01x30 - Carpe Diem

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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01x30 - Carpe Diem

Post by bunniefuu »

- 'Morning.
- 'Morning. Smells great.

Yeah, cheddar and
scallion omelet a la Campbell.

Look, Billy, about last night.

Yeah, that's all I've
been thinking about.

- Me too. I think we should talk.
- I think we've done enough talking.

But let's not jump.

- Let's take our time.
- We've been living together for a year.

You know what I mean. We haven't
even gone on a real date yet.

OK. All right, cancel all your plans.
Tonight at . I'm gonna pick you up,

and we're going out for
the most romantic night you ever had.

Whatever you say, Prince Charming.

Oh, can we keep our
new status private, OK?

Sure. But what's the big secret?

No secret, just privacy.

I don't like people knowing my business.
I don't like to know theirs.

- Like Michael and Jane?
- Yeah.

He's the one having the affair,

but because I know about it
and Jane doesn't,

- I feel like I'm part of it somehow.
- All right.

To minding our own business.

- And to tonight.
- Tonight.

One more day, and you'll have been
shackled to me for two whole years.

Shackled isn't the term
I'd use, sweetheart.

Prove it, let's both be late for work.

- Come on, Janey.
- Michael.

If I'm late today,
I won't get off tomorrow.

That's when we should celebrate.

Promise you get tomorrow night off?

I'll probably have to be
on call for a couple of hours,

but I'll try to get away.

OK, I miss you, Michael.

We need some time together.
You've been working too hard.

I miss you too, sweetheart.

Now if you don't leave me alone, I'll
never get out of here. Now go on, scoot.

- Good morning.
- Hi, you're running late.

- That's not like you.
- So are you.

Oh, I didn't want
to wake up this morning,

I was having this very sexy dream.

Wrapped in the arms
of this passionate Italian...

I forgot, this is real life.
In real life, we're discreet.

Sorry. I'd like to see you again. Soon.

I checked the schedules.
We're both off tomorrow night.

Oh, Kimberly, I mean,
I'm stuck. It's my anniversary.

I promised Jane we'd go to dinner.

Of course. That's what you
should do. That's fine.

What about the next night?

No good. I'm on all night.

But that's beside the point.
This whole thing is no good.

- It's just one night.
- No, it's this whole way of life.

Sneaking around, catching a night,
feeling guilty about your wife.

I won't do it. I'm not some bimbo.

I'm a doctor, for God sakes.
This is not me.

OK, look, I'll try to
work something out.

I'll see you on rounds.

- Yeah?
- So...

...what kind of date is this,
I mean, as far as dress is concerned.

Well, it's casual but dressy.

You know, sexy but a little demure.

Thanks, you're a big help.

Well, a guy's gotta be surprised
when he comes to the door.

It spoils the mystery, having to wait
for your date to clip his toenails

- before you can put your makeup on.
- Speaking of makeup,

I think you could use a little less. It
tends to get thick when you go out.

You never said anything before.

I never took you out before.

Keep this up, Campbell,
and there may not be a date.

Tell me this...

...where are you taking me?
- To the concert in the park.

It's perfect. I've got
some jeans in the dryer.

Well, hurry up, I'm picking
you up in minutes.

- Hi.
- Hi. You seem happy.

- Yeah, I guess I am. How're you?
- Good. I'm good.

I'm just thinking about
marriage, you know?

- We're having our anniversary tomorrow.
- Congratulations.

Thanks. Anyway,

I was noticing older couples
today on my way home.

And you know they've
gone through tough times,

but they stuck it out and
built something together.

I think that's what's so great
about marriage, the commitment.

And they say that the first couple
of years are the hardest...

- I'm yapping a lot, aren't I?
- Oh, no.

- I think you're right.
- Things have been crazy lately.

Michael's been working more than ever,
I'm at the studio constantly.

It'll be good to
have a night together.

It'll be great.

Listen, I've got to go,
I'm going to be late.

- Hot date?
- Yeah, well, no.

No, I'm going to go get a bite
with Billy. So see you later.

Hey, thanks for the ear.

- Have a great anniversary, Jane.
- Thanks.

I just can't stop thinking about Jane.

There she is imagining her future with
a husband I know is cheating on her.

I couldn't bring myself to tell her.

You did what you could.
Like you said, it's their business.

God, it's a beautiful night.

I never thought of myself as a jazz fan,
but it sounds great right now.

Why would he do something
like this to her?

She is beautiful, she loves him.
What does he want?

I don't know. I don't think
what he's doing is right,

but it might turn out OK. You know,
some marriages can survive affairs.

It makes it stronger.

