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02x14 - Pulse

Posted: 04/11/22 07:55
by bunniefuu
ROBYN: I serve as an equalizer.

I'm the one you call
when you can't call .

Previously on The Equalizer...

Does the name Mason Quinn
mean anything to you?

ROBYN: I was promised
that he would spend

the rest of his miserable life
locked up.

Who promised you that?

ROBYN: How could you lie to me,

when you knew I should have known?

Well, when it comes to Quinn,

you're just a little bit
obsessed, aren't you?

QUINN [DISTORTED]: Good to know
you're still in play.

I'm gonna get you again.

And this time, I'm gonna k*ll you.

Everything I could dig up on Mason Quinn

since the CIA let him go.

Uh, word of advice: don't open it.

It's not your problem anymore.

I'm looking for Viola Marsette?

I have a sketch I want to ask you about.

VI: The woman in that portrait,

she was more than a friend.

It wasn't something that could survive

the real world,

as the world was then.


VANESSA: I don't know you,

but if Marcus trusted you,

then I trust you, too.

Please find him.

Yes! I need a airlift. Officer down.

You are a good cop.

I can't be a good cop if
I don't know why I'm doing it.

Because if I don't, I'm afraid
of who I might become.









Aren't you looking all dapper, Aunt Vi?

Spending the day with
Tricia in Connecticut.


And how's that going?

We're not asking
any questions right now.

Just simply enjoying
each other's company.

Well, you think you could drop Dee off

on your way to your rendezvous?

- VI: Of course.
- Mom?

Do you know about this?

Yeah. He's gonna be fine.

You're not the one
who shot him, are you?


VI: Just glad he's gonna be okay.

He was so kind to Dee
when Jason was shot.

Well, he's at home recovering.


Are you guys friends now?

Aren't you gonna be late for school?

Aunt Vi's gonna drop you off.


That is not an answer.

Maybe it was.

Come on, girl. Let's go.



I thought you'd be back at work by now.

I am. I'm just pitching in with
the kids while Marcus recovers.

He's in the middle of
a physical therapy session.

He's gonna be a while.

Oh. How y'all doing?

Kyler and Stefon don't want
to let him out of their sight.

We're all appreciating

he's still with us
and that you brought him home.

[CHUCKLES] Well, we got lucky.

I have a feeling
luck has nothing to do with it

where you're concerned.

How's he doing?

Shoulder and knee are healing.

But he won't talk about the rest...

Turning in his badge.

Seems more worried about how all this

is affecting the kids than himself.

I get it.

But in times of stress,

it's like being on a plane.

When the oxygen masks drop,

parents have to be the one
to put it on first.

I told him pretty much the same thing.

Great minds.



- I gotta take this call.
- Yeah.

I'll-I'll let him know you stopped by.

Thank you.


WOMAN: This is red flag. Code: .

Open source. Requesting ghost render.

Location: songbird, Alpha-Theta, six.


So, I just got
an interesting voice mail.

- Yeah? From who?
- From your old buddy Paulie Schinzel.

Mm. What'd he want?

To tell me that
he's completely freaked out,

because he was walking
around the East Side

and he thought he saw a ghost.

You. He said he tried to catch up,

but you vanished behind a bus.

And now he thinks he's losing his mind.

- Good.
- Honey...

What? I mean...

that guy's entire thing was

how important a friend I was to him.

Meanwhile, he doesn't even
go to my own funeral.

- You're still holding that against him?
- Yeah.

There are plenty of reasons why

people don't go to funerals.

Yeah, but it was a perfect metaphor

for our entire relationship.

You know, the only time
I ever heard from that guy

was when he wanted something from me.

You know, a favor,
advice, a shoulder to cry on.

I was always there for him.

The one time I die?
Dude couldn't be bothered.

- You need to let this go.

Oh. Hey, Rob.

- What's up?
- I just got a strange call.



Ignore that. What was the call?

An SOS call from a CIA agent

asking to meet at specific coordinates.

Why is a CIA agent calling you?

I have no clue.

I haven't seen or spoken
to her in ten years.

Do me a favor, dig into her.

Her name is Marcela Mendez.

See what you can find out

about what she's been up to lately.

Mendez. All right.

Any idea what she was calling about?

No. But a red flag code...

