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08x14 - Requiem

Posted: 03/31/13 18:35
by bunniefuu

Original Air Date on February 5th, 2009

This still needs final proofreading

Previously on "Smallville" ...

Winslow: The world moves so fast today. People forget how much better they had it as kids ... when hours seemed like days and a favorite toy could be a child's best friend. Toys are powerful things, you know. They are vessels for the imagination imbued with life ... through the simple act of play.

Mercer is taking too many risks.

Lex took a gamble with her, and it's paying off. Look at the success she's had with the daily planet.

Lex didn't know she was funneling all of LuthorCorp holdings into one highly experimental bioweapon. And now she's lost the prototype.

I move for a vote of no confidence.

Yeah, I second the motion. All those in favor of making a change.

Oliver: Aye. That is, I agree it's time for a change, but not quite how you mean it.

Oliver queen. What are you doing in enemy camp?

Oliver: I'm actually the one who called this meeting. Tess sends her regrets. But she's on her way to Dubai, overseeing some of our international interests.

What do you mean "our"?

Oliver: With Tess' cooperation, I've purchased controlling interest in LuthorCorp.

If that barracuda went behind our backs and helped you with a hostile takeover ...

Oliver: you know, I-I really don't think that the LuthorCorp board should be lecturing me on ethics, ma'am. After all, you've been using the world as your own personal playground for way too long.

The world is much better off because of the Luthors, and no pampered playboy is going to destroy their legacy.

Oliver: Everybody down!

[ Crash ]

Lana: [ Laughs ] Please tell me that the bed was already wobbly.

Clark: Lana, it's made of solid oak.

Lana: Oh, god. [ Sighs ] What do you say we find out how strong t floor is?

Where do you get all the energy?

How would you like to see another sunset? We could start our night all over again. Head west, find a sandy beach.

Lana: I love you being so romantic, Clark. But there's something that I would love even more than a trip to the tropics.

Clark: Just ask, and it's yours.

[ Air whooshes ]

Lana: I want to help you when you're out patrolling metropolis.

Clark: Lana, I'm not so sure that ...

Lana: Clark, when I stopped that b*llet and saved dr. Groll's life, it was the most amazing feeling I have ever had. I got to use my new powers the way I always planned to.

Clark: Lana, even with your strength and speed, it's still dangerous out there.

Lana: You've protected me for years. But this is who I am now. It's the life I want. And I want to share it with you.

[ Air whooshes ]

Clark: All I've ever wanted was someone to share my life with. To work with me, side by side ... just like my mom and dad did. With my abilities, I never thought ...

Lana: Clark, stop. I'm right here.

[ Knock on door Chloe: Clark? Lana? Hey. There was some sort of an expl*si*n at LuthorCorp. The news was saying it was a b*mb.

Oh, my god. Was anyone hurt?

Apparently, everyone on the board of directors was k*lled. Oliver was there. He's in the hospital.

[ Monitor beeping ]

Oliver: [ Groans softly ]

[ Air whooshes ]

Oliver: Well, if it isn't metropolis' newest power couple.

How you doing, Oliver?

Oliver: I'm all right. Nothing a dry martini can't cure. Were there any other survivors?

You were the only one. They said the table protected you from the blast.

Oliver, do you have any idea who did this?

Oliver: Angry shareholder, maybe? I just bought a controlling stake in LuthorCorp. I was meeting with the board to announce it.

If you're trying to erase the "Luthor" from LuthorCorp, then there's one obvious choice for who was behind this attack.


You know, if he was gonna come after anyone, Lana, I would assume it would be you. You were the one that really got under his skin. Or should I say into it. That biotech that you commandeered, that was his lifeline. It was his last chance at recovery. Thing probably meant more to him than his entire company.

Do you remember anything before the blast? Something that could help us figure out if Lex is behind this?

Oliver: No. No, I didn't see anything.

All right. Don't worry, Oliver. I promise we're gonna find out who did this.

