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03x07 - Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Judas Kiss

Posted: 04/14/22 06:52
by bunniefuu
Aunt Zelda? Ambrose?

Cousin, what was that?
It sounded like...

Aunt Zee?

Aunt Zelda!

- Ambrose!
- Oh, sweet Satan.

Aunt Zelda! Aunt Zelda! Can you hear me?

Aunt Zelda?

Aunt Zelda?

- Ambrose, she barely has a pulse.
- Stay with her. We need help.

Aunt Zelda? Can you hear me?
Stay with me, okay?

I'm not done driving you crazy yet.
Just... just hold on, okay?

Just hold on. Help is coming.

Cousin! I've brought reinforcements.

The bleeding won't stop,
and her heartbeat's so faint.

It'll be all right.
Mambo Marie said she can help.

I will try, chéries.

Where in this house can we operate?


Here it is.

Is there something more
that we could be doing, Mambo?

I am afraid not.

If we are going to save Zelda's life,
she will need great strength.

You three, you have no strength to give.

There is life here,

but she is lost between the land
of the dead and the living.

Her esprit has wandered deep
into the "in-between,"

the Nether Realm of the Gede Lwa.

So what, she's in Limbo?

Different words for the same place.

Now we wait.

And we burn the violet candles.

For that is the best way
to lead Zelda back to us,

here, in this life.

Oh, no! What is that?

Go. See.

You three.

I can take care of Zelda here.

But whatever it is,
do not let it enter this house.


That is a banshee.

Also known as a wailing woman.

Why is she here?

It's an omen, Sabrina.

I'm sorry, but a member
of the Spellman Family

is going to die soon.

Maybe more than one.

No, Prudence.

I don't care what she is.
No one in this house is dying.


Much better.

And now, Lilith,

your reward.

You separated me from that buffoon,

As you requested, my liege.

You know what comes next, don't you?

That's why
you haven't even bothered to run.

You k*ll me for the part I played
in overthrowing you.

Yes, except...

a lot has changed
since your little nap in the tub.

Blackwood's gone.

I gave him the Mark of Cain,
which means no one can hurt him,

not even you.

And, in exchange,

he gave me your seed.

- What?
- And Satanic miracle of miracles,

I am with child.

No. Your child!

Your child.

What you say is true.

But I already have an heir.

- Sabrina.
- You wouldn't...

k*ll your own son, now would you?


Oh, yes,

it's a boy.

A mother knows these things.

This is not a pardon, Lilith,
it's merely a stay of execution.

In the meantime,

perhaps you could sort out the mess
your daughter's made in Hell,

if only for our child's sake.

Very well.

Summon the Infernal Court.

Tell them Daddy's back,

and he's very, very angry.

They were here!

The witches.

They k*lled four of our tribe.

The Great Flowering of the Green Man
is almost upon us.

Calm yourself, lover.

And the blood of our dearly departed

nourishes the Green Man.

Have faith, my love.

It is our time.

What is this?

We found him hiding in the shadows.

My name is Faustus Blackwood,

and you cannot k*ll me,

for I bear the Mark of Cain.

Why have you come here?

I seek an alliance with you.

Your enemy is my enemy.

The Church of Night betrayed me,
and I wish them dead.

Go on.

You can k*ll the witches in their beds
while they sleep.

There are tunnels and a secret door
known only to myself.

I lead you in. You k*ll them.

Nagaina and I have business,

but if we lent you some of our men,

what do you get, Faustus Blackwood?

They stole something from me,

and I want it back.

♪ Missing out
Yet you're growing older ♪

Are you scared?

A little.

Okay, maybe a lot.

But I'm also happy.

I never thought I'd meet anyone
who would accept me as I am.

Not until you.

- I feel the same way.
- What do you mean?

I'm a hobgoblin.



What does that mean, exactly?

I can run...


Theo, are you sure
you wanna do this tonight?

I do.

I mean, only virgins can be sacrificed
to the, uh... the Green Man, right?


I really like you, Robin,

and I really, really want to be with you.

♪ I'm losing my mind for you ♪

♪ All the wicked things you do ♪

Everything okay?




