02x12 - Cold Turkey

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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02x12 - Cold Turkey

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


Big meeting, or do I
have reason to be jealous?

What's that supposed to mean?

Um, nothing, I was...
trying to make a joke.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

♪ ♪


It's hard to tell lately.

Yesterday, you begged me
to go out to dinner,

and then you
completely ignored me.

What's going on?

Well, I got two days till print,

and, uh, Celia's article
didn't clear with legal, so,

Nancy wants me to
come up with some ideas,

and I'm pitching them to the
editors this morning.

Well, that's great, what
stories are you pitching?

You don't have to pretend
like you're all interested.

I am interested.


Oh, give me a break, Billy.

I have the biggest press
conference of my life on Friday.

I don't have time to
play, "What's My Problem?"

'Cause you're too busy holding

Steve McMillan's hand?


How did he get into this?

That's a good question, Alison.

How did Steve McMillan
get into this?

See ya.

Oh, Thanksgiving.

I wanted to take Kimberly to.

Yosemite this weekend.


You're lucky, Matt,

you got people
who care about you.

Hey, is Katya gonna cook
a big turkey dinner?


What is your problem?

I'm trying to make
a little conversation.

I'm sorry, I don't
feel very chatty

after committing a felony.

You changed my blood
test results?

Hey, keep it down.

That's great, I
knew you could do it.

No, you knew that I would do it.

I could go to jail, Michael.

Oh, calm down, Matt.

Nobody's going to jail.

Especially now.

Yeah, there's no evidence,
so nobody can blame you.

Doesn't make it right.

Yes, it does.

You did a good thing.

I really wasn't that drunk.

And Kimberly's
situation is bad enough

without getting the
police involved.

How is she today?

No change.

She's on a
respirator, heart monitor,

her vitals are stable, but
she's still unresponsive.



It's me, Michael.

She's so still.

Hand me her chart.

I know it looks bad,
but she's still with it.

She's fighting hard.

A week ago we talked
about a wedding.

Now she doesn't
even know I'm here.

Matt, you gotta promise
me something.

When it's time,
make sure I'm here.

I don't want her to die alone.

♪ ♪

What the hell is going on?

You tell me a great
guy wants to take me out.

The next thing I know,
I'm at his house

and he's throwing
$ bills at me.

You didn't want
to be in his house?

Yeah, I wanted to be there.

I didn't know I was
expected to be there.

Sydney, when you came
to that party,

I assumed you
understood my business.


You arrange sex dates
for a living.

Well, that's a
quaint way of putting it.

Fortunately, Carl's a regular,
so he wasn't too upset.

I'm upset!

You should be honored.

Sydney, this isn't a quick trick

chump change operation, here.

Hundreds of women come to
me looking for work.

And I employ only ...
Of the most beautiful,

most seductive
women here in Los Angeles.

And they make, and cost,
a fortune.

I liked Carl.

And he liked me.

Sydney, my clients don't want,

or need, relationships.

They're hounded by
starlets and gold diggers.

But I went there to be with him,

not his money.

Carl wasn't paying
you to come to his house.

He was paying to leave.

You're very special, Sydney.

You're beautiful, you're sexy...

And smart.

You'd be perfect for this job.

Heh. Thanks.

But I can't.

There's just one
more thing, Sydney.

We're family here.

We love each other and
take care of each other.

And I promise to take
care of you.

Now, who else in
your life will say that?

I think you should enter the
conference through the south doorway.

Because of extra press requests,

I had to reconfigure
the seating.

I also think we should
use the smaller display.

That will focus the
attention on the

computer instead
of the backdrop.

You hate it.

No, on the contrary, I
agree with all your changes.

You haven't said two words
since we started this meeting,

and you keep staring at me.

I'm just a little preoccupied.

I'm trying to figure out
what's going on with you.


What did I do?

It's what you didn't do.

When I kissed you at the beach.