You don't send one of those up
unless it's life or death.

MAN: You move, you die.

Hands up, nice and easy.




Robyn McCall.


I suppose that makes losing
my g*n a bit less embarrassing.

Who are you?

Carter Griffin. CIA.

I worked support roles
on a few of your missions.

- Do you mind?
- Not until you tell me

what I just walked into.

I wish I could. I got here
a minute before you.

I'm Marcela's handler.

She missed her check-in,
so I came to find her.

In case you're thinking this was me,

the shot came through there
from a distance.

Your turn. Why are you here?

Thought you were out.

I am.

Marcela called me.

With a red flag code.

She called you?

If she was in trouble,
why didn't she call me?

Good question.

Was she on-mission?

No, just came off.

What was it?


Three weeks ago,
a Chinese translator at the U.N.

named Chen Ying reached out.

Wanted to trade sensitive information

in exchange for U.S. protection.

But last week, before
Marcela could bring her in,

the translator was pulled back to China.

Days later, she was found
in Beijing with her throat slit.

Beijing is sending a message.


I'm confused.

How did you know Marcela?

She was my student.

ROBYN: Come on, what do you have?

What do you have?

Breathe it. Breathe it.


Parry, parry, parry.

Drop. Let's go.




ROBYN: That's three
submissions in a row.

He's bigger, stronger.

"There are no limits."

Bruce Lee.

He was your height,

not much heavier than you,
but he could deliver

a punching power of pounds. Why?

Because he spent hundreds of hours

with singular purpose

until he perfected his technique.

The reason you keep
losing on the mat is you.

You're sloppy. You're unfocused.

You're not working hard enough.

Come on, girl.


GRIFFIN: Single shot to the T-box.

b*llet severed her spinal column.


At least she didn't suffer.

Which means whoever did it was a pro.




Better? That's it?

What, you want a trophy
for staying alive?



Oh, they're going to hell
anyways. I should just

- chop them off.
- They can be useful.

I once hid a nano-chip

under my nail at a w*r zone

border crossing in Rwanda.

It's the one place
men never think to check.

Given her temperature, I put
time of death less than an hour.

Her clothes, hair...

smell odd.

Like rotten eggs.

Any idea why?


What can you tell me
about the translator, Chen?

All due respect,

this is Agency business.

You're not Agency.

She called me for a reason.

One you won't... Or can't... explain.

Playing it like that?

You know how it is.

If you're not in, then you're...


That is, until
they need something from you.

Well, I guess I'll leave you to it.

Wow. Microdot.

So cool.

This was the tech du jour

in World w*r One and Two.

And then it just kind of vanished.

- Can you read it?
- Yeah, I should be able to.

It's really nothing more

than a severely reduced image.

I guess in today's world of

"anything electronic can be hacked,"

old-school is making a comeback.

HARRY: Look at that.

That's a bank transfer.

Can you run it down?

- Yeah.
- You didn't tell Griffin

you took it, did you?

If Marcela didn't trust the CIA
on this one,

why should I?

Looks like the transaction was

a very large deposit

into an account for a shell corporation

from an untraceable outside source.

How large?

$ million.

Can you trace the shell corp
that received it?

Yeah, it gets a little fuzzy,
but it looks like

the most direct line is a
guy named Daniel Blake.

You know him?

Yeah, Blake was a new player
on the scene as I was getting out.

HARRY: Says here he was
an English businessman

who made his fortune in oil
and other global interests.

He's also rumored to be the Silk Road

of black-market traffickers.

He can get you anything you need...

for top dollar.

Well, somebody's paying him
a lot for something.

And whatever it was
just got Marcela k*lled.

That still doesn't explain
why she called me.


Huh, what?

Ten minutes after that payment came in,

funds from the same account
were used to charter a private jet

from Australia to New York.

It's due to arrive in just over an hour.

- Blake coming to town?
- No.

According to the web,
he's already in town.

Page Six has him at
a charity event last night.

Well, if it's not Blake,

it's someone he's in business with.

Maybe someone connected
to that transfer.

Yeah, and if Marcela was
tracing that account,

it'll be someone significant.

We need to be there
when that plane lands.

You two up for some surveillance?


In the meantime, you find anything

on that translator Marcela
was trying to bring in?

Chen Ying?

