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02x02 - Mork in Wonderland: Part 2

Posted: 04/10/22 10:31
by bunniefuu
Mindy! Mindy! Mindy! Mindy!

Mindy! Mindy! Mindy! Mindy!

Hello, Bossy.

Oh, you have
something I need bad.

Well, thank you.

A little roomy. I hope
no one tries to milk me.

Ar, ar.

Boy, I must have shrank
into a whole new universe.

You know, this planet's
probably just a molecule

on Mindy's tablecloth.

Either that or I
somehow or other landed

in the Ayatollah
Khomeini's farm. Ar, ar!

Well, at least if
you're wearing pants,

it's gotta be an
intelligent society,

or at least fashionable.

Well, I just hope
they're friendly.

Here I am, a coward
in a brave new world.

What would Bert Lahr
do in a situation like this?

I know. Haul Oz out of here.

Well, moo gesundheit.



Wah! Got him!

God bless you and
keep you, and we got you.

You certainly are well-dressed
for being so hostile.

One, two, three, fore!

Come on, spy, sing along.

Oh, it's a silly quirk

but I hardly ever sing along
with people who tie me up.

What do you say, fellas?
Should we take five?

I might tell you good idea.

Excuse me, question.

Why is there furniture
in the middle of a field?

Good grief, our
house has been stolen.

Wait a minute.

There's something
about you guys,

like I've met you before.
On a telethon perhaps?

But this I must say. Hi,

I'm Bob "There's big
bucks in comedy" Faith.

I think we're being a little
rude to our prisoner here.

We're sort of
violating the rules

of the Geneva "Have
a nice day" Convention.

I think we should be
introducing ourselves.

Hello! I'm Jerry Looney!

Try to get over that, Jerry.

Hi, I'm Danny St. Tommy,

and here's a
picture of my family.

There's my daughter, St.
Marlo, my son, St. Rusty,

and here's my dog, St. Spot.

I... I don't mean to pry,
but why am I all tied up?

All right, already.

Don't you know there's
a rebellion going on?

We're an outrageous, zany
bunch of revolutionaries...

called the Sillies. Ha-ha.

- And we're revolting...
- We are?

Against the Glums.

And I just want to say
we think you're a spy.

A spy? But for who?

The evil king and his Glums.

Sounds like a punk-rock group.

Seriously, folks, I think we
should hit the road to camp.




The arrow's funny, kid,
but get yourself a tux, huh?

Well, excu-u-u-u-se me!

Whoa, so this is
comedy purgatory.

This isn't a guerrilla
camp. This is high camp.

Look at all this great
humor going to waste

and because the king
won't let people laugh.

I hate to be kind
of a living cliché,

but when are you gonna
take me to your leader?

Well, that all depends on
whether our leader is in camp

or still working undercover
in the king's castle.

Oh. BOB: Leader, leader?

Are you in? This is Bob

"We think we caught a spy
who fell from the sky" Faith.

Have him washed
and sent to my tent.



You know something?
Even by my standards,

you guys are very bizarre.

Wait, wait. I feel like
a real drip. Please.

I'll be out in a minute.

I'm slipping into something
more comfortable.

I'll slip out of something

So you're a spy.


Mindy, Mindy,
Mindy! Mindy, Mind...

That's Mandy, Mandy, Mandy, pal.


Oh, no. Einstein was right.

I've fallen into a
parallel universe.

This is incredible. This
is the ultimate déjà vu.

It's déjà-jà vu-vu.


I come from another planet.

Actually, two other planets.
But don't worry about that.

I came from a place

where there's a clone
of you named Mindy.

She's a girl I live with.

And even the
furniture is the same.

Everything is
similar. It's parallel!

Look, pal,

if you're trying to
break in a new act,

I'm really too busy.

I happen to have
a revolution to run.

And, uh, where'd
you get the silly pants?

It looks like something
a cow should be wearing.

Why don't you go
back there and change?

Anything would
be better than that.

Right, Mand... Mind... Uh...


I can prove to you that I
come from a parallel universe.