I thought you liked it
as much as I did.

It was very nice.

Yeah, but since then,
it's been all business.

You didn't even answer my note.

What note?

The email I left on
your computer.

I didn't get anything from you.

You wrote me a note?

Actually, it was
more of an invitation.

I missed you, I asked
you up to the ranch.

When you didn't
answer, I figured you were

trying to cool me down.

Sorry, I didn't know about it.

Would you have accepted it?

I don't know.

Well, in that case, it's a good
thing you didn't get the note.

That way you didn't
have to make a decision.

♪ ♪

Okay, turn it over,
let's see what we got now.

That's great.

Man, what a beautiful car.

I'd love to own one
of these things.

No problem, just
make the check out

for grand. Wrong.

Try .

Why, I know for a fact
there are buyers

who'd pay grand for
a car just like this one.

Oh, sure, for an original.

Hey, this is a great
car, but it's a reproduction.

In this market, Mr. Woodward's

getting , ,
maybe grand, tops.

Finally got the engine started.

Sounds beautiful, doesn't it?

Sounds late.

You're two days behind schedule.

Keep the crew on, and
work through lunch.

I want this car ready
for delivery next week.

I did something really
creepy, Jo.

When I went to visit
Michael in the hospital,

I went into Kimberly's room.

She looked awful.

I mean, for a moment, I
actually felt sorry for her.

Until I saw the ring
on her finger.


Diamond ring.

You're kidding me,
they're engaged?

Who knows?

But, as of yesterday,
Michael and Kimberly

are officially no
longer my problem.

Uh, I'll get it.


What's this?

Your empty darkroom
chemical bottles,

and a warning from
the Sanitation Department

for illegally disposing
harmful containers.

I'm sorry, I'll take care of it.

Jo, we've been over this before.

I could get fined.

I said, I'll take care of it.

Oh, Jane, I'm glad you're here.

Um, I'm sorry this
is such short notice,

but I want to invite you
to Thanksgiving dinner

at my apartment.

Billy and Alison'll be
there, and Jake, of course.

Oh, thanks, but I'm going
to Santa Barbara

with Robert for the weekend.

Oh, that sounds like fun.


Oh, Jo, you're invited, too,

but I'm sure you
already have other plans.

I'm sure I do.

Well, have a nice holiday.

Can you believe her?

I was hoping you'd accept.

I'd skip Santa Barbara to sit
at that Thanksgiving table.

You made it.

I was beginning to think
you'd be working all night.

Mm, no.

Trust me, the thought did
cross your father's mind.

Who would have thought that one
car could take so much work?

It's worth it, isn't it?

Mm... yeah, I guess so.

Tell me something.

Your father
told me that he's got

companies running
at the same time,

and they're all making a profit.

That's Daddy.

What exactly is it that he does?


Palmer Woodward is a
master entrepreneur.

In a nutshell, he knows
good deals,

and he knows how
to make 'em work.

What kind of deals?

If I knew, I couldn't tell you.

You are his employee.

Yeah, and you're his daughter.

I just want to know
how one guy could be

so successful all the time.

What's his secret?

I wish I knew.

We never discuss business.

If Daddy's got a secret
for success,

he's keeping it to himself.

♪ ♪


Back here.

I did it!

I got my story.

Yeah, and Nancy said it
might even make the cover.

Oh, Billy, that's great,

Would you? Yeah.

It was perfect timing, I mean,

I don't know what
made me happier,

getting the approval or
watching Celia squirm.

Wow, you look good
enough to show off.

Are we celebrating?

Oh, I can't.

I have to meet Steve for dinner,

we only have two days
till the press conference.


I finally get some
great news of my own,

and you have to run off
and be with Steve.

Oh, Billy, I am
really happy for you,

but I can't bail out on a
business dinner. Business?

What kind of business are
you gonna discuss in that

that you couldn't have
discussed in this?


Don't be ridiculous.