Yeah, to say her social media presence

is "minimal" would be generous.

I found three photos. That's everything.

You know, you gotta figure

the Chinese government
controlled her posts.

ROBYN: Who's the woman
in the picture with her?

HARRY: Another translator.

She seems like a friend.

What you thinking?

I'm thinking if Chen had
information to trade

and she thought
the government was onto it,

then maybe she was smart
enough to hide it.

So while you two get eyes on that plane,

I'm gonna hit up the friend.

See if she can provide some insight

into Chen's movements.

Especially on the day she was grabbed.

I got a feeling
she knew she was gonna die.

Nope. Not our plane.

Hey, babe, while we're waiting...

Hey, Mel. It's Paulie again.

- I just wanted to apologize
- Ugh.

For calling you in the first place.

It was insensitive of me
to bring up Harry.

Truth is, I... I don't know what I saw.

Guess I still feel a lot of guilt

- for not going to the funeral.
- Yeah.

Listen, I want you to know

I actually did go to that church,

but I just... I-I couldn't go in.

Anyway, I...

- Sorry. Again.
- Come on.

Hope you're doing well. Okay, bye.

What am I supposed to do with that?

- People change, Harry.
- Mm.

- Relationships change.
- Mm-hmm.

Maybe it's worth giving
him another shot.

Hold that thought. We're on.

Bom dia.

Good morning. How are you?

Fine, thanks. Credentials, please.

Yes, of course.

I'm with the Brazilian delegation.


Have a good day.

Thank you.



MEL: Who is that?

HARRY: I don't know.


Excuse me.

I was wondering if you could help me.

I was supposed to meet
Chen Ying for lunch.

Did she move offices?

Oh, I'm afraid she left back for China.

She left last week.

That explains it.

Her phone is not in service,

she's not answering any emails.

Does she have any family here?

I have some books
I would love to return to her.

Oh, I don't think so.

Well, do you know where she was staying?

Maybe they left a forwarding address.

Sorry, we never really
saw each other outside of work.


- What a lovely bracelet.
- Thanks.

Chen had one just like it.

This is hers. She gave it to me

as a gift the day she left, so...

- That is so Chen, right?

Well, thank you for your time.

Marcia Silva.

Fen Zhang. Nice to meet you.

Chen must have known
they were coming for her.

Smart move. Desperate, but smart.

What is it?


It's a transcript
of a phone conversation.

Anything in there worth k*lling for?

ROBYN: First guy's name is Jin Meng.

He's one of China's Vice Premiers.

He was at the U.N. last month

as part of their diplomatic mission.

Chen must've transcribed the call.

Well, who's he talking to?

The other speaker is unidentified.

They keep talking
about someone named Liu.

- Who is Liu? Is there a last name?
- No.

They're both very worried
that she's disappeared.

It's a matter of national security.

Harry, there's a time
stamp on this transcription.

Is there any way to find out

who the Vice Premier is talking to?

I mean, the call most likely
came from within China.

But hacking their phone system
will be difficult.

But can you do it?

I mean, I can try. It'll take some time.

How'd the surveillance go?

Well, we made it
before the plane landed.

Only one passenger got off.

He got into Blake's limo,
but we lost them in traffic.

We got pictures, though.


It can't be.

What? You know him?

Yeah, I know him.

He's the one I told you about.

The one who tried to k*ll me.

The murdering bastard the CIA let go.

That's Mason Quinn.

Mason Quinn? The guy
who sent those mercs

- after Henson's daughter last year?
- Yes.

This man's a sociopath.

He has no country,
no allegiance, or conscience.

Assassinations, kidnappings,

overthrowing governments.

He'll do anything for a price.

And after years of chasing him
down and grabbing him,

the CIA just trades him away
in some shady backroom deal?

MEL: No wonder Marcela went to you

and not them.

But... Okay.
What is Quinn doing in New York?

Well, he just paid Daniel Blake
a fortune for something.

We need to find out what.

But the guy's a ghost.

He's deep underground by now.

Then how do we find him?


[SIGHS] Bishop gave me a file
full of intel on Quinn.

But he warned me never to look at it.

He knew if I opened it,

I wouldn't be able to help myself,

I would be right back in.

Well, you said yourself

your obsession with Quinn
almost got you k*lled.

