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01x10 - Just Add Memories

Posted: 04/13/22 08:59
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"Just Add Magic"...

- [cawing]
- [screaming]

Hey, Kell. Was this
your grandfather?

Isn't that
the exact same picture
your grandma has?


It's all in here?

Yes. Everything
you asked for.

Don't worry.
We'll figure this out.



What are you doing?

No, it's okay.
It's okay.

It's okay.

[sighs] What a mess.

Sorry, I was just--

testing out the strength
of the trash bag.

And we're good.

Kelly, I know
it was Grandma.

She did the same thing

I didn't want to
say anything.

She's not hurting anyone.

But she's not
getting any better.

Dad, you don't

I do. I do.

I keep going over
everything in my head.

One morning,
she was fine,

and the next it was as if
a light had gone out.

It was sudden.

Too sudden.
It doesn't make sense.

I don't know.

There were probably signs.

We just missed them.

"Sunday, the th.
Something's wrong
with Grandma."

So her last good day
must have been Saturday,
the th.

"Great news.
I made the summer league
starting line up,

"and Jenny
rolled her ankle,

"so Darbie
gets to start, too.

"Is it wrong to be
happy about that?"

Darbie: Yes.

I lost us the game.

Can either of you
remember anything

from Grandma's
last good day?

I can't remember what I had
for breakfast this morning.

We had waffles.

An hour ago.

Okay, that Saturday,

brush teeth,
stretch, meditate.

study session.

Noon, lunch, : ,
basketball practice,

and : ,
guitar lessons.

Just another
normal day.

I don't get it.
What are we missing?

I still love
when it does that.

Memory Soup."

"Sit quietly
with your thoughts,

"and remember what
you have since forgot.

"But beware,
time spent in the past

"is time forever lost."

- Sounds heavy.
- Yeah.

Forever lost is
kind of permanent.

If I can access
all my memories

from Grandma's
last good day,

maybe I can
piece together
what happened.

The recipe calls for
Taurian coriander and
Livonian star anise.

Taurian coriander.

Try saying that
three times fast.

So we're doing this.

We missed something.

And I intend to
find out what.


I've never heard of
this recipe before,

but it sounds dangerous.

Anything involving the past
can be tricky.

If there's a clue
to what or who

cursed my grandma
in the past,

it's worth the risk.

Of course.

We need to do what we can
to bring Becky back.

Mama P.

Who's that boy?

Oh, just an old friend.

But Kelly's grandma,
Miss Silvers and you

all have the
exact same photo.

He had nothing to do
with Becky's curse.

Some things are better
left in the past.

Come on, out.

We're very busy today.


I just think
it's weird.

Why was Mama P
so sensitive
about the photo?

I don't know.

But he looks
way too cool to have been
hanging out with them.

Not that your grandma
wasn't cool.

It's odd, but Mama P
must have her reasons

for not telling us
about it.

Maybe it's too painful.



That's the name
of the boy.

Chuck Hankins.

I put the photo in
a reverse image search engine,

and I found an
old news article.

It's from .

"Local boy Chuck Hankins
was last seen at the
Pluot Festival."

"He's been missing a week and
police still have no leads."

He went missing?

"Photo courtesy of
Willy Thompson."

I know him.

I returned
his baseball to him

when we made the
Lost and Foundue.

We have to go
talk to him.


- Hey, Jake.
- Hi.

[heavy sigh]

What's wrong?

I'm... sick.

Stay back.
No offense.


On a scale of to ,
how do you feel?


It's just a cold.

Just a cold?

There's no known cure
for a cold.

That's why I need you guys to
make me something from the...

magic cookbook.


Not a good idea.

The side effects
could be worse than
the cold.

I get it.

I guess I'll just have to
power through.

I mean,

just because
I'm suffering

doesn't mean my customers
have to miss out on my

overstuffed fajita pitas,
or my Jake Frito burritos.

I'd help you,
but Kelly needs me.

