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01x08 - Just a Friend

Posted: 04/20/22 15:59
by bunniefuu
KEISHA: I hear they already sold
more tickets than they did last year.

Probably 'cause they hired
me to choreograph the routine.

And because of the hotties

who will be performing said routine.


I'm excited for you
and for the eye candy.

Two things can be true.

Mm. Well, my support is pure.

I already got a man, so,

no eye candy and no
date auction for moi.

Um, it's not an auction.

We don't auction people at HBCUs.

Oh. Well, then how do you win dates?

By donating the most money,

but it all happens live,

each person donating
more than the last.

So, it's still kind of giving...

A brilliant idea for an event.

Thank you.

I love your hair.

Thank you.

- NATE: Deal.
- WOMAN: Thanks for signing up

- and volunteering.

SIMONE: So, if you're volunteering,

does that mean you wanna pledge?

KEISHA: Girl, can you
please keep your voice down?

Whoa. Why?

Because I would like to pledge,

but discretion is key.

The exquisite

do not put their pledging
business out in these streets.

The low-key rumor

is that PKZ's open to
non-binary pledges,

hence the volunteering.

- SIMONE: Nate, that's amazing.
- KEISHA: Yeah.

- You do you, girl.

And I can say the same to you.

I know that face.

It's Jordan, isn't it?

- SIMONE: Yeah.

He's reminding me of
our virtual date tonight.

Forgot to put it on the calendar.


Scheduling phone sex
is the opposite of sexy.

OK, well, Jordan and I
are full-time students

and athletes who
live on different coasts, so,

we gonna do what we gotta do
to stay connected.

- NATE: Oh.

Terry, thanks for agreeing
to coach at the showcase.

I'll email the details. Talk soon.

- Hey, Coach?

I'm a little busy at the moment.

I just need a minute.

I made a mistake and

I want to come back on the team.

[SOFTLY] Have a seat.

I appreciate you were
having a hard time.

We react to tough moments in big ways.

And like I told you,

decisions have consequences.

I know. I do.

But Coach, I've given
this a lot of thought.

My priorities weren't clear
at first, but they are now.

Look, I'm finalizing
plans for Bringston

to host an HBCU showcase.

It's gonna get us
national media attention

and prove to Allen and
everyone else that this team

is worth saving.

I'm looking for dedication.

Is that you?

Yes, Coach.

I thought I joined the team because

my dad played baseball
here at Bringston

and I wanted to continue the tradition.

Turns out,

I was actually playing for me.

I just didn't realize
that until I quit.

Well, Coach, if you turn me away,

I'm just gonna find another way to play

even if it's not for you.

That's how bad I want this.

Look, even if I wanted you back,

it's just not up to me.

Talk to the team,

and if they agree,

there's still a spot for you.

All right?

Thanks, Coach.

You won't regret it.

Get outta here, man.

Take that.


You know it's
degrees outside, right?

Uh, yeah, but it's raining in Chicago.

Wait. You're going to Chicago?

Yeah, just...

for a day to talk to my dad
about the adoption.

Mom said he was having a good week, so,

if there was ever a time, right?

I feel like he's my last shot.

You know,

if he can't answer my questions, then...

- I got nobody else to ask...
- Damon,



You know what?

I've always wanted to go to Chicago,

so, how about I come with you?

You... are you being for real?

- SIMONE: Yeah.
- DAMON: Like, for real for real?

Yeah. I have frequent flyer miles.

At least enough to cover one way.

I can swing the rest.

You do know we have to
leave in, like, the next .

Well, then I'll be ready in the next .

Uh, Simone...



I loathe this university

with my entire heart.

I am getting calls from parents.

Visits from confused students.

A wealthy alum is
questioning his donations.

I'm not exactly thrilled
an anonymous coward

edited a video
and put words in my mouth.

I requested it be taken down...

Unfortunately, we're beyond that.

The board's seen it.

They've called a hearing to
discuss your future at the university.

Why wasn't I informed?

Your presence isn't required.

I'm not gonna be shut out
of this conversation, Zeke.

I've done nothing wrong.

When is the hearing?

This afternoon.

I'll be there.

Keisha, right?

I high-key love the video

that you did for that dance contest.



- Who are you?
- Oh.

Girl, I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to fangirl like that.

