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07x18 - Apocalypse

Posted: 03/31/13 18:24
by bunniefuu

Original Air Date on May 1, 2008

Chloe: Hey, I must have tripped every speed trap in Smallville to get here. What happened?

Clark: I got another S.O.S. from Kara.

Chloe: And?

Clark: "Krypton will be destroyed any minute. "Brainiac is getting closer. Please, hurry. Your life depends on it."

So Brainiac used Kara to time-jump back to the day that the planet exploded. Which means that all he has to do is stop that ship that carried you as a baby from leaving Krypton, and ...

Clark: You would be standing alone in an empty barn.

Chloe: Clark, if they made the quantum leap, there must be a way you can, too.

Clark: Yeah. Kara mentioned the fortress has the ability to send me back. If I take the octagonal disk there, Jor-El can make it happen.

Chloe: Then, why are you still here? I mean, you should be halfway to Krypton by now.

Clark: I'm not going.

Chloe: But you have to stop Brainiac, or you'll fade away. I mean, this could happen at any moment.

Clark: I understand that.

Chloe: Okay, I know what you're thinking, Clark. The last time you meddled with the past, it lost your father his life. But, Clark, look at what's at stake. You don't have a choice.

Clark: I do have a choice, Chloe, and I'm making it right now. Ever since I arrived, all I brought is death and suffering, meteor freaks, phantoms ... ... or Brainiac.

Chloe: Clark, you've done so much good. You can't blame yourself for all the bad in the world.

Clark: It's not blame, Chloe. I'm taking responsibility for all the lives that I've ruined, including Lana's.

Chloe: Clark, this is not the time to be stubborn, okay? Don't do this. We need you. I need you.

Clark: Chloe, you'll be fine. Once I'm gone, you'll have no idea I was ever here.

Chloe: No, I'm not letting you off that easy. You're going back to Krypton now before it's too late.

Clark: This planet will be better off if I never existed.

Chloe: Oh, my god, Clark.

Clark: Chloe?

Man: Hey. What the hell are you doing on our property?

Clark: What? Who are you?

Man: I live here. I'm Clark Kent.

Other Clark: Hey. What are you doing?

Clark: I'm not in this picture. You're their son.

Other Clark: Yeah. And lucky for you, my dad didn't find you in the barn 'cause he'd be pulling out his 12-gauge right about now.

Clark: He's alive? Dad? Dad?

Other Clark: "Dad?" What's your problem? Look, nobody's home, all right? If you don't get out of my house, I'm calling the sheriff.

Clark: I never made it to Earth. I don't exist here.

Other Clark: Well, unfortunately, you do, and you still haven't told me why you're in my house.

Clark: I'm not sure. If I didn't get on that ship, then I shouldn't be here. But somehow I am.

Other Clark: The ship? All right, look, just relax, okay? I'll get you some help.

Clark: I need to talk to Jonathan and Martha.

Other Clark: Well, that's gonna be hard 'cause they're on a cruise, celebrating my dad's birthday. Look, anyways ...

Clark: Lana Lang. Is Lana okay?

Other Clark: I don't know who that is, but I'll call the sheriff, and I'm sure he'll know what to do.

Clark: No, it's all right. I just need to make sure all my friends are okay. I need to use your phone book.

Man: I'll be right back, hon.

Chloe: Okay, I'll meet you here.

Clark: Chloe. Chloe Sullivan ... Smallville high, class of '05?

Chloe: I'm sorry, my inner database is coming up empty. Do I know you?

Clark: Clark Kent? We went to high school together. You may not remember me. I was a bit of an outsider. Listen, I'm trying to find a mutual friend of ours. She's not in the phone book. Lana Lang?

Chloe: Uh, the cheerleader? We didn't exactly swim in the same social pond. I mean, to be honest, her blip fell off my radar the day after graduation.

Clark: But you were a reporter at The Torch, right? Maybe you can use some of your investigative magic, help me track her down?

Chloe: I would love to help, but we have somewhere we have to be.

Clark: Oh, you and your boyfriend.

Chloe: Fiancé, actually. The wedding's on Sunday.

Clark: Congratulations.

[ Chuckles ] That's great.

Chloe: So, you ready?

Man: Yeah. Your dad just called. He's waiting at the tuxedo shop.

Chloe: Okay. I'm sorry I couldn't help.

Clark: It's okay.

Man: Ready?

Chloe: I hope you find Lana.

Clark: Chloe. I'm really happy for you.

Chloe: Thanks.

[ Car door closes ]

[ Telephone ringing ]

Clark: Nice bow tie.

