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02x13 - Separation Anxiety

Posted: 04/20/22 15:02
by bunniefuu
NORA: Previously on
Brothers & Sisters...

- We took Michigan!
- Yeah!

KIDS: Daddy!

How soon can you get packed?

We've just got ourselves a meeting
with the chairman

of Golden Plum Imports
this evening in San Francisco.

Thank you very much.

The only thing I want to do
right now is to see you.

I miss you.

You're going to have to leave now

or I'm pretty sure I'm going to kiss you.

Mom, there's no way that...

I mean, he couldn't...

Oh, God. No.

William Walker was your father.

Not even going to say goodbye,
are you?

Was I that bad?

No, you were far from bad.

... and we will not stop until
we get to the White House!

GRAHAM: What took you so long?

SARAH: The was jammed.
GRAHAM: How much time do we have?

SARAH: I got to pick up the kids
in one hour, minutes.

GRAHAM: McCallister's ahead
in Massachusetts.

I know. I heard it in the car.


- God, you look amazing.
- Thank you.

I can't believe how much bras
have improved while I was married.

- I can't miss his speech.
- Oh, it'll be a while.

- Are these important?
- That depends.

On what?

On if the profits from our China deal
going up is arousing to you.

Hmm. Apparently it is to you.

the polls get close to closing time...

Why do Republicans have so many
winner-take-all primaries?

Because they hate weakness.

Even if you come a close second,
you have to be culled from the herd.

It's so Darwinian for people
who don't believe in evolution.

At least we're decisive.
You guys are so sensitive,

you split your delegates
so nobody gets their feelings hurt.

Oh, no!
They just called Illinois for Taylor.

- TOMMY: How many delegates is that?
- Fifty-seven. That's not good.


hold on. We do have an update...

Hey, sweetie. Yeah, I know.
We just saw.

Hi, Scotty!

I have no idea.
It is so freaking complicated.

Look! McCallister took Connecticut!

- Yes!
- Yes!

Yeah, I know. We just saw. Okay.

I got to go. Love you. Bye.
What's going on in New York?

Still too close to call.

Oh, God.
This is no way to run a country.

David, they didn't have mint chocolate,
so I got cherry chunk instead.

Um, cherry chunk's fine.

- Mom.
- You're back.

Yeah, we should probably eat this
before it melts.

It's kind of warm in here.

Here. Let me help you.

And wait, here it is.

NBS is calling New York for Taylor.

Oh, no. McCallister lost New York?

Have they called Missouri yet?

You know, I'm not sure.

I can't believe you guys
were totally making out like teenagers.

We were not.
We kissed one or two times.

Don't make so much of it.

McCallister won California!

Okay. Okay.


Taylor's waiting for you
to give your speech.

You're good to go.


You ready?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm ready if you are.


I'm proud of you.

Thank you.

ALL: McCallister! McCallister!


Thank you, California!
It is great to be back home!

I have so many people
that I want to thank,

but first I want to acknowledge the
heart and the soul of this campaign,

my wife, Kitty McCallister.

- You're still up.
- Yeah.

ROBERT: Thank you.

I keep replaying it over and over.
I keep hoping it'll turn out differently.

I just got off the phone
with Congressman Taylor.

I congratulated him
on all of his victories.


No, no. He ran a great campaign
and he deserves our respect.

Tonight he crossed the threshold.

He has the delegates
to be our party's nominee.

And so tonight,
I am suspending my campaign

for the Republican nomination
for President.


- How are they?
- Robert and Kitty?

- Yeah.
- They're strong.

I still have the honor
of being your Senator.

- Isaac? Yeah.
- I'm just resting my eyes.

ROBERT: It was about our children,
about our country...

You don't have to get right back
to Washington, do you?


Good, because I thought maybe
you could stick around here for a while.

I am here to tell you
that that journey is not over.

If you want to.

And I promise to bring
all of the passion...


... from this campaign to the

service of the great
people of California!

Good night and God bless America.


They need new magazines.




- Everything you need is in here.
- Okay.


- She hates needles.
- I don't hate them.

- You hate needles.
- All right, fine. I hate them.

