02x32 - Till Death Do Us Part (2)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x32 - Till Death Do Us Part (2)

Post by bunniefuu »

You are wild, lady.

Let's do it again.

Oh, no.

Sorry. The party's not
over until I say it is.

Look, what do you
say we just talk?

Talk? What a concept.

If I remember correctly,

it's what you used to say
we never did enough of.

Fine. We'll talk.

Let's talk about...


Did you love her?

Ever? Even for a moment?

Never. I did what I had
to do to save my skin.

She threatened
to go to the police.

She was crazy enough to do it.

If you'd stood up
to the little wench,

the police would have
discovered I was still alive.


But you didn't,
did you, Michael?

You slept with her night
after night after night...

All right, enough.

What do you want to do,

lay a guilt trip on me
for the rest of my life?

Those days were no
picnic for me, either.

I got addicted to pain
K*llers, feared for my job...

While I rotted away in some
hospital, wondering where you were.

Damn it, I'm sorry. I am sorry.

How many different ways
do you want me to say it?

You see, the art of conversation
just doesn't suit us anymore.


You know, I am sorry.

Then stop whimpering
and start apologizing.

"Dear Alison,

"Thank you for your invitation.

"Unfortunately, I'll
be unable to attend.

"I wish you and Billy
much happiness

"in your lives together.

Kindest regards, Meredith."

Can you believe that?

Well, at least it was polite.

Polite? Billy, she's my sister.

Not only is she
not coming to my wedding,

she's kissing me off for good.

It's not like you're exactly close.
You never talk.

You've hardly mentioned her
the time we've been together.

She went away to
school when I was .

She came home for
a couple of Christmases.

I got her address
from her old college.

She's listed in
the alumni directory.

Usually, she's much better
at covering her tracks.


it happens.

I know,

but it still hurts.

I keep thinking, what did I do?

What did my parents do to
chase her away so completely?

Don't let this bum you out

three days before your wedding.

My own mother's not coming.

That's different.
She's too sick to travel.

Meredith just doesn't care.

She doesn't care
about me at all.

I'll get it.

Here's your bridesmaid's dress.

Give it to a friend,
if you have any left.

I still want you...

To be in your wedding?

After what you did to me?

Only you would try
to ruin someone's life,

then expect them to shower
you with rose petals.

Fine, if that's
the way you want it.

Oh, by the way,

your wedding gift
arrived from Tiffany's...

A beautiful piece of crystal.

It looks great in my apartment.

When are you going to tell her?

Or are you planning to?

Of course I am.

I'm not out to mess
with anyone's head.

It won't be easy.

By the time Amanda
gets through with you,

she'll have you thinking
you had the affair,

and you'll be begging
her for forgiveness.

You really think I'm
that easily manipulated?

No, I think you have
feelings for two women,

and that's dangerous
for everyone involved.

You were first,

and that never
really ended, did it?

That doesn't matter.

What you have to realize is,

that I was doing
fine without you.

I'm going to work this out.

I promise.

Amanda, your mother
is here to see you.

Send her in.

Look, Mother, I don't
know what Chas told you,

but there's a very good
reason why I fired him.

The truth is, it's
better you don't know.

Spare me, Amanda.

I think your dear old mom
can handle the truth,

or whatever you wish to call it.

All right. Well...

When we were in
the conference room,

he tried to hit on me.

Obviously, I told him it
was out of the question.

But I'm sorry it happened,

and you found out about
his character this way.

Isn't it better knowing now,
than after you're married?

Chas loves me, Amanda.

He wouldn't destroy that
by seducing my daughter.

But you,

you're just out to hurt me.

Since the day I walked
back into your life,

you have been practically
panting for revenge.

I thought the love
I had in my heart

would somehow supersede
those feelings.

But you just can't
forgive me, can you?

It's not me, I swear.
This is about Chas.

How can you take his side?

Maybe because I know him better.

He's a liar, and
God knows what else.

How can you be so naive?

On the contrary, Amanda,

you're naive if you think

that I can't see through that
transparent ploy of yours.

Unfortunately, you bombed
out big time, sweetie.

Chas and I are more
committed now than ever.

Pity I can't say
the same for you and me.

Go ahead, Mother, walk out.

But this time, promise
you'll stay away for good.

Oh, no, the only thing
I'm going to promise you

is that there's
going to be hell to pay.

You'll see, Amanda.

You'll see.

Most of these clothes are
one-of-a-kind vintage items

that I've reworked.

Stealing from every decade,

these fashions recombine the
forties, fifties, sixties,

and seventies into a look
that's distinctively nineties.

What I'm trying
to do, in a nutshell,

is develop an apparel line

that's sophisticated
yet unintimidating,

fun but functional, that
doesn't have the factory look.

You can relax.
I like what I'm seeing.

You do?

Yes. Please, sit down.

I'm getting exhausted
just watching you.


How long you been
in the business?

Just a few months.

You put together
a very exciting line.

What would happen if someone
placed a large order?

We have over stores.

Have you the production
capabilities to deliver?

Oh, absolutely. We wouldn't
be talking if I didn't.

O.K. Well, how
about dinner tomorrow?

We can discuss things further.

Dinner would be great.
I would love to.

And forgive me for noticing,

but you're the most beautiful
designer I've ever met

in my life.

Well, thank you.

It didn't prejudice me
a bit. I promise.

Anyway, it's been a pleasure.

I'll call about dinner.


Los Angeles...

I haven't been here
since your mom and I

stopped off on our way
to Hawaii years ago.

We were here for a day.

That was plenty.
Hasn't changed much.

One long ribbon of freeway.

I got a letter from
Meredith yesterday.


Good Lord, where is she?

San Francisco.

Not that she'd have the courtesy
to write her own parents.

She only wrote because I
invited her to the wedding.

She's not coming.

Did she send a phone number?

No. I just wonder
what in the world

any of us did to
make her hate us.

Listen, Alison,
Meredith's been in cults,

she's done dr*gs.