- Are you saying this is a good thing?
- No!

Well, why not? It sounds
like you're defending him.

Let's not think about them.
Let's think about us.

You're right.

Besides, I want
to concentrate on you.

Billy, I have to tell her.

Don't get involved in that.

Come on, what happened
to the new discoveries?

I'm sorry. Can we just
hold off on this for now?

- I thought this was what you wanted.
- Does it have to be right now?

Come on, Alison, the other night
you practically seduced me.

Excuse me?

I didn't do anything we haven't
been thinking about for a long time.

So, what's the problem?

The problem is, I'm talking
about something important,

and you're not listening.

I'm listening. It sounds like you're
using this thing as an excuse because

you don't want to sleep with me.


You've just taken all
the romance out of this entire evening.

- Fine. Let's go home.
- Fine.

- Yeah?
- Good morning.

- 'Morning.
- How'd you sleep?

OK, I guess, except
for pretty intense dreams.

Me too.

Waves crashing against the rocks.

- Flowers opening in the storm.
- I'm sorry about last night.

It's OK. I understand.

- I'm sorry too.
- We could give it another shot tonight.

Stay in, order some pizza,
have a couple glasses of wine.

- Do something about those dreams.
- Sounds great.

Feel free to discuss
what's ever on your mind.

Don't worry. No talk about
the neighbors. I promise.


Good. Good, good, good.
Yeah, right there.

Hold that.

Right, right.

That's good.
That's really good. Beautiful.

Right there.

That's right, hot, sexy.

There you go.


Arch, your back a little bit.

Oh, yes. Beautiful, great.

How about look out over the ocean?

Beautiful. You are so beautiful!

Of course I am.
I'm a model, you know.

I starve so that others may drool.

- You're so good at it too.
- But I pay a terrible price.

I'm empty, soulless,
and sometimes irritable.

- You know, I bet you're a mean drunk.
- Hey, I can handle my liquor.

Last week I threw my boyfriend
in front of a bus.

That wasn't gin,
it was his attitude.

Karen, I'll bet there are
simpler ways to stay single.

- You're all right, Jo.
- Thanks. So are you.

You should come out with us tonight.

We'll hit a few clubs,
break a few hearts, it'll be a blast.

- I got this...
- Come on, let's party.

- OK, why not?
- Cool.

- We're not finished. Back on that bed.
- Yes, ma'am.

What do you think,
just cos you're beautiful? Please.

Hey, Kimberly.

I've been thinking about
all this, and I think I've figured...

I had no right to get upset about
your anniversary. It's not my business.

I just don't play
a great second fiddle, OK?

No, it's not OK.

All I've been thinking
about is you, anniversary or not.

I figured it out.

I'll be at dinner,
you beep me, all right?

I'll tell Jane it's an emergency,
we can be together.

This is weird.
I'm not sleeping, I feel guilty.

There's nothing for you
to feel guilty about.

You're just being true
to your feelings, and so am I.

And the truth is,

I'd rather be sleeping with you tonight
than with anybody else in the world.

I have contributed
a lot to this campaign.

It is arbitrary and unfair
to keep me out of the client meeting.

There is work to be done at your desk.
Try and be a team player.

Let me play, and maybe I will!

I don't understand why you spend
so much time trying to keep me down.

Alison, could I please
see you in my office?

I want you to understand something.

Amanda is your boss, like it or not. She
makes the decisions, you carry them out.

I don't ever want to see you challenge
her in the workplace, clear?

- Yes, it is.
- Good.

Now, as you may know, we're planning
an executive retreat this weekend.

- Amanda mentioned it, yes.
- Go home, pack your bags after work.

Come back and catch
the group bus at . .

- Tonight?
- You have something better to do?

Well, Billy and I...



I'll need you to assist me.

The open conflict between you and
Amanda is what this retreat is about.

Cooperation instead of competition.

Well, I'm grateful, Lucy.
This is wonderful.

It can be, if you learn something.

- I'll see you tonight.
- Thank you.

From now on,
your lens is glued to my face.

- No one else sh**t me.
- All right.

- Anyone else for another round?
- Everybody, of course.

Is that the lucky guy?

- Nice job, Jo.
- Thank you very much.

Mr Jake Hanson. This is Karen.

- This is Michelle and Suzanne.
- Nice meeting you guys.

Pleasure's ours.
Care for a martini?

No, thank you, I'll just have a beer.
Beer, all right?

- Since when did you start smoking?
- Oh, I used to smoke all the time.

It's just, you know,
old habits die hard.

Jake, you have a massively
talented girlfriend here.

I hope you don't mind if she
becomes an international success.