I'm sorry that you
feel left out.

But this campaign
is very important to me.

Everything else, including
our relationship,

can just go to hell?

Well, what do you want me to do?

Drop the account?

Yeah, as a matter of fact,

that's a great idea.

I've gotta go.

Alison, I'm serious, all right?

I'm not gonna play second
best to some

egotistical, tycoon.

I'm not asking you to!

This happens to be
a career-making account!

Account, or affair?

I know you don't mean that.

You're wrong, I do mean it.

I'm not kidding, Alison,
I've had it, all right?

Now, if what we have together
means anything to you,

let somebody else take
care of Steve McMillan.

♪ ♪

Good, you're home.

Oh, I was just leaving, bye.
Wait up.

Look what I bought.

A turkey, and all the trimmings!

Bon appétit.

It's for our
Thanksgiving dinner.

Excuse me?

We're away from home and family.

I thought we should start our
own Thanksgiving tradition.

Don't worry, I've taken
care of everything,

and I'll do the cooking.

Sydney, not that it matters,
because I'm going out of town,

but what makes you think
I would even consider

having Thanksgiving with you?

Can't we stop fighting
for one day?

Thanksgiving is
about being with family,

and we're still family.

Not anymore.

Come on, we're sisters.

And after everything
we've been through,

I still love you.

And you love me, right?

Loving sisters don't
betray each other.

They don't judge
each other, either.

I haven't judged you, Sydney.

I just don't
give a damn anymore.

But you're at least gonna go
visit Michael, aren't you?

Or don't you give a
damn about him either?

If you like Michael so much,
why don't you go visit him?

Or maybe you're
waiting for Kimberly to die,

because you think Michael
will want you then.

Well, trust me, he won't.

That's not true.

Michael cares about me.

He told me so.

Oh, please.

Did you really think
that Michael would leave

Kimberly for you?

He only wanted one
thing from you,

and it wasn't a relationship.

♪ ♪

Yeah, I got it, I got it.

Dispatcher says I got
a delivery here tomorrow?

Yeah, I'm sorry, we're
putting four hours in.

Woodward says his foreign clients
don't care about Thanksgiving.

Hey, can I ask you something?

Yeah, sure.

What the hell are you
building there?


I'll see you tomorrow, Marty.

Back in five minutes.

Hold down the fort.

♪ ♪

You crook.

You're selling these
as originals.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

You son of a bitch.

♪ ♪

What are you doing, Jake?

I came in to
file the invoice from

this morning's shipment.

Okay, I know
it's stupid, but, um,

I just wanted to sit in
your chair, you know,

see how it felt.

You know, be the big boss.

It won't happen again.

Get this straight, Jake.

You're not the
boss, you never will be.

You're the mechanic.

Get back to work.


Oh, I thought it was
only Thanksgiving Scrooge

who didn't leave at noon.

I'm glad I caught you, it'll
save you a trip back here.

I just got a call from the special
events manager in San Francisco.

Your product samples
never arrived.

I shipped them a week ago!

Well, they're missing.

And now you've got
reporters coming to see

a computer you can't show them.

What do we do?

Oh, this is your
account, Alison.

I've been
fielding the logistics,

but you're gonna have to deal
with this problem yourself.

I suggest you leave
first thing in the morning.

Tomorrow's Thanksgiving,
I promised Billy...

I realize this isn't the way you
planned to spend your holiday.

But this is business.

A lot of people are
depending on you.

Including Steve.

There's got to be
some other way.

We have dozens of messengers,

can't we send one of
them up with a computer?

Personally, I wouldn't give
a job this important

to somebody making minimum wage.

Alison, you have to
make a decision.

A real commitment
to what part your career

is gonna play in your life.

I'll leave first
thing in the morning.

Good night.


♪ ♪

♪ Again ♪

♪ I look stupid again ♪

If you're trying to hide,

you're gonna have to
do better than sh**t.