Jimmy: Oh, thanks. Yeah, it's a present from an old girlfriend. She might have taken my heart away, but she left me with a sense of style.

Clark: You're Jimmy Olsen, the photographer, right?

Jimmy: The one and only.

Clark: Every time I see a picture in the newspaper I like, your name's on it.

Jimmy: Really? You like my work?

Clark: Yeah.

Jimmy: I wish that you were my editor. I mean, she says that I have focus issues.

Clark: She should check her eyesight.

Jimmy: [ Laughs ] So, do you work here?

Clark: No, um ... I actually lost track of an ex-girlfriend. I was hoping the Daily Planet archives might help me find out where she ended up. Do you have any idea who might be able to help me?

Jimmy: You're looking at him. I'm always there for a loyal fan. Come on.

[ Telephone ringing ]

Jimmy: So, does this long-lost love have a name?

Clark: Lana Lang.

Jimmy: "Lana Lang." Uh-oh.

Clark: What is it? Is she okay?

Jimmy: Well, brace yourself. "After high school, Lana Lang studied art history at the Sorbonne where she met French philanthropist Pierre Rousseau." They're married, they have two kids, and they live in the city of lights. Sorry, buddy.

Clark: That's the best news I ever heard.

Jimmy: Really? I guess things turned out pretty good for her without you around.

Clark: I just want her to be happy. Thanks. [ Grunts ]

Lois: Clumsy but cute.

Jimmy: Hey, Miss Lane, looking for an ace photographer to sh**t tomorrow's column one?

Lois: Put your camera back in your pants, Olsen. I need you to make another delivery ASAP. Name's Lois, Lois Lane.

Clark: Clark Kent.

Lois: So, Kent, do you always bowl women over the first time you meet them?

Jimmy: Why, don't be so hard on him. He just found out that his old flame is doing the last tango in Paris with a French philanthropist.

Clark: It's not as bad as you think.

Lois: No need to put on an act. I know all about unrequited love. I have had more heroes exit stage left than a Greek tragedy. But you know what I find helps? Talking about it. I'm gonna be at O'Malley's after work. Find me, and I'll buy you a cold one.

Man: Lois Lane?

Lois: That's what it says on my Pulitzer.

Man: You're in possession of property belonging to the U.S. Government. Come with us. Hey, relax, tough guy.

Clark: What are you doing?

Man: This is official government business and doesn't concern you.

Lois: I'm a journalist. Hello, I've got rights here.

Off. You think the silent treatment's going to intimidate me. Well, it won't work. I want to call my lawyer. You hear me? I want my one phone call. Hey, at least loosen the cuffs. My fingers are going numb. Whoa, take it easy, He-man.

Clark: What just happened?

Jimmy: Not sure, but if the head of the DDS makes a house call, it's got to be serious.

Clark: DDS?

Jimmy: C-Span much? The Department of Domestic Security. That was Linda Danvers. She was appointed last month.

Clark: Who would appoint her?

Jimmy: The only person who can ... the President of the United States.

Clark: I still can't believe that Lex Luthor was elected President.

Jimmy: Hey, he played the fear card, got the most votes. End of civic class. Ever since he rounded up the meteor freaks, he's been a national hero.

Clark: Meteor freaks? There was still a meteor shower?

Jimmy: Uh, yeah, made headlines coast-to-coast. Luthor saved the day.

Clark: Does Lois' arrest have anything to do with Lex?

Jimmy: Oh, so now you're on a first-name basis with the president?

Clark: I just know he can be dangerous. Lois is a friend of mine. I don't want to see her get hurt.

Jimmy: Aren't you sipping the poison a little quick, Romeo? You two just met.

Clark: There must be some way we can help her.

Jimmy: Look, I'm just trying to keep my own butt out of an orange jumpsuit.

Clark: Tell me where they took her.

Jimmy: All I know is she dropped this mess in my lap, and I got to clean house before big brother comes knocking. Hey, give me that. What do you think that you're doing?

Clark: What does this mean?

Jimmy: [ Scoffs ] I'm just a messenger. Lois doesn't like courier services, so I make her deliveries.

Clark: Where were you taking it?

Jimmy: Oh, I guess you didn't get the memo that said, "Why should I tell you?" Oh, that's a good answer. It's the Ace of Clubs. Look for the suit at the end of the bar. That's all I know.

Clark: Your messenger days are over.

[ Door closes ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Clark: Sheriff Adams?

Nancy: Long time since anyone's called me by that handle. Do I know you?