- Oh, I think that's fine.
- Good, cos we're celebrating tonight.

We're going to go to the Black Hole.

All-night heavy metal and sing-alongs.

It's summer camp on bad acid.

Listen, Jo, I don't think
I can make it tonight.

A bike came in the shop for
emergency repairs as I was closing.

- I gotta work on it in the morning.
- Oh, Jake.

I'm sorry.

- Well, I still want to go.
- Yeah, can Jo still come out and play?

Yeah, sure, of course.

If you don't get back
too late, come by.

- OK, I'll try.
- Time to boogie.

It was nice meeting you, Jake.

- I really wish you could come.
- Yeah, me too. I'm sorry.

I wouldn't be any fun.
Go have fun.

OK, I'll see you later.

- Yes, sir. Have a good evening.
- Good evening.

I haven't seen you
this relaxed in a long time.

It feels great to
spend some time together.

It sure does. Thank you.

To our two years of marriage bliss
and many more to come.

You know, honey, I've been
feeling a little down lately.

Really? Why?

I don't know, I think it's
because I miss you.

I feel like the hospital
has been intruding our lives more.

I'm sorry, sweetie,
but that's the price I pay.

I know, but not tonight, right?

No, not tonight, right.


For this special night,
we have desserts,

including a hazelnut dacquoise
and a double chocolate blackout cake.

- I think I'll just have coffee.
- Have something fatty, you deserve it.



No, please, no.

I'm sorry, honey.
It's the ER number.

I have to call in.

- You're gonna have to go, aren't you?
- Yeah, probably.

I'm really sorry.

The check, please.

I am sorry about tonight.
There's nothing I could do.

You know that, don't you?

Don't worry about it. This wine will
be great even without your company.

I was just amazed that Lucy asked
me to go. It is for executives only.

Amanda is none too thrilled,
I can tell you that.

We've waited
for a year for this romance,

so we can put it off
for another couple nights.

You're so great.
Thanks for being so understanding.

I don't have much choice.
Have a good time.

I'll miss you.

Jane. Hey, this is the night, isn't it?


- What's wrong?
- Michael got called to the hospital.

Right in the middle of dinner.

I don't know, I'm pissed off,
and I know I shouldn't be.

But he's gone all the time.

And then tonight of all nights.

It just hurts, that's all.

That's terrible.

Hey, I'm married to a doctor,
he's got responsibilities.

I just wish I could stop
getting so paranoid.

What do you mean, paranoid?

You know, like he doesn't
love me or something.

He just gets so distant sometimes.
He's so tired.

- It's nothing, really.
- Jane.

I think there's something I have to tell
you. If it were me, I'd want to know.

What is it?

I've been holding this
inside since I saw it

because it's none of my business.

- You have a right to know.
- What, Alison?

I was at the hospital getting
my checkup for surgery.

And I was leaving, and in
the parking lot, I saw Michael.

- Yeah, so?
- He was with Kimberly.

They had their arms around each other.
It was intense.

It was very intense.
They were all over each other.

What? No, you must
have misunderstood.

- I don't think so.
- I can't believe you.

I can't believe you're telling me this.

- You didn't know what you were seeing.
- I'm sorry.

I even confronted him,
and he admitted it...

I have never heard
such crap in my life.

I didn't want to hurt you, honestly.

I've got to go.

Wait. Here's where I am.

Call me, for anything, even to tell me
that I'm totally wrong and I'm a jerk.

Get out of here.

The mini-bar is in there, that's it.
Can I get you anything else?

No, that won't be necessary.
Alison, take care of him, would you?

- Thanks.
- Thank you. Have a nice day.

I don't believe this.
I was promised my own room.

- It's no picnic for me.
- What do you have to complain about?

- You're lucky to even be here.
- God! When will wear all those clothes?

I never understood
the virtue of packing lightly.

I don't have your flair for making
one outfit work three different ways.

I'd be happy to give you
pointers this weekend.

Listen to us, we sound like
high-school girls having a catfight.

It's stupid, isn't it?

Lucy threw us together
because we're not getting along.

I'd be happy to bury
the hatchet if you are.

Fine. Let's just try and make it
work, at least for this weekend.

All right, it's a deal.

You're right.

I did over-pack.

Feel free to borrow
whatever you can squeeze into.


- Michael?
- Jane.

- Hi.
- What are you doing up? It's . .

I know, I couldn't sleep.

Besides, I've got to
be at the studio early.

- What, the swimsuit line?
- I can be back by . to go to lunch.

No. I'm still on call.

I've got a two-hour break,
so I came home just to see you.

It's seems like you've
been on call a lot lately.

