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06x06 - The World Turned Upside Down

Posted: 04/10/22 19:33
by bunniefuu
- [CLAIRE] Previously...
- Yesterday we were saying

how remarkable it is
that you're a physician.

Others might accuse such a woman

of witchcraft and the like.

[CLAIRE] Apparently, some of
the new settlers think

that I am a witch.

[MALVA] Why do you do these drawings?

So that others can benefit
from what I've learned.

- Like me?
- Yes.

I want to spend my time
with you and Jemmy.

- Just the three of us.
- Well, the four of us.

[JAMIE] Patrick MacNeill.

This often, you'll have enough
to feed a family of five.

Surely ye've suitors.

Lads swoon after you
in droves; I've seen them.

Please, sir, ye'll say
no such thing to my father.

I was only teasing, lass.

Mr. Henderson. Miss Christie.

Surely you've done no wrong.

[MALVA] Looks can be deceiving.


♪ ♪


[ROGER] Look around
at your brethren here today.

None are all-knowing,

all powerful,

and of noble birth.

But God does not require
brilliance or power or nobility

for us to be true believers.

More often than not,

those are the very things that
keep us from trusting the Lord.

That is why God hath chosen
what is foolish in the world

to shame the wise,

what is weak to confound the mighty,

and what is low in the world
to bring to nothing...

things that are.


♪ ♪

[ROGER] Did you enjoy the service?

[JAMIE] I only noticed
one person falling asleep.

Old Maggie MacCurley.

- She's .

You're doin' a fine job, Roger Mac.

I appreciate that coming from you.

I know you weren't exactly
pleased it was church.

It's only that I wanted it
to be used for more

than the Protestants' Sunday worship.

Oh, aye, it is.

Tom's been teachin'
the children their letters

here in the afternoons.

Have any of you seen
Mr. and Mrs. MacNeill lately?

No, why?

They never miss a Sunday.

Well, you and I can stop
by the cabin later

and look in on them.

And maybe Lizzie and Malva

would want to come along for the walk.

I'm sure Malva will.

She's been glued to your side
ever since you started

letting her help as your apprentice.

Well, she's doing very nicely actually,

although I do miss Marsali.

I miss them all.

I think they'll do well in New Bern.

- [CLAIRE] Hmm.
- Fergus will be happy there.

He'll thrive in the print shop

and be able to provide for his family.

Should have seen it sooner.

You love them.
You wanted to keep them near.

- There's no shame in that.
- [JAMIE] Hmm.



[LIZZIE] Apparently, Maggie
can sleep through anything.

I should have her look after June.



[LIZZIE EXHALES] There's an awful smell.

Look at the crows.

Something's dead nearby.

[CLAIRE] Mr. MacNeill!



Mr. McNeill!




Leave the door open.

We need as much light and air
in here as possible.

Attend to the children first.

[BRIANNA] Come on, sweetheart.
Let's get you cleaned up.

Oh, my God.

- Mistress. The baby.

[MALVA] She's barely breathing.

They're dehydrated.

- [BRIANNA] What is this?
- [CLAIRE] Not sure.

It could be food poisoning
or something worse.

Don't touch your faces.

Here, Brianna,

go to the stream, get some fresh water.

Get as much water
as you can and boil it.

Lie down, lie down.

[LIZZIE] Mistress.

Mrs. MacNeill?

Mrs. MacNeill, what happened?

Here. Take this.

Pour the water out into cups for them.



Mr. MacNeill!

- Mr. MacNeill.

- Mistress Claire.
- What happened?

[PADRAIC] It's the bloody flux.

[LIZZIE] The water, mistress.

It came on so quickly.

[MALVA] Mistress, the baby
won't drink anything.

[LIZZIE] Mrs. MacNeill won't either.

- Our bairns.
- We're here.

We're going to take care of them.

[MALVA] Mistress.

- She can't... she can't...
- [CLAIRE] Keep trying.

[LIZZIE] Mistress.

[CLAIRE] Damn it.

Mrs. MacNeill, you must
try to drink some water.


