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01x05 - Chapter Five: Dreams in a Witch House

Posted: 04/19/22 17:15
by bunniefuu
[theme music playing]

[bats fluttering]

[thunder crashes]

[crows cawing]

[lightning sizzles]

[bats screeching]

[bugs chirring]

[Hilda gasps]

[Hilda chortles, snorts]

That's nasty!

[Hilda gasping, chuckling]

[squeaking gasp]

Oh, for the love of Lucifer, Hilda,
will you please calm down?

Sorry. [laughs]
It's just it's rather good.

[snorts] Saucy.

There's only one book
you should be reading, sister,

in light of your excommunication.

Our Dark Lord's Satanic Bible.

It's nice to have Sabrina back home,
isn't it?

I missed her terribly.

[scoffs] If Sabrina's three-day absence
so affected you,

perhaps your life could do
with some more purpose.

Actually, now that you mention it,

I have been thinking about applying
for a job at the bookstore in town.

Dr. Cerberus's bookstore.

You mean that hovel
run by that lunatic trash-peddler

- who dresses up like a vampire?
- Yeah.

And what about your duties here,
at the mortuary?

For Satan's sake, Zelda, must you be
negative about every idea I have?

[through teeth] Honestly!
Sometimes, it just makes me want to...

- [Sabrina screaming]
- [Zelda] Sabrina?

Wha... What's the matter?

[panting] When I solved the puzzle,
the Acheron Configuration,

it set a demon free, and now it's loose.

- What kind of demon?
- In the house?

I don't know, a demon-demon.
A scary demon.

Calm down.

If the entity came out of
the Acheron Configuration,

it can be put back into the Configuration.

Where is it? The puzzle box?

- I must've left it in my room.
- [demon rasping] Spellmans.

[loud banging on door]

[Zelda] Well, this is simply perfect.

- [nails dragging against wood]
- Come on.

- Follow me. Quickly!
- [Sabrina panting]

[demon banging on door]

[shrieking upstairs]

[Zelda] Quickly. Downstairs.

Sabrina, what the devil is going on?

Not the devil, Ambrose, a demon! [pants]

- In the house!
- What do you mean "a demon"?

What kind of demon?

[Zelda] Whatever kind it is,
we have protocols in place.

- We do?
- We seal the house to contain the entity,

to prevent it from escaping
into the world,

where it would cause
rampant, wanton chaos.

- Oh, right.
- That's right.

Okay, let's do this.

Ex spiritibus enim sie te aeris.

Qui Omnipotentiam Tuam parcendo clavem ad.

Ostium ligate Diabolum hunc!

Hoc captionem,
et daemonium ab grandus cincinno.

[demon speaking in a hissing voice]

You're his family, aren't you?

My captor's kin.

You smell like Spellmans.

Know this, demon.

Our house is sealed with an incantation
we, and only we, know.

If you harm us, you'll never escape it.

[demon] Another prison?

No, no, no!

Edward Spellman imprisoned me
in the Acheron puzzle for years.

I'll not be caged again!

What do you want, Hellspawn?

First, revenge on the family
of Edward Spellman.

- Did you have to ask, love?
- [demon] And then, freedom,

so I may fill the world
with my sublime nightmares.

[turns radio on]

["Dream a Little Dream of Me"
plays over speakers]

I don't understand. Nightmares?

[whispering] It's a sleep demon!

Zelda, if it puts us to sleep,
we're at its mercy.

Thank you for stating the obvious, Hilda,
but not to worry.

It won't get the chance to.

Aunt Zelda,
whatever you're about to do, do it fast.

Turpis et infernis in terris pariunt.

Adiuro vos tamen hoc graecas munus.

[demon screams]

- [wind whooshing]
- [lid clangs]

And that is how you trap a demon.

[Hilda] A nice pot of calming tea
might help soothe all our nerves.

My nerves are perfectly fine, sister.

Which is more than I can say for you lot.

Running around like headless chickens.