I'm Gabrielle. OK, wait.

Let's just rewind this.

I'm looking for Cam Watkins,

the dope voice in your video.

- KEISHA: Haven't seen him.
- NATE: Think he may be in the caf.

[SIGH] That boy is really gonna
have me running all over campus.

Well, thanks anyway.


Thank you for covering.


Uh-uh. We don't cover for free.

It's gonna cost you an explanation.

Wow. Whatever.

She runs an a cappella group on campus.

The ATLs.

She keeps bugging me to join.

Didn't they perform with Beyonce?

I don't know.

But they're performing at the gala.

Look, I told her I'm already
doing the sorority auction thing,

and I'm not really interested
in the ATLs anyway, but

clearly, she can't
take no for an answer.

Why don't you want to do it?

I mean, it sounds dope.

I'm an athlete.

Not some performing arts whatever.

KEENA: Damon, he's ready for you.

DAMON: Right.


You got this.


All right. Remember,

stay calm. Don't correct him.

Do not argue with him, OK?

- DAMON: Yes, ma'am.
- KEENA: All right.


I appreciate you being here
supporting Damon.

I'm sure you had
other commitments today.

Oh. It's nothing that
can't be rescheduled.

Oh. That's quite the gesture.

You two must be close.

Damon and I, we're just friends.


I see.


Come here.

Man, sit, sit. It's good to see you.

It's good to see you. Too, man.

You good?

I missed you.

I can't do much without...

Without help anymore.

Man, they watch me like a...

Like a...

Like a... Like a hawk.

A hawk.

They watch me like a hawk around here.

Yeah, yeah.

Oh, man, so, so,

Keena said you got questions.


have some questions
about my birth parents.

You know who they are.

No, I... I don't. We...

We don't really talk about
my... my adoption that much.


Come on, George.

You know you're not adopted.

Even if I did say it all the
time when we were kids.


Yeah. Um...

You're right. My bad, bro.

Um, I meant

I wanted to know about...

Damon's adoption.

Mm. Why you wanna know about that?

You know, just wanted to get to
know my nephew a little better.

Is that OK?

Yeah, sure.

So, uh,

you said, uh, Damon's...

birth parents went to Bringston.

Is... is there anything else
that you know or

can remember?

What is, uh...

What is Bringston?

Um, it's...

It's an HBCU in...

In Atlanta. HBCU.

Is there... is there anybody...

Does anyone look familiar?


DAMON: What is it?

XAVIER: Uh... Heh.

I used to...

I used to go to this coffee shop

every day. Same coffee shop
on my way to work.

Heh. This one day,

the fire hydrant outside burst and...

water was spraying everywhere.

They had to shut the street down.

OK, hey, that's good, Xavier.

But we're not talking about
a fire hydrant right now, OK?

We're talking about...

About Damon's...


I was on my way to work.

The same coffee shop.


this day...

- Dad... Dad... Dad, please.
- Don't call me that, George.

I... I am Damon, OK? Look.

Look at me. I'm Damon.
Uncle George is dead!

- No! No.
- Yes!

- Yes!
- He's alive.

He's alive. I'm gonna call.
I'm gonna call.

KEENA: Damon, Damon.

- KEENA: Outside. Go. Go.

Where's my... where's my...
Where's my, uh, my phone?

I gotta... I gotta find George.
I gotta find my brother.

KEENA: We'll help you. We'll help you.

Let me grab a picture.
Let me grab a picture.

Hey. Is that George?

- XAVIER: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- KEENA: Is that George?

That is George. That's George.

KEENA: Can you tell me
about some of the fun things

you used to do with George?

- XAVIER: We used to play ball.
- KEENA: Yes.

Me and George used to play ball.

He's my little brother.

SIMONE: I'm sorry
he didn't recognize you.

It happens. I was just hoping
that it wouldn't happen today.

Oh, we... we gotta head out soon

if we're gonna make this flight back.

Or we could just stay the night.

It's cool, Simone,
all right? I don't want

to mess up anything you got
going on tonight or tomorrow.

Damon, you don't have to
worry about that, OK?

You need to be with
your family right now.


That means a lot.

I'm gonna...

talk to my mom about
the change of plans.




WOMAN: All right. Brooke and Allison,

you'll work doors.