You've got doses here,
one for every day.

And then you'll come back
and we'll harvest your eggs.


NURSE: Okay.

Could we just
go over the side effects again?

Yeah. It's a hormone, so the usual,
mood swings, irritability...

- Great.
- So just like I showed you...


...a quick jab to the hip.
- Okay.


- And your job is to relax.
- Okay.

Just make sure that you do exactly
what she says, okay?

Is this you relaxing?

- By the way, I voted for you.
- Thank you.


- Ow!
- What?

- Well, I wasn't ready!
- You said "okay."

Okay means "okay."
"Go" means "go," Robert.

But... Okay, this is so hard.

You'll get the hang of it.
And I'll see you in a week.

Thank you.


Are you all right?

(SIGHS) Yeah, you know what?
I'm sorry.

I'm just way too tense.

I just wish that
there was a way that we could do this

without getting our hopes up again.

Hey, hey.

What do you say you and I
go out to dinner tonight to Vincenti?

Yes. Yes.

Why don't we invite Isaac and Mom?
She loves that place.

No, I think
she has a previous engagement.

Isaac said something
about a special dinner.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- How special?
- I don't know.

You know there's a special dinner,
but you don't know why?

- Okay, he swore me to secrecy.
- Really?

Well, you're going to tell me, Robert,

or I am going to inject you
with so many hormones

that you will in fact grow boobs
and sing soprano.

Look at these side effects
coming on so fast.

No, no, no, no.

Hey, sweetheart.

I got some appointments downtown,
but I'll be back in plenty of time.

Hey, what are you doing?

- Cleaning out the junk drawer.
- That's quite a project.

I save too much stuff.

Your briefcase is there,
right by my laptop.

Is something wrong?
We're still on for dinner, right?

I don't know. Are we?

God! Why do I have
so many rubber bands?

Kitty thought it would be good for me

if I started reading some of
the Republican blogs you like so much.

It's a good picture of you,
don't you think?

I was going to tell you.

When? When you moved back to DC?

Look, you have every right, Isaac,
to take a professorship if you want.

Adjunct. Just twice a week.

I just think it would've been nice
that you told me before I read it online.

I'm sorry.

But I've been here almost three months

and I keep making excuse after excuse
not to go home.

Then go! Go. Please.

I'm cleaning out everything today,
rubber bands, you.

I'll be like a BB in an empty box

rolling around this giant old house,
but go!

- Nora, I want you to come with me.
- What?

I know we haven't
known each other that long, but...

- You want me to move to DC with you?
- I do.

That's why I was going
to make dinner for you tonight.

So I can ask you.

- I don't know what to say.
- "Yes" is what I was hoping for.


SARAH: Mom move to Washington?

(SIGHS) That'll never happen.

Well, we never thought that she'd
get busted for smoking pot either.

There is no way that she's going
to leave Paige and Coop,

much less
what you've got going on in the oven.

I hope something's
going on in the oven.

Come on, Kitty, it will happen.

You already sound hormonal,

all this worrying about Mom,
who isn't moving.

You're right.
I'm just being overly anxious.


Saul's here. I got to go.

You know what?
You better not say anything.

Of course I won't. Bye.

Isaac's asking Mom
to move to Washington with him.

Well, obviously he doesn't know
anything about your mother.

Listen, have you seen
Graham's proposal?

The profit margin is through the roof.
If he wants us to...

What makes you so sure
Mom wouldn't move to Washington?

And you're not listening
to a thing I'm saying.

- Sorry.
- Are you going to be at your mother's...

Whose birthday is it anyway?

- The new one. Rebecca.
- Okay. We'll talk then.

Who would have the parties
if Mom moved to Washington?

She's not going to Washington.

No, she wouldn't.


- Have Holly sign these, too.
- Yeah.


SARAH: Want to hear
something outlandish?

- I love outlandish.
- What?

Isaac wants Mom
to move to Washington with him.

He's asking her tonight.

What is he, crazy?

- Hi, Tommy.
- Hey.

You don't think Mom would really leave
Paige and Coop, do you?

- Hello? What about Elizabeth?
- Get a grip. She'd never leave me.

