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03x19 - Echo of a Nightmare

Posted: 04/22/22 09:16
by bunniefuu
I wonder if there's something

that maybe you'd be
good enough to explain.

Stop it!

Both of you.

It's him, Millie,

the guy we heard
about on the radio.

That must be the
policewoman in the bedroom.

See, he cut the phone line.

Give it to me, Millie.

Where are you gonna do?

Give it to me, Millie.

Now, Perry, you run
over to the Toller Farm.

Use the phone there.

Call the police.

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim
of blind justice,

falsely convicted for
the m*rder of his wife,

reprieved by fate when
a train wreck freed him

en route to the death house.

Freed him to hide
in lonely desperation,

to change his identity,
to toil at many jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

he saw leave the
scene of the crime.

Freed him to run before
the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

The guest stars
in tonight's story:

Shirley Knight, Arch Johnson.

Come on, come on.

How are you doing, baby?


There she is.


Hey, hey, hey, check this out.

Thank you.

Ah, come on, let's go.

Uh, we'll be back later, huh?

As a doctor,

he had dedicated himself
to the preservation of life.

Now, a fugitive, the life he
must preserve is his own.

Richard Kimble's safety
depends on knowing

where the enemy is and who.

Come on, I'll give you a lift.

I'm parked around the corner.

Oh, don't bother, I can walk.

You paid for the lunch,
you win yourself a chauffeur.


Hey, mister, you know
where the Johnson house is?

No, I'm a stranger in town.

Oh, that's too bad.

Thanks, anyway.

Don't complain.

There's much worse
assignments than parades.

Then why don't you
ask the lieutenant

if you can replace me?

It's on Sunday so
you don't have to work

shoplifting detail.

I'm not just going to
stand out in the sun

and get all those freckles.


Hey, wait here.

Cop! Run!

b*at it.

You all right, buddy? Yeah.


I saw what happened.

Are you all right?

Yes, thank you.

Oh, I'm awfully glad.

Oh, we just wanna sit down.

Could you use a drink?

A cup of coffee, I guess.

Make it two, please. All right.

Uh, I'm awfully sorry
about the trouble.

My name's Jane Washburn.

Uh, Richard Taylor.

Do you live near here?

Oh, no, I... I'm just
passing through.

You could have been k*lled.

How much did they take from you?

Oh, not much just $10 or
$12, that's all I was carrying.

That doesn't speak very
well for our town, does it?

Don't worry, though, we have

one of the most efficient
police forces in the country.

You'll get your money back.

Well, it isn't...

But it isn't that,

it's just that I have to
catch a plane at, uh...

Two o'clock.

You mean, you're not even
going to report it to the police?

Well, I can't afford
to miss that plane.

I've got a job waiting
for me in Denver.

Ah, what kind of work
do you do, Mr. Tyler?

Uh, did you say Tyler?

Uh, Taylor.

I'm a salesman.

Uh, auto parts.

Well, what do you
do, Miss Washburn?

How do you know it isn't Mrs.?

No ring.

I'm a secretary.

Ah, look, I live just the
other side of the airport.

I can drop you off.

Well, that's not necessary.

I'll take a cab.

How are you going to pay for it?

Really, it's... It's
right on my way.

I'll just put on a new face
and we can get started.



Sergeant, it's Jane Washburn.

Listen, did Harry call in
about an as*ault on D Street?

All four of them?

Uh... What do you mean $112?

Well, listen, I have
the man h-here with me

that they b*at up.

I-I'm going to bring him in.

I've got to go.

Wait a minute.

Where are you going?

I was gonna get some cigarettes.

You don't have any money.

Why all this concern
for a total stranger?

After what happened to you
somebody owes you a good turn.

Civic pride.

Now, come on, I drive
within fifty yards of the gate.

Here's for the coffee.

Did you fly in?


Oh, I lost my shoe.

Uh, c-could you hold the
wheel until I can get it back on?




What is this?

You're a very suspicious
man, Mr. Taylor

if that's your name.

There's a few questions

I want to ask you
at the police station.

That's right. I'm a policewoman.

I could sue you
for false arrest.

Oh, really?

Those boys who robbed you
stole over a hundred dollars.

You told me 10 or 12.

Now, that's pretty
hard to believe.

Anybody else is robbed
of a hundred dollars

they yell all the way
to the police station

but not you.


Police make you
nervous, Mr. Taylor?