What is it? Talk to me.

I really don't wanna ask this,

especially not right now.

Do you still love Sabrina?



No, Rosalind.

I love you.

What are you seeing when you kiss me?

You and Sabrina,



I've never hated the cunning
more than I do at this moment.


Sabrina was my first girlfriend.

You've had other boyfriends before me.

But I am all in with you.

You have no idea.

I don't care if that stupid
Pythagoras spell didn't work.

I know what's in my heart.

I love you.

Oh, wait...

what spell, Harvey?

My lords and ladies of Disrule, rejoice.

For I am returned.

Kneel before me,

and let's get back to business.

Kneel before you?

Weren't you dethroned and imprisoned
by your own witches?

Any more questions?

Lord Morningstar?

- Oh, this should be good.
- Yes, and you are?

Caliban, Prince of Hell.

How can you be Prince of Hell
when I, who am Hell itself,

know nothing of you?

Respectfully, my lord Lucifer,

we are in the middle of a quest

for the three objects
of the Unholy Regalia.

Yes, I'm quite aware, Beelzebub.

Infernal protocol must be followed.

The contest must be seen to the end.

Caliban and Sabrina
have each found one item.

Whoever finds the third,
Judas Iscariot's 30 pieces of silver,

will sit upon the throne of Hell.

And not even you can interfere
with that quest.

Where, then, is my daughter?

She'll turn up.

She usually does.

This is insane.

Aunt Hilda was turned into a spider
and buried in the Cain Pit.

Aunt Zee is downstairs,
hovering between life and death.

Pagans are trying to take over Greendale.

My father is who knows where,
and despite all our efforts,

we are still powerless.

We need energy.

That is the crux,
and I think I know of a way we can get it,

but it is quite cutthroat.

Ambrose, as things stand right now,
Aunt Hilda may not resurrect.

Aunt Zee might not wake up, ever.

Using the hedge witches to imbue you
with power gave me the idea.

And I found a spell, a siphoning spell.

If we can get them into the center
of our stone circle,

we can take their energy,
replenish our coven,

and most importantly, our aunties.

Okay, then why aren't we already doing
the siphoning spell?


Because the hedge witches are older,
and there are only a few of them.

- Siphoning would likely k*ll them.
- Then they would die with honor.

No, we didn't invite these witches here
to slaughter them.

That's what the pagans would do. We...

We have to figure out a different way.

Huh. Unless you know of a younger, fitter,

more nubile coven
to bring into the circle...

Hold on.

It's the very definition
of an unholy Magdalene, but...

Ambrose, I think I already belong to one.

Baron-yo, leaders of the Gede,

have mercy on this here precious soul

and leave her be,

for it is not yet her time.




You're here?


You're just in time for breakfast!

Sit yourself down,
Dr. Cee will be down in a minute.

- Sister?
- Yes!

I don't believe he's coming.

Don't you recall what happened?

What do you mean?

You transformed into a giant spider.

You k*lled him.

Then I k*lled you.

You're in the Cain Pit,
and Ms. Wardwell, I believe, shot me.

We must be in the Nether Realm.

Even in death,
you have to ruin things, don't you?

Yes, well, we must divine a way back
so that we can stop the pagans,

and before we find ourselves
permanently dead.



I'm home.

- Edward!
- Edward!


Can I talk to you for a sec?

Sure. I kinda wanna talk to you too.

But you go first.

Oh, okay.

Well, I find myself in need of a young,

energetic group of women
who often chant and move in unison.

The Ravenettes?


I mean, what are cheerleaders
if not a kind of coven?

Any chance you'd be willing to help me
with an extra special performance

at the Academy this afternoon?

Ambrose has a plan to re-energize
the Church of Night's members.

It's literally a matter of life and death,
but I can't do it without your help.

How can I say no to that?

Thanks, Roz. You're the best.

What did you wanna talk to me about?


it can wait.

So how exactly are we supposed
to get the Baxter High Ravenettes

to perform at your witch school?

I might be able to pull off
a tiny spell of persuasion.

Hey, girls!
What are you two talking about?

So, what is this place again?