She's been
brainwashed against us.

There comes a time
when you got to say

you've done the best you can.

And just write her off?

No, we're not writing her off.

She's written us off.

She's not even coming to
her own sister's wedding.

Maybe you're right.

Of course I'm right.

Now, I refuse to hear
any more of this talk.

My little baby's
getting married.

I'm here to celebrate.

Bruce, you wanted to see me?

Yeah, come in. Close the door.

You know Sam Carter,
our senior counsel,

Mike Leeds, John Target.

Of course. Hello, gentlemen.

What's going on?

D and D has been slapped

with a $ million
sexual harassment lawsuit.

Oh, my God.

I can't imagine anyone
at D and D doing that.

Well, apparently,
someone thinks you did.

Chas. Ring a bell?

You just fired him,

without my knowledge
or consent, I might add.

Chas is filing a sexual
harassment suit against me?

That's outrageous!

I never harassed Chas.

It was quite the opposite.

He came on to me.
I had to fire him.

You never told
anyone about this?

How could I? He was
my mother's fiancé.

I was stuck between
a rock and a hard place.

Getting rid of him
was the only answer.

Despite the fact his job performance
was more than satisfactory?

Not in my book.

What Chas is alleging
is that once he was hired,

he was subject
to your, and I quote,

"I, Chas Russell, am alleging
that Amanda Woodward

"subjected me to constant and
relentless sexual insinuations,

"flirtations, and provocations

"that made working at D and D
Advertising an unbearable experience.

"It quickly became evident

"that my primary responsibility
was to service Miss Woodward,

"and that I was
to perform this function

"at the risk of termination.

"When it became clear to her

"that I would not
respond to her advances,

my worst fears were confirmed,
and I was promptly dismissed."

That's a lie, all of it.

Don't tell me you
don't believe me?

Trust me, Amanda,

I would love to believe
every word of your story.

Because based on
what Chas says here,

we're in a deep, deep mess.

Mom, you don't have to do this.

It's the least I can do,

since Billy's
giving us his room.

Don't worry. It's no problem.

Amanda. Let me introduce
you to my parents.

Any idea what your
big mouth has started?


Chas has filed
a lawsuit against me

alleging sexual harassment.

You're probably in for
a piece of the action.

Amanda, just leave.

I'm going to win this case.

When it's over, you're
going down with Chas.

Hey, baby, you're
working our turf.

That's right, baby.

Keep walking, girl.

Move your sorry ass.

It's a free country.

I'll stand wherever I want to.

Oh, you will, will you?

Why don't you all

crawl back into the hole
you came out of?

Ooh, uppity slut.

I have friends who will wipe
the pavement with your face

if I say so.

Why don't you wipe this?

Ha ha ha ha.

Come on, get up!

Please, don't.


This one's a priority.

Blood loss, possible
internal injuries.

What happened?

A couple of street whores
in a fight.


Start an I.V...
D- -W, stat!

Don't worry, Sydney.

Everything's going to be fine.

And Michael's going to pay
for what he's done to you...

for what he's
done to both of us.

I got it.

Go get that. I got this.


Excuse me.

Is it my imagination,

or were we supposed to be
having a relationship?

This isn't the time.

This is what you've
been waiting for,

any lame excuse
to get back with Jo.

Maybe you two need
to talk in private.

Why? There are no secrets here.

It's obvious you've been
trying to steal Jake back

since he dumped you.

Now you're using this
baby to reel him back in.

Listen to me,
you two-faced hypocrite,

I've nothing to do with this.

It's got nothing to do with her,

and everything to
do with you and me.

Quit hiding behind Little
Miss Helpless and talk to me.

I can't be with someone
who cheats on me.

Everything's so black
and white with you.

That's why you're a loser

and always will be for
the rest of your life.

Well, haven't we
made a speedy recovery.

Hi, Kimberly.

Well, everything
seems to be in order.

Just a lot of bruises, my ribs.

You gave us all quite
a fright last night.

Does Michael know you're here?


I don't think so.
Did you tell him?

So he could rub
salt in your wounds?

I was out there

because I owe someone
a lot of money,

and she could be pretty brutal

when it comes to
calling in her debts.

It's tender, huh? Ow!


Take a couple of
deep breaths for me, O.K.?

I'm recommending that
they release you today,

if you feel up to going home.


And take this.

And for God sakes, Sydney,
stay off the streets.

You're a bright,
attractive girl.

It's time you got
your life together.

Why are you doing this?

Why are you being so nice to me?

Can you find the Griffith
Park observatory?

Meet me there : tonight.

I'll explain everything.

Amanda, I was
just looking for you.

What's up?

In order to defer the
massive attorney fees

involved in the trial,

both sides have agreed
to binding arbitration.

Binding arbitration...
What's that?

Well, we hire a mutually
agreed-upon Circuit Court judge.

He listens to testimony,
he delivers a verdict,

and both sides agree
to abide by his ruling.

And when does this
trial take place?

Day after tomorrow,
if that's O.K. With you?

Wonderful. The sooner
we put this behind us

and reveal Chas
as the liar, the better.

Yeah. Well, I certainly hope
that's the way things come down.

If you have any similar kinds
of incidents in your past,

now would be
the time to come clean.

Like I said, I'm
innocent of these charges,

whether you want
to believe it or not.

Chas has no proof
because nothing happened.

It's his word against mine.


Well, not exactly.

I hear from opposing counsel
that Chas has a witness

whose testimony could
be very damaging to you.

Do you have any idea who
this person could be?

Not a clue.


We need to talk.

About what?

My sources tell me

that you're to be
called to the stand

as Chas's star witness.

Yeah, I just got
served this subpoena.

Not exactly what
I'm looking forward to

the day before my wedding.

Obviously, all this has put
me under enormous pressure.

So if there's anything
that I said the other night

that you might have
misconstrued as hostile,

well, I hope you'll forgive me.

Of course.

Look, Alison, I know
we've had our differences.

Now you have
everything you want...