[ Electricity crackling]

[ Air whooshes ]

[ Air whooshes ]

Oliver's lucky to be alive. Looks like the b*mb went off over here. Must be pieces in the walls everywhere.

[ Groans ]

Lana: Clark. Are you okay?

Clark: [ Breathing heavily ] There's kryptonite. Looks like this silver shard was part of the b*mb, but ... why would they use meteor rock?

It's not the first time it's been used to make a b*mb more powerful.

Lana: Whoa. What was that?

Clark: Whatever it was, Lana, I don't feel the kryptonite anymore.

Lana: Maybe it was treated with something that lost its charge when I moved the chip.

Clark: Queen industries.

Lana: Clark, I think that Oliver knows more than he's saying.

Clark: Lana, it's a big company. They make thousands of chips a year. Why would you think Oliver would be responsible?

Lana: I don't, but doesn't it seem like he's covering something?

Clark: But why would he hide anything from me?

Lana: He's done it before, Clark. When I tracked Lex to Cuba, Oliver showed up. He was thereto k*ll Lex.

Clark: Why didn't you tell me about this?

Lana: I thought that I'd talked him down, but obviously, he still has his own agenda.

I think that you should show him the chip and give him a chance to explain.

Clark: No, we can't trust him anymore. If he's so obsessed with k*lling Lex that he went behind my back, I don't want to pull him in any deeper.

Whatever Oliver is hiding, we'll figure it out on our own.

Winslow: The game has begun. Although, even the finest plan can't guarantee a flawless execution. Apparently ... miss mercer wasn't in the room. And Oliver queen survived.

[ Whirring ]

Winslow: But don't you worry. I'll be sure to tie up any loose ends, Mr. Luthor. Meanwhile, we've already begun round two.

[ Whirring ]

Winslow: Time for our next move.

[ Beep ]

Winslow: [ Laughing maniacally ]

[ Monitor beeping ]

Nurse: Hmm. Your heart rate's a little higher than normal, Mr. Queen.

Oliver: Really? I'm sure the view has that effect on all your patients.

Nurse: [ Chuckles ] Well, with the pain meds you're on, I'm afraid this is the only view you're getting tonight. Rest.

Chloe: Looks like someone's making a speedy recovery.

Oliver: Yeah, not quick enough. Trust me.

Chloe: Well, I'm guessing you didn't get me over here to spoon you chicken soup.

Oliver: No. Listen, I need you to pull an address off of queen industries' database. It's an engineer that I fired six years ago. His name's Winslow Schott.

Chloe: You think that his ex-employee is behind the b*mb?

Oliver: I hired him right out of M.I.T. Developed expl*sives ... anything from blowing out tunnels to breaking up kidney stones.

Chloe: That's pretty high praise for someone you handed a pink slip to. What happened?

Oliver: High-pressure job. He snapped. He started bringing toys to work. Whatever, right? But then he started ... hiding expl*sives inside the toys. And that's when I realized Winslow was thinking a little bit too far outside the toy box.

Chloe: Hmm. Why are you telling me this when you have your very own personal b*mb squad in Clark and Lana? Look, give me 10 minutes with one of your satellites, and I'll get them to go and get him.

Oliver: No, Chloe, we can't tell Clark. Winslow could have att*cked me any time he wanted in the past six years. He chose the night I took over LuthorCorp to do it. The toy boy may have pulled the pin ... but I think he's working for Lex.

Chloe: So, you're not actually interested in tracking this Winslow guy down. You just want him to lead you to Lex. And you want Clark to stay out of your way.

Oliver: Chloe, you know Clark would never agree to do what needs to be done to get rid of Lex forever.

Chloe: You're talking about k*lling a man.

Oliver: I'm talking about ending this reign of terror that's been consuming us all lately.

Chloe: No. I can't lie to Clark.

Oliver: You want to tell him the truth, or you want to protect him? Lex tried to k*ll me. You know he's coming after Clark next. Chloe, he knows his secret. Could you honestly live with yourself if you let something happen to Clark?

