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04x04 - Three the Hard Way

Posted: 04/22/22 06:28
by bunniefuu
Na-no, na-no.

I feel so nauseous.

Oh, my stomach feels
like cat drool on a dog lip.

Yes, this seltzer shall be the eraser
on the blackboard of life. It shall help.

Why am I talking like a character
in a Tennessee Williams' play?

I don't know. It doesn't matter.

Here. Here I go.

Wow, what a head rush! For sure.

Oh, more tiny bubbles
than a Don Ho medley.


Little hugger squash.

- Happy one-month anniversary to you.
- Oh.

What do you give someone
for their one-month anniversary?

Styrofoam. That's why I
bought you a boogie board.

That's romantic.

Well, I have a little
surprise for you.

The Hammond family is
doing a TV special in Boulder,

and I'll cover the
dress rehearsal.

I thought you might
wanna come with me.

The Hammond family? Oh,
Mind, the All-American Hammonds?

Oh, Mind. I especially love Donna
and Mario. They're my favorite.

Oh, Mind, that's
wonderful. That... Pass.

Pass? But, Mork,
it's our anniversary.

I mean, I know, but I've
got millions of things to do,

and I have to send a condolence
card to Morris, the cat's mother.

At least come down
and have lunch with me.

I said I was busy!

- Whoa. Aren't we snippy today.
- Mind, I'm sorry.

You know how I get before
the opening of trout season.

We'll have a lovely dinner
tonight, won't we, hon? Maybe?

- Okay, I accept your apology.
- Aw.

I gotta run. Well, I'll
see you after work. Bye.

- Big kiss. Bye.
- Bye, little "pooter."

Oh, what a performance.

My stomach feels like it has a
Greek Orthodox wedding going on in it.

Doctor, is that you?


Is that you?

Mork, I'm glad you called.

I don't ordinarily
make house calls.

I had to make an
exception in this case.

I don't have an office.

Exidor, I don't
feel very well. I'm...

Go no further.

First I need you
to sign this waiver.

It clears me of any wrongdoing

in the event of death
or permanent disability

resulting from my total ignorance
of the medical profession.

But you're a doctor.

The only reason I became a
doctor was to get MD plates,

so I could park in
front of Bloomingdale's.

Oh, moment, open
your mouth wide.

Nurse Ryan, will
you come in, please?

What are you gawking at? Haven't
you ever seen a naked man before?


Three fifteen, that's
a tad high, Mork.

It'd be perfect if I
were a rump roast.

Exidor, do something just as long as
I don't have to have anything shaved.


You better turn your
head. This might hurt a little.

Damn, I'm good!

Exidor, I feel strange
and wonderful.

I feel kind of achy and...

I mean... I have cravings
for, like, Teflon bananas.

I feel kind of queasy and
short-tempered! What is it? What is it?

Well, either you're turning into
Billy Martin, or you're pregnant.

- That's...
- That's... That's it.

I'm preggers.

I've got a bun in the oven.

Nonsense! And
that's me saying it.

Wait, wait. No, no, no!

You don't understand.
You really don't understand.

You see, I think I really am
pregnant. I could be pregnant.

You see, an Orkan and an
Earthling have never mated before.

It's possible. You know,
if it is, it's a miracle.

Every patient thinks
that their case is special.

All right, come into my
consultation room. We'll talk it over.

Just sit here.

I feel so weak in the knees.


I'm pregnant, I'm
really pregnant.

Oh, I can't wait to tell
Mindy and Omni magazine.

Mork, as your personal
physician and doubles partner,

I suggest that you break
it to your wife gently.

And work on that serve.


I just felt a sharp
pain, Exidor.

Another one too.
What does it mean?

Well, it means you're in
labor and I'm playing singles.

My little bundle of joy.

Oh, look.

My little bundle's here.
Oh, say hello to the world.

I don't know if it's a boy or a
girl. We won't know till it hatches.

Oh, that's wonderful.
And look, I have a navel.

That's wonderful. And
no stretch marks either.

Hello, little "nooter."

I'm a mother, and I'm gonna give you
everything except an Oedipus complex.