A man who loves you,
a wonderful job,

a boss who respects
and values your work.

What are you getting at?

I don't know what
you think you saw,

but the truth is,

Chas came on to me,
and I resisted.

I should be suing
for sexual harassment.

You have the power
to end this fiasco

if you'll get up on the stand

and tell them
you didn't see a thing.

I'm sorry.

I can't lie under oath.

I just can't.

So how did someone
as beautiful as you

decide not to become a model?

Well, the thought
never crossed my mind.

I've always been
addicted to clothes.

Even as a little girl, I
designed them for my dolls.

I'll order another.

No. I'm sorry.

I feel awkward here.

This doesn't feel
like a business dinner.

Well, actually,

it's kind of one of those
combination deals.

I don't want to feel
that I have to sell myself

in order to sell my line.

You don't.

Look, I'm sorry. I find
you extremely attractive.

I guess that's pretty obvious.

I'd never let those feelings

jeopardize any business
we'd do together.

I think you're
incredibly talented.


Yeah, really.

I've a very interesting
proposition to run by you.

I'm all ears.

Instead of us just buying
pieces from your collection,

how would you like to
create an exclusive line

of junior fashions
for our stores...

From sportswear
through evening gowns?

I would love to.

But I don't have that kind
of capital for production.

I'd need a small factory to
do what you're talking about.

We'd supply the funding for
a piece of the company.

This sounds too good to be true.

I'm very serious, I promise you.

Well, there's just one catch.

I have a silent partner
that I need to talk to...

My ex-husband Michael.

Fine. I can't see he'd
have a problem with that,

unless he has an aversion
to making money.

No, definitely not.


I really don't want
another bottle of wine.

O.K., whatever.

Let's make it champagne.

Coming right up.

We've come a long
way from S.M.U.

Yeah, we have.

Thanks again for picking me up
at the airport.

That's the least I could do

for my best man.

All right now, Rob,

we're shared many,
many beers together

so it's only appropriate

I hoist my last one as
a single man with you.


To tell you the truth,

I never thought I'd go first.

When it happens,
it happens fast.

I'll say.

It's nice, though,
finding that person

you'll spend the rest
of your life with.

I never thought it would happen.

Then it did, and here I am.

So, uh, Donna... she know
you're getting married?

I haven't talked to Donna

since she dumped me for that
premed jerk senior year.

If I'd known
I'd meet Alison then,

I'd have dumped her first.

She had you crazed for months.

I've never seen anyone
more desperate

in my entire life.


You never fall hard

'cause you never let
yourself get committed.

And that's a problem?

Yeah, in the long run.

I should give Donna a call,

let her know

I'm off the market for good.


You're late.


How are you feeling?

Much better.


So, what's this
all about anyway?

When you came
into the emergency room

the other night

all beaten and bloody...

I experienced
this incredible feeling

of déjà vu.

I felt I was looking at myself

after the accident,

and it occurred to me

we have a lot in common,
you and I.

We're both victims
of Michael Mancini.

Thanks to Michael's treachery,

you've been alienated
from your family,

forced to turn tricks
on the street,

and I was almost k*lled.

And all I could think about

during those agonizing
months of recuperation...

was revenge for what Michael
had put me through.

The crash was an accident.

Michael thought you were dead.

How dare you defend him?

The man's a monster.

He has no feeling or regard

for anyone but himself.

Sooner or later he'll dump me

and move on to his next victim.

He's a menace to be contained.

What can we do?

Same thing you do
to a rabid dog...

Put him out of his misery.

You mean, m*rder?

No. I mean justice.

After everything
he's put you through...

The humiliation, the deceit,

the rejection...

don't you want to see him dead?


Yes, I do.

Well, we're going to do it.


More coffee, sweetheart?

And another grapefruit.
This one was bitter.

Oh, coming right up.

I don't deserve you.

You're right.

You don't.

Jane, what are you doing here?

I have great news.

A department store wants to buy
a large stake in the company.

It's a fantastic
growth opportunity,

and it'll make us lots
of money very quickly.

I just need your consent
on these forms.

Read them. I'll just wait.

I'm not signing anything

before going over it
with a fine-tooth comb.

This is in both our interests.

Your interests never
coincide with mine.

I'll have the executive
from the department store

explain it to you
so you can understand it.


I'm warning you, Michael,
don't stand in my way.

Go home,
you condescending bitch.

We'll let you know
what we think.

Don't talk to me that way.

I'm the one
with the business head.

If this deal's
good for the company,

believe me, I'll consider it.

I've got to run.

There's a patient
I've got to catch up on.


hands off.

He's all mine now.

What are you two doing here?

I suggest you talk
to your superior.

It looks like an end to
this business is in sight.

Best thing that
could have happened

as far as I'm concerned.

Bruce, what's going on
around here?

Good news.

The insurance company
suggested we settle...

For grand

and an admission of guilt
on your part.

You can't do this. I'm innocent.

Innocent or guilty... it's
irrelevant at this point.

It all comes down to who
the judge will believe.

Neither myself nor my insurers

want to bet he'll swallow
your version of events.

This is outrageous.

I won't be bullied into signing

a false admission of guilt.

If you lose this case
for the company,

not only are you fired,

you'll never work
in this industry again.

I can live with that.

Thanks for your support...


And there you go.

Ha ha ha. Thanks.

How about the "blow-dryer
in the bathtub" routine?

Michael never takes baths.

Besides, it's more than likely

that the fuse would blow

before he actually fries.

I'd love to get him
in the ocean somehow

at night.

Mm, Michael is a strong
swimmer, Kimberly.

The autopsy report could
show signs of a struggle.

You're right. You're right.

Don't forget.

He did have a pretty nasty
painkiller addiction

following the accident.

I found him once passed out
on the bathroom floor.

I saved his life.

Well, that was stupid.

Why don't we just
slip him an overdose,

make it look like su1c1de?

Nah. He'd probably regurgitate

before they actually
did the trick.

