02x26 - In Bed with the Enemy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x26 - In Bed with the Enemy

Post by bunniefuu »

Ahh! Jake!

Oh, ooh.

Good morning.

Good swim?

I thought you were
gonna fix the pool heater.

Oh, I'm sorry about that.

Later, okay?

Actually, right now
would be an ideal time.

I can't, I gotta meet
some clients at : .

A few minutes are hardly
gonna make a difference.

Besides, it's good for you
to keep a client waiting.

Puts you in a position of power.

Amanda, I don't think
you understand.

I have a job now.

I work on the boat.

I don't mind helping
you out when I can,

but just 'cause
we're in a relationship

doesn't mean
I'm at your disposal

for this handyman routine.

It's just one small favor, Jake.


Well, maybe you could hire
someone to take care

of all the little favors
you need around here.

As a matter of fact, I think
you should hire someone.

What do you mean,
like hire an apartment manager?


Someone who will do
everything you say...

and get paid for it.

♪ But when I see the world ♪

♪ From where I stand ♪

♪ I guess I'm not too... ♪

Made you breakfast, sweetheart.

I'm not hungry.
How's that list coming?

What's the rush?

The rush is I want my grand.

And you'll get it.

I mean, Gram named you
in her will.

Jane doesn't have
a legal leg to stand on.

Yeah, well, your sister
screwed me over

in the divorce
settlement, and I'm not taking

any chances this time.

I want dates,
times, anything nice

you remember your grandmother
saying about me.

I told you, but you tuned out

whenever Gram started yammering

about how wonderful
Jane's life was.

Well, then make things up
if you have to,

anything that sounds
good enough to use in court.


Are you listening to me?

Every word, sweetheart.

I'll be home by : ,

so the interviews
can start at : .

And send only your best people.


Hi, hope I'm not
interrupting anything.

No, that was
an employment agency.

I'm hiring an apartment manager
for the building.


Please, have a seat.

Thank you.

So you wanted
to discuss something?


Um... Amanda, you said
that if I...

I ever needed
your help, I could ask.

And I was wondering
if you would consider

loaning me some money.

Sorry, I never loan
money to friends.

Well, actually, it would be more
of an investment than a loan.

It's for my business.

I'd prefer lower-risk
investments, Jane.

And frankly, my offer was only

for any financial advice
you might need.

I understand that.

But at this point,
I don't need advice.

I need money.

I don't enjoy saying
"I told you so,"

but this was inevitable.

You spent funds you didn't have.

I know, Amanda.

Look, I'm sorry, I'm...

I'm just angry at Michael

for going after my inheritance.

And I'm upset with myself
for not playing this out better.


Maybe I don't have what it takes
to be in business.

Maybe I'm not shrewd enough.

You know what I'd do
if I were you?

Take on a partner.

Someone who's got the capital

for a long-range investment.

I would only be interested
in a business partner

if I retained creative control.

Well, that wouldn't be
an issue for someone

who's just looking
for a place to park their funds

and see some profit
down the line.

Great... well,
I'd really appreciate

anything you can do to help.

Please... I love doing this.


In fact, I already
have someone in mind

who would be perfect for you.

♪ ♪

Uh, excuse me...
You just paged me?

Actually, I did.

Oh... Amanda.

What's up?

Some kind of medical problem
you'd like me to look at?

I have a proposition for you.

Already, I'm intrigued.

A business proposition.


I'm told Jane's
contesting your part

of her grandmother's

And she sent you to talk me
out of pursuing it?

Nice try, but I'm legally
entitled to that money.

Jane doesn't know
I'm speaking with you,

and I want to help you
get your money.

All right.

I'm listening.

If you invest your share
of the inheritance

in Jane's company,
she won't contest the will.

Hm... pass.

Maybe you haven't
considered this,

but unless you two
reach some agreement,

you can count on some pretty
outrageous lawyers' fees

and both of you
will end up with nothing.

Then, tell Jane to back off.

You know she won't do that.

Then, I'll see her in court.

Michael, you obviously
still have

very strong feelings for her.

I don't think so.

I left her, remember?

Jane is having
financial problems,

and you have the power
to help her out.

Where a court case
would drive you two apart,

a business arrangement would
bring you closer together.

And isn't that what you want...
To be closer to Jane?

Wait a minute...
What's in it for you?

Just helping out a friend.

Oh, that's funny, Amanda.

All right...
A % finder's fee,

along with the joy of seeing
you two work this out.

