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07x20 - Arctic

Posted: 03/31/13 18:26
by bunniefuu

Original Air Date on May 15, 2008

Previously on "Smallville" ...

I know you k*lled Lionel.

Lionel: Two lockets exist.

These keys unlock the secret of controlling you.

I tried to be your friend, Lex.

What happened to you?

Chloe: I'm a meteor freak.

Clark: You're my cousin, Kara. I care about you.

"The traveler will bring great change to the earth."

I just hope I can live up to what everyone thinks I'm supposed to be.

Lana: I love you, Clark Kent.

What happened?

It's Brainiac. He's done something.

Brainiac: You're too late, Kal-El.

What is he after now?


[ Groans ]

Edward: I'm Edward Teague, the last surviving member of Veritas.

You're so caught up in your own delusions, you've lost track of reality.

Someone has to protect the world, Clark.

If Lex knows that you're the traveler, game over.

And now the season finale of "Smallville."

Kara: Another secret identity, Mr. Teague?

Edward: Excuse me?

Kara: Why is it that when people are in trouble, they run to South America?

Edward: Young lady, when I chartered this jet, I was promised a discreet journey.

Kara: I'm not interested in having a conversation. I'm not big on small talk, either. I'd rather hear about Veritas.

Edward: Who are you?

Kara: Someone that knows The Traveler and that you tried to destroy him.

Edward: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Kara: You know ... for the last surviving member of a secret society, you're not a very good liar.

Edward: [ Grunts ]

Kara: The device that controls The Traveler ... where is it?

Edward: Let me go. [ Gasping ]

Kara: 20,000 feet up, Mr. Teague.

Edward: What the hell are you doing?!

Kara: Tell me where the device is, or you'll be starting your descent earlier than expected. One last chance. Tell me where the device is.

Edward: Lex Luthor. He might have the answers you're looking for.

Kara: Enjoy the rest of your flight.

Mr. Luthor?

Lex: Has the team reached the target?

We lost contact an hour ago. They may have run into a bad patch of weather, some kind of interference.

Lex: The satellite shows clear skies over the arctic.

They were less than 10 miles away when the signal cut out. We tried to get a visual, but there's no sign of them, just like the last team.

Lex: I thought the Bermuda triangle was somewhere a little more tropical. People don't just vanish off the face of plan find them.


Jimmy: Hey, boss. If this is about my article proposal, I got a great idea ... two-page spread, color glossies from the Kawatche caves. It'll make National Geographic look like a 10-cent travel brochure.

Lex: We'll talk about your proposal later.

Jimmy: Oh, okay.

Lex: Jimmy, my phone call to the Department of Domestic Security kept Chloe out of federal prison. Now I need your help.

Jimmy: What do you need?

Lex: Lois off my back. She's been asking too many people too many questions.

Jimmy: What can I do? I mean, Lois isn't exactly a pushover. It's impossible to break her full-court power of the press.

Lex: I'm well aware of your limitations. Just help her find some information.

Jimmy: Is any of this true?

Lex: What matters is you make her believe it's true.

Jimmy: So you want me to lie?

Lex: I want you to do whatever it takes.

Jimmy: Uh, Lex ...

Lex: Jimmy. It would be tragic if the DDS decided Chloe was a threat to national security after all.

[ Knocking on door ]


Lois: Hey, get the lead out, Smallville. Opportunity is knocking on your door.

Clark: Come on in, Lois.

Lois: Big news. An intern just got promoted to Chloe's old desk.

Clark: Am I supposed to be happy that someone took my best friend's job?

Lois: Absolutely. 'Cause it opens up a spot in the bullpen, and guess whose name is written all over it. Clark Kent. Got your application right here.

Clark: [ Chuckles ] That's never gonna happen. Now, if you would excuse me, I have chores to do.

Lois: Seriously, Clark, don't you think you're destined for greater things in life than working on a farm?

Clark: Even if I wanted the job, Lois, I'd never work for Lex Luthor.