I'm not trying to hide.

Had a tough day at work today.

Well, you're not done
working yet.

I have a pound
turkey waiting to meet you.

Somehow I don't picture you
slaving away in the kitchen.

Eh, I know it sounds
corny, but, um,

I want this
Thanksgiving to be great.

This dinner is very
important to me.

I'm sure it's gonna be fine.

Fine... no, fine isn't
good enough.

Thanksgiving is
Daddy's favorite holiday,

and if the turkey isn't
cooked to perfection,

he can be ruthless.

Palmer coming to dinner?

Of course, it's Thanksgiving.

I'm sorry, Amanda, I don't think

I can make it tomorrow.

Um, Jake, I need
you to be there.

You're not gonna miss me.

Whenever your father's around, it
turns into the Palmer Woodward show.

I don't want to see him.

And I don't want to
spend Thanksgiving with him.

Did something happen at work?

I know Daddy can
be forceful, but...

Forceful is a good day.

Palmer can't wait
to knock me down,

and I'm tired of being
a grease monkey.

I'm tired of books and paperwork

and I'm tired of being
bossed around.

It's almost as bad
as working with Jo.

Excuse me, but my father helped
you out of that situation.

Perfect, bring up the money.

Now it is as bad
as working with Jo.

What is it with you?

People try to help you...

No, people like to think
that they're bailing me out.

I don't need any help
from anybody.

Now I see why Jo
was so frustrated.

Taking advantage of opportunity
doesn't make you weak.

It makes you smart.

Like your father?

Yes, like my father.
No thanks, Amanda.

The last thing I want to
be is smart like Palmer.

♪ Tell me don't shut up ♪

♪ I won't tell you again ♪

So, Thanksgiving with Amanda.

I didn't even know
she owned an oven.

Maybe we should get the number

for Poison Control,
just in case.

Look, I'm sorry that I
blew up at you last night.

You know, I miss you and
I worry about you.


I'm in the middle
of an apology, here.

Yeah, no, don't, it's my turn.

Um, I have to fly up
to San Francisco tomorrow.

I can't go to Amanda's.

You didn't quit the
account, did you? No.

I never said I would quit.

I talked to Steve about it.

So what time does his flight
get in to San Francisco?

I'm going up to handle
a shipping problem.

Steve won't even be there.

If he knows you're going,
he's gonna be there.

I don't want you to go.

That's unfair, Billy.

I would never make that
kind of demand on you.

What if I asked you
to give up your story?

It's not the same. Oh, no?

You work with Celia all day.

I rarely even speak to her.

And I don't send her love
notes through the email.

You read my computer mail.

It was an accident, I
was sitting at your desk.

And when you deleted it,
that was an accident, too?

My finger slipped.
You had no right!

I had every right, this guy's
been chasing you for weeks.

He's done everything
he could to keep us apart.

It's worked.

Steve told me about the note.

And he apologized, and he
promised never to do it again.

Billy, last night I told him

how much I love you,

and that I'm not willing
to give you up.

It's too late, Alison.

You knew that Steve had
feelings for you,

and you didn't do
anything about it.

You know what that means?

That means that you
have feelings for him, too.

Oh, Billy, stop. No!

No, I can't live
like this anymore.

If you can't make a choice,
I'll give you your options.

If you go to San Francisco
tomorrow, we're through.

♪ ♪

Somebody here call for a cab?

I did, hi.

I'll be right out.


Figured I couldn't count on you
for a ride to the airport.

I can't believe
you're doing this.

You're actually leaving.

I gave you a choice...

That wasn't a choice,
that was a threat.

What are you doing? My job.

If you leave, I'm not gonna
be here when you get back.

I guess that's
your choice, isn't it?

Let go of the door.

This is it?

This is how it ends?

That's up to you.

If you're gone when
I get back, then yes,

this is how it ends.

