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01x04 - The Tomb

Posted: 04/20/22 11:30
by bunniefuu

MARC: Steven, what did you do?

STEVEN: I don't know how to
explain what's been happening.

- What are you?
- I serve Khonshu. I'm his Avatar.

MARC: We protect the vulnerable
and deliver Khonshu's justice.

ARTHUR: Khonshu's
retribution comes too late.

Ammit will light the path to good
by eradicating the choice of evil.

We found Ammit.

While the cruel masses
fill this world with sin,

they deserve to face her judgment.

MARC: The other gods? What about them?

They're gonna stand by
let somebody release Ammit?

KHONSHU: To signal for
an audience with the gods

is to risk their wrath.

Ammit was buried in secret. The
location hidden even from the gods.

- But someone had to know something.
- One man. A medjay named Senfu.

Find Senfu's sarcophagus
and you'll find your tomb.

MARC: It's a map, to
something really, really big.

(g*ns FIRING)

STEVEN: Unless we know exactly what
the sky looked like on that date,

we're buggered.

KHONSHU: When the gods imprison
me, tell Marc to free me.



- LAYLA: Marc?
- ARTHUR: I want you to remember one thing.

Your torment forged me.
I owe my victory to you.

Steven. Wake up. Come
on. Wake the hell up!



- (g*ns FIRING)

- (g*ns FIRING)











LAYLA: We can't lose more time.

Harrow must be headed back to the tomb.

Look, if he is, we're
gonna need Marc, yeah?

Exactly. See, she gets it.

- No.
- No?

No. See, the thing is, we
made a deal, Marc and I,

that when he was done with Khonshu,
he would disappear for good.

But that deal didn't involve you
getting Layla and us k*lled, did it?

- That's not gonna fly with me.
- You guys made a deal?

That he would just
disappear from my life?

And you didn't think that maybe I
should've been made aware of that?


Well, hadn't he disappeared
from your life already?

Yeah. I mean, whatever. His suit
was his best feature, wasn't it?

Didn't even have that anymore.

MARC: Steven, give me the body
right now. This is a su1c1de mission.

Plus, I know him. He'd wanna
lone wolf this whole thing.

It's not happening.
We're not gonna do that.

We are not. It's just you
and me, and the open road.

- We're gonna go on foot from here.
- Yeah, all right.


There they are. Let's keep moving.

It looks like they're already inside.

We'll need to find another
way to beat them to Ammit.

STEVEN: Hello.

LAYLA: Let's check for supplies.

- You look scared.
- I'm not.

MARC: Well, you should be.

Without Khonshu, there's no more
suit, no more healing, no more power.

Yeah, no more you, I thought.
It's what you said, isn't it?

But believing anything
that comes out of your mouth

just shows what a plonker I am.

Look, I wish I could just
disappear. I really do.

But unfortunately, I'm still here.

If you're gonna go through with this,

you gotta be smart, for Layla's sake.

I've been in situations
like this before.

So have I. It's the same body, isn't it?

It's in there somewhere.
Muscle memory and that.

I'm not sure it works that way. Just...

- Whatever.
- I'm here.

- You're not alone.
- I know I'm not alone.

I know I'm bloody not
alone. I've got Layla.

- She's got my back.
- Are you in love?

Are you in love with my wife?

I appreciate your concern, mate.

I really do. But we've got it from here.

I swear to you, Steven. I swear...

If I need a recipe for a protein
shake or something, I'll call you.

I'll throw us off a cliff!

I have to say, I feel like I've
been waiting for this my whole life.

The adventure, I mean.

- I know. We want what we never had.
- Yeah.

You smell like him.

- I mean, why wouldn't you, right?
- Yeah.

Marc's trying to
protect you from Khonshu.

- What?
- That's why he's been pushing you away.

He thinks Khonshu
wants you for his Avatar,

and he won't let that happen.

I'm sorry. I just felt
like you should know that.


Why are you telling me this now?

I don't know. I just
thought you deserved to know.

Well, it wasn't his call to make.