And it saved countless lives.

If Quinn is involved,
something big is going down.

Rob, something big is always
gonna be going down.

Maybe... maybe Bishop is right

and the safe play
is just to sit this one out.

If Quinn is operating in this city...

no one is safe.



I've been through it
backwards and forwards.

It's like a big jigsaw puzzle.

I mean, there's intel

from nearly every intelligence
agency in the world.

Mossad, MI , Russian FSB.

Quinn clearly has no qualms

about going after people's families.

ROBYN: Yeah,
and the name "Willow" comes up

multiple times in
intercepted chatter from Quinn.

"CIA hasn't cracked Black Window.

"Possible to abduct Willow?

For this to work, I need her."

In Chinese, "willow" is "Liu."

That's who they were talking
about in the transcript.

So a kidnap victim? A spouse? A kid?

I don't know.

"CIA hasn't cracked Black Window."

What the hell is Black Window?

Can you ask Bishop?

Bishop is radio silent
on a job in Europe.

Can't get to him.

And even if I could, he won't help me.

Not if it involves Mason Quinn.

I need to go to Griffin.

Wait. The guy works for the same agency

that let Quinn go in the first place.

I didn't say I trusted him.

Doesn't mean he can't help.

How do we know he won't set you up?

- If he does, I'll handle it.
- Oh, Rob...

It's a risk I'm gonna have to take.

I mean, is it? Let's just wait a beat.

We don't have a beat.

She's going to the CIA.

She's not thinking straight.

She's making it personal.

Yeah. I don't have
a good feeling about this one.

Thanks for coming.

Tell anybody you were meeting me?

I like my job too much.

What'd you find?

Pieces to a puzzle,

but I need something from you
to put them together.

What are the pieces?

You're not gonna tell me?

There's a reason Marcela came to me.

'Cause she didn't know who to trust.

Frankly, neither do I.

And yet I'm supposed to trust you?

I'm not asking for your trust.

Asking for your help.

The reason I left the CIA is

because I lost faith in the institution,

but not the mission.

The way I see it,

if you want to know the truth
about what happened,

then you'll help me.

But if you're involved, you won't.

What would you want me to do?

Get into the Agency system.

Find out everything
you can about an operation

called "Black Window"...

without ringing any bells.

Why does it have to be back-channel?

Because the players involved
may have connections

at the front office.

You know what you're asking?

The personal, professional, and legal

ramifications if I'm caught?

For someone I don't trust
who doesn't trust me?

You just described intelligence work.

How'd it go?

Therapist said I won't be able to drive

for at least a couple more weeks.

I'm sorry, Nessa.

The least I can do is get the kids

and run a few errands while you recover.

Anything you need while I'm out?

Not unless you can find me
a new shoulder.

It's this I'm more worried about.

You want to talk about it?


By the way, your friend came by.

Thought I heard her voice.

She cares about you,

and based on that flicker
of a smile I just saw,

the feeling is mutual.

I've known you for
a really long time, Marcus.

If you don't want to talk to me,

maybe you should talk to her.

[SIGHS] Okay. Griffin's in.

Any luck on that transcript?

I traced the incoming call
to the Vice Premier,

and the man on the other end
of the phone was Timofey Popov.

- Never heard of him.
- He's a Russian scientist.

The Chinese often throw big money

at foreign specialists
to siphon expertise.


- Hey.

I was able to get in
and pull files on Black Window.

You okay?


Yeah, I, um,

I think I covered my tracks.

What'd you find out?

All right. Black Window refers
to an Agency investigation

into Air Penang Flight

that went down under
mysterious circumstances

seven months ago.

Flight just suddenly lost power.

Dropped from the sky like a stone.

And when they recovered the black box,

it was completely wiped.

Any idea how?

No. The investigation started to stall,

so they recently

recruited your old mentor,
William Bishop, to help.

ROBYN: Bishop?

So that's what he's been up to
the past two months.

Sorry, that's, uh, that's all I got.

Well, that's plenty.

I'll read you in when I can.

The Russian.

What kind of scientist is he?


He specializes in
directed magnetic fields.

Directed magnetic fields.

Planes going down.

Willow is not a person. It's a w*apon.

HARRY: Targeted EMP that can

knock any aircraft out of the sky.