And I can read Harlequin books now,
and stay up all night for no reason. Yay!

Come on now. Smile.
Say, "Cheez Whiz."

There you go. A
picture of you and mom.

Oh, boy, Mindy is
really gonna love you.

That is, if I get up the nerve
to tell her that you were born.

- Hi, Mork, I'm home.
- Nap time.

Here we go.


Well, I've got this great idea.

How to make our one-month
anniversary even better

than our three-week
anniversary. Wanna hear it?

You can't really top
Andy Warhol's 3D Hamlet.

"Oh, what a rogue and
peasant sl*ve am I."


Well, we're gonna
get all dressed up,

and we're gonna go out and do
something we've never done before.

That's fine. Put on your prom dress
and I'll put on my Mr. Peanut outfit.

Then we can have a very candid,
sober discussion about family.

Oh, Mork, I wanna go out
and do something romantic.

Like, I wanna go ride the carousel,
or... I know. Let's put on warm clothes,

go out and make angels in
the snow like in Love Story.

The sad thing about that movie

was that she became an angel
before she ever had a family.

You know what's making
a big romantic comeback?

- The family unit.
- Don't talk to me about family units.

I just spent the whole day with the
Hammond family, all nine of them.

Come on, Mork, let's
just go out, you and me.

I mean, we're young, we're
in love, we're newlyweds.

You're absolutely right, Mind.

Maybe we should have a little
tête-à-tête and then sit and talk.

What's wrong with going out and
having some good old-fashioned fun?

We could talk in
Latin if you want.


Mind, Mind. Mind, Mind, how
can we lead such frivolous lives?

I mean, when you consider
what's going on in the world today.

I mean, trouble in El
Salvador, cruise missiles.

I mean, bad line-calls
against John McEnroe.

And the family.

Why do you keep
bringing up family?

I'd like to have one,
Mind. Right now.

Look, Mork.

I wanna have a family
someday just as badly as you do.

But a family is
something you plan for.

We're just starting out.

We're not really ready
emotionally or financially.

My gosh, my career's just
getting off the ground, and yours...

Well, this is America.

Mork, if we had
a baby right now,

it wouldn't be fair to
the child in the long run.

Maybe down the road a bit.
Now, let's just go out, you and me,

- for a good time.
- You don't understand.

Time is of the essence.
Pakistan has the b*mb

and all they have to
do is roll it down the hill.

Mork, we just got married.

It's the time for the two of us, so
let's work on that a while, all right?

Now, I'm gonna go get changed,

and we're gonna go have
a nice candlelight dinner.

And then maybe go
for a sleigh ride. Okay?

And then maybe come
home and thaw each other out.

There's gotta be some way we
can get you and Mindy together.

Too bad it's not Easter, huh?

Do you know what time it is?
- I swear I heard somebody.

I didn't hear anything.

- There it is again.
- Who could it be at this hour?

Maybe it's a Jehovah's Witness with
the Watchtower with the late scores.

There's nobody
there. Good night.

It might be Claude Rains, Mind.

Good night.

Hey, you! Come back here!

No, mister, take
good care of him.

Look. Mind, somebody
left a baby on our doorstep.

Somebody would leave a...

A baby? It's just an egg.

Just an egg, Mind? Shouldn't
we not be prejudiced?

Look. There's a
note down here too.

"I have left my child because I
know you'll take good care of it.

You are good, kind, understanding
people, especially you, Mindy."

Let's see, it's about 2:30 a.m.

Yeah, I think that's a good
time for an explanation.

All right, Mind, this is merely
conjecture, but I'll give it a try.

A poor, unwed mother is cast
out of Boston by her WASP parents.

"Muffy, Tad and I believe
that you have to leave,

but we packed your few Lacoste
shirts and your penny loafers."

She wanders around Boston,

selling her own hair and
a few Springsteen tickets

to raise enough money
to buy milk for her child.

That's real... That's real interesting,
Mork. Now, how about the truth?

The truth is, Mind, that she was
an unwed mother from Thailand

whose Buddhist
parents said, "Bung How,

you have forgot your
mantra for the last time."

The truth.

Okay, you want the truth,
I'll give you the truth, vérité.

