05x06 - Jeannie and the Bachelor Party

Episode transcripts for the TV show "I Dream of Jeannie". Aired: September 18, 1965 – May 26, 1970.*
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Rescued from a bottle by a U.S. astronaut, a scantily clad genie named Jeannie becomes his sl*ve and eventually falls in love with him.
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05x06 - Jeannie and the Bachelor Party

Post by bunniefuu »



Come in.

Are you ready to go, master?

Oh, doggone it, Jeannie.
I'm sorry. I forgot...

We can't go shopping
for your wedding gown today.

Uh, I've got this report
to finish.

It's really important.

But, master, I'm so afraid

someone will buy
the one I have in mind.

Oh, come on.
Tony... Oh, excuse me.

Would you sign these now
for General Schaeffer?

Oh, yeah, sure.
Sure. I'm sorry.

Uh... Oh, this is
my fiancée Jeannie.

This is Dolores.


[♪] Very pleased to meet you.


Here, uh, Tony.

And down here.


We were surprised

about you and Tony.

We'd heard so little about you.

Oh, and right here.

And here.


Thank you.

Uh, well, like I was saying,
it was... It was kind of sudden

for everybody, Jeannie and me...

Ah, listen, you better go
and take this

to General Schaeffer right away.

Don't want to keep him waiting.

I want to say bye to Jeannie.

I'll say goodbye for you.



Um, what was that all about?

Well, I... I did not wish
to bother you

while you were... busy.


Come on.

Jeannie, look, um,

a-about shopping
for your wedding dress,

we'll, uh... We'll go shopping
for it tonight.

Ah-ah! Tonight's out.
Hi, Jeannie. Hi, Tony.

You're busy tonight.

Why? What...?
What am I so busy about?

The guys are throwing
a little bachelor party

in your honor.

Uh, a bachelor party?

Oh! A party.
I love parties.

What shall I wear?

Uh, well, no women are allowed.

This is the groom's last chance
to spend

a night with his buddies.

It's strictly male, masculine.

Roger, no, no,
no bachelor party.

Forget it, I remember
the bachelor party

you gave for Lieutenant Taylor.

Did Lieutenant Taylor
get married?

Not after the bachelor party,
he didn't get married, no.

ROGER: Wait, you can't
let your buddies down.

This is the married man's
only chance

to get out of the house.
Roge, just forget about it.

No bachelor party, okay?
It's hoax.

You know, forget it, okay?

If tradition means
nothing to you,

when I have my bachelor party,

I'm not coming.


Master, if...
If a bachelor party

is tradition, why do you
not wish to have one?

Uh, because I know what Roger's
bachelor parties are like.

Jeannie, the important thing is
that I want to go shopping

with you for your wedding gown.

Oh, master.

You're so sweet.

Oh, I wish you could see it.
It is lovely.

It... It is all lace,

and it has a long train
that goes...

I will blink it on for you.
No, no, no, no.

Uh, Jeannie,
it's an American tradition

that the bridegroom
is never supposed to see

the bride in her wedding gown
before the wedding.


Well, I-I would not wish
to go against tradition.

Now, uh, you go home and, um,

I'll meet you there
tonight, huh?


Oh, Major Nelson, did you...?

Oh, hello, sir.

Major Nelson, why are you
wearing a wedding dress?



Excuse me, sir.

Major Nelson,

come out here this instant!

Yes, sir?

I'll see you tonight, darling.


Hello, Dr. Bellows.

You wanted to talk to me, sir?

I certainly did.
I want to know why...

Oh, never mind, major.

Never mind.

Hello, Bubbles?

Yeah, well,
about the party tonight,

there's been a change of plans.

We have a surprise party.

Yeah, y-you tell the girls
to wait for my call, huh?

I'll get in touch with them
about the time and place.

Y-you're gonna wear
what dress?

The one with...
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, tonight.

Ah. No bachelor party.

But that's hard
to believe, major.

He doesn't want
a bachelor party?

Of course he does.

He just said that
because Jeannie was there.

