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07x18 - Judge Not, For You Will Be Judged

Posted: 04/14/22 06:01
by bunniefuu
We need an experienced attending.

She's the one.

Good news... your drug test
came back negative.

Plan on doing it again next week.

Ms. Goodwin said it was just pro forma.

It's my E.D., not hers.

The spinal fusion... it'll
require at least two months

of rehab post-op.

We'll welcome you back
whenever you're ready.


I gotta assume that's your cover.

- What's your real name?
- When the case is over.

How'd you find me?

I'm resourceful when I need to be.

- This could be dangerous.
- I'm okay with dangerous.


You headin' out?

Less eyes the better.

You all right?

[SIGHS] We can't keep this up.


as long as we're careful...

At least let me make you
some coffee or something, huh?

Make it to go?


Hey, Milena, your alarm.



Hey, do you have a toothbrush I could...

What is this?

What are you doing with my bag?

You didn't answer the question.



[SIGHS] funds.

Department issued flash money,
all right?

So I can front like I wanna
make a purchase if I need to.

Yeah, there's at least
K or more in that bag.

Yeah, these aren't corner
boys slinging nickel bags.

You know, these people move weight.

Look, it's... It's on the up and up,

if that's what you're wondering.

You know what? I don't need this.

Dang it, Milena, wait.



You're not supposed to be here
until next week.

I know. [STAMMERS]
That was the strategy.

- Did you know about this?
- No, I swore Archer to secrecy.

I don't want anyone making a fuss.

You little... I have a banner

all ready to go to the printer, and...


This ain't over.

[CHUCKLES] Thank you.

- Put security on high alert?
- Yeah, she's harmless.

Oh, boy. Yeah.
Well, seriously, welcome back.

Thanks for holding things down for me

while I was out of commission.

- My brother in arms.
- Hey, forget about it.

Uh, matter of fact,
if you want a few weeks

to settle back in and hit your stride,

I'm more than happy to stay on as chief

till the end of next month.

Thanks, but you don't have to do that.

Hey, brothers in arms, you know?

Take your time. I got your back.

- It's moving, Daniel.
- Can I?

Yeah, yeah.
Constant movement all the time.

- Oh, my God.

When your mom told me
you were comin' in,

I just had to see this bump in D.

I know. She looks great, doesn't she?

- Well, she makes it look easy.

That's what it is, right?
Just like you did.

Look, I'll never forget
the night you were born.

I was working what was supposed to be

- my last shift at the hospital...
- I know, Ma.

You told me this story a million times.

No, but instead, my water
broke on my lunch break,

and you landed earthside
just about : p.m.

- Lucky for us all.

Look, I gotta get back upstairs.

But thank you so much for letting
me crash your time with your mom.

It's great to see you, Tara.

See you later, Daniel.

You know, I was glad I went
into labor at a hospital,

given what a difficult delivery
it ended up being.

I haven't changed my mind
about a home birth,

and I'm not going to.
This is what I want.

I know that, Tara.

I know that this is all
a bit unconventional...

Using a sperm donor,

choosing to have a kid on my own,

and now, home birth...

- Are you okay?

I'm fine. It's probably just gas.

My point is these were all
very considered

and well-thought-out choices.

And I'm not implying otherwise.

But unexpected things happen
when you go into labor.

I know that, and I'm prepared.

Let's just drop it, okay?

I'm gonna go to the restroom.

Tara, you're bleeding.

- Oh, my God.
- Wait, sit, sit.

Oh, my God, Oh, my God.


- Mom...
- Okay, it's okay.

- It's okay.

Come on, pick up.

Okay, Tara, have you experienced
any bleeding prior to today?

- Ah!
- No,

she hasn't had any bleeding.

I've had bleeding,
but nothing like this.

You have?

Did your doctor determine why?

Yes, a fibroid... it's pushing
on my uterine lining.

What? When did you doctor find it?

- First trimester.
- Oh, Tara.

You should've told me.