And, uh, not be mean,
but who are all these weird people?

Just like we told you.

It's... sort of a multi-use space
for performance art.

Perfect place for a flash mob, right?

- Mm-hmm!
- Totes!

Has either of you seen Dorcas?
Why is she never where we need her?

She said she was coming.

Prudence, we really must start.
Dorcas can join in when she arrives.

♪ Oh, Mickey, you're so fine
You're so fine you blow my mind ♪

♪ Hey, Mickey
Hey, Mickey ♪

♪ Hey, Mickey ♪

♪ Hey, Mickey ♪

♪ Hey, Mickey ♪

♪ You've been around all night
And that's a little long ♪

♪ You think you've got the right
But I think you've got it wrong ♪

♪ Why can't you say goodnight
So you can take me home, Mickey ♪

♪ Oh, Mickey, what a pity ♪

♪ You don't understand
You take me by the heart... ♪

Goddess Terpsichore, Mother of Dance.

We offer you muses,
enchant them with trance.

Let body and movement and spirit romance.

Your powers to our coven,
dark magicks enhance.



thank you so, so much.

Lizzie, you have no idea
how incredibly important that was.

How are you guys feeling?

Uh... a little woozy.

Like that time Billy gave me mono.

Yeah, just sleep for 16 to 18 hours,
and you should be fine.

Well, well.

I see the Academy's changed in my absence.

- Lucifer?
- Guess again.



Huddle up!

Everybody grab hands.


What... what happened?

We were all gonna go check out
a new space for practice.

But you thought it would be better
if we stayed at Baxter High.

Right, okay.


Where did you bring us?


Everyone will be safe here.


Sabrina, you just sent what remains
of our coven to Hell.

Oh, praise be heaven!
We left the effigies behind!

- I'll go get them!
- No! It's too dangerous, cousin.

Those effigies are full of energies
our aunties need.

- Be right back.
- Be careful.

Ms. Spellman!

Blackwood! So you're with the pagans now.

Strange bedfellows, I admit.

But these are extraordinary times.

Tell me, the hedge witches
in the Desecrated Church,

they're yours, aren't they?

- What did you do to them?
- Those withered crones?

They're not even worth k*lling.

Unlike you and your family.

This one is ours!

We found this witch
in one of the cells in the dungeon.

She was already dead.


But who did this to you, child?

I did.


Will you take care of me, Father?

I'm good at k*lling things now.

Why, yes, my dear child.

You may be of use to me.

I want... every... last... Spellman...


The rest of your coven is gone.

My former coven was your quarry, pagan,
not mine.

My prize is something else.

Likely hidden within these walls.

But do keep looking,
those witches can't have gone far.

I bumped into Father Blackwood.
He's no longer bonded with the Dark Lord,

which means we've got my father
to worry about.

Yes, you do, daughter!

Lucifer and Lilith,
the Dream Team, back together again.

Don't mistake survival
or co-dependency for love.

We are very much not together.

Playtime is over, Sabrina.
The Kings have called

for the third challenge
of the Unholy Regalia.

You must retrieve
Judas's 30 pieces of silver

and secure the infernal throne
for the House of Morningstar.

my family needs me back on Earth.

I am your family, Sabrina.
And though you have betrayed me,

I will see you upon the throne
ruling by my side.

My aunties are on death's door.

I can deliver the effigies to them,

and protect them from Blackwood
until they recover.

- You can't go alone!
- I'll go with him.

- My sisters are still unaccounted for.
- What are you two saying?

That you want me to go on this quest?

The power siphoning might have worked,

but perhaps temporarily,
and there may be a battle to be fought

with Blackwood tonight, yes,
but there is a much bigger w*r brewing.

The pagans are coming for all of us,

and the Unholy Regalia would give you
the infernal power to defeat them.

Well, it's decided then.

You shall win the final challenge
and take your place as Queen of Hell,

keeping the throne warm
for your little brother.

Right, and all I have to do is
betray our aunties.

Well, this is the Judas challenge.

Betrayal was kind of his thing.

Ambrose, Prudence,

protect the Spellman house
and our aunties at all costs.

