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10x09 - Patriot

Posted: 03/31/13 19:32
by bunniefuu

Original Air Date on November 19, 2010

Previously on Smallville...

Lois: He's never gonna tell me, is he?

I'm The Blur.

And you're still okay with that?

Are you kidding me?

What took you so long?


General Lane.

I'm the senior military advisor on the new bill, the Vigilante Registration Act.

You're searching for enemies where they don't exist.

As soon as you're threatened, everyone else's rights go out the window?

Tess: This is the signal for the su1c1de Squad, led by Rick Flag.

To him, you're all freedom fighters.

Rick: America's turning against us.

More superheroes are coming over to my side.

I am Green Arrow.

What inspired you to become the masked archer?

You're damn right I'm a hero.

And I'm not doing it alone.

A.C.: Name's Arthur Curry.

Perimeter breached. Proceeding to target.

Don't put your faith in this hero menace!

Slade: Liberty, freedom, equality ... these are the values that we have been charged with defending.

And never in the history of this country have these principles been so threatened as they are today.

With all due respect, Slade, our troops have worked hard to secure this time of peace.

The threat is within.

Creeping up on a sleeping nation.

Gentlemen, every person under our protection lies in wait for that leader that will rescue them from poverty, from v*olence, even from sadness.

They will hail him as their new hero.

Heroes like Joseph Stalin Adolf Hitler, S*ddam Hussein.

In the hearts of their countrymen, these men rose as saviors...

Only turning into tyrants once they had secured the trust of their nation.

You're not suggesting a coup.

[ Scoffs ]

The trust of the American people doesn't lie in the Oval Office anymore, Admiral, but in a new breed of hero.

Every year, this league grows while the nation turns a blind eye.

Two weeks ago, the bombing of an anti-vigilante office was an open act of terrorism.

Which is why the President appointed me to oversee the Vigilante Registration Act.

Since the VRA came into effect, even known offenders haven't agreed to sign up.

Well, that is about to change.

[ Alarm blaring ]

Make sure everyone's out.


[ Blaring continues ]

Sir, we have a breach at Poseidon 34-59.

Gentlemen, even as we speak, it looks like we have fallen under another vigilante as*ault, this time on one of our own installations.

It's time we took these "heroes" under our control and proved who is really fighting for truth, justice, and the American way.

♪ Somebody save me ♪
♪ "Save Me" ♪ performed by Remy Zero ♪ let your warm hands break right through ♪
♪ somebody save me ♪
♪ I don't care how you do it ♪
♪ just stay ♪
♪ stay ♪
♪ come on ♪
♪ I've been waiting for you ♪
♪ just stay with me ♪
♪ I've made this whole world shine for you ♪
♪ just stay ♪
♪ stay ♪
♪ come on ♪

It appears this su1c1de Squad used a subdermal fluorescer with just enough Blue Kryptonite to penetrate the skin but not impact your powers... Or limit your mysterious globe-trotting.

Secret meetings with your cousin around the world ... not exactly like you, Clark.

It's nothing I can't handle.

You could have warned me this would sting a little.

Oliver: He'll probably give you a lollipop when you're done.

Thought we all agreed I was permanently sequestered from Watchtower ... what's with the 911?

Emil found a way to get the su1c1de Squad's tags out of us.

I assume you were careful coming in?

Careful doesn't even cut it these days.

Are you kidding me?

I'm throwing out some of my best moves just to avoid the public eye long enough to get up here.

Well, the Registration Act's not gonna make it any easier.

As much as I hate to admit it, Flag saw this whole thing coming.

His guerilla tactics ... they don't seem so crazy now, do they?

At least someone's fighting back against the VRA.

Clark: The only problem is no one knows they exist.

So we're taking all the heat.

Oliver, the government thinks we're the ones retaliating.

After last night, they're right.

We think A.C. set off an expl*si*n at an offshore oil rig.

It's not the first time he's gone Che Guevara just to protect the big blue, and let's face it ... now that the VRA's got all of us looking over our shoulders, team communication's gone from full bars to no signal.

Yeah, but whatever he's up to, he's only feeding the fear that the government already has about us.

We need to prove that we're the good guys, not the t*rrorists.

Yeah, no, great.

