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03x12 - Just Add Magic: New Protectors

Posted: 04/14/22 06:18
by bunniefuu
-Previously on Just Add
Magic... -ZOE: We're moving.

-My mom's getting married.
-I'm going to

work for the head office
in Bay City.

This is the first time
since we got the book

that there are
no mysteries to solve.

-It almost feels like...
-We're done.

But I-I thought the book
chose when it moved on.

Maybe we choose
when we're ready.

It's time.

(girls sniffling, crying)

(magical tinkling)

How did this get in here?

-What are we missing?

-We've tried everything.
-I cannot accept that.

-Wait, what-what if we...
-It can't be destroyed, Ian.

-Well, then what are we
supposed to do? -We hide it.

The people I took it from,
they're dangerous,

and they won't stop looking.

Then we have to
hide it somewhere

where nobody will ever find it.

Well, I hope you're right.

Because if the Wessons ever get
their hands on it again,

it will be impossible
to stop them.

And they won't care
who gets hurt.

♪ ♪

Hey, Kell.
Where are the girls?

Uh, we're getting together
for a movie later.

Huh, no cooking?

Shouldn't you be
whipping up a soufflé

or poaching some salmon
right about now?

We've, uh,
been eating out lately.

Eh, still cheaper
than your cooking.

(chuckles softly)

This one's for you.


Who do you know in Bay City?

I don't think anybody.


"Dear Kelly,

"When I was unpacking boxes,
I came across your cookbook.

"I have no idea
how it even got in my stuff,

"but sorry for taking it.

-HANNAH: I don't believe it.

Zoe's a new protector?

I know. I mean, she seems nice,
but I kind of thought

the book would go somewhere
more exotic, like... Egypt.

-We have to return this to Zoe.
-And explain what it all means.

Probably best
not to do that in a text.

Good point.
We need to do it in person.

Road trip!

Or we could use
the spices we have left over

to cook the
"Teleporting Tamales."

Even better,
teleporting road trip.

-Come on.

♪ ♪

(sighs) Yuck.

Maybe I should keep
my hair up; it's all flat.

You look great, Mom.
You're just nervous.

Of course I'm nervous.
It's my wedding day.

But you've already
been married once.

Shouldn't the second time
be less stressful?

I'm not nervous
about marrying Nick.

I'd never question that.

The news is saying that
a blizzard is on its way.

What if people
can't get to the wedding?

Don't worry. People in Bay City
are used to snow.

And I like your hair down.

Are you feeling okay
about all this?

It's been just you and me for
a while, and I know that Dad...

Dad died when I was
so little, Mom.

It's okay. I'm excited.

Well, except for Leo.

He'll take some getting used to.

Zoe will take
some getting used to.

Give her a chance. Zoe's great.

If you say so.

But Erin's cool.
Definitely out of your league.

(laughs) Right.

All right, come on,
help me tie this thing.

-Okay, so according to this...
-Mm-hmm. fold B toward C
and then again towards A.

-Now take B...
-Uh, which one is B again?

The one that's knotted up
with A and C.

I give up.

Oh, maybe I can
run down to the store,

have the guy tie it for me.

It's snowing out.

-How about this?
-I'm impressed.

It was Mom's idea.

She says congratulations.

She's really happy for you.

So am I.

I'm glad you're my best man.

Speaking of best man duties,
your wedding speech ready to go?

Of course,
and you're gonna love it.

In fact, I'm gonna go practice,
right now.

Oh. Were you going
to use the bathroom?

No, please, I can wait.

I'm fine. Go ahead.

Are you sure?
I don't mind waiting. Really.

-You go.
-No, you go.

No, you go.

(magical whoosh)

It worked!

Teleporting is way better
than taking a plane.

No long check-in lines...

No taking off your shoes
for security.

Oh, you're gonna catch a cold
dressed like that.

I guess we should've
checked the weather first.

Uh, excuse me.

Do you know where
301 West 5th Street is?

Oh, it's right over there,
above Sellitti's Restaurant.

-What do you have there?

Just a gift for a friend.

Cool shoes.
Kind of summery, though.

Thanks. Uh, we're looking
for Zoe Walters.

Oh, right there, 4F.

Follow me.
I'm headed there anyway.

I'm Ish, by the way.
I live downstairs.

-(knocks on door)
-Nice boutonniere.

Thanks. I made it with flowers
from my garden up on the roof.

It's for Nick.

Nick Sellitti.

As in Sellitti's downstairs.

Zoe's new stepfather.

-Well, he will be in a few
hours. -The wedding is tonight?

Exactly how do you know Zoe?

We went to the same school
in Saffron Falls.