But a bachelor party is
an American tradition.

Gives a man something
to look back on.

Believe me,

I've been married
for 20 years...

and the happiest moment
I can remember

is my bachelor party.

Oh, uh, Amanda doesn't
have to know

I said that.

No, no, no, sir.

Uh, sir, about the party,

I thought we could plan...

But if Major Nelson
doesn't want one...

But, sir, I mean,
we can't let Tony down.

I'd never forgive myself
if I let my friend

get married
without a bachelor party.

But how are we gonna do it?

Ah, a surprise party.

Ingenious, major!

There's nothing
like a good surprise party.

Thank you, sir.
Here's what I had in mind...

Now, first, we're
gonna play some poker.


Of course.

Five-card draw,
seven-card stud,

spit in the ocean.

Spit... Well, I was thinking
more of Bubbles.


Oh, definitely.

We must have a few bottles
of the old bubbly

and a good cigar.

I'm not allowed to smoke cigars

around the house.

Cigars, cigars, yeah.

About the entertainment, see...

Entertainment? Naturally.

We'll have some football films.

Dr. Bell... Oh.
Hi, Roge.

We're supposed to be
at a meeting.

What are you doing here?

Well, Dr. Bellows
was just checking

my tennis elbow.
Blood pressure.

Blood pressure.
Tennis elbow.

I'm glad you reminded me
about the briefing.

It'd be terrible
to be late for a briefing.

Uh, sir, about the tennis elbow

and the blood pressure,

I'll see you later about that.

Oh, thank you for reminding me.

I'd never forgive myself
if I missed a briefing.

Oh, I'd just hate myself.


A meeting tonight, sir?

Um, this... There was nothing
like that on the schedule.

He says
there was nothing about it

on the schedule.

Because it's secret.

Because it's secret.

I beg your pardon, sir.

I mean, it would hardly do

to call a secret meeting

and then let everybody
know about it.

Uh, well, Dr Bellows,

I promised Jeannie I'd take her

shopping for a wedding gown.

Well, what for?
You already have one.

And that reminds me, major...

All right, I'll be there.
What time?

What time?

you'll pick him up.

Nine-thirty, I'll pick you up.

No, no, no. Pick him up.

Uh, 9:30,
I'll pick you up.

I'll be waiting, sir.

Oh, all right, major.

Uh, uh, wait.


Tell him about Amanda.

Oh, yes. Um, um...

Uh, major, why...

Uh, why doesn't Jeannie
go to the movies

with Amanda,
so they'll be out of the way.

Oh, uh...

So they'll have something to do.

Uh, all right, sir. Yeah.
I'll... I'll suggest it. Thanks.

Goodbye, major.

Very good, sir.
Very good.

Well, I'll go and start

rounding up the, uh,

I couldn't have done it

without you, major.

I'm not very good at lying.

But you are.

Well... Heh.

Beginner's luck.


[♪] I'm sorry, Jeannie.

Oh, well,
it is all right, master.

I suppose when one marries
an astronaut,

one must expect the unexpected.

Yeah, well, it's not like
marrying an ordinary,

down-to-earth genie, is it?

Oh, I am not unhappy, master.

It is your job and your duty.

I understand completely.

Oh, master, tell me.
What must I do?

I want to be like
all the other wives.

[CHUCKLING] Ah, no, no, no.

I don't want you to do anything.

Just stay exactly
the way you are.

Oh, Major Healey, uh,

what are you doing
with all those uniforms?

What am I doing
with these uniforms?

Uh, I'm having
my summer weights cleaned.


Oh, don't worry
about a thing, major.

I've got the poker chips
and the cigars for tonight.

Yeah, yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Oh, Dolores.

Be at the gate at 8:30.


Pass it on.
Okay, major.



That's Mr. Colbert,

General Mc Crory,

Admiral Cooper

and Mr. Williams.

That all checks out, sir.

Thank you, airman.

Oh, major, sir.

One of the officers
dropped his...


Oh, that's not...
That's not a purse.