You've given me an idea.

The painkillers are
only a part of it.

How do I look?

Like a million bucks,
Mr. Parker.

Stop this "Mr. Parker" business.

Start calling me "Dad."

O.K., Dad.

Give me a hand with this.

Here. I'll get it.

Wait. You're choking me.

Relax. I'll loosen it.

They're too long.

I never got a chance
to tell you,

after our fight and all,

that I picked another best man.

Rob's my best friend
from college.

That was self-evident.

I wish I could have two.

Don't worry about it.

I probably would have
lost the ring anyway.

Look, I'm there for you, pal.


Let's grab lunch somewhere.

I got to run back to work.

Um, listen, Matt, I, uh...

I kind of left Rob
at loose ends.

Think you could babysit him,

take him to Universal Studios
or the tar pits or whatever?

Like I don't work?

Well, only if you can.

Who can say no to the groom?
Of course.

Just drop him off
at the building by dinner.

Yes, Boss.

All right.

All right. Dad,
we're outta here.


you needed to see me?

Ah, yes, Dr. Levin.

It's, um...

it's about Michael.

What is it this time?

Ever since the board
terminated him

as Chief Resident,

he's been very depressed,

severely depressed.


No, Doctor, it's not good.

He's been abusing
painkillers again,

drinking heavily,

and he babbles
on and on about...


Taking his own life.

I've never seen him this way.

I don't know what to do.

Can you get him into therapy?

I've tried, but he won't go.

I thought if, for the record,

you could make
psychiatric counseling

a condition of his tenure,

he'd be forced to see someone.

All right, Dr. Shaw.

I'll see what I can do.

Oh, thank you.

Thank you very much, Dr. Levin.

So you, uh, you really
knew Billy when.

We got thrown together
as roommates

our freshman year.

I was the only person he ever
met who was sloppier than him.

Our major criteria
for dating girls

was would they clean our room?

Was Billy ever serious
about anyone in college?

He was into serial monogamy.

Every single girl
he met was the one.

This one chick, Donna
Fleming, broke his heart.

But I guess the buck stops here.

Yeah. How about you?

Were you serious about anyone?

Uh, yeah. There were a couple.

Girls or... or guys?

Uh... a little of both actually.

Hmm, and now?

Uh, I've kind of figured out

that I'm gay,

if that's what you're asking.


Me, too.

God, I feel like

I've been put through
the third degree here.

I'm sorry.

I just have this
insatiable curiosity

about the people
I find attractive.

I don't know what
I'm going to do.

this arbitration hearing,

and I'm the star witness
for the prosecution.

What am I going to say?

The truth. You've no choice.

Then they'll fire Amanda
who'll hate me forever,

plus all that money
going to Chas, that pig.

I never should have
opened this can of worms,

but then... you did, actually.

I did? How's it my fault?

You blurted out to Jake that I
saw Amanda and Chas kissing.

Jake confronted Amanda,
Amanda fired Chas,

and Chas is suing D and D
for $ million.

Where are my parents?

They're in the bedroom.

I don't know where Rob is.

Matt should have
had him back hours ago.

Listen, I had a...

I had a great time.

It was, uh, a nice surprise.

Yeah, for me, too.

So, um, does, uh...
does Billy know?

Nah. We've never
talked about it.

I was basically
straight in college.

Since then, there's never been

the right time to bring it up.

I'm sure he'd be fine with it.

I hope so.

This weekend doesn't seem like

the right time to find out.

I understand.

Well, listen, good night.

Um, I'll see you tomorrow?

Yeah. Good night.

Oh, my God.

To say things didn't
go well with Michael

would be an understatement.

He sees this as
a scam on my part

to take control of the company.

It's an opportunity every
designer dreams about.

You don't know Michael.

If it's in my best interest,

he's not interested.

Can't we work something out

where you wouldn't
have to acquire

a piece of the company

so we could leave
Michael out of it?

It wouldn't be the same
kind of commitment.

Sharing ownership would allow us

to have a vested interest
in your success.

Whenever anything good
comes into my life,

Michael's right there
to ruin it.

Not everything, I hope.


We need to talk.


I've been doing
a lot of thinking,

and right now

what I think
we both need is space.


To sort this stuff out.

I don't need space, Jake.

Um, right now I just need...

someone to believe in me.


Won't you believe in me?


Help me.





Mom! Help!


Sweetheart, what is it?

What's wrong?

I was a kid,

and I was so scared, so scared.

Alison, what happened?

What's going on?

Nothing. Just a bad dream.

That's all.

I'm... I'm O.K., Billy.


She just misses her mom,
don't you, dear?

I guess so.


Uh... all right.

I'll see you in the morning.

Good night.

Good night, Billy.

What a nice way to wake up.


Just my way of saying thank you.

I must have been
great last night.

Hey, I expect that.

I'm just grateful
we worked things out,

that you trust me
and believe in me.

Of course I believe in you,

but sometimes...

I know now your feelings for Jo

are what any decent guy
would feel

for a friend in a jam.

We have something
deeper than that, don't we?

Yeah, we do.

Now that I'm in a jam,

I need your strength
and attention

to help me through this trial.

I'll be there for you, Amanda.

I promise.

That's all I ever wanted.

Sure you're O.K.?

You still having
the same dreams?

Really, I'm fine.

I can't believe you have to work

the day before you're wedding.

Just some paperwork
to catch up on.

Don't you have to go
to Amanda's hearing?

Yeah, but suddenly I don't want

to spend any time away from you.

My parents are driving me crazy.

I'll be back soon.

O.K. I love you.

I love you, too.

Hey, Matt, wait up.

Hey, Billy, how are
the wedding nerves?

Just a couple of jitters.

I'm doing all right.

I wanted to ask you something.


Well... uh, yesterday
I was coming in,

and I just happened to see you

and my best man
there by your door,

and, um... well,

you were, um...

you were, uh...

We were kissing, Billy.

Yeah, that's...

That's exactly
what you were doing.