Clark: Chloe. What are you doing here?

Chloe: [ Chuckles ] You know Oliver. Even the blast of a b*mb won't rattle his work ethic. He asked me to come in and pull some of the files from the LuthorCorp deal.

Clark: That's funny. Because I would think that queen industries could free up at least one employee to run his errands for him.

Chloe: Yeah, well, I'm not exactly a brink's security truck, but Oliver knows he can trust me.

Clark: I thought I could, too. You're chasing down a lead on the bombing for him, aren't you?

Chloe: Sorry, Clark.

Clark: Chloe, you don't understand. Lana told me about Oliver's vendetta against Lex. He knows that I would try to stop him. That's why he would lie, but I don't know why you would.

Chloe: Because I don't want to lose you, Clark. Lex knows that the meteor rocks are poisonous to Kryptonians. He knows your weakness. He could k*ll you.

Clark: That doesn't mean I'm supposed to k*ll him first, Chloe. No matter what Oliver said to you, Lex and I are not in a battle to the death.

Chloe: Open your eyes, Clark. Lex declared w*r on you years ago. He's known your secret for months. Why have you not done anything yet?

Clark: I'm focused on the future ... on using my abilities to help people. I don't want to live in the past.

Chloe: But that's exactly what you're doing. You think that lexis still that same man you saved on the bridge eight years ago? You're not recognizing the monster he's become.

Clark: So because I'm not gonna k*ll someone, I'm in denial? When you were taken over by Brainiac, you could have destroyed the world, Chloe. But I refused to k*ll you.

Chloe: Here. It's Oliver's top suspect ... Winslow Schott. He used to work at S.T.A.R. Labs. Oliver thinks he would lead us to Lex.

Clark: Don't worry. I'll be careful.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Nurse: [ Chuckles ] Can I help you?

Winslow: I certainly hope so. Could you direct me to Oliver queen's room? I have a delivery for him.

Clark: Lana? You found your necklace.

Lana: After all the pain I caused you, I'm surprised you still have it.

Clark: How could I throw away something that means so much? I still remember seeing you wear this in high school. I couldn't get within 5 feet of you without falling over.

Lana: And even after your ship got rid of the kryptonite, there always seemed to be something standing in our way.

Clark: Not anymore. We're together now, Lana. And I'm not gonna let anyone take that away from us.

Lana: Clark, I talked to dr. Groll about what happened with the kryptonite. It wasn't the chip. It was me.

Clark: So, besides strength and speed, you can destroy kryptonite.

Lana: Dr. Groll says I absorbed it. I'm worried, Clark. If Lex built this as a w*apon, what if you were the target?

Clark: But Lex isn't wearing it, Lana ... you are. Look, we're gonna figure this out. But we need to stay focused on tracking down this bomber before he causes any more damage.

Lana: Did you find anything?

Clark: Yeah. You were right ... Oliver was hiding something. He thinks the bomber is someone who used to work for him.

I went to that address listed there, but he doesn't live there anymore. According to this, Mr. Schott is a pretty prolific inventor. He filed a lot of patents for S.T.A.R. Labs. A guy like this ... he wouldn't just stop registering his research because Oliver let him go. So maybe the patent office has a current address for him.

If this guy's working for Lex, we're dealing with a lot more than just some toy maker. If Lex put things in motion, he has planned three moves ahead. And now that he has nothing to lose, he's more dangerous than ever.

[ Monitor beeping ]

Oliver: [ Exhales deeply ] What the hell?

Winslow: How does it feel to not be in control for once?

Oliver: Untie me right now.

Winslow: That wouldn't be very much fun.

Oliver: I get it. I get it. The children's ward's two floors up, you know.

Winslow: Excuse me?

Oliver: The balloons, the monkey, the ridiculous costume you're wearing ... you're a clown, right? Aren't you a clown?