That's a BX-9-12-5-4-3-2-1-
Morgan Finder.

Top secret.

Yes, sir.



You know,
it's really very peculiar.

Alfred usually knows about
these meetings way in advance.

Oh, well, let's see
what's playing at the movies.

A-anything would be fine
with me.

Oh, good.

Oh, I have an idea.

Why don't we call
General Schaeffer's wife.

The general will be
at the meeting too.

Maybe she'd like to go with us.


Tell you what,
you pick something out

that you might like to see
while I make the call.




[g*nshots ON TV]



General Schaeffer here.

Uh, General Schaeffer?

Well, this is Amanda Bellows.

Well, I'm very surprised
to find you home.

I thought you'd be
at the meeting.

What meeting?

The secret meeting at the base.

Oh, good heavens,

I thought
that was tomorrow night.

No, my husband and Major Nelson,

well, they left over a half
an hour ago.

Oh, my word.

I told the admiral
it was tomorrow.

Well, uh, thank you for calling.



Well, isn't that interesting?

The general thought
the meeting was tomorrow night.

Oh, well, was it not lucky
that you phoned him?

Yes, it may have been very lucky

that I phoned him.

Uh, didn't you say that
they were going to give Tony

a bachelor party?

Oh, yes,
but my mas... Uh...

Anthony called it off.

I don't care
what you say, lieutenant.

The meeting is tonight.

Now, you get on the phone,
call the admiral,

Undersecretary Spencer
and the rest of them.

Tell them to meet me
at the security gate.


Of course
I didn't make the mistake.

You made the mistake.

And you tell him that.

I knew it. I knew it.

Alfred's cigars are gone.

Those... Those sneaky men
are gonna have

that bachelor party
at the base tonight.

Oh, but the bachelor party
was called off.

Anthony told me.

I know what Anthony told you,

it's the same thing
that Alfred told me.

Oh, listen,
before you get married,

there's something
you better learn about men.

Oh, what is that?

They're liars.
All of them, poor dears.

Can't help it.
It's in their natures.

Oh. Well, my Anthony
would never lie to me.

Oh, my dear,
if you really believe that,

you're not ready for marriage.

I am going to take you
to NASA and open your eyes.

Oh, well, I-I do not
think so, Mrs. Bellows.

You go if you must, but, uh,

I-I believe I will
just go to the movies.

Hm, the whole trouble
with marriage in America today,

there's too much trust.


Uh, you can open
your eyes now, airman.

The, uh, top-secret
personnel are inside.

Yes, sir.


Major Healey.
Hi, Roge,

I see you got stuck
with this meeting too.

Yeah. Stuck with the meeting.


Airman, are you wearing perfume?

I beg your pardon, sir?

Oh, never mind.

After you, major.

Oh, uh, Major Nelson,
would you kindly

take this mannequin
out of the way.

Must've been left over
from another conference.

Oh, uh, major, I, uh...

I've got the poker chips
and the cigars.

This is gonna be quite
a surprise.

Yes, a surprise. Heh.

Oh, uh, major,

why are those officers
wearing those coats?

Uh, maybe you better turn off
the air-conditioning.

Well, they'll warm up as soon
as the party gets started.


Boy, they sure make
these dummies lifelike.


Hello, master.

Put your hand there.

What are you doing here?

Oh, I'm sorry, master.

I'm so ashamed.

You see, Amanda Bellows
said that you lied to me

about the bachelor party and
that you were going to have one.

Mmm. Well, uh, come on,
Jeannie, get out of here.

T-the meeting's
about to be starting.

I know, master.

And that is why I'm so ashamed.

You see, Mrs. Bellows is
on her way over here

to catch you
and Dr. Bellows,

but I said that I trusted you.

And then I...

Heh. I had to come
see for myself.

Well, now you've seen.
Go home. Go on. Go on.

Oh, yes, master.

Can you ever forgive me?

Yes, I forgive you.
I forgive you.

Kiss me to show me

you forgive me.
Oh, for heaven's sakes.

Uh, Major Nelson.