Tammy, Nathaniel, Renee, and Thea,

you'll help with decorations.

OK. Those are the assignments.

See y'all tomorrow.

NATE: I didn't expect to see you here.


Yeah, well, I've been...

competing against women my whole life,

so, I thought this might
be a chance to...

branch out.

Maybe, I don't know,
meet some new friends.

Yeah, that sounded really lame.

No, it didn't.

I'm here for the same reason.


Thanks for volunteering.

I know your schedule's pretty full,

being captain of the tennis team.

No, I... I'm actually,
I'm really looking forward...

You just let me know
if you need anything.

I'm available whenever.

You're Nathaniel, right?

Yes. Hi. Nice to meet you.

Did I see you at one of the seminars

PKZ hosted last year
on entrepreneurship?

Yeah. Y'all helped me
start my side hustle

on campus doing hair.

OK. Side hustle. I love it.

I'm glad you came through tonight.

Nice talking to you both.

- THEA: Yeah.
- NATE: You, too.

It looks like we got on her radar.

I mean, she probably
knows I'm a legacy.

My grandmother was a PKZ.

But you, she really seemed
to like you for you.

Yeah. She did.

WOMAN: Damn it.

Travis just dropped out.

What? With his triflin'...


Where are we gonna find another
bachelor on such short notice?

Actually, I think

I might know the perfect guy.



Simone, you will take Damon's room.

Damon, you will sleep on the couch.

- SIMONE: Thank you.
- KEENA: And just a reminder.

The floorboards are creaky
and I am a very light sleeper.

I will know what's
happening in this house.

OK. Uh,

I'm gonna go get ready for bed now.

- DAMON: Yeah.
- SIMONE: Good night.

Good night.

- DAMON: You need some help, Mom?
- KEENA: Mm-mm. I'm good.

Look, Ma, I know you're upset with me.

You know the rules, Damon.

You weren't supposed to argue with him.

He just kept telling me the same story

over and over again.

All right? I was just
trying to redirect him.

Look, I'm sorry, Ma.

I... I thought you said

that he was... he was having a good day.

Honey, this was a good day.

I haven't even been at school that long

and he's gotten so much worse.

Every day is different, baby.

I'm still able to manage his care

but I've been researching
memory facilities.

Wait. Memory facilities? What?

Mom, why didn't you tell me?

Damon, you have a lot on your plate.

It's my job to take care
of your father.

OK, but who's supposed
to take care of you, Mom?

Mom. You can talk to me.

Look, I want to help. I
want to be here for you.

I'm just sorry you...

You couldn't get your answers.

Actually, I...

I think I'm done with my search.

No, baby. Don't let today deter you.

You and Dad are...

Are the best parents
I could've ever asked for.

Come here.

Come here, Mom.


What's up, fellas?

What's up?

What do you want, J.R.?

I want to apologize for
bailing on the team.


You're only about
weeks too late, man.

Look, man, I know.

Y'all deserved better.

But I want to come back.

And Coach is down if y'all are.

Why would we get on board?

You still haven't told us why you quit.

Distractions got in the way.

- J.R.: Y'all know me.

Y'all know it must've
been a good reason.

Then let's hear it.


Guess you're not back on the team.

♪ Wuh-wuh-wuh-wow ♪

♪ Check ♪

- ♪ A- I ain't... ♪
- SIMONE: Hey.

Hey. Welcome back.

Damon Sims.

You're exactly the person
I wanted to see.

I'm volunteering for
PKZ's black and white gala

and they need a replacement bachelor

for their date auction.

Any chance you'd do it?

- DAMON: Uh...
- NATE: It's for a really good cause.

All right...

- I got you.

don't you wanna take it easy
this weekend?

DAMON: It's all good.

Look. I promise I could use
a distraction.

I'll text you the deets.

All right, um, I'mma put my stuff up.

See y'all later.

♪ Got the gloves,
you been Ali with the slip ♪

♪ Shower me with love,
already bathin' in drip ♪

- RELAYE: ♪ This ain't a... ♪
- NATE: Ahem.

♪ On a mission, finna dip,
pole position... ♪


NATE: Same outfit as yesterday.

Vague text about hanging with Damon.

You want to explain
yourself, Simone Hicks?

No, because he had
a family thing. That's it.

OK. If you say so.

