01x31 - State of Need

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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01x31 - State of Need

Post by bunniefuu »

We survived.

The drive or the weekend?

The drive, the weekend,
both were incredible.

- Somebody's going to see us.
- So?

Well, you made it back in one piece.
Good timing too.

I've got to get this bike back
to the shop.

- You gonna ask how the weekend went?
- It's pretty obvious.

See ya.

- I don't know if I can do this.
- Why not? You got sore lips?

No, this... this...

This just going on
like nothing's changed.

But something has changed, Billy.

- We made love.
- We sure did.

- And that doesn't worry you?
- Well, I'm too happy to be worried.

But there is a practical side.

I mean, now that we're back
in the apartment, I just...

I don't know, I feel
like we're moving too fast.

We'll take it slow.
We'll be discreet.

We won't tell anybody
until we're ready, OK?

- I like this.
- What?

This take-charge thing.

That's me,
take-charge kinda guy.

Work. I'm late.

Dr Henisch, . Dr Henisch, .

They expect long hours,
but I think there's a rule

about actually living at the hospital.

- What time is it?
- Little after . .

Levin in minutes.

Nurse Taylor, to ER , stat.
Nurse Taylor, to ER , stat.

You can't leave this unresolved.

You've got to go home,
talk to Jane, have it out.

Do whatever. But hiding out
at the hospital, that's crazy.

Well, at least I'm not drinking.

Some guys, their wives walk in
on them and another woman,

and they go on a bender.

Me? I sign up for extra ER hours.

That's a whole different
kind of masochism.

OK, fine.

What about us?

Maybe we should talk about
what we're gonna do.

I think we're going to observe
a valve replacement.

A -year-old smoker
with a bad ticker.

- That supposed to be funny?
- I'm too tired to make decisions.

Dr Mancini, first-floor nurses' station.
Dr Mancini, first-floor nurses' station.

Go ahead, I'll catch up.

Hi, Helen, did you have
something for me?

Thank you.

Hey, why didn't you just come in?

All this business
with the nurses paging me...

I didn't want anyone to see the bags.

Besides, the hospital's lost its lustre
now that I find out it was your excuse.

Late nights, emergencies...

Being an intern really is
the perfect cover, isn't it?

You can pick the rest up next week,

whenever I'm at work or not there.
We'll arrange a day.

Look, Jane, I really think
we should talk about this.

- It's a little late, isn't it?
- No.

- I don't think it is.
- I do. I think it's a lot late.

- I know you're hurt...
- Don't touch me.

Don't come near me ever again.

I can't believe
I've gone this long without sleep.

Twenty-eight hours, rolls of film.

- You have a pool.
- Yeah, I have a pool.

- Let's swim.
- No, I don't think so.

- A shower, maybe.
- What're you doing?

Just a quick dip,
wash off the dust.

No! Stop it, Karen, no!

Jake, I figured
you were at the shop.

I was home for lunch.

You're not still mad, are you?

Well, I was, but now
I'm getting over it.

- OK, OK.
- OK?

Look, I am so glad to be back.

It's been non-stop madness
since I left.

Hey, hunk. Come on in.

They had me in this helicopter all day.

It was night, so I'm sh**ting
ASA , pushed to the max

so I can get the Golden Gate
in the background.

Yeah, right.
So, what's for lunch?

I dunno.
We'll throw something together.

I like the sound of that.

Careful, you two,
you're getting me all hot and bothered.

Here, the keys to my place.
You can change afterwards.

Great sh**t. See you tomorrow.

- I covered for you on your . am.
- Thanks.

I saved a seat for you on the bus.
What happened?

I came home with Billy.
This morning.

I ended up getting that note, after all.

I see.

- I guess an apology's in order.
- That's all right.

But I want you to know,
I was only thinking of you.

Last time someone snuck a boyfriend
into a retreat Lucy went ballistic.

It's OK, really. It worked out.

Yeah, I guess so.

I left a message on your machine.
I really need to talk to Billy.

Well, I'm sure
he'll get back to you, eventually.

Lucy wanted more details
on the Bristle Lip Balm account.

I called the lab and they're
sending over product reports.

Excuse me.


- Jane, hi. How's it going?
- Fine.

- Isn't that normally Michael's job?
- Michael's gone, Alison.

I threw him out.

You were right.
I caught him with Kimberly.

He's having an affair.

If you want some gratitude or thanks,
I'm really not in the mood.

