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02x17 - Just Add Time

Posted: 04/13/22 15:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"Just Add Magic"...

Why would she lie to Jake
about being sick?

definitely up.

I have the book now,
and I plan on keeping it.

- You stole it from us.
- Hey, I had it first.

- Found it in high school.
- Gina: This man knows
how to use the book?

- He's a former protector.
- There were other protectors
after us?

Who are you?

We're all in danger.
Someone knows about the magic.

- Who? Who knows
about the magic?
- I-- I'm sorry, what?

Why would someone
spell R.J.

so that he'd forget about
the magic?

I don't know,
but someone's out there.

And they're dangerous.


[glass clinking]


This is serious,

Who would erase R.J.'s
knowledge of magic?

Who could erase R.J.'s
knowledge of magic?

- Scott: Kelly?
- I'll be right there.

It wasn't us and it wasn't
one of the OCs

That means someone
we don't know about
is doing magic.

Scott: Kelly!

If R.J. was a protector,
there are two others
out there.

They could be

We need to find them.

Didn't you hear me

Oh, I said I'm coming.

I have a surprise
for you.

For all of you.

Come on.

Keep your eyes shut,
no peeking.

They're shut,
we promise.

Okay, one, two, three.
Open your eyes.


You surprised?

You could say that.

[door rattling]

- Grandma.
- Hi, girls.

Mom found this abandoned
in Lavender Heights.

It's a classic,
and the city was
just gonna junk it.

So I offered to
take it off their hands.

Mom thinks that since
I'm working from home now,

you girls don't have
enough space.

Yeah, you can
turn it into a clubhouse
and have some privacy.

There's even a stove,
so you can cook.

Thanks, Grandma,
that's a great idea.

But I think we need to
clear out the bad juju

Yeah, something tells me
that last occupant

wasn't so nice.

Or maybe he just
missed his sister.

- What?
- Uh, you know,

I know it doesn't
look like much now,

but a little fresh paint,
some redecorating,

you're never gonna
want to leave.

You're right.

We should make it
all white and modern.

Oh, yeah, and maybe add
some beanbag chairs.

Yes, we do our best thinking
in beanbag chairs.

Enjoy, girls.

- Thanks.
- Thank you.

Oh, Jake,
don't open that.

Why not?
It's the new menu.

Oh, that's coming in
a different package.

This one's personal,
it's for me.

Oh, sorry.
Honest mistake.

No worries.



I don't know,
you guys.

Do you really think
that we're gonna find
the other protectors

by looking in old
Lavender Heights
High School year books?

R.J. went here
so his friends
probably did, too.

And the cookbooks
always chooses
three best friends,

like the OCs and us.

So there's gotta be
pictures of them together.

It's not like we're
always together.

Yeah, you're right.

All right,
check this out.

In 1995, R.J. White was
the AV Club trainee,

and the football team's
equipment manager.

He look dorky.

Well, look what happened
in 1996.

R.J. was quarterback
of the football team,

and class president,
and homecoming king.

He still looks dorky.

Then, in 1997,
he's barely visible,

except for being voted
most likely to get detention.

1996 was his year
of awesome.

That's when he must have
had the book.

Now, we just have to
find pictures of R.J.
and his two BFFs.

This is hopeless.

In every picture of R.J.,
he's either by himself,

or in a class
full of students.

It's hard to tell
who he's friends with,

and who he's
just next to.

In the '90s,
they had

a student-produced
morning show.

"Good Morning
Lavender Heights."

Does it look as lame as
Rockbury A.M.,

and it's student

That's not the point.
Look at this.

- Kelly: That's R.J.
- Hannah: Yeah.

Kelly: He was interviewed
and he has a friend with him.

That could be one of
the other protectors.

Oh. We need to find
that interview.

But how?

All we have to do is
look through old episodes of

"Good Morning
Lavender Heights"
until we find it.

It's kind of
a long shot.

Maybe, but I don't have
any other ideas.


Not really.

Excuse me.

Is it possible to watch
old episodes of

"Good Morning
Lavender Heights"?

Yes, but why would you
want to?

We are researching
the '90s for history.

They're teaching
the '90s in history?

I need to retire.

Stay here.

Are these the shows
on old hard drives?

They're not hard drives,
they look like tapes.