You know my history with fibroids.

Exactly. I didn't want you

to get worried. My doctor monitors it

at every visit. It hasn't grown.

There wasn't any reason to... Ah!

Okay, Ms. Goodwin, we've got her.

Yeah, we'll be by with an
update for you shortly, I promise.

Okay, just lay down.
I need you to calm down.

We're gonna get you an ultrasound, okay?

How far along are you?

- weeks.
- Okay.


- Talk to me.
- Gavin Wells,

-year-old male,
GSW to the right mid-chest.

- Okay, let's go to Baghdad.
- Unknown downtime

in the field. CPR initiated

when we got there.
ROSC obtained in the ambo.

BP / , heart rate , sats %.

- How'd this happen?
- Victim of a home invasion...

Shot by an intruder.
Neighbor called it in.

Okay, here we go, guys.

Nice and easy on my count, okay?

Here we go. One, two, three.

All right guys, help me roll him.

All right.
b*llet went through and through.

Put him down.

Got good pulses.

Good breath sounds on the left.

Nothing on the right.

Let's get a unit of whole blood
on the rapid transfuser.

All right, let's just get
chest x-ray goin'.

Sup with the clown suit,
sis? You workin' this case?

Brass has me workin' VRS on my days off.

What's that?

- v*olence reduction strategy.
- Oh.


- Right hemopneumothorax.
- He needs a chest tube.

I got it. Curly, set me up.

What else do you know?

Forced entry, signs
of a struggle at the scene.

Good news... the assailant
was a real genius.

Left the w*apon behind.

- Semi-a*t*matic r*fle.
- Was Gavin the only one?

Yeah. His wife and kid were
out of town for the weekend.

They're on their way here now.

Okay, here we go.

Submucosal fibroid looks like
it's degenerating.

And becoming necrotic.

Putting Tara at high risk for
pre-term labor and sepsis.

All right, let's load her up
with of indomethacin

and we'll start triples, yeah?

But the fibroid has also grown

since Tara's last ultrasound.

If this trend continues,
it'll lead to fetal growth restriction.

Well, yeah,
there's a good chance of that,

but that's a conversation
for another day.

Well, I think that's a conversation

we need to have with Tara right now.

Well, why?

We can't do anything for the fetus

except watch and wait.

Hey, what about a myomectomy?

For a pregnant person?
Are you out of your mind?

The possibilities of
hemorrhaging are too great.

We can give Tara TXA during surgery,

help minimize with blood loss.

All right, so
you're suggesting that we risk

- Mom's life to save the fetus?
- That is not true.

A myomectomy will also help

prevent against sepsis
and organ damage in Mom.

Look, I know
it's an unorthodox approach.

- I get that.
- That's an understatement.

By all means, share your
reservations with Tara.

But she deserves to know
all her options.


I said no! No, no hospital!

Ma'am, lie back, please.

-year-old female pedestrian
struck by a motor vehicle,

loss of consciousness at the scene.

GCS of , BP / ,

Heart rate , sats are %.

- Maggie, another set of hands.
- Hey, hey, whoa!

- Let me go!
- Whoa, easy, easy.

We have to check you out.

All right, let's transfer on my count.

Everybody ready?

One, two, three.

No, I have to leave. Let me go.

- [WHIMPERING] Oh, no, I...
- Ma'am, please.

- Take a deep breath.
- No.

- Okay?
- I can't... I can't be here.

Clear breath sounds bilaterally.

- Pupils equal and reactive.
- Okay, talk to us.

What's going on?

I promise we'll take care of you.

I... I'm not a citizen.
I don't have papers.

Hey, no one here's gonna report you.

Okay? You're safe.

- Can you tell us your name?
- No, no.

- I don't want it in computer.
- We'll keep you anonymous

in the system.
But what should we call you?


- Okay.
- Okay, Lia, I'm gonna check

your belly for areas of tenderness.

Ah, ah.

Ow! Aah!