Wow, tell me about it.

I think I spend more hours sleeping in
the on-call room than in my own bed.

Michael, are you having an affair?

What? What are you talking about?

- You heard me.
- Jane.

Gosh, where is this coming from?

Last week, when you said
you were at the hospital all day,

you came home
with sand in your shoes.

Oh, jeez, that sure is
damning evidence.

Did it cross your mind
I spent my break at the beach?

I know, that's why I didn't
mention anything.

Last night, Alison told me she saw...

She saw me kissing
Kimberly in the parking lot.

- Yes.
- Damn it. Jane,

Alison told me what she saw.

I explained to her it
wasn't a kiss. It was a hug.

Kimberly lost a patient,
and she just broke down in my arms.

Then she twists it into a juicy piece
of gossip that she can hurt us with.

That's a terrific friend we got there.

- Why would she do that?
- Why do people gossip?

Why do they create
malicious rumors about people

and then spread them
around with such enthusiasm?

Because she has no life
of her own, that's why.

Besides, she's the one who was dating
that Keith guy while he was married.

Do you remember what you said?

- I told her she was wrong.
- Exactly!

And now, she finally saw a way
to try to get you back, to hurt you.

I told Alison the truth, Jane.

I asked her not to say anything,
because she was completely off base.

- I know, but...
- But what?

You're gonna believe her over me?


Of course not.

I think it's disgusting.

What kind of a friend
tries to break up a marriage?

I don't know.

Come here. I could never
do anything to hurt you.

I love you, sweetheart.
You're my angel.

Come on, now.
You believe me, don't you?

Of course. Of course I do.


Good morning and welcome
to D & D's eighth annual retreat.

We have an incredible agenda
planned for you this weekend.

Great speakers, great parties

and some great exercises and workshops
that have been designed

to enhance and accelerate
our performance and our self-awareness.

You are away from the office,
away from spouses, significant others.

This is your chance
to let it all hang out, all right?

I want to start with some very
simple role-playing exercises.

Find the person that
you work with most closely.

Switch roles. He will pretend to be you,
you pretend to be him, all right?

Now, find a quiet place, and we'll
reconvene here in one hour. Have fun.

- I guess that means us.
- This is so stupid.

- I'm gonna grab some sun.
- Don't you think we should do this?

Why? Are you really
that anxious to be me?

No. I think it might be
interesting for you to see yourself.

Thanks. But I have a mirror in my purse.

- Alison, where's that report?!
- Excuse me?

You heard me.

Here. I've been slaving
over it all night.

This is slipshod work. I mean there's
absolutely no attention to detail.

How do you expect to get anywhere?
And look at those shoes.

- Who taught you to dress, Barbara Bush?
- I don't cut you down like that.

You should hear yourself.

- The way you treat me is not right.
- I don't mean to.

But look at it from my side of the
fence. You're so competitive with me.

I date Billy, with your permission and
assurances that you are not a couple.

As soon as we get close,
you go after him.

- That is not exactly how it happened.
- Oh, no?

So you didn't dump Keith
to go after Billy?

- It's more complicated.
- That's right.

You used Keith to make Billy jealous.
Quit your job, moved away.

When Billy wouldn't chase you to
Seattle, you came back to chase him.

No, that is not true.

I put a lot of energy and passion
and emotion into that relationship.

You did everything to destroy it.

So excuse me if I'm not
the world's most sympathetic boss.

But I just don't trust you, Alison.
I don't trust you at all.

- So we went on a date.
- A date? What'd you need a date for?

Well, we didn't want to jump
into anything too quickly.

I don't think there's any
danger of that happening.

So I just treated it as
a first date all the way through.

Just gave her a little
kiss good night, that was it.

- You didn't sleep together?
- No.

The next morning we realized we're
not gonna be able to last much longer.

- We decided to have another date.
- Another?

Yeah, a nice quiet night in, a little
dinner, and then we'd do it.

- So, what happened?
- She went away for the weekend

on some business retreat in the desert.

So I'm stuck here wondering

if both of us spend the weekend thinking
it through, we might lose our nerve.

That window of opportunity
might slip away.

Don't let it.

Go down there. Surprise her.

I've been taking the bus
ever since I turned in my cab.

Can I borrow your bike?

You're serious?

I'll tell you what, I'll loan
you a used bike from the shop.

Great. Let's do it.

- Hi.
- Hello.

I thought about
what you said this afternoon,

and in a way, you're right.

It wasn't premeditated like you think.
Things just happened.

But I can see how you'd be upset.
So I'm sorry for that.

Can't we be friends?

Well, I certainly
don't need this tension.