You're wondering why
I was kissing the mannequin.

Uh, kissing the mannequin?

Uh, no, no, no, I wasn't
wondering that at all.

You weren't wondering why?

Uh, no, I, um...

I'm just here to tell you

that we're ready to begin.

♪ For he's A jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

WOMEN: ♪ For he's A
jolly good fellow ♪

♪ That nobody can deny ♪

Major Healey,

what's the meaning of this?!

Happy bachelor party, Tony.

I must apologize,
Mr. Secretary.

I could have sworn
this meeting was scheduled

for tomorrow night.

Heh-heh, that's the Navy
for you, sir.

In the Air Force, we keep
our calendars straight.



Right this way.

Here's a hat for you, honey.

Oh, that's adorable!

That's fine.

Uh, sir, I... I really
must speak to you.

Uh, don't blame this
on me, major.

I thought we were
having football films.


Where are all the rest
of the guys?

Oh, well, uh, these are
all the guys I could find.


Here you are. Do you drink?


Good. Have two.


Come on and dance, honey.

The party's in your honor.

Well, I'd like to very much,

but I gotta talk
to Dr. Bellows.

Move, baby! Move!

But you don't understand.

We're supposed to play

spit in the ocean,
one-eyed Jacks.

Wild! Right, wild!

I really have to talk to you.

Mrs. Bellows knows
about it.

She's coming here.

Oh. Amanda?


You're not dancing.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Look, major, if my wife
finds me here,

it'll cost you your rank.

My rank?! Why my rank?

Now you're not dancing.

Well, it's your bachelor party!

Oh, well, in that case, heh,

you all enjoy yourselves.

Major, what'd you close
that door for?

Open it.
I... I can't.

What do you mean, you can't?

You mean...?

Uh, no, no, it couldn't be.

Not my wife.

No, sir.
General Schaeffer.

General Schaeffer?

Coming here?

Oh, major, what are we gonna do?

I'll take care of it.


General Schaeffer's coming.

Good. I hope he brings
his own girls.

Fruit punch?

Wait, Roger,
you don't understand.

Hold it.

General Schaeffer...

General Scha... Mmm.

Delicious fruit punch.

General Schaeffer...

In the closet, please.

Where are we going?

It's a closet game.
You'll love it.

You'll love it.
It's a new game. Ha!

Here, take this, would you?
And this.

Thank you.

ROGER: Good idea, closet game.
I like closets.

Ladies, please, in the closet.
Your hat.

Take your hat off.

What are we doing?

Oh, there isn't enough room!
I know...





Well, major,

have you forgotten
how to salute?

Hm? Oh, sorry, sir.

I see you have forgotten.

Sorry, sir.



Major, what are all
these women doing here?

Uh, the women, sir?

Oh, yes, they're recruits, sir.


ADMIRAL: Well, Mike, you're
going to have some Air Force.


Go on, major,

tell us about
what you're recruiting

these girls for.

Uh, they're WAFs, sir.

They want to be WAFs.
Don't you, Miss...? Uh...

Just call me Francine, sweetie.


Um, m-major,
we were called here

to a meeting,
and it had nothing whatsoever

to do with recruiting.

Now, we've told our wives
we were going to a meeting.

Is there a meeting
or isn't there?

Uh, well, actually, sir,
it's my, uh, bachelor party.

Bachelor party?


ADMIRAL: Well, why didn't you
say so in the first place?

I haven't been to a good
bachelor's party in years.


Come to think of it,
heh-heh, neither have I.

Uh, well, what do you think,
Mr. Secretary?


Well, if it's okay with him,

it's okay with me.

Congratulations, son.

Tomorrow, wedding bells,

but tonight we whoop it up!


Wait a minute, sir!
You don't understand.

Amanda Bellows is
on her way over here.

Uh, sir...
Excuse me.

Uh, sir, I...

Not tonight, major.
Not tonight.


All right, uh...

[CHUCKLING] I'm terribly sorry.

Oh! Heh-heh.

Uh, uh, sir.