I don't need protection.
What I need is honesty.

- Yeah. I get that.
- That's more of a "you" thing, isn't it?

What? Being... Honesty?

Yeah. Being honesty.


- I'm gonna go down first.
- Okay. Yeah. Great.

- Before I belay.
- Thank you. What's "belay"?

I still can't tell when
you're joking or not. (LAUGHS)

All right.

Oh, shit.


- Are you okay?
- I'm aces. Yeah.


- Here you go.
- I wish you hadn't seen that.

Yeah. All the years...

Oh, wow, look at you.

Yeah, there's... Gorgeous,
aren't they? They're just, like...

- Been standing guard for centuries.
- Right? Look, I can't even...

Like, if they just
sprang to life right now

and asked me a riddle for
passage, I'd be thrilled.

I'd shit myself but I'd be thrilled.

What's this?

- STEVEN: Did you do that?
- What?

Oh. Yeah. It's for my father.
He would've loved to be here.

Oh, yeah? Big history buff, is he?

So much worse.
Archaeologist on a mission.


And to him it was a dream
worth dying for. And he did.


I'm so sorry.

- Yeah. No, it's fine, really.
- Yeah.

It's fine. Happens.

I bet that he'd be
positively beaming right now,

seeing you standing in the proof of it.

Yeah. I think so.


Well, it's not such a
bad way to go, is it?

Let's find out?

Yeah. Yeah, let's find out.

It's a nice way to die.


- It's a maze.
- It's a-maze-ing.

- No, like, there are six paths.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Right. Six points.
- What would they be sh**ting at?

This whole structure

is a symbol.

- LAYLA: That's the eye of Horus.
- Yeah.

Look at that.

- What?
- Right?

Look, the royal symbol,
protection in the afterlife.

I mean, like, the resources
needed to build this thing.

- Her final Avatar was a pharaoh.
- Whoa! A bloody pharaoh.

- So what? You think it's a map?
- Yeah, well...

Right. So, the eye of Horus
is also the eye of mind, yeah?

Representing the six senses, six points.

So you got the eyebrow
that denotes thoughts.

Pupil, sight, obviously. This
point here is, uh, hearing.

This, smell. Touch. And this
long line ending in a spiral

is the tongue.

The Avatar would be Ammit's voice.

That's right.

STEVEN: Oh, wow.

Oh. Heka priests.

Judging by their masks
and ceremonial stance.

They would've been entombed
in here to protect the pharaoh.

The heck's a Heka?

Sorcerers of their time. They've
been down here for centuries.

These must be some of the unlucky
souls who crossed their path.

Right. An impressive send-off.

Oh, my God. Oh, God.
Is that fresh blood?

Isn't that little chunks of meaty bits?


- Let's keep moving.
- Yeah.

LAYLA: Yeah. Yeah.

Um, just a minute. Just a minute.

I'm just saying what I see,

and I see lots of bones
and blood going that way.

So I'm just thinking, like,
what if there's maybe another...

There's, like, another...

There's an opening up
there. You see that?


- Should we check it out?
- Yeah.

- All right.
- All right. You go.

- Me?
- You.

Yeah, all right. Yeah.

- I did it. I'm up.
- You good?


So, according to the ancient texts,

Ammit should be bound to an ushabti,

statue thingies.

- How's it looking?
- It's looking amazing.

I mean, this... It looks like a freshly

filled canopic jar, and snake skins,

- and self-regeneration...
- Steven?

- Steven?
- Yeah?

The exit.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we can go this way.


- Harrow.
- What are they sh**ting at?

I don't know.

Hide. Hide.











STEVEN: Run! I'll find you!

I squished it. I squished it.






















Oh, my days.

First one in. Tomb fit for a pharaoh.

Thutmose II.


Nefertiti. Oh, it's gotta
be one of the big'uns.

So, you kissed her.

What are you gonna do?
Try and drown us now?

MARC: Yeah, I should.

But you also told her the truth
about why I've been pushing her away.

And that was unexpected.