In your hand you
are holding our child.


Enough for tonight. It's
going back in the refrigerator.

Mind, Mind, Mind! The
world is cold enough as it is.

Daddy didn't mean that.

Mork, this would be
one of your better jokes,

except men don't have babies,
and for sure they can't lay eggs.

Mind, Mind, Mind.

You know that I am a
test-tube child without a navel.

And look, wait a minute,
let me show you here.

What's that?

See, Mind, I'm telling
you the truth. I'm not lying.


Wait a minute.

Well, you mean...


You mean, you and
I...? When... And I?

And then you...?

And here it is?

You should work for
Reader's Digest, Mind.

No, no, no.

No, no.

Oh, no.

No, I have to sit down.

Oh, no.

All right, assuming that I am
not dreaming and that is our child,

what is that gonna be?

I don't know, but he's gonna have
his own affirmative action program.

I don't think there's anything
that has happened to me in my life

that could possibly prepare me
for the fact that that is our child.

Not even all the Twilight
Zones I've watched.

Mind, you told me it
wasn't the right time,

so I tried to find
other parents for it,

and then I realized the best parents
in the whole world would be you and I.

Mind, we'd love this.

I mean, can we keep him?
Can we, Mindy? Can we?

Well, of course
we'll keep it, Mork.

I mean, I'd love anything
you and I made together.

Mind, you weren't too
crazy about that bookcase.

That was different.

Oh, Mind, at last we have
someone we can cherish

and have someone
who can test our will.

I mean, someone that we can
put medication out of reach of.

Mind, is something wrong?

Why would you say that?

Well, I've never seen
anyone grit their back before.

Yo, there we go!

No, everything's great.

Mind, you're not really
too convincing in that.

You sound like Nancy Reagan

saying she doesn't spend a
lot of money on new dishes.

Oh, I don't know, Mork.

It's just that I had
this insane idea

that when you and I
decided to plan a family,

I would be the one
who had the baby.

I don't know, I...

Maybe I was... I looked forward to
knowing that there was a baby inside,

and craving strange
foods and getting fat,

and not being
able to see my feet.

Oh, Mind, come on now. Just
because you're not the mother,

doesn't mean that it
doesn't need your love.

- Oh, I know, Mork.
- Oh, Mind, Mind, Mind.

Come on, you're gonna be the
prettiest, softest father a kid ever had.

Thanks. I just... I just need
some time to get used to this.

It's just pretty strange.

Mind. I...

- I think you'd better hurry, Mind.
- Why?

Because our child is growing faster
than a Russian athlete on steroids.

Oh, Mork.

Didn't know I could knit, huh?

It's amazing with a little
love how much you can grow.

What is in that egg?

I don't know, Mind,
but I hope it's healthy.

I just wanna know if it's
a boy, girl or pterodactyl.

Pterodactyls are nice, but
they're hard to potty-train

once they're airborne, you know.

Oh, Mork. How
can you be so calm?

Don't you think that
thing is a little gigantic?

Well, some people show
more than others, Mind.

- When do you think it's gonna arrive?
- Well, by the look, about 24 hours.

Twenty-four hours!

But humans get nine months.

Elephants get two
years. I get 24 hours?

It takes longer than
that to get Peking duck.

Boy, he can sure kick, Mind.
Are you related to Bruce Lee?

I guess there's not much
for me to do at this birth.

Come on now. You've
gotta be a parent too.

Now, come over here
and touch it. Now just pat it.

You know, put your arms around
it. Have you hugged your egg today?

- Oh, Mork, I feel silly.
- You should. I told you to hug an egg.

Come on, come on, come on.

- It's nice and warm.
- It should be. I sat on it all night.

- I can hear a heartbeat.
- Why don't you talk to it?

Oh, I don't think so.

Oh, come on now, Mind.
You talk to your plants

including that wandering jew.
"Where are we today? I don't know."


This is Mindy, your mother. Uh,
your father. One of your parents.

I feel like Shari Lewis
without Lamb Chop.

Mind, isn't it wonderful? We're
parents now. We get to say things like,

"Don't put that in your mouth!
You don't know where it's been!"

That's true.