Oh... if it gives you
so much pleasure,

% and I'll consider it.

%, and all advertising
goes through DD.


Deal. Wonderful.

Um... are you sure

you don't need a...

physical while you're here?

Keep your stethoscope
in your pocket, doctor.

It dates back to the turn
of the century,

but it's been
completely restored,

and we have a very good
organist available.

Won't that be beautiful?

An old pipe organ playing
"The Wedding March"?

It's so old-fashioned
and romantic.

Maybe we should just
have music on tape.


part of the experience
is that it's real...

not prerecorded.

Yeah, but organ music gives
people the creeps, you know?

That's why they use it
in horror movies.

Perhaps a contemporary
feel would be more appropriate,

given that you're writing
your own vows.

Yeah, exactly.

Well, in any event,
I'd very much like you two

to remain a part
of our congregation.

We like to stay involved
with our young people here,

and we provide a full range
of family services,

including day care
when the time comes.

Thanks, but we're both

pretty focused
on our careers right now.

It'd be a few years
before we start a family.

Yeah, if we have one at all.


That's news to me.

I guess we never
talked about it.

Well, that's what engagements
are for, aren't they?

How can we be together
all this time

and me not know this about you?

Maybe it's 'cause
you always assume

whatever you want,
I'll want too.

It's not so unreasonable
to assume

you want to have a family.

I mean, a house,
the kids, a dog...

It's the whole point
of getting married.

No, the point is
that I want to be with you.

I have a career, Billy, a life,

and there are things
I want to do in it,

and places I want to go.

Fine, me too,

but I can see a family
in that picture.

Eventually, anyway.

Are you saying that right now,

you can absolutely,
positively tell me

that you never
want to have kids?

Yes, that's what I'm saying.

I can't believe this.

It's, like, all of a sudden...

you're somebody else.

Oh, that's ridiculous.

Allison, what is
the matter with you lately?

Nothing, damn it!

I'm tired.

Can we please go home?

No, you're not
getting off that easy.

First, it's this "no sex" thing,

and now, it's no kids.

What's next? What, no wedding?

Of course not.

Well, then I want
an explanation.

There's something wrong,
and I want to know what it is.

I haven't been sleeping.

I've been scared too.



I've been having them
every night, these really...

terrifying nightmares.

About what?

I don't know.

Weird images, like...

somebody's after me,
but it's me as a little girl...

and I can't get away,
and it is so... dark,

and I'm screaming...

and screaming,
and nobody hears me.


It's okay.

You know, it's probably stress

or anxiety over the wedding,

your parents coming out...

me bugging you, the works.

When it is happening, it is...

so vivid...

so real.

Allison, they're dreams.

They're just dreams.

Excuse me, do you know where
I can find Amanda Woodward?

Who are you?

Ted Ramsey, the employment
agency sent me.

Yes, I've been waiting.

You were due here an hour ago.

I'm sorry, I was working
construction all day.

I thought it'd be
better if I cleaned up a bit.

Otherwise, you wouldn't want to
get within two feet of me,

much less give me a job.

Did you bring me a resume?

Uh, no.

But the employment agency
will vouch for me.

I've been with them
almost a year,

and I've done everything from
wash dishes to dig ditches,

so, you know, being an apartment
manager will be nothing.

No, what I mean is that I...

You know, I could
do the job... easily.

Well, it's not a huge complex,

but things do seem to go wrong
with some frequency.

The job is mostly maintenance...

The laundry room, pool,
some grounds work,

and I'm sure the agency
told you it's only part-time.

Yeah, that works out perfect,

because it gives me time
for auditions.

I'm an actor.

Really? Have I ever
seen you in anything?

Well, I guess I shouldn't say
that I'm an actor

until I actually get a part.

You know, I moved out here
to study it,

pay my dues, get discovered,
become a big star.

Of course.

Um, well, I have a few
more people I have to see,

so I'll be in touch.

Oh, sure.

Oh, you do live in town,
don't you?

I specifically
requested a local resident

for on-call purposes.

I sort of had
to leave my apartment

quicker than I wanted to.

My roommate
moved out unexpectedly.

But I heard that some
apartment managers

get to live rent-free
as part of their salary.

Look, Miss Woodward.

You probably think
I'm some kind of flaky kid.

But the truth is I'm a hard
worker, I'm reliable,

and if something's broken,
I know how to fix it.

It's a talent I have.

There is a vacant
unit next to mine.

Ordinarily, it goes
for a month.

You'll live there rent-free,
plus in salary.

