01x21 - Picture Imperfect

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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01x21 - Picture Imperfect

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning. D & D Advertising.

One moment, please.

Come on in, Alison.

Take a seat.

- Lucy, is something wrong?
- No, please sit down.

As you're probably aware,
we had to let Tobey Callow go last week.

I was asked to find a replacement
and I recommended you.


Assistant Account Executive.

The pay is not much better
than what you make now,

but there's room for opportunity.

You'll be acting as a liaison
between creative and the client

and assisting me
in all aspects of the campaign.

Lucy, this is unbelievable!

When would I start?

I'm throwing you in immediately.
Trial by fire.

We lost our photographer
on Maximum Advantage.

We've got to find another one that
the client will approve by tomorrow.

Amanda? Hi.

Could you step into my office
for a minute?

Amanda Woodward, the art director.
You'll be working with her.

- You know Rex Weldon, don't you?
- That cute tennis guy.

He'll appear in the campaign.

We need to sh**t some art immediately,
but our photographer bailed,

so we'll have to find a replacement
and set up a session for tomorrow.

Alison, you know Amanda?

- Yeah, of course. Hi.
- Hello.

Hi, how are you?

Amanda, why don't you fill Alison in
on the rest of the details?

- Sure.
- Lucy, I am floored.

- I don't know what to say.
- Just don't let me down.

- OK.
- Come on, Alison.

I can't believe
I'm finally gonna get my own office.

More like your own veal fattening pen.

It's all yours.
Feel free to redecorate.

Have you met Rex Weldon yet?

- Once, in a meeting.
- What's he like?

Well, I try not to dwell
on how adorable he is.

- It's too distracting.
- He is, isn't he?

But we're pros,
we can handle it.

The last thing you want
is to get involved with a client.

When the relationship disappears,
so does the account.

Then you end up like Tobey Callow.

Oh, my God, is that what happened?

According to the rumor mill.

I'm going to the morgue
to pull some more portfolios.

We can start going through them.

We've got to move on this thing.

I'll be here.

Here's to Alison's brilliant career.
Dreams do come true.

- Congratulations.
- All right, girl.

Well, it's not exactly
a brilliant career... yet.

- But it will be.
- Don't forget us when you're famous.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

Now that you're making big bucks,
you're not gonna need a roommate.

Fifty extra dollars a month
can't pay for my dry cleaning.

- Don't worry, roomie.
- I'm proud of you.

Billy, get up. Jo wants to sit down.
Let's go play pool.

So, you been seeing anybody lately, man?

- Seeing, as in seeing dating?
- Yeah.


I think I might have someone for you.

- Are you referring to a blind date?
- Yeah, something like that.

Well, so, who is she?

Not that I'm going to do this.

Her name is Lydia Perkins.
She's a nurse, about or .

- She's a very sweet girl.
- Sweet?

- The best thing is "sweet"?
- She's really cute.

Who does she look like?
Like what famous person?

She's a dead ringer
for Cindy Crawford.

- Seriously?
- No, man, she looks like herself.

Look, take my word for it, she's great.

If I didn't think
you two would get along,

I never would've suggested it.

I don't know, Michael, a blind date?

- Why can't she get a real date?
- Why can't you?

Congratulations again, it's great!

Yeah, it's like I was working
as a receptionist,

always hoping it would lead
to something, but not quite sure how.

- Well, you believed in yourself.
- Yeah, I guess I did.

You give us all hope.


You should show me your book
and let me bring it into work.

I'm gonna be dealing with photographers.
I can get your stuff seen.

Wow, that'd be fantastic.
Are you kidding me?

You don't know how many doors
have been slammed in my face,

These people don't even wanna
look at a picture.

Like they're afraid of discovering
something new!

Well, I'm not.

And I'd really like
to help you if I can, so...

Well, do you wanna come by
later tonight?

- I'd love to.
- Thank you.

You're welcome.

- Jo, your work is really wonderful.
- Really?

I don't know if it's commercial, though.
I just sh**t what turns me on.

I'll say.

- When did you sh**t these?
- A couple weeks ago.

- Get any numbers?
- A couple.

No, I have my hands full with Jake
and after what I've been through,

the last thing I need
is to pick up guys at the beach.

Strictly professional.

What is going on with you and Jake?

Oh, well, trying to take it slow.

It's kinda hard though,
with someone you like.

