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03x08 - Just Add Karma

Posted: 04/14/22 06:12
by bunniefuu
Previously on Just Add Magic...

Hey, we're hanging out
by the pool.

-Come join us for a swim.
-After the other day,

I wasn't sure if you'd want
to hang out.

Oh, relax.

That picture was just a joke.

I'll text you the address.

A retirement home?

This can't be the right address.

"Have fun with your besties
at the old folks home"?

I think Hannah was crying.

And now that I have my Morbium,

you're going to help me
cook this.

My recipe
to keep the book forever?

-DARBIE: What is she doing now?
-HANNAH: Wait, two Erins?

Is she cloning herself?

This sounds more like
"Chameleon Cauliflower."

The first Erin clearly didn't
want to be seen by the second.

So Erin isn't the bad guy
after all.

Someone else is pretending
to be Erin.

But who?

One more time.

Not again.

♪ ♪

(indistinct chatter)

How are we supposed to know
if that's Real Erin

or Imposter Erin?

I've got an idea.

Let's order a green tea latte.

Ew. Gross.
Why would we do that?

Erin makes the worst
steamed milk.

And no matter how many times
I ask her for light foam,

it's always way too creamy.

Guys, chill.

This Erin read me the riot act

for going off book
with a customer.

She's the real deal.

And maybe be
a little less obvious

with the whole
magic conspiracy thing?

On it.


Here comes trouble.

You've got problems
with Leah, too?

I've, I've heard things

from... other coffee shops.

Well, not problems, really, but,

for someone who only orders tea,

she's kind of demanding.

So why don't you say something?

Because I'm a professional,

If I lower my customer service
because someone is rude

or a lousy tipper,

then aren't I really
just as bad as they are?

I'd say no,
but that's probably why

I don't have your job.

Medium chai tea?

That's the one.
But stronger than last time,

and iced, and no sweetener.

Hey, Hannah, what's up?

Not much.
What's up with you?

I'm just grabbing a drink
before the band picnic.

Oh, cool, I'll see you there.

-Oh, you're going?

Of course you are.

Ms. Silvers is chaperoning.

I forgot you're BFFs.

(nervous chuckle)

I thought you and Leah
were friends.

-We are.

'Cause what she said
kind of sounded mean.

She was just joking.

Didn't seem funny.

It's not a big deal, Darbie.
Just leave it alone.

Where are you going?

Um... homework.

You know, I just have to finish
before the picnic.

I'll see you later.

Leah was so rude,

and Hannah said nothing.

Then when I tried
to ask what's up,

she just left.

That's terrible.
I can't even imagine

what Hannah's going through.

What are we gonna do?

I'm not sure.

Maybe Hannah isn't
saying anything

because she doesn't want
our help.

But we're her best friends.
It's our job to help.

Even if she hasn't asked for it.


Maybe we can talk to Leah,
tell her to back off.

She doesn't strike me
as the talk-it-out type.

Hold on, you want to spell Leah?

I don't see any other way.

We can't let her
push Hannah around.

You're right.

But I can't cook today.

My parents are making me

spend all day with them to bond.

But Hannah's picnic is
in a few hours,

and Leah will be there.

This can't wait until tomorrow.

What if I did it myself?

You mean cook, like, alone?

Yeah. What's the big deal?

Sorry, it's just
you've never cooked solo before.

But I've been around the magic
since the beginning, too.

I can do this... I think.

I know you can.

We'll try to find a spell
that won't hurt Leah.

Maybe something
with a Taurian spice

so it'll wear off
if it goes wrong.

Fine with me.

I mean, don't get me wrong,

I'm mad, but not
curse-someone-forever mad.

"Retribution Rigatoni."
A little aggressive.

How about this?
"Pay Back Pancakes."

Seems complicated.
Might be too hard to control.

I love pancakes.

What about this one?

"A Taste of Your Own Mochi."

"Gain what you sow
from emotion or seed.

Empathy might grow
with bad actions received."

I don't get it.

"Actions received."

I think that means
if you do something bad,

then the bad thing
also happens to you.

Oh, it's like a karma spell.

You literally see how it feels.

This is perfect.

I'm glad we found something,

but... be careful.

-The magic... -Can be dangerous
and unpredictable?

Believe me, I know.


Good luck.

Okay, cookbook, let's get
to know each other better.

You guys doing okay?

(music playing over earbuds)

We're good, but your Wi-Fi is
way too slow.

I'll see what I can do.


-(phone beeps)
-Bad call?

Terrible. Our apricot walnut
bread shipment is delayed.

What? The customers
love that stuff.

It seems the truck broke down
leaving the warehouse.

They had to shut down
three lanes on the highway.

Well, that's too bad.
That's one of our best sellers.

I know, but what are you
gonna do?

How about I make today's batch?

Thanks, but no.

The company uses
a very specific recipe.

I could follow the recipe.
And don't you think

the company would rather not
lose a full day of sales?

I can do this.

Fine, you can bake.

But you still have
to do it at cost.

No problem.
What's my budget?

90 cents per loaf.

Are you kidding?
I can't hit that

without using...
generic ingredients.