Someone should call Justin.
See if he knows anything.

- I mean, he lives there.
- Yeah, it's ringing.

She's not moving.
She doesn't have any winter clothes.

- Yo.
- Hey, Justin. Have you heard about

this whole Isaac asking Mom
to move to DC thing?

- No way.
- Yeah, Justin hasn't heard a thing.

Wow. I hope she lets him down easy.

- This is never going to happen.
- SARAH: I don't know.

Have you seen
how happy she looks with him?

Sarah, this is Mom we're talking about.

She'd never leave that house.

Come on, it's impossible.


All right, that's insane. I got to go.
I'm on the other line.

- All right, bye.
- KEVIN: Bye.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- Yo.
- She invited my mom over to bake.

- Can't you stop this?
- No.

I mean, look, you cannot get between
Nora and a birthday party.

- So that's it?
- Yup.

Welcome to being a Walker.
All right, see you later.

All right, that's it.
You guys have to come.

Do you really think that's appropriate?

Appropriate? It's my birthday
and he's a family friend.

- I know, but...
- Why wouldn't it be appropriate?

Fine. We'll introduce
David to the Walkers.

It'll be fun.

I'm sorry I spoiled your surprise.

It didn't occur to you I might ask?

I don't know. I thought maybe
we would travel back and forth.

Hey, Nora.
I've lived out of a suitcase for years.

And I want to settle down
and I want you there with me.


- TOMMY: Mom? Mom?
- In here!

Why is it so dark in here?

- Sorry.
- Is there something you need?

Me? No.

Then why are you here?


Because me and Justin and Kevin
are going to go play golf tomorrow,

and I wanted to know if Isaac
wanted to join us. Make it a foursome.

- That sounds great.
- Good! Great!

Okay. I'm going to go
make a sandwich before I go.

So where were we?

I brought some pictures of my place
in Georgetown.

Isaac. You really don't need to sell me.

- Although...
- And I want to show you Mary.

- Who's Mary?
- My sailboat.

Hello, Mary.



- Tommy! What are you doing here?
- Quiet! It's going down, okay?

Isaac's in there.

He's making the whole sales pitch,
candlelight, the whole thing.

Has Mom said no yet?

I don't know,
but she looks kind of pissed.

That's good.
That means they're fighting.


Who's that?

- It's Kevin.
- SARAH: What?

What's he doing here?

No reason.

Oh, wow.
Whose gorgeous townhouse is this?

- Is that an original fireplace?
- I had it restored a few years ago.

- This is your house?
- And this is his sailboat, too.


- Tommy, what are you doing?
- Tommy's here?

- Sarah knocked a pot off the stove.
- SARAH: What?

- Sarah's in there, too?
- SARAH: Hi, Mom.




What is going on?

- Sorry, I... Isaac, hi.
- Tommy!

- Hi.
- What is this?

Just some sort of colossal coincidence

that you're all here
interrupting my romantic dinner?

- No, no, no. That's not true.
- Sorry, we just...

I came to tell Isaac about golf.
Kev, right? We're...

- What golf?
- Kev, the...

Too bad Justin isn't here.
Then I could tell everyone at once.



- What are you doing here?
- I live here, pantload.

All right. Okay.

Since you all seem to be here
for no discernible reason,

I might as well tell you all
what I have to say.

Isaac has asked me
to move to Washington with him.

- Wow.
- Whoa. That's...

Wow. That's...

Obviously, that kind of
change in my life would be unsettling.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- JUSTIN: Sorry, man.

- Yeah.
- Yeah, for sure.

SARAH: Devastating.
JUSTIN: Sorry, bro.

Which is exactly
why I think I should say yes.

- Yes? Yes?
- Yes.

- What? Yes?
- Yes.

- Yes?
- KEVIN: No.

- TOMMY: No.
- Yes.


Hey. It looks like a beautiful course.
I appreciate the invite.

TOMMY: It's our pleasure.

JUSTIN: Yeah, we figured
we better get to know the guy

who's shacking up
with our mom. Right?

TOMMY: That's right.
Just ask him a few questions.

I got one.

- Who's going first?
- You are.