All right, need a CT of the belly.

Also chest and pelvis x-rays,
CT head and c-spine.

Hey, Lia, just
try to get some rest, okay?

We'll be back shortly.

- Crockett.
- Yeah?

Mrs. Wells, I'm Dr. Scott.
This is Dr. Marcel.

It's Darlene. My sister Krystal.

How's Gavin? Is he...

We have a daycare for the children.

Yeah, lots of toys and snacks.

- I can take them.
- Okay.

Go with the nice lady, kids.
We'll be by soon.

You guys wanna follow us?

Unfortunately, though Gavin's
pseudo-stable at the moment,

his chest tube
is still putting out blood.

Oh, my God.

If it doesn't stop, we're
gonna have to open up his chest

to see where the bleeding's coming from.

Darlene, I'm so sorry.

I should've let him come
along with you and the kids.

- If I had...
- Krystal, stop.

If he has to have surgery,
will he be okay?

Um... your husband
arrested in the field.

Paramedics don't know how long
his brain went without oxygen.

We won't know until Gavin wakes up

whether he suffered
any cognitive impairments.

You mean like
he might not be able to talk?

Or feed himself?

That is a possibility, yes.

No... no, Gavin wouldn't
want to live like that.

We've talked about this type of thing.

Well, not this, but...

you know, if something were
to happen to either of us...

You're saying if Gavin's heart

would've stopped beating again,

you don't believe
he'd wanna be resuscitated?

Did he put that in writing somewhere?

No, he just told me so.

Said he wouldn't want to be a burden.


With your husband unconscious,

you can make decisions on his behalf.

You know, we can note in
Gavin's chart that he's a DNR,

meaning no life-saving measures
will be performed

if his heart stopped again.

I'm sorry to interrupt.

Mrs. Wells, your son is asking
for his blanket.

- I'll get it.
- No, I... could use some air.

Excuse me.

Things have been rough
between Gavin and Darlene

for a while now.

I think she's in shock or something.

We see that a lot. Give her some time.

Gavin's a gambler...
Bankrupted the family.

I've been writing Darlene
to divorce him.

Told him he wasn't welcome
at my house this weekend.

If I had known...

What happened is not your fault.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Lia's really anxious to get out of here.

- Those her scans?
- Yeah.

She's got a crack, and
one looks like a small blush

on her liver.
Radiology won't commit, though.

Yeah, definitely murky.
I mean, it could be

an active leak or just be a vessel.

Let's watch and observe.

If her hemoglobin drops,
we send her to angio.

I don't know.
With her so antsy to leave,

safest bet might be
to call up to angio now.

Once they're in,
they can see what's going on,

embolize if they need to.

Fair point. I'll put in the order.

Dr. Halstead,

Dr. Shentu would like
to see you in his office.

Dr. Halstead, come in.

Our legal department just got a call.

Authorities are contacting
local hospitals

looking for a Petra Katsner,

German, years old.

she's in the country illegally.

We're not required to comply
with requests for information

when it comes to undocumented patients.

Yes, I am aware of hospital policy.

We've got a couple patients
without ID in the hospital.

It looks like
you're treating one in the E.D.

She match that description?

Nah, doesn't sound like it.

All right then.
That's all I need from you.


Why are we even playing ball with them?

Hospital's supposed to be a safe haven.

This is a special circumstance.

Ms. Katsner is suspected
of international kidnapping.

Apparently, she abducted the child

she shares with her husband
then fled Germany.

I see.

- Let me know if she turns up.
- Yeah.

Without surgery,
what's the baby's prognosis?

Well, lots of women with fibroids

go on to have uncomplicated births.

While that is true, in your case, Tara,

the fibroid has grown and is impinging

on your uterine cavity.

It's likely only a matter
of time before it impedes

the fetus' ability to grow and develop.

Uh, why don't you give us
some time to talk it over?

No... no, that's not necessary.

I wanna do the surgery.


You had a myomectomy yourself, Ma.