Clark: I grew up in Smallville.

Nancy: [ Chuckles ] I kicked that town's dust off my boots a long time ago. What's your business here?

Clark: I'm making a delivery.

Nancy: Why the hell is this open?

Clark: I want to know what's going on, or Lois Lane won't be the only one in trouble with the government.

Nancy: You're out of your league here, slim. I am the government. Now, get back to Smallville before I lose my ladylike charm and arrest your hide.

Clark: You mean like you did to Lois Lane?

Nancy: Lane was arrested?

Clark: Don't act so surprised. They just pick her up this morning. Look, the DDS said that Lois was in possession of something that belonged to the government. Whatever it was came from you, didn't it? You're her informant.

Nancy: If anyone hears about this, I will hunt you down like a henhouse fox. Do you hear me?

Clark: I only want to help. Tell me where she is.

Nancy: If the department picked her, no one can help her now, not even me.

Clark: Just let me try.

Nancy: Don't bother. Just give it up.

[ Air whoosh ]

Clark: I don't give up. Tell me where I can find Lois Lane.

Bring her inside and lock her up. Don't let anyone talk to her until I have a turn.

Lois: Don't touch me. What is this place?

[ Air whooshes ]

[ Thuds ]

[ Air whooshes ]

[ Air whooshes ]

Clark: You okay?

Lois: Yeah. Talk about sweeping a girl off her feet.

[ snaps ]

Lois: Pretty handy having a meteor freak on my side.

Clark: I'm not a meteor freak.

Lois: Right. It may be a mess, but I thought Olsen's loft is the last place Luthor's storm troopers would come looking for us.

Clark: You mind telling me why you're public enemy number one?

Lois: I'm not. I happen to have a highly classified document that proves Luthor is putting the country in jeopardy. Look at this.

Lex: Satellite images have revealed that the enemy has deploy nuclear missiles within striking distance of our country. My fellow Americans, a threat in our own backyard will not be tolerated. This hostile action leaves us no option but to answer with force.

[ Beep ]

Lois: One little problem ... the threat is as phony as my uncle's hairpiece. The missiles don't exist.

Clark: It's no surprise that Lex would lie. But why would he create a national crisis that wasn't there?

Lois: While the DDS was chauffeuring me to my inquisition, I overheard an agent saying they were taking the eagle to the mountaintop.

Clark: It sounds like some kind of code.

Lois: It means they're moving Luthor to the NORAD bunker. They would only do that for one reason ...

Clark: Nuclear w*r.

Lois: And since the threat is fake, it means he has to give the enemy a sucker punch with a preemptive nuclear strike. I need to post the truth on the Planet's front page before Luthor presses the button.

Clark: But if Lex goes through with this strike, he's got to know that each side will destroy the other.

Lois: Well, that's what I don't understand. Luthor's not suicidal. Why would he want to hit Earth's delete key?

Clark: Because of him.

Lois: Milton Fine, the Chief of Staff? He's powerful, but we're not talking nuclear-b*mb powerful.

Clark: Somehow, he managed to get here.

Lois: What are you talking about?

Clark: He's behind it all, Lois. Milton Fine doesn't care what happens to this planet because he's not human. He's a machine.

Lois: He might come across a little stiff on "Larry King," but you're saying he's an android?

Clark: If I was here to take him on, none of this would have happened. I thought everything would be better off if I wasn't involved, but it turns out it's worse than I ever imagined.

Lois: I don't understand. How does any of this have anything to do with you? You're an android, aren't you?

Clark: I'm the one person who can defeat Fine. I need you to trust me.

Lois: [ Sighs ] Luthor's holding a press conference in Smallville in 20 minutes. The only way to stop his plan is to get to the briefcase with the nuclear-attack codes.

Clark: If I destroy it, then he can't initiate the launch.

Lois: They guard that nuclear football better than the Hope Diamond.

Clark: I'll get past security.

Lois: Wait. Even if you white-tornado your way in there, you're still gonna stick out like a red-and-blue thumb. You need to blend in. Olsen's roommate's about the right size.

Clark: Lois, we don't have time for this.

Lois: [ Scoffs ] Then, stop standing around. Strip.

Clark: All right.

Lois: Kent, this is no time to be modest. Armageddon's minutes away. Well done. Here. Put this on.

Clark: "Lois Lane"?

Lois: If anyone asks, it's a typo. Your name's Louis.

Clark: What's wrong now?

Lois: Something's missing.

[ Indistinct conversions ]

Lex: Considering your extraordinary abilities, it's hard to believe Miss Lane escaped from you, unless perhaps you wanted her to. After all the years we've been together, you turn on me now.