That's the deal.

You say you're a creative chef?

Prove it.

♪ ♪

(hard rock music playing)

♪ ♪

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Mademoiselle, can you tell ♪

♪ I'm feeling down
and a little blue ♪

♪ You're all wrapped up
in all your stuff ♪

♪ And you haven't got a clue ♪

♪ Come on. ♪

I need you to give
one of these to Leah.

Sorry. Kind of busy.

What's cheaper,
a small bag of cake flour

or a large bag of wheat flour?

There are different kinds
of flour?

Anyway, I can't help right now.

Please, this is important.

I'd do it myself,
but Leah doesn't know me.

She barely knows me.

She knows you work at the shop.

A shop that doesn't sell mochi.

So say it's a free sample
or something. Be creative.

You're the second person
to tell me that today.

Really? Maybe you're
losing your touch.

Look, this is obviously
some kind of magic thing.

Leah may be annoying,

but I'm not gonna be a part
of secretly spelling her.

We're not trying to hurt her.

It's just she's been
picking on Hannah,

-and we're trying to...

She was mean to Hannah?

Give me that mochi.

We're trying out a new dessert.
Want a sample? On the house.

Sweet. Thanks.

You are so very welcome.

Can I have some mochi, too?

One per table.

(tropical music plays)

-Is that Trudith Winters?

Doomed Crossing of The Indu.

Guilty pleasure.


What are you doing here?

If this is about the store,
I told you about the pipes, I...

Not bad.

I have a few questions.

So you flew 2,000 miles?
Ever hear of e-mail?

Ever hear
of "Teleporting Tamales"?


And that's why...

you need to eat this.

-Excuse me for a moment.
-If you're about to go

talk to that manager you always
flatter to get a good table

and see if you'll get me kicked
out of here, save your breath.

How did you know about that?

Because we've done
this before, a lot.


All right.

-You have my attention.

Now eat the quiche.

Sorry. Didn't see you.

It's fine. I'll get another one.


Sorry. Didn't see you.

Don't sit there.

That chair's broken.

Okay, thanks.

There were spiders all over it,

and, like, the eyes were
staring at me and...

-Are you okay?
-I'm fine.

You all seem very energetic.
Is there a problem?

No, Ms. Silvers.
Everything's great.


Well, if anything is wrong,
you know where I am.


Hey, Erin, got the ingredients.

Unbleached artisan flour?

GMO-free walnuts.

Jake, I gave you a budget.
How much did all this cost?

80 cents a loaf.
Give or take a penny.

Even with these...

pasture-raised, cruelty-free,
jumbo brown eggs?

Yeah. I went down
to the farmers market

and got my haggle on.

It pays to know the locals.

Check out this steal.

Pluots? For apricot bread?

Locally sourced pluots.

That's not on the approved
ingredients list.

-You told me you would
follow the recipe. -I know.

But I'm making a better product.

This county is pluot proud;
local stuff sells twice as fast.

You trusted me to bake.

Trust me with this, too.

All right.

Go ahead.


Well, I'm awake.
What do you need this time?

The recipe I had to
duplicate Morbium failed.

Of course it did.
You can't duplicate Morbium.

But the recipe, your recipe,
says "need three."


-What are you laughing at?

I finally get it.

-What are you talking about?
-Remember the first time

you came into Mama P's

and I offered you
the special of the day--

shrimp tacos--

but you turned them down?

Wow, you sure hold a grudge.

You have no idea.

My point is,

you told me you couldn't
eat the tacos

because you're allergic
to shrimp.

I don't know who you are,
but you're definitely not Erin.

(phone rings)

(bee buzzing)



(phone beeps)

HANNAH (on video):
Get... Get... Get...

-Please, don't.

-Get... Get...
-Sorry, it's too funny.


-(phone whooshes)

(phones ringing, vibrating)

She's over there.

(kids laughing)

(overlapping chatter)

Aah! Aah! Aah!

What did you do? Did you hack
into my phone or something?

No, I have no idea
what happened.

Yeah, right.
You obviously did something.

(kids laughing)

All right. Don't tell me
everything's okay.

It's not.

I think Leah's been spelled.

What? Was it the Night Bandit?

No, but I have a good idea
who it might have been.


who exactly are you?

It doesn't matter.

All that matters is you help me.

Unless you don't want
your memories back.

You're taking all
the fun out of this.

Fine. The spell only needs
one Morbium seed.

But it says three.

That wasn't about the Morbium.
It was about the cooks.

-The protectors.

I realized
the spell wouldn't work

unless all three
cooked it together.

That's why you gave up
on the recipe.

You knew your friends
would never make it with you.

But why make your notes
so cryptic?

Because I didn't want them
falling into the wrong hands.

Fair enough.

So you're saying
I can still do this.

I just need to get the girls
to make it with me.

After all you've done to them?

Good luck with that.

Guess you'll never get
your hands on that book.

You're wrong.

I have ways of
making the others cook.


Don't worry about the girls.
I'll handle them.

Nothing goes on in the Quinn
house without my knowledge.

I can't believe it.

What I meant was...

I know who you are.



Took you long enough.