- I don't know what's best for me.
- Jake's a great guy.

- And you're good for him, I can tell.
- Really?

I don't know, maybe.

When did you sh**t these?

Just before I got married,
for an underground magazine in New York.

Do you mind if I take some of these
with me to the office?

Alison, don't feel obligated.
You don't...

I know, I know.
But these are really good.

Well, God, yeah.

I mean take them,
see what you can do.

Whose work is this?

A photographer named Jo Reynolds.

- Never heard of him. Is he new?
- Sort of. And she's from New York.


I love this.
It's sexy, stylish, fun.

- Who's her agent?
- I don't know if she has one out here.

And besides,
she's not on your approved list.

No one's available.

This friend of yours may be
the lucky break we need.

I'm gonna show her stuff to Lucy.
Wanna come?

- Yeah.
- So, what's she done?

- Interesting stuff in New York.
- Any commercial work?

- I haven't seen any.
- She sure is dynamic.

And she's got a great rapport
with her subjects.

Well, Alison, what do you think?

- I think we should give her a shot.
- Lucy, the clock is ticking.

All right.
Have her in my office this afternoon.

- Oh, that's good.
- Yeah, beautiful, beautiful.

Try this one.

Oh, my God,
it's better than sex.


Nancy's a gifted pastry chef, and I want
her to make the cake for our wedding.

Terrence, I think my mom wanted
to do our wedding cake for us,

as part of her gift to us.

- What, as in make it herself?
- Yeah.

For people?

Where did you get ?
I told my parents a small wedding.

We gotta decide how involved we're
gonna let our parents be in this thing.

If I let her, my mother would come
and run the whole show.

My mom's coming down next week,
but not to run the whole show.

Look, baby, I want this wedding
to be about us,

not what our parents
think we oughta be.

If I want you to walk down the aisle
on white roses,

I don't want anybody to tell me
it's impractical.

This is the most exciting day
of my life.

I don't want anybody to ruin it.

- Excuse me.
- All right, OK. You're right.

It's our day.

Now, what do you think
about some white roses, baby?

I like it, I like it.

Gentlemen, sorry to keep you waiting.

Rex Weldon, Arnold Castle,
I'd like you to meet

- Alison Parker and Amanda Woodward.
- Nice to meet you.

- They'll be coordinating your sh**t.
- Great.

Arnold, we've run into a hot new
photographer from New York.

I'm going to have a meeting.

- I'd like her to sh**t Rex.
- What's her name?

- Jo Reynolds.
- I think I've heard of her.

I'm sure you have.

So you're the one scheduled
to baby-sit the sh**t tomorrow?

Yeah, that's one way of putting it.

You know, I've been in LA for two days,

staying at this hotel in Century City
with Arnold,

who's not exactly a party guy.

- You don't know people here?
- No one.

And I think if you don't take me
somewhere happening tonight,

I might die of terminal boredom
before tomorrow.

That would certainly spoil things.

Name the place, Alison,
I'm all yours.

So how did someone as young
and beautiful as yourself

- end up a high-powered ad exec?
- Oh, please.

- I'm hardly high-powered.
- But you are beautiful.

Come on, I can tell you that.

In fact, I think
it should be you up there

modeling the Maximum Advantage
underwear line, not me.

I don't think so.

Come on, we'll do it together.

Give them two for the price of one.

What's this?
We're calling it a night?

I've really got to get home.

It's . .

How about you let me
take you out for dinner?

I'd love to,

but I really think we've gotta keep this
on a professional basis.


Let me tell you something.

This doesn't look
like the office to me.

Just take me out and sh**t me
at dawn by firing squad.

Blindfold optional.

Aren't we being over-dramatic?

Come on. How many times
in a young woman's life

do opportunities like this arise?

Sitting across a table
from Rex Weldon...

Those light brown eyes,
his hand holding mine...

Women don't say no
to men like that.

When I get another chance like this,
I'll be in a walker, no teeth,

unable to remember my name.

It's great.
Displayed real willpower.

What I displayed was cowardice.
Tell me something, Billy.

Why am I so righteously principled?

- Some of us like that about you.
- Answer the question.

I think it's a question
of practicality.

You've been chained to a phone,

this is your first big chance
and you don't want to blow it.

- Where are you going?
- A date.

- Right. I recognize the smell.
- A blind date. Michael set it up.