- It's all you.
- KEVIN: Yeah, take your time.

Hopefully I can pull a muscle
before it's my turn.


So how big is your house, Isaac?

Because, Mom, she comes
with a lot of knickknacks and pillows.

I think I can make room.

You got a backyard, right?
Because Mom loves her gardening.


It's more like a courtyard.

- Courtyard.
- Courtyard, yeah.

Well, you do have a pool, right?
Because, Mom, she swims every day.

Oh. I got a little birdbath.


No pool.

Can't afford a pool, huh?

How much do you owe
on the townhouse?

I'm sorry.
I manage Mom's financial affairs.

I just don't want her taking on any
more liabilities than she already has.

It's paid off.

- Paid off.
- It's paid off.


So has Mom said anything to you
about selling her house?

How many ounces are in two cups?

Sixteen. Two cups in a pint.

Oh, when I think of all the birthday
cakes I have baked in my lifetime.

I always go store-bought.
A good store, but still.

Ooh, that sounds liberating.

I still have to make the lasagna.

Why is it everyone's favorite dish
is homemade pasta?

- Well, I've got plenty of numbers.
- Really? Very tempting.

Remember the last time
we were around a cake?

All right. I threw it in your face.

But I recall a bowl of peas
headed in my direction.


We've come a long way.

- We both have men in our lives now.
- Luckily not the same one.

Are you really moving to DC?

I guess so. I even called
a real estate person this morning.

Wow. That's serious.

I didn't know I was going to say yes.
Really, just...

There was this wonderful man
offering me a new chapter at my age,

a whole new life.

All I had to do was say yes.
It just seemed to fly out of my mouth.

What about you?
You're dating a director.

David. I hope you don't mind
that we're bringing him.

No, no, no. Rebecca likes him, right?

Yeah, they're fast friends.

- You don't sound happy.
- No, no. It's just...

Well, it's not exactly what I expected.


Holly, I am so glad
that I have gotten to know Rebecca.

Not just because
that's what William would've wanted.

If he could see us now.

Yes. Baking a birthday cake
for his daughter.


- Hey.
- Hey.

- What are you doing?
- Your mom wants dimmer switches.

Dimmer switches? God, you guys
are getting more romantic every day.

Yeah, unless I electrocute myself.

So you guys are
definitely coming tonight, right?

Yeah, yeah.

Speaking of which,
I know I should wait till your party,

but I'd rather give you this

when there's not a lot of people
I don't know waiting around.

You didn't have to do that.

Happy birthday.

- Well, I guess it's not a camera.
- No.

- Wow.
- You like it?

- Thank you.
- Oh, yeah. Yeah.

That's gorgeous.

KEVIN: I can pick up
after quadruple bogey, right?

TOMMY: Yeah, go ahead.
KEVIN: Thank God.

TOMMY: So you're basically
kicking our butts, Isaac.

- Just lucky.
- No, you're good. You're good.

And you're in good shape.
Your health's good, yeah?

- JUSTIN: Whoa.
- Your prostate's fine? Everything's...

- KEVIN: Oh, jeez, Tommy. Come on.
- Even I think that's nosey.

Excuse me, because I don't want Mom
spending her golden years

taking care of a man in poor health.

Isaac, you know, I'm so sorry.

Tommy's clearly mad because
his game sucks compared to yours.

Screw you, Kevin. What?
Because I actually care about Mom?

Okay, you guys
are being a little intense.

I'd like to dial it down and ask him
a few more real estate questions.

KEVIN: Why? Because you're
so concerned with Mom.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Listen, fellas, listen.

I know how much you love your mother.

Which makes me very happy
because I love her, too.

That's why I'm going to take
very good care of her.


I'm glad we got that over with.

GRAHAM: We're not trying to put
you on the spot.

- Then don't.
- Come on, Sarah.

I just want you to see
what Graham's been up to.

Now, Ojai would be
supplying , stores

throughout mainland China.

Now, to make that work,
you should probably take a lease

on a number of shipping containers
between California and China.

You're going to need to step up
your contracts with local growers

as well as amp up your processing
and packaging capabilities.

I think we should even think
about purchasing futures in fuels.