Not while I was pregnant.

If you were to start bleeding
during the operation,

and they couldn't stop it,

they'd have to remove your uterus...

- I understand that.
- Look, I know you're worried

about the baby, but you cannot
jeopardize your own health.

Please don't tell me
what I can and can't do.

- Tara...
- I understand the risks,

and I wanna proceed with the surgery.

- Tara...
- I'm sorry, Mom,

but either support my decision,
or just go.

How's Gavin? He awake yet?

Not yet. We're transfusing him,

but he's still bleeding.

There's still a chance
things will turn around though.

- Any leads on that r*fle?
- Yeah, actually.

g*n's registered to Gavin.

He must've confronted
the offender, struggle ensued,

the intruder got ahold of the w*apon...

I didn't see
any defensive wounds on Gavin.

Nope, nothing.

Maybe he didn't confront the person.

Maybe it was a surprise attack.
They caught him off-guard.

But with his own r*fle?

Would've had to have been
someone close to him.

- Right.
- You know, Gavin's wife

was stoic earlier.

Her sister did say they were
having marital troubles too.

She told us that in confidence.

Appreciate the lead, fellas.

Okay, we'll let you know
if and when he wakes up.

Hey, Z, hold up.

Question for you: flash money, right?

In an undercover investigation,
what does that roll look like?

For a staged buy?

Probably like Gs.

Small bills... Look like street money.

Small bills, not , K, right?

K? Hell no.

Brass would not let you keep
that much bread on you.

You're a sitting duck.

Lia, you gotta give us something.

If you're in trouble,
if you're running from someone

or something, we need to know.
- We wanna help,

but if what the authorities
are saying is true...

- If you abducted your child...
- It's true, okay?

I took him. My son.

- Where is he?
- Karl is with good friends.

He's safe.

See, here.

Daphne, my friend,
just sent me this picture.

- All right.
- No, no, you don't understand!

I didn't have a choice.

Hans, my husband...

I have tried to leave him so many times.

- Did he do that to you?
- Yeah.

The first time I tried to leave,

and here, this...
The second time, Hans' ring.

Has he been violent with your son?

When Karl was just a baby,

he grabbed him out of my arms
and held him over...

Over a -story balcony.

He said that he would drop him
unless I promised to stay.

Oh, God.

I'm so sorry, Lia.

I mean, can you press
charges, divorce him?

No, he will k*ll me! Do you understand?

If I take him to court,
even if I win custody,

it doesn't matter! He is a powerful man.

- He's well-connected.
- Okay.

What about filing for asylum
here in the U.S.?

It is very difficult to get asylum.

My chances are not good.

I... I never filed a report back home.

I have no records,
and I was too frightened.

If I lose the petition,
I will be deported.

But if the authorities
are looking for me,

I must leave now.
I can't have an operation.

[CRYING] Please.




Check his numbers and then
run another blood panel.

- Hey.
- Yeah?

- I just spoke with Zora.
- Okay?

Turns out Gavin recently purchased

a life insurance policy,
like less than six months ago.

Darlene's the beneficiary.

Considering the financial distress

he put the family under,

a payout like that could go a long way.

Yeah. [SIGHS]

So the police think
Darlene's the sh**t?

- The motive's there.
- Yeah.

- Some help in here.

He's in V-fib.

- The DNR, we can't honor it.
- Man, I don't know.

If there's foul play? Bro...

- What's happening?

- Is he...
- No pulse, heart stopped.

Oh, God, Darlene.


- Okay.
- Initiating CPR.

- What does that mean?
- We're resuscitating him.

What? No!

Nancy, charge to .

I said charge. Let's go.

The hospital's assuming
decision-making authority

- over Gavin.
- Why? I'm his wife.

- Charged.
- Here we go, clear.



Milligram of epi.
Charge. Let's go, come on.

Continuing CPR.

- Charged.
- Here we go, clear.


Okay, we got sinus rhythm.