Ohh... God damn it!

Can ye stop cursin', Mistress?

It's only the wee ones can hear.

We need to send blessings
to Heaven, not curses.

Of course. I'm sorry.



Hail Mary, full of grace...

[MALVA] No. No, no don't go. [SOBS]

[MALVA] She's gone, Mistress.



♪ ♪


She wouldn't let her child go alone.


♪ ♪


[BRIANNA] The water's on the fire.


[MAN] ♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Of a lad that is gone ♪

♪ Say, could that lad ♪

♪ Be I? ♪

♪ Merry of soul ♪

♪ He sailed on a day ♪

♪ Over the sea ♪

♪ To Skye ♪

[WOMAN] ♪ Billow and breeze ♪

♪ Islands and seas ♪

♪ Mountains of rain and sun ♪

- [MAN] ♪ All that was good ♪
- [WOMAN] ♪ All that was good ♪

[MAN] ♪ All that was fair ♪

[BOTH] ♪ All that was me ♪

♪ Is gone ♪

♪ Sing me a song ♪

♪ Of a lass that is gone ♪

♪ Say, could that lass ♪

♪ Be I? ♪

♪ Merry of soul ♪

♪ She sailed on a day ♪

♪ Over the sea ♪

♪ To Skye ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[CLAIRE] There.

I think I've found our villain.

- [MALVA] Can I look?
- Of course.

Do you see it?

The clear, big thing in the middle.

- Lobed, with flecks in it?
- [MALVA] I see it plainly.

Like a currant pudding
someone's dropped on the floor

with arms coming out of it.

Well, that's an amoeba.

That's what's been causing
the bloody flux.

[MALVA] How can something
so small cause such trouble

in something so big as a person?

'Cause once it's inside your body,

its only job is to k*ll cells.

What is weak shall confound the mighty.


[MALVA] Will we give the sick
folk the penicillin then?

No. Unfortunately, penicillin

isn't effective against
amoebic dysentery.

And I don't really have
anything except for herbs.

Where did this amoeba come from?

[CLAIRE] It can be passed through

tainted food or water,

but usually it's contaminated
water source.

- Mistress.

Mr. Ogilvie's here.

He says his wife's fallen sick
with the flux.

Ye must come quickly.

Malva, get me some bulbs
of garlic and some honey

- for honey water.
- At once, Mistress.

I'll head to the MacNeill property,

look for the source.

I'll gather the settlers
in the meeting house

and warn them to wash their hands

and boil water in the meantime.

Ask them to bring samples of water

from their wells and springs.

Hopefully, we can get ahead of this

before it spreads any further.

Thank you, Malva.
You've been a great help.

But Mistress Fraser,
I'm coming with you.

It's a very contagious disease.

I'm coming with you.

Fine. We'll do what we can,

but remember there is no cure.




♪ ♪

[CLAIRE] I'm getting terribly
tired of funerals.

[JAMIE] I'm sorry we havena found out

what's causing the sickness,
but we willna give up.

No, we won't.

[JAMIE] You look a bit
like a ghost, Sassenach.

Havena slept for days

and hardly pause for food.

Let me take you home.

I'm all right.

I wonder where the Sin-Eater is.



No one has seen him in a while.



- Oh, she's burning up.
- [JAMIE] Help me.

♪ ♪



[CLAIRE] Ohh...



Malva, it's late.

Let's leave these good folks now.

It's time for us to go.

Your brother's right.
You should take your rest.

Lizzie's here.

I won't leave her.

[JAMIE] She'll be more
comfortable in her own bed.


♪ ♪





[MALVA] Lizzie's with her.

Here's some willow bark tea for you.

Thank you, lass.

Huh. It is the same tea
Claire made for me

when I was ill with a snakebite.

[MALVA] Oh, no, sir. Snakebite?

- Were you badly hurt?

Aye. Almost lost my leg.

[MALVA] I'm terrified of snakes.

I saw a king snake the other day.


They're great ratters, they are.

[HUFFS] Maybe so,
but they have a wicked bite.