And no one would know who did it

or even how.

It would be completely untraceable.

And one of the most dangerous
men on the planet

is about to get his hands on it.

Tried Bishop, still no answer.

What do you know about EMPs?

Pretty much every country in the world

is trying to develop
one that works long-range.

Well, it looks like China succeeded.

Yeah, and Blake stole it.

This must've been the info

Chen was going to trade
for her defection.

HARRY: I mean, no person or
government should have this much power.

Flight must have been
proof of concept.

Yeah. Quinn saw the obvious benefits,

wanted in and hired Blake to get it.

But if Quinn is here to take possession,

then Blake must've shipped it here.

I'm way ahead of you.

I'm into Blake's oil company.

Based on the transcript, right,

we know the approximate time

that Willow was stolen. Check this out.

There was a shipment
of drilling equipment

that went from China to Blake,
all of which was sent to Texas,

except for this one group here,

which was sent
to a warehouse in the Bronx.

I'm gonna check that out.

H-Hold on a second. Shouldn't we be

screaming about all this
from the rooftops?

MEL: He's right. Maybe it's time

to turn it over to the CIA.

I mean, they have the resources,
let them do their jobs.

Like last time? When they let Quinn go?

I mean, God knows what they're
into with Quinn now or how deep.

- Fine. I'm going with you.
- I am, too.


The last time you got involved
with the Agency,

you wound up in an interrogation room

and you were in a jail cell.

People that tangle
with Quinn end up dead.

I'm not doing that to you.

You can still help me from here.

Rob, somebody needs to watch your back.

Fine, what about Griffin?

Can you trust him?

I appreciate you pulling me in.

Well, one leap of faith
deserves another.

You deserve to help take down

that bastard that k*lled Marcela.

All right. We're looking for Bin E- .

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. McCall.


Too late.

- MAN: Both of you...
- [g*n COCKS]

...turn around slowly.

Turn the hell around.

Where's the EMP?

I don't know.

Wrong answer.

Where's the w*apon
that was in that crate?

Okay. All right.

He's demonstrating it
to a buyer at : p.m.

- On what?
- I don't know.



- Where?
- I don't know!

I swear.

You got bracelets for our friends?

You all hearing me?

You're not gonna tell me
who you're talking to, are you?

We're not there yet.

Yep. Yeah, we're here.

The EMP is gone.

Blake's planning on
demonstrating the w*apon for Quinn

to seal the deal in minutes.

Another plane?

Stands to reason.

There are , flights coming
into New York every day.

Harry, we need that big brain
of yours to improve those odds.

Any ideas?

Okay, wait a minute. Um... Yeah.

An EMP would require at least

a half a million watts of power to fire.

ROBYN: What does Blake own
near an airport with that kind of juice?

I've got two facilities
that fit the bill.

One is by JFK, the other is by
Long Island McArthur Airport.

We don't have time to hit both.

- What kind of facilities?
- Bulk storage structure...

- and a refinery.
- The refinery.

How do you know?

Marcela was onto Blake
when she was k*lled.

When I found her body,

her hair and her clothes
smelled like rotten eggs.


It's what hydrogen sulfide smells like.

Which is used in oil refineries.

I'll scramble a team, but we
have to go through the FBI.

It's gonna take time
to get them on location.

What about air traffic control?

Can they divert the plane?

There's , planes landing
in the next hour.

There's no way to divert them all.

We need to know
which one he's targeting.

Knowing Quinn, his MO...

the target won't be random.

He will have chosen it for a reason.

HARRY: Rob, I've got the
blue prints for the refinery.

ROBYN: Where am I going?

The main electrical substation is at

the far northeast end.
That's where he'd plug in.

Well, can you shut it down?

Not without knocking out half the city.

Not to mention,
it would take a couple of hours.

That's too long.

We could go over Bishop's file again,

cross-reference every known
person of interest to Quinn

with flights landing
in the next minutes.

That's thousands of people.
We don't have the time.

Try anyway.


I know what you're thinking.

She can't do this alone.

She doesn't want us involved.

She's gonna get herself k*lled.
It's Mason Quinn.


I'll hit the file. You go.


Target's ten minutes out.


FBI just authorized a response team.

ETA minutes.

That's too late.

- Any luck?

