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02x13 - One Good Thing

Posted: 04/11/22 20:07
by bunniefuu
You know, if you get back in bed,

I'm pretty sure nothing
bad can happen today.

Is that how it works? Just, uh,

you know, close the blinds,

- pull up the covers and, uh...
- Pancakes.

- Banana pancakes.
- Yeah, well, I'd probably burn 'em.

- Oh, I know you would.
- Thanks.

Did you get any sleep?

Yeah, yeah. You know, uh,

maybe a couple minutes between

: a.m. and-and rooster.

- Just thinking about Bonham's bail hearing all night?
- Yeah.

And what I'm gonna
say to the ranch hands.

And how to even start packing.

And why the hell

- I went back for Dan Miller. And...
- Okay.

I think that's enough
"ands" for one morning.

You know what?

Cordi? You clearly need
your one good thing.

- My... my what, now?
- Your one good thing.

It's something my dad used to do.

Back when we used to move a lot.

Back when Frank was taking you all over

- for the heart treatments?
- Yeah.

Every moving day, Dad
would have something

waiting for me. One good
thing. A gift. A meal.

You know, s-something special.

It made days like today
feel a little less...

- A little less, uh, painful?

Exactly. He was a port in the storm.

And maybe you can be, too.


Mama, morning.

- Hey. Yeah. It's, uh, time, Cordell.
- Yeah.

- Morning, Geri.
- Hey.

One good thing. All right.

Well, let me tell you, uh...

... it's not gonna be this.

How do you end an era

almost years in the making?

I don't know the answer to that,

and the man who would have the
answer to that can't be here.

♪ Give me a song... ♪

Families were born here.
Friendships cemented.

Boy, we had some good times, too.

♪ So I don't... ♪

Christmas parties. Barbecues.

Uh, Fourth of July
fireworks, right over there.

Y'all remember.

But there were some hiccups. You know,

we had some failed businesses. I mean,

who... who really ever
needed Walker Hooch?

♪ Give me a song... ♪

I've known some of you for, uh,

longer than I can remember.

♪ Broken heart ♪

♪ Give me a song I know ♪

♪ Right from the start ♪

Others, not quite as long.

But I want to tell you this:

if you ever did one honest
day's work at Walker Ranch,

then you are family.

♪ Just give me a song
for my broken heart... ♪

How's it coming with the prep?

♪ Something that I'm
feeding, give me... ♪

One thing I just don't understand:

why did Dad bury that lantern?

- It was the m*rder w*apon.
- Because he didn't know what it was.

♪ Give me something... ♪

But what he did know is that lantern

has brought this family
nothing but pain for years.

Good riddance. Now, could
you please sit down and eat?

You need to be at your fighting weight

to bring your father home today.

- Right?
- Yes, ma'am.

♪ Help me with my grief... ♪

WALKER: My daddy always says, uh...

family sh**t you straight.

Tells you how it is. So,

that's why I wanted everyone
together here today, one last time,

uh, for, uh...

... for the last day of
operations at Walker Ranch.

I wanted to thank you

for all the blood and sweat
you've poured into this place.

I also wanted to be here to answer
any questions, uh, you might have.

MAN: So, what,
years and all we get is

"I'm sorry,

grab a handful of peppers out
of the patch on your way out"?

I don't know what the
Davidsons' intentions are.

- My... my hope is...
- Maybe you should have asked

before you raced.

Trust me, you, uh, you don't
want me asking the Davidsons

for anything on your behalf.

He just had to turn around.

Sorry? I-I didn't...

- I didn't catch that, Leon.
- Dan Miller.

We're all in this mess because you just

had to turn around
and be the bigger man.

Do you feel like the
bigger man now, Cordell?

My family will not rest

until y'all are all
squared away somewhere.

Okay? That's a promise.

I'll just...

I don't know where yet.

Well, by all means...

take your time.

DENISE: Bonham Walker
is guilty, Your Honor.

He perpetrated a fraud.

And not just against my family,

but the people of this city.


The Walker family have built a business,

a legacy, on their good name.