Wait a second.
Michael's having an affair?

Yeah, he was.
He probably still is.

Any problems, complaints or repairs,
you can bring them to me.

Jane, I'm so sorry.
I almost didn't tell you.

It doesn't matter.
It's over. I'm moving on.

Look, I've been through this before.

This? This exactly?
I don't think so, Jo.

Look, I'm fine. I'll be great.

You missed your calling. Hallmark is
always looking for new talent.

You've been fact-checking two hours.
How many facts could there be?

Not many.
That's what took so long.

Where did you learn
about journalism? Dateline?

We'd have been sued
if I let this through.

- I'll fix it tomorrow.
- Why, you got a hot date?

- What makes you say that?
- I think she just walked in.

Hi, I'm Cameron,
editor, publisher, multimillionaire.

If you ever tire of him,
I'm available.

You were on the phone,

but the receptionist said
you'd be working late.

I'm surprised you have the energy
after such a wild weekend.

- Actually, I was just leaving.
- This won't take long.


I pretty much got the impression
from Alison

that the two of you are together,
and I think that's great, really.

Amanda, what is this?

Well, I thought you should know


...I missed my period.

And I took one of those home tests.

I still have to confirm it
with my doctor,

but I think I'm pregnant.


- I almost started without you.
- I had to work late.

When Cameron drags his heels,
he drags his heels.

Things have been crazy around here.

Are you ready for this?
Michael moved out.

Well, Jane kicked him out, actually.

And now she's in this strange
state of denial or something.

- Are you joining me?
- Yeah.


- Alison...
- What?

Billy, what is it?

Amanda stopped by work
just as I was leaving.

And that's supposed to upset me?

Look, not even a quiver of jealousy.
I'm improving.

That woman, she just does not know
when to give up.

We said we weren't gonna tell anyone
about this weekend and what happened.

And I didn't,
but I did let her get an idea.

"Alison, I saved a seat
on the bus for you."

She's pregnant.

It's not completely for sure.

She has to go to her doctor tomorrow.

I mean, there's always a chance
that she isn't.

I just don't want to do anything
or say anything until I know for sure.

Come here.

Oh, God, it just isn't fair.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- You are a walking cliche, Mancini.
- Is that right?

Yes, holed up in this hotel room,
wallowing in misery.

I always thought self-flagellation
was an Eastern ritual.

If you're referring to the room,
my options on dwellings are limited.

Seriously, Michael,

I hate seeing you like this.

I hate seeing you hurting, especially
knowing it was partly my fault.

Guilt, a predominantly Western ritual.

- Don't do this.
- What? What am I doing?

My marriage is destroyed.

I can't just jump back
in your arms, Kimberly.

You said that the two were different,
what we have

- and what you have with her.
- When she walked in on us,

it made it the same thing.

You know, like two trains colliding
at an intersection.

Listen, Kimberly, the truth is,

if I have a chance to save my marriage,
I can't keep seeing you.

- I don't understand.
- Obviously not.

What is this, Michael?

Some sort of compulsion to be needed?

To make that conquest and then move on,
move forward, move back,

and screw the wreckage
you leave behind?

Did you need
to be the centre of everyone's life?

Jane's? Mine?

I thought I knew you.

Kimberly, you are
completely out of line here.

No, Michael,

you are out of line if you think
you can mess with my feelings.

You obviously want me crying, begging.

You know what?

I was willing to be there for you,
even shed a few tears.

But I'll tell you something...

...I draw the line at groveling.

You know what I think?

I think you're threatened by me
or anyone who's your equal.

- It's all one big ego trip to you.
- How about that?

- You do know me.
- Yes, and you're a bastard.

Not a good idea, Michael.

No. No, I'm not going inside.

Alison, I screwed up, badly,
about as badly as you can.

I should've listened to you
when you saw us together.

- I wasn't thinking.
- Have you told Jane any of this?

I tried.

Listen, Alison, I was thinking
maybe you could talk to her.

It's over between Kimberly and I.

Really, it's over.

Tell her I can't live without her.

I love her, Alison.

And we really had something special,

and maybe I let my ego get in the way,

and maybe I lost track.

Anyway, I was stupid.

I risked everything
for a couple of hours of lust.

But it woke me up.
I know now what I want.

What is it with guys and lust?

All I want
is the chance to talk to her.

You could help me, Alison.

She might listen to you.


All right.

- When I get the chance.
- Today, OK?