I guess you have some questions.

You can't just
spell people like that!

I was trying to help.

Well, you didn't;
you actually made things worse.

Sorry, I guess I shouldn't
have spelled Leah,

but you clearly weren't gonna
stand up for yourself,

so someone had to.

Hannah, she made you cry.


When did that happen?

A few days ago.
It wasn't a big deal.

How do you even know about that?

Leah only shared that
dumb picture with her friends.

It was an accident.

We were using
the "P.O.V. Popcorn" and...

I may have used some
to look through your eyes.

Are you serious?

That is so invasive.

I can't believe you.

I'm sorry, it's just,
I was worried about you.

-So you spied on me?

something was wrong, but you
wouldn't tell me anything.

-'Cause there was nothing
to tell! -(kettle whistling)


I know this is difficult.

But yelling at each other
won't fix anything.

No matter how worried
you were, Darbie,

spelling Leah
was a step too far.

That's not helping Hannah.

That's just revenge.


And, Hannah, I don't know
what you're going through,

but we can't do anything
about it

if you don't talk to us.

I can't.


I don't know, it's just...

I don't want to think about it.

(crying): I really thought
Leah was joking,

but then I realized she wasn't.

I-I, I just,
I didn't know what to do.

I'm sorry, Hannah.

Dealing with that alone,
it must have been hard.

Why didn't you tell us?

Well, I was going to.
It's just... (sniffles)

It's embarrassing, you know?


I am the queen of embarrassing.

Yeah, but this is,
this is different.

It shouldn't be.

We're best friends.


We're here for you.

So am I.

And so are your parents,

We all would've been
happy to listen.

Leah was my problem.

Like Amy was my problem?

We still dealt with it together.

That's what we do.

So let us help. Please?

(Hannah sniffles)

Thank you. Come again.

Why is the oven still on?

I thought you were
finished baking.

I was. That's a new batch.

We already sold out
of the first.

You moved a dozen loaves
of pluot walnut bread

in half a day?

Yeah. Check out the receipts.

It's almost double the sales
of the old recipe.

Like I said, we're pluot proud.

Fair enough. You can't argue
with the numbers.

It might even be worth
asking the main office

about a permanent change
to the recipe.

-You'll put me on the menu?
-Not my call,

-but I can run it up the chain.
-And I'll get a cut?

-You'll get on the menu.
-Good enough.

Kelly, I know you love
the magic, but this is too much.

You're one to talk.

You've been helping me
the whole time.

You didn't exactly
give me a choice.

Like you didn't give me a choice
at the Pluot Festival?

Come on.

That wasn't nearly as bad
as this.

You froze the town.

The point is, you can't
keep the book forever.

I need to keep the book.

If it moves on,
it'll just end up with someone

like Jill or Chuck or... you.

I can't let that happen.

So all this is about
protecting the magic?

I don't buy it.

We've always been
the best protectors.

We OCs didn't do such a bad job.


Okay, fine.

We deserve the magic.

More than anyone else.

That doesn't sound like
the Kelly Quinn I know.

Hannah and Darbie
can't be okay with this.

You didn't tell them.

I will...

when it's done.

And they'll be happy.

Now you definitely don't sound
like the Kelly Quinn I know.

Okay, I think we're done here.

Oh, let me guess...

you're going back on our deal?

Of course.

You're the one person
who might be able to stop me.

Covering your bases. Smart.

I was enjoying my vacation

until the magic came back.

I can't wait to go back
and forget all this drama.

Please, Mama P.

You love the drama.

Not anymore.

All I want now is to relax
on a beach

with a pineapple juice
and a cheesy novel.

I'm ready.

Go ahead.

Say good-bye to the magic.

Good-bye, magic.

I still can't believe you told
the school counselor about Leah.

I'm so proud of you.


Kind of proud of myself, too.

Though it meant I had to have
a sit-down conversation

with her and Leah after school.


It was really weird and awkward.

And there was a lot of crying.

From both of us.

Wait, Leah cried?

I didn't think she knew
what tears were.

Yeah, she really wasn't
as scary as I thought.

-What's up?

Jake, you got any more
of that pluot bread?

That stuff is
seriously the best.

Thanks, Darbie. I'll grab
you guys a couple slices.

Has the recipe made it
up the chain yet?

Well, it might take
a little while.

Erin has to talk
to the local manager,

who has to contact
the regional manager...

It's a long chain.

(phone vibrates)

Everything cool?

Yeah. It's Kelly.

Do you think it has something
to do with the bad guy?


And that's my cue to bounce.

I'll get you that bread.

-Thanks, Jake.

Hey, Kelly.

Hey, guys.
You won't believe this.

I came up with a recipe to
unmask the real Night Bandit.

Really? That's amazing.

Yeah. How'd you figure that out?

Just kind of came together.

That's great.

So what's the recipe?

I call it...

"Hook the Crook Casserole."

Huh. Not a big casserole fan.

Really not the point.

Once we make this spell,

it will all be over.

That's amazing, Kelly.

Yeah, the Night Bandit's
going down.

Let's cook tomorrow.

I'll see you then.


♪ ♪