At least this means Father Blackwood has
to let me into conjuring class now, right?

I mean, I solved the Configuration.

And learned a valuable lesson, I hope.

Never open a magic box
if you don't know what's inside it.

One thing I don't understand.

Why would my father trap a demon
inside of it?

[Hilda inhales]

Uh... Your father suffered
from terrible insomnia.

He always said
it was a sleep demon tormenting him.

All those years, I assumed
he was speaking metaphorically,

but clearly not.

And clearly, he got the better of it.

Surely, he must have known
the Configuration would be opened one day?

Or, perhaps, he never imagined
that anyone would be canny enough

to solve his puzzle.

My mom was the key.

[Hilda] Hmm?

A sketch of her in one of Dad's journals
gave me the clue to unlock it.

Witches couldn't solve it,
but a half-witch could.

Oh... Oh, that's marvelous, isn't it Zelds?

Yes, it's divine that Sabrina's duality
almost got us k*lled.

Right. [breathes deeply]

Okay, well let's... let's finish our tea
and call it a night, shall we?

Have a little foxglove to help me sleep.

Snug as a bug in a rug. [chuckles]

Auntie Hilda, what would have happened
if we hadn't re-trapped the demon?

[stammers] I mean, we...
wouldn't even be aware of this,

but... I imagine
she would've lulled us to sleep,

separated us
so that our dreams don't cross over,

and then plagued us
with horrific nightmares.


- Why?
- Oh, so she could t*rture us

until one of us broke ranks
to unseal the house and set her free.

But I don't want you to think
of such sinister things before bed.

[softly] Good night, my darling.

Dream of sweet kisses...

- and a world full of love and joy.
- [metronome ticking loudly]

[demon's voice echoing]
With no darkness, no shadows.

[demon echoes] At least, not at first.
[laughs maniacally]

Batibat, is that you?


You know me. Look closer.

- Mother of Demons.
- That's right.

You abandoned me, Mother.

You left me to rot
inside the Configuration.

Do not harm a hair on that child's head.

The spawn of Spellman have sealed me
in this house,

no one in or out, not even you.

And so, I shall plunder their minds
and orchestrate a symphony of nightmares

until one of them cracks like an egg

and tells me the spell
that unlocks this house.

And then, Demon Mother...

I will slaughter them,

one... by... one.

I'm warning you.

[Salem meows]

A familiar.

Can't have that on the loose.

- [Batibat] Here, kitty, kitty...
- Batibat?

The Dark Lord forbids it. I forbid it.

[Wardwell gasps]

[Batibat] Here, kitty, kitty...

- [metronome ticking]
- ["Dream a Little Dream of Me" playing]

What is your problem?

Heard you're thinking about running
for Prom Queen.

A piece of friendly advice, Spellman?


[together] No half-breed's gonna
represent Baxter High up on that stage.

That crown will be ours.

Ignore them, they're just jealous.

Because I'm the daughter of a High Priest?

Because of how beautiful
you are, Sabrina.

How effortlessly charming, how funny...

how infuriatingly right
you always seem to be.

Speaking of prom, I was going to ask you...

Sabrina! Hey, guys.

What's up, Nick?

'Sup, Kinkle?

Can I talk to you in private?
It's pretty important.

I've been thinking...

before too much longer,

we're gonna be applying to colleges,
and who knows where we're gonna end up,

- maybe at different schools.
- Wait.

Are you breaking up with me?

What? No!

No. You're my everything.

I never want to lose you.

That's why...

[girls] Oh, my God.

Sabrina Spellman...

will you marry me?

[Zelda] Don't do it, Sabrina.

You're a witch, he's a mortal.

Worlds that are, and will always be,
diametrically opposed.

But Mom and Dad...

Flouted convention,
and where are they now?

They're both D-E-A-D. Dead.

What about that nice,
handsome warlock, Nicholas Scratch?

We're barely friends, we just met.

How much do you love Harvey?

Do you love him as much as
your father did your mother?