Like you needed me to
steal back the cookbook?

Be your inside man and
help you break into Mama P's?

- Jake.
- [coughs]

- Come on, I really--
- That could have gone on
my permanent record.

Well, when you
put it like that,

maybe I could help with
the lunch rush,

and be right back.

Good idea.

This is something
I have to do alone

It's my memories
I have to access.

In that case,
I'll track down
Willy Thompson.

Despite what Mama P's
telling us,

I think there's more
to Chuck's story.

- Who's Chuck?
- I'll tell you on the way.


Just walk on
the other side
of the street.

[door closes]

[sighs] Let's do this.

Grandma's last good day.


[fork scraping]

[electricity crackling]

[bacon sizzling]

Kelly: Grandma.
She's her old self.

It worked.

[timer dings]

All these details.
So overwhelming.

- [cell phone dings]
- My head hurts.


Let's try this again.

Such a beautiful day.

Let's take a walk
and talk a little.

Kelly: I can't.
I have to work on
my jump shot.

Coach is deciding the
starting line up today.

You wanted to talk.

What did you
want to tell me?

Okay. Maybe later.

Scott: Kelly.

What does he want?

- Scott: Hello.
- Kelly: Wait.

- Kelly: He's not talking.
- Scott: Earth to Kelly.

Where's that coming from?

Scott: Hello.

Oh. What's up?

Wow. You were really
zoned out there.

Sorry, I--

Did you need something?

I'm taking your brother
to soccer practice.
I'll be back.

But it's not even noon yet.

It's almost : .

It's been an hour?

Are you okay?

Yeah, I just
lost track of time.

I'll be in my room
eating soup if you need me.

That's weird,
but okay.

[phone rings]

Hey, Hannah.

I spoke to Willy Thompson.

He'll meet us at
Corky's Diner in an hour.

Great. I'll be there.

I'll take one
with no cheese.

They all have cheese.
Just scrape it off.

Jake: [clears throat]

I'll be right back.

No touching the
Jake burritos.

You have to be nicer.

In business,
the customer's
always right.


Even when they're wrong?

One bad review online,

and Jake's food bike
could face serious setbacks.

- [coughing]
- All right.
I get it.

- Cover your mouth.
- [coughing]

Would you like me to
scrape the cheese off
for you?

That would be great.
Thank you.

No problem.
And by the way,

tips are welcome.



Kelly: Grandma, hurry.
It's time to go.


Kelly, have you seen
my laptop charger?

Kelly: No.

Where did I put it?

Kelly: It's right there.

How did we not see that?

Grandma: I know
exactly where it is.

Both: The last place
you used it.

Not helping, Mom.

- Just sayin'.
- Kelly: Can we go now?

If I'm late,
I'll have to run laps.

Kelly: Why was I so rude?

You just
wanted to help Dad.

Oh. Here we go.
Found it.

- Thanks, Mom.
- Uh-huh.

Kelly: Grandma,
come on.


Let's play hooky.

Kelly: Blow off practice?

Yeah, we'll
spend the day together.

Kelly: I can't.
If I'm not at practice,

I won't get to start
in the game next week.

Okay. I get it.

Let's get you
to practice.

Kelly: I should have
spent the day with her.

What was I thinking?

Wait a second.

Is that Miss Silvers?

What was she doing there?

And what's that
in her hand?

It looks like the
wooden box of spices

we found in the attic.

[no audible dialog]

Kelly: Not now?

What did she mean?

Why did Miss Silvers

bring Grandma
the box of spices?

[phone rings]

Kelly: Hello?

Are you almost here?

What do you mean?

You were supposed to
meet me at the diner.

- Diner?
- Corky's.

I don't remember that.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I just...



Oh, no. This is
the side effect.

Time forever lost?

You're forgetting things.

I don't think
you should be
doing this alone.

I'm losing you, Hannah.

Bad connection.

[phone beeping]

[door bell jingles]

- Mr. Thompson.
- Yes?