Kara: You're like my brother, Lex. You know I'll always be loyal to you.

Lex: Letting my enemies escape is an odd way of showing it.

Kara: You don't know your true enemy. His name is Milton Fine.

Lex: Really? My closest adviser, the man who got me elected?

Kara: He didn't do it alone. I used every ability I have to make sure you got what you wanted. All I ever wanted was for mankind to reach its highest potential. We're so close.

Lex: And you betrayed me the very moment I needed you most.

Kara: I've already seen one planet destroyed. I'm not gonna let it happen again. [ Sighs ] I confiscated this from Lois Lane's office. It's a memo signed by Fine authorizing the false reports. There are no missiles threatening us.

Lex: So, it's not betrayal I should fear from you, just a simple lack of faith.

Kara: I'd never doubt you, Lex. It's Milton Fine. Lex, what are you doing?

Lex: He was following my orders. You disappoint me, Kara. With everything my family's done for you, to question my judgment.

Kara: It's only because I care about you.

Lex: Since the day my father found your ship submerged in the Reeves Dam, he loved you like you were his own daughter. He died guarding your secret from the world.

Kara: I know, and I owe my life to both of you, but this country ...

Lex: What do you know about protecting this country? You are an alien. I am the President of the United States of America. By striking the enemy first, I am ensuring our survival. We will prevail. And through it all, I expect you to ... look at me. I expect you to stand by my side.

Kara: Of course, Mr. President.

Brainiac: [ Clears throat ] Sir, the press is gathering. You have two minutes. Great leaders are defined by the difficult decisions they make. Mr. President, history shall forever remember your name.

[ Air whooshes ]

Kara: This is a restricted area. Leave at once. Reporters ...

Clark: Kara, listen to me.

Kara: How do you know that name?

Lex: Because I'm from Krypton. I'm your cousin. I'm Kal-El.

Kara: I was sent here to k*ll you.

[ Air whooshes ]

Kara: I searched the globe and couldn't find you. Kal-El wasn't on the planet then, so how can you be here now?

Lex: You're right. I never existed in this world. But somehow I'm here. Time was altered. Something went wrong. I can't explain what happened. But right now, I need your help, and we need to get the briefcase with the nuclear codes away from Lex.

Kara: I trust Lex. And I'm gonna stand by his side, just like he's done for me all these years.

Lex: Kara, Milton Fine is Brainiac.

Kara: He made it to Earth? [ Scoffs ] It all makes sense. I should have seen it.

Lex: He couldn't let you. If you knew his true identity, you would have kept him from his mission. Kara, together, we can stop Brainiac once and for all.

Who's this?

He's from krypton. Please, just hear him out.

Lex, think about how you got to this point in your life, And you'll see that milton fine was the one who led you here. Lex, you know it's the truth. He's manipulating you. His goal is to gain access to this country's nuclear arsenal.

Sometimes things go so horribly wrong That the only way to fix them is by starting over.

Is that what fine says?

Lex, his goal is to destroy mankind. But not everyone. America's best and brightest are safe.

They've already been shuttled to bunkers throughout the country.

That doesn't make any sense. There will be nothing for them to come back to.

When the dust settles, we'll rebuild, and I'll lead the survivors into a new world.

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ Gasping ]

[ g*nsh*t ]

Ugh! Lex, what have you done?


Lex: I thought one day I might have to protect myself from you, Kara. I'm just sorry that day's finally here.

[ g*nsh*t ]



Lex: You were supposed to be by my side forever. Take Miss Danvers to the chopper and get her some medical attention. Keep her handcuffed at all times.

Are you all right, Mr. President?

Lex: Let's do it.

Clark: Lex, don't do this. It's not too late.

The future is yours, Mr. President.

Clark: Don't do it, Lex.

On my mark.

Clark: No.

Alpha, foxtrot, alpha, six, four, zero, four.

Code confirmed.

Clark: Stop! This is insane!

Initiate launch.

Brainiac: The team will assemble at the NORAD bunker, sir. I'll deal with the intruder. Security will meet you outside and take you to air force one. You will not keep me from the task I was programmed for. Zod is still alive. And trapped ... in the Phantom Zone. With the humans gone, I'll use Kara to release him through her fortress.

Clark: She'll never go along with it.

Brainiac: It didn't look like she had much fight left in her. But she'll heal. She's healthy. So is Lex Luthor ... the vessel. Together, they will repopulate the planet, and Krypton will rise again.