[JAMIE] You haven't been
bitten, have you?

[MALVA] No, sir, but Mr. Crombie was.

He brought one in a box
to a Sunday meeting once

to make mischief
for he knew the text was:

"For they shall take up
poisonous serpents

and suffer no harm."

When he opened it, the snake came out

like a jack-in-the-box
and bit him on the lip.

[JAMIE CHUCKLES] Did it, then?

I dinna recall hearing about that.

[MALVA] Well, Mr. Crombie was furious.

I imagine no one wanted
to spread the story

in fear he'd maybe pop with rage.

[JAMIE] Aye, I see.

And that's why he refused to come

have my wife take a look
at the wound, I suppose.

Oh, no sir. He wouldn't do that.

Not if he was to have to
cut off his nose by mistake.

No? Why not?


some say your wife's

a witch, sir.

You do not think so, do ya?

Oh, no, sir. Never.

Should wish nothing but to be like her.

She is so kind and lovely.

- And so knowledgeable.

I want to learn all she can teach me.

Is it true, sir?

That your grandsire was Lord Lovat?

Him they called the Old Fox?

Oh, aye. [SMALL LAUGH]


I come from a long line of traitors,

thieves, and bastards.

I dinna believe it, sir.

You seem a fine gentleman to me.


♪ ♪










[CLAIRE] Roger.


I don't know. Am I?

[ROGER] Claire, here.

Drink some of this.




What on earth?


Malva and Mrs. Bug cut it
off the day before yesterday.

They thought it's what you do
for someone

with a terrible fever.


Bree and I weren't here,
or we wouldn't have let them.

Of course, Bree was furious with them,

but they truly thought they were helping

save your life.

- I'll fetch Jamie.
- No.

I don't want him to see me like this.

He's seen you... it... already.

I mean... he s-saw it.

What did he say?

[ROGER] He didn't say anything.

He just cried.




You looked funny for a moment.

Do you want some more honey water?



- The sickness, is it still...
- [ROGER] No, it stopped.

Well, I mean, no one's
fallen ill in the last week.

A week?

How long have I been...

[ROGER] Just about that.

You were among the last
to succumb to it.

Nothing could ever
make you less beautiful.

Mama, you're awake!

- Hi.
- Hi.

You are not allowed to die.


You know, I wasn't trying to.

You scared me. You scared all of us.

I didn't mean to.

Well, just don't do it again, right?

I love you. I can't be without you.

I love you too, darling.

And, uh...[AHEM]

Neither can your new grandchild.

Oh, Bree.


I waited a while to tell you.

I wanted to make sure it was real.


Let's get that hair of yours sorted out.

[CHUCKLES] You look ridiculous.


[BRIANNA] Much better.

[CLAIRE] Well...

I guess it's as good
as it's going to get.

Thank you, darling.

Now let's get you back into bed.

I, uh, dinna suppose
you'd think of wearing a cap.

Only until it grows out a bit?

No, I don't suppose I will.

[JAMIE] Hm. Hmm.

Besides... [SIGHS]

I think Bree has done

a lovely job evening it out.


should be good for a laugh,

seeing the look on other people's faces

as they catch sight of me.

Ye're verra beautiful, Sassenach.

And I love you.

- Well, in that case...
- Hmm?

I love you too.

And it will grow back, won't it?

- So it will.
- Hmm.

So tell me...

what's been happening?

I found a dead elk

in the river upstream

from the MacNeill's
and the others who got sick.

So at least now we have an answer.

Oh, thank God.

How many were sick? How are they doing?

Have many more died?

Sure you're well enough, Sassenach?

Knowing is better
than worrying about it.

Well, then.

Kenny lost his youngest, wee Bobby.

Grace is still ill.

Hugh, Caitlin didna get ill at all.

Three more of the fisherfolk have died.

- A dozen more are ailing.

Most are on the mend.

And then there's Tom Christie.

He's still bad last I heard.

Fever, headaches.

Ye're still delirious, Sassenach?

[SIGHS] Was I delirious?