[stammers] I think I do.


Well, if that is the case,
then you must be honest with him.

If he truly loves you,
he will accept you for what you are.

Marry him at your peril, niece,
but also hear this:

Your attempts to conciliate your duality
will only bring you pain and suffering.


[Sabrina sighs]

[Harvey clears throat]


Sabrina, what are you doing?

It's bad luck for the groom to see
the bride in her dress before the wedding.

I know.
But things are moving so fast, and...

there's something I need to tell you.

And... it's either now
or forever hold my peace,

and that-that-that
wouldn't be fair to you.

[Sabrina breathes deeply]

You're shaking. What is it?

[softly] Harvey... I'm a witch.


Why am I suddenly having
a strange sense of déjà vu?

Because I told you once. In the woods.
And then I made you forget.


What's funny is, I think...

a part of me always remembered...

even after you made me forget.

Should I not have told you?

[chuckles softly] I love you, Sabrina.

I always have, and I always will.

But is that enough?

- Your family isn't even coming tonight.
- Dad and Tommy are busy in the mines.

We're not doing this for them.

Marry me...

and I will make you the happiest woman...

and witch... of all time.

["Dream a Little Dream of Me" playing]

[Nick] You look stunning.

I mean, seriously.

I'm stunned.

Nick, you should be in the parlor
with everyone else.

Listen, it's not too late to run.

- What are you talking about?
- You and me.

A witch and warlock. How it should be.

We can hop on this broom
and fly off and never look back.

[sighs] I couldn't do that to Harvey.

[chuckles] He loves me.

He knows what I am and he loves me.

["Wedding March" playing]

Thank you, Daddy.

Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today
in the presence of these witnesses

to join this witch and this mortal
in the bonds of holy,

and unholy, matrimony.

If any person can show just cause

as to why these two
should not be joined together,

let them speak now
or forever hold their peace.

[thunder crashes]


Stop the wedding!

Why, Sabrina? Why did you have to tell me?

Harvey! Harvey!

It would've been fine
if you just hadn't told me.


k*ll the witch, Harvey!

- k*ll the witch!
- k*ll her!

- [shouting] Witch! k*ll the witch!
- [crowd shouting] k*ll the witch!

[Mr. Kinkle] k*ll her, Harvey!

- [choking]
- [shouts continue]

[Sabrina] Stop! What are you doing?

"Thou shall not suffer a witch to live."

- [grunting, choking]
- [people shouting]



[whimpering sobs]

[Batibat] Poor Spellman.

Rejected, tortured,
by the mortals you so love.

Tell me, does it hurt?

Are you in agony?

[Sabrina] Please! Please let me out!

But of course, my sweet.

Tell me the spell that unseals this house.

No. No! I won't!

Not now, perhaps, but soon.

I'll be listening for your cries.


[people yelling]
k*ll the witch! k*ll the witch!

- k*ll the witch!
- [Sabrina continues screaming]

[Batibat] Here, kitty, kitty...

[in a calm, gentle voice]
I won't hurt you, kitty cat.

Where are you, kitty cat?

[Ambrose] Here, kitty, kitty...
That's all it takes, isn't it?

Humdrum little thing you are.

- [Salem meows]
- Oh, Ambrose, there you are.

We've just had a body arrive.

Down in the morgue. A young lad.
Brutally stabbed to death, by all reports.

- Really?
- [Hilda] Hmm.

- By a spurned, jealous lover?
- [Hilda chuckles] No, nothing like that.

The victim was a tragic shut-in.

Lived alone, poor creature.

No friends, no one to mourn him,
no one to miss him.

Come on.

[Hilda groans]

[Hilda breathes deeply]

[Hilda] Oh.

He's handsome, don't you reckon?

[chuckles] Oh, it's always sadder
when they're handsome, isn't it?

- Don't know why that is, but it is.
- [Ambrose] Um...

Does he not remind you of anyone, Auntie?

Uh, no, I don't think... Should he?