Could you sit down?
You're making me dizzy.

- Okay, I'm sorry.
- Sarah.

Sorry. Look, just take a look at it.
It's all there. It just needs to be signed.

We would need a huge cash injection
to fund this kind of expansion.

Yeah, but that's the beauty part.

He already secured a bank loan
to Ojai for what? million?

They were more than happy to do it

on the strength of
the -store pilot deal.

On top of which,
Golden Plum just sweetened the deal.

They offered to pay % in stocks
instead of cash.

The kicker being,
with the dollar sinking,

you'd own all those profits in yuan,

which would give you an extra %
in the currency play.

- Wow.
- Sarah,

do you have any idea
how many people are begging me

to get them into a deal in China?


Could I let you know tomorrow?

- Bloating, weight gain...
- Been there.

- Irritability, mood swings...
- Done that.

Facial hair?

I know. You know,
when Robert lost the election,

I thought he was going to do that thing,
that thing that they do,

they gain weight
and they grow a beard?

It turns out that I'm going to be the one
looking like Al Gore.

Nora, the delivery boy's here
with the food.

Great! Great!
Julia, would you help me?

- Yeah, sure.
- Hey. Hi.

- Thank you.
- All right, honey.


You mad at me, too?

No. No. Why would I be mad at you?

Well, I just spent an afternoon
with your brothers

and it seems you guys
have some very strong feelings

about your mother moving away.

Well, yeah. I think it would be weird

if we didn't have strong feelings
about it. Don't you think?

I mean, she has decided,
literally overnight,

to move , miles away.

I mean, come on. Even you have to
admit that it's happening pretty fast.

Maybe. But your mother seems
pretty happy to me.

Yeah, she is. Now.


Isaac, this is a woman
who needs her family around her.

If she goes through with this move,
I'm just...

I'm afraid you're both going to regret it.

And my problem is that, you know,
I can't be the one to say it to her.

Well, what do you want me to do?

Tell a grown woman
she doesn't know her own feelings?

Well, feelings don't have anything
to do with it. They are not the problem.

You have clearly
swept her off her feet, but...

I just know things about my mother
that you don't.

And if you did, I think you would know
that you're asking too much.

I don't think
I could ever do what you're doing.

- What?
- I mean, just start a whole new life.

I never thought I could do it either.

What made us so afraid?

And we always seem to take care
of everyone else, never ourselves.

Well, I guess it started with Mother.

After that, everything was downhill.

All the compromises we've made.

Saul, you have
given so much to this family.

Turn the page.
Do whatever it is you have to do.

You don't owe anything to anyone.

- I didn't mean to interrupt.
- Isaac, you're not interrupting.


- Would you take this one out, please?
- Sure.

- How you feeling? You still excited?
- About us?

Yeah, I just want to make sure that
you've thought everything through.

No, not at all.
That's what's so exciting about it.

I would understand
if you had second thoughts.

- What?
- Listen, Nora.

Look at all those people out there
who love you.

Oh, stop. They're still going to love me.

You're right.

I better get the lasagna
out here to the buffet.

Shouldn't we join the rest of the party?

No. I'm kind of avoiding Saul.

- Why? What's wrong?
- Nothing. I just...

I don't want to talk business

and he keeps wanting to sell me
on your deal.

He's a smart man.

You're very sure of yourself
aren't you, Mr. Finch?

That's what you pay me for.

Sarah! Whoa!
Could you two get a room?

We had a room until you came in here.

- Well, Saul's looking for you guys.
- See, he's relentless.

Well, I'll just tell him that I almost
had you sold until we were interrupted.

- Whoa. So this is new.
- What?

I'm just not used to you
conducting business

with a guy's tongue down your throat.

- You have a problem with Graham?
- No, he seems like a nice enough guy.

So then, what?

It's just business and pleasure.
They don't always mix.

I seem to remember pretty famously

that you mixed
your business with pleasure,

so maybe
you shouldn't be the one to judge.

I'm not judging.
I'm just concerned, okay?

I'm a big girl.

Save room for dessert.
That's all I have to say.

I will.

Where'd you get that?

- What? This?
- Yeah.