Is there a wicker
chest in front of you?


On Earth, the Mindy I know

keeps her high school
graduation picture hidden there,

back when she was el-chubbo
and used to give fish kisses.

Oh! How did you know that?

Oh. I also know that inside
there is a flimsy-type nightgown

that is so sheer she hasn't
got the nerve to wear it.

Well, I'll wear that... someday.

Before I give you my
final proof, one question:

Is there anybody on this planet
who drinks with their finger?


How would you like
your lake drained?

Now it's your turn.

Tell me about this
revolution you're planning.

Well, the name of
this planet is Mirth.

And it used to be a
pretty happy place to live

until five years ago
when this king took over.

He's the head of the Glum Party.

And if you can believe this,
he actually outlawed humor.

So I formed a band of
Sillies to overthrow the Glums.

That's one part that
doesn't fit though.

You're not silly at all.

I'm not silly but
I like to laugh.

I appreciate humor.

I think it's our God-given
right to be happy,

and that alone is
worth fighting for.

The king just wants
everybody to be miserable.

This king sounds
like a real nimnol.

Oh, he's worse than
that. He's a crook too.

He actually cut off
our energy supply

just so he could raise the rates

and make everybody
else more glum.

So now we only have
electricity every other day.

I'm odd.

You know, Mork, you
could help our cause.

Me? Morko the schlug?

No, you don't need
that kind of help.

No. All my men are
known, but you aren't.

If you could get
a job at the castle,

well, then, you
could be our spy.

All we have to do is prove
that the king is a crook,

and I know even his glums
would turn against him.

And then my people
can laugh again.


But you don't just
knock on a castle door

and say, "Hello, Kelly boy."

besides, I don't
do moats. Ar, Ar.

No, there's no problem.
I work in the castle.

I can make sure you get a job.

Yeah, but if you work
there, why do you need me?

I'm the head of
public information.

They don't tell me anything.

Oh, Mork, please.

I'm kind of new at this
joke-and-dagger stuff, but...

All right.

I'll do it for you.

Oh, Mork.

Oh. This 007 stuff sure is kayo.

Yeah, but what kind of a job
can you get me in a castle?

Announcing the
new court serious.

Depressing morning,
ladies and gentlemen.


In today's news, first,

the Foul Jones
Industrial Averages:

w*r and pestilence
up in heavy trading.


But I want to grieve to you.

The Royal Medical
Society said today

that everything causes
respiratory disease.

Flus at eleven.


That's good stuff.

It'll really depress the king.

He'll love it.

Bick! Bick...

Maintain. Maintain.

Catchy walk too.

Mork, this is Marvin,

the king's financial
advisor and bootblack.

Mandy, I want this released to
the press as soon as possible.



Yes, sir.

Now remember, when
you meet the king,

it's negative,
negative, negative.

And whatever
you do, don't smile.

He won't even know I have teeth.


Good boy. Good boy.

Excuse me.

Announcing his majesty,
king of the Glums,

emperor of Mirth,

and conqueror of the
renegade chipmunks.



All right, all right.

Friend of everything brown,

and absolute owner
of all electricity.



My name isn't Exidor.

My name is... Exidon!

Oh, sorry, king's
X. But, excuse me,

but you have little eyes
painted on your eyelids.

Are you paranoid?

No. Why do you ask?

I do this so that assassins
don't know when I'm asleep.


In school, they must have
called you four eyes. Whoa!

You should have heard
what they called me

when I wore glasses.

Children can be so cruel.

That's why I love them.

Why am I talking to a man

who has just pinched
the head off his little doll?

Your highness, this is
your new court serious.

Actually, he has some
fairly good material.

w*r, pestilence, disease.

Pretty heady stuff.

I promise I'll depress
you. I'll bring you down.

I'll bum you out. I'll
make you feel like trash.

Oh, please. Oh, please...

You'll have to depress me later.

Business before pleasure.

You guards, out,

before I have your
heads cut off too!



Marvin, I wanna talk to you.