♪ ♪

Happy Thanksgiving.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Syd, why are you working on
the deadest day of the year?

You're not gonna make any tips.

Not the kind
you're used to, anyway.

What's that supposed to mean?

"Syd, want to go to
a great party?

Lots of cute guys."

Okay, Lauren told me
that she set you up

and you weren't interested.

That's fine.

But you don't have
to be cruel about it.

You lied to me, Ellen.

I didn't lie to you!

I just didn't tell
you everything.

What's the big deal,
it's not like you've

told me every little
detail of your life.

Why don't you come to Lauren's?

No, thanks.

No, it's not what you think.

Everyone really
likes you, Sydney.

And holiday parties
are girls only.

We had a riot last year.

You shoulda seen Molly.

She got... I'm not like
Lauren's friends.

Newsflash, Sydney, you're
just like us.

We were all alone, too, and
now we have each other.

It is so cool having sisters

who don't ask questions and
just love you for who you are.

As far as I'm concerned,
it's way better than family.

Thanks for putting me up, buddy.

No sweat, you
won't be here long.

You and Alison always make up.

Can we talk?

Lover's quarrel?

Seems to be going
around these days.

That's why I'm here.

I'm sorry for what I
said last night.

And for my father.

Don't apologize for Palmer.

He's really not bad.

Sometimes, he's very vulnerable.

And I think he's
intimidated by you.

Nice try.

You and I both know that
nothing intimidates Palmer.

Except men that have
what he doesn't.

My father's gift
is closing the deal.

You've got real talents.

You know how to
work with your hands,

you can build anything you want.

You're strong, and street smart.

Daddy'll never have that.

Jake, I love my father.

But you're important to me, too.

And I don't want this
to come between us.

Neither do I.


So, um, what time are
you gonna come over

to help out with dinner?

Well, I gotta work for
a couple hours.

But, um, I can
probably make it by : .

Good. Now, I gotta go.

Oh, um, you know,

I think I'll stay here
and try to cheer up Billy.

Oh, yeah, and what did
you have in mind?

Oh, go to work.

Go to work.

Yes, Alison and I broke up.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Did it have anything to do
with Steve McMillan?

Why, what do you know about it?

What everyone else knows.

Alison and Steve
didn't exactly hide

their infatuation
for each other.

I knew it.

I warned her this might happen.

But let's face
it, ever since Alison

landed this account,
she's changed.

That's an understatement.

I'm sorry that you got hurt.

I know this is a
difficult day for you,

but, still come to dinner, okay?

No, I don't think I'd
be very good company.

You're a friend.

That makes you perfect company.

♪ ♪

'Kay, I'll be there.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


Hi. Hi.

I'd like the computer
display next to the podium

on the, um, on the right.

All right. No, no, no, on
the... on the left, left.

Hope this meets with
Mr. McMillan's approval.

It meets with Mr. McMillan's

I thought you
weren't coming until

tomorrow afternoon.

Well, I wanted to make
sure there weren't

any last-minute problems.

But, as I expected, looks
like you've got

everything well under control.


What, I shouldn't have come?

You have every right to be
here, it's your company.

But I've upset you.

Steve, we agreed to keep
things strictly business.

Billy said if he found out
I was coming up early,

you'd find a way to be here.

Damned if he wasn't right.

Should we discuss
this outside, Ms. Parker?

I'm sorry I jumped at you.

I shouldn't have
accused you... Alison.

Billy was right.

I came to San Francisco
early to be with you.

But you knew I'd be here.


Ugh, God, I've really
screwed things up.

Billy finally got angry enough
to give me an ultimatum.

If I came up here, he
said we're through.

And you came anyway?

I have a job to do.

Well, that's part of it,

but are you
here because of work,

or because Billy made such a
federal case out of it? Ugh, God.

Or because maybe...
I don't know.

I don't know what went wrong,

or where I'm supposed to be.