Winslow: I am Winslow Schott. You called me one of S.T.A.R. Labs' greatest minds, and then you fired me.

Oliver: Winslow. Of course, yeah. Yeah, I remember you now. Well, it's good to see you're still playing with toys. [ Chuckles ] Come on, man. How much for the ape?

Winslow: I don't need your money anymore, Mr. Queen. I found someone new to work with ... someone who appreciates my genius. None other than Lex Luthor himself.

Oliver: Well, that's impressive. I thought he was dead.

Winslow: You are one who's supposed to be dead you should have died in that expl*si*n, like everyone else!

Oliver: You seem like you're getting angry, Winslow. Maybe you should take your toys and go home.

Winslow: Actually ... I made a toy just for you.

[ Lock clicks ]

Winslow: After this little fella clangs his cymbals together 53 times ... it'll be the last sound you ever hear.

Oliver: 53, huh? Seems a little arbitrary, doesn't it?

Winslow: I filed 53 patents working for you. Queen industries made millions, and I got nothing.

[ Cymbals clanging ]

Winslow: I bet you wish you appreciated my artistry just a little bit more now, don't you?

Oliver: Unlock the other cuff. Come on!

28 and counting! Bobo's not gonna slow down any time soon.

[ Clanging stops ]

[ Bones crack ]

Oliver: I swear, I'll break every one of your artistic little fingers. Now, tell me ... where can I find Lex?

[ Door unlocks ]

This is the last known address the patent office had for him.

Clark: Chloe mentioned this Winslow guy had a thing for toys. I'm guessing he still lives here.

[ Whirring ]

Lana: Clark. There's a wireless camera inside this doll. Someone's watching us.

I can guess who it is. Lex likes to keep an eye on the people that work for him.

Lana, look at this. It's metropolis. Winslow must have played out the bombing here before the attack.

If that's the case, then daily planet is Lex's next target.

Nurse: Excuse me, Mr. Queen? It's time for your medicine. Oh, my god! Where's Mr. Queen?

Winslow: Just delivered a balloon-o-gram, and the guy att*cked me.

Nurse: Ohh. Here. Let me help you.

Winslow: Thank you. Thank you so much.

Chloe: You. You're Winslow Schott! No, don't untie him!

[ Beeping ]

[ Gas hissing ]

[ Gasps ]

Winslow: I win.

Chloe: And Lana's guy got away.

Clark: I just picked Chloe up from the hospital. The doctors say she's okay. But this Toyman guy got away. Keep looking, Lana.

[ Cellphone be]

Chloe: Call me crazy, Clark, but isn't there a b*mb you should be finding?

Clark: Chasing that camera's signal may be our only chance to find Lex. And Lana's already searching for the b*mb at the daily planet.

Chloe: Have you had any luck?

The feed to the camera's been cut, but it was definitely broadcasting to a single receiver.

You found Lex.

Chloe: Well, I managed to sneak past the latest gaggle of ghost routers and ping the original I.P. address that Winslow was sending to.

Clark: Where is he?

Chloe: "Where" sort of depends on "when," Clark.

Clark: Lex has been on the move this whole time. I thought Lex was immobilized.

Chloe: Lex may have been immobilized, but his I.P. address is still leaping tall wireless towers in a single bound. Now, I programmed the signal into one of Oliver's satellites and synched it with my PDA.

I made you a Lex tracker. Now, Oliver's satellite is about to pass out of range. You only have 10 minutes before the signal is gone and Lex disappears again.

[ Air whooshes ]

Clark: Lana?

[ Air whooshes, beeping ]

Lana: Clark, I searched every room, and I can't find the b*mb anywhere.

Clark: Like you said, we're a team.

[ Rumbling ]

[ Beeping, whirring ]

[ Ticking ]

It's on the roof.

[ Air whooshes ]

[ Wind gusting ]

[ Groans ]

Lana: Clark, that much kryptonite could take out half the city.

Lex: Clark Kent and Lana Lang, welcome to your destiny. You've destroyed me in every way, so now I'm going to take away what matters most to you.

