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03x16 - Mork the Swinging Single

Posted: 04/20/22 09:11
by bunniefuu
Can I talk to you guys
about something personal?

You got a tattoo.


No, it's about Mork.

Is he still lighting a candle every day
in memory of Edith Bunker?

Yes, but that's not the problem.

No, the problem
is I met this guy through work

and he asked me out to dinner

and I don't know
whether I should go or not.

Well, what's the problem?
You and Mork are just good friends.

Well, yeah, we are, but we really
haven't dated anyone in the last year.

And it just kind of worked out
that way.

Well, then, live, Mindy.
Grow, expand your soul.

Humanity is the palette from which
you color your relationships.

Well, I mean if you go out
and meet new people,

it can enrich and ennoble
your attitudes towards each other.

In other words, Mindy, fool around.

You know, Glenda may be right.

Meeting new people
could be a lot of fun.

- For both you and Mork.
- Really?

- Yeah.
- What good advice.

Thanks. Now, you tell Mork.

No, it's true.
Mork should meet more people.

I mean, after all,
that's why he came to this planet.

Place. Why he came to this place.

Oh, gosh.
Well, I hate to eat and run,

but I have to burn off this cake.
Come on, Jeanie.

Oh, enjoy it, lips,
before it winds up on hips.

- Well, bye-bye.
- Bye.

Listen, if you end up
going out with this guy,

why don't you see
if maybe he has a friend, you know,

brother or cousin,
nephew, uncle, grandfather?


Mork, can I talk to you for a minute?

Oh, sure, Mind, here I come.
Catch me.

Now I know who not to call
in case of a fire.

Here I am, Mind, preparing early

for our usual Saturday evening
television marathon.

We're gonna boogie
till the test pattern.

Here we are.
One regulation snuggle sack.

My regulation snuggle sack.

Also, hold on here.
And the best surprise of all,

a little bag of popcorn.

- Mork.
- Mind.

How would you feel if I told you

I wasn't gonna watch television
with you tonight?

I'd say that Mork and Mindy
have reached a new level of intimacy.

I'll go upstairs, put on my see-through
suspenders and we'll snap till dawn.

No, what I mean is
I'm not gonna be here tonight.

- I have a date.
- You?

Yeah, me.

No, I've been thinking about it

and I think it'd be healthy for us
to go out and meet other people.

Well, Mind, have I stopped you
from meeting other people?

Well, no, but I haven't exactly
helped you meet them, either.

And I've been so busy
trying to graduate from college

and trying to find a job that we've sort
of closed ourselves off in a cocoon.

That's crazy, Mind. I mean,
I came to Earth to observe people.

You should be able
to observe people too.

Oh, really?
Oh, I'm so glad you feel that way.

To tell you the truth, I was nervous
about bringing the whole thing up.

You kidding?
This conversation has changed my life.

I'm going out right now
and break new ground,

meet new people.

I'm gonna get out there
right now, Mind...

There's somebody right now.

Hey, you, fella.

Yeah, you in the hardhat,
why don't you come on up tonight?

I've got an empty snuggle sack.

It's open.

- Hi, Mork.
- Remo.

Here's the pizza you ordered.
It's your usual.

Everything but tomato and cheese.

Where's Mindy?

Oh, she's out with some guy
having her horizons expanded.

- She's got a date?
- Yes.

She says with these experiences,
she'll enrich her life,

and we'll have something
to share in our golden years.

- You bought that?
- Yeah, and the watch too.

- Look, you're a single guy, all right?
- Yeah.

This is Saturday night.
Get out the little black book.

Oh, little black book.
You mean Roots?

No, that address book.

Idiot moi.

Why, look at this.

You got a chick
for every night of the week.

"Lola, Stephanie, Marcy."

- Give them a call.
- I can't.

They're asleep right now.
They're kids from the day-care center.

Well, you must know some women
with their permanent teeth.

Let's think. Look, think of someone.
Anyone, just give me a name.

All right, well,
there's your sister Jeanie.