In the coming weeks, we will
lay out witness testimony,

financial transactions
and evidence that prove

the defendant was inside the barn

at the time of Mr. Davidson's m*rder,

struck him in the head with a lantern,

and then buried his m*rder w*apon

so that his crimes
could never be unearthed.

Well, I am sorry, Mr. Walker,

but your -year fraud is over.

Well, that was a
remarkable string of fiction

about everything other than
why we're here, Madam D.A.,

Thank you so much for that. Your Honor,

this is very simple.

A -year-old man has been
charged on very thin evidence.

This man has no priors.

Not only is he innocent,

- but he's definitely not a flight risk.
- DENISE: He's not a flight risk?

He was just out destroying
evidence last week.

He tossed out a -year-old lantern.

Can we please stay on planet Earth?

Of course, of course.
He was just casually

burying his own m*rder w*apon.

Your Honor, if the Defense is
not able to finish a statement...

Mr. Walker is correct.
D.A. Davidson Miller...

- tighten it up.
- Yes, sir.

Thank you, Your Honor.

You know what, while we're at it,

why don't we discuss this
very wild conflict of interest?

If the D.A. won't
proactively recuse herself,

then the Defense will be filing
a motion for disqualification.

- Can the bench please step in here?
- DENISE: There is no state law

- that specifically prohibits me...
- ESQUIVEL: I don't want to hear it.

You're not gonna prosecute your
own father's m*rder, Madam D.A.

The Defense's motion is granted.

- Thank you, Your Honor.
- This'll be your last hearing on this matter.

Now, on the matter of bail.

Given the previous attempts

at destruction of evidence,

bail is denied.


♪ ♪




Thank you.

Well, ain't this this the
horseshoe on the other foot.

Bet you've been in this
room hundreds of times.

Never like this.

Daddy, y-you're not gonna be
in here for long, you hear me?

Now, don't blow sunshine up my ass.

How'd it go with the ranch hands?

The-the bunkhouse is behind you.

Uh, uh, a few... holdouts. Uh...

That's how it's gonna be, you know.

So, you need to steel
yourself. Hang tough.


Hey. Hey.

Oh. You okay?

ABELINE: I'm fine. How are you?

Oh, I'm fine, darling. I'm fine. Mm.

So, where we at?

LIAM: I'm required to tell you, by law,

that the D.A.'s office has
offered you a plea deal.

- Ten years.

Seven, with good behavior.

You would plead guilty
and admit to the m*rder.

ABELINE: Well, I'm sure you told Denise

exactly where she could put that.

LIAM: In more lawyer-appropriate
terms, I did, yeah.

BONHAM: So, ten years
if I admit to m*rder.

LIAM: Yeah.

- I'm not a guilty man, son.
- I know that.

We know that.

I don't think Denise is
gonna take your word, though.

Well, speak up, Cordell. You and
Cassie been looking into Marv's m*rder.

Can we beat this?


Well, I-I think I said
I would win the race,

and look where that got us,

so I don't-I don't think
I'm the guy to-to really...

That wasn't my question.

I think we, uh...

- I think we fight.
- I think we win.

Well, there's that sunshine again.



... you tell her where
she can put it, Liam.

JAMES: Perez. Walk with
me real quick, please.

- What's up, Cap?
- Just a heads-up:

D.A.'s been lobbying hard,

- winning over stars and Stetsons.

Let me guess... Bonham's bail hearing

didn't exactly help
the counter-offensive?

Davidson knows they got a
lot of carrots and sticks

at her disposal to help people
see it her way, you know?

- Cowards.
- I don't disagree. I just, uh...


I hear the violins, I see the iceberg,

and there are not enough life
rafts. But you should get one.

- You just got here... this isn't your fight.
- Maybe.

Walker asked me to
look into Marv's case.

I believe Bonham is innocent.

And I think you do, too.

So, if you don't mind,

I would like to go down
with your ship, Captain.

All right.

Just so we're clear,
this wasn't, like, a...

- test or anything.
- Mm. No. Of course not.

- But if it was?
- It wasn't.

Yeah. But if it was?

Then you would have passed.

Okay? Do me a favor...

don't ever wink again.

Yeah. Cool. Got it. Now,
can we chat for real?

