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05x22 - Walker Down the Aisle

Posted: 04/21/22 18:37
by bunniefuu
Good morning

and welcome to "mear d--"

"dear--" oh, God. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I think maybe you're
gonna have to bear with me.

Hopefully my coffee will kick in soon,

'cause this little mom has
had one hell of a weekend.

When Charles Dickens wrote,

"it was the best of times,
it was the worst of times,"

who knew he was actually talking
about my daughter's wedding?


More accurately, our daughter's wedding.

But that was only part of the problem.

Are you awake yet, honey?

Yes. I'm awake.

I didn't sleep very well.

Mm. Me neither.

I have a terrible feeling of foreboding.

Oh, Sarah. You're-- you're just a bride.

That's how brides feel.
You're just nervous.

And besides, the whole reason
you spent the night here

was so you wouldn't see Luc,
so you wouldn't jinx it.

But I should be at mom's,

like I was with my first wedding.

Oh, I don't know.
Look how that turned out.

Are you % positive

that they're really seeing each other?

Yeah. She's seeing Brody.

The last time I saw them,

they were all snuggled
together on the couch.

She's probably wondering

why I'm not calling him daddy already.

So why don't you go over and
get dressed at her house?

Get dressed in your old bedroom.
You know she wants that.

Well, it's too late for that.

Everything's organized
for me at the church.

It is your wedding, Sarah.

And I don't want you to regret anything.

Are you awake?


Are you awake, honey?


What are you doing out here?

Mm. Daniel woke up. I had to feed him.

Oh, well, Daniel's asleep,

so why don't you come back to bed?

Oh. Honey, as much as I miss sex,

I miss sleep more.


- Hi. It's me. - Were you gonna
have sex with your Bluetooth on?

- Yeah, I'm the wedding planner.
I have to be on call. - Oh.

- Please tell me everything's okay.
- Yes. Have a little faith.

Hold on. Someone's on the other line.

- Hello? - I really need to talk to you.
What, about Sarah?

- She's on the other line.
- No, it's about me, and don't tell Sarah.

Just call me back whenever you can,

- okay?
- I am the wedding planner, but okay.

- Sarah. - Who was that?
- Uh, the deejay.

Hang on. Someone's on the other line.

- K--
- Hello?

It's Paige. Can you talk to my mom?

She won't let me bring
Andrew to the wedding.

Paige, why are you talking funny,
and who's Andrew?

I have a mask on,
and I don't want it to crack,

and he's my boyfriend.

- You have a boyfriend?
- Paige has a boyfriend?

- Yeah, he's so cool.
- I'll talk to your mom.

She's on the other line.

- Please.
- Done.

So Paige has this boyfriend who--

- Oh, God. If I hear one more thing
about-- - Fine. It's dropped.

Good. Now please tell me,
is everything set up at the hotel?

Yeah, I'm sure,
but I'll check in with Justin.

Oh, is he still sleeping with that manager?

- Is she still married?

I think she's getting a divorce.

Oh, yeah. That's what they all say.

- Hello? - Now I know we're not
supposed to see each other,

- but I thought it would be okay
if we talked. - I missed you.

I missed you, too. Hey,

- are your parents here yet?
- This afternoon.

I can't believe I'm gonna see my dad.

It's been such a long time.

I can't believe
they're actually coming together.

- Yeah, me, too.
- You're getting married.

- You're getting married.
- Here we go.

Luc, you have to talk to mom.

- Whoa. What happened to you?
- I'm wearing a face mask.

- It's early.
- Well, i-is that her?

Okay, put her on.

Mom. Mom, can we please just
talk about this like adults?

No, because you're not an adult.
It's not appropriate.

Just forget it.

I'll take care of it.

Thank you.

Oh, listen, honey, I gotta go.

Someone's at the door.
I can't wait to see you.

- I love you.
- Okay, bye.


Ooh. I can't believe you're here.

Well, you asked me to
walk you down the aisle.

Where do you think I'd be?

Daniel is still sleep,
so why don't you come back to bed?

- Kevin, no, I don't want to.
- Well--

How come you guys won't help Paige?

- Uh--no.
- Because it's none of our business.

Paige, they're not budging.

Man, I can't believe this.