It's how they watched TV
before computers.

There sure are
a lot of them.

- Um, may we borrow these?
- Sure.

As long as you have a VCR.

No idea what that is,
but we'll find one.

If anybody has a VCR,
it's Miss Silvers.

She still uses
a landline phone.

- Let's go.
- Hey, red.

You have an overdue book,
don't you?

Yeah. How'd you know?

You look the type.

Haven't used it in a while,
but it should do the trick.

Where's the remote?

Right here.

- Oh.
- Hey, at least
you won't lose it.

Girls, someone is out there
using dangerous magic.

I know, but why
would they erase

R.J.'s memory
of magic?

I don't know,

but I'm pretty sure
I know how.

Can't Recall Caramel.

That's the spell
you used on Chuck.

It didn't work on him

Well, we know why.

But on a normal person,

it erases their
knowledge of magic.

Thanks, Miss Silvers,
and thanks for the VCR
and TV.

You're welcome.

Hannah, I will see you
later today for your lesson.

Yes, of course.

I'm really sorry
I had to cancel
the last few.

Save your apologizing
for after I hear your
Bach's Variation 1.

[nervous chuckle]

What was that about?

I don't have time to take
piano lessons anymore.

Too much school work.

But you love piano.

I'm dreading telling
Miss Silvers.

We have such
a good time together,

I-- I think she
loves the lessons
as much as I do.

it's not like she has
much else going on.

I'm sure
she'll be fine.

Come on.
Carrying a big TV here.

Oh, hey.
Just in time.

Dad, this is supposed to be
our private clubhouse.

Just excited to show you
what I found in the attic.

Paint, lights,
all sorts of stuff
for redecorating.

That's awesome.
Thanks, Mr. Quinn.

Yeah, looks like we can
make this place nice.

Let me show you
what else I did.

This is perfect.
Thank you, Dad.

- [fly buzzing]
- Ooh.

I don't know how
that fly got in here.

[buzzing continues]

Whoa, where'd you get
that VCR?

From Miss Silvers, uh,
we're doing some research,

and we have to watch
some old tapes.

Hey, can you help us
hook it up to this old TV?

No problem.
Happy to help.

Okay. Um, oh--

Right there.

Never thought I'd see
a VCR again.

- They're making
a come back.
- They are?

Next thing
you'll be telling me
8 tracks are coming back.

And that's my cue
to leave.

Have fun.

All right,
let's visit 1996.

Girl: Good morning,
Lavender Heights,

I'm Vickie Schreiber.
Today's top story:

How come the lunchroom's
hot dogs aren't hot?

With me I have
veteran lunch lady,
Janet Williamson.

So what's the deal
with the cold dogs?

- Fast forward.
- Janet,

there have been complaints
from the student body

- that they've been--
- [tape fast forwarding]

Today we introduce
the first of our
three part series,

"Chemistry in Chemistry:

"When Lab Partners
Fall In Love."

- I got this one.
- Everyone know that
in Chemistry class--

[tape fast forwarding]

What do you think of
the principal's proposal

to ban pajama pants?

Bogus, man. These pants rock.

- Do you feel students--
- No, they do not.

- My turn.
- Boy: Yeah.

- It's an expression of
who I really am.
- Wait.

Look, in the background.

you heard it here first,
Lavender Heights--

Darby: R.J.

Good catch, Darby.

R.J.'s with
a few friends,

but I-- I can't see
their faces.

Hannah: And I think that's
the same girl he was with

in the yearbook photo.

I'll keep going.

[tape fast forwarding]

- [sighs]
- Let's try to find
the interview.

It has to be in
one of these tapes.

This could take

Yeah, there's a lot of tapes
to go through.

Only one thing
to do about that.

All: Cook.

Speed Up
Spinach Soufflé.

"When you have much to do,
but not enough chimes,

"this tasty soufflé
will slow down time."

Not enough chimes?

Well, clocks chime
on the hour...

It means
if you don't have
enough hours,

the spell will
slow down time,

so you can finish
your task.

It's perfect.
Spinach, egg, cheese--

And torian thyme.

Looks like it's
all systems go.

Uh, how much torian?

One teaspoon
should be enough.

That will make
the spell last
until 5:00 or so.

On it.


Is anything different?

