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05x18 - Babies, Lies and a Resplendent Cannoli

Posted: 04/19/22 05:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on Young Sheldon...

Can we talk?

We better.

What's going on?

I'm pregnant.

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

Sometimes these things ain't accurate.

Maybe take another one.

Here you go.

Two is convincing, but-but three...

I'm pregnant, Georgie!


What happens now?

I don't know.

I've never been knocked
up by a -year-old before.

Well, if it helps, I turn in March.

♪ Nobody else is stronger than I am ♪

♪ Yesterday I moved a mountain ♪

♪ I bet I could be your hero ♪

♪ I am a mighty little man ♪

What time are you home tonight?

Late. I'm working at Ballard's

after practice again.

How long can you keep this up?

Maybe I'll get fired
from the high school

and only have one job to worry about.

- I'm sorry.
- Me, too.

Oh, I'm assuming you heard the bad news.

What news?

Isaac Asimov died.

Oh, no, is that one
of your school friends?

What? No, he's one of the most prolific

science fiction writers in
the history of the genre.

Never heard of him.

Sure you have. He wrote I, Robot,

the Foundationtrilogy.

- Nope.
- Nightfall? The Posotronic Man?

- You ever heard of this guy?
- Mm-mm.

Caves of Steel. Hostess. The Naked Sun?

Whoever he is, sorry
he died. Gotta go. Bye.

- Bye.
- ADULT SHELDON: Astonishing.

Asimov wrote almost books,

which was apparently more

than my family had read.

[knock on door]

Can I talk to you about something?

Come on, this is my coffee time.

It's more important than your coffee.

If I don't drink my coffee,
I don't go to the bathroom.

That's important.

That girl I was seeing is pregnant.

You win. Sit.

My folks are gonna k*ll me.

They don't know yet?

You're the only person I told.

Oh, no, I don't want that.

Please help me.


All right, first things first.

Are you sure this kid's even yours?

Yeah. We've been sleeping together.

Well, that doesn't mean it's yours.

Maybe she cheated on me.

We can only hope.

How are you holding up?

With what?

- The death of Isaac Asimov.
- Who?

Pop Pop's favorite science
fiction writer, remember?

[chuckles] At this rate,

you're lucky I remember Pop Pop.

Well, he gave me
Asimov's Foundation trilogy

for my fifth birthday.

I remember he used to try
to get me to read that stuff.


Boring? Asimov invented
the laws of robotics

and the concept of a galactic empire.

If a book doesn't have a shirtless guy

with long hair on the
cover, I ain't reading it.

- You're missing out.
- I'm really not.

You haven't said a
thing about my new car.

Oh. I hate it.

Do you think Pastor Jeff
will let me babysit for him?

I don't know.

Their baby isn't even a year old yet.

Heather M. got ten
bucks, and all she did was

watch MTV while her cousin slept.

What a scam.

It's not always that easy.

They lay there like a
lump. How hard can it be?

Will you please just ask Pastor Jeff?

I don't think you're gonna like it.

You don't think I'm responsible enough.

All I said was I don't
think you're gonna like it.

I don't like homework, but I do it.

I have seen your homework.

Is that how you're gonna
take care of a baby?

Math is harder than babies.

Ooh, perhaps the cold dark
matter we're looking for

is not the axion but the majoron.


That's it? I just laid down

some big boy science.

Sorry. We lost a great man today,

and no one seems to care.


Yes, Asimov.

I told three people the news,
and you know what they said?

- "Who's that?"
- Exactly.

What's wrong with the
world? The man's a legend.

I didn't know you were a fan.

Ever since I read The Naked Sun.

I'll admit, I came for the naked,

but I stayed for the
interplanetary conspiracies.

Have you read The Gods Themselves?

"We cannot stop Estwald."

BOTH: "We are Estwald!"

Who's Estwald?

You don't know him either?

I know who Asimov is, but
I've never read his work.

Talk about big boy science.

The man coined the term "robotics."


Maybe we could have a book club.

My social schedule
is astonishingly open.

What a lovely way to
honor Asimov's life.

It'll be like my mom's Bible study,

but we know the characters aren't real.

What book should we start with?

That naked one sounded good.

It's Georgie.


I know I was a little freaked out

- the last time I was here.
- You should be.

But I had some time to think,

and there's something I need to ask you.


Are you sure that baby's mine?

She did not like that question at all.

So the baby's yours?

What am I gonna do?

Is there any chance she
might decide not to have it?

Put it up for adoption?

Not happening. She's keeping it.

Well, I hope you enjoyed
being young and carefree,

because that ship has sailed.