You hear something
and it sounds great,

- then two hours later it's like...
- Facing the firing squad.

Yeah, I think I know the feeling.



Billy's great adventure.

Yeah, wouldn't that be nice?

Three words of advice.
Go for it.

- Billy?
- Lydia.

Yes, so, soccer and writing.

And writing and soccer.

Dance. I'm into dance.

Post-modern dance.

But watching it,
not actually performing it.

I gave that up years ago.

- Blind dates are the worst.
- Yeah, I know.

All that anticipation, wondering
if he's going to be Quasimodo,

and you're thinking,
"God what if she's this dog?"

We're working ourselves up
into this frenzy over what? One date?

So we've talked about
hobbies and sports.

I won't ask you about
the thrills of cab driving.

OK, I won't ask you about nursing.

- Other interests?
- Cliff diving. You?

Mud wrestling.

Actually, my favorite thing to do
is go to the movies.

Especially cheesy horror flicks.

I hate horror movies.

I get enough of that at the hospital.

To blind dates.

I'll make you another one.

No, no, I'm way too full
of terror to eat.

All these nightmares I've been having.

Film getting lost. Nobody showing up.
That's the worst.

I'm alone on the set and
it's the wrong day and the wrong place.

I've had this job all of two days

and already I feel like I'm in over my
head, like I don't know what I'm doing.

Alison, don't self-destruct.

- It's too early in your career.
- I know.

I guess...

I guess I'm more worried about Jo.

Jo? Am I missing something?

- She's doing the sh**t.
- Are you kidding?

- Billy.
- No wonder you couldn't sleep.

She'll be terrible.
She's difficult.

She won't listen.
She'll cause problems.

Billy, will you stop it?

- She's a great photographer.
- OK, all right.

Maybe I'm over-exaggerating.
I'm sure you know what you're doing.

- How was your date?
- It was nice.

- OK. Average.
- Good? You going out again?

I told her I'd call her, but I won't.

Billy, that's awful.

What? We had a good time,
but there were no fireworks.

- I doubt she thinks I'm gonna call her.
- God, I hate that.

You wait around a day, two days.

A week turns into two weeks.
You know he's not going to call.

You realize how much time
you wasted hoping.

It doesn't matter
whether you like the guy or not,

what matters is that
the son of a bitch didn't call.

So I should call her?

Yes, Billy,
I think you should call her.

Alison! Let's go!

- What's all this?
- A job where they pay me actual money.

- Alison got it for me.
- Congratulations.

- Thanks.
- Anything I can do?

- Pray for me.
- Hi, Jake. Ready?

- Let's go, bye.
- Bye.

- Give 'em hell!
- All right.

Oh, yeah.
Let's go.

Oh, yes!

Right. That's right.

Oh, yes!

That's right babe, there you go,

Yes, good.

Good, flex it!

Love yourself.
Good. Great.

God, this is great.

Yes, that's it, stay with it,
come on, come on.

Oh, yes.
That's right.

Oh, good.

You've done this before.

Nope, virgin.

She's terrific.
This is going better than I hoped.

- We've got some great sh*ts, Arnold.
- Super.

Can we have powder?
And I need a ladder.

We got everything. Say goodbye.
Let's get out of here.

- Absolutely.
- Rex,

- See you at the hotel.
- Great work.

- Thanks.
- Bye, Lucy.

- Bye.
- You were wonderful.

- Thanks. I want you to open your mind.
- It's open.

- We got some great stuff.
- Everybody loves it.

Great, but just your
standard photography.

The client'll like it,
but they won't die for it.

Everybody really...

So, what I want to do
is something a little bizarro.

I mean, something new.

Consider it extra credit.

Alison, come on, we gotta get going.


Go ahead, do it.

OK, enough make-up.
Bring that table to the platform.


Lose the briefs.

So I called her, she invites me
for dinner and now I'm trapped.

Your first mistake
was saying you'd call.

Your second mistake
was listening to Alison.

Now you're gonna dump her in person.

The funny thing is, it's bugging Lydia
as much as it's bugging me.

Blind dates, what a mistake.

Relationships are a mistake.
If only I could survive without one.

You did fine up until now.

I thought you just said
that Jo was in the

"I'm not ready for
a relationship yet phase".

- I'm going to make your butt famous.
- Yeah? I heard it's already famous.

"Infamous" is more like it.

- Some women are attracted to that.
- Some women are into trophies.