- I don't think so.
- Oh, yeah.

Glenda Faye.

Glenda Faye, that's perfect.
She's single.

She lives in one
of those singles complexes.

Give her a call.

- Just relax, all right?
- Okay.

- Now just...
- What do I say to her?

"What are you doing tonight, Glenda?"

And whatever you do,
don't sound hard up or lonely.

Okay. It's rang two times.

Hello? Glenda?

Hi, it's me, Mork.

That's all, it's just Mork.

Yes, hi. What am I doing?

Well, whatever it is,
I'm not hard up or lonely.

Well, actually, right now I'm having
a party with all of my friends.

Yes, what are you doing?

You're having
a Japanese dinner party?

That's wonderful. Sure, I can come.

Oh, yes.
Glenda, I have one question.

When you eat sushi,
do you eat with the fingers

or do you eat the fingers separately?

Come in.

- Hi, Morky san.
- Hayakawa, Glenda Faye.

- These flowers are for you.
- Oh, how sweet.

Oh, no, they're not, I tasted them.

You are such a kidder.
Hey, how about a little sake?

Oh, make it two. One for each footy.

Excuse me. Mork,
I'd like you to meet all my friends.

Oh, thus begins
my growth experience.

Hey, everybody, this is Mork.

- Hi.
- Hi.

That's that. Thank you, all.
I have a lot to share with Mindy.

- Good night.
- Get back here, sillikins. Come on.

- Stay a while and just mingle a little.
- Mingle?

- Mingle.
- You mean, like:

Would you like to mingle?

Sure, I'll try anything once.

Are those bell-bottoms?

Why? Are my cuffs ringing?

Excuse me, I think
we have to stop seeing each other.

Party chatter, party chatter,
party chatter.

- Excuse me, are you on something?
- Yes, this lovely plush pile carpet.

I'll go over here and motivate.

I wonder if I have flower breath.

Mork, are you having a nice time?

I don't think your friends like me.
I feel kind of out of place.

I feel kind of like Nancy Reagan
at a soul-food parlor.

Just kind of loosen up a little.
Tell a joke.

No, no.

Okay, everybody,
Mork is going to tell a joke.

- He is such a funny man.
- Oh, no.

Okay, Mork.

- I only know one joke, Glen.
- Oh, great, tell it.

Okay, Glenda, thank you.
No pressure.

Well, you see,
these two Venusians walk into a bar.

And one Venusian says…

No, don't spoil it,
you know the ending.

One Venusian says:

And the other Venusian says:

And then the bartender says:

"I can't even drink the water."

Oh, dear.

Glenda, can I go sit in the other room
with the coats?

Oh, Mork.

It's all right, I can talk to a mink.
It'll be okay.

You know, it's really hard
meeting new people for the first time.

Gee, hardly anybody
fits in right away.

Just do me a little favor
and stay for a little while longer.

Oh, Glenda, I feel like a fur ball
in the throat of life.

There's this great guy
coming over for dinner tonight

and I want you to meet him.

Everybody loves him.

He's the life of the party,
a regular Mr. Fun.

- You could really learn a lot from him.
- He's more fun than Mister Rogers?

Beni Hana.

Goldfish sushi.


This is Todd Norman Taylor.

My friends call me TNT
because I'm a dynamite kind of guy.

Go to it, TNT.
Relieve the tensions of the '80s.

You're a crazy lady, you know?
She's a crazy lady.

- Hi, I'm Pepper.
- Whoa, what's shaking, Pepper?

Let's sit and talk travel.

You know,
I've been to all 27 Club Meds.

What a week that was.

Talking travel with him.
If they only knew where I came from.

- Hi, handsome.
- Oh, what's your name?

- Sheri.
- Sheri? Oh, what's cooking, Sheri?

Would you hold it against me
if I told you you had a great body?

I'm on a roll.

Excuse me, Mr. Fun.
May I talk to you?

What the matter, guy?
Run out of wallflower seeds?

Excuse me, ladies.