The rest of the coven stay here.
No more of us can die.

Let's finish this.

Edward, we have so many questions.

I'll answer those I can, sister.

Well, to begin with, did you know
the truth about Sabrina's lineage?

- That the Dark Lord was her father?
- Oh, yeah.


Diana and I made an appeal
to the Dark Lord, begged for a child.

Well, Sabrina's been quite the handful.
You could've warned us.

No, Sabrina needed to find her own path.

As you, Zelda, must find yours now.

I will guide you and follow you
as I always have.

Aww. Like a little angel
on your little shoulder, isn't he?


Like my mèt-tèt!

My what?

That comely Vodou priestess Marie
said that each of us has a mèt-tèt.

A spirit,
a guide that's been with us all our life.

- Perhaps that's why I'm here.
- Hello?

Why we're here. Perhaps this is
where I'm meant to find the solution,

and once I find it, we'll be able
to go home, to our real home.

But what solution, specifically?

To everything, Hilda!

To defeat the pagans.
To finally replenish our coven's gifts.

Edward, as my mèt-tèt,
can you tell us where to go, what to do?

We'll start in the past.


Do we go...

He knows
that's the botanical rooms, right?

- Hilda, it's the Nether Realm.
- Didn't know I'd have to walk.

Thought there'd be some perks.

That's me, as a girl!

And Faustus!

Oh, when we were students at the Academy!

I remember this.

Time exists simultaneously
in the Nether Realm.

- We're simply visiting a memory.
- Cool.

Faustus, what is it you're reading
that's got you in such a snit?


Nothing you need to know about,
Zelda Spellman.

It's best we get to class.

Come along now, Zelda.

Always a little tyrant, wasn't he?

I never did get to see
what he tore out of that book.

Well, there's nothing stopping you now,
is there? Go on.

What does it mean?

I dunno. Hmm...

We just celebrated the Hare Moon.
Think it's got anything to do with that?

Perhaps, but no, there's something else.

That Prince of Clay
will never find Judas's silver.

What makes you so sure?

Because Judas himself was the only person
who knows where it is.

And I am the one person
who can take you to Judas.

Careful, Dark Lord.

Sabrina must complete the task on her own.

Any help from you
in front of the Kings of Hell

and the challenge
could be deemed a forfeit.

Let the final challenge for the coins
of the great betrayer,

Judas Iscariot, begin!

Go to the Ninth Circle,
the hottest in Hell.

There, in a volcanic cave,
embedded in the walls,

you will find the three worst betrayers
in history,

Cassius, Brutus, and Judas Iscariot.

Mambo Marie,
this effigy is infused with life force.

With any luck,
its power will transfer into Auntie Zee

helping to right this ship.

But wait, we have our powers back.

Can't we just heal her?

It is not a matter
of her physical body healing now.

It is her soul
that must find its way back to us.

- Marie.
- Yeah.

Father Blackwood and the pagans
have taken over the Academy.

They could be coming here next.

Could you please keep her safe whilst
we do what we can to protect the house?

It is my honor.

Thank you.

I'll be the first line of defense

holding the perimeter
against Blackwood and the banshee.

Will you stay and guard the house?

Okay, Ambrose,
but if my father approaches?

You will have the k*lling blow,
I promise you.

Judas Iscariot.

- Who is that?
- I'm Sabrina Morningstar,

daughter of Lucifer Morningstar.

He himself put me here.

I've come to ask you, Judas,

where are the 30 pieces of silver
you were paid to betray the Nazarene?

What will you give me

to tell you the secret of their location?

The taste of cold water on your lips.

What say you, Judas?

Tell me how to get the silver,
and it's yours.

There is an easy way,

in which the silver simply appears to you.

And a harder way,
in which you must seek it out.

For once, let's go with what's easy.

All you need to is betray someone you love
with a kiss,

as I did.

Just one kiss
and the silver appears to me?


I'll be right back.

Harvey, hey!


- What are you doing here?
- I, uh, wanted to see you.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah, fine.

I just need to ask you a favor.

- Did Roz talk to you or something?
- No!

Why, did something happen?



More like what didn't happen.

You guys okay?