But speaking of family,

you may want to check in
with your aunt.

SIMONE: So, how did the hearing go?

It went well.

One of my students filmed the...

whole summit, so, I was able to play

the unedited footage for the board.

Auntie, that's good.

That means they have proof that
you weren't badmouthing Bringston.

I could still face disciplinary action

for holding an unauthorized event.


waiting to hear.

I'll make us some tea.



Ah, that's me.

Hey, babe.

Uh, I can't talk right now.
I'm with my aunt

and she's kind of going through
something, so, I'll call you later?


Did you just hang up before
the boy could say good-bye?

- SIMONE: He knows I'm with you.
- AMARA: Uh-uh.

Nice try.

Start talking.

Why are you hiding from Jordan?

And now she thinks
that I'm avoiding Jordan

so I don't have to tell
him that I went to Chicago.


Am I talking to a wall?

I'm sorry. Did you expect me

to disagree with her?

Well, I tried calling him

and his phone's going
straight to voicemail.

Maybe your connection's bad.

You think our connection's bad?

OK, no, no, that was
a poor choice of words.

I meant reception.
Maybe your reception is bad.

Honestly, I just wish I
could see him. Everything's...

better when we're together.

OK, well, there's your solution.

Plan a trip.

And don't forget to buy lingerie

and a trench coat
when you buy that plane ticket.

- Trust me.
- Yeah? With what money?

I hear the catering department's
looking for new waitstaff.

You could pick up a couple of shifts

and pad your pockets.

This is why

I love you.

Do you know what you're
wearing tomorrow?

An amazing black gown.

I'll be serving
Rihanna Met Gala Realness.

- THEA: Ooh.

I should be in a few.

- How about a photo?
- NATE: Period.


Would you mind?

Nate, have you met our vice president?

- NATE: Mm.
- WOMAN: Let me introduce you.


♪ Hold up, hold up ♪

♪ We about to get glow up

♪ We about to just go up ♪

♪ We about to just roll up ♪

♪ ...We show up... ♪

Oh, uh,

- you mean in the front?
- Mm-hmm.

All right.

Again from the top.

, ,

- - - .

♪ Hold up, hold up ♪

♪ We about to get glow up,
we about to just go up ♪

- DAMON.: Oh.
- J.R.: Say, bro.

Have a double pump,
turn left, then go right.

I don't know how y'all are
getting these steps so fast.

'Cause she showed it
to us like times.

OK, let's just take a

and then I'll add the
sorority chicks in, yeah?

- KEISHA: Go get some water.
- DAMON: I play baseball, bro.

- CAM: OK.
- Well, come on, bro.

- Keep up.
- Chill. Chill. You're fine.

- Girl, you were right.
- I got the catering gig!

- KEISHA: Hey! Yes!
- SIMONE: I get to work the gala

tomorrow night, and
then if I work events,

then I have enough money to get home.

Hey. ♪ Go get your man ♪

- BOTH: ♪ Go get your man ♪
- KEISHA: ♪ Hey... ♪

J.R. Hey.


I just wanted to thank you

for participating in the event.

- It really means a lot to me.
- I had no other choice

since y'all are KEK's sister sorority.



I heard about your parents.

- How are you holding up?
- Hey. Yo,

can we not do this?

You don't get to ask me about my life

and my family.

Damn, J.R.

That was shady.

Let me guess...

That was an ex and it ended badly.

She cheated on me.

Kept telling me buddy
was just a friend.

OK, well, then she sucks,

and she'll do her background
dancing far away from you.

DAMON: Hey, uh, what is this?

And why is it posted everywhere?


I'll handle this.

Yo, you need to talk
to Gabrielle again,

because these flyers are everywhere

and they're getting on
everyone's nerves.

What's that gotta do with me?

This one says, "Attention Cam Watkins"

at the top of it.

You need to tell her
you're not interested.

Unless you are.

Look, it doesn't matter
if I'm interested, OK?

I don't have time.

I'm here on a football scholarship.

Injured or not,

I still have to go to every practice.

I have to show I'm committed

in case there's a chance
I can get back on the field.

Even if it is a slim shot.

You're really passing up a new calling

at the slim chance your old passion

might come back around?

We should get back to practice.

Cam, wait...

DAMON: Yeah, just hold on a minute.