David gave it to me for my birthday.


- You don't like it?
- No, I... It's nice. It's lovely.


TA YLOR: The GOP has the
unique opportunity...

Taylor's about to address
the Republican Values Council.

Pack of wolves, that bunch.

TA YLOR: By focusing on issues that...

Every time I turn on the TV,
he's right there.

Cruising to the nomination.

I really thought it was our time.

Yeah. You're going to accomplish a lot
in the Senate.

Between you and me?
It doesn't feel like enough anymore.

Well, don't quote me,
but there's always next time.


Why would I ever put myself
through it again?

I was never home,
I was always exhausted, hoarse,

I had to listen to the most insulting
things said about me on a daily basis.

You never had more fun in your life.

Listen. Let's not talk
about any of this with Kitty.

I mean,
we finally have some time together.

We're trying to start a family.

The last thing she needs is to think
that I miss presidential politics.

- Maybe she misses it, too.
- No, no. She's...

She's moved on.

Listen, she deserves her life back.

And without thinking
that I'd rather be somewhere else.


Oh, my God. It's from a store.

So's the lettuce.

This is really happening, isn't it?
She's leaving.

I think she's already left. God.

Kevin, don't go there.

- What are we going to do?
- Stop it.

I cannot hold this family together
by myself.

Don't make me slap you. Kevin.

- Kevin, come on, be a man.
- Okay, okay.

You didn't think
that I would recognize the necklace?

It is your mother's.
You had me wear it in two movies.

Now why would you give her
your mother's necklace?

What is the big deal?

It's a family heirloom.
What are you trying to say to her?

Happy birthday?
Why are you so touchy?

Because it is the kind of necklace
you would give to a daughter.

I just don't know
what you're trying to imply.

I'm broke.

I forgot to go shopping.
I had it in my place.

What do you think
I'm trying to imply, Holly?

Nothing. Let's just get back
to the party.

Fine. Next time I'll give her a scarf.

TA YLOR ON TV: of the nation,
we cannot let the clouds of passive...


Am I crazy or have you been
avoiding me all night?

No, I didn't mean to.

I've just been running things
over and over in my head.

What things?

I'm worried I rushed you
into this decision, that's all.

Before you were really sure.

All right. Somebody got to you.
One of the boys?

- Look, Kitty and I were talking...
- Kitty?

No, no.
She made some fair points, Nora.

You know, if she had those fair points,
why didn't she bring them to me?

I guess she thought
you might overreact.



Okay! Okay! Rebecca!

Welcome to your nd birthday

and your first birthday celebration

in the crowded bosom
of the Walker family.

Now as guest of honor, you,
like all Walkers before you,

must suffer the ritual
of the embarrassing birthday toast.


Come on.

- You started the toasts without me?
- Sorry, Mom. We couldn't find you.

Yeah, and we thought we should
practice doing things in your absence.


Sarah, why don't you go ahead
with your toast?

Thank you. Okay.

Rebecca, there are many reasons
to celebrate this last year.

Not the least of which is
those bangs have finally grown out.


- I thought they were adorable.
- They were dreadful.

It's all right, Nora.
They weren't really me.

No! No! No.
Don't let them push you around.

Mom, nobody is pushing
anybody around, okay?

We're just doing the birthday toast.

Which I would like to finish so that
I can go pick up Paige and Coop.

Why didn't you bring them with you?

Because, Mother,
I would like to break it to them privately

that their grandma's moving away.

Ooh, more collateral damage.

I think I'll go and
let you talk among yourselves.

Hey, Isaac.
Can we just do the toasts, please?

- For her birthday, everyone.
- You know, I got a toast.

To Rebecca, who is actually happy
for her mother and her new boyfriend,

and has made him feel
like a cherished part of their family.

KITTY: Are you saying
that we haven't welcomed Isaac?

- Yeah.
- KITTY: Mom, that's ridiculous.

- Is this normal?
- I don't know. I'm new here.

- I'm going to get some dessert.
- That's a good idea.

We'll have some dessert now.

- Well, you can't have dessert.
- Why?

It's birthday cake and
Rebecca hasn't blown out the candles.