[chuckles] Anyway, I'm off to Sabrina's
parent-teacher conference,

so, uh, I'll leave you to do the autopsy.

- ["Dream a Little Dream of Me" playing]
- ♪ Stars shining bright above you... ♪

Alas, poor Ambrose.

I knew him well.

[breathes deeply]

[bones crack]

[grunts, pants]

"A fellow of infinite jest,
of most excellent fancy."

Tell me...

what did you do?


What was it all for, your life?

- [bones crack]
- [Ambrose pants]

Did you love?

And were you loved in return?

Does it matter?

[voice breaks] Any of it?

Ashes to ashes, dust to...

Ambrose. Whatever were you doing?

Now that you've done it,
how does it taste, your heart?


[scoffs] Well, never mind all that.
The High Priest has come to see you,

so clean yourself up
and get upstairs, chop-chop. [chuckles]

♪ But in your dreams, whatever they be ♪

♪ Dream a little dream of me ♪

Oh! I'm so sorry! I...

- Uh, can I help you, madam?
- Uh... [stammers]

I'm looking for someone.

Not you.

[snoring softly]

You... You're lost, then?

[Wardwell] Yes.

I believe I'm...

in the wrong nightmare.

["Dream a Little Dream of Me"
playing on piano]

[Faustus] This afternoon I chaired
a meeting of the Infernal Parole Board.

We reviewed the charges brought
against you by the Church of Night,

under the stewardship of...

Edward Spellman.

I... I don't understand, Your Excellency.
What are you saying?

I'm saying that the hex
that keeps you imprisoned in this house,

Brother Ambrose, is,
as of this moment, broken.

- [thunder crashes]
- [lights buzzing]

[Ambrose chuckles]

I'm free?

[in a trembling voice] I'm finally free.

[Faustus] Inside this,

you'll find all the money you need
for expenses and such...

new clothes.

There is a car waiting outside
to take you to the airport.

[breathes deeply]

[Ambrose laughs]

- [Hilda] Love you.
- Love you too.

[Ambrose exhales]


- [Batibat shrieks]
- [Ambrose screams]

[Ambrose groaning]


He's handsome, don't you reckon?

- Does he not remind you of anyone, Auntie?
- [Hilda] Um?

No. Should he?

No. Anyway...

I'm off to Sabrina's
parent-teacher conference,

so, uh, I'll leave you to do the autopsy.

[Ambrose's spirit] Auntie, wait!
What's happening? Don't... Don't leave me.

[blade whirring]

[Ambrose's corpse]
No, no, no... No!

[bones crack]

[blood dripping]

Poor, pitiable creature.

Trapped in existential solitude,
forever and ever.

Tell me the spell that unlocks the house
and I'll end your lonely torment.

[Ambrose's spirit] No! No! Auntie Hilda!

Come back! Aunt Hilda!

She's gone.

But I'll be back, when your will is gone
and your tongue is loose.

[Ambrose's spirit] Help! Please!

[Batibat] It will be you, I think,
that breaks first.


or the bubbly one.

[phone rings]

["Dream a Little Dream of Me"
playing on piano]


Spellman Sisters Mortuary,
how may I help you?


But of course, Principal Hawthorne...

...I'll be there straight away! Ta!

I have a confession to make, Ms. Spellman.

I didn't, uh, invite you in today
to discuss Sabrina.

That was, uh...

wily subterfuge on my part.

Oh, so she's not in trouble?

Oh, far from it. No.


Sabrina is a model pupil.
And I have wanted to say to you,

I so admire how involved you are
in her life.

I try to be.

[chuckles softly]

[stammers] My sister, Zelda,
she couldn't really care less

about Sabrina's
more traditional education,

but I would like my niece
to be well-rounded.



Much like her Aunt Hilda.

- Come again?
- [knock on door]

I am looking for Sabrina.
Have either of you...

seen her?

Not for ages.

And as you can see, uh, Ms. Wardwell,

we are right in the middle
of a tête-à-tête, so...