All right, Nancy,
you go ahead and call the ward.

- Tell 'em we're comin' up.
- Why did you do that?

[YELLS] Why?

All right, let's go, guys.
Come on, let's go.

It looks like Lia's telling the truth.

Husband's a partner at a major firm,

a lot of political capital,

and he's been in the media
more than once for as*ault.

He punched out a waiter,
got into it with a reporter,

and manages to beat the charges
every time.

- What a prick.

I mean, what are we supposed to do?

Lia wants to leave AMA.

I think we have to let her, Mags.

It's not safe for her to stay here.

Cancel angio, and I'll show her

how to care for her injuries
on the road.

She may not have an issue
after she leaves here.

We don't even know
if she's actually bleeding.

But if she stays...

Listen, I really wanna help Lia.

But what are we supposed to do?

Discharge her without notifying Randall?

Without a court order,
we are under no obligation

to give her up.

All right.

I'll call upstairs.

All right.

Hey, Mags, I don't think
we should read Ethan in

on any of this.

You know how he can be a stickler

for following the rules.


I'm with you.

Any news?

Uh, yeah, she just went into surgery.

I tried to talk her out of it, Daniel.

But they said they'd send
an update within the hour.

I'll let you know when I hear something.

You'll let me know?

I ain't goin' nowhere.

Shelling out the fibroid. Bovie, please.

What? What is it?

Look at that.

It's another fibroid.

Ah... it's right behind the first one,

and it's necrotic.

All right, people. Change of plans.

Prepare to close.

Wait, what? No, we're not closing.

If anything, the second fibroid

makes the removal even more pressing.

There's even less space
than we thought for the fetus.

This is no longer
the operation Tara agreed to.

The risks
have increased significantly...

The additional fibroid, its location...

Complicates the procedure,
yes, but I'm confident

that I can still
remove both fibroids safely.

Well, I'm not.

So pack her with warm moist laps,

and do not do anything else
until I get back.

Where are you going?

I'll be right back.


So you think the second
fibroid is parasitic?

That's why it didn't
show up in the ultrasound.

It was hiding behind the first one.

What's your QBL so far?

Ah, we've lost about
a liter of blood at this point.

[GROANS] Now, Ms. Goodwin,

you are Tara's surrogate, all right?

It's your call. I recommend we close.

And I would strongly urge against it.

I've seen worse cases
in my training, and if we don't

remove those fibroids,
I fear Tara will become septic.

Which is why we continue her
on antibiotics.

She's already under and responding well

to the anesthesia.
We've made the incision.

Both Tara and her baby are
gonna be so much better off

if we just proceed.

It's too risky.

- Close her up.
- Very well.

I'm sorry, but no.

I'm sorry. I don't feel comfortable

just abandoning my patient's wishes...

Excuse me, this is my daughter...

When I see a clear path forward.

I'm requesting
an emergency ethics committee.


Since your accomplice
is currently in surgery,

I'll leave it up to you
to explain what the hell

you both were thinking
overriding Gavin's DNR.

The DNR has only been
in place for a couple of hours.

It's still legally binding.

All right. I got some intel

about Gavin's attack,
but I can't share it with you.

It's a part of an on-going
police investigation.

Well, you're going to be
forced to share it

when you're deposed
by his wife's lawyers.

She has every right to bring
suit against this hospital.

Off the record,
all right, Darlene is currently

a person of interest
in this investigation, okay?

If she did this,
and it looks like she did,

legally and morally, I couldn't
just let her finish the job.

I wasn't just gonna let a man die.

Just better hope he wakes up...

for his sake and yours.


She's hypotensive.

Order two units of whole blood.

- Lia, talk to me.
- Everything is spinning.

The room...

Yeah, your blood pressure dropped.

That's why you're feeling dizzy.

Maggie, grab the transport team.

Alert angio.

We need to get her back
on the schedule immediately.

Back on the schedule? Who canceled it?

No, no. I have to leave.