And that's O.K. Really.

Um... it's O.K.
with me, absolutely.

I'm glad.

So, you and Rob
had a few drinks,

and, uh...

you, um...

got along, had things in common,

and... and, uh...

he felt close,

and so he was experimenting

or something.

Is that about right?

I don't know, Billy.

It didn't feel
like an experiment.

I've known Rob for years,

and he is...

Look, Billy, whatever
Rob was doing,

or whatever he is,

that's his business.

If he wants to tell you, fine,

but I think you
should talk to him.

The most important
thing is that, hey,

he's a wonderful guy.

And you're both very lucky

to have each other as friends.

I'm late.

I'll see you later, O.K.?

Mr. Russell, be advised that

this qualifies
as sworn testimony

subject to all applicable
laws of perjury.

I'm only interested
in getting out the truth.

Chas, tell us what happened
to you at D and D.

At first it looked like
a great opportunity.

My fiancé Hillary introduced me

to her daughter Amanda.

When a spot
opened up at D and D,

Amanda offered it to me.

I assumed she was trying
to get back

into her mother's good graces.

He's lying. He
begged for the job.

There I was, new at this company

where Amanda has lots of power.

She made it clear
she controlled advancement

and that the senior people
listened to her.

She could hire or
fire you at her whim?


Then as time went on,

it became obvious to me

that she was interested
in me in a physical sense.

Exactly how did she do that?

Basically, every time
I brought up business,

she'd bring up sex.

She wanted to get
closer physically,

get to know me better, she said.

She knew I was
engaged to her mother

but that just seemed to
make her want me more.

She wanted to punish her mother

by stealing me.

I told her I didn't want
anything to do with her.

I loved Hillary.

That afternoon,

we were working late, and...

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

I know this will hurt you
to hear this,

but I have to.

It's all right, honey.

Do you, uh,

need a moment, Mr. Russell?

What he needs
is a kick in the teeth.

I've never heard
such boldfaced lies.

This behavior will not
help you one bit.

Our apologies, Judge.

Anyway, that afternoon,
I was in her office,

and she said it was time
to pay the piper

or lose my job.

When I asked her
what she meant...

she undid my pants.

She said that unless I had
sex with her then and there,

that I'd lose my job

and she'd tell her mother

that I was coming on to her.

So it happened.

Later I told her

how all this had made me feel,

and she told me
to clear out my desk.

And then she laughed.

Now my work record...

and my relationship

are irrevocably stained.

And I think Amanda Woodward

should be forced to pay
for what she did.

The truth is I never had

any particularly bad
feelings toward my mother,

so there was no reason
for revenge.

And I certainly had no
sexual designs on Chas.

Well, did, uh, Mr. Russell

ever show any interest in you?

I should say so.

He started coming on to me

the moment
he walked into the office.

Before, actually.

He finally tried
to force himself on me,

and I was fed up,
so I fired him.

Why do you suppose he'd do that?

Sort of seems a dangerous
kind of game to play.

I don't know.

I just fired him.

I wanted Chas Russell

as far away from me as possible.

All you'd have to do
is tell your mother.

Their relationship
would be ruined.

He knew that although
I don't really have

any problems with my mother,

that we're not all that close.

She probably
wouldn't believe me.

I see.

Now recess until p.m.

We'll resume testimony
at that time.

Oh! Oh!

I can't believe it.

This is the best way
to spend the day off

anybody ever thought of.

Unfortunately I have
to get going.

I got that meeting with
Jane about the business.

Why bother? You're not
signing off on the deal.

Yeah, I know, but I love
to watch her squirm.

You do love that, don't you?

Want to have a beer
before you go?

I will, if you get it.

I was planning on it, darlin'.

Where's that beer, Kimberly?

Coming right up, sweetheart!

Don't be so impatient.

Oh, Miss Parker, you're aware

this is considered
sworn testimony?

Yes, sir.

Alison, you are employed
at D and D Advertising

and work directly under
Amanda Woodward?

Yes, I do.

Would you consider Amanda
Woodward a fair boss?

Objection, your honor.

Overruled, Walter.

I want to know what she thinks.

Yeah, I guess so.
Most of the time.

Most of the time?

Other times?

She can be tough.



Was she tough on Chas
at D and D?

No, not at first.

She seemed to like his work.

Did she seem to like him?

Yeah, I guess so.

Did her attitude
change toward him?

Yes, it did,

shortly after the incident
in the conference room.

Describe this incident
to us, please.

I passed the conference room

and accidentally saw Chas
and Amanda together.

Describe "together."

They were kissing.

Pretty passionately.

I got out of there quickly.

Did Chas tell you
what happened there?

Yes, he did.

He said they had made love,

but I didn't witness that.

Does that outcome seem probable

from what you saw?

Really, this is beyond
even speculation.

Walter, normal rules of testimony
don't apply in this hearing.

I'm going to allow it.

I don't really know.

Miss Parker, counsel is
asking for your opinion.

Please give it.

Yes. I'd say so.

So you'd say it was
probable from what you saw

that Amanda Woodward
made love to Chas Russell

in the conference room
that afternoon.

It's possible.

I'm going to take hours

to consider all the testimony.

You'll all be called back

to hear my decision.


I can't believe
you actually did it.

You were supposed to get
here an hour ago.

What did you give him?

A sedative, Einstein.

We've got to get him
into the garage

before he wakes up.



He looks so peaceful now.

I almost want to forgive him.

Blow it out your ear.

He should be done
in about three hours.

I'll walk to the Malibu Cantina

so I can come back and find him.

How can we do this?
It's inhuman.

You're looking at human garbage.

He'd just as soon run you over.

When Michael's dead,
God will do a jig.

Get out of here.

Head... head out to Palm Springs.
Stay overnight.

Make sure somebody sees you.

We both loved him so much,

I can't believe
it's come to this.

Put a sock in it,
would you? Now, go.

This is just like Michael
to be late.

He's doing this on purpose.

I know he is.