[JAMIE] Aye, you were.

You know... [SIGHS]

When we were in Paris
and we lost faith...

during my fever,
I saw birds, blue herons,

and Master Raymond, he said,

"Blue is the color of healing."

But this time...

I saw storm clouds

and my heart.

And a snake.

And it was in this house.

[JAMIE] I can promise you, Sassenach,

any snake who crosses our threshold

will lose his head before
he reaches the staircase.

- [JAMIE] And you're well now.

So it appears yer wee blue birds

were wi' ya after all. [CHUCKLES SOFTLY]

You did try to die on me, did ye no'?

I'd be very angry, Claire,

if ye'd died and left me.

Well, I didn't.

And I won't.

Christ, Sassenach...

You've hardly any ass left at all.

[CHUCKLES] Well, don't worry.

That will grow back soon enough.



♪ ♪


Adso, you keep the bed warm for me.

Don't tell anyone where I've gone.







[TOM] Mistress Fraser.

What in the name of God...

Oh, that.

Would've thought you'd been pleased.

I'm not going about outraging the public

with my brazen display of flowing locks.

You look like a monk.

- Here.

Sit down.

How are you?

How am I?

- You walked all the way here

in a dangerously enfeebled condition

to ask after my health?


You are most

unaccountable, madam.

No, I am a doctor.

So how are you?

Well, I'm, uh...

feeling better, if you must know.

You were also very ill, I believe.

Yes, I was,

but I didn't have what afflicted

the others on the Ridge.

- What do you mean?
- It's a bit hard to mistake

the bloody flux for fevers
and headaches,

and I didn't have dysentery.

Now, did you have the flux?


No, it, uh,

it was, as you say, a...

headache fit to split the skull,

and a fever, a terrible weakness,

and, uh, extraordinarily
unpleasant dreams.

It sounds as though
you and I had the same illness.

A simple viral or bacterial
infection, I suppose.

Well, what difference does it make?

We are... we are both recovered.

Most disease is passed
from person to person,

sometimes through
sharing food or-or water,

but I haven't seen you in a while.

So how is it that you and I
ended up with the same thing?

I do not see why
two persons cannot fall ill

without seeing each other.

If I could take a sample of yours

to look at under the microscope,

well, then I'd know
without a doubt whether...

What kind of sample?

Well, it would be a-a small measure

of, um...

some fecal matter.

Good Lord, woman.

How dare you ask such a thing?

It's for medical purposes.

[TOM] Come outside.

I will see you home.

And if you insist upon asking such vile

and intrusive questions,
well, then I suppose I...

I cannot stop you.

Put on your hat before we go.


♪ ♪

[JAMIE] What in God's name
possessed ye, Sassenach?

[CLAIRE] I was feeling better and...

[JAMIE] Ye're the color
of bad buttermilk.

You're trembling so hard
you can scarcely...

Here, let me help ya.

Have you lost yer mind?

Sneakin' off without telling anyone.

What if ye'd fallen?
What if ye felt unwell again?

Well, if I'd told anyone,
then they wouldn't let me go.

And I'm a physician, you know?

I think I can be
the judge of my own health.

You are going nowhere.

You are not allowed to k*ll yourself.

- Do I make myself clear?

Well, I see where Brianna gets it from.

I had to go and see
if Tom needed my help.

Turns out he's quite recovered.

He and I... I think
had the same disease.

But...[GROANS] it isn't dysentery.

[JAMIE] Strange.

Ye're so thin, Sassenach.

Yer rings hardly fit ye.



I don't want to lose it.

[JAMIE] Ye willna.

I swore these rings would
never leave your hands again.


You know, it's a great comfort

to see the sun come up and go down.

- Hmm.

And when I dwelt in the cave,

and then when I was in the prison,

gave me hope,
to see the light come and go,

and know the world
went about its business.

I get the same feeling, Sassenach,

when I hear you rustlin'
about your surgery,

rattling things or cursing to yourself.


If you were no longer there...

Or somewhere...

Then the sun would no longer
come up or go down.