I'll let you get back to it, then.

You were saying, Mr. Hawthorne?

Please call me George.


And you...

Please, please...

Please, will you allow me
to cook for you this evening?

Cook? [chuckles nervously]


No one's ever cooked for me before.

- [Zelda] Does he know you're a virgin?
- What do you think of this one?


If you have nothing nice to say,

then please, please,
stay out of the way tonight.

[sniffles] First floor, off-limits.

You do realize
you're going to have to put out.

That's the only way
you'll ever hold his interest.

Please, just... [laughs] me pick it out
because I want to look my best.


Good luck. You know what they say:


"You can't polish a turd."

[through teeth] Devil's Hooves, Zelda,
be supportive for once!

Don't you take that tone with me.

You never want me to be happy, do you?

You've never wanted me to live my life.
I'm sick to death of it!

I'm sick to death of being
the put upon one.

I'm sick of being treated like dirt
by my own flesh and blood.

I'm sick of being the afterthought,
the joke.

You'll never be happy, Hilda.

Because who could love you?

[Hilda breathes deeply] Uh...

[Zelda protesting, muffled]


That's much better.

For years she's been putting me down

and holding me back and... [stammers]

...and telling me I'm no good.

Oh! And k*lling me, literally...
[slurps wine]

...and metaphorically.

But she's not gonna do it anymore.
Mm-mmm. Mm-mmm. Insufferable bitch.

This is nice!

[Hilda chuckles softly]

I'm so sorry.
I've just been going on about Zelda.

Zelda, Zelda, Zelda, Zelda...

[giggles] Tell me about you.

Do you have any siblings?

I had a brother.

But, uh... he was stillborn.


I'm so sorry. That's awful.

- I mourn the man he could have been.
- [jukebox clicks]

["Dream a Little Dream of Me"
playing on jukebox]

To you...

dear, sweet...

voluptuous Hilda.

♪ Stars shining bright above you... ♪

Here's to us, Mr. Haw...


[Hilda] I'm as pissed as a fart!

- [Hawthorne] Watch your step.
- [Hilda sighs]

Oh, I haven't been this drunk,
you know, since... [pants]

...Queen Victoria's coronation.

I woke... woke up
on the banks of the Thames.


[panting continues]

I think I'm going to be a little bit sick.

[pants] Wait. I'm going to do this.

[Hilda chuckles]

Sleep tight, my angel, my salvation.

[Hilda snores]

[metronome ticking]

- [giggling]
- [Batibat laughs maniacally]

[Hawthorne] Mother said I was
such a naughty boy because...

I absorbed him, you see.

In the womb.

Ate him.

My very own brother.

Gobbled him up
like a greedy little piggy.

[imitates pig's grunting]

I've carried this burden with me
all of my life.

The terror of...

of not knowing
if I would ever find love...

and... and connection.

But then...

it turned out all I needed to do was
meet someone who was just the same as me.

And him.


I'd like you to...

meet my brother, Bob.

[Bob grunting]

[Bob groaning]




- [muffled grunt]
- [gasps]

[Zelda whimpering]

[Hilda gasps]

[Hilda] No! [pants]

[both grunt]

- [grunting]
- [Batibat] Oh, poor Hilda.

Tell me the spell
that unlocks this house...

and I'll separate you from your dark half.

[Zelda] "But of the fruit of the tree,
in the garden,

the False God said,
"Ye shall not eat of it,

neither shall ye touch it,
lest ye shall die."

But, did Eve die
when she ate the fruit, children?

[children] No.

No. Of course not.

The False God lied to Eve,

because he desired to keep her
naked and ignorant in his garden.

But our Lord Satan,

inhabiting a snake,

gave Eve knowledge, and set her free.

[door creaks open]

[door thuds]

[sisters speaking together] Sister Zelda.

We bring you news from the Nine Circles.

Our Dark Lord has chosen your house
for a special honor.