He's such a bastard.

First he blocks this deal,

which could make us all rich,

because he doesn't want
to see me successful.

When we get him to reconsider,

he doesn't show because he
was stringing us along.

Oh, I hate him!

Don't worry.

When he sees this new
offer, he'll come around.

He might be scum,
but greedy scum.

Perverse, greedy scum.

The snake will do anything
to hurt me.

You could always quit.

Start a new company without him.

No, that's bankruptcy.

I would lose clients,


I'm not going to let him
screw me over this time.

If that sick, worthless piece
of dirt won't come to us,

we are going to him.

I think I hear his car.


Michael, are you in there?


Oh, my God. Michael? Michael!

Let's get him out of here.

Let's get him down.


I can't tell if he's
breathing... Michael!

Come on.


Oh, Jane.

Jane, that... that was
a hell of a kiss.

Watch it!

Careful, guys. Careful.

My little girl's going
to be standing on that.

You want to make sure
it's well-braced.

You, with the harp,
keep the pathway cleared.

More platforming's
coming through here.

Hey! What do you think
you're doing?

You've no permission
to cover the pool.

Workmen here at this hour?

My daughter isn't getting
married under water.

They need space,
so I've made space.

Unmake it. This is my building.

Now, listen, you officious...

Hey, come on now.

Let me handle it.

Who does she think she is?

I'm the woman
who could call the cops

and have this crap
carted out of here.

What's all this noise about?


Listen, we need to talk.

No, we don't.

I can see what you're up to.

It's not what it seems.

Well, it is...

but at the same time...

Forget it, Jake!

I don't have time for this!

I'm sorry about the testimony
at the hearing, Amanda.

I tried to be honest.

The lawyer
put words in my mouth.

You didn't need his.

Your words were damaging enough.

There's no reason
to destroy my wedding.

I was just trying
to do what's right.

How come every time you do
what you think is right,

it's bad for me?

I'm not a witch. You
can have your wedding,

but make sure someone hauls
this stuff away tonight.

Absolutely. No problem.
I owe you one.

I know.

So is Jo having a little
trouble dealing with reality?


You mean us?

No, no, she's fine.

She was just wondering

when I was going
to finish the crib.

I see. Well, why don't
we finish the job

you started for me this morning?

I'll just grab my clothes
and help them out here today.

We'll see, Mr. Fix-it.

We'll see.

Oh, God, what a weird night.

I need aspirin bad.

Oh, poor baby!

I'll get it.

I just can't figure out

how I fell asleep at the wheel.

It happens to people
all the time.

It's a good thing

you weren't on the road.

You could've wound up
rolling down a hill again.

Yeah, but it wasn't late.

Waking up
with Jane all over me...

it was like a time warp.

It looked weird to me, too.

Your head was in her lap.

I was half-unconscious.

I didn't know where I was.

I'm not blaming you, sweetheart.

I just wish she'd
get out of our lives.

She irritates me. Always has.

Her and her stupid
little design shop deal.


Yeah, sure.

How did I get in the car?

All I remember is that
we shared a beer

after having absolutely
incredible sex...

I remember.

Me, too.

You went to have a shower.

I walked on the beach

to Malibu Cantina
to pick up dinner.

And when I came back,

You were lying in the
driveway with your ex-wife.

You don't suppose

she and her boyfriend
are trying to hurt you?

I don't know. Stranger
things have happened.

We'll just have to keep our
eyes on them, won't we?

As long as it's
from a distance, baby,

it's fine with me.


I love you, Michael,

and I don't ever want to
be scared like that again.

You wanted to see me, ma'am?

We're getting married
today, honey.

This is your
last chance to back out.

Never in a million years.

I've never been more sure

about anything or anybody
in my whole life.

It's like I lived my whole
life just to get here...

just to have you.


Well, you got me, babe,

for the rest of your life.

Oh, now, you'll have

plenty of time for
that later, you two.

Come on, Alison. It's
time to get ready.

Oh, man, this is a strange one.

Uh, I think I found your studs.


I'll be damned.

I think you're
more nervous than I am.

Um, Rob...

there's something
I want to ask you.

Or rather say.

What's that?

Well, uh...

I, uh...

I... I know that you're gay

or think you're gay or, uh...

are you?

Matt told you?

Uh, no.

I, um...

I saw you together.

Well, I am.

Are you shocked?

Did you always know
you were gay?

I mean, even back in school?

Yeah. Looking back
on it, yeah, always.

Jeez, Rob, all these years...

I... I mean I...

I can't believe you'd keep a
secret like that from me.

I wasn't sure
you wanted to know.

Come on. I'm your best friend.

I guess you are.



Were you ever attracted to me?


Why the hell not?

I guess I was looking
for someone more stable.

Well, what do you think?

It's even prettier than
the weddings back home

in our little church.

Yeah, it's pretty nice.

Check on the caterers.

I'll see how Alison's doing.



I was hoping we could talk.

I owe you a lot.

You've really been there for me.

I think I got gratitude

mixed up with old
feelings for you,

so we're still friends.

Let's leave it at that. O.K.?

No, it's not O.K.

I thought it was over
with Amanda and...

You slept with her again.

If I were a guy,
I'd feel the same.

I'm not in love with two people.
You are.

You can only have one...
Not me.

See you at the wedding.


Knock, knock.

Now, you sure you got the ring?

For the millionth time,
I'm sure.

Hi, guys.

It's Jo.

What do you think?

I think you look
absolutely stunning.

She does, doesn't she?

Oh, guys, I can't believe
I'm getting married.

I just didn't think
it was something I would do.

But now that I am,

I want you both to know
you're the best friends

anyone could ever have.

And no matter what,
I will always love you.

I feel the same way.

So do I.

Look. I brought you
something borrowed.

It's a charm bracelet
from sixth grade.

I forgot your something blue...

A turquoise ring.
I'll be right back.

Hi, Sarah.


Jane! Jane, wait a second.

I know Billy invited you,

but I don't have to talk to you.