Can't tell.

[fly buzzing]

Look at the fly.

Hannah: That's so cool.



It would have
taken us a week

to get through
all those tapes,

but now we can
watch 'em on fast forward

in just one afternoon.

Let's do it.


Girl: Good morning,
Lavender Heights.

[indistinct dialog]

...others, it's the dinner
and the movies.

you heard it here first,
Lavender Heights...

The latest trend for girls:
The Rachel haircut.

But is it right
for everyone?

I'm gonna tell you
where to get it,
how much it costs--

Hey, is-- is that R.J.
in the background?

- Oh, pause it.
- ...who just last week
took the plunge.

No, not there.
Go back.

[tape reversing]

Wait, stop.
Now go forward again.

Oh, I think we missed it.
Go back.

Don't pause yet.

I didn't, the machine
paused by itself.

- Uh-oh.
- [VCR whirring]

- I think it's broken.
- [VCR whirring]

[clock ticking slowly]

Yep. Tape's stuck
in there.

Back in the day,
this used to happen
all the time,

but I think
I can fix it.

How long
will it take?

Well, I've got
a conference call,

then I'll have to find
my torque screwdriver,
take off the back cover.

Hmm, give me
a couple of hours.

Thanks, Dad.

Well, what should we
do now?

We're still
under the spell.



This looks so cool.
I love it.

Chuck had no
decorating taste.

Well, he was from
the 1800s.


Hey, do you think
your dad fixed the VCR yet?

Uh, guys,
that took 20 minutes.

What? Well,
now what are we gonna do?

I guess I should go take
my last piano lesson with
Miss Silvers.

And I got a text
from Piper.

She wants help
running lines.

I wouldn't mind making
a little extra money at
Mama P's.

Meet back here at 3:00
to finish the tapes?

- Sounds good.
- It's a plan.


Hannah, I can't believe
you're playing at this tempo.

I'm impressed.

[tempo slows]

[normal tempo resumes]

Oh. That was lovely.


You don't seem too happy
about your progress.

No, it's not that.

I have something
to tell you.


This is my last lesson.

[clock ticking slowly]

Oh. Super busy here,
Mama P.
Could use some help.

I have to run to the bank.
I'll be back in a few minutes.

[bell jingles]

I see she's no longer
faking being sick.

Now she mysteriously
has to run to the bank.

She's up to something.

I don't have time
to worry about her.
We're slammed.

I have a couple of free hours
if you need some help.

Yes. Thank you.

I'll take the register,
you can work the floor.

Nice hustle.

[bell jingles]

- Hey, Darby.
- Hi, Kelly.

This is my friend Piper
from the play.

Piper, this is Kelly.
From my whole life.

Hi, Piper,
nice to meet you.

Awesome meeting you,

Um, it's super busy,
so if you want I can
take your order here

so you don't have to
wait in line.


Darby, I know you're having
the grilled cheese.

Actually, I'd like a hummus
and cucumber sandwich.

What? Since when do you eat
hummus and cucumber sandwiches?

Piper introduced them to me.
They're pretty delicious.

Okay, um... Piper,
what would you like?

[clock ticking slowly]

Oh. Thank you.

No problem.

[clock ticking slowly]

I feel terrible,
Miss Silvers.

It's just that
Mr. Morris piles on
the homework,

and it's so hard.

But if I can get
my grades up next semester,

maybe I could start
taking piano again.

Don't feel bad, Hannah.

I like your priorities.

School is more important.


So, you're not mad?

I know you'll come back
for more lessons

when you have time.

Thank you so much.

I really appreciate you
being so nice about this.

Even though you
don't have time
for lessons,

I hope you'll stop by
just to say hello.

I'd love that.

And I want you to
keep me updated

on everything you
find out about R.J.

Of course.
I will.

Speaking of which...

I have been thinking about
the spell used on him.

I'm not sure it is
Can't Recall Caramel.

You're not?

You said he wasn't
eating anything

when the spell
kicked in.

Can't Recall Caramel
works instantly.

That means he was spelled
with something else.

- But what?
- I have no idea.

That's what concerns me.

So, what spell
are you under?

Speed Up Spinach Soufflé.

How'd you know?

You've been playing
faster than Rachmaninoff.


let's have some fun.