However, your hours
won't be fixed.

You'll work any day of the week,
any hour of the day,

for as many hours
as I ask you to.

Are you offering me the job?

The agency said they'd send
only their best people,

so, yes.

You can start tomorrow.

I'll show you around
before I leave for work.

Thank you, Miss Woodward.

Um, call me Amanda.

I'll see you at : sharp.

I'll be there.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Let me outta here.

Somebody, please...
let me outta here!

Oh, God.

Hi. Hey, Jane.

This is Ted, our new manager.

Oh, hi, nice to meet you.

Where do you want this?

The kitchen is fine.


Nothing like having
a man around the house,

as I'm sure you'll recall.

I have good news for you.

I found you an investor.

Really? Who?

Well, let's just say
he's financially solvent,

and you can meet him today.

La Belle Auberge, : noon.

Fantastic, I'll be there.

Good. Uh...

All set. Thank you.

Uh, is there anything
I should do to prepare?

No, no, he's
definitely interested.

It's just a matter of meeting

and talking it over.

This is great.

Yes, it is.

I'm happy to do it.

See you at noon. Okay.

The pool heater's the priority.

After that...

Good morning. Good morning.

Jake Hanson, Ted Ramsey...

Mm... mm.

Our, um, new manager.

Nice to meet you.

We sure could use the help
around here.

If you need any help, just ask.

I've done some of the work
around here myself.

And watch out
for that smile of hers.

Next thing you know,
she'll be having you believing

that a regular workday
is hours.

Oh, don't scare the man,
he just got here.

Well, I'm gonna get
back to work now.

See you later.

Mr. Personality.

Oh, be nice. He's just a kid.

"Yep, sure thing, boss."

♪ ♪

A shrink?

Don't you think you're
overreacting a little?

Billy, you don't understand.

Well, maybe I'm being
a little close-minded,

but I... I just think
all you need

is to talk to somebody
who cares about you.

You know how much shrinks cost.

They're like $ an hour.

You can talk to me all afternoon

for the price of a beer.

Could we just eat?


I don't know how to explain
these dreams.

They don't make any sense.

All I know is that
they are real,

and they're frightening.

And they're temporary.

I can practically guarantee it.


You don't know that.

I just don't see how seeing
a psychiatrist can hurt.

Jo thinks...
And I don't understand

why you treat other people's
opinions as gospel.

They're just other opinions.

That's part
of the problem right there.

What, you're leaving now?

I'm sorry, I have a lot of work

to do before
my afternoon meeting.

What do I owe you?

Forget it, lunch is on me.

I meant for the therapy session.

This isn't doing
either of us any good.

Would you please just finish
your lunch and talk to me?

I'm sorry, I have to go.

I'll see you at home.

Uh, the prospectus includes
designs for the fall season,

monthly expenses,
and a five-year projection.

Well, this is all
very impressive,

but you don't
have to try so hard.

He's ready to buy it.

Why can't you tell me who it is?

I can, I would just
rather you meet him.

Oh, I don't believe this...
Michael's here.

Damn it, I don't
want him to ruin this.

Just stay calm.

Hello, Jane, Amanda...
I'm sorry I'm late.

We thought we lost
a clamp during surgery.

Almost had to go back inside,

but we found it.

How could you set
me up like this?

Let's not make a scene, okay?

Hold on a minute...
You didn't tell her?

Your nerve never ceases
to amaze me, Michael.

How could you possibly
have enough money to invest?

My grand.

Oh, my God.

Jane, if you don't
contest the will,

Michael will invest
his share in your company.

Oh, you're blackmailing me?

No, this was her idea.

I don't have to do this, Jane,
the money's legally mine.

It's just the this way,
we split the inheritance

as Gram intended.

Go to hell, Michael.

Why don't we order and discuss
this like civilized people?

I would rather file
for bankruptcy

than lie down
with the two of you.

I'd suggest you start
earning your %.


You'd sell out Mother Teresa.

The reason
I'm a good businessperson

is I don't let emotions
get in the way.

You wanna be a loser?
Just keep playing victim.

Not only did you betray
my confidence,

you brought Michael into this

when I am trying
to get him out of my life.

No matter what you think,
I am on your side.

Michael is a willing investor,

and he believes in your talent.

If you contest the will,
you'll lose everything

in court costs
and wind up with nothing.

I can't do this.


Don't be stupid.

The law is gonna give him half.

This is your only way
to take it back.

♪ ♪

These are my terms.

I design whatever I want.