Because I think I have the
beat on Marv's true k*ller.

Why didn't you start with that?

'Cause you wanted to do the test thing.



(SIGHS) Can you please be
more careful, all right?

Gramps is gonna get pissed.

You haven't said a
word to me all morning,

and now you're worried about horseshoes?

- Yeah, what's there to say?
- I don't know... maybe, "I'm sorry, Stella"?

"I know I've been acting like a jackass

- all morning, Stella, but... "
- Wait, wait, "I... I'm sorry"?

No, this is happening
to me too, you know?

You know what?

- Forget it.
- No, no, no.

No, I want to know. I
mean, are you seriously

- blaming me for Grandpa?
- Fine. Yes.

You just had to go and
climb that barn, didn't you?

You just had to impress Faye.

You do realize that she
only acts like she likes you

- half the of the time, right?
- It's not just half the time.


Look, Faye doesn't
like me any of the time.

All right? She broke up with me.

Did she say why?

Yeah, it's-it's... it's
too much drama, Stella.

Too many lanterns.

It's not just about court.

Plus, I think everyone at school
thinks Gramps did this too.

It's real nice to know
whose fault you think it is.

- I'm going to HQ.
- Wait, just hold on, hold on.

- What?
- What you said

to Dad in there about the race. Okay?

- Of course you had to go back.

You're a Ranger... you
save lives for a living.

Okay? And as much as I wanted
Dan to suffer out there,

you wouldn't want that
on your conscience.

The guilt. You-you would feel...

I would feel like we still
had a roof over our heads.

I'd feel like y'all had
a roof over your heads,

like my kids would have
a roof over their heads.

But can we not talk
about that right now?

Let's-let's stay focused on Dad, okay?

- Yeah.
- ABELINE: Cordell's right. Especially because

there's something the
two of you don't know

about the night of the fire.

Okay. Uh, what?

You boys remember hearing anything

about the Davidson child...

the one that died just after birth?

- Uh... yeah, bit... bits and pieces.
- Yeah.

Well, the night before the
barn fire, Marv came to me.

And he told me...

the child lived.

Gale had no idea. And I-I think she...

I think she still has no idea.

But we do know that Marv
challenged your father

to a horse race. And that he
was desperate for the money.

And I can't help but feel that

those the two events are linked.

And I ju-I just don't know how.

- You knew that this whole time?
- Wait,

- that's how you're gonna react to this?
- Okay, I'm sorry, Liam,

our-our father is behind bars right now

and this information
could help exonerate him.

If Marv's death and-and
financial troubles are linked,

that could prove motive.

It's also only a theory.

O-Okay, well, fine. Are
there any other theories

you or you care to share
with me right now? Please.

ABELINE: I know this is
hard for you to understand,

but this was not my secret to tell.

And I couldn't make any
sense out of it until

after your father was arrested.

So judge me or don't, it's
your choice. But use it.

And find the man that really
m*rder*d Marv Davidson.

- Hey. Cass.
- Hey.

Hey there. Uh...

hey, there are about, uh...

four or five empty desks.

Wh... why are you at mine?

- Okay...
- JAMES: Hey.

How's the family holding up?

Cap. They, uh, um... (CLEARS
THROAT) yeah, been better.

However, I-I think I
might have something

to help at least one of them.

Good, so do we. Or so does Cassie.

Okay. So, short story first.

I understand we have a mutual friend.

- Agent Tessa Graves.
- Did she think you were corrupt too?

Yeah, she mentioned you might
still have that stuck in your craw.

Anyway, we did a RICO task
force. I was the rookie,

- which meant I was on forensic accounting. So...
- Sure.

Perez followed the money. Turns
out that Marv spent a decade

paying one ranch hand a monthly stipend.

A... a rancher paying
a... a ranch hand...

- that's... that's your big break?
- Okay, wait for it.

His name's Nate Smith. He hadn't
worked for Marv in years.

We think that Nate found
out about Marv's questionable

business practices, put
the squeeze on his boss.

Payments stopped three months later,

right before Marv was m*rder*d.

The timing begs a lot of questions.

I don't think it was
questionable business practices.

What makes you say that?