I gotta take this call quick.

Ma. I can't really talk right now, OK?

Wait, what?

Are you serious?


Can I come in?


♪ Getting close
to letting go, letting go ♪


I just talked to my mom and

they're admitting my...

My dad to the hospital.

What? Why?

What happened? Is he OK?

I... I don't know.

Said his blood pressure's
elevated and it's...

just a precaution, but...

This is my fault.

- DAMON: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I had to know who my birth parents were

and I just... I kept pumping
him for information, Simone.

I upset him and...

- I ruined a good day.
- Damon.

- Listen.

Why didn't I just enjoy the
time that we had together?

Damon, look at me. Please.

♪ Getting close to letting go ♪

This is not your fault.


- ♪ Everything can change ♪

♪ Everything can change ♪

MARCUS: I need to finalize
the roster for the showcase.

You make things right with the team?

- I'm working on it.
- Work harder.

- I can't wait all day.
- Coach,

you're the one with the power.

Can't you just reinstate me

instead of making me
jump through hoops?

It's called accountability, J.R.

- They want to know why I quit.
- Then I have to ask.

What's so hard to say it out loud, huh?

I don't know.

I just can't.


if it's pride,

don't let that keep you
from the thing that you love.

Hey, so, Damon said he's gonna be,

like, minutes late
to dance rehearsal

and he asked me to let you know.

And why are you suddenly his messenger?

It's not even like that. He just...

He had a rough day.

OK, yeah, now this has definitely

gotten outta hand.

- SIMONE: What?
- KEISHA: Has it occurred to you

that maybe things are off
with Jordan because you are

so focused on Damon?

Well, Damon and I are friends.

And what, I'm supposed
to just drop my friendships

because I'm in a relationship?

What, you and Cam aren't close?

No, but I have feelings for Cam.

Feelings that...

I'm honest about.

Yo, emotional cheating

is a thing,

and I'm not saying that to judge.

I'm literally just saying that you

need to be honest with yourself.


I wanted to tell you in person.

The board discussed it and...

- found you did nothing wrong.
- [SIGH]

I know this was hard.

And I wanted...

To acknowledge the victory,

and the fact that I could've
been more supportive.

Thank you.

I'll let you

get back to your afternoon.

So, uh...

I'm just supposed to
drink this all alone?

- ♪ Tell 'em what we ♪
- ♪ Big moves ♪

♪ Ooh, big things,
big dreams, big moves ♪

♪ Tell 'em... My place
in these big shoes... ♪

Is it just me or is the
turnout a little low?

Oh, I heard that

a rival sorority at Clark Atlanta's

having a gala tonight, too, so,

they lost a lot of people to that.

Oh. Well, more face time for us.

Excuse me, sir, can I interest you

in some hors d'oeuvres?


OK. You look, uh...

Say, why is your, um,

your uniform different than
everybody else's?

Nate "fairy godmothered" it for me.

So, does this mean that your carriage

turns back into a pumpkin at midnight?

Butternut squash, actually.

It's the superior winter vegetable.

- DAMON: Oh.

Well, before you make your...

grand escape, you
need to save me a dance.


I think I can make that happen.

J.R.: Hey, Damon,

they need you on stage.


Good luck.

All right. Um,

I'll find you later.

Bro, what's with the face again?

- DAMON: Man...
- JR: I'm just looking out for you.

Ladies, this year,
each of our fly bachelors

are raising money for
a charity of their choice.

Let's help them make a generous
difference in this world.

It's time to win a date
with Damon Sims!


Yes, and note, I said date,
not hook-up, ladies.

- Keep it clean.

Now, Damon needs no introduction,

but in case you've been
living under a rock,

he's the star pitcher for our
Bringston Lions baseball team,

all arm and charm.

Damon, what charity are
you raising money for tonight?


When I was ,

my father started calling me George.

George is my uncle.

We all, we...

We laughed it off.
I mean, my dad, he's...

He was young and

none of us saw the signs,

partly because he...

He hid them from us.

Until one day

he just didn't show up
to my parent-teacher conference.

He was wandering the city of Chicago

and couldn't find his car.

Not long after that, he...

was diagnosed with early-onset

Um, it's...

It's been pretty tough for my family.

You know, sometimes, I...