Uh, hold on. It's Andrew on the other line.

- Ooh.
- Okay? I'll call you back.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- Hello. - Yeah, hey, Kevin.
It's Saul. Listen we have

a little bit of a problem here,
and you know what, buddy?

- I don't want you to panic.
- What? Of course I'm panicking.

You say something like that,
Saul, of course I'm gonna panic.

Kevin, the cake isn't here.
They got the date all wrong.

So what we've been doing is,

uh, Jonathan and I have been up
all night, uh, making cupcakes.

- Cupcakes?
- I love cupcakes.

That's right.
We're gonna make a cupcake tree.

Kevin, you know what?
I'm not happy about this either.

It's very wedding chic right now.

I can't believe this.
Have you spoken with Sarah?

- 'Cause she's gonna rip me a new one.
- I knew you were gonna freak,

and I don't want to talk
to you about this now.

I have cupcakes that we have to finish,

and I want to tell you something, Kevin.

I'm gonna call Sarah
because you're a wuss.

Hey, Paige. Are you all right?

Yeah, I'll be fine.
I'm--I'm not gonna ruin the day for mom.

- Ask her if Luc is up.
- Is Luc up?

He's right here. It's Kevin.

- Oh. Hey, Kevin.
- Stop.

- Hi, how's it going?
- Oh, it's going great.

I have the two kids right next to me,
my parents are coming,

and I'm getting married. Not a bad day.

How do you feel about cupcakes?
Hold on a second.

Cupcakes? Oh!

Oh, that's mom calling me on the cell.

Let me, uh,
I'll-- I'll call you back. Hello.

- How's it going?
- Don't ask. How is it with you?

I'm fine.

I'm trying to find something
for Sarah to use for the old.

- For the what?
- The old.

You know, something old,
something new, blah, blah, blah.

And then I'm to give it
to her at the church.

Have you spoken with Sarah yet?

Not really. She seems to be avoiding me.

Kevin, this is just... so awful.

Try not to worry.
I'm sure everything will be fine.

Yeah. You know, I have to go,

- so I-I-I'll see you at the church.
- Yeah, bye.

You can't keep coming over
for breakfast like this.

Well, then stop inviting me.

Well, I can't stop inviting you.

- I hate it when you leave at night.
- Oh.

I can't wait for the morning to come.

Oh, I know the feeling.

It can't come soon enough for me.

Whatcha doin'?

Well, I'm trying to find something

that Sarah can use...

You kept this?

Please give that to me.

I already did, years ago.

You kept it?

Well, of course I did.



Hello. I-I was just leaving.


Yeah, well, what are you doing here?

I, uh, just came by for my something old.

Well, I thought I was gonna
bring it to the church.

I j--I thought it would be nice.

If we picked something out together.

So, uh... I'll take off.

And, uh, have a beautiful wedding, Sarah.

Thank you.

Did you tell anyone yet?


I, uh...

I'm not gonna tell anybody
until we make our decision.

Well, I already told you how I feel.

I know.

I know, but, um...

You know, the more I think about this,

the more excited I get.

I mean, Seth, you have to understand,

that this wasn't supposed to happen.

Do you have any idea

what a good dad you're gonna be?

Come on. That's not...
That's not the point.

This is a mistake, Kitty, and you know it.

I don't think that you
should have this baby.


Okay. Okay, I'm coming.

Sync by
Corrected by susanaLC

How about this beautiful
old antique barrette?

Maybe I could be my own something old?

How about a purse? You want a purse?
I've got a purse.

- Why are you talking like an auctioneer?
- What are you doing here?

- This is for women only.
- Exactly. I'm just checking in.

- Saul called me about the cupcakes.
- Ugh.

It's--no, it's fine. It's fine.


- Oh, my gosh, Paige.
You look like a super model. - Yeah.

How did I ever give birth
to anything so beautiful?

No, stop fussing with it. It fits fine.

It doesn't fit, and even
if it did, who cares?

My boyfriend won't even be here to see it.

- Your boyfriend?
- Your boyfriend? Wow.

Yeah, Andrew.
But since my mom's all about

banning people from the wedding,

- he won't be coming.
- Why can't Andrew come?

Because she's .

W-wa-wait a minute.