We split the expenses
and profits / .

I run the company without
any interference from you,

and you keep Sydney out of this.

I can live with that.

I'll set up an appointment
with a lawyer.

Nice work.

You have hours to pay me

my finder's fee
in a certified check,

at which time you'll receive

an exclusive contract
for DD's services.

You don't sign
that contract in hours,

I'll talk Jane out of the deal.

I doubt it.

I'm not Jane, Michael.

I can't find one redeeming
quality in you,

and I never have.

I'm home!

You're not still angry, are you?

♪ ♪

You scared me to death.


I left my tools.

I don't understand.

What were you fixing
when I left here this morning?

There was nothing broken.

It was a problem with the pipes.

In my bedroom?

Well, there's pipes in every
apartment in every room.


Could you just leave, please?

There was a broken pipe,
and I fixed it.

Next time
you don't want me to do that,

that's your choice.

If it's an emergency, fine.

Other than that, no.

I don't want you to.

You got it.

Amanda, I came home,

and Ted was in my apartment.

I practically
ran right into him.

He's the building
manager, Allison.

He fixes things.

He wasn't fixing anything.

He was lurking.


He said there was
a broken pipe in my bedroom.

Now, how would he know that?

Uh, maybe he's clairvoyant.

What's going on?

Ted has full reign
to do whatever is necessary

to ensure the safety of the
tenants... hours a day.

Oh, come on, Amanda.

There's no danger.
There's nothing broken.

An ad executive
and a freelance plumber?

So versatile, Allison...
I had no idea.

Just don't let him in there
unless I'm there, okay?

Allison's going through
a little hard time

right now
with the wedding plans,

and she's having trouble
sleeping, and...


Sleepless nights?

And now, lurking handymen?

Really, Allison, what's next?


Amanda, I want advance notice

if Ted has to get
into my apartment.

I am entitled to that.

Excuse me, I have to save

whatever's left
of dinner... good-bye.

No, you don't have to change
the name of the company.

It was just a suggestion.

Yeah, tomorrow
at the lawyer's is fine.

: .

All right, bye.

What did she want?


Oh, and you can stop
working on that list.

Jane's not contesting the will.

Why not?

I'm investing my share
of the inheritance

in Jane's company.

It's the only way
to get my money.

Michael, that money
is legally yours.

Yeah, but this way, we avoid
going through the courts.

Besides, Jane's talented.

We'll make a profit on this.

I'm talented too, Michael.

Um, making money lying
on your back

isn't exactly what
I'd call talent, Syd.

I know why you're doing this.

Look, um, it's
strictly business,

so don't worry about it, okay?

I don't trust Jane,

and I don't trust you, either.

What's going on?

We have an arrangement.

I buy you furniture,

and you annoy me
as little as possible.

♪ ♪

Then get off my couch.

Hey, come on... Syd.

Put the knife down!

I don't care
about the furniture!

Tell me you don't
still love her.

I'm warning you, you ruin that
couch, I'm not replacing it.

Tell me!

Tell me, damn it.

Tell me!

You want to trash the place?
Go for it.

I'm getting a beer.


♪ ♪

Can anybody hear me?

Get me outta here.

Help, please!



You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Another nightmare?

No, um...

the alarm surprised me.

I usually wake up
before it goes off.

Oh, man.

Look at the time.

Could you... make the coffee?

I'm gonna jump
in the shower, okay?

Sure. Okay.

I hope you plan
on cleaning this mess up...

Yeah, sure.

'Cause I'm not buying you
a new couch.

I said I'd take care of it.

What's so damn interesting? Shh.

As she was arrested last night
in her hilltop home,

Lauren Etheridge,
known as the Hollywood madam,

threatened to name some
of the biggest names

in the business,
which undoubtedly has

many in the Hollywood community
quite concerned.

So they finally busted
your fancy friend's ass.

Lucky you gave up
hooking with her.

Otherwise, you'd be
a jailbird, too.

Now, be a good, little wife

and put this place
back together.

You can relax, Michael.

I have everything under control.

Well, the leak must be
in the shower head.

There's hardly any pressure.


Hey! Oh, my gosh!

Other way! Oh, I'm sorry!

Oh... oh, my God.


I'm sorry.

I guess, um, you should
get hazard pay.

Yeah, thanks.

If I had known, I would
have worn a wet suit.

So, um, can you fix it?

Yeah, I just unscrew
the shower head,

see what the problem is.

It's probably just
a worn-out washer.

Oh, good.