I wonder if... if he didn't
hide it from us,

that'd have changed anything.

You know, I don't know.

All I know is that I don't
want any other families

to have to go through what
I'm going through right now.

And that is why I want to raise money

for Alzheimer's research.


Thank you for sharing, Damon.

This is a worthy cause.

Let's start donations at $ .

Do I have $ ?

I have $ . Do I have $ ?

I have $ . Do I have...


I can't afford the date.

But I want to chip in $ .

My grandma has Alzheimer's, too.


I'm sorry to hear that.


thank you.

Thank you for your donation.

WOMAN: I can contribute $ .

That's not usually how this works.

I'll donate .

WOMAN: Time to win a date
with Cam Watkins.


Cam is our last
bachelor of the evening,

but by no means the least.

Cam, what charity are you
raising money for tonight?


♪ The King Crenshaw Boy's Club ♪


If you want more of that,
the bidding starts at $ .


Easy there, Ne-Yo.

Donations start at $ .

Do I have $ ?

I have $ . Do I have $ ?

I have $ . Do I have $ ?

I have $ .

I have $ .

I have $ .

I have $ . Do I have $ ?

I have $ . Do I have ? Anyone?

Going once, going twice,

and the date goes to Gabrielle.


All right,

time for a short break,

but you guys know what's next.

That's right. Our very own ATL.


Well, guess you have to talk to me now.

[SCOFFS] Look, I wasn't ignoring you.

I was just busy. You, know?

Mm. Right.

Well, I want to make sure
we schedule our date.

Get it on your calendar.

You know, since you're so busy.

Mm. Cool. Uh, how about Thursday?

How about right now? Let's go.

- ♪ Mm, mm-mm-mm-mm ♪

♪ Mm mm mm, mm-mm-mm-mm ♪

♪ Can I call you baby ♪

♪ Can you be my friend ♪

♪ Can you be my lover
up until the very end? ♪

♪ I wanna show you love ♪

♪ I don't pretend ♪

♪ Stick by my side even when ♪

♪ The world is caving in ♪

You made this happen, didn't you?

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

- Shut up and listen.
- ♪ I'll be there ♪

♪ Whenever you want me ♪

BOTH: ♪ I need somebody
who can love me at my worst ♪

♪ No, I'm not perfect ♪

♪ But I hope you see my worth ♪

♪ 'Cause it's only you, nobody new ♪

♪ I put you first ♪

♪ And for you, girl,
I swear I'll do the worst ♪

♪ And for you, girl, I swear
I'll do the worst ♪

I guess I stayed silent
'cause I didn't want y'all

to look at me different.

I didn't just abandon y'all.

I did a lot of things I'm not proud of.

But tonight, I saw that there's healing

in letting folks see
who you really are,

mistakes and all.


I was Damon Sims' biggest fan...

Until I thought he was my brother.

I'm pretty sure my parents
gave up a son for adoption.

Damon's also adopted.

Kinda hoped I'd put
my family back together.

Then I found out my parents
are getting a divorce...

And I lost it.

There wasn't gonna be a family
reunion with a long-lost brother

'cause there wasn't gonna
be a family anymore.

I blamed my dad.

I even blamed Damon.

I didn't want to live in his shadow.

I was angry,

so, I tanked everything.

But all I ended up doing was hurting

myself and the team.

So, for that, I'm truly sorry.

Wait, wait, wait. Uh...

So, you and Damon are brothers?


We took a DNA test.

Damon's not blood but he's the
best friend I could ever ask for.

DNA test or not,

this right here is my brother.

We're all brothers.

We all make mistakes
and life is too short

to be beefing with your brothers.

That's something that I learned from J.

- DAMON: Am I right?
- MEN: Yeah.

- DAMON: I said, am I right? Am I right?
- MEN: Yeah.

- Let's go, brothers. Whoo!

The volunteers were a huge help.

Nathaniel will look
great on our spring line.

It should be about
more than filling a quota.

Look, all I'm worried about
is squashing Nikki's threats

to say that we aren't
LGBTQ-friendly or whatever.

This will send the message
that Psi Kappa Zetas

are progressive, hmm?


I'm nobody's optic or quota.

So, consider my interest withdrawn.

You would have been lucky...

to have me.

- DAMON: Hey.
- SIMONE: Hey.