♪ ♪


What're you doing down there?

Didna want to trouble yer sleep.

That reminds me of years ago

when we went to collect the rents

and you slept on the floor
outside my door.


You stepped on me, Sassenach.

- Nearly broke my ribs.

Come up here.

Ye sure you want me near?


Good. 'Cause I'm not going anywhere.

At least not for a couple of months.

You know, I received word
from the Sons of Liberty,

details about the next
Provincial Congress

in New Bern.

Cornelius Harnett has asked me to speak

in support of the ongoing efforts

to cease trade with Britain.

Well, having been at the receiving end

of your powers of persuasion,

I would say he's made
an excellent choice.


I have the hands of a stonemason.

I think calluses on a man's hand

- are deeply erotic.
- Eh?

Well, if I didna
have calluses down there,

it's no fault of yours, believe me.

Your short hair is also...

very arousin'.

[LAUGHS] Do you really think so?


It is but one of the things
that draws me to you.

What are the others?


Ye're brave.

You were always bolder than was safe,

and now you're as fierce as a badger,

proud as Lucifer.

So I'm arrogant and ferocious.

Well, that's hardly a catalogue
of womanly virtues.

Well, you're kind too and very clean.

Although you're not much of a cook.

[LAUGHS] Thank you very much.


Remind me of some virtues.

Perhaps I missed one.

Well, there is gentleness

and patience.

Gentle? Christ!

You are one of the most
ruthless, bloodthirsty,

and you're-you're no'
very patient either.

So what is my most endearing trait then?

You think I'm funny.

[LAUGHING] I do not.

Do you want to know what it is...


Above all the creatures on earth,

you're faithful.

So are you.

It's quite a good thing, isn't it?


[CLAIRE] And that was the last of it.

Death's dark shadow had finally passed.

In the weeks that followed,

the fisherfolk and the other settlers

lived beneath a bright sun once more,

their days ruled
by its rising and setting,

blissfully unaware

that the Revolution
was edging ever-closer...

I wish you were coming
with me, Sassenach.

I've too much to do here.

Besides, I think you'll enjoy
it more, won't you, Roger?

The historian in you
won't be able to get over

being at such a significant event.

I can't say I'm not a little excited.

[JAMIE] They'll also decide
on three delegates

to attend the Continental
Congress in Philadelphia.

I'll come with you to that one.


[JAMIE] Mr. Christie.


We'll need to speak with you.


Whatever you have to say,
my wife can hear it as well.

If you so choose.


♪ ♪

My daughter finds herself with child.



what is it I can help you with, then?

She says she will not name the man,

save in your presence.

I-in my presence?

[TOM] I don't know why.

[CLAIRE] Malva...

how far along are you?

All will be well.

Ye must say though.

Oh, sir...

Will ye no' tell me then, lass?

I promise you will not suffer for it.

Oh, sir, how can you say that to me

when you know the truth as well as I do?

It was him.



I am so sorry, Mistress Fraser.

He... we-we didn't mean to hurt you.

What the hell is she talking about?

[ALLAN] Your husband's ruined her.

The child is his.

Get up! Keep your fists to yourself.

- No need for that now.
- Isn't there?

He's made a whore of your daughter.

[JAMIE] Ye ken this isna true.

Now, what mischief

is this ye're about, nighean na galladh?

How can you speak to me so?

How can you be so cruel?

[MRS. BUG] Sir,
will you be needing anything?

I, uh... thank you, Mrs. Bug, but no.

[Malva It was when the sickness came.

When I was here tending to his wife.

Tell them, sir.

Please, tell them the truth.

Oh, I mean to.

You'll do the same, lass, I assure you.

The first time was
when Mistress Claire was so ill

as we despaired of her life.

It wasn't r*pe,
only him being off his head

with the sorrow of it,

and me, as well.

I came into her room late at night

to find him at the window
grieving in the dark

and I felt so sorry for him.

I asked could I fetch him a wee bite,

maybe something to drink,

but he'd taken drink already.

And there was a whisky bottle
in his hand.