Maybe you're supposed to
be right where you are.

With me.

I don't want to spend
Thanksgiving alone.

Will you have dinner with me?


There's still hours of work
to do on this set-up, and

then I want to go up to my room
and spend some time alone.

See if I can't
sort this thing out.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Hey, Syd, wait up.

Thought you were
going out of town.

I am, Robert's waiting
out in the car.

And you just came by
to rub my nose in it?

How very Jane of you.


What do you want?

I want you to come with us.

We've got plenty
of food and room.

And I want to apologize.

You were right, we
can set our differences

aside for one day.

But tomorrow, I'm back
on your hit list, right?

No thanks.

Sydney, we've
been through a lot,

we can't just pick up like
nothing's happened.

But you shouldn't be by
yourself on Thanksgiving.

I get it.

You're leaving on a guilt trip,

and you don't want to go alone.

So I'll let you off the hook.

Your black sheep
sister has other plans.

I'm having dinner with friends.

People who really care.


♪ ♪

Jake, happy Thanksgiving.
All right, thanks.

Thanks for staying. Sure.

Hey, don't eat too much.

♪ ♪

Jake Hanson?

Who wants to know?

Special Agent Hill.

We're with the Federal
Bureau of Investigation.

♪ ♪

FBI, well, what's this about?

That's what we
expect you to tell us.

Would you get in the
car, please?

♪ ♪

Is this your signature, Hanson?


How long have you been working
with Palmer Woodward?

Couple of weeks.

I'm just a mechanic.

He paid you grand to start.

That's some mechanic job.

He was helping me out of
another situation.

The arson job on your bike shop?

That wasn't arson.

Personally, I don't give a
rat's ass about you, Hanson.

But we know about the
phony car scam,

and you're gonna help
us get Palmer Woodward.

I'm not gonna help
you do anything.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Guess again.

We've got your John Hancock on every
purchase order from the shop.

You know what that means?

Come court day,

we can tie you
directly to the fraud.

Now, of course it's up to you.

We're not picky.

If we don't nail Woodward,

we'll take whoever we can get.

♪ ♪

I don't understand it.

Jake said he'd be here at : .

Ah, don't worry, he's
a dedicated employee.

He's probably closing up shop now.

Happy Thanksgiving, darling.

Happy Thanksgiving.

You seem very taken with Jake.

You don't talk about your
relationship at all.

That must mean it's serious.

Jake is very special to me.

Word of caution, Amanda.

Jake's a fine man, but
he's not the sort

you consider for a
permanent involvement.

You say that about
every man I date.

This is different.

Jake has a rebellious side.

It could be trouble.

Right now, it's wonderful.

I'm a grown woman, I
can take care of myself.

I like Jake, and if
anything develops...

Amanda, I'm begging you to
see that it doesn't.

I know you better than anyone.

You have nothing in
common with Jake.

He's a mechanic.

What possible future
could you have together?

Now, I'm not saying
don't have fun.

I imagine it must
be quite exciting

living on the
edge with a renegade.

It's certainly not boring.

Just keep your
perspective, darling.

Happy Thanksgiving. Hey.

Aw, thanks.

Come on in.

I'm glad you came.

Daddy, you
remember Billy Campbell.

Billy, my father,
Palmer Woodward.

Mr. Woodward. Billy,
glad you could join us.

What can I get you?

Oh, wait a minute...
I remember.

Straight scotch, right?


Room service.

It's about time.

Hi. Hi.

Excuse me. Great.

Excuse me! Oh!

Oh, my... sorry.


Oh, uh... Thank you.


I ordered chicken salad.

Compliments of Mr. McMillan.

He wishes you a very
happy Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving, ma'am.

Thank you. Good evening.


Um, wait...

It's taken care of.

Enjoy your meal.

Oh, thank you very much.

Mr. McMillan, Ms. Parker.

This afternoon you reminded
me that nobody should

eat Thanksgiving dinner alone.