I searched all known persons of interest

to Quinn and cross-referenced
it with the passenger list

of every flight
coming in the next half hour.

- And?
- There's a private jet

coming in from Europe.

Rob, it's registered to Bishop Security.

I checked the manifest.

Bishop's on that flight.

When does it land?

It's over the airspace in eight.

Bishop must have connected some dots.

Quinn's gonna use that
weapons test to take him out.

You have to warn the pilot.

Divert the plane.

Rob, if I hack into air traffic
control, I'll be exposed.

The CIA could track it.


I'll try.


Flight T P, T P. Please respond.

PILOT: This is

Who is this? Ground control?

No, this is an anonymous

but very concerned citizen.

You need to divert immediately.

- Your plane is being targeted.

Whoever's broadcasting,
please clear this frequency.

- It is a federal offense...
- No, no. Just... listen, please.

There's no time to explain,

but your aircraft is about
to be shot down.

You need to reverse course immediately.

PILOT: ATC, do you know
what this joker is talking about?


That is not us. You are clear.

No, you are not clear!

PILOT: Look, I don't know
what you're up to, fella,

but you just committed
a federal offense,

so I'd find yourself a good lawyer.

Just... No. Damn it!


any luck diverting that plane?

I've been trying.
They're not listening to me.

We're gonna have to do this ourselves.

A direct as*ault would be su1c1de.

I'm gonna have to cut the power.

Wait here.

Okay, I got a plan...

I keep hearing you retired,

but you keep on showing up.

Someone's got to stop you.

But not you.

Or your mentor up there.

This thing you have, this...

moral center.

You think it's a source of strength,

but it's not.

It's an anchor.

Which is why

I will always win.

Two minutes. It is,
as they say, showtime.

QUINN: Let's see if this thing works.

Damn it, listen to me.

I know you're Bishop Security.

I know William Bishop is on board.

Now tell him the request
to divert is coming from McCall.

Tell him Quinn is targeting the plane.

PILOT: I told you to get...

No! Tell him right now

or you and everyone
on that plane is dead!

PILOT: Stand by.


seconds out.

Engaging targeting system.


Ready to fire.

PILOT: I spoke to Bishop.

declaring emergency

- and diverting.
- Yes!

Repeat, Tango-seven-two-three-Papa

declaring emergency and diverting.

- Mayday, Mayday, Mayday.


PILOT: ATC, flight controls unrespons...



out of flight level.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!


AIR TRAFFIC : Two-three-Papa,
we show you heading at zero...

AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL: Recover, recover!

He's heading towards the ocean.




I'd call that a success.

Transfer payment.

What about them?


k*ll them.



- Quinn?
- That way, toward the back.

No. Rob, no!

Rob, if you take that chopper down,

the trajectory puts it right
in the heart of Queens.

Rob, I know you want Quinn dead,

but think of the collateral damage.

Think of the casualties!



Quinn's helicopter disappeared
from radar.

And the authorities haven't
been able to locate it.

He got away.

He got away and Bishop is gone.

I'm so sorry, Rob.

It's all my fault.

No, what are you talking about?

Bishop only agreed to help the CIA

because he wanted
to bring in Quinn. For me.

Well, at least you stopped
Quinn from getting his prize.

It doesn't matter.

Whatever he's planning,

he'll find another way to do it.

But thanks for your help.

And thanks for not listening to me.

I just wish I could have
gotten there sooner.

Me, too.

To Bishop.

It wasn't your fault.


It was Quinn's.




MEL: Uh, babe,

Paulie Schinzel just walked in.

Yeah. No, I-I invited him.

- What?
- After what happened to Bishop,

I figured life's too short
to carry grudges.

Best to cherish what we got.

No matter how imperfect.

- Harry.
- Hey, buddy.

I'm so glad you're alive!

- Whoa, man!

- Oh, my God.
- That's a lot.



Bishop? Bish?

QUINN: This is the second
time you've gotten in my way.

Don't come for me again,

because then I'll have
to come after you.



Everything okay?


I lost a really good friend today.

♪ When the wind begins to blow ♪

And, uh, I could use someone
to talk to about it.

♪ And your heart is full of sorrow ♪

You're not alone in that.

I'll make some coffee.

♪ Leave a light on ♪

♪ Leave a light on. ♪