I seem to remember a young
girl who was barely ,

who was so madly in love
with Davey Martinez...

- that she wrote a -verse song--
- That was a different situation.

What was it called? It was "when

Dave's lips touched mine.
"Dave's lips touched mine."

- Oh, my God. Sing it.
- No! Don't s--

- * When Dave's lips touched mine *
- Don't sing it.

- * I felt so fine *
- Kitty--

- * like a grape on the vine *
- Please, stop.

- * lt tickled my spine *
- Okay. Okay! Okay!

- * but it was so divine * - Andrew can
come to the reception. - He can?

- Yes.
- Thank you! Thank you, Aunt Kitty.

- I'm gonna go call him. - All right.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, Paige.

I've gotta talk to his parents.

Kitty, what's the matter?

It's nothing. It's just--

Oh, God. It's crazy.

It's just I remember Paige
when--when she was a baby.

I mean, look at her.

Yes, I kn--

Okay, I just thought of something.

Okay, I'll be right back.

Okay, what is going on with you?

I'm pregnant.

You're pregnant?

Shh. I just--
I don't want anybody to know.

But that's-- I-I thought you couldn't.

I know. I know. I--it happened.

That's amazing. Are--are you happy?

Yes. I'm very happy, happier every minute.

- It's Seth.
- Well, yeah, I assumed it was Seth.

No. Seth isn't happy.

Okay, I've got it.

This is what she's gonna want--
Ida's compact. It's perfect.

Five, six, seven, eight.

♪ Baby I need your loving ♪

♪ Got to have ♪

♪ all your love ♪

Now maybe I'll do
a little solo? Like...

- * baby I need *
- Okay.

You're laughing.
Why are you laughing again?

No, I'm just enjoying

watching you confirm your heterosexuality.

Come on Justin, you can do this.

Okay, Saul and Cooper-- they learned it.

Tommy got it. It's easy.

Well, it's easy for you.
Look at those hips.

Yeah, how did you become
such a good dancer?

- Did Gabriela teach you?
- No. Uh, actually, it was all my father.

His mom owned a dance studio.

I just can't wait to see
him in a suit, though.

I hope my mom doesn't ruin
the whole thing for him.

She's not gonna ruin your wedding.

Why not? She ruined her own marriage.

He loved her. She cheated on him.

Okay, there was probably other
reasons why it didn't work,

like, you know, maybe they
weren't meant to be together.


Well, they were married,
and she kept cheating on him.

That's why it didn't work out.

So apropos of nothing, how's Tyler?

She's getting a divorce, all right?

And she's been separated for,
like, ever, and--

- Maybe that's your parents.
- Yeah.

It's been years
I didn't see them together.

- Wow, wow, wow, wow. Yeah, wow. Wow. Wow.
- I don't understand this.

So you put your left foot in front,
and then you turn?

- Hi.
- Oh, darling. Oh.

- How are you?
- Ça va?

- Hi.
- Hi.

Hi, guys. Nice to see you, Justin.


O est papa?

He couldn't make it.


He got so swamped with his business.

He tried to get away,
but he just couldn't.

But he sends his love.

And he's really, really sorry.

What about you, mom?

Are you sorry?

Sarah, Sarah, look what I found.

I k this is perfect.
It's your grandmother's compact.

- I even polished it all up--
- No, no, no, mom. It's--it's fine.

Listen, I appreciate you

going up to the attic for all this stuff,

but I think my something old
should be yours.

You know, I remember sneaking in
here when I was a kid.

We would play with this
stuff like it was treasure.

You did?

This ring?

We used to call this your babysitting ring.

You'd only ever wear it
if you were going out.

And we had a sitter.

Well, that's perfect, honey.
Wear that.

No, silver's not right.

Oh, my gosh.


I remember this.

Oh, no. You don't want to wear that.

That's the tackiest thing on earth.

No, no, no, I used to love this.

I'd always ask you,
"mommy, why don't you wear this one?"

And you would say,
"because I don't want to lose it."

So then I would think
it must have been magic,

and that if I wore it,
I'd turn into a princess.

This is it.

This is my something old.

Okay. Fine.

Thanks, mom.


Uh, about ten minutes since
the last time you asked me.