My name is
Hannah Parker Kent.

Well, that's an
important sounding name.

Now, you wanted to
ask an old man about
an old photo?

I never said old.

I was just kidding.

I have a few questions
about Chuck Hankins.

What's this for again?

Oh, uh...

I'm doing a story
for the school newspaper

about the th annual
Pluot Festival.

You took this photo.

Did you know Chuck?

Know him?
He was my best friend.

Okay, people.
That's it.

We're all sold out.
See ya tomorrow.

Well, not me.


Well, that was harder
than I thought.

You can go home
and sleep now.

Mm-mm. We still have
my shift at Mama P's.

- [coughing]
- Mama P's?

Yeah, that place that I
helped you break into.


How can I help you?

I'll have the
oat bran muffin, please.

Ooh, not my favorite thing
on the menu.

[loud sneeze]

Great work, Darbie,

but we try not to
insult our own food.

But the oat bran muffin
tastes like sandpaper.


We aren't allowed
to eat the food.

Are you allowed to have
other people do your job
for you?


I think my free-throw's
getting better.

Two out of ten
ain't bad.

statistically speaking,

it's not exactly good.

But it's an improvement
over last week.

Kelly: Dad,
where's Grandma?

That's right.

Grandma was supposed to
pick us up from practice.

She had to run an errand.

But we walked home.

Where did she go?

Let's go up to
your room.

Scott: Kelly.

Kelly, have you seen
my charger?

No, sorry.

check under the couch.

You usually
leave it there.

Yeah, I'll do that.

You plannin' on
coming out of
your room today?

It's : .

I've been thinking about
Grandma's last good day.

[sighs] She wanted to
spend time with me,

and I blew her off.

Oh, honey.


You can't go
down that road.

[sighs] But if I had
just talked to her,

- then maybe she--
- There's nothing
you could have done.

You said we
missed something.

And I'm trying to
figure out--

There's no way
we could have known

she was gonna get sick.


We just need to focus on
how we can help her now.

Come here.


[door bell jingles]

When is our shift
going to be over?

About a half hour.

But we have to baby sit
my cousins after that.

Oh, no.
I'm not doing that
with you.

- Cancel it.
- No way.

I can't leave my aunt
in a lurch.

Plus, she pays well.


Not my problem.

But you owe me.

I scraped cheese for you.
We're even.


Okay, I give in.

I'll use the cookbook
and make you something
for your cold.

But you can't tell
Kelly or Hannah.

Won't say a word.

What are you gonna make?

It's a surprise.
I'll be back.

Now, then,
where were we?

You were telling me
about Chuck.

Right. Chuck was
a real prankster.

Always messin' around
with people.

Once, he Superglued
my glasses to my face.

That sounds painful.

I hope he got
grounded for that.


he didn't have anybody
to look out for him,

so he just grew up wild.

I read that he disappeared
at the Pluot Festival.

What do you think happened?

I don't know.

It was all so strange.

One minute he's
on the Ferris wheel,

and then the next,
he wasn't.

So he got on
the Ferris wheel,

but he never got off?

I know it sounds crazy,
but that's what happened.

Obviously, he got off,
but I didn't see him.

Do you think
he ran away?

Doesn't make sense to me.

It was a normal
Saturday night.

Chuck was goofin' around,
we were all having fun.

So nothing out of
the ordinary happened?

there was some drama
with this girl,

but, uh, that wasn't
unusual with Chuck.

He was a real

What happened?

Well, he was sort of
goin' with this girl
named Gina.

She got all upset--

Wait a minute.

Gina, like,
Gina Silvers?

Yeah, that's her.

She was sweet on Chuck,

and Chuck went and brought
Rebecca to the festival.

Who's Rebecca?

Rebecca Patterson.

She was the
last person to see Chuck
on the Ferris wheel.

Do you know where
I could find her?

I think she married
Jim Quinn.

They settled down
across town years ago.