Lois: [ Sighs ] Okay, then, why were you such great friends with the guy? Looking into Lex's past, I found out just how far you two go back. You're nothing alike. Why were you so close for so long?

Clark: Sometimes people don't turn out to be what you thought they were. Lois, if you're gonna continue working for Lex, promise me you'll be careful.

Lois: [ Chuckles ] Know, didn't know any better, Smallville, I'd think you were worried about me.

[ Door opens ]

Chloe: Hey, Lois. Can I talk to Clark for a second?

Lois: Yeah, I think we're done here. Just think about your future, okay?

Chloe: So, a private jet just went down over upstate New York. Three bodies were recovered, and one was identified as Edward Teague. I had to use every skill in my hacking arsenal, but once I found out about this plane crash, I made my way into the NTSB mainframe. Now, according to the flight plan, they were on their way to Buenos Aires. They were only in the air for about an hour when something shot out of the cabin like a m*ssile.

Clark: What do you mean, "shot out"?

Chloe: Well, the copilot went to the back to find out what was going on, and he asked unconscious.

Clark: Do they have any idea what it was?

Chloe: No. They found the black box, and I was able to download this audio.

Man: Something's wrong.

Man: Felt like some kind of collision in the cabin.

Man: We're losing air pressure. I'm going back to take a look. What the hell are you doing?!

[ Banging ]

Chloe: After that, it's all garbled. I tried running it through the filter about a dozen times, but I could only come up with noise.

Clark: Play it again.

[ Distorted tag ]

Kara: Tell me where the device is, or you'll be starting your descent earlier than expected.

[ Bang ]

Clark: Kara.

Chloe: Kara? What's she doing with Edward Teague?

Clark: I don't know. But I just heard her thr*aten to bring the plane down.

Chloe: Well, we both know how reckless she can be when she's angry. Maybe she found out that Teague was after you again.

Clark: There must be some other explanation, Chloe. She's not a k*ller.

Chloe: Look, Clark, I'm a fan of Kara's, as well, but unless you're hearing things, it sounds like she caused that accident. Remember what you said when she first got here? Just about every Kryptonian you've ever met turned out to be a cold-blooded k*ller.

Clark: I know her. She's my cousin. She's not a k*ller. I just need to find her. Is there any more audio?

Chloe: There's a little more noise.

[ Distorted talking ]

Chloe: What is it?

Clark: She's going after Lex.

Clark: What are you doing here, Kara?

Kara: Trying to protect you.

Clark: By threatening to k*ll Edward Teague? I heard the recording. Those men are dead. Tell me you're not responsible for their plane going down.

Kara: It's Teague's fault. If he hadn't gone after The Traveler, he'd still be alive.

Clark: We need to talk.

[ Air whooshes ]

Kara: Let go of me.

Clark: Kara, I've been worried about you. But I guess I should've been worried about everyone else. Have you come into contact with red kryptonite ... a ring, a necklace?

Kara: I stopped wearing jewelry.

Clark: Well, then, something must have happened when you went back to Krypton. Do you remember anything strange?

Kara: I'm fine, Kal-El.

Clark: Kara. Look, three people are dead because of you.

Kara: And if someone figured out how to control you, a lot more would die. You would be the most powerful w*apon on the planet.

Clark: No one is gonna control me anytime soon. Lex didn't find what he was looking for.

Kara: You think that's gonna stop a man like him? Get your head out of the clouds, Clark.

Clark: Something's wrong with you, Kara. You need to stay here till we figure out what it is.

Kara: You can turn a blind eye. But I'm gonna do whatever it takes to save Earth.

[ Air whooshes ]

[ Horn honks ]

Lois: Wow. I know the Daily Planet's not half as hip, but last I checked, your desk is still in the bullpen, you know, across the street.

Jimmy: Well, I doubt Lex would be thrilled if I spilled all his secrets in the same place he signs my checks. Plus, this place has an epic happy hour.

Lois: Well, speaking of secrets, I found something out about those mystery expeditions he's been sending to the North Pole. Either he's planning a hostile takeover of Santa's workshop, or he's doing something illegal. And since I'm sure Lex isn't into the Christmas spirit, what's the scoop?