You know, it might speed
things up if you didn't try

to make each cupcake
into a personal work of art.

Jonathan, I have to replace a
stunning, -tier wedding cake

with--with these snacks.

The least we can do is
make each one of these

- look as lovely as possible.
- Everybody loves cupcakes.

They'll be the hit of the event.

Besides, a romantic commitment
between two people

isn't about a wedding cake
or even a marriage.

It's symbolism, Jonathan,
and when two people

make a romantic commitment to each other,

there's got to be something that
they can show to the world.

Isn't it enough for two people
to say "I love you"?

You just don't get it, do you?

- Well, what's that supposed to mean?
- Nothing.

Oh, come on, Saul.

You're not insinuating that
we should be getting married.

I'm not insinuating anything,

so let's just get this packed up.

And please be caful with the frosting.
Come on.


Whoa. Don't you look sharp?

Oh, I feel like I should be
handing out an Oscar in this.

What are you doing here?

- Isn't the wedding about to--
- Oh, no. I'm late.

I just told Luc that
I would drop this stuff off

because they're staying here tonight.

Mona, would you have a
bellman run these up to ?

- Mm-hmm.
- Thanks.

Oh, by the way, are you and Mike
going to that barbecue?

Please don't tell me Dan and I
will be the only couple there

under ?

No, we aren't going.

I forgot. Everyone here still thinks

- that you and your husband are together.
- I told you,

it's just easier not
to have people ask questions.

So that's his-- that's his name, Mike?


Look, um, this is just starting
to get a little too real.

It's complicated, I know, but that's--

Okay, no, Tyler,
I think we need some space.

Let's figure out what's going on.

My marriage is over.
That's what's going on.

Look, I gotta go.
I'll be back for the reception.


No, no, no, no! You can't see her.

- You can't see her.
- Kevin, I need to talk to Sarah.

- No.
- It's important.

- Kevin.
- Okay, just talk.


What is it, honey? Is everything okay?

My father is not coming.

Oh, no. Why not?

I don't know.

My mom gave me some lame excuses

about how overwhelmed he is with work.

I know she did something-- Lied to him,

- told him not to come.
- It's ironic, isn't it?

Here you are,
heartbroken that your dad's not here,

and mine would be here
in a shot if he could.

You're listening to your heart.

- I'm proud of you for that.
- Oh, honey, I'm proud of--

Okay, guys, guys, guys, guys,
I'm so sorry.

- We're really tight on time.
- Wh--


Hey, hey. Are we the first ones?

Yes, you are, and I love a man
who's on time. Where's Kitty?

Oh, she's, uh, she's bringing your mom.

Look at you, buddy. Don't you look spiffy?

He also looks like someone who
needs to go to the bathroom?

- Oh, okay. It's, uh, it's right down
the hall. - Okay.

Um, Kitty told me your news.

- She did?
- Yeah, and I think it's great.

Uh-huh. Um, uh, let's--let's, uh,
let's talk about this later.

Believe me.
I-I wasn't sure if I could handle

being a father either.

Once it happens, it's magic.
And you're probably thinking,

is now the right time,
but is there ever really a right time?

- I gotta go! - Uh... all right.
All right. Let's--let's go.



I know. I'm not supposed to be here.

I had to see how beautiful you looked

on the day of our daughter's wedding.


Oh, Brody. What a mess.

I'm finally ready.

I swear, I just cannot walk in these...

- Hi.
- Hi.

We haven't met, I'm Brody.

I'm guessing that you're Kitty.

Yeah, I'm Kitty. Nice to meet you.

- Yeah.
- So it's late. We've gotta go.

Oh. So you're gonna go to the wedding now?

- Oh, no, ma'am.
- He's not coming to the wedding.

You know he's not coming to the wedding.
He's verboten.

Sarah's probably standing
out there with a bouncer,

- making sure-- - Nora, Nora,
take a breath. It's okay. It's fine.

Well, I'm... sorry.
I mean, this is awkward.

- But Sarah--
- Oh, hey, it's fine.

Okay. Okay, great.
Um, so I'll see you in the car.

I'll--I'll be in the car. Hurry up, okay?

So, um...

I'll call you if I can.

Yeah. Have fun.

Take lots of pictures now.

Yeah, I will.

