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02x08 - Chapter Nineteen: The Mandrake

Posted: 04/10/22 10:27
by bunniefuu
I offer you a chance to survive the night.


I am the Dark Lord's sword!

Sabrina? Sabrina.

Are you all right?

No. No, I don't think I am.

Look, we don't know what this thing means,

or why it was even down there.

So I don't think that
we should assume the worst.

Roz, a picture of my face was in a mosaic

that was hundreds,
if not thousands, of years old.

I'm pretty sure that,
whatever it is, it's not a good thing.

Sabrina, you... you said you were
the Herald of Hell.

It was just a guess, Theo.

Though the imagery surrounding
the picture of Sabrina's...

definitely apocalyptic
and infernal in nature.

Dude, not helping.

I should go back into the mines
and board up tunnel 13,

so no one else sees... that.

Or finds the albino witch that I k*lled.

Good plan, Harry.

It's Harvey.

In the meantime, Sabrina and I
will try to get some real answers.

But can I borrow the drawing, Harvey?

I... I wanted to show it to someone
who might be able to help us.

Yeah, of course.

Why did you say that to Sabrina?

"If you ever loved me."

Why those specific words?

Actually, guys, I'm gonna peel off here.

- Wait, Theo...
- No, no, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye.

She was gonna jump off the roof.
I was trying to get her attention.

It came pretty easy to you, Harvey.

Well, I did love her... once.

But now...

I love you.

I know the timing's not great, but...

I do.

I love you, Rosalind.

We should go to the Academy
and have Cassius pull every book he has

about the Apocalypse, prophecies,
being the Herald of Hell.

We will, we will. But first...

let's try Ms. Wardwell.

She knows about these things.

Don't be scared, Adam, it's just fire.

You're not a typical man of straw.

As long as you have my rib inside of you,
there's nothing to fear.

Move closer, you'll see.

My rib's inside you.
You must do as I say.

There. Very, very good.

Soon, you'll be able to do
what I created you for.

To rip the flesh from
Sabrina Spellman's bones.

And whether or not the Dark Lord's
grand design comes to fruition,

he won't have his
little half-witch pet to love.

And what more delicious revenge
is there than that?

Ms. Wardwell? It's Sabrina.



I'm here with Nick. Can we come in?

Of course.

Give me a minute.

What does it mean, Ms. Wardwell?

On first blush, this implies
that you are some kind of Herald of Hell.

I knew it.

And that you will play a key role
in bringing about the Apocalypse.

And by Apocalypse, we're talking about...

The Earth in flames.

The tribes of human and witch-kind
enslaved by the hordes of Hell,

with the Dark Lord presiding over it all.

What makes you an expert?

I studied with Nostradamus, Mr. Scratch.

Also, it doesn't take a genius.

The End Times is usually preceded
by the Gates of Hell opening, and...

look here, these are the Gates,

and here is the Herald of Hell.

That would be Sabrina.

Why me?

You're special, aren't you?

Half-witch, half-mortal, representing
the two tribes to be tyrannized.

This would explain my new powers.

New powers?

I've recently tapped into new magics,
new energies.

Resurrection, healing,
control over the weather.

I'm not sure I can be k*lled.

How fascinating.


Yes, it would seem
that the, um, Herald of Hell

would have to wield
a certain amount of power.

But no way am I doing it.

So, here we go again.
How do we stop the prophecy?

If you're manifesting powers

to fulfill the prophecy
depicted in this mosaic,

to ensure you don't
bring about the End of Days,

you must...

...divest yourself of these powers.

Well, is... is that even possible?

Yes, there... there are ways.

Have you ever heard of the mandrake spell?

It would likely mean that
you would lose all of your witch powers,

rendering you, essentially, mortal.

Hang on. You... You can't just ask Sabrina
to stop being a witch. It's who she is.

Don't you mean, it's half of who she is?

Nick, if there's no other way...

There has to be.

I'll find it.

You must keep me abreast, won't you?

And do look into the mandrake spell.
It could be just the ticket.


Follow her. Discreetly.

And once she's vulnerable and alone...

k*ll her.

Hey. Talk to me, Spellman.

The weight of the world on your shoulders?
You don't have to bear that alone.

Nick, if I'm a key piece
in the Apocalypse,

and apparently I am,

there's no way my father
knew about it, is there?