Lia, a dip in blood pressure
is a sign of internal bleeding.

If we don't embolize, you could die.


Come on, people. Let's move.

What's going on?

Somebody better start talking.

- What's going on?
- The ethics committee

ruled in Dr. Asher's favor.

They're proceeding with the surgery.

Oh, well, so what's your plan?

I'm gonna urge them to reconsider.

You know they're not gonna allow that.

- We'll see.
- Sharon.

- Daniel, please.
- Look.

You brought Dr. Asher back here
because you believe in her.

Right, her judgement, her skill...

Now's the time for you
to trust that decision.

Why didn't you read me
in from the start?

Were you just never gonna tell me?

Discharge her from under my nose?

You weren't exactly forthcoming.

You're treating her. I know she's here,

and the last thing we need
is another FBI raid.

- Did you know about this?
- No, he didn't, Dr. Shentu.

Neither did Maggie.

Fine. You're benched.

Dr. Choi, you're running point.

As soon as Ms. Katsner
gets out of angio, let me know.

Hospital security
will keep guard over her.

Will do.

Hey, Ethan, man, listen.

Hey, you process the scene?
Street cams give you anything?

No, bad neighborhood.

Cameras were busted out long ago.


- What about her alibi then?
- Checks out, D.


Cameras in a local diner
have Darlene and her sister

eating breakfast at the time
of the home invasion.

She couldn't have done it.
It wasn't her.

Extracting the second fibroid.

Watch out for the pedicle.
It's really vascular.

I can see that.

All right. Got it.

Damn it. Lap.

You must've perforated the artery.

That's the only way to get it out

without transecting the vessel.


She's hypertensive. Trigger the MTP.

Laps and suction now.


I still can't see where...


There it is. See it?

Yep, clamp.



Okay, BP's goin' up.

I'll take a Vicryl on a CT- .

All right...

Here we go...


All right.


Let's close the deep layers first.

All right.

I'll let Ms. Goodwin know
we're over the hump.

Okay, so it was touch and go.
The surgery went well.

Gavin's stable,
should be awake in a few hours.

We'll know then whether
he suffered any deficits.

But look, there's something
else, could be nothing,

but when we were preparing
Gavin for recovery just now,

I noticed a nasty bruise on his toe.

Must've been a hematoma in the joint.

Blood finally reached the surface.

Wait... was it his big toe?

Yeah, why?

When you sign up
for a new insurance policy,

if you die by your own hand,

does your family still get a payout?

They don't. Most plans have a clause.

If you die by su1c1de
within the first two years,

they won't pay out anything.

We need to get an X-ray
on Gavin's foot, all right?

- Zora...
- I'll grab a kit...

Swab for g*nsh*t residue.




Hey, my sweet girl.
Hey, how you feelin'?

Mm, sore.


Dr. Asher came by
while I was in recovery.

She said that the baby's gonna be okay.

Yes, I know.

But there's something
that I have to tell you.

While you were under,

there was a decision
that had to be made quickly.

Dr. Asher told me what happened.

I just need you to understand...

I do.

I do understand.

Mom, when I found out I was pregnant,

the mama bear instincts just kicked in.

All I cared about was
protecting this baby, and...

Sometimes I forget
that I'm your baby too.


You know...


when you were in my belly,

you could not be still,

and when you entered this world,

it was the same way:
always testing the limits.

And your patience. [BOTH LAUGH]

I am so in awe

of your fearlessness, Tara.

I know I don't make it easy.

If you made it easy,
you wouldn't be a Goodwin.



Is this lady harassing you?

I'm pretty sure you're supposed
to be getting your rest.

Oh, look at that.

I'm very glad you're all right.

Thank you.

Wait for me. I'll walk out with you.


I love you.

I love you.

Dislocated big toe,
and a metatarsal fracture.

Yeah, recoil of a g*n could cause

- that kind of damage for sure.
- Yep.

Hey. My guy swabbed Gavin,

found g*nsh*t residue
on his foot and leg

from where the cartridge released.