Seems like you know
what you're doing,

so I'll just leave you to it.

I've... I gotta get
ready for work.

So holler if you need anything.

Lauren, hi.

How are you?

You're a bright girl, Sydney.

You figure it out.


what brings you
to these plush surroundings?

No special reason.

To visit, chat, check up on you.

The only person who cares
about my well-being

is my attorney...
and all he cares about is money.

Well, I don't know about him,

but I just wanted
to bring you some things,

make you more comfortable...

Makeup, cigarettes, candy.

The only thing I need is

to get out of
this hellhole, Sydney.

And somehow, I doubt
there's anything

in that bag of yours
that'll do the trick.

So you'll excuse me if I cut
our little visit short.

I have laundry detail.

Lauren, wait!

You're right, I did have
another reason for coming here.

Let's have it.


You built up
an amazing business.

It was the classiest act in town
and the most successful.

Why let it end?

Maybe you haven't noticed,

but I happen to be incarcerated.

Right, but... I'm not.

Meaning what?

Your girls want
to be loyal to you.

But with you behind bars,

they're gonna be tempted
to go elsewhere.

What are you suggesting, Sydney?

Simple... a partnership.

Oh, no.

You said it yourself.

I'm a bright girl
and a quick study.

All I need is someone
to provide the client base

and a little guidance.

If I wanted a protégé,

why on Earth would I pick you?

Because I'm the only girl
who's got

the drive to do this,
and you know it.

It's perfect, Lauren.

I reestablish contact with
every client on your behalf.

And in a week, we're
business as usual.

We'll split the profits
down the middle,

and when you're out,
you step in, we renegotiate.

You are definitely
a piece of work, Sydney.

Take it or leave it, Lauren.

Unlike you, I don't
have all day.

♪ ♪


I have an appointment
to see Dr. Miller?


At : , though, wasn't it?

You're minutes late.


Is he in?

As a matter of fact, he is.

And you're looking at him.

I'm... sorry.

I thought maybe you were...

A file clerk, receptionist?

No, no.

I just meant that you're younger

than I thought you'd be.

Ah, happens all the time.

I'm beginning to think
I should dye

my hair white
to suit the profession.

So... Allison Parker...

you ready to get started?


Hey, Jake.

Hey, Ted.

How's the job working out?
You finding everything okay?

Yeah, fine.

These yours? Yeah.

Here, I'll take 'em.

Miss Woodward, would you like me

to wash your car before you go
to work in the morning?

It could really use it.

Amanda, and yes,
that'd be wonderful, thank you.

My pleasure.

He's sweet.

Ted's just being
helpful, you know.

I know.

He wants to do a good job,

so he's a little overeager.

I mean, so what am I
supposed to do,

stop him from washing my car?

And he volunteered.

Did I say anything?

You're jealous, aren't you?

No, I'm not.

Jake, I know you.

I know that look on your face.

I'm not guilty.

All right,
I'll admit that he seems

to have a little bit
of a crush on me,

but he does good work,
and eventually

he'll develop
a crush on someone else...

Especially after he figures out

that I am completely
and totally spoken for.

So there's no need
to be jealous.

Like I keep telling you,
I'm not jealous.

Mm... well, good.

So how about
joining me for a nice,

hot shower?

Oh, I got errands to run.

Take a rain check?

Promises, promises.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪



She's not here.

Then why are you?

The window in her bedroom
was stuck.

She complained
about it, so I told her

it would be a done deal
before she came home.

She never mentioned
anything to me.

Well, you're not
the handyman anymore.

I mean, as I understand that,
you made that real clear.



I'm watching you.


Feel free to give me pointers.

♪ ♪


I just never thought
I'd feel that comfortable.

Amazing for a crazy woman.

I know, I was wrong.

Jo, he was so reassuring,

and gentle, and caring,
and smart.

Yeah, really?

And gorgeous, and sophisticated,
and well-dressed,

and he had this adorable smile.

Allison, you went for help
with your nightmares,

and all you can talk
about is how cute he is?

What did you say?
Well, what did you say?

I told him about what was
going on

with work, with the wedding.

I did a monologue for an hour,

and he just really listened.

That's what
you're paying him for.

I know, but he really
seemed genuinely concerned

about how I was feeling.

Allison, he's your doctor.

Do you know how easy it is
to get attached to him?

They even have a word
for it... transference.

Jo, it's only been one session.

I am just saying
that I believe in him

and I was pleasantly surprised.