I don't know, Sabrina.

I mean, your father wrote about
a lot of things, but never prophecies.

Besides talking to Cassius,

you have access to the Sanctum's
special collections, Nick.

- Will you...
- Try to find somethin'

that confirms your father knew,
or didn't know, about the prophecy?


All right.

But, Sabrina, promise me that
you won't do anything rash.

Okay? Not until we have more information.

I promise.

Bloody hell, Cuz. Why do
these things always happen to you?

I wish I knew,
but please don't tell the aunties.

That the Apocalypse is imminent

and you might be responsible?
Keep that a secret?

The Apocalypse isn't happening,
we can stop it, but I need your help.

You want to create a double of yourself
using a mandrake root?

I read about it in one of Aunt Hilda's
magic recipe books.

- Mm-hm.
- The mandrake will siphon off

my darker energies.

It'll grow using those energies.

And then you immediately k*ll it,

thereby releasing those energies
up into the universe.

I know how it goes.

Once that happens, it will be impossible
for me to initiate the Apocalypse.

Oh, I'm sure you will find a way.

Ambrose, I won't play a part
in this prophecy.

You're talking about a prophecy
you don't fully understand.

- And we don't even know if it's real.
- I do.

I know it's real.

I feel it, Ambrose, in my bones.

Everything that's happened to me,

that I've done since my Dark Baptism,

has been leading to something.

It was to be the Herald of Hell.

I know this to be true.

This is the only way.

You'd be k*lling yourself.

If you go through with this,
it would be su1c1de. Witch su1c1de.

Without your powers, you will age,
wither, and die like a mortal.

You'll have 60, 70 years,
and that's if you're lucky.

And right now,
that seems like a long way away.

But in witch years,
that's the blink of an eye,

and you're gone forever.

Think, for one minute,
what that would do to our aunties,

to everybody that loves you.

To Nicholas.

To me.

That's why I came to you.

Because I thought...

I hoped you'd understand.

My life is not my own.

Again, I'm a pawn in the Dark Lord's
sick, perverse game.


This isn't a decision
I'm making lightly, Ambrose.

Believe me.

I love you.

I love our aunties.

I think I maybe even love Nick.

And I know that
by going through with this,

I will, one day, lose all of you.

But this prophecy is real.

The End of Days is coming,


Unless you relinquish your powers.

Well, if we're going to do it,
we're going to do it properly.

We're going to need a mandrake root
from Aunt Hilda's garden

and 13 hours.

Radix eius ut sit figura,
sit idem tam intrinsecus et extrinsecus.

Now what?

Now you sleep, whilst I watch over you.

Thank you, Ambrose.



- Ambrose!
- I'm awake. Sorry.

Nothing happened.
The mandrake spell didn't work.

So what do we do now?

Uh, I was reading up.
There is another way. An older way.

You, uh...
you make a sort of golem using river mud.

And then, when it sort of animates,
you must destroy it.

So we go to Sweetwater River
and mold a double?

If you're determined in shedding yourself
of your powers, then, yes.

And you push it into the river
and drown it.

Sabrina? Ambrose? That you?

Uh, yes, it is, Auntie.

- We're just heading out for...
- Bagels and coffee.

But we'll be back soon.


Brethren, these are deeply unstable times.

We've endured horror upon horror.

Our beloved Anti-Pope slain.

Our Academy att*cked
by the False God's hunters.

And, most recently, the Witches' Council
has turned its back on us.

But, praise Satan,

there is a man

who is willing to shield you,

to guide you back to the old ways

you have so arrogantly forsaken.

The Church of Night is gone.

We are now the Church of Judas,

and you must look
to the Five Tenets of Judas

for salvation and exaltation.

The Academy will adopt
these beliefs immediately.

Learn them. Do not deviate from them.

And we will once again
know Satanic greatness!



Ooh, didn't know you were back.

I am. I'm here, dear Auntie.

You all right?

Yes. I woke up today feeling excited.

Excited to be here.

To be alive.




Get this in here...


Will you make me
my favorite for breakfast?

Blueberry pancakes?


Come on, then.

- More syrup.
- M-More?

- Ooh. Thought you'd had enough.
- No. More!


Phew! Aww.



What are you doing today?

I am going to see all my friends.