Jor-El: You cannot change the course of history, Kal-El.

[ g*nsh*t ]

Jor-El: You disappoint me, my son. You cannot question your destiny on this planet.

Clark: It was you! You wanted to show me what the world would be like if I wasn't here.

Jor-El: The disc in your hand revealed your misguided intentions. I was forced to show you the error of your ways. I sent you to earth for a purpose, Kal-El, one that cannot be taken lightly.

Clark: Send me back!

Jor-El: You must stop the Brain Interactive Construct from altering history and taking your life. You cannot fail. This time, there will be no second chances.

Chloe: [ Gasps ] Clark, what happened? [ Gasps ] I thought you were gone forever, and then a millisecond later, you're perfectly fine.

Clark: Chloe, there's still time. I have to make it right. I have to go to Krypton.

[ Baby crying ]

Brainiac: Hush, Kal-El. It's time to sleep. Not every boy grows up to be a hero. Kal-El will die on Krypton, and now you will share his fate.

Clark: I won't let that happen. You're gonna release Lana.

Brainiac: You can't stop me, Kal-El.

Kara: Clark, the baby.

[ Grunts ]

[ Baby cries ]

Brainiac: There's no yellow sun to charge you here. You're not in Kansas anymore.

[ s*ab ]

[ Gasps ]

Kara: [ Grunts ] Clark, get the baby on the ship now before it's too late. I'll handle Brainiac. Go!

[ Baby crying ]

Brainiac: [ Laughs evilly ]

[ Crashing ]

[ Whirring ]

Kara: Hurry, Clark. We have to leave.

Clark: Where's Brainiac?

Kara: He's gone. He's destroyed.

[ Whirring ]

[ Crashing ]

[ expl*si*n ]

Kara: Let's go. Come on, Clark. To the portal. We've got to go.

Clark: Please, let me know the minute anything changes. The nurse said Lana seems worse than ever. I know I destroyed Brainiac. I thought if he died, it would break his grip over Lana, but I was wrong. I don't know what else to do.

Kara: Clark, I am so sorry. You know, maybe if we reopen the portal to Krypton ...

Clark: We can't. As much as I want Lana well again, there's no going back.

Kara: But if we go back, there's so much more we could do. We could save our home.

Clark: You don't know how many times I wish I could've done that.

Kara: But you know it's possible. If we just find the right point in time, we can fix everything.

Clark: But how do we know we won't make it worse? We can't change the past, Kara. We can only affect the future.

Kara: Whatever that future is, I want you to know that I'll always be there. I'm here for you.

Lex: This place hasn't changed a bit since I last saw it.

Clark: What are you doing here?

Lex: You were the last person to see Lana while she was well. I figured you're the one to talk to if I have any chance of helping her.

Clark: No one's asking for your help.

Lex: I'm only trying to save her, Clark. I had the best medical minds in the world examine her.

Clark: Is there anything the doctors can do to help her?

Lex: They tell me her condition is unlike any they've ever seen. Several specialists described it as almost alien.

Clark: So you're telling me the best doctors in the world can't do anything to help Lana?

Lex: Unfortunately, they've all come to the same conclusion. Her state is irreversible. That's why I came to you, Clark. If we could find out what triggered Lana's syndrome, maybe we could have hope. Think, Clark. She was living with you. Is there anything you can remember that might explain how this could have happened? If there's something you left out that you'd like to share, you know where to find me.

[ Beep ]

Lois: This is a new side to Clark Kent ... mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper.

Clark: Don't worry, Lois, I'm not after your job. I'm just borrowing The Planet's database. Jimmy sent me up here. I hope it's okay.

Lois: Hey, mi desktop es su desktop. What are you looking up?

Clark: Oh. I'm no expert, but I'm sure that someone is out there who can help Lana.

Lois: [ Scoffs ] You know with all my years of watching "Dr. Phil," you'd think I could come up with the perfect thing to say, but I'm drawing a blank.

[ Clears throat ] I don't do well with sad.

Clark: Don't beat yourself up over it, Lois. It's okay.

Lois: No, it's not. Smallville, you were there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on, and I am blowing this big-time. Look, I-I just wish I could make everything all right.

Clark: You're a good friend, Lois.

Lois: Hey, you know what? Why don't we go drown our sorrows? Why don't I buy you a brew? You look like you could use one. Seriously, check out your driver's license. We're legal now.

Clark: Lois, I'm not really into the whole nightlife scene.

Lois: Well, I will have to take that as a challenge. The first round is on me.

[ Grunting ]

[ Glass shatters ]