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01x08 - Just Add Besties

Posted: 04/13/22 08:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"Just Add Magic"...

Mama P's secret pantry.

Galifrazian cinnamon.

Elysian sugar.

Cedronian vanilla

Carnazian cayenne.

Galifrazian Syrup and
Livonian Peppermint Oil.

These are totally magical.

I haven't been able to
leave Saffron Falls

for over years.

Who cursed you?
Who did this to you?

Was it Mama P?

Mama P? No.

When you're ready,
I'm here to help.

[door opens]

There are so many
spices here.

How do you know
what they all do?

Years and years
of study.

This pantry is
the only hope I have

of breaking the curse
I'm under.

It must be
awful for you

not to be able to
leave Saffron Falls.

Magic is wonderful when
used for the right things.

it was used against me.

I want to learn everything
there is to know about magic.

That's impossible.

But I can teach you
what I know.

together we can help
your grandmother.

If I get good enough,

maybe I can help you,
too, Mama P.

So sweet.

I think I know how we can
spend some time together.

Thanks for covering for Jake
on such short notice.

My pleasure.

I'm really happy you got into
Young Entrepreneurs camp.

I know, right?
I didn't even apply.

Someone recommended me.

What's the point of
having strings

if you don't pull them
once in a while?



Now you're official.

See you Monday.

Unless I sell one of my
million dollar ideas.

Sounds great.

See ya Monday.

I'm so excited.
I'm here to learn.

And I'm excited
to teach you.

So, what do we do first?

Back to the Future Fudge?
Muscle Mussels?


Water? You mean...

a recipe that uses water.

No. I mean water.

Like in table three
needs a refill.



Is it selfish of me
to wish

- that Kelly would
bring me my smoothie?
- Yes, it is.

she's working alone

'cause Mama P's
out making deliveries,

and second,
you're not even
going to tip her.

Tip? Huh.

Well, the service
hasn't been great.

One banana berry smoothie.

Sorry it took so long.

Did it?
I didn't notice.

So, how are
the magic lessons going?

They're not.

I've been serving customers

Speaking of which--

I forgot his smoothie.


Course not.

You'll never guess who
I just delivered

a tuna san on rye to.

The one I made?
Light mayo,
hold the pickles.


Only the most reclusive,
most successful author
of our times.

Trudith Winters!

Shh. We don't want to
clear the place.

Trudith Winters?

What's she like?

Well, like what
you'd expect.

Brilliant, gracious--

You didn't meet her,
did you?

No. The concierge
from The Saffron

delivered the sandwich.

Why would she come to
Saffron Falls?

Every Truth fan knows
that years ago

her car broke down here--

And this is where she
got inspired to write

"The Earth Died of Sadness."

I've read every book
she's ever written.

I've read every book
she's ever written.

Twice. A year.

I started to read
one of her books.

But I didn't like it.


Too much gloom and doom.

Well, it is called
the "Doom" series.

I've got to meet her.

Say hi to her for me.

But I got to get
back to work.

I'll go with you.

You're not even a fan.

But my sister is.

I need to replace
her copy of

"Doomed Exodus
to Moonbai."

I feel asleep
reading it in the tub.

It was that boring.

You ruined the book?

I ruined her
autographed copy
of the book.

Trudith hasn't
signed autographs
in five years.

I know.
Hailey reminds me
of that every day.


Come on.
I have a plan.

This is the plan?

We're just going to
sit in the lobby and wait?


[camera shutter clicking]

"Waiting to meet Trudith."

Hashtag Doomies.

You spilled.

Just a little.

If you spill even
a tiny grain

in a magic recipe,

say a sleep spell,

it could mean
the difference
between a nap,

and a coma.

I see your point.


all the salt shakers
need re-filling.

Practice makes perfect.


I'm gonna check
Trudith's Twitter account.

Maybe it'd give us a clue
on what she's doing.

I hope she's in a room
finishing the sixth book.

It's been two years
since the cliffhanger.

"Hello, fans."

That's not what
she sounds like.

[British accent]
"Hello, fans.

"Having a grand time
in Moscow.

"Just had caviar with
the Bolshoi Ballet."


Maybe Mama P delivered
the tuna sandwich

to the wrong person.

