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01x07 - Just Add Mama P

Posted: 04/13/22 08:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"Just Add Magic"...

We need to keep cooking,

and to do that
we kind of need--

Magic spices.

And me to find them.

They accidentally
put themselves under a spell,

and now they won't stop
acting half their age.

Merwaldean dark cocoa nibs
can only be cured with

white cocoa nibs.

I don't think so.

You're not going anywhere.

Don't hurt us.

We can explain.

It's very simple.


Mama P: You're not
going anywhere.

I know what you need.


What do you think
she's gonna do?

Curse us. Duh.


Here you go.

Both: Cookies!

Don't eat them.

No offense, but
we don't trust you.

Fine. But if you want
your friends

to stop acting like

you'll let them
eat some.

These cookies
were made with

the Merwaldean white cocoa
you came to steal.

Hold on.
What's the milk for?

Who eats cookies
without milk?


You're the nicest
mean lady ever.

You can eat them.

How do you feel?

I hope I don't get sick
from being in that ball pit.

Yuck! So many germs.

Yes! You're back.

Thanks, Darbie.

You were a really
great babysitter.

Mama P, I know
what we did tonight
was wrong,

but remember,
we were under a spell.

- From your cocoa nibs.
- That's right.

Why did you have Jake
send them over to us
in the first place?

And why did you
lie to us?

And why did you
steal the book?

- And why--
- Girls, please.

One question at a time.

When you came to buy
the Cedronian vanilla,

I knew there would be
a price to pay,

and I wanted you to have
the cocoa nibs to lessen it.

But we didn't use
the Cedronian vanilla
this time.

Merwaldean cocoa nibs
are very versatile.

Just like eggs
are used for omelets,
pasta, or cookies.

So the same ingredients
behave differently

depending on the recipe.

Very good, Hannah.

Kelly's parents are
still under a spell.

Can I take some home?

Of course.

Well, we should get these
to the Quinns.

Right now.

- Let's go.
- Wait.

You haven't answered
all my questions.

I know.

Let me explain.


Like you girls,

I had two best friends.

Becky and Gina.

You're talking about
my grandma and Miss Silvers,
aren't you?

We used to do
everything together.

All that changed
after the book
came into our lives.

We took a field trip
into the Cedros forest.

[gasps] I've been there.

My dad takes me
camping there a lot.

Let her talk.

As I was saying,

we ended up
getting separated
from the class.

We never should have
left the path.

What if we run into
a bear or a snake?

We have no idea
where we are,

and it's going to be
dark soon.

This is exactly why
I prefer indoor activities.

stand perfectly still.

There's something
right behind you!


I am not amused.

Calm down.

We'll be swimming
before you know it.

Or we'll never
find our way back,

and I'll die
out in the woods

where wild animals will
feast on my flesh.

Becky: We're gonna be fine.
Trust me.

- Um, girls.
- I'm not falling
for that again.

Cut it out.

No, I'm not pulling
your leg this time.

I saw something.

Right there,
I swear!


This is why I like
indoor activities.

Who was the
shadowy figure?

We just called her...

the traveler.

I can see I've been
led to the right place.

I've been
looking for you.

Us? Why?

Because you three
have been chosen.

Chosen for what?

To be the keepers
of a great power.

What kind of power?


- Magic doesn't exist.
- Oh, but it does.

Well, in that case,
maybe we shouldn't
get involved.

I'm afraid it's
too late for that.

There's no turning back.

Darbie: Wait a minute.

Did the book
make a mistake?

Because you guys
did not stay friends.

Thanks for
pointing that out, Darbie.

May I continue?

Be warned.

The magic in this book
is thousands of years old.

And the power in it
can be a wondrous gift.

Or an unspeakable burden.

It can bring you
closer together.

Or it can tear you apart.

It's up to you.


Where did she go?

I don't like this.

I want to go home.

Is this really

Oh, this is happening.

I say we
leave the book here,

run, and pretend
this is all a bad dream.

No way.
We were chosen.

[sighs] Okay, fine,
but what about the warning?

I don't want anything
to ruin our friendship.

Then we have to
make a pact.

Let's swear that this book
will never come between us.

I swear.

[sighs] I swear.

Becky: I swear.


I need more milk
for this story.

How did the book tear
the three of you apart?

It started with Gina.

She just couldn't
handle the magic.

What did she do?

She started using the magic
for her own personal gains.

And when I tried
to stop her, she--

She cursed me.

Really? How?

I haven't been able to
leave Saffron Falls

for over years.

And every time I try,

something prevents me.

Flat tires,
gusts of wind,

you name it.

So you can't leave at all?

Not even to the outlet mall
on highway seven?

I hear it's great.

Do you think Miss Silvers
cursed my grandma?

I can't believe that
even Gina

would be capable of doing
something like that.

I know we haven't been close
in recent years,

but I've never stopped
loving Becky.

And why should we
believe you?

Especially after you
stole our cookbook.

No offense.

I was desperate to
break my own curse,

to experience the world.

And when I heard
you had the book, well--

Were you able to break it?