I wanna talk to you about
the phony energy crisis.

Now, we're going to have
to shut off even more power

if we're going to
make the people

really miserable and glum.

And if we happen to make a
couple of bucks along the way,

what's it hurt?

Ixnay. Ixnay.

If you can't trust your
own court serious,

who can you trust? Whoa!

Boy, are you paranoid.

I've written my entire plan
on this tape and signed it.

You wrote your plan
on adhesive tape?

It's perfectly safe.

No one's allowed in
my medicine cabinet.

The entire plan is there,

except for the
first 18 1/2 inches.

I had to tape up a leak.


Psst, Mandy!

Mork, is that you?

No, this is me.
That's a suit of armor,

and this is my agent, Saul.


No jokes.

Oh. Shh! Shh!

Exidon admitted everything.

He is deliberately
limiting the electricity.

His slogan is:
"Power to the people

on a rolling brownout basis."

Oh, if we could prove that,
we could dethrone the king.

And then all the people
could laugh again.

But it's just your
word against his.

What we need is proof.

Proof? I'll get you proof
and I'll make it stick.

Be careful. I don't want
anything to happen to you.



Mandy, you're
soft, just like Mindy.

Don't you worry about old Morko.

I'll take care of everything.

Maybe when all this
dirty business is over

we can get together

and tickle each other's
funny bone. Ar, ar!

Shh! Shh!

Mork, you've done it.
You've really done it!

Yeah, I figure we have
him by the short wires now.

Oh, Mork, you've saved my
people from a terrible tyrant.


Did you hear something?

No, just fireworks.

Bombs bursting in the
air, rockets' red glare.

Mm. No, no, no, Mork.

It's probably nothing, but
it wouldn't hurt to check.

I'll be right back,
okay? But, but, but...

Yes, all right.
I'll be right back.

We must be getting close.
Just look at Fifi and Raoul.

I'm just happy
they're on our side.

Let's go!

Get her, boys!

Don't let her go!

So you fell for
my little trap, eh?

I suspected you
right from the start.

I knew that court
serious was a spy.

Run, Mork, run!

Take the evidence
to the people! Run!

I'll be back for you, Mandy!

You'd better be back
by noon tomorrow,

unless you're into taxidermy!


He can't talk.
He's out of breath.

Well, show us.



You mean they're with those
two k*ller dogs, Raoul and Fifi?

All right, already.

I'll handle this. Ha-ha-ha-ha!

Calm down, Mork,
because we want you

to take a picture
of the three of us

in front of our marquee.

Uh-huh. Remember,
I'm in the middle.

Make room for Danny.

Exidon... and Mandy.

What about 'em?
They've captured her?

Oh, yeah?

Exidon, yeah? Is a crook.


And Mandy? Yeah?

Tastes like...

Mm? Savor it?

Save her?!

Why, the castle's an armed camp.

Armed camp? Great audience.


No good? Sorry.

Something at noon.

The shiksa dies at noon.


Now, God knows I'd
do anything to help her,

but God also knows

there are thousands of
troops surrounding the castle,

and there are not
enough of us to fight them.


You got an idea?

What a great idea,
to build a balloon.

It took us all
night but we did it.

I've seen
cross-stitching before,

but you guys are
really men of the cloth.

Oh, I'm a very good seamstress.

We should've taken Dean with us.

Holy Toledo, we're
passing over the troops.

Troops? Hi, guys,
I just wanna say

it's a pleasure to be here
on the front lines with you.

Bob, talk up into the balloon.
We need all the lift we can get.

Uh-oh. I hope this thing
doesn't spring a leak.

I haven't memorized
all the exits yet.

You know, I think the
altitude is getting to me.

From up here the planet
looks almost round.

But I just want to
say there's the castle.

Set down there, Jerry.

Aim for the courtyard.

Look out!

We're gonna hit the wall!

Oh. JERRY: We hit the wall.

Jerry, quick,
throw out the rope.

Mork, take it back
up. It's Marvin the Evil.

No, not anymore.