Not helpful.


All right. I know what I need to do.

Tell your parents?

Do the right thing and marry her.

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


no one has to get married here.

Well, my dad got my mom
pregnant, and he married her.

Rushing into marriage with
someone you hardly know

is a bad idea.

Maybe we could be happy together.

How does she feel about you right now?

Pissed. But she's pregnant,

so it's probably just chick hormones.

Well, tell her that
and see what happens.

Hey, what are you doing here?

I just had to talk to Dale.

You all right? You look
like you saw a ghost.

Yeah, I'm good.

Look, I know I've been busy,

but if you ever want
to talk, I'm around.

Actually, uh...

I-I... I got a... I got a girl pregnant.

What the hell's the matter with you?!




I said if you ever
want to talk, I'm here.

Thanks. Gotta go.

Guess what. Dr. Sturgis,
Dr. Linkletter and I

are starting an Isaac Asimov book club.

That's nice.

I'm glad you think so
because you should join.

And I think no.

- But this is perfect for you.
- Why?

Because three smart people
will be there to explain things

that go over your head.

I'm gonna bonk you over
your head in a minute.

What if it's just a short
story? Would you read it then?

Why do you care if I read this?

Let's see. Perhaps
it has something to do

with Pop Pop dying before we ever got to

discuss the books he gave me.

How short a story?

Nightfall's only pages.

- Fine.
- Excellent.

Why did you change your mind?

Because you made me feel
bad about my dead husband.


Pastor Jeff, this is Missy Cooper.

Hey there, Missy. What can I do for you?

This is about what I can do for you.


How would you and your wife
like a night away from the baby?

Maybe a movie? I hear Beethoven's funny.

It's about a big dumb dog.

- Are you offering to babysit?
- Yes, I am.

'Cause I asked your mom
about it a while back,

- and she said you weren't interested.
- Oh, really?

Well, she's wrong.

Fantastic. How's Friday at : ?

Perfect. See you then.

What was the name of
that dog movie again?


And it's PG, so God's cool with it.

I saw Georgie stopped by earlier.

Well, yeah, he does
that once in a while.

Yeah. Didn't realize
y'all were so close.

Oh, uh, I wouldn't say close.

He might. I wouldn't.

So, uh, what'd he come by for?

Just to chat.

- Really?
- Mm.

Well, I guess it's good he's
comfortable talking to someone.


Instead of his own father.

I-I'm sure he'll talk to you.


And you're not gonna like it.

Mom, can I ask you a Bible question?


Lying's a sin, right?

Sure is.

Proverbs : .

"The Lord detests lying lips,

but He delights in people
who are trustworthy."

Does it say anything specifically

about lying to your pastor?

Did you lie to Pastor Jeff?

- No, but you did.
- I did not.

You told him I wasn't
interested in babysitting.


I said I didn't think
you were interested,

which, technically, was not a lie.

Why don't you trust me?

Because you can't even
remember to take out the trash.

I remember. I just don't do it.

And for your information,

Pastor Jeff hired me
to babysit this Friday.

- He did?
- He did.

Okay. But if you need any help,

if you run into any problems whatsoever,

I am right next door and
I want you to call me.

- I'll be fine.
- Missy...


Look, I'm taking out the trash.

I just put that bag in.

There's no pleasing you.

envious of my meemaw.

That night, she would get to experience

one of my favorite stories
for the very first time.

MEEMAW: "If the stars should appear

one night in a thousand
years, how would men believe

and adore, and preserve
for many generations,

the remembrance of the city of God?"


SHELDON: All right,

I would like to call the first meeting

of the Isaac Asimov book club to order.

I'm assuming everyone's read Nightfall?

I read it. [chuckles]

I may have dozed off a
few times, but I read it.

I read it as well.

I found it quite compelling.

A planet that only experiences nightfall

once every , years.

And once it does, it drives
everyone mad. Brilliant.

I found the tension
between the scientists

and the religious
cultists reminiscent of

some dinnertime
conversations at my house.


What did you think, Connie?


You didn't like it?

I don't need a story

set on some outer space planet

to tell me that people
freak out about change.


People lost it when women
started wearing pants

and getting jobs.

Everybody just overreacts to everything.

Is this because Coach Ballard
got upset and broke up with you?


You two broke up?

I'm sorry to hear that.

Terrible news.

Terrible. Terrible.

It's okay. I'm over it.

- Excellent.
- Great.

Look at the four of us
talking about Isaac Asimov.



How rude of me, Connie.

Can I offer you a beverage?

- Soda, water, Snapple?
- I'm fine.

I'd take a Snapple.