Clark: Lex?

Lex: Do you know what people remember about the greatest star-crossed romances? Not how the lovers met, but the way the relationship tragically ends. The skin Lana's wearing was designed to absorb enough meteor rock that you'll never be able to go near her again.

Clark: You're a coward, Lex. Come out here. Face us!

Lex: No, Clark. It's time for you to face your defining moment. You can walk away, sacrificing innocent lives to stay together, or defuse the b*mb and sacrifice your love forever.

[ Inhales sharply ]

Lana: Clark.

[ Sighs ] You have to.

[ Sighs ]

[ Energy surging ]

Clark: Lana?

[ Groans ]

[ Gasping ] Lex.

[ Air whooshes ]

Lana: Clark.

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Air whooshes ]

You'll never hurt anyone else ever again.

[ Air whooshes ]

[ Groans ]

Lana: I know how much it hurts right now, Clark, but if you go after Lex like this, you will k*ll him.

Clark: After what he's done to us, Lana, he needs to be stopped.

Lana: I promise you ... I will help you to punish Lex. But if you k*ll him, you will lose so much more than just us being together. Clark ... you'll lose yourself.

Oliver: Lex deserved to die, Chloe.

Chloe: You certainly made sure he got what he deserved. They identified the remains as Lex's. And what does Clark think?

Oliver: That Winslow turned on Lex. Pieces of a toy b*mb were found in the wreckage.

Yeah, well, that makes sense. Wouldn't be like Winslow to play a game he can't win.

Chloe: Are you seriously gonna let another man take the blame for something you did?

Oliver: Chloe, Winslow was already a k*ller. He blew up all those people at LuthorCorp. He was about ready to take down the entire daily planet. One more death's not gonna make a difference.

Chloe: Are you listening to yourself? Oliver, you've really crossed a line here.

Oliver: Lex is dead. The world is safer because of it. Clark is safe again.

Chloe: This is m*rder.

Oliver: This is justice. Although Clark may not be able to accept that, you know what I did was right. And please don't stand there and look so innocent. You know, I did a little video viewing of my own. Seems a certain meteor freak named Sebastian Kane died at the hospital right after he got a visit from somebody who looked an awful lot like you.

Chloe: That was Brainiac ... not me.

Oliver: Was it? Because it seemed like a pretty natural instinct to protect Clark. Now that Lex is gone ... you can't tell me you're not relieved.

Chloe: Ever fiber of my conscience wants to say that's not true. But ... then ...

Oliver: you can't tell Clark what I did. Lex just ripped the man's heart out, Chloe. He's gonna need his friends around him right now more than ever.

Lana: Clark, please. I don't want to hurt you.

Clark: Lex already took care of that.

[ Sighs ] Did you talk to dr. Groll? Can he help us?

Lana: No.

Clark: I'm gonna do everything I canto fix this, Lana. I will find a way for us to be together.

Lana: Clark, he tried everything. He can't reverse the process. I love you. I always will. I know what I need to do with my life now. Life is ... so precious ... so beautiful. And to be able to protect that, that's an amazing gift. I know you feel the same way. What we have is beautiful. Clark, we made our choice on that roof. And I know we would do it again. Because both of us are driven to do this, even if we can't do it together.

Clark: Don't leave. Don't leave again, Lana. Even if we can't be together, I want you in my life.

Lana: That's where you're stronger than me. To ... to see you ... on the street every day ... [ Voice breaking ] And not be able to touch Y ... stay. No. Clark, don't. Clark.

[ Groaning ]

Lana: Clark.

[ Sobbing ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Crying ]

Lana: Goodbye, Clark.

[ Sniffles ]

Lana: That night at the cemetery, when I introduced you to my mom and dad, you told me that I would never be alone ... that my mom would always be watching over me. If we're in each other's hearts, Clark, I will always be with you. No matter what. I love you.

[ Breathing heavily ] I love you.