And I wish things were all kittens and rainbows, too, Clark.

But thanks to Godfrey, the McCarthy of the microphone, people don't trust us the way they used to.

Now, the VRA's propaganda machine is in full swing.

Sometimes, Clark, words are the greatest w*apon.

Can't say that I blame 'em.

We came in and took the law into our own hands.

People need to believe in this country and the systems that have been here for centuries.

I do.

Really? Oh, well, hey, you know what?

That's a good idea.

Why don't you just march on in there and go ahead and sign up?

Maybe it's time.

The government has its eyes set on The Blur more than anyone else.

Nothing would prove that we're all on the same side more than The Blur registering.

Clark, Lady Liberty may have her arms wide open, but it's not for a hug.

Look, the longer we hide, the more it looks like we have a reason to.

If no one registers, they'll come after us all.

Well, I guess it's time for me to fulfill my patriotic duty.

Clark, there's no need for you to compromise your identity when I already have.

You go rein in Flipper...

I'll see if I can find what they have planned for us when we sign our lives over to good old Uncle Sam.

[ Sighs ]

I miss you, too, Clark.

[ Static crackles ]

Man: Since the passing of the registration bill, no vigilante has yet to step forward, raising public suspicions ... until today.

Who is the mysterious patriot in our midst?



Let me guess ... you woke up feeling odd with fang marks on your neck?

No. Uh, it took three cars, two sets of stairs, and a body double just to get me here, so, quick ... the, uh, vigilante signing ... are you covering that?

I wouldn't miss it for the world.


I have serious concerns about the legitimacy of this mystery hero.

Who would be stupid enough to stand up and register?


[ Exhales ]

Are you out of your mind?

The VRA's a steaming pile of Spanish Inquisition served up with a side of fear and loathing.

Gee, Lois, why don't you just go ahead and say what you really feel about this whole thing?

We have to find out what happens when someone registers.

Yeah. I get it.

Somebody needs to be the hero, and you're the only one that is...

You stick your foot in your mouth any further, and you might end up losing a shoe.

I wasn't the first one to volunteer for operation guinea pig.

Your boyfriend was. Okay?

So, I may be taking the plunge, but I talked Clark off the ledge.

He never told me he was even thinking about registering.


You know, I'm sure he was ... he was going to.

Really? When? With his one phone call?

Lois, just 'cause you register, that doesn't mean that you're under arrest.

Who knows what it means?

[ Sighs ]

Here I thought Clark and I were finally driving on the honest-relationship road, and then ... bam ... blindsided.

So, what?

He'll ask my opinion on what tie to wear but not on whether to show the world his real work uniform?

I don't think Clark purposely left you out of the loop.

[ Scoffs ] It's even worse.

It slips his mind to mention something this big to me, but he'll discuss it with you?

And with other people.


Look ... we both know Clark has this overdeveloped sense of responsibility.


That's why if something goes south with my registration, we can't let Clark try to fix it on his own. Okay?

For his sake, for everyone else's.

The world needs you, Lois.

A.C., we need to talk!

[ Scoffs ]

I'm past talking, Clark.

I've got greater responsibilities now.

Blowing up oil rigs? Is that responsible?

Check your sources.

I didn't hurt anyone.

Don't make me start now.

Who are you working with?

You think 'cause I'm not checking in at the tree house I've gone rogue?

Nice trust.

You're not going anywhere!

Oh, and if you thought I was working solo...

...You haven't met his wife.

Slade: Paints a pretty scary picture, doesn't it?

It certainly gives me a new perspective.



Sam Lane's daughter.

I always do my homework.

Why do you think I gave you clearance?


And here I was thinking I got in here on my wit and charm.

I see you are not just a Lane in name, but attitude as well.

[ Chuckles ]

My dad always said I was made of more brass than his medals.

[ Chuckles ]

General, I brought something for you.


I see that I am not the only one who does their homework.

Fine bourbon and Cuban cohibas ... my favorite.

American made and American won.

I don't care what they say ... that victory will be ours soon enough.

Spoken like a true daughter of the red, white, and blue.

Speaking of the red, white, and blue...

[ Beep ]

What's really up with the VRA?

Your father worked on the registration act, Miss Lane.

I'm not sure what more I can tell you.