- Aw.
- But first...

can I have a hug?

Father, I've been reviewing
your new rules for the Academy.

A strict curfew,

no unchaperoned incantations,

and no enrollment in
the higher, darker magics.

That's correct.

But these censures
only apply to the girls,

the witches, not the warlocks.

Witches must focus their studies

on the more feminine magics
of herbalism and fertility.

Did the Dark Lord
reveal these tenets to you?

No, Prudence. The Tenets are mine,

as derived from my many years
of Satanic scholarship.

And do these rules apply to me, too?

Prudence, I need you, Daughter,

to be my strong left hand.

To help the other girls understand
and accept the Blackwood Doctrine,

and their vital place
in the Church of Judas.

Do that for me, and you will be exempt
from the strictures.

As Blackwoods, we are beyond censure.


Zelds, is that you?

Please, Hilda, I don't have much time.
Listen closely.

Father Blackwood has ruinous plans
for the Church of Night

and, in particular, its witches.

He wants the coven remade in his image,
built on a foundation of misogyny,

separate from the other unholy dioceses.

Can he leave the Churches of Darkness?

Youmust speak to Methuselah
and the Witches' Council.

They'll put a stop to this madness.

So... But, what if...

Zelda, dearest,

what are you doing?

Why, making myself beautiful
for you, husband.

Father Methuselah,
and Dishonorable Council,

I've summoned you here because...

well, the High Priest
has gone off his rocker... honestly.

And he has declared his intentions
to subjugate witches

and to break away from
the Churches of Darkness.

Father Blackwood may govern
the Church of Night as he sees fit.

And should you, Hilda Spellman,

be foolish enough
to waste the Council's time again,

there will be consequences.





You sit there on your... your platform,
and your privilege,

and you pretend you're better than
the rest, and... you're not.

I know the truth.

Blackwood's a k*ller, and because
his downfall would bring about yours,

you close ranks,
and you turn a blind eye, but...

but I see you.

And the Dark Lord does, too.


Sabrina, hey.

I just boarded up that tunnel,
if that's what you came to check on.

I came to talk to you, Harvey.

About what you said to me at my house.

That you still love me.

Whoa, that's not what I said.

But you do still love me, don't you?

Else, you wouldn't have given me this.

When you gave this to me,
you told me you loved me.

Was that a lie?

- No.
- I know.

I know it wasn't.

- Um...
- I love you, too.

Sabrina, I...

I said I loved you back then,

and I meant it,

back then.

But "I love you" is forever, Harvey.

I don't know...

where this is coming from, but, uh...

me and you, we're just friends, that's it.

I'm with Roz now.

I love Roz now.

I know how to make you love me.

And only me.

What's the meaning of this?

Elspeth fled, Father Blackwood.

She tried to abandon the Church of Judas.

She said she was in search of
the apostate, Sabrina, Your Unholiness.


You'll die for that.

No, please.

Forgive me.

you are wise in all matters, but...

is it advisable to martyr this girl?


Perhaps Lady Blackwood
has a point, Father.

If you put Elspeth to death,
you risk giving the others a cause,

a reason to rise against you.

Hm. Well reasoned, Prudence.

I don't want this pathetic waif

becoming a hero in death.

Throw her in the Witch's Cell.


And starve her.

That's enough,
you may take your leave of me.

Marcus, Dario, come here.

Even beyond our walls,

the heretic Sabrina Spellman
threatens our dominion.

So find her. k*ll her.

And bring me her head.

Sabrina, is something wrong?

You seem...


I came to clear the air between us, Roz.

About the Harvey of it all.

What about Harvey?

Let's face facts, Roz.

We both know that
Harvey will always love me.

But I don't want us
to fight over some dumb boy.

Who's fighting?

The point is, you're my BFF,

and no one should ever,

ever, ever come between us.


You're not Sabrina.

What an awful thing to say.

Lady Blackwood!

Why? Why are you come?

I brought you sustenance.

And an assurance
I will get you out of here

one way or another.

Not all of us subscribe
to Father Blackwood's draconian gospel.

I knew there was a traitor in our midst.


How fortunate I should find you here
in the Academy's dungeon.

Once I tell Father Blackwood
of your subterfuge,

this is where you'll be spending
the last of your days.

But don't worry.