To be honest, I'm not sure.

Oh, Harvey.

I know.

I love her so much, 'Brina.

I don't know what's wrong.

I can't do it.

I won't betray you or Roz.
No matter what Hell throws at me.

What? What are you talking about?

You and Roz are great together.
Forget that stupid spell.

For all we know, Caliban made it up.

She loves you, you love her,
don't let anything ruin that, okay?

You guys are endgame.

I believe it.

Stay safe, Harvey.

Well, that didn't work.
So tell me, Judas...

what's the hard way?

Are you familiar with the Field of Blood?

Just that it's a burial ground.

My silver is buried in a crypt
with the first vampire,

deep beneath the Field of Blood.

Okay, if you tell me
I'm about to meet Dracula...

His name is Vlad the Impaler.

Vlad the Impaler?

But he's... he's dead, right?


The pieces are in a bag at his side.

Count them to be sure they're all there.

Copy. How do I get to his tomb?

You open a portal.

I can tell you the words, but first...

give me my water.


Settle down, children.

Please, I am not in the mood today
for your foolish...


Jeez, what's wrong with her?

Attention, students. This is Mrs. Meeks
with an exciting announcement.

Baxter High has been invited
to the Final Night Festivities

at the town carnival!

Free admission! Free rides!
Free caramel apples!

Tonight only!

Final night? That can't be good.

Also, will Ms. Rosalind Walker,
Mr. Harvey Kinkle,

and Mr. Theo Putnam
please report to the principal's office,

to collect some fun prizes!

Oh, crap! Run!

Theo, where's Robin?

- I don't know.
- Guys...



don't be scared.

You're going to be
a part of something beautiful.

Greendale will be the New Eden.

The seeds of ruin
and rebirth will blossom.

His seeds.

The Green Man, the oldest of the Old Gods,
is returning.

Only one last thing is needed
for his Great Flowering to begin.

The innocent blood of a young virgin.

One of you still is suitable.

Look upon me, child.

Not these ones. You won't have these ones!



Who turned off the lights?

Yes, can I help you?

No, we were just leaving.

What the hell just happened?
Did we just...

- Did we just teleport or...
- No, Robin saved us.

- He's a hobgoblin.
- We have to go.

All of us. And as many others
as we can convince to leave Greendale.


Well, you heard them, Harvey.

It is time. The Green Man is coming back,
and all who are flesh will die.

We can't just leave.

We have to fight.
We have to stop that from happening.

- We need...
- Sabrina!

We need Sabrina. We do.
Except that I think she's still in Hell.

Can we reach her down there?

Wait! Yes. We can!

That magick marker of hers.

The magick marker she uses to IM Nick!

It's in her locker!
Maybe we can use it to send her a message.

- Do you know her locker number?
- And combination.

She's my best friend.

This way, sisters.

Is that...

Wait, I recognize that sound.

It's Sabrina! When we got her.

Watch this now.

What is that infernal bleating?

It sounds like a baby!

Father Lucifer, it's Sabrina!

But what does that mean for Edward?

And Diana?

It can't be good news.

The half-moon.

Curiouser and curiouser.

There's one last thing you must see.

Okay, here we go again.


Nicholas? What are you doing here?

Watching the bar for Dorian.

- What's going on?
- Nick, everything.

My Aunt Zelda was shot.
My Aunt Hilda was also shot.

Blackwood's come back.
He's working with the pagans now.

- What?
- Yes, and I have to find the final piece

of the Unholy Regalia before Caliban does.

Wait, seriously?

The Sabrina Spellman I know
would never leave her family in trouble

to go on some stupid quest.

But I guess you're not a Spellman anymore.

You're a Morningstar.

For your sake, you better hope I'm both.

Good luck, Sabrina.

With these words,
I seek Vlad the immortal.

Open to me this hidden portal.

The silver.

One, two, three, four...


Listen to my voice.

Hear my words.

Your thoughts and your will belong to me,

and only me, now.

Say you understand.

I understand.

Did my father send you?


Judas did.

Judas is my father.

The father of vampires.

What's your name, girl?


You're very beautiful, Sabrina.