So if I play hard to get,
I have a better chance, right?

Rex, you could play Mozart
on a mouth harp

and still not have a chance.

- Your hair always been short?
- I was bald when I was born.

Excuse me a second.
Hey, Jake.

Jo, how you doing?
sh**t went well, I guess.

Better than well.
I think I aced it.

- Yeah, I can see.
- Wait a second, he's harmless.

- Well, good.
- Jake, we're just having a drink.

- Like you and Rusty do.
- Did I say anything?

Come on, Jake,
don't be like this, please.

I'm sorry, OK?
I can't help it.

It's just a little tough to watch,
all right?

Jo disappeared after her photo sh**t.
She's not here, is she?

- She reappeared at sh**t.
- What's she doing there?

Other than flirting with Rex
the Wonder Stud, no idea.

She took Rex to sh**t?

Not fooling around
with people you work with

doesn't apply to photographers.

She should be home developing film.
We have a deadline.

- Hi, guys.
- Jo. Rex.

- Small world. You following us?
- I live here.

Jo, I thought I'd get a chance
to see those proofs tonight.

Relax, you'll get 'em tomorrow.
First thing.

Well, if I were you,
I'd start working on them now.

Rex, I had a good time.
Thank you.

- Sure. How about if I just?
- Some other time.


- Goodnight.
- Goodnight... all.

Good morning.

Hi, you always go to work this early?

I'd like to get in early
to go over the accounts

and I wanted to talk to you
before I left, so...

All right, well,
I'm not quite awake

because I was up all night
per your orders, but come on in.

- I need some coffee, do you want any?
- Sure.

So I guess the rest of the sh**t
went well last night.

I mean, when Rex brought you home,
the two of you looked pretty friendly.

I just hope that translates
into some great sh*ts.

I don't have to tell you,

how this account comes out
has a big effect on my life.

Or at least this career
I'm trying to put together.

- Alison, this is important to me too.
- Then why'd you go out with Rex?

- What's that have to do with anything?
- It's unprofessional.

Amanda was talking about this
the other day.

You don't socialize with clients
or the talent. It is just not done.

Who is Amanda,
the Emily Post of advertising?

We went out to dinner.
He's good looking.

He also happens to be a bore.

He asked me out too.
I said no.

Yeah, he told me
you went out for drinks.

Yeah, but the point is...

The point is I don't follow
anyone else's rules.

I'm sorry if that makes you

I guess you don't care that it makes
Jake pretty uncomfortable, too?

That is between me and Jake.

Alison, what is this about?

I'm sorry.

When will I see the slides?

- You'll have them this afternoon.
- Great. Thanks for the coffee.

You're welcome.

Who are these people we're meeting?
I'm not dressed.

You look fine.
This isn't a dress up occasion.

These houses look pretty dressy.

Well, maybe so, but the people inside
are real down home.

Hey, what's going on?

Your palace awaits, madam.

If you don't like it,
we don't have to buy it.

But give it a chance.

The living room is carpeted,
but the dining room has hardwood.

And we got a state of the art kitchen.
A Miele dishwasher.

We got four bedrooms,
a family room, a study...

We got everything we need in here, baby.

Terrence, we'll get lost in here.
It's only the two of us.

Well, maybe after awhile
we could start a family.

No rush, but it's nice to be prepared.

You all right?

Oh, I'm fine.
I just felt a draught.

I'm sorry, baby.

I shouldn't have sprung this on you
all at once, but when I saw this house,

I mean, I just fell in love with it.

It really felt like you.

- It's beautiful, Terrence.
- Really? You mean it?

Sure I do.

Oh, baby, you make me so happy.

Those slides should be here by now.

You've been saying that
every five minutes for an hour.

- Call the messenger service again.
- OK.

Hey, over here rocket butt.

Oh, good.

- g*ns N' Roses makes you impotent.
- Cool.

Never mind, no great loss.

- I don't believe this.
- What?

There's no underwear.

- He's naked!
- Oh, my God.

In every one.
God, I am gonna k*ll her.

I did not do this
to embarrass you, Alison.

I made a professional judgement
between some conventional boring work

that any hack could have turned in
and something fresh and original,

- and that I liked.
- It's basic, Jo.

We are selling underwear.
He wasn't wearing any.

Now maybe Rex's rear is fresh,

but this is advertising
and the client likes to see his product.