Let's just say my parents
keep too many secrets.

But, yeah, we'll-we'll
check it out. Come on, Cass.

- I'll explain everything on the way.
- Mm-hmm.

- All right. Keep me in the loop.
- Yes, sir.

- Nate Smith!
- Cordell Walker.

Yes, sir. Saw about
your dad on the news.

Must be a hell of a
time up at Walker Ranch.

Yeah, well, you know, don't
believe everything you see, Nate.

Uh, we're-we're hanging in there.

You here about your ranch hands?

You send 'em my way,
I'll take care of 'em.

WALKER: That's, uh, awful
kind of you, Nate, but, uh...

- But this ain't about gainful employment?
- No, sir.

We were hoping you could
detail some payments

between March of ' and the end of ' .

WALKER: And what they were really for.

Ooh, should've seen that one coming.

We're just turning over every rock.

Coming around asking
about monthly payments.

No, I think you heard
the same rumors I used to.

Marv's second child, right?

The one that secretly made it?

- Just rumors.
- Okay, well, we have it on good authority

that they're, they're
not... just rumors.

I had it as bunkhouse banter.

And those payments? Just rent.

Cattle he didn't have room for.

That certainly clears up our confusion.

We'll just sync up with Marv's
estate on the rent agreement,

and I'm sure they have it.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.

Be seeing you, Cordell.

- Ranger.
- WALKER: Hey, Nate,

uh, you know, I'm gonna...
I'm gonna need you to-to wipe

that smile off your face. Just rent?

Come on, now. We're being serious.

- Excuse me, son?
- You know what I'm thinking?

I'm thinking that, uh,

it was you

who k*lled Marv Davidson.

And I think right now
you're figuring out that

years of lies is finally
catching up with you.

- Is that right?

I told you to stop smiling.

I think you took that bunkhouse
banter straight to the bank.

You blackmailed Marv Davidson

over the existence of that child.

And then when Marv turned
the spigot off, you decided

you were gonna get paid
one way the other. Right?

Marv disregarded a child,

and you were okay to go along

with it as long as you were made whole.

Am I right?

Your daddy

offered me a job once.

I turned him down.

Seemed like there's something
off about you Walkers.

Something two-faced.

I'm glad this town finally gets
to see you for what you really are:


Don't come back without a warrant.




I don't want to hear it, all
right? I don't need to hear it.

I don't need you to say
it. I know, okay? I...

- I stepped in it.
- Yeah, sorry...

what was that? I can't
hear you over the sound

- of our blown lead.
- All I could see was red, okay?

All I could see was-was
my dad and-and sand

slipping through our fingers.
And-and Dan in the dirt.

And I... I forced it.

Okay? I'll admit it.
I forced it. You happy?

FIRST: eat.

- What?
- I always think better with food. Eat.

SECOND: next time your gut feels broke,

maybe tell me before we
meet the m*rder suspect.

Okay, my gut is fine.

Oh, right, yeah. 'Cause this isn't
all a diatribe about self-doubt.

We're partners.

When you're off, I can be on. I just...

- I... I need to know when you're...
- You need... you need to know I'm off.

- Yes.
- Yeah, I get it.

I'm not gonna pretend to
know what it feels like

to have a father behind bars.

But I do know the man I
heard about in that race.

And he is someone I'm
proud to call partner.

And I don't think you actually regret

any of your choices from that day.

Just the outcome.

Don't really know how
to separate the two.

Hey, I'm gonna...

take a sec. I-I just need to, uh, um...

need to finish packing
up the ranch and, uh,

get my head on straight. Uh...

I'll meet you back at HQ, yeah?

Sounds good.

Hey. We can crack this thing, partner.

Yeah. Uh, here's hoping.




- You're here.
- Yeah. You're early. It's not time yet.

I just thought y'all were finished.

Well, we're obviously not finished.

But I'll... I'm working on
it. I'll be out soon enough.


Walker, I got to be straight with you.

Bonham needs to take that deal.
It's fair, uh, considering...

We've retained counsel. Thank you.

What you have is another
conflict of interest.

Says the woman who was
disqualified by a judge today.