Nora, I'm not hungry
and I want some coffee.

Nora, I'm going to make some coffee.

I'll check on the candles and the cake.

- I'd love coffee.
- Yeah, I'll get some wine.

All right, Mom.
Let's just cut to the chase

and then maybe we can salvage
Rebecca's birthday party, please.

Sorry, Rebecca. But we are very
worried that you are rushing into this.

And maybe for the wrong reasons.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Please enlighten me, O Wise One.

Okay. Okay. I just...
I think that we all are worried

that you are trying
to replace Dad with Isaac.

- TOMMY: Yeah.
- That's ridiculous.

Leaving a family
and the life that you've built

is a very drastic way
of avoiding a realization

that you're afraid to be alone.

(CHUCKLES) Oh, my darling daughter.

That is the biggest load of bull crap
I've ever heard in my life.

- Can I say something?
- No! No, no! No!

Kitty and I
have been talking about this...

- KEVIN: No. It's my...
- No!

No, it's my turn
and I'll tell you exactly...

Stop! Stop! Stop!

Stop it.

I'm not moving away
because I need to replace your father

or I'm afraid to be alone,
or whatever else you can think of!

I'm leaving to get away from all of you!

You think I don't notice
all the eye-rolling and sighing

and little looks you give each other
every time I open my mouth?

You're constantly complaining
that I'm manipulative

and I'm controlling
and I invade your lives.

Well, take a good look in the mirror,
my darling children.

I try to change one thing in my life,

and you all launch
so many covert actions,

you might as well be the CIA.

Oh, God. It felt so good
to make a decision for myself

without taking
everyone else's feelings into account.

No. I'm doing this for me.

And frankly, it's about damn time.

None of this applies to you, sweetie.
You're fine. Happy birthday.



Hey. It's me, O Wise One.

Is everybody gone?

Yeah. Yeah, pretty much the second
after Rebecca blew out her candles.

- Where's Isaac?
- Downstairs, making some calls.

Do you want some help?

No. Yes.

You know, I thought that
everybody was being so selfish

and that I was the only one that
was concerned with your well-being.

I'm sure your intentions were good.

Well, no. No. I was the worst of all.

I tried to get Isaac to do my dirty work
and I'm sorry.

When you moved to New York
I was desperate to stop you,

but I couldn't make myself say
to my own daughter,

"Please stay. I need you."

Well, you know, at least you are
going towards something you want.

I was just running away.

- Kitty, maybe I'm running away, too.
- Yeah, you're running away from us.

No. From me.

I was so young when I married
your father and then I had all of you,

and I guess I just never learned
how to enjoy my own company.

Even now, if I have news

or something happens to me,
good or bad,

I just never feel like
it's actually happened

until I tell all of you.

Maybe that's why
we're so lousy at keeping secrets.


Do you love him?

I mean, do you love Isaac enough to
move all the way to Washington, DC?

Well, I mean, whatever you decide,
we love you.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Okay, wait. Just... Just...

I just don't want to regret anything.

So please stay.

I need you.

I should never have let
the Walkers host her birthday.

Their parties
always descend into a brawl.

Yeah, it makes you wonder
how somebody as sweet as Rebecca

could be related to them.


I am a little sick
of your innuendos tonight.

Yeah, well, maybe I'm a little sick
of being treated like an idiot.

Come on, Holly.
We've been dancing around this.

I'm telling you now,
if you have any doubt...

If there's even the remotest possibility
that you don't know who her father is...

There is a possibility.

- Oh, God!
- No, remote.

- So you were seeing both of us?
- No.

There was this one night
and William and I had a fight,

and I ended up at your place.

Holly, you should have
told me this before.

Rebecca has finally
got her life together.

If she found out that I wasn't % sure
that William was her father,

we would never recover from that.

She might never recover.

I didn't come back here to ruin her life.
Or yours.

I came back here to be with you.

Can't we just leave it at that, then?
For her sake.



- You're awake.
- Yes.

- I couldn't sleep after all the drama.
- Is that really what's keeping you up?

No. Isaac,
I don't want to make a mistake.

It's so important. What you don't know
about me is how difficult it is...

It's okay.