Well, it's only since your command that someone volunteered to sign up.

How exactly is that gonna happen?

They'll simply sign a declaration of intent to act only at the government's behest.

United we stand, right, Miss Lane?

As it stands now, vigilantes do not represent the will of the people.

And anyone espousing different merely supports their cause.

[ Beep ]

Which is exactly why I asked for the VRA assignment.

Who better to give the military a fair shake than a brat?

One who has written most of her paper's pro-blur articles.

I guess my name isn't the only reason you agreed to this one-on-one.

You are not playing for your team the way you should be, Miss Lane.

We all must do our part.

Some people might say that's what drives the vigilantes to action.

Well, then, they'll simply step forward and suit up with the good guys, won't they?

[ Exhales ]

Here's to the good guys.

[ Chuckles ]


Ah, there must be something around here to cut this.

[ Beeps softly ]

Your name got you in here, but it won't get you out of trouble.

Show me your hand.


I just thought you might like a light.

I apologize.

These vigilantes have got me suspicious of everyone.

No worries.

These days, you just don't know who you can trust.


Considering your activist streak, I never saw you settling down.

It was his passion and conviction that drew me to him.

There are qualities we share and on which we've built a partnership.

To the outside world, your passion looks a lot like terrorism.

Do you really want people to see us as scared, hunted victims?

We can't stop the government from targeting us, but we can show them we're not gonna take it.

And show them you're the criminals they fear you are.

And be the heroes people hope we are.

Who is your hero, Clark?

Everybody has one.

I'll never forget the day I read about mine ... this little lady named Lucy Burns, who just wanted to vote like her father.

But she didn't just sit back and expect people to do the right thing, because you know what?

They didn't.

It wasn't until she refused food and endured the infamous "night of terror" ... that's when people decided to do the right thing.

Victories aren't won by spectators...

But by fighters...

Like me and Mera.

What are you doing to fight for us?

We shouldn't be fighting anyone, especially the government.

We should be protecting people.

And right now, we are the ones who need protection the most.

Clark, that rig we took out wasn't drilling for oil.

Neither are the ones the government's building around the country.

Then what are they?

High-tech holding facilities deep below the earth.

And they're building them for us.


Would you like to explain this to me?

Because I took it off your desktop, and it suspiciously looks like an article on the VRA, which I expressly said you were not to write.

Your father worked on the bill, Lois.

There's a conflict of interest.

Let's just say something is rotten in the military state of Metropolis, and I need to make sure certain people know about it.

Look, I know that you like to break a story before anybody else, but your concern seems...personal.

Okay, I'm actually gonna level with you on this one, Tess.

I just found out that the mystery hero registering is Oliver.

Is Clark working with you on this?

Why would he be?

You share a lot of bylines.

So you're alone on this one.

[ Sighs ] Looks like it.

Clark's got jury duty.


Jury duty?

I tried to tell him how to get out of it, but you know Clark ... always serving the people and fulfilling his civic obligation.

Yeah, he is...dedicated that way.

[ Chuckles ]

What is your scoop on the VRA?

Despite what they say, I think the VRA is going a little less above board and a lot more water board.


Meet general Slade Wilson.

Put in charge of executing the VRA ... emphasis on "execute."

For years, rumors of w*r crimes followed him ... never any charges, and he continued to move up the ranks.

Because he was effective, and now he's targeting heroes.

It's worse.

If I've got it right, he's building prisons.

And Oliver's about to sign up for this summer internment camp?

Today, we take our first step toward a new partnership.

There will no longer be law and outlaw.

We will be one people, united, working toward one goal ... the common good.

[ Paper snaps ]

Oliver Queen's registration marks a new day for this country...

And the end of vigilantes working outside the law.

Oliver, no!

They're going to the helipad.

Well, you own this building.

Don't let that helicopter take off.

Lois, I can't. They have military clearance.

Oliver's gone.

Lois: I need to know where Clark is.

I have no idea.


Oliver's in trouble, and Clark could be, too.

I need to know how to find them.


But I don't know why you're asking me.

[ Exhales ]

Listen, Dr. know-nothing.

I have tried to reach Clark with zero results.

Now, he's mentioned your name a lot, and he's never even had a yearly checkup.