That doesn't mean I don't hear things.

I mean, do you really
think I didn't have my team

run down the Nate Smith theory?

Do you think I would be sloppy

with my own father's
investigation? Or yours?

So that's the real reason
for this house call...

you're-you're... you're
worried about my partner and me

double-checking your work.

I'm worried about you
nuking someone else's career.

First your brother. Now Perez.

Yeah, respectfully, don't
bring Cassie into this.

You're the one that brought
her into it. Son of the accused?

To a grand jury, that's just
gonna look like witness tampering.

Well, it's good to know where
the D.A.'s office stands.

Anything else?


How did we get here?

I mean, I thought we were gonna

- be the ones to stop the feud.
- Yeah, well...

guess we turned out
to be the exact people

our parents told us
we would be. Go figure.

Yeah. All right.



Little young.

But if you're looking for
some happy hour therapy,

- I mean...
- I appreciate it, but

these problems may be
bigger than the bar.


I'm old enough to destroy a family.

Okay. Well, that sounds
like the root beer talking.

No, it's just the, uh, older sister.

You know, Stella says that
Gramps is being taken away because

I brought the lantern home.

Do you really believe that? I mean,

you don't think she
just had a rough day,

took it out on you?

You know the butterfly effect?

Small events ripple into large outcomes.

Yeah. I'm-I'm aware. Go on.

So, like, if I hadn't found that lantern

and Gramps never buries it,

and the judge never blocks bail.

Yeah, I don't think it works that way.

I don't know, it sounds like pretty
serious physics on the Internet.

Well, it always does.
Augie, here's the deal:

there's about years
that precede your ripple.

I get it. You're worried
about your grandpa.

Aren't we all?

Augie, everyone is spiraling right now.

So, why don't we talk about
a little theory that my dad

used to call "one good thing."

- WALKER: Cassie.
- CASSIE: Hey, what's up?

So, I-I just had a visit from our D.A.

You good? You sound spooked.

I'm more worried about you.

Listen, Denise mentioned
witness tampering.

Even grand jury.

Just wanted to sh**t you straight.

Flying under the Walker
banner right now might, uh...

- might be a little toxic.
- (CHORTLES) Just right now?

I know coming back to the Rangers
was-was a-a difficult choice,

and I-I... I just don't...

- I don't want to make it any harder.
- Damn, she did spook you.

I don't think your instincts
were that off, here, Hoss.

I think they put the fear of
God into our prime suspect.

Our prime su... Wait,
Nate Smith? Wait...

- did he do something?
- After your late-game ejection,

I hung back, surveilled his place.

Our innocent rancher...

he packed up his luggage
and swung by the bank.

Looks like getting out of town to me.

Okay, wh-where are you now?

You're not gonna believe
this, but I'm at The Side Step.

What the hell is Nate Smith doing there?

I don't know.

But toss that raft and
bring some hell down here.

Yes, ma'am.


Geraldine Broussard.


You don't remember me?

- Uh...
- It's... it's Nathaniel.

Nate Smith.

- Nope, sorry.
- I haven't seen you since you was a kid.

Um... Yeah, who-who are you?

I'm a friend of your dad's.

Friend of Frank.

Uh... I helped pay for your
heart surgery, in a way.

WALKER: Clear the bar.
Texas Rangers! Everybody out!

- Nate, what are you doing here?
- Walker, do you know this guy?

He's a... a person of interest
in the Marv Davidson case.

This isn't just about Marv.

It's about Bonham.

And her.

- Okay. I'll ask again.
- What?

What are you doing here?

All right, your instincts
were right, back at the ranch.

But you j... you just, you
got it all twisted in the end.


Bonham is a good man.

Now, he don't deserve
what's happening to him.

And she needs to hear this from me.

Hear what?

Can I have this conversation
with Geri in private, please?

No, if this is about Bonham,

then whatever you tell
me, he can hear it too.

CASSIE: All clear.

All right.

If you don't remember me, do
you remember a pink music box?

GERI: Uh, yes. My-my
father gave me one when we

- came to Austin for the first time.
- NATE: He bought it for you

when you were staying
with me in Brushy Creek.

He said it-it helped you sleep.