Wait. You flew all the way
from Saffron Falls?


Yes. It-It's complicated.


I bet you're surprised
to see us.

I don't understand.
What are you doing in Bay City?

Actually, we're here
to talk to you.

You flew from Saffron Falls?
Is your mom here?

-Why do you need to...
-Can we talk somewhere private?

Um, yeah, I guess.

(Kelly clears throat)

Let me guess,

you left your wedding speech
until the last second.

I work better under pressure.

Good, 'cause pressure's on.
Wedding's in a few hours.

Good luck.

I'm a protector... of magic?

It's how you got the book.

You didn't take it by accident.
It chose you.

The book... chose me...
to be a protector?

It sounds ludicrous
when you say it like that.

It sounds ludicrous
any way I say it.

That's not all.

The book always has
three protectors,

so it's probably
your two best friends.

I just moved here.
I don't have any friends yet.

These are magic spices,

-but you have...
-You know what?

I don't know what you're up to,
or how you even got here...


More on that later.

Okay, this was fun,
but it's time for you to go now.

Look, I know this is
a lot to digest,

but you have to believe us,
magic is real.

Is this some sort of
practical joke?

Because if it is,
I don't get it.

We're telling the truth.
Why would we make it up?

I have no idea,
and I don't really care.

My mom is getting
married tonight.

You're right. We can
get together after the wedding.

We can walk you
through everything.

Please. It's important.


Cool. We can hang around
until you're done.

And maybe buy a coat.

We're a little underdressed
for the winter.

Good luck at the wedding.

Bad news.
The blizzard has picked up.

Aunt Janice just canceled.
The roads are too icy.

It's just one person, Mom,

and you don't even like
Aunt Janice that much.


(phone rings, vibrates)


You can't get here?
But you're the band.

You have to be here.

Okay, weird.

"Make It Hot Dogs."

This is crazy.

Well, if it doesn't let up soon,

maybe we should
postpone the wedding.

I don't know what else to do.

Okay. I'll do it.

♪ ♪

(wind whistling softly)

(magic tinkling)

(birds chirping)

-(horns honking)
-(traffic passing)

I look good in winter clothes.

Too bad it doesn't snow
back home.

Uh, it's not snowing now,
and we just bought coats.

Well, I thought there was
supposed to be a blizzard.

Guys, look.

A library built
by the Peizers.

Which means it's possible
that magic had been in Bay City.

We have a lot
to explain to Zoe.

I hope she's going to be okay.
Being a protector is...


We're no longer protectors.
We're tourists.

You're right. Got it.

The tablecloths are done.

Let's get some bread
and some olive oil,

and I'll bring
the red pepper sauce.

I remember the first time
my dad and Erin met.

She came into the restaurant
for some homemade pasta.

-It was love at first sight.
-What are you doing?

Practicing my speech.

-That's not how they met.
-I'm just putting a spin on it.

Spinning, lying--
I don't know why

you wouldn't want
to tell the real story.

Yes, you do.

And besides,
my job is to entertain.

The real story
isn't entertaining.


I think it's a cop-out,
but it's your speech.

-Have you seen the weather, Mom?
-Yes. It's a miracle.

Something like that.
Told you not to worry.

Oh. Got to learn to
look down from now on.

You're not supposed to see
the bride before the wedding.

Please, isn't that
a little old-fashioned?

-Not to me.

Next time, I'll enter
from the fire escape.

Would it k*ll you
to use a closet?

Would it k*ll you
to just let it go?

Guys, you never fight like this.
What is going on?

I'm gonna go for a walk.


(sighs) I'm so hot.

I have never seen
weather change like this.

-It's so odd.
-WOMAN: I already sent it.

Tell her to check her e-mail.


-Excuse me!
-(horn honks)

-(tires screech)
-MAN: Watch where you're going!

No, you watch!
Use a bike path!

Use your brain.

Wow. People in the city
are really mean.

And we thought
Lavender Heights was bad.

Something's wrong.

Temperatures don't go from
30 to 90 degrees in one day.

If I didn't know better,
I'd think...

Zoe cooked a spell
to warm up the weather.

Right, for the wedding.
That would explain everything.

Well, at least
she believes in magic now.

Yeah, but she clearly
doesn't know about downsides.

Look, everyone's fighting.

-(women arguing)
-I said no!

The light was red.
I had the right of way.

I think when she made
the weather hotter,

the people got hot, too,
with each other.

We need to call Zoe.

(phone vibrates)

Kelly, so glad you called.

-What did you cook?
-"Make It Hot Dogs."

You were telling the truth
about magic.

Not the way we wanted
to prove it.

What spice did you use?