And as I've just been
delivered enough food for ,

would you care to join me?

Ladies, it's time for dinner.

Please, take a seat.

♪ ♪


Oh, look, guys, Sydney's here.

Hi, Sydney.

I'm so glad you
changed your mind.

You said it was a party, right?

Sydney Andrews never misses
a great party.


Sydney, I want you
to understand,

this is just
Thanksgiving dinner.

No obligations, no
strings attached.

We're just happy
you want to join us.

How could I refuse?

This is the nicest
invitation I've had

in a long time.


Let's bow our heads.

Thank you for making this
Thanksgiving so special,

and for bringing our
family together today.

We are blessed to have
such good friends,

and so much love.

May we treat each
other with kindness.

And may our new friends

share in our joy.

♪ ♪

What's going on here?

Where is she?

You must be Michael.

Yeah, that's right, who are you?

Marion Shaw.

Kimberly's mother.

We're moving her home,
to Cleveland,

to a hospital there.

She'll be well taken care of.

Wait a second, wait a second,

you can't just walk in
here and take someone

in her condition...

You didn't think she
had a family?

You thought you were
the only person in her life?

We talked every week by phone.

You see, Michael, I know
all about your relationship.

What kind of a man you are.

I warned her to stay away.

That you'd be trouble.

If only she'd listened,

I'd have my daughter right now.

She's not dead.

She is to you.

♪ ♪

Don't you ever
come near her again.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

You don't understand,
tax problems are...


What are you doing out here?

Aren't you supposed
to be up at Amanda's

Thanksgiving tribute to
the men in her life?

No, I had to take a detour
on the way home from work.

Did I miss anything?

Heh, no, so far, it
looks pretty damn boring.

I know Amanda invited you.

Why don't you come up?

Not on a bet.

I guess I can't blame you.

Right now I'd give
just about anything

not to go up there myself.

Things aren't so
okay at the O.K. Corral?

Oh, man, it's... it's
all messed up.

Amanda's old man is...

He's a jerk, that's what he is.

I can't talk about it.

Boy, oh, boy.

The things you learn
after a couple of drinks.

You know what I miss about us?

I could always talk
to you about anything.

You'd always listen.

You always knew the
right thing to do,

or the right thing to say.

I'm still here.

♪ ♪

All right, you.

Hold out your hands.

Supposed to be Jake's patient,

but it looks like you've
been called to surgery.

All right.

Ooh. Yum!

Ooh, it smells great.

Watch, careful. Okay, I got it.

Don't drop it.

All right, you got it?

Um... Billy?

I owe you an apology.

I shouldn't have said
the things I did earlier.

It wasn't fair to you,
or to Alison.

You weren't telling me anything
I didn't already know.

But I may have unfairly
exaggerated the situation.

People read into my
behavior all the time,

so I know how I feel when
it happens to me.

What are you saying?

What you've been trying
to tell me for months.

And I think you're right.

You and Alison belong together.

Heh, yeah, well,
it's a little late now.

It was Alison's choice to leave.

But you let her go.

You shouldn't give up so easily.

Steve McMillan
is a lot of things,

but he's not perfect.

I don't know.

If you really love
Alison, fight for her.

Call her, straighten this out
before it's too late.

Oh, it's a good thing
I ordered the backup.

Oh, I have had enough.

Well, suit yourself,
there's more for me.

Oh, so, Ms. Parker,

on a scale of to ,

how would you
rate the following?

The food.


The service.


The company.


That's not true, Ms. Parker.

On a scale of to ,

I've been very patient.

At least a .

Oh, no, you get it this time.

That's the ninth call this hour.

I am your ad exec, not
your receptionist.

Steve McMillan.

Alison Parker, please.

Yeah, can I tell
her who's calling?

It's Billy, Billy Campbell.

Yeah, uh, hold on.

Alison, it's Billy.




♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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