[JAMIE] And I said no, thank you kindly,

and I'd be alone.

- You left.
- [MALVA] No, I didn't.

Or rather you did say that,
that you'd be alone,

but I couldn't bear
to see you in such straits.

And I know it was forward and unseemly,

but I did pity you so much.


I came and touched him,

put my hand on his shoulder,
only to comfort him.

But he turned then

and put his arms around me
all of a sudden

and grasped me to him and then he...

He took me

against the wall
whilst you lay sleeping.

So great was his need.


Is she mad?

- She's not mad.
- [JAMIE] A clever liar then.

Clever enough to ken no one
would believe her tale of r*pe.

Oh, no, sir. Never.

I should never say
such a thing of you, never!

You needed comfort. I gave it to you.

She's with a child by someone,
and not by me.

Who might it have been?

[MALVA] It was you.

There's no one else!

[TOM] I know of no one.

She says it wasn't only the once,

but the man in question
had her a dozen times or more.

And she has lied a dozen times or more.

Your wife believes me.

My wife has better sense.

I've seen the scars on your naked body.

I can describe them.

No answer to that,

have you?

There are a number of people
who have seen my back,

including you, Tom.

I havena slept with them, either.

But what of the crescent mark
across your ribs?

Or the great ugly one high
on your leg on the inside?

[ALLAN] Show us she's wrong.

Lower your breeks
and give us a look, then.

[TOM] So I suppose you don't intend

to put aside your wife and marry her

since you are already married
in the eyes of God?

Of course not.

[TOM] Then we'll draw up a contract.

Maintenance for her and the bairn.

Formal acknowledgement
of the child's rights

as one of your heirs.

I suppose you could take the bastard

for your wife to rear.

- That is your business.
- Get out.

Take your daughter

- and leave my house.


I'd like nothing better than to give you

your head in yer hands.

Leave now, before I do it.

[JAMIE] I've been wondering, Sassenach,

what in God's name I should say.

I thought of one thing and another...

Hell, I could think of a few things.

[JAMIE] What?

Say I was sorry?

That's no' right.

I am sorry but to say so
sounds as though I've done

something to be sorry for,
and I have not.

There is no way to deny such a charge

without carrying a stink
of doubt about it.

And nothing I can say to you
that doesna sound

like a groveling apology.

I willna apologize
for somethin' I havena done.

If I did,

you'd only doubt me more.

Well, you don't seem to have
a lot of faith

of my faith in you.

If I didna have quite
a lot of it, I wouldna be here.

Ye didna think it true?

What Malva said.

You ran away.

'Cause I was in shock.

And if I'd stayed, I might
have bloody well k*lled her.

Ye didna think it true, though?

I saw you at the window with her.

How she touched you.

I had thought it was
an hallucination, but...

Jamie Fraser...

if you could do such a thing as that...

And-and I don't mean lying with a woman.

I mean, doing it and then lying
to me about it...

Well then everything I've done
and everything that we have

is a lie.

And I'm not prepared
to-to admit to such a thing.

What do you mean by that, Sassenach?

I don't belong here.

Brianna, Roger, they don't belong here.

And Jemmy, shouldn't be here.

But yet-but yet
here we all are, all of us.

Because I loved you
more than the life that I had.

And because I believed that
you loved me in the same way.

'Cause you do.

And I-I know that.

Or are you going tell me
that that's not truth?


I willna tell ye that.

Not ever.


I do have something to tell you.

Don't do that.

It feels like a punch to the gut.

I'm sorry.

You said you wouldn't say you were sorry

unless you'd-you'd done
something you were sorry for.

I did.

There is no good way to

tell your wife you've lain
with someone else

no matter the circumstances.


And when?

When you...

you were gone.

Only once.

When I was gone?



The last thing I wanna do
is upset you, Sassenach.

By making it sound as though it was...

I dinna wish to malign the poor woman

- by making it seem she was...
- Who?


Mary MacNab.

Who the hell is Mary MacNab?

Ye kent her, Sassenach.