Hey, guy, lighten up. Party, party.

I'm sorry, I'm just a…

I'm a loser. I'm a social misfit.

You forgot "dud."

Hey, I understand.

I've been washed up
on Shy Beach before.

I couldn't surf, I couldn't ski.
I couldn't even ride a mechanical bull.

Let's face it,
I was a pretty shallow guy.

What'd you do?

Put my act together.

Props, little wardrobe,
but most important of all, style.

What's style?

- You see the way you're dressed?
- Well, yes.

That's not it.

Tell you what, guy.

You stick with the master,
and in no time,

I'll make you just like me
from top to bottom.

I guess I got a good head start
because my bottom looks like your top.

So how's Mork been lately?

Well, I haven't seen much
of Mork lately.

Seems I've unleashed
a singles monster on Boulder.

I thought that's kind of
what you wanted.

You're seeing new people,
Mork's seeing new people.

Yeah, but we sure aren't seeing
much of each other.

Well, I mean, come on, Mindy,
he can't be busy every single minute.

Oh, yeah?

Wait a minute,
I wanna show you something.

- Wait till you see this.
- What is it?

- Monday.
- Monday.

"Eight-twenty a.m., breakfast."

Ten-forty-eight a.m.,
comparative lip-gloss tasting.

"Eleven-oh-six a.m.,
co-ed mud wrestling."

My goodness,
he is busy every minute.

Oh, not again.


No, Nikki Sue,
Mork isn't here right now.

He's at the floating Jacuzzi
backgammon tournament.


No, no, no, the finals are at 6:34.
Okay, bye.

- Oh, Mindy.
- Well, maybe it's good for Mork.

I mean, he's getting out,
he's meeting people.

- So why am I so bugged?
- Because maybe you feel left out?

Maybe I feel left out.

According to this, Mork is gonna be
at Glenda's party tonight.

It starts at 8:41.
Why don't you meet him over there?

You know,
kind of check out the situation.

I don't know. I was invited too,
along with the rest of Boulder.

I wasn't really planning on going.

Come on, Mindy.

Now, you have got to be
just a little bit curious

to see old Mork in action, huh?

Oh, yeah, I am.

But if I go to that party
and he says to me,

"Hi there, chicky baby,
what's your sign?"

I'm gonna kick him in the big dipper.

Anybody here?

Glenda? Mork?


How are you?

Star-spangled surprise
and amber waves of joy.

Hollywood kiss. Okay.

Oh, lovely.

- What an interesting party.
- Yes.

- You having fun?
- Oh, for sure, for sure.

Does Norman Lear make great jets?

Oh, Mindy,
I'm so glad you could make it.

Let me get you a drink.

Maybe you'd like to try
the specialty of the house?


- Morkaritas?
- Well, they're named after me, Mind.

It's tequila and bologna.

Mustard around the rim is optional.

I think I'll just have a meatless drink.


Sorry, but I've gotta go
mix and mingle now

to look for that deep relationship
like you wanted me to.

We'll catch you later
when the energy's right.

Hello, how are you?

Have you ever had deep feelings
about velor?

Hey, Hit Man, huddle time.

Hey, we'll do lunch one day.
We'll bag it and call each other.

I've told you the secrets
of the opposite gender.

Now's the time to rub them tender.

- We bad, we bad.
- We bad, we bad.

- Hit Man?
- He's a hit with all the ladies.

Maybe I will have a Morkarita.

Mindy, you're not upset with me

because I introduced Mork
to all my friends, are you?

Oh, no, of course not.

Well, look at him.
He's having such a good time.

You know, chicky-boo,

my sixth sense tells me
that we've met in a previous life.

You were Cleopatra
and I was Richard Burton.

You know, chicklet,

I have seven cents that says
we met, like, in a previous life.

And you were Lady Godiva
and I was Mister Ed.

One day we'll go to Nautilus Center
and hold our breath.

Hey, baby, how'd you like to go up
to my place for a nightcap?