- Yeah, I-I remember.
- Okay, Nate...

how do you really know Frank?

I used to work up in OKC a
lot. And we became friends.

And Geri got sick, so

she was spending a lot of time
with specialists in Austin.

I'd-I'd go with your dad
a lot to the hospital.

It was near a duck pond.

It's by a creek.

NATE: Austin General
had this new treatment,

but Frank couldn't afford it.

They were gonna discharge you,

and Frank came to me with this idea.

A robbery.

N... Uh, no.

(SHORT CHUCKLE) Okay, that's...

that's not my father.

He wouldn't-he wouldn't do that.

Oh, I agree, but-but
he was-he was desperate.

- Who were you gonna rob?
- Marv.

Frank and I used to work for
him before he moved up to OKC.

Marv was always living high on the hog,

but shorting his employees,

so Frank asked him for his back
pay to help cover the surgery.

Marv told him to pound sand.


I knew where Marv hid his money.

Hell, all we had to do was

go up to... to Hill Country,

take the money out of a slick

that Marv kept in his barn.

Not all of it, mind you. Just...

just enough.

Got it.

Right there.

Come on, Frank, hurry up.

We were just there for the money.

But then I saw smoke
creep in under the door.

We got to go. We've
got enough, right there.


NATE: But the barn caught fire,

and it was getting out of control.

- Frank, the window!



NATE: We split up.


Smoke got to me, and...

I think I passed out.

When I come to...


(GRUNTING) NATE: ... I see Bonham,

and he's got this crazy look in his eye.

He was trying to save a life.

Not take one.

What happened, Frank?
It's taken care of.

The hell you mean?

And Marv

won't be a problem ever again.

Frank came back with the money...

... and Marv Davidson was dead.

He caught him in the
act, Geri. I'm sorry.

I d...


I-I guess I'm not understanding...

why-why would my father k*ll someone

to pay for my-for my treatments?

Uh, this-this doesn't...
this doesn't make any sense.

No. I'm... I'm... I'm
sorry, but you're lying.

Wish I was.

Okay, Nate, those payments...

... they weren't hush money.

They were, uh...

... they were child support.


And, uh, and-and you...

... you were the middle man

between Marv and Frank, right?

- For a long time.
- What are you talking about?


Hush money?

Child support?

There is no one alive who
can even speak to this.

That's not entirely true, Ger. Uh...

Maybe we should...

- hang back?
- WALKER: No. No, no, no, no. My, uh, my... my...

my gut is telling me
something, and, um...

What? I... I think we
should get Abby here.

- You know?
- He's accusing my father of m*rder.

Are you hearing that? Yeah...

- Why would he m*rder some random man?

Ger, Ger,

M... Mar... Marv, uh, w-wasn't random.

Marv Davidson is, uh...


... is your father.

- What?!
- He's your birth father.


Are you hearing yourself?

- WALKER: Okay, listen...
- Are you hearing what you're saying?

Okay, before Marv died,
he-he... he went to my mom, okay?

And he told her...

- he had a child out there. A child...
- Stop.

everyone thought was dead.

But who wasn't dead. Okay? Who-who...

... who, uh, who isn't.

Because I am...

looking at her right now.

I am not Marv Davidson's daughter.


Pretty sure you are, Geri.

Just as much as you're Frank's.

- Hey.
- S... S... Just...

I can't. I'm sorry, I c-I c...
I cannot be here right now.


Geri. Hey.


♪ Sleepless nights
take their toll... ♪


Well... looks like

you found your one good thing.

Hey. That man's testimony is
gonna bring your daddy home.

Not like this. Geri, I-I never wanted

my... my one good thing to... to come

at-at your expense. Not like this.

Doesn't change how it is.

Hey, um...

♪ A sleepwalker's dream... ♪

What Nate said... it-it
doesn't have to change

who your father was to you.

He's still the man who raised you

to be who you are today, okay?

- He's still your port in the storm. He...
- Yeah, I know.

I-I know that you're trying
to help me right now, but...

uh, may-maybe don't.


♪ Why don't you stick around... ♪


I have tried all day

to help your family.

I feel so stupid.