Rebecca Patterson
is Becky Quinn?

Kelly's grandma.

This is good.

What is it?

chicken noodle soup

with [whispering]
Werpo salt.

Any side effects?

Nope. The spell will
wear off in hours,

but by then,
your cold should be
better anyway.

You sure?

'Cause I feel smarter
than usual.


I have my next
great idea.

Ramen doughnuts.

Sounds kind of gross.

Remember, you can't tell
Kelly and Hannah about this.

It'll be our secret.


Man, I feel so good.
This stuff works fast.

You can take off.

So we're even?

Hey, friends don't
keep score.





[door bell jingles]

Hannah, what are you
doing here?

I know about Chuck.

What do you think
you know?

That he
mysteriously disappeared
at the Pluot Festival,

that Kelly's grandma
was the last person
to see him,

and that Miss Silvers
felt betrayed by them.

It's true.

Chuck was Gina's
first love.

But he was
more interested in Becky.

Why didn't you tell us?

I didn't want to
speak ill of Becky
in front of Kelly.

It wasn't her finest hour.

Kelly has enough
to deal with

without dredging up
ancient teenage drama.

But maybe it has
something to do
with the present.

Chuck didn't run away.

He disappeared
into thin air.

There's only
one explanation
for that.


You think
Gina cursed Chuck.

Yes, and I think
she cursed Becky, too.

I don't know.

years is
a long time to wait
to get your revenge.

Then again,

Gina was never the same
after Chuck disappeared.

One more time.

I'm so close.

The next time
I saw Grandma

was that night.


Kelly: Wow.

Something was wrong
with Grandma.

And why did she have
mud on her shoes?

She looked upset.

- Kelly: Hi, Grandma.
- Hey, Kell.

I'm starting in
the basketball game
next week.


I'll have to pick up
some face paint for the game.

What is that?

A leaf?

I wouldn't go that far,

but maybe we can
do lunch after the game
like you wanted?

Oh, that would be nice.
I'll be there.

I'll be there.


Oh, that would be nice.

I'll be there.

I'll be there.

[clock ticking]

Kelly: What's that?

I'll be there.

Hannah: Kelly.

Darbie: Wake up.

- Hannah: Kelly.
- Becky: I'll be there.

You have to come back.


What are you guys
doing here?

It's nighttime.

You've been in here
all day.

Kelly, we're
worried about you.

I'm fine.
What's going on?

Jake's feeling better.

What's wrong with Jake?

He was sick.

Don't you remember?

I remembered so much.

Miss Silvers came over

to give Grandma
a box of spices.

She wanted to
talk to Grandma,

but she told her
not now.

It gets weirder.

Grandma was supposed to
pick us up from--

from basketball practice
that day,

but she couldn't because
she had to run an errand,

and-- and when
she got home,

she had a--
a leaf on her jacket,

and a piece of paper
in her jacket pocket.

Kelly, you're scaring us.

But I got to
see her again,

and-- and she talked to me
just like old times.

You have to stop.

What did you
do that for?

You're forgetting things.

You forgot to
meet me at the diner.

And you forgot that
Jake was sick.

You lost a whole day,

This is the price,
and it's not worth it.

But I got to
talk to her and--

and she was normal
and she hugged me.

- Kelly.
- It's okay.


I think she
never forgave her
for stealing Chuck.

I knew Miss Silvers
cursed Grandma.

This just proves it.

Wait a second.

You said the paper
was in her jacket pocket.

Maybe it's still there.

Great idea.

I'm full of them today.

Here it is.

It looks like
it got wet.

It's faded.

Yeah, I can't read it.

Wait, I recognize it.

That orange stripe.

It's from the
Cedros Forest.

The north campgrounds.

My dad takes me there
all the time.

Why would
Grandma go there?

It's awesome.

They have river rafting
and horseback riding.

Not the point.

We know what
we need to do.

We do?

We have to go to
the Cedros Forest.