She was the mother to Rabbie,

stable-lad at Lallybroch.

It was the...

the night before I gave
myself up to the Redcoats.

She came to me.

I was in the cave.

She brought me supper

and then she...

she stayed.

I tried to send her away, but...

she said she'd seen you with me, Claire.

She kent the look
of true love when she saw it.

And it wasna in her mind to betray that.

She give me a... a small thing.

It was and it wasna.

She gave me tenderness.

I hope I gave her the same.

Sure you gave her tenderness.

I know you did.

I just wish you told me about it.

I couldna think how.

How to tell you that you'd understand.

But of course, I understand.


do you believe me about Malva?


Not only because of you and me,

but because if it had have happened...

I know you would've never
turned your back

on a child of your blood,

no matter how it came into the world.


what do we do now?

Find out the truth if we can.

By daybreak, the whole of the
Ridge will ken what happened.

But no one will believe it.

They'll all believe it, Claire.

I'm sorry.

[BRIANNA] God damn Mrs. Bug.

It'll be all over the Ridge now.

Why would Malva do this?

Mama has always been so kind to her.

Either the real father is someone

she doesn't want to marry
or she's decided to try and go

after Jamie's money or property or both.

Well, it isn't true.

Dad wouldn't this.

- Would he?
- No, he wouldn't.

Brianna, you can't possibly
think there's any truth to it?

No, no. Of course, not.

Of course, not. I just...

Do you remember when we went to Harvard

for that ceremony to honor Daddy?


Well, there was this woman
there that I recognized.

Her name was Sandy.

We ran into her once at a bookstore.

And I saw the way Daddy looked at her.

And then she showed up at our house once

during Mama's graduation party,

and Mama finally told me
that he was in love with her

and planned to marry her.

Frank was a totally different situation.

Your mother loved
another man for years.

Your father knew it, Brianna.

Jamie is an honorable man

and he loves your mother deeply.

See, that's just the thing.

Roger, I would have
sworn that Daddy was too.



If you've come to ask me
to take it back...

I just want to talk.

Nothing to talk about.

Then maybe I could listen.

I doubt you've been able
to talk to anyone,

especially not your father or brother...

Why would they listen to a whore?

[CLAIRE] I don't think
you're a whore, Malva.

What else would you call a woman

who spreads her legs for a married man?

My father made me stand in front

of the congregation and confess.

Mr. MacKenzie told him not to,
but he did it anyway.

[CLAIRE] Do you know what I think?

I think you're a young woman
who made a mistake,

but it wasn't with my husband.

Perhaps it was he who made the mistake

and now I'm carrying the blame for it.


No, no, I believe him.


You know, he and I have been
through things

that you couldn't even imagine.

And this...

I promise you, it won't come between us.

Malva, I'm sorry

for whatever it is
that you're going through

that would make you
so desperate to do this.

You're apologizing to me?

[CLAIRE] I care about you.

Now, I see in you this...

clever young woman

full of curiosity and enthusiasm.

And I was proud to be your teacher.


It's-it's not too late, Malva.

You can still tell the truth.

It's going to be all right.

No, it can't be.

It can never be.

[ALLAN] Get away from her!

What d'you mean, coming here like this?

I was just trying to...

If you hadn't meddled in our family

and tried to teach Malva
your devilish ways,

this never would have happened.

[CLAIRE] You're wrong.

[ALLAN] She says you make potions

to bring people back from the dead.

It's true. I saw it.

She's a witch.

And we know what happens
to witches, don't we, Malva?

Aye. We do.

Stay away from my family.

Jamie Fraser,

mouthing off to us
about plowing and harvesting

when he's been busy
sowing wild oats of his own.

Watch it, Henderson.

I willna warn ye again.

What? Least I have the bollocks

to come out and say
what everyone else is...




[YOUNG IAN] Are you all right, Auntie?

I'm fine.

I wanted to ask you something.

It's about... it's about Malva Christie.

What about her?

[YOUNG IAN] Well, not her exactly.

More of what she said about Uncle Jamie.