[Prudence and Agatha]
Once a year, he assumes the shape of man

to visit his most devout disciples,

and break bread with them.

[sisters speaking together]
This year, Our Dark Lord

has chosen you and your sister
for that distinction.

He will honor you
with his presence at dinner...


Hilda! Oh, Hilda!


The Dark Lord is dining with us!

Tonight! Can you imagine?


I'll lay on my vegetable pie then.
That's always a winner.

Not for the Dark Lord, sister.

He's an avowed carnivore.

Oh. Pity we don't have time
to fatten a calf.

Should I nip to the butcher's
and see if he can give me a roast?

[Zelda] No need.

There's a choice morsel close at hand.

Isn't that right, Fergus?

- [bell rings]
- Get that, won't you?

[door opens]

[door closes]

Dark Lord!

Now, then.

What have you prepared for me,
daughter Hilda?

Oh! It's a vegetable pie, Dark Lord.

Does it contain onions?

No, Dark Lord.
I know you don't like onions.

[Dark Lord] Hmm.

And what have you prepared for me,
daughter Zelda?

I've made your favorite, Dark Lord.

Is this a Christian child
or a Child of Night you've cooked?

It was the plumpest child
I could find, Dark Lord.

But... he... he was a Child of Night.

And with our numbers depleted,
daughter Zelda?

But isn't roast child
your favorite dish, Dark Lord?

I will only eat one dish tonight.

Hilda's vegetable pie.

Shall we eat, then?

[Hilda] Let me serve you, Dark Lord.

[Dark Lord]
And what a vivacious servant you are.

[Hilda giggles]

Rest assured, I have a place...
[continues indistinctly]

[Hilda] I'll keep my fingers crossed.

[Hilda giggles]


[Dark Lord] This is the finest
vegetable pie I have ever eaten.

As succulent as its cook.

[Hilda chuckles]
You are very, very naughty, Dark Lord.

[Dark Lord] Tell me, Hilda...

would you indulge me... in a dance?


["Dream a Little Dream of Me" playing]


♪ Dream a little dream of me ♪

♪ Say night-ie night and kiss me ♪

♪ Just hold me tight
And tell me you'll miss me... ♪


[Hilda] Goodbye, Dark Lord! Bye!

Don't be a stranger.

Take care now.

[chuckles] Praise you.

[sighs and laughs]

[dishes clattering]

[loud clang]

[voice breaking] You didn't even want
to join the Church of Night.

You never even loved him!

[Zelda sniffles]

[Zelda grunts]

[door opens and closes]

That was a speedy resurrection, sister.

[Dark Lord] Where is Hilda?

[pan clatters]

Am I my sister's keeper?

I don't...

I... I don't know where she is.

Don't lie to me. I am the Father of Lies.
You k*lled her.

Isn't that so?

I'm sorry, Dark Lord.

But... you don't understand.

[breathes heavily]
This is a little game we play.

Punch and Judy.

She'll come back.

You'll see.

[laughs] Hilda always comes back.

Not this time.

This time, she is gone from your life...




[wailing] No!

[Zelda sobbing]

[inhales sharply]


Poor Zelda.

[Zelda gasps]

Tell me the spell that unlocks this house,
and I'll bring her back to life.


[Sabrina screaming] Let me out!

Somebody please help me! Help!

- [Sabrina panting]
- Sabrina?

- [sighs] Finally.
- Ms. Wardwell?

I need you to calm down.

You're dreaming right now.

[Sabrina] No.

Harvey and his family did this to me.

Sabrina, listen to me.

We don't have much time before Batibat
realizes I've been trolling her domain.

[stammers] What? Who?

Batibat. She's a sleep demon.

She manipulates her victims
in their dreams.

She's torturing you, all of you,

until one of you tells her the spell
to unlock the house

or you all go insane.

[Sabrina] This is a dream?

Yes. But I'm gonna wake you up.

And once I wake you up,
you must get out of the house. Run.

Run as fast as your legs will carry you.