Incidentally, there isn't
any 2:00 plane to Denver.

So we'll just sit here
until a car comes along.

Give me that.

Is this what you're looking for?

All right. We're getting out.

Are we?


Look, I don't wanna hurt you.

As soon as I get these
handcuffs off, that's it.

I don't wanna hurt you.

Look, all I want to do is
get these handcuffs off.

See you guys tomorrow.

Bye. Bye.

Look... No!

♪ Chickeny, chickeny Clancy co ♪

♪ I went to the well
To wash my toe ♪

♪ When I got there
The crow was dead ♪

♪ What time is it, Old Witch? ♪

You want... to k*ll me.

k*ll me. You won't get very
far dragging a dead body.

Look, I just want to get just
far enough to get a hacksaw,

and get these cuffs off.

Now, if I have to drag you,
I'll drag you, believe me.

Then drag me.

These cuffs weren't my idea.

It'll be a lot easier on
both of us if you walk.

Come on.

Come on.

We'd do a lot better if
you wouldn't go so fast.

I'm not going that fast.

You can keep up. Come on.


You trying to make
the rest of us look bad?

I just thought
I'd finish this up.

Well, look, if you
don't wanna go home,

that's your business.

But I've got to get
this stuff locked up.

Okay, okay, I'll
get it tomorrow.

You, ah, wanna grab
a drink at Three Points?

Good idea.

You sure your wife won't mind?

So she minds.

Oh, hey, wait a second.

What's the matter?
My lunch pail.

I'll be right back.

At least she packs your lunch.

Oh, yeah? You
ought to eat this stuff.

Hurry up, will you? I'm thirsty.

What was that all about?

Some guy kidnapped
a policewoman.

He wanted to know if
maybe we saw them.

What did you tell him?

I told him we locked
them in the tool shed.

What do you think I told him?

I was just asking. Yeah...

What are you going to do?

Gonna get you
out of this county,

you've got too
many friends here.

All right, sit down.

I hope nobody's got to tell you,

that you're in very
serious trouble.

Don't try smart-alecking
around here, son, you'll regret it.

I'm... I'm sorry, sir.

I guess I just got a
smiling disposition.

Don't get smart with me.

I'm just trying to be
friendly, lieutenant.

See these pictures?

You're going to go
through every one of them.

There's a chance the man
you mugged may be in here.

If he is, you're
going to pick him out.

But we didn't mug
anybody, lieutenant.

And... And if... If we didn't,

how are we gonna
pick out his picture?

You listen to me.

He's got a policewoman with him.

She may be in
very serious danger.

If his picture is in there,
you're pointing it out.

And I keep telling you that

that officer over there
accosted us on a street corner.

He demanded to see my
wallet and hauled us in.

I explained to him I won
the money at the track.

Don't make it harder
on yourself than it is, boy.

I'm warning you.

Okay, okay.

We'll look through your
pictures for a man we never saw

if it makes you happy.

Shall we begin?

My father and his lawyers
should be here at any time.

Meanwhile we'll... We'll
all be as helpful as we can.

Come on, Harry.

Uh, never saw him
before in my life.


Well, look, officer, th-this is
an awful waste of your time.

We're... We're not
gonna recognize anyone

because there was no one.

Come on. No.

We'll be k*lled. No.

Come on.

What are you running from?

It wouldn't interest you.

It must have been something big.

You're no petty
hoodlum, that's obvious.

Thank you very much.

What was it?

Grand larceny? Embezzlement?

Could be m*rder?

It was m*rder, wasn't it?

You've simply got the
wrong boys, lieutenant.

I know my son.

He would never
do a thing like this.

The arresting officer
witnessed the b*ating.

Lieutenant, we see what
we want to see, isn't that true?

Oh, my boy doesn't
need a hundred dollars.

If he did, he'd ask me for it.

He's always been
well provided for.

Has he been in trouble before?

I'm not so sure
he's in trouble now.

Well, he's had his
share of scrapes,

parking tickets,
curfew violations.

Nothing very serious.

Mr. Cramer, we checked his file.

Why did you ask me?

I think your son's
in trouble now.

The officer
witnessed the b*ating,

he got the license
number of the car,

he found the stolen wallet
in the boys' possession.

Now, what do you think?

What do you want me to do?

Make him identify
the man he b*at up.

We've given him some pictures.

I can't do that.

Y-you can't ask me to do that.

Why, that would be
confirming his guilt.