No need to be hostile.

I want to thank you
for saving my life.

You're welcome.

I'm not signing on to that
department store deal.

I like our business small.

I don't want you
to get too successful

and get ego problems and stress.

Leave me alone, Michael.

Stop torturing me.

Don't even think about

dumping the business
and starting over,

because I have lawyers,
some of the best in town.

Anything else I should
mention, dear?

We've wasted enough
time talking to her.

I should've
let you die, Michael.

I'll tell you something else.

If you don't leave
me and my business alone,

I swear I will k*ll you.

Could I see Alison?

She's in her dress.

Not till she
comes down the aisle.

minutes. Better
get out there.

O.K. Just tell her
I love her. All right?

We will.

If she doesn't know that by now,

you're in big trouble.


I can't believe
I'm wearing a suit.

Hey, Father.



Excuse me.

Oh, great!

This'll be going on all day.

Like I don't have
enough problems.


I thought she liked weddings.

Somebody better talk to that nut

before she ends up
ruining this one.

Listen to me.

It didn't work out, O.K.?

Your nosy, insipid sister walked
in, pulled him out of the garage,

and screwed it all up.

But he'll know.
He'll do something.

All he's going to do is die.

Now, go to sh**t,
have a drink,

and pull yourself together.

I'll take care
of everything. Scram.


Well, I guess
everybody's waiting.

Our little Alison
is getting married.

Oh, Mom, please don't cry.

Think it'd be O.K.
for the father of the bride

to have a moment
with his favorite daughter

before he walks her
down the aisle?

I don't see why not.

I love you, Mom.

I love you.

You are so beautiful.

And I am so damn proud of you.

Please tell me you'll always
be Daddy's little girl.

I love you, Pumpkin.

More than anybody.

Shh! Don't cry.

Don't cry.

Shh! Shh!


Shh! Don't cry.
Don't cry, honey.

Don't cry. Don't cry, honey.

Don't cry. Shh!

Don't cry. Don't cry.


Don't cry.

Alison, what's wrong?


All this time
I thought I was crazy,

but I'm not.

You're a monster.

What are you talking about?

You did things to me
when I was a kid.

In the basement.

Didn't you?

Honey, you're not making sense.

Oh, God.

You did.

Oh, God! You molested me.


Aah! Aah!

Alison, listen,
listen, listen, listen.

It never happened.

Now, do you hear me?

It never happened.

No, listen.

Listen to me. Listen to me.

You say anything to anybody,

I swear to God I'll k*ll you.

Now, you hear that?

I will.



Are they gonna
get started or what?

I don't know what's
taking them so long.

Is there a problem, Mr. Parker?

Is Alison all right?

Yes, of course. She's fine.

A little nervous, that's all.

Could you help me with this?

I've never been able to get
the hang of these things.

I wish Alison would
get her butt out here.

I have a meeting.

You'd be nervous, too,
if you were getting married.

I'll never let that happen,

so I don't have
to worry about it.

What's going on?
I better talk to her.

No, no. That won't be necessary.

Come on.

Alison, we're running
a little late.

Alison, are you all right?


Come on.

Alison's behavior is
verging on just plain rude.

Why don't you stop
being so selfish

and think of someone
else beside yourself?

I'm sick of all of you
self-righteous jerks attacking me.

I don't have to take it.

I've got a meeting to go to.

Billy, I went into her bedroom,

and she was gone.

What do you mean gone?
Where is she?

I don't know.

Alison... Alison.

I can't believe this.

What happened?

I checked up the street.
There's no sign of her.

"Billy, I'm sorry. I just can't.

"It's not you.

Love, Alison."

It's not me.

If it's not me,
then who the hell is it?

What the hell's going on here?

What is this, some kind of joke?

What is wrong with this girl?


Something is definitely wrong.

No kidding
something's definitely wrong.


Excuse me, everybody.


I have an announcement to make.

There's been a little bit
of a problem here.

The bride is not feeling well,

so the wedding's going
to have to be postponed.

The friends and family
of the bride and groom

will let you know
when it's rescheduled.

Jake, hang on a second.

What's really going on here?

She get cold feet or what?

I can't really say
right now, Michael.

Yes, you can, man. I'm a doctor.

Maybe I can help.

I mean, if she is ill.

Thank you, Jane.

Well, well, if it isn't
the loser of the week.

You here to beg for a settlement

before you lose
your shirt tomorrow?

No. I'm here to see my mother.

Is she around?

Sorry, she's not.

She wouldn't be
interested anyway.

You've already burned
that bridge, sweetheart.

She said she'd see me.

Well, I advise her
on all her appointments,

and this wouldn't be a
good one for her to keep.

Bye. Have fun on
the unemployment line.

Why are you doing this, Chas?

Why are you trying to ruin me?

Are you wearing a wire,

No, and stop calling me that.

Why? It's a term of endearment.

If you want to hear the story,

I'll have to pat you down.

Don't be an idiot.

Where would I hide
a wire under this?

Just seeing
if you might enjoy it...


I'm not kidding, Hillary.

These people were so afraid

that I couldn't walk and
talk at the same time

that they wouldn't
give me a chance.

Tell me why you're doing this.

It's simple, Amanda.
I live by my wits.

Your mother's fine and all,

but I can't survive on the
crumbs she's throwing me.

I need my own money.

Besides, this arrangement
is getting tired.

I'm ready to move on
to someone my own age.

Too bad you weren't
more receptive.

My mother will see through
you eventually, Chas.

She's not stupid.

Oh, yeah? I've got her believing

her own daughter lied to her.

Anyway, when she figures it out,

I'll have collected
the money from the suit.

Listen to me, you cheap hustler.

I won't let this happen
to me or my mother.

Hey, babe, you don't
have any credibility.

You're just like your mother...

Washed up.


Hi, Sis.

It was there last night.

This morning, it was gone.

Jane, what's going on?

My car was stolen.

Oh, my God.

That's terrible.

We have everything we need here.