Jimmy: Well, I'm sorry to say it. He's just scouting for new places to drill oil. What?

Lois: Where did you find that out?

Jimmy: I ... heard a reporter talking about it on the third floor.

Lois: Who?

Jimmy: You know, I don't know. I-I just kind of overheard it. I mean, you've been up there. It's crowded.

[ Chuckles ]

Lois: [ Chuckles ] Okay.

Jimmy: Would you just take a look? Surveyor photos of potential drilling sites.

Lois: How did Jimmy Olsen manage to score such top-secret stuff?

Jimmy: Lex was having them sorted and scanned in the photo lab. I saw my opportunity, and I took it. Just like you taught me.

Lois: Guess I've been so focused on Lex, I've been looking for a villain in everyone, even you. Sorry.

Jimmy: Hey, it's ... it's no big deal. Really.

Lois: Got more game than I thought.

Jimmy: Thanks.

[ Sighs ]

Lex: Kara?

Kara: The little "V" with the stars ... something to do with Veritas, right?

Lex: I don't know what you're talking about.

Kara: [ Chuckles ] Why is it that every time I bring up Veritas, people seem to suffer from sudden amnesia? A secret society formed to control a powerful alien from another planet? "Veritas" also means "truth." So, what do you say we have some right now?

Lex: Look, I don't know who you've been talking to ...

Kara: I know about the transmissions sent to Virgil Swann, the ones telling him where to find the device to control The Traveler.

Lex: How did you hear about that?

Kara: The Traveler and I ... ... we're from the same planet. You don't believe me.

Lex: [ Gasps ] [ Breathes heavily ] The dam. You are the one who saved me. You kept denying it. Why? Why tell me now?

Kara: You didn't know it then, but I saved you for a reason, Lex. It is your destiny to defeat The Traveler. I know you have the device. Now all of the pieces are in place. Now it's up to you.

Lex: If you really believe I have this thing, why don't you just take it and do it yourself?

Kara: Apparently, the orb was built to protect the human race. So only a human can use it.

Lex: It showed me a set of coordinates somewhere in the Arctic. Directions to his fortress.

Kara: You need to take it there to control The Traveler.

Lex: Two of my advance teams, they ... they disappeared trying to get there.

Kara: They didn't have a Kryptonian to help them.

Lex: Well, y-you're talking about destroying one of your own kind. I'd always thought The Traveler was meant for good.

Kara: Even he thinks he is. When I went home to Krypton, I learned the truth about his fate. He won't save mankind. He'll destroy it.

Lex: Who is it?

Kara: Don't you already know?

[ Door opens ]

Chloe: Hey. Whoa. Breaking out the heavy a*tillery. It's not every day that you see Clark Kent clutching a box of kryptonite.

Clark: It's the only way to stop her.

Chloe: So, I'm guessing face time with Kara didn't go so well.

Clark: Kara's convinced that someone will try to use me as a w*apon. She thinks I'm not doing enough to stop it. What if she's right?

Chloe: Clark, Kara's a lot of things ... reckless, headstrong, possibly psychotic. But she's wrong about you. You've done everything you can to stop Veritas and more. You know that.

Clark: Obviously she doesn't.

[ Sighs ] Chloe, you're the only one who can help me.

Chloe: I'm always here for you, Clark.

Clark: Look, you ... you won't be doing it alone. We'll get her here together, and I'll stand right by your side.

Chloe: Clark, if we're gonna wield this kind of weaponry, don't sh**t yourself in the foot. This little green rock will knock down every Kryptonian in the room. You can't be around when we lift the lid. I can do this.

Your jet's fueled and waiting, sir.

Lex: Tell them one more passenger is coming.

Jimmy: Uh, where are we going?

Lex: You're not going anywhere, Jimmy.

Jimmy: Look, I know that you're busy, Lex. I just wanted you to know that I did what you told me to do. Lois thinks that you're all about the oil up north now.