Right, so what did he say
about your nightmares?

Oh, he said that I was
certifiably nuts

and I should be committed.

Ha, ha.

He said that it could
be any number of things,

and without knowing me,
it's hard to say.

So you're gonna keep seeing him?

I made an appointment
for next week.

So how's Billy taking this?

I haven't told him.

But you're going to.

No, I'm not.

End of discussion.

To our first big order!

You bet... all right.

A sign of things to come.

You bet.


Can I help you?

Sydney! Hi.

Kevin Curtis.

We worked together
at Kay Beacon's?

The bookkeeper?


Well, don't let me
keep you from your work.

We don't pay you to stand
around and yak.

I got this yesterday
from the design center.

Do you like it?
Yeah, I really do.


Sydney, what are you doing here?

I came to check out
our investment

and place an order...
Wholesale, of course.

I'm a personal shopper
for a group

of these really cool women,

and I need a dozen
totally sexy dresses.

Can we speak privately?

Well, sure.

The place looks great.

Sydney, I don't
want your business.

I don't even want you in here.

Well, that's
really too bad, Jane.

We are partners.

No, it's an arrangement
between me and Michael,

and neither one of us
wants you involved.

Well, I'm Michael's wife,

and that automatically
gives me %.

Why can't you just deal?

I don't have time for this.

I came here to help you
increase our business.

You really should learn
how to accept help, Jane.

Gotta run now.

Got a manicure.

♪ ♪


I want you to keep two ledgers...

One for us to show our profits,

the other for our investors
to show our losses.

Jane, look.

I really do want to help you,

but I can't cook the books.

You know Sydney,
and you know Michael.

Now, do you want to help me
eventually buy them out or not?

You all right?

I'm fine.

Why wouldn't I be?

Well, I came back this morning

'cause I left
something in your apartment,

and I found Ted coming out
of your bedroom.


He said that you told him
your window was stuck,

and he'd have it fixed
by the time you got home.

That's a blatant lie.

And for the record,
pool heater's still broke.

I hadn't checked...
I assumed he fixed it.

Allison told me he was lurking
around her apartment...

And I made her sound crazy.

That's it, he's outta here.

Great, I'm going with you.

No... I hired him, I'll fire him.

Then, I'll wait outside
and make sure he leaves.

I wasn't, uh, expecting company.

And I wasn't expecting you
to screw up.

What were you doing
in my bedroom this morning?

Correction... your bathroom.

I wanted to make sure
the shower was working.

Jake saw you coming out
of my bedroom.

Well, he was mistaken.

He saw your door open,
thought you were in danger,

thought he saw me coming
out of your bedroom.

I don't know...
I was doing my job, Amanda.

Well, the past tense
is appropriate.

You're fired as of right now.

Give me the keys...
All of them.

♪ ♪

So you have a jealous boyfriend,
so you fire me?

You did this alone.

Come on, Amanda.

I just got here.

And you have
five minutes to leave,

unless you want to be charged
with breaking and entering.

♪ ♪

♪ I saw you on the street ♪

♪ Talkin' on your phone,
hands in the air ♪

♪ Saying, "Whoa, now,"
shaking your head ♪

♪ Looks important
talking to your girl ♪

♪ Saying, "I ain't lying
baby, I'm trying ♪"

Michael. Can I talk
to you for a minute?

Sure, darling...
My husband Michael.


Tea party's over...
I'm exhausted,

and I want all your little
friends outta here.

Michael, they're not my friends.

They're my employees.

I've taken over
Lauren's business.

I'm too tired
for your games, all right?

I'm serious, Michael.

What are you, nuts?

I shouldn't have married you.

I should have locked you up.

You're looking
at this all wrong.

This is my new business,

and what's mine is yours.

And what the hell
do you want me to do

with half an illegal business

that can get me thrown in jail

and out of the medical
profession forever?

Michael, you've already
broken the law,

and you haven't
gotten caught yet.

Just think of
all the money... thousands!

And we practically don't
have to do anything.

Any more mineral water?

Yeah, it's in the fridge.

You're right, Sydney.

Think of what we could do
with all that money.

Why this sudden domestic need

to make sure that I'm fed?

Ulterior motive.

You need to keep up
your strength.

For anything in particular?


but I forgot.


thank you for
protecting me from Ted.

It's great to have a real man
around the house.


I, um... I've
never been with anyone

who was so concerned about me.

I would never let anything
happen to you.

I'd have to go back
to eating frozen dinners.


about that shower you owe me...


♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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