his eye,

will find occasions to
look back and remember.

A fugitive has time for that.