- It's your only chance of survival.
- The demon said she wanted revenge.

If I escape, what's to stop her
from k*lling my aunties and Ambrose?

Self-preservation, my dear,
it's the only thing that matters.

Ms. Wardwell, how did you get here...

in my dream?


A gin-clear mind, self-induced sleep,
and clear intent, Sabrina.

I'm gonna wake you up now.

You shall feel a prick,
but remember my words.

Get out of the house. Don't fall asleep.

You'll only have one chance to escape her.

[sucks air]


[Sabrina's scream echoing]


- [heavy footsteps]
- Batibat.


[Batibat rasping]
Where did you go, little girl?

Where are you?

Where did you go?

[whispering] Ambrose. Ambrose!

[metronome ticking]

- [zapping]
- Ow! [groans]


I'll just use your books.

Exilium? Exilium...

- is banishment.
- [Salem meows]

[gasps] Salem!

I know, but I have
the Acheron Configuration,

and I found a spell to banish her.


But I do know her name.

Ms. Wardwell told me it's Batibat,
and that might give me an edge.

- [meows]
- But I have to confront her, Salem.

I can't run and leave my family
to be tortured by her.

Right now,
my best shot is to surprise her.

[Sabrina] Looking for me?

I banish thee, Batibat.

"Tu me misisti,
et contentiones sint causa doloris mei."

That's but a plaything
in your inexperienced hands.

You're not half the witch your father was.

No witch at all.
No power, no conviction, no will.

And with three other Spellmans
in my thrall,

you, child, may die.

[Batibat shouts]

- [Sabrina grunts and screams]
- [Salem yowls]

[hisses, growling]

[Sabrina] Open Sesame.

[Salem yowling]

[metronome ticking]

[Batibat echoing] Spellman.

[whispers] Aunt Zelda, wake up!

Aunties, please,
I can't do this on my own!

I need your help!

[Salem meows]

Salem! Salem, where did you leave Batibat?
Still downstairs?


I don't know, Salem, I need help, I need...

[Hilda snoring]

- [Sabrina] Wait. I can go back.
- [meowing]

Yes, I know Ms. Wardwell said
not to go back to sleep,

but if I were quick enough
and focused enough to lucid dream,

- I could go and come right back.
- [meows]

Well, for starters,
I'd have to put myself to sleep.

[Batibat echoes] Where did you go?

You cannot escape me.

I know it's here somewhere.
Aunt Hilda uses it when she can't sleep.

Where is it?

[sighs, gasps]

- Foxglove! Got it.
- [Salem meows]

Of course. I know, too much will k*ll me.
So, I'll just take the right amount.

[Batibat echoing] Here, kitty, kitty...

Naughty, naughty girl. Where are you?

[Salem meows]

Where am I hiding?

Well, it's risky, but in plain sight,
and I'm gonna need your help, Salem.



Naughty girl, you should be in bed.

Oh, you can run,

but you cannot escape me. [chuckles]

"A gin-clear mind, self-induced sleep,
and clear intent."

Here goes.

Two minutes exactly.

[kitchen timer ticking]

[Sabrina] Aunt Zelda!

[Zelda sobbing] Sabrina!

I was always so cruel to her!

- [whimpering] Now she's gone.
- Who's gone?

I k*lled her.

And now, she's never coming back.

Aunt Zelda, you're in a nightmare.
None of this is real.

Hilda is alive and sleeping next to you,
I promise.

But I don't have much time and I need your
help. There's a sleep demon in our house.

She's the one
who put you in this nightmare,

and I need you to tell me
how to defeat her.

My only sister...

[voice breaking]
...and I treated her like hell-rot.

[kitchen timer ticking]

Aunt Hilda.

I'm sorry, Aunt Zee, I have to leave you.
But this will all be over soon.

[Hilda grunting]

- Aunt Hilda! What has she done to you?
- [Hilda panting]

Sabrina, you have to cut me free.

Aunt Hilda, this is a dream.