[ Grunts ]

I know that you're in his superhero club.

So unless you want a sudden tracheotomy, you will tell me where he is A.S.A.P.

He went to find A.C. In Miami.

That's the last I heard.

Now, for the record, you know I was bluffing, right?

[ Pats Emil's shoulder ]

[ Sighs ]

Florida in winter.

[ Beeping ]

Who doesn't love to snowbird?

Clark: Seismic activity.

That's how Mera found the place.

She's pretty amazing ... smart, passionate, fiery.

Even helped me understand my true origins.

You really went off the high dive for her.

I'm so much more with her than I ever was solo.

You don't feel guilty, putting her in danger?

Mera can hold her own.

If you're worried about someone a little less superpowered, Mera helped me realize that standing on the sidelines isn't the same as being in the game.

Do you recognize this structure?

Looks like the facilities at Luthorcorp when Lex was trying to build his own private zoo of the superpowered.

It couldn't be Luthorcorp.

Tess and Oliver would know about it.

Looks like Uncle Sam raided the patent offices for his own end.

Mera, you still reading us?

Mera: Barely. [ Static ]

...Just heard...Tower.

You're breaking up.

Watchtower found eight locations with similar seismic readings.

You need to check them right away.

Oliver's been taken off the grid!

If we split up, we can cover the facility faster.

They've taken one of ours.

Let's go get him back.

[ Air whooshes ]
[ Beeping ]

Trotter: Almost done, Mr. Queen.

What's with the secret workout room here, huh?

Is this a, uh, a secret tryout for the NFL?

[ Door closes ]

You're strong and extremely agile with coordination that's off the charts.

I'm human.

Well, I commend your performance.

We'd love to have someone with your gifts serve our country.

Help us bring in your less cooperative cohorts.


I'll be your poster boy.

I'll say your words, and I'll be your face, but it ends with me, you understand?

Now, there are people out there who want to believe in you.

They want to believe in this country.

Give them a chance to prove that, to be the heroes we all need.

You got nerve. I like that.

But your draft card wasn't a two-for-one special.

Please, allow me to make a more convincing argument.

Mera: Look who skipped right out of the forest.

Doe-eyed Bambi searching...

You're Lois Lane.

Wow! [ Chuckles ]

Brazen much?

I am Mera, wife of Orin, future king of the seven seas.

The one you call Arthur Curry.

A.C. got married.

Aren't you just full of reveals?

Orin is finally embracing his destiny and leading his people.


Lois: Hang on. "His people."

Like, down under and not Australia?

Anyway, I need to find Clark.

Certainly you are not a partner in his endeavors?

Wow, some people get a ring on their finger, and everyone else's relationship just doesn't cut it.

Spoken like one who can never be satisfied by a man of her own kind.

You desire those who are extraordinary ... first Orin, then Oliver, now Clark.

You've got to be kidding me.

[ Chuckles ]

Little mermaid?

Your prince and I dated for like a day.

It's understandable that you would seek a superior companion.

I'm just surprised that powerful men would choose someone of lesser ability.

Listen, squid lips...

You don't know anything about me or Clark.

I know you came here looking for Clark.

You're in the dark...

Protected but not included.

Do you really want the harsh light of truth?

[ Air whooshes ]


What are you doing here?

Well, since you've apparently forsaken modern communication technology, I'm hand-delivering an S.O.S.

About Oliver. I know he's been taken.

What? How ... how do you know that already?

[ Monitor beeps ]

Clark, I ran some tests

on the alloy that you found and...



Okay, you know how I hate being all emo-relationship chick?

It's just, I can't get you on the phone, but Tess can Skype with you?

This isn't a social call.

And I am?

We practically share a desk chair, but I'm still not the real work wife.

Sorry to interrupt "The Real Housewives of Metropolis,"

but there's something you need to know

about this alloy that we tested.

Clark, it can change properties.

It's like some sort of multifunctional weaponry.

The government is preparing for anything that comes its way.

Including Orin. [ Sighs ]

He should have been back by now.

He could be at any one of the four facilities he was checking out.

Lois: If he ended up in one of Slade's nets, I might know how to find him.

[ Beeps ]

It's the design blueprint for the prisons.