Lex: Well done.

Jimmy: So, I guess wax on, wax off, we're even now, right?

Lex: I believe our arrangement has just begun. I want regular reports on Miss Lane's activities.

Jimmy: Hey, I did what you said. I shouldn't have to spy for you, too. That's not fair.

Lex: Life is rarely fair, Jimmy.

Jimmy: Look, Lex, I would really like to help, but lying, it's just, uh, you know, it's not my thing. I mean, I-it's eating me up. It actually ... it's making my stomach hurt.

Lex: Well, it' never too late to learn a new skill.

Jimmy: Look ... I'm sorry, I just ... I can't do it. But trust me, I'm not gonna say a single word to anyone about your ... oil drilling. Please, you got to understand. I can't spy on my friend.

Lex: I respect your integrity, Jimmy. It took a lot to come here and lay your cards on the table.

Jimmy: Thanks.

Lex: Now, if you'll step aside, I have a plane to catch.

Jimmy: You bet. Have a great trip, Lex.

Chloe: Kara, there's something wrong with Clark. He's convinced that if he destroys the fortress that no one will be able to control him. We're at my apartment. I need your help.

[ Air whooshes ]

Kara: Where's Clark?

Chloe: He's, uh, right back here. Why isn't it working?

Kara: Check the expiration date?

Chloe: Kara, there's something seriously wrong with you.

Kara: It was the only way ... you lied to me. Clark's not here.

Chloe: Oh, God.

Brainiac: I'm impressed. I wouldn't have thought a member of your weak-willed species, especially a friend of Kal-El's, could ever use kryptonite against his cousin.

Chloe: Let me go.

Brainiac: I remember you. Always sticking your pretty little head where it doesn't belong.

[ Metallic clicking ]

[ Panting ]

Brainiac: What the Hell are you?


Lex: Tell the pilot to start the engines.

I thought we were waiting for your guide.

Lex: I don't need her. Not sure I should even trust her.

But, sir, the last few teams have all disappeared.

Lex: I believe I have everything I need to reach my destination. This is meant to protect all humanity. It should protect me, as well.

You don't know that for sure, sir. It seems extremely dangerous.

Lex: It's worth the risk. We leave now.

I'm so sorry.

Clark: Brainiac.

[ Alarm blaring ]

[ Electricity crackling ] , [ Electricity crackling ]

[ Air whooshes ]

Clark: Kara never came back from Krypton, did she?

Brainiac: [ Chuckles ] It was, uh ... quite an impersonation, wasn't it?

[ Grunts ]

Brainiac: It was the only way I could return to Earth without you damaging me.

[ Crackling continues ]

Clark: You k*lled her.

Brainiac: Oh, no. Something much worse. You'll never see her again.

Clark: Where is she?

Brainiac: I warned you. If we had done things my way, no one would have gotten hurt ... no one but you.

Clark: So this is all about revenge?

Brainiac: [ Chuckles ] This is a simple matter of self-preservation. When I couldn't k*ll you, I knew I had to control you.

Clark: I'm in control now. And you will release Chloe! You'll release Lana!

Brainiac: The only way to save them would be to k*ll me now, in cold blood, which goes against everything you stand for. You could never deliberately take another man's life.

Clark: You're not a man. You're a machine.

[ Electricity crackling ]

Brainiac: You can k*ll me, Kal-El ... but your end is near. And there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Clark: You'll never hurt anyone else ever again.

Brainiac: Aah!

Clark: [ Grunting ] That's great news, Chloe.

Chloe: I'm glad you're okay.

Clark: I'll call you after I check on Lana.

Chloe: Lana? Clark? What happened? Is she okay?

Nurse: Miss Lang had a full recovery. It's something of a miracle.

Clark: Where is she? Can I see her?

Nurse: Oh, she's already checked out, but she wanted me to give you this.

Lana: I was going to, um, to talk to you in on. [ Voice breaking ] But I knew that if I looked into your eyes, I'd never be able to say it.