The sleep demon, this is her doing,
she's torturing you.

- Sleep demon?
- Yes.

Batibat, and I have about seconds
before I wake up.

Do you know what I can do to stop her?

A demon? Uh... Uh...

She's the embodiment of nightmares,
isn't she, Batibat?

Sabrina, you have to be clever,
you have to trap her.

How? Can you tell me?

[Hilda grunts] I can't... Uh...
Yes, Sabrina.

What is a nightmare, but a dream gone bad?

A dream gone sour? [grunts]

You have to trap a nightmare
the same way you trap a dream.

[panting] Ooh, my familiars can help.

Your spiders?

- Of course.
- [Hilda stammers]

Don't leave me with her!

[Ambrose grunts]

- Ambrose!
- [both] Cousin?

There's a sleep demon named Batibat
on the loose in the house.

- You're dreaming this.
- [both] I am?

Yes, but I have a plan
and you're gonna help me.

Tell me what to do. Shut up, you.

Distract her. Keep her occupied.

[both stammer] The sleep demon?

- [kitchen timer ticking]
- [timer rings]

[gasps, breathes heavily]

[Batibat] There are only so many halls,
only so many doors.

Beg, girl.

Beg for Batibat's mercy.

[Salem meows]

She put a glamor on the cat?

[Ambrose echoing] Demon, I'll talk!

I will tell you the spell
that unseals the house,

but, please, end this torment.


Speak, child, and we will both be free.

[stammers] Come closer, demon. I'm...

I'm so weak.


The spell, it's complicated.

Very ancient.


- Ostrogoth.
- How do I break it?

[grunts] You have to chant.

Standing on one leg.

- [Ambrose's corpse] Waving your hands in...
- Enough!


What are you doing?

Silly demon. I'm distracting you
while my cousin escapes.



Spellman. [growling]

Where are you?


Here, little girl.

Oh, Sabrina.

Oh, child.

This little game has come to an end.

You think those spiders can save you?

Not even the Dark Lord can save you.

Aunt Zelda, whatever you're about to do,
do it fast.

Turpis et infernis in terris pariunt.

Turpis et infernis in terris pariunt.

Et furantur verba haec locutus

sum vobis Laetitia.

- [screeches]
- Punctum baculus parit malediction.

Adiuro vos tamen hoc graecas munus.

Dream catchers don't trap dreams, Batibat.

They trap nightmares.

Sometimes the oldest,
simplest magic works best.

[Batibat yelling, muffled]

- [ticking stops]
- [gasps, panting]

[sighs deeply]

[metronome stops]

[gasps] I just had the most vivid dream.

Yes, so did I.

[both] Sabrina!

[lid closing]

Not as intricate
as an Acheron Configuration,

but a jam jar will do just as well.

- How does it feel now?
- Better, Auntie Hilda.

[Hilda chuckles softly]

[Hilda sighs]

I, um...

I owe you an apology, Sabrina.

When you came to me, in my dream,
I was... lily-livered.

Hysterical. Cowardly.

Only in the dream, Aunt Zelda.

Only in that terrible dream.

[Hilda] So you...

walked through
all of our dreams, then?

I did.

But I can...

barely remember it, it's all so fuzzy.

[sighs] So fuzzy.

[chuckles softly]

[phone ringing]

[ringing, vibrating continues]



Harvey, it's me.


[sighs] What time is it?

It's super late,
but I need to ask you something.


You'd never hurt me, would you?

What? No, of course not.

Where... Where is this coming from?

[sighs] We're just...

so different, the two of us.

What are you talking about?
Babe... has something happened?

Nothing, no. I had a...

really bad dream, that's all.

I'll see you at school tomorrow?

Yeah, sure. We've got Civics first, right?

With Ms. Wardwell?

[knocking at door]



It's the middle of the night.
What can I do for you?

You can start by telling me the truth...

about who and what you are.

You'd better sit down, then.

[theme music playing]

[man] Brett, move your head.