I'll see.

You make me look so incredibly good.

Well, you know what they say,
good subject, good photo.

I never get tired
of working with you, Jo.

Usually I'm bored
with a new photographer

after the first sh**t.
Even the first hour of the first sh**t.

Maybe because you're a woman.

Guy photographers, I feel they're
doing more leering than working.

Well, I'm really glad
this all worked out.

- You know, you could model.
- Yeah, right.

- No, I'm serious.
- Stop it.

I'm comfortable behind the lens.
Stop it.

- Beautiful.
- Karen, stop it. Leave me alone.

You're no fun.

I'm just shy.

I like that too.

Tomorrow night I've got nothing to do.

Let's leave the entourage
and go out by ourselves.

- Well, I promised dinner to Jake.
- Even better. Bring him along.

- He's not much of a dancer.
- But he's so fun to look at.

You've got to emphasize price.
Price is everything in this market.

I'll redo it, but I wish you two
would get your signals straight.

- Sorry. Our mistake.
- It won't happen again.


- I'll assume Billy told you.
- It's none of my business.

The timing couldn't be worse.

Amanda, there is no point
in discussing this.

I want you to know that this isn't
something I planned or wanted.

And I contemplated not telling Billy.

I just felt this responsibility to.

When something like this happens,
you're in shock at first.

I'm telling you, I don't want to know.

This is between the two of you
and has nothing to do with me.

Fine. Just as long as you don't think
this is some kind of trap.

I never thought that.

Billy, what're you doing here?

- Going to the doctor with me.
- Ready?

Alison, if Lucy's looking for me,

tell her I've taken the day off.
Unspecified reason.

- I'll see you back at the apartment.
- Right.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- You haven't been waiting long?
- I was enjoying it.

It's nice to get out from
that drafting board.

Terrible how work
gets in the way of life.

And vice versa. Thank you.

Being alone has been good.

With Michael out
of the apartment, I can think.

I'm beginning to realize
all the mistakes I made.

I barely knew him
when he proposed.

We got married so soon.
We jumped into it...

He wants to reconcile.

He asked me to talk to you

and to tell you that
he's broken it off with Kimberly.

That's why I asked you to lunch today.
He wants me to set up a meeting.

You must think it's a good idea
to go through all this trouble.

You know, Jane,
I don't know what I think anymore.


I'm just scared of having to go through
this whole thing all over again.


I mean, for coming.

- They've got our name.
- Let's just walk.

Oh, OK.

I wasn't sure you were gonna show up.

Look, I don't have a big speech
prepared or anything.

I just want to say,
to tell you, I love you,

and I miss you

and what I did was
the biggest mistake of my life.

All I'm asking for is your forgiveness
and another chance.

Janey? Honey?

All I know is I want to stop the pain.
This awful feeling of failure.

I think a lot of that
is because we never talked.

- I realize that.
- So, what do we do?

There's a marriage counselor.

I called her because a friend at work
thought I should.

If you want,
she's agreed to meet with us.

Sure. Whatever it takes.

I just...

I really need your forgiveness.

No matter what happens, I don't know
if I'll ever be able to give you that.

I've been looking everywhere.

Have you? How nice.

- That's a...
- Martini.

My mom drinks them on special occasions.
They're great, except for the olives.

Olives belong on pizza.

I assume from the long face
it's confirmed.

Amanda's pregnant.

Wait, wait, Alison.

I am not in the mood for this.

- You think this is something I want?
- I don't know, is it?

No. And no matter
what's going on with Amanda,

- this is a temporary problem.
- Right, temporary.

Until it needs braces
or a college education.

Let me ask you something,
does Amanda want this baby?

I just... I can't believe that she does.

God, maybe it's not even your baby.

- Come on.
- All right.

But if it is an unwanted pregnancy
there are options.

I'm aware of that,
but that's her decision.

- We were so close.
- Alison.

We're not the first couple
this has ever happened to.

At first it was hard to look at this
logically, with a clear mind,

but now that I've had some time
to let it soak in,

I realize it doesn't
have to mean anything.

It's not the end of the world.

If you're talking about
an abortion or adoption,

those aren't options for me.
I could never do either.

And it's not some big moral thing.
I just personally couldn't.

This is my baby, right?

- I don't believe this.
- I had to ask.

Yes, it's your baby.

You can stop asking
embarrassing questions

because I'm not asking
anything of you.