Mind, have you
thought of a name yet?

Well, yeah.

I'd kind of like to name
it Beth, after my mother.

If it's a girl. And it
doesn't have wings.

I have a certain
sentimental attachment...

Attachment to a
name if it's a boy.

- What's that?
- Rodan.

- No, I don't think so.
- Oh, a little too ethnic?

Well, how about Jennifer,
or maybe Mustafa Joaquin?

Oh, Mork, how are we gonna
explain to people that you laid an egg,

and we hatched a baby?

And only after one
month of marriage?

We'll tell them we
had to get married.

I've been thinking about this and I think
we should keep this our little secret.

- Mind, are you ashamed of our child?
- Oh, no.

No, Mork, but what if somebody
found out it was part alien?

Who knows what they'd do to it?

And then they'd find out you're an alien
and who knows what they'd do to you?

Federales! Federales!

Shh. Who is it?

- A sad and desperate man.
- Oh, no, it's Mr. Bickley.

Uh... Uh, we'll be right
there. We're not decent.

I don't wanna see
you. I wanna talk to you.

- What do we do?
- The bedroom.

No, not now. We
have company, Mind.

- I meant the egg.
- I know that.

I was trying to give a little comic
relief in these moments of tension.

Easy, easy, gentle, gentle.

- Mind, Mind, Mind.
- Uh, we'll be right there.

Be careful.


Oh, no.

Why do I feel like we're at a
company picnic on Saturn, Mind?

I'm counting to five.

Open the door, or I'm climbing
into the trash compactor.

- I think it's beginning to crack.
- Oh, Mind, I'll stay here with the egg.

I think it's almost time now.

I hope all this rolling around
hasn't turned him into a quiche.

Look, I'll get rid
of Mr. Bickley.

Hi, Mr. Bickley.

- What a nice suit.
- Thanks, I'm about to be buried in it.

Oh, Mr. Bickley, you
dropped in at a bad time.

- I was washing my hair.
- Please, Mindy,

- I don't wanna talk about it.
- Oh, then I respect your feelings.

- Bye.
- I met Dorinda at a Club Med luau.

The second I laid eyes on her,
I knew I had to make her mine.

Sure, she was a lot younger
than me, but she loved older men.

Oh, it is a nice story, Mr. Bickley,
but maybe you can tell me it tomorrow.

Our romance blossomed,
and we decided to get married.

So last night I took her to meet
Dad. That's when the trouble started.

- Oh, your father objected?
- No, she ran off with him.

That's too bad, Mr. Bickley.

"Too bad"? You call
that pity? Where's Mork?

Oh, uh... Uh, Mork's in the
bedroom having breakfast.

Rice Krispies.

Hi, Bick.

Nice suit you got there.
How's life treating you?

It all started when I met
Dorinda at a Club Med luau.

She told me she loved...
What? What is that noise?

Oh, I'm just listening to
my Exorcist soundtrack.

Little Linda's head is just
starting to spin around.

Mind, could you give
me a little moral support

and maybe a ball-peen hammer?

What's going on in there
that's more important than me?

No! You don't wanna go in there.

- It will only remind you of Dorinda.
- Oh, you're right.

Everything does.

I'll never be able to look at my
family album, or eat suckling pig again.

Mr. Bickley, you've got to know that
those gray skies are gonna clear up.

So put on a happy face and remember,
there's always more fish in the sea.

But I want a girl just like the
girl that ran off with dear old Dad.

Mindy, I don't wanna upset you,

but I think there's a
great big nest over there.

- What?
- Don't you see it?

- Yes.
- What is it?

It's a great big nest.

What the hell is it doing there?

Boy, is Mork gonna be
upset. His pet condor got away.

Why do I come here?

It's going to happen.

You don't wanna miss this like
you did Beverly Sills at Marineland.

This is it, Mind.

Isn't it much nicer having the baby
at home rather than in a hospital?

Now, it's important
that we don't panic,

and if we panic, it's
important we're not loud.

I just hope it's healthy.

I just hope it doesn't
eat the bedroom set.

- I love you, Mind.
- I love you too, Mork.

It's a boy.

It's a man!