Say thank you.

Thank you.

You're going to let me drink your blood

and feast on your flesh, aren't you?

Of course.

That's a good girl.

Your neck,

is so very...


Your blood! It burns!

You're a celestial?

My father was an angel. I have his blood.

Also? Consent, it's real.

- Still no word back from Sabrina.
- What's taking her so long?

Harvey, we don't even know
if she got the message.

She didn't. But I did.

But that was meant for Sabrina.

That's not how the magick marker works.

And I wouldn't expect her back
any time soon.

- Now, who needs help, and why?
- We do.

It's the pagans.

Catch me up, talk fast.

The Great Flowering is upon us.

They've been trying to resurrect
the Green Man for centuries,

and it's finally happening.

All flesh fails when he flowers.

What the hell does that mean?

First, the... the locals are "seeded."

They're implanted with a spore,

something they eat
that can grow inside them.

The caramel apples
they're gonna give away.

And then, when the Green Man is ready,

when he's ripe with the blood
of a local virgin,

that is when he will bloom.

And then what?

It's the pollination.

It'll be the end of everyone in Greendale.

How do we stop it?

You don't!

It is as Robin Goodfellow says...

all flesh fails!

I told you.

Once I have a virgin's scent,
none can hide from me.

If that banshee comes
anywhere near Aunt Hilda,

you claw her to pieces, Salem, okay?

Good boy.

Settle in.

It's going to be a long day.

Will that banshee shut up already?


Agatha, is that you?


Agatha, is that you?


I've been looking for you.


Agatha, whose blood is that?

Why, our sister's, of course!

And now she's dead, dead, dead.


Don't be sad.

First, I played with Dorcas,

and now I wanna play with you.

No, sister. Stop. Stop, sister.
I don't want to...

No, sister. No!


Sister, no!

I'm sorry.

Black... wood.

Tell me, daughter.

Where are you keeping Judas and Judith?

I need their help
to find something precious to me.

Ambrose, come to me, hurry.


No, no, no, no, no!


Blackwood. He's here.

He's... he's looking for...

Stop him.

I can't. I can't leave you.

- I can't go, no.
- You must.

May your mét-tét protect and guide you.

May the light show you the way.

what are you trying to show us?

Oh, Hilda.

It seems these witches are standing vigil,

praying for a safe crossing
to the afterlife, but for whom?

Zelds, it's you.


look who's come to see you.

Auntie, I'm here.

I came to say that I love you.

And I couldn't have asked
for a better mother.

And your work is done here.

You can rest now.

You can let go now.

Aunt Hilda, she's gone.

She waited for you, you know.

To say bye.

The new moon,
the half-moon, the full moon.

Maiden, Mother, Crone.

Of course!

The three phases of the moon.
The three phases of a witch's life.

I understand.

I have the answer.

I know how the coven can regain its power
and defeat the pagans!


I curse you, Blackwood.

Did you get them?

I did. Your son nearly k*lled me.

Let me feel their weight

in my hand

one last time.


How I love when you do
all the work for me.



Nostra versa loca!


You knew what you had to do.

Betray someone with a kiss,
and yet you did not.

- Why is that?
- I'm not a betrayer, unlike you!

Aren't you?

Did you not choose this quest
over your family?

Your friends?

And while you were dashing off,
collecting trinkets,

I was arranging a coup.

My father and Lilith
won't let you get away with this!

They don't have much choice!

The House of Morningstar has fallen.

All hail King Caliban.

- No.
- Yes.


I have a mortal realm to conquer
and a tenth circle to create.

Awaken, children, and witness his glory!

Sadly, young Robin Goodfellow
and your warlock friend had to die.


Robin! Robin!

But not you.

You pose no threat.

You're merely meat, merely flesh,

and I wanted you to see!


Please, somebody!

Please help!


Somebody help me!



The great and terrible show is upon us!

The Green Man is about to flower!

Oh, don't be scared!

This isn't the end!

This is the beginning!

And your friend, his virgin blood
is giving the Green Man life!





Sabrina, no!

Ladies and gentlemen!

Boys and girls!

I give you the end of all flesh!