Mom, you've gotta go very
gently with the zipper.

All right. I will. I will.

Oh, my God, where is my something blue?

- Your what? - My something blue,
a handkerchief of dad's.

- Yes, I know what it is. Hold on.
- Saul got them from the dry cleaners after

- after--after he died, and I haven't
seen it all morning. - Sarah, Sarah, shallow

- breathing sends less oxygen
to the brain. - Kitty?

Sorry. Sorry. I'm just not
feeling so good at the moment.

- Okay, five minutes, ladies.
- Mom. You--you don't look very good.

- None of us look good.
It's a wedding. - No, mom--

Our nerves are all frayed,
except you sweetheart.

- You look lovely.
- It's nerves.

M-mom's right.
I'm gonna go find a ladies room.

- Kevin.
- Don't panic. She'll be fine.

I'm just gonna go check on Luc.

- Okay, mom! Just--
- What?

So the bride's on the left side, right?

Yeah, yeah. I--yeah. I don't know.

Dude, this is a wedding, not a funeral.

I know. I'm just...
I'm in my head about Tyler.

Wh-what, is this about what we said?

Come on, dude. We were just razzing you.

No, you guys were right.

Like, what am I, a home wrecker now?

I don't want to be that guy,
especially with the history

in this family, Tommy.

Relax, all right?
Th-this could be a good thing.

We're at a wedding.

Do you know what the number-one cause

- of drunken horniness in girls is?
- Tequila.



And nothing ignites
desperation in the ladies

like watching one of their own
get the golden ticket.

Uh, when did you become Jack Nicholson?

Hey, I'm just your brother
trying to help, all right?

You don't need her, all right?

Hey, are you guys here
for the Walker wedding?

Yes, we, uh, yeah.

It should be starting any minute.

Oh, sorry. Churches make me nervous.

Can't imagine why.

Uh, you don't know where
I could find a drink, do you?

Um, this is a church.


Well, they don't call me
spring break ' for nothing.

Um, where's the little girl's room?

Uh, little girl's room

is straight down at the end of the hall.

- You can't miss it.
- Thanks.

I'll catch you later...

- If there's a God.
- Whoa.

Are you sad that
your dad didn't come?

As long as I have
my best man, I'll be fine.

I'm there for ya.

- How are you guys doing in here?
- Ready.

- Good. Uh, do you have the rings?
- Uh-oh. Oh.

- Don't--
- Uh-oh. sh**t.

This isn't fun-- don't--don't--don't do--


- I gotcha.
- It's not funny.

You'll give me a heart attack
one day, and I'll die.

- Live with that.
- Excuse me.

What do you want?

Oh, I almost forgot about this.

They are your father's cuff links.

I thought you might like to have 'em.


You nervous?

You know, it's not that bad.

Once you're up there with everybody--

Okay, I'll be fine, mom.
You should go sit down.

It's about to start.




Oh, dear.

Oh, sweetie, are you okay?

Yeah, thank you. I'm fine.

I'm... just a little, uh--

Hung over? Ugh. Been there/am there.

- Uh, no. - Oh, is it the flu?
Should I keep my dtance?

No, it's not the flu.

Oh, preggers. Duh.

Oh, babe. I'm so sorry.
I've been there, too.

It's the worst.

But congrats.

Aunt Kitty, you're pregnant?

No, Paige. No, no.


What on earth are you doing in the stall?

Uh, I-I-I was just...

Trying to make my dress work.

I'm just gonna leave you girls to it.

Oh, excuse me. Have you seen my sister?
Is she in there?

We really need to talk to her.

Oh, I don't know. Is she the pregnant girl?

- The pregnant g-- What? Pregnant?
Wait, who's pregnant? - Uh--

Good luck, mom.

Oh, God.



What did Paige just say?
Did you hear her say anything?

Nothing. Sh-sh--
What are you talking about?

You look beautiful.
I'll see you out there, okay?

I promise you, Paige is not pregnant.

- She's got a boyfriend.
- You're insane, okay? Just breathe.

- You're about to get married.
Breathe. Breathe. - Oh, holy crap.

Look, come over here.
You're gonna be on my left side--

Well, why do I have to
be on your left side?

- Why can't I be on your right side?
- It's protocol.