I don't want you to feel obligated
or sacrifice a thing.

This is my responsibility.
And I never thought otherwise.

- So, what are you gonna do?
- Manage.

Like I always do.

I'll be all right.

My dad's bringing his boat down.
I'll tell him what happened,

which is the hardest part, because
this doesn't fit into his plan for me.

And it'll hurt him.

- Hurting him hurts me.
- Don't tell him yet.

I have to.

We share everything.

So you're off the hook, Billy.

You can go on with your life,
with your romance with Alison.

I'll be fine.

I've been so angry.

I can't talk to him.

I can hardly look at him.

Are you still angry?

Numb is more like it.

OK, this is a good start.

I recommend twice-a-week visits,
starting Thursday.

As for your living arrangement,
I think that's up to you.

Lines of communication
are important,

and since there's no threat of v*olence,
it might help.

But it's really up to the two of you.

- Thanks.
- OK.

- I like her.
- Long drive twice a week.

- If you don't want to do it...
- I already told you, I'll do anything.

Look, I'll let you move back in.
We'll try it.

In the living room on the couch

with the agreement that if it doesn't
work out and I'm uncomfortable,

you'll move back out.

I'll get my stuff,
and I'll be home by dinnertime.

I'll cook.

You told me to.
Jane told me to.

Everyone, including my own
inner whoever told me to do it.

Take the plunge, Alison,
go for it, and I did.

And it was wonderful.

Why don't you just admit it?
You're in love.


OK, maybe we were close.

We were definitely on the right track.

All I know is, it doesn't matter
what we had or almost had.

This thing, Amanda's pregnancy,

is like a ten-foot wall.
I don't know what to do.

I sound like one of those soap queens.


right now you're jumping
to all kinds of conclusions, OK?

Billy's all over emotionally right now.

It's this male thing,
his paternal instincts and macho,

all that male garbage.
He's gonna get himself out of this one.

He has before, right?

Think of this as a test
in the relationship. A pop quiz.

It's only worth ten percent
of the full grade.

All right, so my metaphors
are a little rusty.

You get the idea.

Wipe that expression
off your face.

I guess it's that three's a crowd thing.
Hi, Alison.

- Hi.
- We're meeting Karen at the club later.

- Jake is uncomfortable about it.
- Can I help it if I want you to myself?

Look, I'll see you guys later.
Have a good time.

- Alison, it's gonna be OK.
- Thanks, Jo. Bye.

- Hi.
- Oh, there you are.

- Going out?
- Just going out for a little while.

- I'll be back.
- So...

What's going on?
I mean,

- with Amanda and everything.
- I'm working on it.

I'll see you later.

I think I'm going deaf.

Just relax and have a good time.
This place is great.

- Come on, Jake, dance.
- Yeah.

Go, have fun.

- Jo wouldn't mind.
- I might.

- OK?
- OK. Whatever.

- Come on, we're out of here.
- We can't leave Karen.

- She can't possibly drive home.
- We'll call her a cab, all right?

Come on, Jake.
It's just getting good.

They've got this video room
that is gonna blow your mind.

You're doing pretty well
there yourself.

Jakey doesn't approve.
He thinks I'm drunk.

- Jo, do you think I'm drunk?
- Yeah, you have had a few.

Know what?
I think I'm gonna have a few more.

- Another round over here.
- I'll take her home

- and I'll just call a cab.
- Are you serious?

- I'm not just gonna leave her here.
- Go ahead, party pooper.

We'll be fine. It was supposed to be
girls' night out, anyway, right?

Fine. I'm outta here.

- See you at home, Jo.
- Don't wait up.

- Hi.
- Billy.

Hi, Mr Woodward.

This is a surprise.

How long's it been, Billy?
Two, three months?

- You're really hanging in there.
- I try.

It's good to see you
still in the picture.

- Are you joining us?
- I'm not really sure.

Could you excuse us just for a minute?

- So have you told him yet?
- No.

- Well, don't.
- Billy...

- I don't want anybody to know yet.
- This isn't up to you.

I thought I made myself clear earlier.

Look, until I know where I stand,

and I don't yet,
I just want to keep it quiet.

Fine, if that's what you want.

- What a night.
- God, I'm beat.

This life is you, Jo.

Not those four depressing walls with
the matching boyfriend downstairs.

It's not that bad.

I see this,

our friendship,

I see it as the beginning
of your new life.

I was just kinda getting used to
my other new life.