Could we draw a close to...?


Would you...?
Would you...?

Uh, Roger.
Roger, come here.

I want you to stop this thing.

Amanda Bellows is
on her way over here.

Don't worry.
We've got enough cake.

How about that, huh?

I hate it!
You hate it?

It says "congratulations"
on the top.

It should say

If Amanda Bellows
ever sees that...

You should see what's inside.

Great filling.

Oh, come on, major!

Come on!
Wait a minute!

Hey, take it easy!

Dr. Bellows, we gotta
get out of here.

Your... Your wife is gonna
be here any minute.

Delicious fruit punch, major.
Simply delicious.

You must try some.

Uh, sir, your wife
is coming here.

She can't see you like this.

Marvelous woman,

but frankly, major,

I didn't think she'd fit in.

She's, uh, not hep.


Well, I've done all I can.

I knew it!

I knew it!

Let me in there.

[KNOCKING] Major Nelson,

that's Amanda Bellows.

I've been trying to tell you.

She's the worst gossip
on the base.

Now she'll tell everyone.

She'll tell my wife.

What do you want me to do, sir?

I don't know,
but I'll tell you one thing:

If my wife hears about this,
you're done for.

Yes, you.

It's your bachelor party.

We've got to hide the girls.

Not only the girls, we...
We gotta hide us.

Hold that door, major.

Come on, everybody!

I know what's going on in there.

Let me in!


Is the party over, Major Healey?

We're just going
into winter quarters.

Would you mind helping me?

I'll take that.

Let me in there!

Easy, easy, easy, does it.

Into the closet.
Into the closet.

Let me in here!


Roger, the music.
Oh, the music!


Oh, good evening,
Mrs. Bellows.

You're late.
The meeting just broke up.

If that was a meeting, major,

I'm the Queen of the May.


Oh, hi, Mrs. Bellows.
We were just cleaning up.

Don't you mean, clearing up?

Would you mind stepping aside

and letting me
in the closet, please.

No, you wouldn't want
to go in there.

Oh, yes, I would.

Yes, I would, major!

Do you mind?

TONY: Why didn't you
go in the closet?

Because it would've been
a little crowded, master.

I don't have time
to explain, Jeannie.

Oh, there's nothing to explain.
You lied to me.

No, I didn't lie to you.
You lied.

I... Roger lied to me.
I didn't know.

Oh, really, master.

All those girls dressed
in men's clothes

and you did not know?

Well, you were here.
You didn't know either?

That is true.


Oh, I am so sorry.

Oh, my darling master,
can you ever forgive me?

Come on, we don't have time
for all that.

Oh, well, I-I can't, uh, open
that door, Mrs. Bellows.

There's, uh, radioactive
material in there.

Some very, very hot stuff.

I'll bet.

Oh, it's all right, major.

I'll wait.

Sooner or later,
you're going to have

to open that door.



Would you like some punch?

Never mind, major.




I suppose you're, uh,
wondering what I'm doing

kissing this mannequin.

I'm not kissing it.
I'm trying to hide it.

It's a new WAF uniform.

No one's supposed
to see it, you see?

Major, not two minutes ago,
I stood over there

in that doorway
and I saw a party.

A... A wild party going on.

Don't tell me I didn't see it,
because I know what I saw.

I assure you nothing
was going on.

Don't assure me, major, please.

I saw girls...
Live girls!... In this room,

and they are now
in that closet over there

that Major Healey
will not let me...



[♪] Ha!



Mrs. Bellows,

what are you doing here?

Don't you know that these new

firefighting suites
are top-secret?

I... B-but...

Bu... Oh!

Oh! Oh.

Major, please.

I don't feel very well.
I'd like to go home.


I want to go home, major.

I wish you'd see me home,
you know,

because I want to go
and tell Alfred

for those terrible things
I was thinking.

You just lean on my shoulder.


It's a cake.

Just a cake. That's all.
I know what it is.

You get out of my way, major!

Get out of my way! Ooh!


Happy bachelor party!


Happy bachelor party, master.


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