The book no longer
works for me.

And now it belongs
to you three.

That's a lot to digest
in one night.

It'll take a long time
to win your trust.

[bell jingles]

When you're ready,
I'm here to help.

[dog barking]

Hannah: I think
Mama P's lying.

Why would Mama P lie?

Who knows.

There might be more
she's not telling us.

Like why she keeps
that secret pantry

full of magical spices.

Well, I think she's
telling the truth.

Look, I know you
want to believe her,

but until
we can prove it,

we need to be careful.

Knock, knock.
Hi, girls.

Both: Hi, Mr. O'Brien.

I finally finished
the rocking chair

for your grandmother.

It's beautiful.
I can't believe
you made this.

It's my hobby.
Nice break from

sitting in front of
the computer all day.

He's always
making stuff.

chests, drawers.

All things to help you
get organized, hint, hint.


Huh. I never got that.

Well, I better
get to work.

But it's Saturday.

Tell that to my boss.

Bye, Dad.

So, what's the plan?

We need to make sure that
we can trust Mama P.

The only one
who can answer that
is your grandma,

but that's not
going to happen.

She can't talk to us,

but maybe there's
another way.


"Mind-Peering Peppermints."

"When you peer into a mind,

"you never know
what you might find."

How cool would that be?

Very cool.

But we need something
called Galifrazian Syrup,

and Livonian
Peppermint oil.

We'll just ask
Mama P for it.

If she's really
on our side,

she'd be more than happy
to help us.

Are you nuts?

What are you guys doing
back here?

Mama P could come back
and find you--

What's wrong with you,
you can't talk?

Did she spell you?

- No, she didn't, Jake.
- Oh!

Hey. What's up, Mama P?

What's up is you
forgetting to lock
my door last night.

Darbie: It was our fault.

We asked him
to help us.

I can understand you
wanting to help your friends,

but you shouldn't have
gone behind my back.

You're right, Mama P.
I'm sorry.

Good. Then I assume
you won't mind working
a little overtime today.

- Actually, I--
- And maybe tomorrow.

Sure. My pleasure.

Here you go.
Galifrazian Syrup.

Be sparing with the
Livonian Peppermint Oil.

It's the only bottle I have.

It's very hard to come by.

I'm really confused.

So are we.

Is Mama P good?
Is she bad?

You had me lie to her,

break into her shop
and steal from her.

And now you're just
hanging out with her
in the secret pantry?

What's going on?


we have no idea.

But if this works,

we're gonna find out.


[timer dings]

Ooh, they look good.
Can I have one?

I should probably
go first.

I know Grandma best.

I have a good feeling
about this.

This is going to work.

[sighs] Here goes.

This is never
going to work.

It has to work,

Did you just
read my mind?

[thinking] Hey, Kelly.

I'm thinking of the number eight.


This is so cool.

Hi, Grandma.

How are you feeling?

[overlapping voices]

Whoa. Odd.

- What is she thinking?
- Can't tell.

Just a bunch of
jumbled up words.

Let Hannah and me try.

It's worth a shot.

[overlapping voices]

It's like...

all her thoughts are
scrambled together.

Maybe I can
make sense of this.

[overlapping voices]

[thinking] I'm still here, Kelly.

- Did you hear that?
- I heard it.


I'm here, too, Grandma.

Don't worry.

We'll figure this out.

Guys, I don't feel good
about this.

Kelly: I know you don't,

but maybe this
will convince you

that we can trust Mama P.

- Ready?
- One sec.

Let me finish my smoothie.


I guess he didn't see
the tip jar. Again.


[thinking] Yuck.
These banana muffins
are awful.

No wonder
they're not selling.

I have so much
to teach Kelly.

If only she'd trust me.

What do you think now?
Is Mama P on our side?

I'm not sure.

- Maybe--
- I'm not fooled yet.

But I am going to
get one of her
half-price muffins.


Hi, Miss McDonald.

Oh. Hello, girls.

Is everything okay?

Oh, of course.

No. Nothing's okay.

I can't believe George
is leaving the school.

I knew I never should have
dated another teacher.

Um, guys.

I think Miss McDonald
was dating George from
shop class.

- Mr. Tucker?
- Mm-hm.


I had no idea.

The heart wants
what the heart wants.

[thinking] I hope
nobody can tell

I haven't showered
in three days.

I don't care
what it costs,

I'm gonna
the babysitter
stay longer.

I'm seeing a movie.

[thinking] I can't wait to get home,

and snuggle with my puppy.


Guys. I feel bad.

We shouldn't be invading
people's privacy like this.

You're right.
It's wrong.

Fun wrong.
But wrong.

Hold on.

There's still
one person's mind
we need to read.

[bird cawing]


Okay. On three.

One... two...


[thinking] I know you're there, girls.

Stay out of my mind.


Did everybody hear that?

Loud and clear.

Let's get outta here.



How did Miss Silvers know
we were reading her mind?

Mama P warned us.

Miss Silvers
is powerful.

Well, if she was
reading our mind,

I need to change
my locker combination.