Clark: [ Exhales sharply ]

Lana: We thought that we were meant to be together, Clark. But the truth is, we were fooling ourselves. I need you ... but the world needs you more. And as long as I'm in your life, I am holding you back. Please, don't come after me. I love you, Clark ... more than you will ever know. I'm so sorry.

Clark: [ Inhales sharply ]

[ Clattering ]

Jimmy: Uh, or maybe, you know what? You're maybe not supposed to have caffeine, so maybe we'll just get you some, uh, some bottled water or some tap water. I know, some sparkling, because, you know, it matches your smile.

Chloe: Jimmy, I realize that I was the one that was just in the I.C.U., but you seem to be the one with marred motor skills. Are you okay?

Jimmy: Yeah. Okay. Chloe.

[ Inhales, exhales deeply] Until tonight ... I never thought that I would lose you. I mean, I know that we've been on again and off again and on again. But ... I figured even if we didn't end up together ... I could be happy just knowing you're in the world. Today, I ... I realized that that's not true. No, I mean ... I mean, of course I'm happy that you're in the world, but ... you mean so much to me, Chloe. And I want to spend the rest of our time in it together. It's all they had at the hospital gift shop, but ... I didn't want to wait. We can have "Breakfast at Tiffany's" in the morning. Will you marry me?

Don't move!

Jimmy: Hey, whoa, hey, hold on. This isn't right. What's going on?! Hey! Who do you guys think that you are?

[ Grunts ]

Man: Department of Domestic Security.

Chloe: Jimmy!

Man: Chloe Sullivan, you are under arrest.

Chloe: Jimmy, call Clark. Get Clark!

[ Panting ]

Jimmy: Clark?! Clark, are you here?! Clark?! Clark, Chloe was just arrested.

Clark: What?

Chloe: Her habitual hacking caught Uncle Sam's eye, so I ... I kind of went to Lex for help, and now he's holding it over my head.

Clark: You made a deal with Lex Luthor?

Chloe: Look, I told him to get another lapdog, Clark. Then he just ... he put her back on their most-wanted list.

[ Sighs ]

She went from life support to life without parole in less than a day.

Clark: Where's Lex now?

Chloe: Look, I don't know. I tried to get in contact with him, but he's off jet-setting around the Arctic Circle. And I know it's not drilling oil, 'cause he's gone way out of his way to cover his tracks in the snow.

[ Crackling ]

[ Air whooshes ]

[ Exhales sharply ]

Lex: I must admit, Clark. This is a big step up from the barn.

Clark: It's not what you think, Lex. You don't understand.

Lex: For the first time, I think I do. You see, you live among us as a mild-mannered farm boy. But secretly, you're a strange visitor from another planet, plotting our demise.

Clark: That's not what I'm doing at all.

Lex: It's a brilliant disguise, Clark. You don't even need a mask.

Clark: I'm not your enemy, Lex. I've never done anything to hurt you.

Lex: You didn't trust me. With everything you had, with everything you could do, did you ever think about what we could have accomplished together? I would have helped you become a hero.

Clark: When have you ever thought of anyone but yourself?

Lex: Right now. I'm doing this for the world. I have to protect the human race.

Clark: This is my life. You have no right to control it!

Lex: It's my birthright! After all my sacrifices, after all the pain, I finally understand. I was being prepared for a much greater destiny. Everything led me to this moment.

Clark: And we're both here. We're in that moment. And what happens next is your choice. But no one is controlling you, Lex. No one is forcing you to do this.

Lex: Who am I to turn my back on my fellow man? Especially after you turned your back on me? I'm sorry, Clark. But you are The Traveler. You hold the future of the entire planet in your hands. I'm here to take it back.

Clark: Lex.

Lex: You'll never thr*aten the world again ... Kal-El.

Clark: Lex, don't!

[ Whoosh ]

[ Crackling ]

[ Grunting ]

Lex: I loved you like a brother, Clark. But it has to end this way.

[ Crashing, rumbling ]

Lex: I'm sorry.

[ Crashing, rumbling