Mr. Cramer, that man has
taken a policewoman with him.

Well, you're asking me
to send my son to prison.

Yes, sir, I am.

Look, Jane Washburn's
been kidnapped before

when she was a kid of 15.

You can use your imagination
as to what happened,

but when her father found them,

he went kind of crazy, I guess,

and b*at the man to death.

It was over two years before
Jane got over the shock.

Now it may be
happening all over again.

Mr. Cramer, it would
sure help if we knew

what kind of
person she was with.

Where is he?

In here.


the officer saw the b*ating?

That's right.

Hi, Pop.

What took you so long?

These... These jerks
been giving us a rough time.

I've just been talking
with Lieutenant Wynn.

He told me the whole story.

I bet.

And I think you've been
treated better than you deserve.

Well, come on,
knock it off, Pop.

Get us out of here, huh?

I want you to take another
look at those pictures.

What? Are you kidding?

And point out the
man you robbed.

Now, wait a minute.

Um, we didn't rob anybody.

Well, whose side are you on?

What's the matter, old man?
You flipped or something?

I'm on your side, Wes.

Now, is the man you
b*at and robbed in...?

In one of these pictures?

Well, I'm not getting
you out of here

or anywhere until
you point him out.

Well, thanks, Father.

I knew I could count on you.

Lock him up, lieutenant.

Okay, Burt, Harry.

Come on.

Is this him, McKay?


Take it easy, it was
only a bad dream.

It was so real. I...

As if it really happened.



It was nothing.

Come on. We're getting off.


We're gonna jump.


Look, we're almost to Redlands.

Right now it's open country.

We can move around, find a farm.

It's going too fast.

We're coming to a crossing.

The train will slow down.

Come on.


Are you all right?

Come on, let's get going.

My foot.

The left one. I
think I've broken it.

It's your ankle.

How do you know that?

I know I'm gonna have
to carry you. It's broken.

Come on, stand
on your right foot.

Are you a doctor?

I drove an ambulance once.

I should have guessed.

The lieutenant was
talking about a bulletin

that came down
from the State Capitol.

I didn't pay much attention

at the time but I heard enough.

It isn't Richard Taylor, is it?

It's Richard Kimble.

You're a doctor.

Come on.

How's your ankle?

How do you think?

What are you doing?


He says he doesn't want to come.

Just once I wish
he'd do what I say.


Listen, Dad, do I have to?

I've got enough
homework to choke a...

You're darn right you do.

Now, you knew
about it this morning.

You should have done
your homework then.

Honey, leave the light
on in the kitchen, sweetie.

And lock the door.

Hurry it up, will you?

The prelims start at 8.

We got plenty of time.

Dinner won't take
more than an hour.

Well, hurry up.

Come on, move it, will you?

This will take a little time.

Did you k*ll her?

People say I did.

Did you?

What do you think?

I don't know.

You don't have to be a
m*rder*r to k*ll somebody.

Maybe it was an accident.

Maybe... Maybe you didn't
know what you were doing.

I didn't k*ll anybody.

I'll take you in the house

and see what I can
do for your ankle.

Aren't you afraid
they'll come back?

They went to the fights.

They should be
there until 10, 11:00

Now, you stay there for a while.

I'll look around.

What are you doing?

When I leave, I wanna
make sure I get a head start.

Come on.

You all right?

I think I... I'm going to faint.

I'm going to make a
splint for your ankle.

It will help relieve the pain.

I'm sorry if I spoiled
the fights for you.

Ha, fights. What fights?

We saw two rounds
of a lousy prelim.

I said I'm sorry.

Six bucks it cost me.

I just couldn't
stand it any more,

the way you're
always after the boy.

All right, I just can't stand
his bellyaching that's all.

Why shouldn't he bellyache?

You forced him to go.

You forced me.

Well, you're always crying
that I never take you out.

So I took you out.

Thank you very much.

All right, all right, I'm
taking you home, aren't I?

Where will you go afterward?

I don't know.

There's no running to, is there?

Only a running from.

How would you know?

I know.

What happened?

What do you mean?

All right, if you don't
wanna talk about it

I won't ask you
any more questions.

I'll be finished here
in just a minute.

I'll tell you.

I wanna tell you.

All right.

I think I've always
wanted to tell somebody.

You'll be gone in a little while

and I'll never see you again.

When I was 15, a
man kidnapped me

when I was walking
home from school.