Kalimba cayenne.
But something went wrong.

My mom and Nick
are in a big fight,

and I don't know how to fix it.

-It's the downside of the spell.
-The what?

We'll explain it to you later.
Look for the riddle.

There's a riddle?
I'm confused.

Don't worry,
we'll help you figure out

how to break this spell.

The first thing
you need to do is...

(phone beeps)

Oh, no. My battery died.

Because someone was
playing games on it.

I would've used my phone,
but the game drained my battery.

And I don't have her number.

We have to get to Zoe's.
It's gonna be dark soon.

-Let's just take the subway.
-Do we have to?

-It's so dirty.
-Stop complaining, Hannah!

Don't yell at me, Kelly.

Oh, boy.
We're spelled, guys.

Be quiet!

♪ ♪

I've had it with you
telling me what to do.

What are you talking about?

-My speech.
-Let it go.

It's like when we were six,

and you criticized
my model spaceship.

You can't have a spaceship
with only one wing.

You'll never make it
out of the Earth's atmosphere.

-It was pretend.

And why are you watering
your plants right now?

In case you haven't noticed,
it's almost 100 degrees out.

-Yeah, it's nuts.

I don't care about your speech
or your defective spaceship.

The problem is
you can't handle criticism.

You never could.

How would you know?
We don't hang out anymore.

People don't change.

You did, unfortunately.

(tires screech in distance)

This can't be good.

(dogs barking in distance)

I know you're working on it,
but you don't understand.

I'm getting married tonight.


Well, the power company said
the blackout is

due to a sudden surge
in AC usage.

And they don't seem to care
that I'm getting married.

I don't believe it.

Lights are out all over town.

Would you stop leaving stuff
all over my apartment?

-Your apartment?
-It's just a figure of...

No, you're right.
It is your place.

It can never be ours.

Just as well-- none of my stuff
is here, anyway.

I won't have anything
to move out.

-Mom! -Clearly,
the blackout is a sign.

Someone's trying to tell us
this marriage is a bad idea.

I don't need a blackout
to tell me that.

The wedding is off.

(door slams)

Okay, look for the riddle.

Look for the riddle.

Look for the riddle.
Okay, look for the riddle.

Got it.

"Ketchup, mustard,
hot dog meat,

"grill it up
and crank up the heat.

"Add some spices and eat up,

and everything will
start to heat up."

Everything will heat up.

Including people.
That's why everyone's fighting.

Come on, help me out,
strange book.

"Gazpa-Chill Soup."

I get it. Gazpacho,
'cause it's cold. Clever.

"Chop onions, bell peppers...

dice... mix..."

This is a lot harder
than hot dogs.

-Leave me alone already.
-Leo, you can cook, right?

-My dad owns a restaurant.
What do you think? -Great.

I need your help
to save the wedding.

-By cooking?
-Yes. Magic soup.

Come on.

This doesn't concern you.

She said "magic soup."
You think I'm gonna miss this?

So, let me see
if I got this right.

Magic is real
and you're a protector?

I know it's hard to believe,
but yes.

It just opened
to the recipe I needed.

I knew it.
I knew magic was real.

I can't wait to tell Augie.

You get it. Cool.

It sounds like
one of Leo's graphic novels.

Actually, I am working on one
that does have

-a magical subplot.
-That's what I thought, too,

until I cooked up a spell
to heat up the weather.

Think about it.
This morning, it was 30 degrees,

and now it's
the hottest day on record.

Do you have a point?

I think there's a drawback
with the spell.

According to the riddle, I think
it's making people fight.

We need to cool things off

before it's too late
for our parents.

By cooking gazpacho soup?
I don't even know what that is.

It's a cold tomato soup,
most likely Spanish,

with roots in ancient Rome.

-Can you cook it?

But not in the dark.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

It says we need parsley.

We're all out, but it's more
of a garnish anyway.

I know where we can get
some fresh parsley.

(sirens wailing in distance)

Once we get back, we'll cook
another Kalimba spell,

and maybe we'll add
a little Merwaldian

-to reverse the weather.
-No, that won't work.

The spell's affecting
people's emotions,

so we need to cook
with Carnejian.

This started as a weather spell.

Heated emotions
are just a downside.

But the weather's
actually nice right now.

Why would we change that?

Oh, so you're taking
Hannah's side.

I'm not taking anyone's side.

Yeah, she's just using
common sense.

-My feet are k*lling me.
-Seriously, Darbie?

Yeah, you have
no right to complain.

It's not my fault
there's a blackout.

No, but you're the one
that told us

to take the wrong subway.

And now we have to walk
an extra 40 blocks.