Protocol? Proto-- damn protocol.

Luc's not talking to his mother,
his father didn't bother coming,

Kitty's throwing up in the bathroom,

- my daughter's probably pregnant.
- She's not pregnant. I promise.

Oh, God. Okay. I just-- I need a minute.

No. Sarah, everybody's waiting.

Well, they're just gonna have
to wait a little bit longer,

because right now, my head is full

of everybody else's problems,

and I don't want to say I
do feeling like this, okay?

I'm gonna go for a little walk

- around the block, and I will come
right back. - No.


That was quick. No rice, no groom?

It hasn't actually happened yet.

I kind of needed a break.

Want a beer?

What are you doing here anyway,
parked down the block?

I just wanted to see my daughter
as she came out of the church,

a married woman.


I always had a hunch that
you were my daughter.

I remember when you--you got
your high school diploma.

- You were there?
- Mm-hmm.

- You were not.
- I was.

You stumbled a bit,

almost fell.

Yeah, I hadn't mastered my heels.

No, but you made a great save.

Came out of it perfect.

I thought, oh, an athlete.
She's gotta be mine.

And then I saw you, uh, do "Oklahoma!"...

At that little theater in the park.

Oh, you were a hell of a-an I-do Annie.

Or whoever the hell she is.



I can't believe this.

That's a nice necklace.

Oh, thanks.

It came from my mother's jewelry box.

It's my something old.

- Mm-hmm.
- She thinks it's tacky.

Hmm. I always kinda liked it.

Years ago, I got it from my mom...

And gave it to yours.

Your mom's the love of my life, you know?

I'm literally having

an out-of-body experience right now.

Like I'm...

Looking down on us both, and...


I'm afraid I'm gonna fall.

Oh, I'll catch you.

- Babe.
- Hmm.

Hey, have you seen my mother?

Uh, no. No, she's probably in the bathroom.


- Okay?
- I'm okay.

I really thought we had

a runaway bride for a minute today.

Mm. Well, she's nothing
if she's not surprising.

You know, Kevin, uh, and I

had a surprising talk today.

Well, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, but I had to tell somebody.

I'm not sure you explained
my side of the story very well.


Mom, we--we just wanted
to say congratulations.

- Oh.
- Congratulations, Mrs. Laurent.

It's Mrs. Laurent.

Mrs. Laurent.

Uh, hey, let's-- let's go find Olivia.



You look beautiful, honey.


Okay, guys, I've gotta get
this question out of my head.

Paige is not pregnant, right?

Because am I going crazy,
or are her breasts...

Like, bigger?

Oh. Okay, okay. Whew.

So who was in the bathroom
with you two, then?

- When?
- Just now. A-a lady came out and said

a girl was pregnant in the bathroom.

No, I don't remember anybody
being in the bathroom with me.


Excuse me.

- You two okay?
- Yeah, everything's great. How are you?

- You having fun?
- Good. Yeah, so much fun.



Jean-Claude just told me
the truth about dad.

Dad is completely broke?

Mom, what happened?

He made some very bad business decisions.

Luc, he feels so humiliated.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because I know how much
you admire your father.

I didn't want to do anything

to destroy the image you have of him.

And I've already done so much

to destroy the one you have of me.

Not anymore.

Look how fantastic this is.

A cupcake pyramid--

it's like their wedding was
catered by the Egyptians.

What are you talking about?
This is just--

It's--it's not traditional.

Oh, come on, Sauly.
Where's your sense of humor?

You know what? You and I just don't have

the same priorities in life, Jonathan.

Oh, for God sake.

Marry me, Saul.

You don't believe in marriage.

But you do, and I believe in you.

Don't do this unless you mean business,

because I might just say yes.

Then say it.


Why are you sitting here by yourself?

I'm not sitting here by myself.

I'm just... I don't know.
I'm holding down the fort.

Okay, what's going on with you today?

You had a stomach thing--

- Are you not feeling well?
- I'm perfectly fine.

But it's something, Kitty.
Tell me now. Time's up.

I'm pregnant.


I know. I can't believe it either.

It's unbelievable.

How long have you known?

Well, just a couple of days, and it's--

You know, it's very complicated.

What did the doctor say?