- ♪ Why don't you stick around... ♪
- Geri, my... my family

is-is your family.

We are family. You're...
you're a Walker, still.

Through and through.

- This doesn't change anything.
- Cordi.

Don't kid yourself.

Did you-did you hear?

♪ I can't take it no more... ♪

It changes everything.

♪ I may have won the battle, oh ♪

♪ But honey ♪

♪ Oh, but honey ♪

♪ I lost the w*r. ♪


I've never seen it empty.


Yeah, me neither.

(SCOFFS) You know, I walked in,

and the first thing that came to mind

was that time that Liam

covered that entire wall with crayon.


We told him he couldn't
play with them at the diner,

and we said, "Oh, use them at home."

I didn't realize that
we'd have to specify,

- you know, that the walls were off-limits.
- Yeah.

Weird. I know... (STAMMERS) I don't know

- why I thought of that.
- Saying goodbye.

You prepare for the
big memories. It's...

it's the little ones that

- catch you off guard.
- Yeah.

Have you heard from Geri?

No. I mean, I-I, um,

I left some voice mails, but, uh...

no, I haven't-haven't heard back.

I just can't believe it's her.

That it was Geri... our Geri... and...

I had no idea.


she doesn't blame you. You know that.

Not yet.

- Do you regret it?
- It wasn't easy, or... or fun. But...

if somebody had to say it,
I guess I'm glad it was me.


Maybe tonight you'll finally sleep.

Yeah. Me and Daddy.

What's that? You find
something in the move?


Something that I... I thought was lost.

Okay. Okay.

Well, I guess we should probably be...

Can you give me a sec?

Course. Yeah. Course.



Hey, Dad.

- One last trip to the ranch?
- No.

Nah, I don't want to
remember it like that.

A shell of itself.

I'll keep the picture I have in my head.

Side Step it is, then.

We can't check in to
that hotel until : .

Y'all couldn't scrounge up a rental?

We had a couple things going on, Dad.

I know.

Thank you, son.

For believing in me.



- Hey.
- WALKER: There he is.

- Hey!
- Daddy.


♪ All around the... ♪

- Hey, little girl.
- Hi, there.

Well, uh, welcome back, Daddy.

Uh, y... you... you know,
such... such as it is.

♪ People singin' out... ♪

All of us together
anywhere is just fine.

- Mm-hmm.
- Amen.

STELLA: Okay, sure,

but, like, seriously...

what are we gonna do for breakfast?

- WALKER: Okay, okay.

- Well, I think someone is on that bacon.
- Yeah.

- Bacon...
- Maybe this could work?



You know, I thought
we might want to keep

the breakfast tradition alive, and I got

- way too many tacos down the street, so...
- You... you can't get

too many tacos. You know
that. I taught you that.

- You get an egg...
- Hey, stinker, bacon, egg and cheese?

- Oh, yeah, I got you extra.
- Stinker.

- Yes!
- All right, here's your coffee.

Okay. I knew you'd...

There you go. Pass it down,
pass it down, pass it down.

♪ World ♪

♪ I been singin' out ♪

♪ Loud ♪

♪ They caught me spinnin' in a... ♪

Oh, my gosh.

(CHUCKLES) I can't...
I can't believe it's you.

You're here.


♪ Is... ♪

- Um, I'm gonna let you...
- Okay, yeah. Okay.

♪ Comin'... ♪


I-I... I am here.

But that's honestly
as far asl've gotten.


And I'm-I'm still wrapping my head

around being, um...

A Davidson.

♪ All around the ♪

♪ World ♪

♪ People singin' out... ♪

- Oh, God.
- ♪ Loud ♪

- ♪ About what's goin'... ♪
- I'm sorry, is that too much? (LAUGHS)

- It's...
- I'm sorry.

It just...

♪ They say a new day... ♪

I just have one question.

- Yeah.
- Gale,

did you know?

That I was out there?

As far as I know...

Abby Walker was the only one Marv told.

And why she would keep that
a secret when I could have...

I could have been looking for you,

I-I don't know. I don't know.

But you're here now. I...

I just... I-I'm just willing to
make up for lost time, if you are.