Or maybe she doesn't
want to advertise

that she's in
Saffron Falls.

That way crazy fans
won't stake out her
hotel lobby.


[elevator dings]

It's her!



I'm your biggest fan.

So was the guy who
broke into my house,

and took a nap
in the garden.

- Can I have
your autograph?
- No!

I no longer give

Why not?

I don't have to
explain myself
to fans.

Fans buy your books.

Yes, and I appreciate
the support.



Mr. Gomez asked for
a dollop of mayonnaise,

and you gave him this.

I'm sorry, I didn't know
what a dollop was.

How about a dash?

A pinch?

A smidgen?

You need to master these
if you want to control
your magic.




Mm, too little.

Too much.





Tell me what
you learned.

That two pinches
is a dash,

two smidgens
is a pinch,

and a dollop is only
this big.

Good job, Kelly.


I really do have
a lot to learn,
don't I?

We all do,

but I think you're ready
for the next lesson.

You want me to put
all of these ingredients

After you dust them,

then you can
arrange them in families.


Magical ingredients
come in families.

Cedronian, Lapsis,

and each family has
its specialty.

What does Lapsis do?

I'll tell you one thing.
It doesn't dust itself.


Torian Thyme.
Torian Tartar.

Carnazian cloves.
Carnazian cumin.

Carnazian Oregano.
Carnazian Sage.

Cedronian Vanilla.
Cedronian Molasses.

Cedronian Angel Root.

Elysian Ginger.
Elysian Rosewater.

Atlantian Thyme.
Atlantian Beeswax.

Atlantian Sassafras.

Galifrazian Nutmeg.
Lapsis Lavender.

[names overlapping]

Merwaldean chestnut oil.
Night blooming carraway.

[sighs] Done.

I understand what
you're doing, Mama P.

You're teaching me how to
memorize the ingredients.

Aren't you?

[bell jingles]

I was hoping
you might have left by now.

And I was hoping
you might not come.

I've never missed
an anniversary.

We could have
saved him.

We could have done
a lot of things.

I see Gina's
been here already.

I can't believe
it's been years.

So much has changed.

Not everything.

The fries
are still greasy.



Uh, Mama P.

What's going on?

Oh, dear.

The Livonians don't like
being next to the Merwaldeans.


The Livonian family
regulates the mind,

versus the Merwaldeans
which are all about

So every family of spices
influences certain areas?


[rattling continues]

[sighs] Cedronians,
which are all about balance,

don't feel comfortable
next to the emotional

You better separate
the physical families

from the emotional ones,

and put them next to
the intellectual ones.

Mm-hm. Okay.


Hi, girls.
I'm afraid Kelly's
still at Mama P's.


Well, is it okay
if we come in and
wait for her?

Well, she texted
it might be a while.

No problem.
We like it here.

So we're like
the cool house, huh?

Yeah, sure.

Not surprised.

Well, you can go up to
her room if you like.

Cool house.

Do you think Kelly
will be mad at us

for using the cookbook
without her?

Of course she will.

We're only supposed to
use the magic for
important things.

Meeting Trudith Winters
is important.

I need to find out
what happens in book six.

And I could use
a little magic

to get Hailey
to forgive me.

Let's do it.

Please show us
exactly the right recipe

to get close to Trudith.


"Best Friends Forever
Peanut Butter & Jelly

I love PB&J.

"For your friendship
to stick,

"repeat the name you pick,

"when your tongue and
mouth stick together,

"you'll soon have
a best friend forever."

If she was my BFF,

maybe she'd give me
her autograph,

and Hailey would
finally forgive me.

The magical ingredient is
night blooming fennel.

We still have some.

I did not want to
sneak into Miss Silvers'
yard again.

Okay. What do we know about
night blooming fennel?


We used it for the
Lost and Foundue.

It attracted
all the lost items,

so maybe it will
attract Trudith to us.

Let's find out.



Both: Trudith Winters.

Trudith Winters.



[bell jingles]

- Hey, Mama P.
- Hey.

Is Kelly around?

She's out on an errand.
Can I get you something?

How about a
banana berry smoothie?

Kelly didn't
bring me mine yesterday.

But she's an
excellent server.