We'll send you a report
for your insurance company.

All right. Thank you.

Are you O.K.?

I knew something was wrong

when I couldn't find
my car keys.

Someone stole your keys?


I wonder if Alison...

Who knows?

Things are sure getting
weird around here.

Gosh, I'm sorry.

I'm sure everything
will work out.

Let me know if you
hear anything.

Let me know if you hear anything

about Alison...
See you.

You'll let us know
if you hear anything.


Well, they have her description.

I'll see the police
and drop off a picture.

They'll be on the lookout.

But that's not good enough.

What if she's been abducted?

She could be...

It's just cold feet, that's all.

She'll be back any minute.

You sure you called
all of Alison's friends?


How about her old boyfriends?

You saw her last.
What did she say to you?

What did you say to her?

I don't like the tone of that.

I just want to figure
out what's going on.

Maybe that's something
you should ask yourself.

When a bride skips out,

it's usually about the groom.

Stop this, both of you.

There's no sense
blaming each other.

We should focus on
looking for Alison.

You're right, you're right.

Billy, I apologize.

I'm sorry.

We should split up here.

I'll visit the police,

see if I can't kick their butts
into getting more involved.

I'll go to D and D and see
if she said anything.

Good. Honey, you stay here
in case she calls.


Now, don't worry.
We'll find her.

going to be just fine.


I'm sorry I wasn't ready
to talk last night.


I know why you
left home, Meredith,

why you graduated high school
early and never came back,

why you cut off all
communication with Mom and Dad,

why you had to.

When Dad hugged me before
I walked down the aisle,

he said something
that triggered a memory

that I thought was
just a nightmare.

It was real, wasn't it?

When it first came back,

it seemed impossible that I...

could've forgotten
that it happened.

But I guess I had to.

Just to go on.

He did it to you, too,
didn't he?

I was your big sister,

and I didn't help you.

I couldn't, Alison,

because it was
happening to me, too.

I felt so guilty,
I wanted to k*ll myself.

What about Mom?

She couldn't have known.

But there are times when I
think she must've known.

She just did nothing.

I confronted him once.

I was and you were .

What'd he say?

He said he'd k*ll me
if I told anyone.

And I believed him, Alison.

I thought he was
going to k*ll us both.

So... you got quiet
and tried to disappear,

and I just plain forgot.

God, I wish I could forget.

No, Meredith.

It's better to know
and deal with it.

Much better.

I promise you.

It's a plus that you walked
out on your own wedding?

Normal people don't do
that kind of thing.

I think that's
exactly what they do

because no matter how
bad Dad made us feel,

we're still the normal
ones, Meredith,

not him.

I really missed you, Al.

Me, too.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I've given this case a good
deal of consideration.

I must tell you
that much of my decision

comes down to who to believe.

I find the testimony
of Chas Russell

to be by far the most
credible I've heard.


my decision in this suit

is as follows...

Excuse me, Judge.

I'm sorry to interrupt,

but I have what I think is some
very relevant information.

Is there a reason this information
was not brought forward before?

I wasn't aware of it
until yesterday.

All right.

Come on up.

Your honor, the
plaintiff's witnesses

have already been called.

I'm a defense witness.

This is highly irregular.

Yes... that's what
makes it interesting.

If the lawyers will sit down,

we'll hear what
Ms. Michaels has to say.

Go ahead, dear.

Yesterday I came home early,

and I heard Mr. Russell
talking to my daughter Amanda.

He was taunting her

and laughing about this lawsuit.

He said he made it all up.

Judge, this is made up.

The two of them
are in this together.

I did some research
on his resume,

and it's all lies.

Everything he says is a lie.

My daughter
was telling the truth...

only I didn't believe her.

She's out of her mind.

This is hearsay at its worst.

George, the whole case
is hearsay.

We have some time.

We'll go through this
one step at a time,

if that's all right
with you, Ms. Michaels.


How could you do this to me?

I would've shared
the money with you.

We could've been millionaires,
you crazy bitch.

You're in enough trouble.
Let's don't make it worse.

Get your stuff out of
my house by tonight

or my new lawyer here
will have it impounded.

Amanda, wait.

I'll get the car.

I just wanted to say
that I'm sorry.

Sorry for so much,

but especially
for not believing you.

I appreciate what you did.

But if this is about
the two of us starting over,

we've been down
that road before.

Amanda... I just want
my daughter back.


it's nice to know that you
finally came through for me,

but it's too little, too late.

I'm sorry. That's how I feel.

I understand.

But I want you to know
that I love you,

that I've always loved you,

even when I wasn't there.

And I know I can't
take back the past,

but if you ever want
to talk or see me...

the door's always open.


You know, you really
can't hide here forever.

Don't you think
you should call Billy?

Oh, no, I can't.

Not yet. Not until
we talk to Dad.

Sorry. I can't do that.

Why not?

I just got my life
back together.

I won't screw it up
by dredging up the past.

But neither one of us
can have a life,

a real life, until we face this,

until we confront Dad
about this.

No, O.K.? No.

I can't.

You're still afraid, aren't you?


I am.

Don't be, Meredith.

We have each other now.

Dad can't hurt us anymore.

Come here.

You just paged me?

Yes. I just got an urgent
message from a Jane Mancini.

She needs to meet you

in front of the coffee shop
across the hospital.

She says it's
a matter of life or death.

A matter of life or death?

That's what she said, Doctor.

Thanks, Nurse.

Boy, this better be good.

We're losing him,
we're losing him!


I'm looking for the hem
line to be right here.

Mrs. Mancini?

Oh... good news, I hope.

We have a warrant
for your arrest.


For the hit and run.

What are you talking about?

Your license number
was taken at the scene,

along with your description.

T-t-that's impossible.

I told the police
my car was stolen.

Is that the stolen vehicle, Mrs.

You can't be serious.
This is a mistake.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and
will be used against you...

Listen, I didn't do anything.

You have the wrong person.

Somebody is trying to set me up!
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