And according to this, there's only one facility that is operational.

It's in Alaska.

[ Beeping ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Coughing ]

Please tell me you're not the rescue party.

They must have tracked me in.

[ Groans ]

I should have been more stealth.

You know about our abilities?

Always be prepared.

You came at us through the ocean like a torpedo.

It didn't take much to figure out where your mutated abilities come from.

A little heat, and you dry right up, don't you?

Something tells me the White House didn't exactly get the memo on your glacial gitmo here.

Don't ask... Don't tell.

I wouldn't be too embarrassed.

You two are just the first in a whole host of vigilantes to be taken out of play.

With the right encouragement, I'm sure you will help us bring them in.

You're gonna need a bigger cage.

I wouldn't worry about that.

See, you all have some great strength...

But one equally great flaw.

No, you are almost too easy.

Damaged, lonely, isolated.

A hero with no actual powers.

Do you resent them?

Actually, you're taking the honors right now, jackass.

Unlike the half-dolphin over there, I'll bet you hate the freezing-cold depths of the ocean.

[ Alarm beeping ]

Computerized voice: Intruder alert.

Partial power interruption.

[ Beeping continues ]

[ Gagging, coughing ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Beeping continues ]

Computer override initiated.

Terminal breach measures activated.

Self-destruct in 2 minutes.

You're up, gill boy.



[ Gasps ]

[ Electricity crackles ]

[ Beeping continues ]

We gotta go...


How long can you hold your breath?

Clark: Slade!

Self-destruct in 90 seconds.

I'm not gonna let you continue destroying people's faith in justice.

Made of steel, or just a man?

[ Beeping continues ]

You can't be both.

[ b*ll*ts ricocheting ]

Self-destruct in 60 seconds.

[ Groans ] So it is you.

What are you doing?!

I need to get you out of here!

This whole place was built for the express purpose...

Of containing your kind.

Self-destruct in 40 seconds.

And your weakness was the hardest to learn.

[ Grunts ]

You see?

You're not above the law.

You're not even above me.

How can you be so determined in seeing us as the enemy, instead of working with us?

Look... Self-destruct in 30 seconds.

Let me save you.

You'll never get out!

I know, but it's worth it.

To destroy the single greatest threat to democracy.

No civilian in this country should be more powerful than the law.

That's what keeps the order.

That's what keeps us strong.

Self-destruct in 15 seconds.

Shut it down.

Let me help you.

I'd rather die for my country than be saved by an abomination like you.

[ Beeping continues ]

Self-destruct in 10 seconds.

You asked me a question. I guess you'll get your answer.

I am man...

And steel.

Glad you didn't find your Davy Jones down there after that expl*si*n.

I know how much you love the water...

But I couldn't be happier to have my two feet on solid ground.

Oh, just as well.

'Cause let's be honest.

Underwater, you look like a clown fish.

[ Hay thuds ]

I guess I should thank you for uncovering those holding cells.

Part of me wishes I could have kept on believing in... Everything I was raised to believe in.

Don't let an overzealous warhawk shake your faith in people, Clark.

Your endless optimism is the one thing I actually like about you.

Did you learn that vocabulary from Mera?

Seriously, though, you made a good point.

Digging in our heels and being as extreme as Slade makes us no better than them.

I'm just sorry they got what they wanted out of the VRA.

How's that?

We didn't exactly rush to sign up, but we got scared.

We stopped communicating. We stopped trusting each other.

Now, there's no way we can beat this if we splinter.

I may not trust the commandos in Washington, but I trust you, Clark.

So we'll do it your way ... lead by example, not by resistance.

I think you have another battle brewing on the home front, though.

I thought if I told Lois my secret, everything would fall into place.

I guess I've kept her on the outside.

The away games don't matter unless you win the ones at home, too, which you definitely can't do if you refuse to have a co-Captain.

All I'm saying is...

If anyone can handle you and what you do, it's Lois.

But you can't bring her on the team and keep her benched.

The question is, can you handle that?

You do carry a lot of baggage.

Seriously, don't make me take my hair dryer out and shrivel you.

Perhaps I was too hasty in my judgment of you, Lois Lane.

You think?

Because we didn't just get off on the wrong fin.

I stand by what I said before.