Well, you see,
if you were paying attention,

you'd have seen that in some sh*ts
they were by his ankle

and in other sh*ts
he had 'em here on his hip.

Are there any slides
of the regular sh*ts?

You gotta admit
he had a cute tush.

Jo, this is not funny to me!

This is my job
and you are working for me.

Do you have the slides or not?

All right, if this is what you want,
here you go.

Be honest, Alison, these are good,

but they're what anyone
would've expected.

These are what I expected, yeah.

But the other work,
it's dramatic, it's unexpected,

it has a sense of humor.

Can you say that those sh*ts
I gave you didn't grab you?

And would've made you laugh if you
weren't panicky about breaking a rule?

Look, I am not an artist,
I admit that.

Maybe I'm more conventional
than you thought,

but I do what is asked of me
and I try to do it well.

Maybe that's just the way
I was raised, OK?

Didn't you like the weird sh*ts?
I mean, just between you and me?

Those weird angles and the nudity?

Doesn't part of you
like the unexpected?

The work was good.
I never said it wasn't.

- It's not what they asked for.
- But if you like it, you take a gamble.

Jo, this is business.
And I am new.

One way to stand out in the crowd
is to be honest.

What is the worst they can say? No.

No, they can do a lot worse than that.
They can fire me.

Well, you have the ones
that they wanted.

It's your choice.

Would you like some more
of these potatoes?

It's great,
these sweet potato things.

What you did here
is a beautiful thing.

Well, thank Gelson's,
their pre-baked department.

I've always liked that store.
Did they do the chicken too?

Let's be honest, Billy.
We both know they did the chicken.

And you've been stuffing your face
for the last half hour

- so you won't have to talk.
- No, not at all.

It's OK. I'm doing the same thing.
Anything to avoid a conversation.

- I guess it's not working out, huh?
- Good guess.

Billy, you're really cute
and you're really nice and everything,

but you're not my type.

I prefer men who are more substantial.

- You mean, like fat?
- No.

I mean older, more established.

Yeah, well, come to think of it,
you're not really my type, either.

Come to think of it?
You knew the minute I opened that door

that there was no magic.

And it doesn't take a whole evening
to figure that out.

I mean, blind dates are a risk.
I mean, come on, what are the odds?

Don't ask me.
I'm not substantial enough.

Would you stop?

I mean the point is, I didn't want to
hurt you and you didn't want to hurt me.

We didn't want to hurt Michael
for setting us up.

So why did you ask me out
if you weren't interested?

I don't know.
Why'd you ask me to dinner?

Because you called.
I didn't want to hurt your feelings.

Wow, if we hadn't
nipped this in the bud,

- we might've gotten married.
- Or worse.

We might've been in bed together.

You know, you're here
and I bought some dessert.

Gelson's makes a really mean eclair.


- Sorry. Vanilla.
- Of course.

Billy, why don't I walk you
to your car?

You shouldn't throw fabric softener
in with towels.

It takes all the fluff out of them.

Thanks for the hint, Heloise,
I didn't know that.

What are you doing home
on a Tuesday night for?

Don't you and Terrence
have a wedding to plan?

Yeah, he's working.
I've got the evening off.

- Matt, I'm in trouble.
- What is it?

Terrence took me to look
at a house this afternoon.

A house he wants to buy for us.

It was this big Tudor thing,
about minutes out of the city.

- You wouldn't have believed it.
- What's wrong with that?


It's what I'm supposed to aspire to.

A rich husband, house in the 'burbs,
kids and all that.

- I'm not ready for it.
- Rhonda, talk to Terrence.

Tell him you don't want
to live there or have kids.

But he does, Matt.

And two people about
to start a life together

should want the same things.

I mean, I walked into that house
and it was like...

I felt like I was
being swallowed alive.

Rhonda, do you love him?
I mean, do you really love him?

It all happened so fast, Matt.
He seemed so right.

I felt like a fool,
like I couldn't say no.

- But do you love him?
- I don't know.

- Big night last night?
- Thanks for that advice.

About going out with her...

We've mutually agreed to never
see each other in this lifetime.

There was no magic.
A waste of time,

a washout for both of us.
The only person who'll care is Michael.

- Somebody'll come along.
- I won't hold my breath.

What do you think of this?

Oh, my God, nice butt.

- But not my type.
- No, seriously.