Wow. Look at that. Look
at all these relics.

Macedonian? No. What?

No way. That's not right. That
can't be right. That's Macedonian.

But the only pharaoh...

But, I mean, he insisted
on calling himself Egyptian.


I think we're looking
at the long-lost tomb

of Alexander the Great.

You handled that beautifully.

LAYLA: Why do all men like you

feel it necessary to be
just so condescending?



My little scarab.

Isn't that what your
father used to call you?

Abdullah El-Faouly.

One of Egypt's most
unique archaeologists.

He would be so proud of you

if he knew that you were among the first

to confirm for the world
what he always believed.

Egyptian gods walk among us.

The scales

achieve their judgment by revealing
to me moments of sin and pain.

And your husband...

He is in agony.

More pain than anyone could bear.

But he still hasn't told you the truth.

Well, you're obviously dying to.

So why don't you just go
ahead? The floor is yours.

I read his scales.

The scales do not lie.

Everything inside me is
screaming not to open this thing.

MARC: You want Harrow
to get to Ammit first?

All right, all right, all right.



Oh, man.

- Where's the ushabti?
- Well...

If you're gonna hide it for all eternity,

you'd probably put it in a place where

the average looter
wouldn't think to look.

So what do you think?


Alexander was the voice of Ammit.

All right. I'm gonna try
something. I'll do something here.

Sorry. Oh, God. So
sorry. Sorry, Mr. Great.



All right. Open up. Sorry, Mr. Great.

Sorry. I couldn't be more sorry.

Ugh! Ew!

Yeah, that's it. Get in
there. Reach in there, buddy.



ARTHUR: Your father was
m*rder*d by mercenaries.

And no one knows who they were, do they?

You're saying that Marc was one of them?

You said it. What do you think?

Marc remembers everything
that happened that day.

Everyone who died.


But one man stands out.

Man with a fuchsia scarf.

Scarab details.

Handmade. Made by his daughter perhaps.

Are you done?

I do hope you find closure.

Wake up!

Sir, we just found another way.




Layla, look. We won.


And the ushabti goes to us.

I had to go digging down old

Alexander the Great's
gullet, but I found it.

You all right, love?

Can he hear me?

Alexander? I don't think so.
God, I hope not. (CHUCKLES)

What happened to my father?

- I'm talking to you.
- What?

I'm talking to you, Marc!

- Come on. Let's go, let's go.
- No.

- We need to go right now.
- Marc, no. No.

- What happened to my father?
- Listen to me.

We need to leave right now.

I will explain everything,
I swear. But we have to go.

Did you k*ll Abdullah El-Faouly?

Of course not. Of course I didn't.

But you were there.

- You were there.
- I...

Yeah, you were there.

(SOFTLY) I was there. Yeah, I was there.

Yeah. And how did he die?

My partner got greedy

and he ex*cuted
everyone at the dig site.

I tried to save your father,
but I couldn't save him. And I...

No. But you brought a
k*ller right to him. Right?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

He shot me too. I was
supposed to die that night.

But I didn't die that
night. And I should have.

I've tried to tell you
since the moment we met.


- I just didn't know...
- Oh, my God.

That's the reason that we met.

You just had a guilty conscience.


They're here.

There must be another way out.

Okay. Go, find it. I'll hold them off.

Come on!


Just you?

The rest is silence.

I remember the first morning I woke
up knowing that Khonshu was gone.

The quiet was liberating.

You're a free man.

And, of course, with
that freedom comes choice.

And right now, you have a very
important decision to make.



I can't save anyone who
won't save themselves.


All right, Rosser. It's all right.
Those old bones can't hurt you.

Well, at least now we know
what happened to poor Montalban.

Yes, and to anyone who
chooses a path of greed.

- Does this mean the treasure is gone, too?
- Oh, I think not.

Do you notice anything
unusual about that statue?

The statue of Coyolxauhqui,
lunar god of the Aztecs.

ROSSER: No, but I'm just
a lad trying to do my best.

You're Dr. Steven Grant.