- Excellent.
- [bell jingles]

I don't believe it.


My biggest fans.

It worked.

Trudith Winters
in Mama P's.

I'm Mama P.

How creative of you.

Coffee, strong, black.

I was up tossing
and turning all night

thinking about how
desperately I wanted
to find you two.

I apologize for
being so rude.

Here. Be a dear and
take a pic of me and my BFFs.

How do you know
Hannah and Darbie?

Who? Oh!
We go way back.

To the hotel lobby

[camera shutter clicking]

I would love a photo
for the shop.

Would you mind?

Yes, actually, I would.

Hannah. Pinch me.


I'm actually sitting here
with the person who wrote
the "Doom" series.

I have "Doomed Exodus
to Moonbai."

Book five.
I'm humbled.

I know you don't
sign books anymore,

but would you mind
autographing it to
my sister Hailey?

My pleasure.

Hailey is going to die
when she sees this.

My sister worships you.

Shall we surprise her then?

You would actually
come home with me?

Isn't that what
good friends do?


They also tell each other
how they're going to end

their favorite book series.

Hint, hint.

Lame, Hannah.
Signature's forged.

Everyone knows
Trudith doesn't
give autographs.

Don't waste my time.
I have things to do,
you know.


Tru-- Tru--


The signature's legit.

I made an exception for
my good friend Hannah.

Good friend Hann--
How do you even know her?

Are you kidding?
Hannah's cool.

Hannah, my sister?

I see you didn't get
the brains in the family.


Your sister.

Do you finally
forgive her, Hailey?

- Yeah, sure, fine.
- Do you mind?

I kind of would like to
hang out with my friends.

I know you have
"things" to do.

Oh, you don't have to
close the--

- [chuckling]
- Thank you so much, Trudith.

That was fun.
What next?

We have nothing but time.

I have a guitar lesson.

I didn't know
you played the guitar.

That's probably because
I've only known you for
half a day.

I feel I've so much
to learn about you.

Tell me everything.

Or wouldn't you rather,
I don't know,

talk about your
upcoming book.

Mama P,
with all those spices,

you can't find something
to break your curse?

Believe me, I've tried
every combination
I could think of.

But I haven't given up.

There's no such thing as
an unbreakable spell.

I don't know.
Pink is my signature look,

but I need a change.

This app shows
how I'll look
with purple hair.

Or I was thinking green.

Than again,
that could look like
I'm trying too hard.

Can we talk about
something else?

As long as it's
not about my book.

Oh, all right.
One question.

When does the sixth book
come out,

and how does it end?

I'll let you in
on a secret.

I'm on the last chapter.

Okay. Does Lucy Ferocious
end up with Dagnoble or

Well, I can't decide.

Well, maybe you should

go back to your hotel
and work it out.

You are torturing
your fans.

No, no.
BFFs have to
stay together.

- Always.
- That's not really true.

You've never had
a BFF before, have you?

Of course, I have.

My assistant and I
were very close.

But I had to fire her.

Come on, Trudith.

I need to know how
the "Doom" series ends.

- Is it sad?
- I don't know!

Stop asking me!

I'm sorry.


I have a confession.

The truth is,
I've been stuck on
the last chapter

for over a year.

You have no idea
the pressure

of being trapped
inside your own mind.

Or your own bedroom.

I don't know what it is
about you two,

but I feel I could
stay here forever.

[cell phone buzzing]

Uh, Mama P,
what's going on?

I can't get out of here.

Well, I might have put you
under a little spell.

What? What spell?

Remember that snack you had?

It was a
Berry Barrier Bar.

So I'm trapped back here?

Only until you
cook your way out.

How am I
supposed to do that?

I don't have the cookbook.

Guess you'll have to
figure it out on your own.

Clive, yes,
I'm slaving away.

Write, write, writing.

not answering.

We've got to
break this spell ourselves.

You're right.
But how do we
break the spell?

You shall have book six
as soon as I type "The End."

Isn't the rule for
night blooming fennel

that something must be

Yes. The spell
didn't break

until we returned
all the lost items.

you are going to
finish your book.

I would if I could.

Clearly you have
writers block.

I can help you
finish your book.

I've been writing
fan fiction

ever since
the "Doom" series started.