You're an artist.

You can't close down like that.

I'm where I am because I'm willing
to do anything once.

No, you're where you are
because you're incredibly beautiful.

It hasn't hurt.

I'm flattered. I really, really am.

- But this just isn't me.
- How do you know unless you try?

I just know. I do.

- I'm sorry, I thought maybe...
- It's OK.

It's OK, it's just... it's me.

- I'm gonna go get us some coffee.
- Whatever you want, Jo.

They arrive like conquerors
and leave like rats from a sinking ship.

- Who are you talking about?
- The Germans.

You're still up.

Why couldn't you tell me
you were gonna go to her apartment?

Because... I didn't want to hurt you.

There's all these horrible,
cynical things I was planning to say,

about curtains for the nursery

and cute little names.

I felt obligated.
Her dad came over.

She didn't know what to tell him.

- Did you ask his permission?
- That's not what's going on.

You feel obligated to her, fine.

But what about me?

What about what
happened this weekend,

- two days ago?
- I'm trying to work it out.

I gave everything to you!

I risked every emotion I have,

every feeling, every instinct.

And I'll tell you something.
It was worth it

because we ended up
with something great.

Real passion.

And a real connection
that in this town, in this world,

is impossible to find. Impossible!

And all this time,

since you found out,

you never once asked me
how I was feeling.

Am I supposed to just sit here and wait?

Because I can't do it, Billy.

Am I supposed to by stand patiently...

- Just stop it.
...while you figure it out?

Listen to me.


Can't you see that
I hate myself for this?

I mean, this whole pathetic mess.

It doesn't have to change
what's going on with you and me.

I'm not going to lose you.

It's too late, Billy.

You already have.

Well, Amanda says
I'm off the hook, you know.

I can just walk away.

I know that's what Alison wants.

And I have some serious feelings
for her now so...

I don't know. I'm just confused.

I just don't know what to do.

So you want to talk to me
because I have a kid.

I didn't have a choice.
I didn't even know I had a kid.

When I found out, it was too late.

If you walk out of this now,
that's it, man.

You don't get a second chance.
That kid is hers.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I thought I'd go to the beach.

It's a great day for it.
You mind if I come along?

If you rather I didn't, I understand.

I thought it would be an opportunity
to open the lines of communication.

We're talking to other people, but
until we start talking to each other...

It's awkward, OK?

I'm still dealing with you being here.

I have to call in.

This is Dr Mancini.

I see. How soon?

No, no. No problem.

They want me to go in.

You don't believe me?

They're understaffed.
Call them. Ask for the chief resident.

- Go on, here's the phone.
- Stop it. I'm not calling anyone.

You don't believe
that's where I'm going.

God, Jane, are we in this bad of shape,

that I can't go to the hospital?

Go! You're wasting time. Leave.

I... I'm really trying here.

OK, I made a mistake. Fine, be mad.
But you could at least make an effort.

You are not gonna turn this around
on me. I didn't do anything wrong.

I have been the perfect little wife.

Moving, supporting your career,

tolerating your complaints
about the hospital.

You know, maybe we got married
too young.

Maybe that's what we did wrong.

You didn't have to say yes.

You're the one who screwed up,
not me. So just go!

Go to the hospital
and leave me alone!

- Mancini, what took so long?
- Sorry.

We're up to our necks
in admissions here.

Cubicle three, assist Dr Shaw. Now!

Dr Hewitt to Cardiology.
Dr Hewitt to Cardiology.

I'll get that for you.
Try the other elbow area.

Dr Wilson, . Dr Wilson, .

We're gonna let that set,
then we'll send you back to X-ray.

- I've missed you, Mancini.
- I've missed you too.

Doctors, let's go.
We got a code blue, room six.

Let's move it, please!

Alison, in my arms

Asleep on my shoulder
Endless night and dreading morning

Dreams that come true
That really do come true

- Hey.
- Billy.

- We're just going out.
- Look, I know you said

you can do this on your own...

- I can.
- I don't have to be responsible.

- You don't.
- Well, that's not the way I feel.

Let's go, Amanda.

I feel responsible, OK?
So, I just want you to know

that I'm gonna be there for you
all the way through this thing,

and that's why I came down here.

I just wanted to tell you that
so you'd know.

Thank you.

And other than that,
I can't promise you anything.

- You're here. That's all that matters.
- Hey, you two, let's go.

Come on. Come with us.

Come on, come on.
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