You're not like us, not like Clark. are what he needs.

You treat Clark not as your superior but as an equal... And insist that he do the same.


You'd make a good partner for him, Lois...

In your own way.

If he lets me.

It took months and more than just a few water blasts to the head for Orin to let me stand with him...

Not just beside him.

Give Clark time.

[ Door opens ]

A.C.: I hate to break up the party.

We need to catch the current.

I thought Orin was exaggerating, Clark, but everything he said about you is true.

Even when the tide is turning, you work hard to bring change by delivering justice, not bombs.

As a patriot to the country, not just the cause.

That's our boy scout.

Lois: All right, wave runners, next time you're in town, be sure to swim by.

Aye-aye, Captain.

Be seeing you.


In case I forgot to mention it, I'm really glad I only booked a one-way to Miami.

Your arms were a lot better than some seat in coach.

You shouldn't have had to fly all the way to Florida just to find me.

Don't sweat it.

Those mileage points needed to be used up anyway.

No, Lois, you were right to be upset.

I've been running around acting like it's just me...

Instead of us.

The truth is, I rely on you more than anyone else.

I trust you to know parts of me that I don't even trust myself.

That's why you're the only person I told about the darkness that I've tried to fight... But failed.

I know.

It's just, when you look at A.C. and Mera ... how they work together, how alike they are ... it kind of makes you wonder...

If we'll ever be like that.

I mean, you got to admit, I'm...

...Everything that I'm not?

Lois, that's why it works.

Yeah, but two pieces may fit together, but if they're not from the same puzzle, it might end up looking like a Picasso.

But does that matter?

It depends.

When you went off to go and save the world...

I remember what my mom looked like every time my dad left on deployment.

And it was the hardest thing she ever had to do, but she...

She remained stoic until that door closed.

Because she knew that was how she helped my dad do what he had to do.

Because they were in it together...

No matter what.

And so am I.

But I'm not the only one.

You didn't tell anyone about the darkness...


You think you're supposed to be invincible.


And it terrifies you that you're not.

[ Sighs ]

Lois, how am I supposed to protect people, protect you, if I can't even protect myself from the darkness?

By not trying to do it alone.

We're in this together now ... all of us.

And the team needs to know the bigger w*r we're fighting.


Welcome to Watchtower ... the official headquarters of the home team.

Which you are clearly on now.


Is that a com-sat hook-up?

I take back that whole "work wife" thing.

Your satellite officially trumps my cellphone.

Forget it.

From now on, mi com-sat es su com-sat.


Clark, I got your message. Lois...


What's going on?


We all know what the government was up to.

Those prisons were part of a much bigger threat.

Hate crimes are up.

People like Slade, they're getting more control.

And Godfrey's anti-vigilante message ... it's reaching more ears than ever before, and I don't think it's a coincidence.

Sadly, Clark, there's no mystery to human fear and hatred.

This time, there might be.

I think there's something more behind the darkness, something that hero haters like Slade don't even know is affecting them.

When I sent the Kandorians away through the portal into space, I opened a door for something else to come to Earth.

Are you seriously trying to tell me that, out of all the intergalactic bad boys we've ever faced, this one's actually worse?

This is much worse.

We can't even see it to fight it.

This thing is like an evil that's spreading over the Earth.

It preys upon the dark side that we already have.

It feeds on our doubts, our fears, and our distrust.

Well, I'd say, from where I'm standing, it's already on the winning side.

I think it even affected Slade.

Just before the facility exploded, I saw something on Slade's skull ... the Omega symbol.

It was like it was branded there.

Almost like the mark...

...Of the beast in revelations.

Which would explain why he veered so far off his marching orders.

I'm guessing you don't think that Slade's the only pledge to the Alpha-Omega-Die Fraternity, right?

I think the Omega's a sign of corruption, a mark that the darkness has fully taken over someone.

Didn't Kara say that a person had to be open to the darkness?

That it can't infect anyone of pure heart?

And which one of us doesn't have that weakness?

A hidden hatred or fear that this thing couldn't prey upon?

So, basically this thing doesn't have to do anything.

It just waits for everybody's weaknesses, and then we destroy ourselves.

If we can't stop it, the darkness will infect every person on this planet.

[ Static buzzing ]