Ian, you mustn't worry
yourself about it.

It will...

it will come right somehow

as things always do.

[YOUNG IAN] It's only what
they're sayin' about him.

I canna bear to hear it.

Ian, it's impossible

that Jamie would be the father
of Malva's child.

You do understand that, don't you?

I-I do, Auntie.

But it could be mine.



are you saying that to protect Jamie

because if you are...

It was only once.

She is so beautiful.

And she talked to me.

She wasn't as shy like the other lasses.

She was curious about my life,
and I wanted to feel again.

One day I was at the river

with her and we...

we lay together.

But later, it didna feel right.

I told her that I was sorry,

but that I loved another.

That I still loved Emily.

And it couldn't happen again.

Auntie, do you think I scorned her,

and that's what made
her accuse Uncle Jamie?

Ian, it's not your fault.

But she's carryin' my child.

I'll marry her.

I'll be a husband and a father.

I'll do it for the bairn's sake.

Ian, it may not be your baby.

Roger said that he saw her
with Obadiah Henderson.

There might have been others.

But it might be mine.

And it isna Uncle Jamie's.

Would it help him, do you think?

I could try and talk to her.

I don't think you should do
anything right now.

Just let me talk to Jamie first.

Do you mind if I tell him?

I wish you would.

I dinna think I could face him myself.

[CLAIRE] Despite Ian's news,

the damage was already done.

From that day on,

we lived under a cloud of darkness.


Thank God I had Brianna to confide in.

Most of the settlers
wouldn't even look at me.

We were pariahs.

And while Jamie was away
at the Congress,

preparing to revolt
against Great Britain,

the Ridge was mounting
a rebellion of its own.

[JAMIE] A scholar he may be,

but I didna think Roger Mac realized

all worthwhile business is conducted

in a public house

over tankards and drams.

Especially when it involves

declaring independence from the King...

Sheer amount of alcohol
involved in making history.

[JAMIE] Aye.

Rum punch,



[ROGER] Persimmon beer, rhubarb wine,

cherry bounce, merry brew, and scrumpy.

I mean, it's amazing how anyone can get

a complete sentence out.

Apart from your father of course.

His speech was pretty bold
as you can imagine...

[BRIANNA] I'll bet.

Did he declare himself for liberty then?

[ROGER] Aye. He said we should be

a free and independent people

under the control of no power
other than that of God

and the government of the congress.

[BRIANNA] Wow, that is bold.


- Amazing.
- [ROGER] Mm.

Unfortunately, no amount of liquor

dulled these men's senses to the gossip

that had somehow beaten us there.

He wasn't chosen as a delegate
for Philadelphia.

People had heard
of his alleged indiscretion.

[CLAIRE] You know, Harnett was right.

You would have been
a fantastic representative

at the Continental Congress.


It's just as well, Sassenach.

I have much to do here at the Ridge.

And how has it been for you?

I've managed.

[BRIANNA] The settlers
have been awful to Mama.

Even the sick wouldn't
come to her to be healed.

Bloody ungrateful.

After all she done for this community.

To have so little faith.

[CLAIRE] But still, I kept believing

that this too shall pass.

Someday people will have forgotten.


[LIONEL] Lonely, are you?


Don't worry. I'm here.




[MALVA] Mistress?








Wake up.

[LOUDER] Wake up.

How did you get in here?

[MALVA] Never mind.

I know what you're doing.

- Dying and coming back.
- No.

You said it was medicine, but it's not.

It's of the devil.

- You're of the devil!
- You get out!

[MALVA] You must've been beautiful once,

but you're old.

Your hair's gone to grey.

It's short and ugly.

The veins stand out on your hands,

the flesh falls away from your bones,

and you're dried up inside.

That's why he's turned to me.

I pleased him so

over and over.

He couldn't get his fill.

I'll have him.

I'll have this house.

I'll have his child.

Everything that's yours will be mine!

You come near me

or my husband again

and I will f*cking k*ll you.

[CLAIRE] Oh, God!


Oh, no.

No, oh. [CRYING]