Hey, sweetheart, how'd you like to go
over to my place for a night crawler?

- I live at your place.
- Oh, wow, Xanadu.

I've got a live one.

We bad. Yeah.

Why do I feel like
I should be wearing a…button?

Hi, I couldn't help overhearing
because I was listening,

but are you and the Hit Man
living together?

Oh, yeah, but it's not what you think.

Oh, you'll have to tell me.
I'm not into thinking.

You see, he and I are just friends.

Oh, friends.

In that case, Hit Man?

I think she likes me, Mind.

Isn't she nice? For sure, for sure.
Isn't she? Isn't she really gnarly?

You know, Mork, maybe it's time
I got into the swing of things.

Do you mind if I mix
with your friends?

- Oh, sure, Mind, go for it.
- Will you hold this?


Hey, TNT,
wanna have a megaton of fun?

Hey, baby, I'm here for the taking.

You get the Jell-O,
I'll bring the birdcage.

Mind, what are you doing?

Just trying to mix and mingle
because I'm single.

- Party's moving to my place.
- Party's at Pepper's.

Wouldn't you like to be
at Pepper's too? Hey.

Come on, foxy. Jump on
the Silver Streak to singledom.

Come on, Mind. You can be
the caboose if you can get loose.

I don't think
we're on the same track, jack.

After this commercial message,
we'll be back with Night Owl Theater.

Hey, crazy lady.

Hey, Hit Man, you're home early.
It's only 4:15.

Hey, Mind, you wanna know
why I came home from roaming?

You had to change
for the predawn doughnut dunk.

No, I saw that you left the party
and I came to bring you back.

- Why did you leave, Mind?
- I wasn't in the mood for a big party.

But it looks like
you're having a good time

with all your new friends,
especially that girl Pepper.


- Yeah, the girl who kissed you.
- Oh, a lot of girls kissed me, Mind.

I guess they're just load-testing
their lips.

This is the first time we've sat together
on this couch in over a week.

Yeah, it feels pretty good.

Mork, I'm glad you found a way of life
you can really enjoy. Are you happy?

Sure. I mean, it makes me happy
to make you happy.

And you wanted me
to meet new people.

Yeah, but not as a career.

Mork, I thought making new friends
would help us grow together,

not grow apart.

Yeah, Mind, I really missed you.

I wanna be your cuddly little caterpillar,
not somebody's social butterfly.

Oh, Mork, that's so nice.

Well, I'd rather be
your cuddly caterpillar too.

I realized that the first time
I walked in Glenda Faye's building.

You know, I like making new friends,
but you're my best friend.

- Oh, I needed to hear that.
- Yeah, me too.

You know what's really nice?

It's nice having you talking to me
rather than at me.

You know,
it's really great to make new friends,

but don't forget who you are
in the meantime.

Yeah, I promise.
I'll just be my little old bozo self.

Mind, one thing.
Can I keep the new friends I made?

- Sure, they're fun.
- Oh, really?

- Yeah.
- You hear that? She likes you.

Mork calling Orson. Come in, Orson.

Mork calling Orson. Come in, Orson.

Mork calling Orson.
Come in, O jumbo jet setter.

- Please, Mork, no fat jokes tonight.
- Oh, I'm sorry, sir.

Beebs is my best audience, sir.
He's kind of like my George Jessel.

What a lovely thing
this ball of fur can be.

- Your report, Mork.
- Yes, sir.

This week I've been running with
Earthlings who have no mates, sir.

- We like to call them "singles."
- you mean you left your Earthling?

Oh, sir, bite your tongue,
hush your puppies.

No, sir, actually,
we just met other Earthlings, well,

to enrich our own relationship, sir,
and now, sir,

we're closer than ever,
if you know what I mean.

Interesting concept, Mork.

On Earth, you can be separate
and still be together.

Yes siree-do-da, sir.

Sir, the most amazing thing is

I found out that it's no fun
to be single alone.

I guess that's why all those singles
flock together.

Until next week, sir, na-no, na-no.