It's Marvin the Swell now.
I've turned over a new leaf.

Graft and corruption
is one thing,

but executions aren't
my cup of hemlock.

I'll drink to that.

First we have to save Mandy.

I'll show you where
the dungeon is.

But you have to promise
me first, you'll take me up,

up and away in your
beautiful balloon.

I'll take you anywhere,
the 5th dimension,

but now we've got a job to
do. Boys, grab your weapons.

Let's go.




Stop that laughing.

Stop it or this dungeon

will have clown
confetti all over it.

Pie, guys!

Ugh! Ugh!


Oh, Mork!

Oh, Mandy, I'm sorry about
the cream all over the dungeon,

but I freed the king's
tapes to the people.

Oh, Mork, you risked
your life for my people.

No, I did it for you. Oh!

Hey, hey, this is no
time to fool around!

We've got a balloon to catch.

Besides, we're running
out of amm*nit*on.

Save a pie for yourselves.
They'll never take us alive!

Hurry, the revolution
has started.

The townspeople are
attacking the castle.



to my world.

Prepare for your doom.

Well, I guess it's time
we got our just deserts.

Now that's funny.

Now that's not funny!

Whoever did that,
off with his head!

Okay! Okay!

Off with his trigger finger,
but that's the bottom line.

It's all over for you, Exidon.
The people are revolting.

They are?

They've read the tapes.

Tapes? What tapes?

He's a crook, and
we have the proof.

His entire plan is on tape.

It's binding evidence too.

Your noble king caused
the power shortage.

Now try and sell your
autobiography. Nyah!

Off with everybody's head!

You caused the power shortage?

Off with everybody's
head, except yours.


I think it's about time for
me to goose step out of here.

Don't let him get away!
Hit him with a stick!


Oh, this is exciting.

Shades of the Magna
Carta, Fourth of July,

Bastille Day, Cinco de Mayo.

♪ Allons-y de la Patrie ♪

Come on, Mandy. Let's go, girl.

Come on, Mand, let's go!

Come on, Mand.
Up, up, up. Come on.

Oh, Mork.

Thanks for helping us.

Mandy, what's wrong?

Oh, a shell.

I'll get... I'll get
you a doctor.

Mork, I got...

I got what I wanted.

My people are free.

Now they can laugh again.

You know, Mork,

I think that if I'd ever
really gotten to know you,

I... I could have...

Tell Mindy that
she's really lucky.

No, Mandy. Come on.
You hang in there, girl.

It's not fair!

It's not fair!

It's not fair!

Oh, no! What's happening?

I'm growing! Mandy!

Mandy, I don't wanna
leave you now, please.

Mandy, I don't wanna grow.

Mandy! Mandy!




Mindy, Mindy!

Mindy, Mindy,
Mindy! Mindy, Mindy!


Oh, Mork!

I... You've been
gone three days!

I thought you... I
thought you died.

Oh, Mind.

Oh, Mind, it's terrible.

But it was wonderful
too. I shrank down.

I was in a little, tiny
parallel universe.

And everybody was there.

Exidor and Mr. Bickley
and you were there.

But you died.

I... It doesn't matter
because you're back.

I can't believe it.

I missed you so.


This... This may be
a little selfish of me,

and I know no one lives forever,

but I hope I...

I leave this life before you do,

'cause I never
wanna lose you twice.

The molecules of the tablecloth
became another universe.

And the planet I landed on
must have been just an atom.

The society was advanced in
some ways and backwards in others.

And the people, oh,
especially Mandy. Hum, boy...

Mork, we've already
discussed that.

Oh, I know that, your wideship.

Mork, I know this
may be painful,

but tell me exactly how you felt

when Mandy passed on.

Hm. Well...

I felt anger at
first and anguish

and a sense of deep loneliness.

I can't even fully
comprehend one emotion.

All those emotions at once.

It must cause insanity.

Well, it does at first, sir.

Then after you
have time to think,

you realize the good side.

You realize that love can
extend beyond universes

and even beyond death.

Till next week, sir.