Well, he's concerned. If I get sick again,

I won't be able to have
the treatments that I need.

But wouldn't it be amazing if Evan had,

like, a little brother or a little sister?

And I mean, I know Sarah drives me crazy,

but I can't imagine my life without her.

Well, I can't imagine my life without you.

Mom, please. You sound just like Seth.

So... you're gonna go through with this?

I don't know.

But I...

I really want to.

Uh, excuse me, everybody.
May I have your attention, please?

- Shh.
- Thank you.

Uh, at this time, I would love to, uh,

make a toast to my beautiful wife.

But as you all know,
English is not my first language,



So instead...


I would like to do a-a
little something else.


♪ Some say it's a sign of weakness ♪

♪ For a man to beg. ♪

♪ Then weak I'd rather be ♪

♪ If it means having you to keep ♪

♪ 'Cause lately I've been losing sleep. ♪

♪ Baby I need your loving, ♪

♪ got to have all your loving. ♪

♪ Baby I need your loving, ♪

♪ got to have all your loving. ♪

♪ Baby I need your loving, ♪

♪ got to have all your loving ♪

♪ Baby I need your loving, ♪

♪ got to have all your loving. ♪

♪ Baby I need your loving, ♪

♪ got to have all your loving. ♪

♪ Baby I need your loving, ♪

♪ got to have all your loving. ♪




- Hi.
- Hey.

I bet this lovely lady

would like a glass of bubbly
on her wedding day.

Oh, no, thank you.
I will stick to the beer.

A girl after my own heart.

Listen, I-I just wanted to say,

I'm glad you're here.

Great party.

There you are.

Uh, vodka, please,
and do not water it down.

What are you doing here?

Look, you can't just tell me
you have a daughter I've never met

and expect me not to be curious.

I mean, I never thought
I'd be at her wedding,

but by the way, it was so beautiful...

And your hubby is sizzling.

I'm so sorry I'm late to this.
My car broke down.

- Ugh. Stupid piece-of-crap rental car.
- I'm sorry. Who are you?

Lori Lynn. Your sister.

You didn't tell her?

Lori Lynn, please.

You know what?

I'm just gonna go check on those cupcakes.

Great touch, by the way.

Don't worry.

We'll talk.

I'm sorry. I...

I didn't think th-- that she'd, uh...

You told your daughter
about me, she was curious,

so she rented a car and crashed my wedding?

She's a complicated kid.

I'm impressed.


Hi. Are you okay?


Oh, no.

Did you meet Lori Lynn?

- Who? - Lori Lynn.
My youngest daughter is here.

What? You're kidding.

One of your three children is here?

Well, actually, I have four.

I thought you told me you had three.

Well, five. I have five,

I-if you count-- Sarah.

- Yeah.
- Yeah. Oh, God.

Brody, what are we getting ourselves into?

Well, my guess would be
complete and utter mayhem.


But, hey, we're all grown-ups.

Yeah, well, not so you could notice.

I wondered where you two had snuck off to.

- What are you doing?
- Resting.

Well, come on, 'cause I want
to see my parents dance.

Oh, we can do that.

We can?

- Let's go.
- Oh, dear God in heaven.

You know, of all the weddings I've done,

- this one was definitely the most--
- Nearly apocalyptic?

No. There were a few surprises,

but trust me, I have seen worse.

Wait till you see us dance. Excuse me.

Uh, ladies and gentlemen.

Ladies and gentlemen,
if I could have your attention.

As your wedding planner extraordinaire,

I'd like you all to turn your focus
to the dance floor,

where the bride and groom will
now take their first dance.


I was just watching. I hope you don't mind.

Uh, no. No, not at all.


I've beending you mixed signals,

and it's not fair.

I don't care about my reputation.

I care about you.

You want to dance?


There's one thing.

I just don't think you can keep up with me.

Let me be the judge of that.

Oh, okay.



Want to dance?


Looking back on it,

I kind of think it was the best of times.

Families, like life,
have a way of changing,

never staying the same,
but they're your family,

this eclectic, deeply bonded group.

So you evolve, you adapt.

And now...

As I look at my life and
my new extended family,

I think of this wondeul quote

by George Eliot.

"It's never too late to be
what you might have been."