This is Jo's choice
for the Maximum Advantage campaign.

- Do you think it's too risky?
- I warned you about her.

Billy, I've got to figure this out.

Do I risk it and show this
to the clients, or burn the negatives?

You're an executive now,
you'll figure it out.

Are you out of your mind?

I know it's nuts, but look at them.

They're better, sexy, exciting,
it's cutting edge advertising.

This is sports briefs. Locker rooms.
Roll-on deodorant. Athletes' foot.

- You're doing this European number.
- Calm down. I haven't done anything.

But honestly, you know they're better.

Yes, but the clients will hate them.
Why set yourself up?

Play it safe?

Play it smart.

- Nice.
- Yeah.

- Great.
- That's a definite one.




- Really terrific.
- That is terrific.

- Excellent work.
- You hit it right on.

Is that all, Alison?

No, there are a few more.

What the hell is this?

This is not what we talked about.

- He's buck naked.
- Oh, boy.

My... This is wrong,
it's totally wrong.

Sorry, just a little s*ab at humor.

Alison, would you
stick around for awhile?

Now, let's keep focused
on those first sh*ts,

I think we are in great shape.

Isn't this wonderful?

This is what we call
our "wedding in Provence" invitation.

This is scented with real lavender.

Imported from the South of France.

Excuse me, won't you?

- You don't like it, do you?
- I don't know, Terrence.

I don't know.
I don't know.

Well, what is it?
Is lavender too much?

Cos we can just go more basic.

I mean, look at this one,
this one's nice.

What is it baby?

Talk to me, baby.

I'm not ready to get married, Terrence.


This has been such a whirlwind,

it's taken me this long to realize
this isn't what I want.

I don't get it.
When did this happen?

It's been building, gradually,

but I know that...

...I can't go forward with this.

Come on, you're just
getting cold feet, baby.

Terrence, this isn't cold feet.

Do you love me?

You are a wonderful man,

sweet and generous and caring.

Yeah, but do you love me?

I'm sorry.

I never meant to lead you on.
I'm not really sure that you love me.

I think you're in love with the person
you want me to be.

Rhonda, I think you're making
a big mistake.

No, Terrence, I'm avoiding one.

We both are.

Goodbye, Terrence.

Thank you for everything.

So have we reached a decision?


I believe we have.

Oh, my God, oh my God.
She fired you, didn't she?

Oh, my God,
I am so, so sorry, Alison.

What've I done?
Just sh**t me, just sh**t me.

- Are you done?
- I ruined your career.

You didn't let me finish.

So Lucy calls me into her office,
and says the pictures are great,

creative and innovative and they showed
I had courage and imagination.

Courage and imagination?

She just thought I lacked judgement.


And then she fired you?

She said if I ever pulled a stunt
like this again she'd boot me.

But you still have your job?
Oh, thank God!

What's our next assignment?

My next assignment
is Oakum Sausage Links.

And I am not letting you near it.

I see it now.

These links, big and beautiful,
winged, descending from...

All right, all right.

But you gonna admit ol' Rex
had a really cute set of buns.

Mind if I come in?

- What's all this?
- I hope you like Chinese.

I found this great new place
right down the block.

I'm sure it doesn't touch
your linguini in clam sauce.

How come every time we get into a fight,
you show up with food?

I don't know.

You can't keep doing this,
barge in and out of my life.

You say you don't want to play with
rules, then you make 'em up.

OK, all right.
Then let's make 'em up together.

Jake, I like you so much it scares me.

My first instinct is to run,
but I haven't, here I am.

What about the tennis player?

I don't think I've missed anyone as much
as I missed you that night at sh**t.


- Hi.
- Is this Alison Parker's apartment?

Yeah, I'm her roommate,
Billy Campbell.

Oh, I'm Amanda Woodward.
I work with her at D & D.

Well, she just went for a run,
but you're welcome to wait for her.

Oh, no. I was in the neighborhood,
and thought I'd drop this by.

- It's our next account.
- It's funny, she never mentioned you.

It's funny,
she never mentioned you, either.

Well, it was a pleasure
meeting you, Billy.

You sure I can't interest you
in a drink?

Oh, I don't know.

I'd love to,
but I have a lot of work.

OK, how about dinner?

I really have to go.

How about a rain check?

Yeah, definitely.


I'll see ya, Amanda.

See ya, Billy.

Real soon.
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