You know where the fridge is.

Can we get back to the book?

Yes, Connie, I'd love to hear

more of your thoughts on it.

I think I've said my piece.

I have some thoughts.

And we'll get to those in due time.

Don't you think Asimov
did a remarkable job

of capturing the poetic
terror of the coming darkness?

I'm not sure I got that.

Oh, listen to this.

"Dusk, like a palpable entity,

entered the room, and the dancing circle

of yellow lights about the torches

etched itself into
ever-sharper distinction

against the gathering grayness beyond."


Wasn't it?

I'm going to Pastor Jeff's.

Oh, uh, okay. Good luck.

Call if you need anything.


You know, I was thinking, if you want,

you could bring the baby
here. That could be fun.

To a house that isn't babyproofed?

That seems irresponsible.


- [phone rings]
- Hello?

Hi, it's Dale.

Listen, you gotta tell your dad.

Well, I will, eventually.

Well, if you don't, I'm gonna.

I just need more time
to figure things out.

Well, your dad's sniffing around here,

he's asking a lot of questions.

What kind of questions?

Like why are you talking
to me instead of him?

Why does he care?

- His feelings are hurt.
- That's weird.

I know. 'Cause talking
to you ain't great.

Can I get a hand with something?

Yeah. Oh, gotta go. I
love you, Mom. Bye-bye.

Your mom's still alive?


"It was very horrible to go mad and know

that you were going mad.

To know that in a little minute,

you would be here physically,

and yet all the real essence

would be dead and drowned

in the black madness."


Now I would like to read

one of my favorite
passages from the book.

I feel like I am all Asimov'd out.

- Let's hit the road.
- Very well.

We can kick off the
next meeting with it.

Perhaps I can bake some cookies.

I'm handy in the kitchen, you know.

[exhales sharply]

I've had them, and they're dry.

- Hey.
- Dad around?

He's still at work.
Anything I can help you with?

No, I just need to talk to him.

[door closes]

I am never doing that again.

- Is the baby okay?
- Yeah.

What's going on?

Babies are the worst.

That's what's going on.

She babysat for the first time.

And the last time.

Oh, I'm sure it wasn't that bad.

Look at this.

Food, powder, vomit, pee.

You don't want to know.

You should have called me.

When? I didn't have a minute to myself.

You were so right.

Well, it's not about me being right.

I need a shower and a bath.

Never again!

You okay?


MISSY: Never again!

I hope you enjoyed
that as much as I did.

Not exactly.

- Why?
- Why?

After Frick and Frack
found out I was single,

they got all weird.

What do you mean?

All they did was discuss Asimov.

Sure. Maybe I misread the situation.

I can't believe you'd use our
book club to hit on Connie.

And you didn't, Captain Cookies?

All right, if we're
both gonna pursue her,

- let's lay down some ground rules.
- Fair enough.

And my ginger snaps
are moist and delicious!

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

But hearing you boys go on about it

did remind me of Pop Pop.

What did he used to say?


I wish I could remember.

But he did get all
excited about it, like you.

Well, at least I have Dr.
Sturgis and Dr. Linkletter

to share my enthusiasm.

Rule number one, no
badmouthing each other

to gain favor with Connie.

Agreed. And whatever happens,

we can't let it affect
our working relationship.

Our working relationship
is already antagonistic.

True. What's next?

No using Sheldon to
win points with Connie.

But he likes me better than you.

That's why I brought it up.

- Fine.
- Fine.

- Fine.
- Fine!

[machine beeps]

LINKLETTER: Connie, Grant Linkletter.

Wonderful seeing you tonight.

Yeah, yeah.

Hope you enjoyed our little book club.

If you'd ever like
to discuss it further,

I know the perfect Italian café.

The cannolis are resplendent.

Resplendent! [chuckles]

[answering machine beeps]

STURGIS: Connie!

John Sturgis here.

What a surprise.

It was so nice to have
you at our book club.

When it comes to science fiction,

those things can be
real sausage parties.

Anyhoo, if you're free next week,

I was wondering if you'd like to...

[machine beeps]

LINKLETTER: Grant Linkletter again.

If you don't like Italian,

I also know a sublime Vietnamese spot.

Have you ever tried Bún Boò Hue?

[machine beeps]

STURGIS: I don't know why
I said "sausage party."

There was probably a better way

- to phrase that.
- [machine beeps]

LINKLETTER: Connie, Grant Linkletter...


Your mother said you
wanted to talk to me?

Yeah. Come in.

So, what's going on?

It's kind of hard to talk about.

Whatever it is, I'm here for you.


I got a girl pregnant.