Yup, he used his big toe
to pull the trigger.

It's the only way he could
sh**t himself in the chest.

- Yep.
- Your patient Gavin Wells is awake.

Oh, okay.

- Keep pushing against my hand.

Go on.

There it is. That's really good.

You can relax, Gavin.

- It's really good.
- Yeah, it's good.

I think so.

I'm sorry.

What were you thinking?

That you and the kids...
you were better off.

You'd have some money,
you could start over.

Um, we'll give you two some time.

Yeah. Check back later.

Okay, so it doesn't seem
he suffered any deficits.

You mind putting that in for me, Kim?

You think he's up for a chat?
I need to get a statement.

Maybe give them some time first.

Crazy way to make amends.

Yeah, sad situation all the way around.

All right, guys. Well, I gotta head back

into the E.D. Officer Scott.

- Zora, nice to meet you.

Hey, hey, man.

Uh, look, I know I put you
in a real tough spot today...

Going out on a limb,
asking you to come with me.

Hey, we gave Gavin
a second shot at life...

Gave those kids their dad back, right?

Glad I followed your lead.

Hey, any updates on Lia?

Come on. Is she...

We're fully committed to transparency

with the police, I can assure you, okay?

I don't believe this.


What do you mean
you don't know where she is?

[SIGHS] I told you not
to let her out of your sight.

Get out of here.
I'll deal with you later.

What's going on?

I'm sorry. I don't know what happened.

She was in surgery and she
came back down for post-op,

and when I checked on her, she was gone.

She must've left somehow.


- I thought we were past this.
- What?

When you question my decision-making,

you're questioning
my competence as a doctor.

Whoa, it's just a difference of opinion.

Okay, I get it.

I'm a recovering addict,

and I know that I need
to earn my reputation back

with everyone at this hospital.

But with you, it doesn't feel
like that's ever gonna happen.

Bottom line, whatever
crap you're putting on me,

figure it out, because
I will not be undermined again.

Sorry to interrupt, Dr. Asher.

Ms. Goodwin would like
to see you in her office.

I had my friend waiting
for her in the car outside.

He's an immigration attorney.

Does he think that there's

any way that Lia can stay
in the country legally?

I mean, he confirmed
there's a high bar for asylum.

But he offered
to review her case pro bono.

Well, look, I think
it goes without saying,

we should've read you in from the start.

Yeah, you should've.

Yeah, but, come on, given your history

you understand why we didn't.

What's goin' on?

A lot has changed for me
in the past few months.

Maybe we can leave it at that for now.

Fair enough.

- Just glad to have you back.
- Thanks.

Hey, Dean.

Uh, just wanna thank you

for staying on as chief a bit longer.

I do think I could use some time.

Of course.

Ms. Goodwin, I understand
why you'd be upset,

but my first responsibility
will always be to my patient.

Tara put her trust in me, and I...

And I would say you
more than honored that trust.

I owe you an apology, Dr. Asher.

I know how much you care about this job.

It means everything to me.

You stood up to a parent today,

who also happens to be your boss.

Very bold.

But you made sure
your patient's voice was heard.

Thank you.

Thanks for meetin' me.

I'm not even sure why I'm here.

Milena, I know
you lied to me this morning.

Did you really call me here

just so that we can argue some more?

- Let me finish.
- Yes, I lied, okay?

You put my back against the wall.

I know that...

and I'm sorry.


I shouldn't have pressed you,
but I didn't know if you were

- in danger, or...
- Or if I was dirty?

I'm an ex-cop.
Thought crossed my mind, yeah.

But I realize that, you know,
however things might look,

there's probably more to the story.


and I don't wanna endanger myself.

I don't... I don't wanna endanger you,

and I don't wanna
jeopardize this investigation

because you can't handle
being in the dark.

I can handle it.

Are you sure?

I'm sure.

I care about you, Milena.

And I won't put you
in that position again.