I thought you left with the team.


I came back for my dance.


That's right.


Nice song.

- DAMON: Thank you.

♪ I'm on the other side,
it's alright... ♪

Thank you...

For everything these past few days.

I wouldn't have been able to
get through any of it without you.

Oh, it was my pleasure.

Plus, I know...

You would have done the same for me.

♪ 'Cause I live down the street ♪

♪ So we meet when you need it,
it's yours ♪

- DAMON: Fancy? Come on.
- SIMONE: Spin.

Did Keisha help you with that?

It's all me.

- SIMONE: She helped you.

♪ No, we don't gotta hide ♪

No, I...

I can't... I can't do this.

No. We... we need space.

- Damon, I need... I need space.
- Simone. Simone.

- THEA: So good.
- NATE: Cookies and cream

always help me drown my sorrows.

When I get upset, I usually just

run miles.

Why are you an alien?


THEA: Are you lost?

Because there's no way

you thought coming here
was a good idea.

I just want to say I'm sorry.

Not all of my sorors think like Margo.

Thankfully, she's
graduating next semester

and taking her toxicity with her.

Us new wave of PKZs
take inclusivity seriously.

Nathaniel, I...

truly think you'd be a great
addition to Psi Kappa Zeta.

Both of you.

Think about it.


Well, we need to end this pity party,

PKZ sucks.

They were literally holding
an auction at an HBCU.

Like, that is not a good look.

Listen, you...

are too badass to be upset.

It's just...

Why do I keep wanting

to be accepted by a group like that?

It's time for me to be
blazing my own trail.

I was dumb for wanting
their validation anyway.

No, it's not dumb.

We all want validation. But...

PKZ is not the place to find it.

Then where do we find it?

Right here.

They are the worst.

The worst.


they led me to the sisterhood
that I was looking for.



CAM: I only feel one thing
when I'm playing football.


And I felt it on that stage tonight.

I never thought I could feel
that again off the field.

Oh, my god.

You're joining the ATLs, aren't you?


Gabrielle must be on cloud nine.


You know,

when we ended the benefits
part of our friendship,

I was concerned that, you know,

the friendship part would die, too.

I'm glad it didn't.

Well, as your friend,

it's my responsibility
to help you celebrate.

- CAM: Mm.
- KEISHA: Mm. So,

what do you wanna do?



Actually, I'mma go
kick it with Gabrielle

and talk music.

Rain check?

- Yeah. Definitely.
- All right.

See you later.

♪ Early hours come creeping ♪

♪ No apology, just warm embrace ♪

♪ Maybe now it's time
to state your case ♪

♪ That you're suffering ♪

DAMON: Hey, Ma.
It's kinda late. Everything OK?

No, no, baby. Everything's fine.

Hey, your, um, your
dad just woke up and...

he's asking for you.

Is he asking for me or
is he asking for George?

He's asking for his son.

SIMONE: Jordan. Oh, my god,
you answered the phone.

- JORDAN: Why wouldn't I answer?
- SIMONE: I'm... I'm so sorry

that I blew you off this weekend...

- Babe, calm down.
- It's OK.

No. It's not.

I'm making a mess of things and...

Would you please come here?

We need to see each other.

KEENA: I'm gonna go
grab you some water, OK?

- KEENA: Be right back.

- DAMON: Hey, Dad.
- XAVIER: Hey, son.

I was thinking about you and...

You asked me a question.

DAMON: Yeah.

XAVIER: The day the fire hydrant burst
outside the coffee shop,

I had to take a different route,

so, I ended up at
a different coffee shop,

and that's when I met
the most beautiful woman

I'd ever seen.

Her name was Celine.


Celine Raymond?

Is it J.R.'s mom?

Hey, George.

♪ What we call life ♪

♪ Is this anything I ask for? ♪

♪ What we call life ♪

♪ I need to question why ♪

JORDAN ON PHONE: I love you, OK?

SIMONE: I love you, too.

AMARA: Seriously.

Seems money's always an issue.

Like my freshman year.

The dining hall was
constantly out of trays.

[LAUGHS] Budget issue?

The upperclassmen were
always borrowing them

to slide down the hill on
the north side of campus.

- AMARA: Oh!




You want to tell me this photo
was doctored also?

It's real.