You were thinking of
your locker combination?

Numbers calm me down.
Don't ask.

- Darbie!
- Hey, Dad.

I was on my way to
pick you up at Kelly's.

we're going shopping.

Oh, right.
I totally forgot.

I'm finally getting
new shoes.

- Bye.
- Bye. See you.

I can't believe
they fired me

after ten years.

So, what'd you girls
do today?

The usual. You?

Same old, same old.

Except for getting fired.

Keep it together,

Don't let Darbie
see you upset.

I'm sure I'll get
another job,

even in this economy.

So, is everything
okay, Dad?

Couldn't be better.

Have you decided what shoes
we're buying today?

You know,
I've been thinking.

I don't really need
new shoes.

They're expensive.

What? You've been
complaining for weeks.

I changed my mind.

These still have
plenty of life left in 'em.

Does she suspect something?

- What'd I say?
- Nothing.


Why wouldn't he just
tell me he lost his job?

He didn't want to
worry you.

I have an extra pair
of ballerina flats
you can borrow.

Oh, how sweet.

But I don't want to
steal your style.

Well, maybe we could
help find your dad
another job.

Yeah. What does he do?

I don't actually know.

Something with finance.

Or maybe it's insurance.

Every time he tells me,
I zone out.

I just know
he doesn't love it.

I got an idea.

We know your dad
loves to build things.

And at Mama P's,
we read Miss McDonald's mind,

- and learned that--
- The shop teacher's leaving.

That would be amazing.

How do we get him the job
without him knowing about it?

My dad is kind, patient,
and loves kids.

I should know.
I've been his daughter
since I was born.

But the real reason
he should become
the new shop teacher

is because of
his passion.

He always tells me
to love what I do,

which is why
I play basketball,

and cook with my friends,

but don't clean out my room.

This rocking chair...

really rocks.

This is only one of
his creations.

As you can see,
he's really talented.

Please interview
Patrick O'Brien

for Rockbury Middle School
shop teacher.

That's perfect.

I think I've had enough
mind reading for a while.

Well, I don't know.
I still feel like we're
missing something.

[cell phone rings]

- It's my dad.
- Patrick: Hey, Darbs.

The strangest thing
just happened.

I got a call
from you school.

They want me to interview
for the new shop teacher


How odd.

Yeah. Especially since
I never applied.

The principal
probably overheard me

talking about
all the things
you've made me.

I hope you get it.

I know you need to find work soon.

What? Wait a minute.

How do you know
I lost my job?

You can't hide anything
from me, Dad.

You two really have
a connection.

Hi, Hannah.


Darbs, I'll be fine.

You don't need to
find me work.

You don't look out for me.

I'm supposed to
look out for you.

But wouldn't you rather
teach shop

than do whatever
you did before?

Of course, but--

Building things
is just a hobby.

It doesn't have to be.

You're always telling me
not to settle.

Why are you?

When did you get so smart?

You know what?

I'm gonna take
that interview.

Yes! We can carpool
to school together,

you can get me
out of detention.

But after that, we go our separate ways.

Deal. I won't
mess with your rep.

He's goin' for it.

He's going for it!

That's great, Darbie.

- [gasping]
- Stop!

- It's all gone.
- I'm sorry.

I got carried away.
I'm sorry.

You ruined everything.

I'm really sorry.

Saying sorry
doesn't fix anything.

It was a mistake.
They happen.

They happen because
you don't pay attention.

I was paying attention

when you two added
the cocoa nibs by accident.

This is different.
This is about my grandma.

Have you forgotten
she's under a magic spell?

How can I forget?
It's all you ever
talk about.

Seriously, Kelly,
we're all trying
to help here.

Imagine if it was
your grandmother.

Stop it.

Remember what Mama P said
about the traveler's warning?

The book can tear us apart
if we're not careful.

So sorry, guys, I--

Darbie, I-- I know that
it was just an accident.

I really appreciate
all your help with
my grandma.

I love you guys.

We need to make a pact
to make sure

nothing gets in the way
of our friendship.

Let's swear to
never let the book
come between us.

I swear.

I swear.

I swear.

That's so sweet.


I've missed you
so much.

I'm right here,

Listen to me.

You have to
stop using magic.

But I was doing it for you.

I was trying to save you.

Well, I'm back now.

How is this possible?
I don't understand.

Well, I had a taste of
whatever that mess is
in the kitchen.

That was my mess.


Wait, uh--

Stay with me,

Please don't go,

Not all of the answers
are in the book, Kelly.

Trust yourself.

But-- No, Grandma.
Please don't go.

Please don't leave.

Who cursed you?
Who did this to you?

Was it Mama P?

Mama P? No.

No, she didn't--


please come back.

I'll get the mixing bowl.
Let's give her some more.

Hold on, Grandma Quinn.

No, Dad,
what are you doing?

Honestly, Kelly,
is it too much for you
to clean up your mess?

That wasn't a mess.

Sure looked like one to me.


It's okay.
We can re-create it.

How? That was the last
of the peppermint oil.