As fast as
you feel comfortable.


♪♪["Flight of the Bumblee"]

I love it.


Great job, Kelly.

Your hustle got things
under control.

My feet are k*lling me.
How long have I been working?

Ten minutes.

But, uh, you can
take your break anyway.

Go join Darby and Piper.
I'll bring you a smoothie.

Thanks, Jake.

I'm on a break.
Mind if I join you?

pull up a chair.

Any friend of Darby
is a friend of mine.

So, how's the play going?

No one can remember
their blocking.


Actors don't know
whether to cross
downstage or upstage.

Which is which?

Exactly. Doesn't matter
if you can't project to
the cheap seats.


So, um, things are going
pretty good?

They could be worse,
thanks to Darby.

She's the best person
on crew,

and she unlocks
the prop locker

so I can rehearse with
the actual m*rder w*apon.

Spoiler alert.

I hope you have
an extra key to
the prop locker.


Oh, well, you know Darby.
She tends to lose stuff.

- She does?
- Yeah, that's why I keep

an extra key
to her mom's house,

and one to her
dad's house,

and one to her bike lock,
you know,

because Darby
will be Darby.

Anything else
you want to share
with Piper,

or can we
finish eating?

[clock ticking slowly]

I think my break's over.
I should go.

Yes, you should.

Worst break ever.

I'll get your smoothie.
It's only been a few minutes.


Oh, no, the spell
wore off too soon.


Nothing, I'll--
I'll get a broom.

Hey, guys.

Is it just me,
or is this day
taking forever?


What's going on?

Kelly treats me
like I'm ten.

You don't like it, go have
another hummus sandwich

with your new bestie.

I'm so lost.

Can someone
fill me in?

Kelly totally
bad mouthed me
in front of Piper.

She accused me of
always losing things.

Well, don't you?

- [scoffs]
- Sorry.

I'm not the same

klutzy Darby
I used to be.

I mean, I still do have
an overdue library book,

but I am getting better.


Because of you,
the spell broke,

and we're gonna be
up all night

watching tapes
at regular speed.

Yeah, what happened
with that?

I thought the spell
was supposed to last
'til 5:00.

Darby didn't put in
enough torian thyme.

You told me to
put in a teaspoon,

and that's what I did.

No, I never would have
said that.

I'm sure I said

but you put in a teaspoon
because you were just

Darby being Darby again.

you said teaspoon.

- There's no way
that I said--
- Actually...

you did say teaspoon.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm positive.

Can't believe it.

I'm so sorry, Darby.

You should be.

I guess I-- I do
still think of you
as the old Darby.

I didn't mean to
embarrass you
in front of Piper.

I know.

She seems really nice,
by the way.

Just tell her not to
call me Kells.

Well, we still have
a lot of tapes to watch.

We should get started.

Girl: As prom season

the to do list for students
grows by the day.

Rent the tux,
make dinner reservations--

People were really into
the flannel in the '90s.

And combat boots.


- And mom jeans.
- [giggling]

Time to put in
the next tape.

The high prices
haven't deterred people.



[bell jingles]

What are you doing?

I told you
never to come here.

[indistinct dialog]

So far, juniors have
raised more money--

Kelly, Hannah,
wake up.

Look, it's the interview
we've been looking for.

[tape rewinding]

So far, juniors have
raised more money

than the last two combined.

Why does that girl
look so familiar?

I don't know,
but she definitely does.

Fourth and fifth period
every day this week.

I've seen her somewhere,
I just can't place where.

Stop by the
front of the school,

and buy some baked goods
from R.J. White
and Noelle Jasper.

Noelle Jasper?

The same Noelle
who owns Saphron?

Welcome to Saphron.

My name is Noelle Jasper,

and I wanted to
introduce myself.

It's not exactly
a common name.

Let's not jump to

R.J. and Noelle
might have just
been friends.

- This all looks
delicious, Noelle.
- Thanks.

You have mango bars,
chocolate truffles,

and my favorite,
brownie bites.

Wait, mango bars as in
Magnetic Mango Bars?

And Bitter Truth

Not to mention Single-Serving
Cinnamon Brownie Bites.

Those must have been
magical recipes.

It's too much of
a coincidence.

Guys, this means that
Noelle Jasper

had to have been...

A protector.