My father was a policeman

and he tracked us down
and found us in an old barn.

Except by the time he found
us, the man was already dead.

The man had...
Had come toward me

and I somehow managed
to pick up this hammer.

I remember I kept hitting
him with it over and over,

as if I did it enough,
he'd just disappear.

When my father came, I was
still holding on to the hammer.

I remember I ran over to him

and he put his arms around me

and I kept saying "I love you",

as if that would make
everything all right.

When we went back,
he said he k*lled the man.


When my mother d*ed, I
became his whole world.

I loved it.

I loved it that he
was proud of me.

I loved the attention.

He fussed over me like I was
the Hope Diamond or something.

And if the Hope
Diamond has a flaw...

It would still be a diamond,

even if it wasn't the best.

So he took the blame.

And they believed him.

But they said they couldn't
keep him on the force,

a man who'd let
himself go like that.



It isn't the boxing matches
you like, it's the hurting.

Millie. You like to
see people in pain.

You like to give pain yourself.

It makes you feel big.


Give me the bottle.

The bottle. Give it to me.

I thought your mother told you
to lock that door when we went.

I did, Pa.

Well, it sure looks
like it, doesn't it?

It's been open all this time.

Oh, leave him alone.

I did, Pa.

In a pig's eye, you locked it.


Please don't be frightened.

Mitch, in here.

Who are you?

This girl is very badly hurt.

I had to bring her
here. I'm a doctor.

Yeah, just walked right in
like you own the place, huh?

Well, she is very badly hurt.

I'll get some help.

I've already done that.

An ambulance is on the way.

I, uh...

I borrowed some tape
from your medicine cabinet.

Sure, just help yourself to
half the house while you're at it.


I only gave that, uh,

ambulance driver
general directions.

I better go out on the highway
and see if he finds the place.

Perry will drive you over.

Sure. The, uh, car
is in the garage.

That's very kind of you.

I'll stay here with her.

Well, that's fine.

Let her sleep. It's
what she needs.

How did you break in, doc?

Took a piece of cardboard
and flipped the latch.

Oh, that the way you
usually make house calls?

Mitch, hold your
tongue. Go on, Perry.

I'll get the keys.

Oh, doc, uh, just...
Just a minute.

You know, I wonder
if there's something

that maybe you'd be
good enough to explain.

Stop it.

Both of you.

It's him, Millie, the guy we
heard about on the radio.

That must be the
policewoman in the bedroom.

See? He cut the phone line.

Give it to me, Millie.

What are you gonna do?

Give it to me, Millie.

Now, Perry, you run
over to the Toller farm.

Use the phone there.

Call the police.

Go with him, Millie.

Perry can go. I'll
stay here with her.

Do as I say.

Come on, Mom.

Now, let's get into that bedroom

and no tricks.

This thing has two barrels on it

and I won't miss
twice. Now, move.

You all right, Miss?


You are that
policewoman, aren't you?



How do you feel now,
Dr. Richard Kimble?

All right, we'd better go.

Where are you taking him?



What's the matter, Miss?

You think I'm gonna sh**t him?

Then why are you
taking me outside?

Come on.


Wait a minute.

I mean it.

I'm warning you.

So what's the big deal, Jane?

You were a frightened kid
going through a nightmare.

No one in his right
mind can blame you

for having k*lled that man.

What about my father?

Oh, for the love of Pete.

I k*lled him, lieutenant,

by letting him take the blame.

He used to say, "Oh,
it doesn't matter, Janie.

This is the way I want it."

But I could tell when
people pointed at him.

Being taken off the force, I...

I guess that nearly
broke his heart.

Honey, you can bet that hunk

of tin right there,

he'd never have taken the
blame unless he'd wanted to.

Sure he loved the force.

He just loved you more.

Now, what are you going to do?

I don't know.

Well, you can start with this:

I'm not accepting
your resignation.

I told you...

I want you back in
this office in one week.

Maybe we'll talk about
it then, maybe we won't.

Now, get out of here.

Buy yourself a
dress or something.

Lieutenant, I... Harry,
get her out of here

and make sure she comes back.

I can't... Now, don't
you know better

than to argue with a policeman?

Yes, sir.

All men run the risk of
being chained to their pasts.

For Richard Kimble that
bondage is stronger than the steel

that hangs from his wrist.

And so he moves on, searching,

knowing that for him, now,

there can be no freedom.