I've never been
on a subway before.

It's confusing,
and you know I have

a terrible sense of direction,
so blame yourselves.

(Kelly scoffs)

I don't even know why
you tried to save the wedding.

You clearly can't stand it here.

I never said that.

You never say anything;
you just do what you want.

What is that supposed to mean?

Since you moved in,
you act like you own the place.

It's bad enough you took over
my office, but you also use

all the hot water without
even thinking about anyone else.

First of all,
you don't have an office.

It's an extra bedroom
where you draw your comics.

Graphic novels.

I've told you a million times,
they're not comics.

Whatever. I tune you out
after a while.

-All you do is talk, talk, talk.
-Stop! Both of you.

I'm getting a headache.

Let's hope this works.

-(wind gusting)
-(magic tinkling)

So cool.

I never thought I'd be happy
to see snow.

Everything's back to normal.

Let's hope that means
with our parents, too.

Hey, next time, I'll try
to take shorter showers, okay?

Just say something.

I did, about a thousand...

Thanks. I will.

Erin?! Erin!

Oh, no, he sounds mad.

I'm sorry I acted like a jerk.

Or not.

I'm sorry, too.

I don't know why we fought.

Must've been
pre-wedding jitters.

Yep, nothing to worry about.

You still are getting married,
aren't you?

Let me check.

-(chuckles softly)

...will you marry me?

I'd be honored.

And I want this to be our place.

You can leave your stuff
wherever you want.

I'll hold you to that.

Um, hate to cut
this reunion short,

but the wedding is
supposed to start any minute.

Mom. Your wedding dress.

You don't need a wedding dress.
You look beautiful.

You must really love me.

-Let's go.

You know what this means?

-The wedding's back on. -Our
parents are getting married.

It means...

we have a magical cookbook.

-(door opens)
-(girls panting)

-We got here as fast
as we could. -It was my fault.

-I took us on the wrong subway.
-It wasn't your fault, Darbie.

-We're all to blame.
-We need to cook a counterspell.

-I think I know what we need.
-We know.

We already did it.

But how?

It took us a while
to master counterspells.

I had some help.

You must be
the other protectors.

Wait. You think me and Leo
are protectors?

Seems like it.

But we're not even friends.
I find them kind of weird.

We're weird?
Take a look in the mirror.

Give it time.

Nice job, book.

What are you waiting for?
You have a wedding to get to.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

-It was really good seeing you.
-You, too.

-Thank you.
-(soft laughter)

Can I have your attention,

I'd like to say a few words.

I remember my dad and Erin's
first date.

He asked her out for sushi,

and I knew he really liked her
because he hates sushi.


just before he was supposed to
leave, I came down with the flu.

He called Erin
and canceled the date.

Then, about an hour later,
Erin showed up.

She had takeout chicken soup
for me

and sushi for her and my dad.

(crowd aahing)

We all sat on the couch
and watched a movie

until my dad got sick
from the sushi.


For the longest time,
it's just been me and my dad,

which was great.

I didn't think
anything was missing

until Erin and Zoe moved in.

I'm not welcoming you
to the family;

we're going to create
a family, together.

And I can't wait.

♪ ♪

See? Much better.

Although, you still did
exaggerate that one part.

(both chuckle)

Okay, spice families,
downsides and counterspells.

Anything else?

Make sure you always
read the riddles.

I figured that one out
the hard way.

These are seeds
from each of the families.

Plant them, and you'll always
have magic spices.

Luckily, I have
a rooftop garden.

I made this for you;
most of everything

you need to know
about magic is on it.

Awesome. I need the help.

I'm not the most
organized person.

Well, I like
to keep things neat.

I even laminated it for you.

You'll be great.

If you have any questions,
just give us a call.

We're here to help.

I have a question.

We know Zoe is a protector

because the book
showed up for her,

but how can you be so sure
me and Ish are the other two?

I think the magic plants
are beginning to grow.

Trust me, you're the protectors.


My garden.

One more thing.

If the book chose you,
then it's for a good reason.

There is a mystery to be solved,
so be on the lookout.

We will. Thank you for all this.

When we found out the book
was moving, we were worried.

-But not anymore.
-KELLY: Yeah.

The magic is in good hands.

Well, we better get back home.

It's gonna be
kind of hard to explain

where we've been all day.

-And why we bought winter coats.
-(Hannah chuckles)

-Bye, guys.
-Bye. -Bye.

♪ ♪


What are you doing?

Taking precautions.

Now go hide this.

I'm confused. Why did you
break my pocket watch?

I didn't break it.
I put a spell on it.

Whoever holds the hands
holds the secret.

♪ ♪