Every time I ask you to do something or
make the least little critical remark,

you bare your teeth.

I'm sorry.

- And about Billy...
- Let's leave Billy out of this.

- At least for this weekend.
- You got it.


You know, maybe I'm glad you
came along this weekend after all.

Thanks. Me too.

Hi, I'm looking for Alison Parker.

She's with the D & D Advertising group.

She's probably at the cocktail party.

Cocktail party? Is that
like a dressy thing?

Yeah, I would think so.

Do you think somebody
could take this in to her?

She's the beautiful blond girl.

- You can't miss her.
- I'll see what we can do.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

- Excuse me, are you Alison Parker?
- No.

- You know where she is? I have a note.
- A note. Give it to me.

- I'll make sure she gets it.
- Great. Thanks.



Amanda. You're probably
wondering what I'm doing here.

No, not at all.
Listen, Alison got your note.

She wanted me to tell you
this is a business trip,

one that's very
important to her career.

I realize that, but...

You may not realize she's on probation.
That's why she's here.

As her boss, it wouldn't look good
to have friends visiting this weekend.

I understand. I just really
need to talk to her.

Lucy's got her cornered.
That's why I'm here.

Anyway, it's great to see you.

Good night.

Yeah, good night.


You won't believe what just happened.

Last night I went out, right?
And I met this photo editor.

He was talking about a job.
I thought it was the booze talking.

Well, he called me today.
It's for real!

He loved the work I did with Karen
and wants me to do her next assignment.

- That's great.
- Great?

This is amazing! This is
the break I've been looking for.

Karen is a top model. If she
likes me, then other people will.

I'll start traveling,
I'll start making money!

- You don't seem very excited.
- I'm excited.

I'm just not a huge fan
of the people you work with.

Oh, well, excuse me. Sorry they're
not as charming and well-rounded

as the grease monkeys you work with.

That's not what I meant.

You act different around them. Like you
are trying to be something you're not.

Well, maybe you don't know me very well.

- Maybe I don't.
- You know what, Jake?

I think it hurts
your ego to see me succeed.

- Jo, you know that's not true.
- Do I?

- Hey, Jo, come on.
- No,

No, I think I'll just
go out with Karen...

...to celebrate.


Michael, you home?

- Fifth floor.
- Could you page Dr Mancini for me?

- It's his wife calling.
- Dr Mancini is on break until . .

Give me the home address
of Dr Kimberly Shaw.

She and my husband are working
on cases. I need to reach him.

We're not permitted
to release home numbers

or addresses without permission.

- I can page him, have him call you.
- It's an emergency.

It's a family emergency.

What did you say your name was?

Jane Mancini. Dr Mancini's wife.

He was so bombed,
he puked in the hot tub.

That's disgusting!

Well, it's nice to see you two ladies
finally enjoying each other.

- Lucy, your voice!
- It always happens at these things.

- I have throat lozenges in my car.
- I'll get them.

- You don't have to do that.
- No problem, give me your keys.

It's the silver Taurus,
at the far end of the lot.

All right, I'll be right back.

She is such a love.

- Hey, you need some help?
- I don't know.

It's my friend's bike
He's a mechanic.

- You mind if I give it a shot?
- Be my guest.

Well, let's see.

- There you go.
- You just need that touch.

- Yeah, hey, no problem.
- Thanks.

- Take care.
- Thanks.

- Billy?
- Don't worry, I'm leaving.

- What are you doing here?
- What do you mean?

- You got my note, I got your message.
- What?

Well, Amanda...

How could I be so stupid.
You never told her to talk to me?

Billy, I didn't even
know you were here.

I couldn't stay away.
I kept thinking about you.

- And I had to see you.
- Really?

Yeah, and don't tell me to leave because
I'll never get this thing started again.

Leave? Of course I
don't want you to leave.

I have a great idea.

I'll check into a room, and after
the party you can join me.

Party? What party?

- Who is it?
- It's Jane.

- Hi.
- Hi, Jane. What can I do for you?

Is my husband here?

- No, of course not.
- Oh, I'm sorry, he's on a long break.

I really need to talk to him.
I thought that he might be here.

- Maybe he's at that coffee shop...
- Kimberly?

Don't you have any antiperspirant
that doesn't smell like perfume?


Thank you.

That's all I needed to know.

Jane, wait!

I think I better get dressed.

The room is beautiful.

Well, I splurged.

I think we deserve it.

So... here we are.

Yep, here we are.

Can I tell you something?

Tell me something.

I am nervous.

Really nervous, aren't you?

I think excited is more the word.

Yeah, maybe that's it.
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