You can't go to Washington with me.

I knew it was a long shot.
But I had to ask.

I'm glad you did.

I'm glad I did, too.

- Sorry your party was so lame.
- There were some funny moments.

Especially the part where
everybody yelled at each other

at exactly the same time.
That was pretty funny.

You're right. It was awful.

You know, I even saw your mom
arguing with David.

Really? About what?

About that necklace. I guess, like,
it belonged to his mother or something.

He never told me that.

Yeah, yeah. She was really pissed.

She was accusing him of...

- Implying...
- Implying what?

- Justin, implying what?
- Of implying that he's your father.

Look, I know it sounds crazy, Rebecca,

but, I mean,
have you ever thought that...

Of course I've thought about that.

I mean, my mom always said that
my dad was this struggling director,

and this guy shows up,
this struggling director and...

Have you ever
just asked her point-blank?

She completely denies it.

You know, at first I believed her,

but the more I see them together,
I mean...

Look, I mean, if it's getting to you,

why don't you just get
like a test or something?

You don't think I want to?

Honestly, Justin, I don't know if I can
just walk into some lab with, what?

His hairbrush, and find out
that my life is a lie? Again?

I just... I don't know if I can handle that.

What if I come with you?

I'm keeping
five people in Shanghai awake,

waiting to pull the trigger on this deal.

Saul, could you close the door, please?


- Sarah, don't tell me...
- We can't do the deal.

I can't be objective.
I'm emotionally involved with him.

Okay. Well then, let me be objective.
I am telling you, this is a fantastic deal.

Look, I'm not going to recuse myself.

Do you have any idea how hard
Graham has worked on this?

Of course. It's what's k*lling me.
Because actually, Saul, it's good.

It's really good between us,

and I don't want my nixing this deal
to get in the way of this thing we have.

So it's fine for your thing
to get in the way of our business?

Come on, Saul. We're family.
Nothing could come between us.

Could you make something up?
Get me off the hook?

- I'm sorry.
- You know I'll take care of it.

I mean, after all,
what's one more favor?

We're family, right?

Okay. Okay. Go.

No, wait, wait, wait! Just wait.
Wait, wait, wait.

Just one... Just wait, wait...

(EXHALES) Okay. Go.


- You did it?
- Yeah, it's done.

Wow. You're really getting good at that.

Maybe we should continue
this examination in the bedroom.

You're such a Republican.

If we were Democrats we would
just be doing it on the couch.


- Oh, wait.
- Let it ring.

No, no, no. It's probably my mom.
Isaac's leaving today. It's going to be...


No, hi. Hi. No. Yes, of course.
Sure. Sure. I'll check.

It's Drew McCoy
from the Taylor campaign.

Hey, Drew. Yeah.

Sure. : is fine.

Okay. I'll see you here.

Taylor has a campaign stop
in Sacramento.

- He wants to come here for a meeting.
- Oh, Robert.

It's just a meeting,
we don't know what this is about.

Do you remember
that I do this for a living?

This is about the ticket.

He's reaching out to you
for the V.P. spot.


Well, we'll cross that bridge
if we come to it.


I wasn't really sure what you needed,

so I have his toothbrush
and some razor clippings in here.

And I pulled some gum
from the garbage that he chewed.

It's gross, I know, but...

I think I'll take the razor clippings,
that's probably best.

We have to do a viability study first
to see if there's usable DNA in here.

I understand.

And you know the results
can't be used in any legal forum.

It's only for your own curiosity.

- How accurate is it?
- Completely.

- When do I find out the results?
- We'll call you.

So you ready to get started?

She said she don't take love


'Cause that high

- Hello?
- I just wanted to hear your voice.

I was thinking about you, too.

My flight doesn't leave for a while.

There's still time to change your mind.

I've been changing my mind
every five minutes,

which is a pretty good indication
that I should stay put.

Undecided voters
tend to go with the incumbent.

Don't say "goodbye," okay?
We're going to see each other.

- So long, then.
- So long, Isaac. Fly safe.

Yeah, she laughs in the crowds

While her heart is all alone


Welcome to her world


Welcome to the world
Of my Georgia girl