Maybe so, but you've got pluck.

Now, let's see what we can
find on our friend here.

Next one. We've got B- , everyone.

B- .

B- . Anyone got B- ?
Don't be afraid to speak up.

B- . Come on, everyone.
Don't fall asleep on me now.

It's just getting good. B- . I can
smell it. We're close to a winner.

How are you doing today, Donna?

Be a bit happier if he
pulled some bloody O's.

BINGO HOST: Moving on.
G- . Anyone have a G- ?

G- ? No? Well, . Sweet -T.

-T or T- .


Show me. Let me see.

This is beautiful. Very impressive.


BINGO HOST: Come and have
tea with O- . No. Moving on.

B- , anyone? B- ? B- ? B- ?

Right, young man. Brakes
are on. Your favorite spot.


- NURSE: I changed the movie, okay?
- Huh?

It's been five times this
week. It's a lot. Right.


Did I startle you? No.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

- BINGO HOST: I- . I- . I- , anyone?
- Look at that.

- Check your score cards.
- You won.

- BINGO HOST: I can feel it.
- We won.

like you've got a bingo.

- I won.
- We have a winner.

I'll share it with
you this time. I swear.





You're all right. Come on. Come on.

There you go. All right.

Marc, you can't keep doing this.

ARTHUR: I know that you're
having a great deal of difficulty

being able to differentiate

between what's real
and what's in your head.

I hope you don't mind
but I took the liberty of

borrowing the film you brought.

(CHUCKLES) It was fun to see that
my old VHS player still worked.

How many times would you say you've
seen that movie? Approximately?


I liked the villain.

"No tree can ascend to the light
of heaven if it doesn't descend

to the depths of hell."

That's a good line. Yeah.

The plot makes a real
meal out of a lunar god.

And didn't you say
that you worked for one?


What do you make out of that similarity?

I mean, given the production
value of that film,

I can't imagine that too many
other people have seen it.

What do you think?
Is that a coincidence?

(WEAKLY) I don't... I think...

- What?
- I think someone...

- I think someone...
- I know. I'm sorry about that.

But remember, you're only sedated
because of your own behavior.

And the effects will wear off soon.

Marc, we don't live in a material
world. We live in a psychic world.

Right? And we're only able
to make indirect inferences

about the nature of reality. Like,
take, for example, this pen, right?

To me, this is a writing utensil. Right?

To my dog, it's a chew
toy. Both are accurate.

Right? It's just a question
of context and perspective.

And all I'm asking of you is an
honest assessment of your situation.

Everything reminds me...

- Everything reminds me...
- Reminds you of what?


Of your past?

Of Steven?

You know Steven?

Of course I know Steven. But,
Marc, I wanna talk to you right now.

And I have noticed, all right, in
our sessions, a pattern developing.

Every time I ask you direct questions,

you are triggered, you're overwhelmed,

and that's normal, all right?
Many of us, when asked to look into

our innermost experiences, into
the nucleus of our personality,

we close our eyes. It's understandable.

I can't help you if
you don't help yourself.

You shot me.

You shot me.

Marc? Marc? Hey. Hey now.
If we can't calmly sit here

and take inventory of
your feelings... Marc.

- Marc, listen. I know...
- No. You stay away from me!

Truly, I understand how you're feeling.

I too have suffered from mental
illness, breaks in psychic awareness,

manic episodes, followed by depression.

- I know what you're feeling.
- Unlock the door.

- It can be healed.
- Unlock the door!

I know you can be healed.
Marc. Marc, please...

Stay away from me!

Marc, don't do this.
You're only getting...

All right. Be gentle with
him. Don't hurt him. All right?


- You all right? You all right?
- Yeah.



MAN: Let me out!

Let me out! Let me out! Let me out!

Please! Please, someone let me out!


- Marc?
- Steven?


- How is this possible?
- I don't know.

What's the last thing that you remember?

- Harrow shot us.
- Yes!

Yes. Exactly. Exactly. All right.

We gotta get out of
here. Follow me. Come on.