Bring it, Darbie.

Something smells good.

Whatcha makin'?

[sighs] You gave me
a Berry Barrier Bar.

So I'm trying to
break down the barrier.

So I made a stove top
berry crumble.


[sighs] So I have
Lapsis sugar, Werpo sugar
Galifrazian sugar.

[sighs] The Lapsis family
affects mobility,

so I could use
the Lapsis sugar

to move through
the barrier.


Oh, no.

My feet are
stuck to the floor.

What did I do?

You created a new spell.

it's not one
that'll help you.


Guess I have to
start over.


Mama P.
A little help.

You got this.

Without the support of
Clan Werdna,

the stress eats away at
Lucy and Dag's love.

And he spends more time
with the feather speakers.

Feather speakers?

I just don't get it.

Werpos affects the body.

This time I'm using
Werpo sugar.

But how much do I use?

A pinch, a dash,
or a smidgen?

A dash. That should make me
strong enough to move my feet,

and break down that barrier.

sacrifices himself
to save Lucy

from returning to
sad Earth.

And she realizes that
she loves both of them.

- But in different ways.
- There you go, honey.

You're getting
the hang of it.

Well, it's really not
that hard.

Please work.

Things can't get
any worse.

Oh, Kelly.
Things could always
get worse.


I knew you could do it.

More magical spices?

A bonus for
a job well done.

And I'm done with this
if you want to read it.

The... end.

You did it.
You finished the book.

I can't wait to
read it in hard cover.

Where are you going?

Home. It's been
a long day.

Let's all go.

Wait, you still
want to be BFFs,

even though we
finished the book?

The last F in BFF
stands for forever.

Doesn't it?

Change of plan.

We have to go to
Kelly's house.
We need help.

Oh, wait a second.
Who's Kelly?

Oh, she's our
best friend.

Excuse me,
Kelly's your best friend?

Well, I can't wait
to meet her.

Hi, honey.

Look who Hannah and
Darbie brought over.

Trudith Winters.

We are so
the cool house.

Hi, Trudith.
I'm a huge fan.

So, you're Kelly.

You're suddenly friends
with Trudith Winters?

No. Trust me,

getting to know your idols
is not a good idea.

She seems not to like me.

We cooked without you
and we're so sorry.

It was my idea.


I'm always
coming up with
crazy ideas.

It's Hannah's job
to stop me.

What recipe did you make?

BFF PBJ, with
night blooming fennel

We tried to break it
by completing a task,

but it didn't work.

We must have
missed something
in the fine print.

Fine print?
It's right there
in the title.

Best friends forever.

You mean we're
stuck with her?


If I hadn't just learned
about counter-spells.

Carnazian vinegar.

Perfect. Carnazians
affect emotion.

The vinegar will make Trudith
sour on your friendship.

Eww, we have to
drink vinegar?

I'll make it into
a vinaigrette.

We can put it
on a salad.

Eww, we have to
eat salad?


I have a great idea.

Why don't we have
a slumber party at
my hotel?


I only have room for
Hannah and Darbie.

- So sorry.
- I understand.

Um, sounds good.

But first,
let's have a salad.

Everything's better
with salad.

- It is?
- Yes.

And you get
the first bite.

Next Christmas,
we should all go skiing

at my villa in
the Swiss Alps.

You will lo--

Is it night time?

Have I really wasted
my entire day with
you people?

It wasn't all wasted.

We helped you
finish your book.

I suppose you did.

That's what friends do
for each other.

I'd forgotten.

The truth is,

since becoming famous...

my characters are
my only friends.

That's why you couldn't
finish the book.

You didn't want to
say goodbye to them.

But you have
millions of fans.

They're just friends
you haven't met yet.

You're welcome to stay
and visit with us.

No. I'd rather
go to the hotel,

and start writing my next
billion dollar book.

Thank you, though.

So, are we still on for
the ski vacation in the Alps?

Of course not.

Ski vacation or
real best friends forever?

- [door closes]
- Real BFFs.

Real BFFs.


[bell jingles]

Hello, Gina.

You look worried.

You should be.

She's got the gift,
just like Becky.

You're desperate.


For the first time
in years

I have hope.

Don't force me
to do to her
what I did to you.