I'll make sure that you have a much more
comfortable cell than this one.

Save it for yourself.

Because the dungeon
is where we'll all end up.

Make no mistake of that.

- I have his name.
- So do I.

His only wish is to subjugate us,
or worse.

I am a Blackwood by blood.

As is his daughter Letitia.

And yet, you helped me hide her.

Why? I'll tell you.

You know the truth
about your father's barbarism,

even if you choose not to see it now.

So what did you wanna talk about?

Theo. I came to find you
because I have a fun idea.

I've been thinking about your transition.

Oh. Uh...

Okay. What have you been thinking?

How lucky you are to have
a friend who's a witch.

Who can use her magic to make you a boy.

But, uh... I already am a boy.

No, I mean a real boy.

Yeah, but Sabrina,
I already see myself as a real boy.

But I can change your body.

Uh... I don't...

I don't need to change my body
to feel like a boy.

Theo, only a friend will tell you this.

You confuse people.

Everyone's confused why there's a girl
on the boys' basketball team.

Why are you saying this if it's not true?

The guys on the team respect me, and...

and I would never
change my body for them.

If I was gonna do it, I'd do it for me.

Why won't you let me fix you?

Because I'm not broken.


You're being awfully mean.

Sabrina, what happened to you?

Where have you been?

- I just got home.
- From where?

Making a golem out of mud.

Ambrose is waiting by Sweetwater River
to see if it animates.

No, no, no. Sabrina, I found something
that changes everything.

Uh... Just, uh, give me five minutes
to clean up, okay?


Why are you wearing one of my Aunt Zelda's
sheets? Is this some kind of...

You're not Nick.

Vade retro maleficus!


I tried banishing it,
but nothing happened.

It didn't work.

I didn't work.

Why not, do you think?


Don't be upset, Nick, but...

Ambrose and I performed
a mandrake ritual last night.

I didn't think the spell had taken,

but now that I have no powers,

I'm thinking it did.

And now, there's a mandrake double
of you out there, somewhere.


- Does that mean that you're, um...
- Mortal?

Oh, Sabrina, I begged you not to do it.

I couldn't let my legacy be
the destruction of the world.

Maybe it's selfish of me,
but I don't care about the world,

I only care about you.

Nick, I need you to be strong,

stronger than you've ever been,
even if it's just for my sake.


Of course. Sorry. Um...

I, uh... I couldn't find anything in your
father's writings about prophecies.

But then, Cassius hooked me up with
the Tome of Tomes.

The Codex Prognostica.

It's the definitive collection
of all infernal prophecies ever.

- And?
- I narrowed my search

to prophecies focused
on women and found an obscure footnote.

A prophecy about a half-shadow girl,

who will precipitate the End of Days by...

performing a series of Satanic perversions

that mock the Nazarene's path on Earth.

Blasphemous versions of the miracles
Jesus performed in the Bible.

What miracles? Have I done any of them?

Well, there's, uh... an exorcism.

Speak with a loud, clear voice, Sabrina.

Expel Apophis,
return him to the Dark Lord.

Raising the dead, crossing into limbo.

Recite the words.

- Redi ad periculum tuum.
- Sabrina?

- Restoring eyesight to the blind.
- Why don't you restore her sight?

I can see. I can see again!

But I've done all those things.

Luckily, whatever perversions
of the Nazarene's life there are left,

- you haven't done them yet.
- Wait wait, wait, wait.

All those miracles,
I did them all at Ms. Wardwell's behest.

That must mean
she knew about the prophecy.

And tried to get me to fulfill it.

Then why would Wardwell have told you
to give up your powers now?

Because I found out about the prophecy.

And she knew because I told her
that I would never see it completed.

So she suggests I create a Sabrina

- that would do her dirty work.
- Huh.

A Sabrina that would
bring about the End of Times.

And meanwhile,
assuming that this rib is hers,

she sends a scarecrow to k*ll you?

It's Wardwell, Nick.

It's been Wardwell pulling the strings
this whole time.

Sabrina. Nicholas.

- Please come in.
- Drop the act, Wardwell.

Whatever do you mean, Sabrina?

Jesse Putnam's exorcism.

Resurrecting Tommy.

Going to limbo.

Signing my name in the Book of the Beast.

Conjuring hellfire to defeat
the Greendale Thirteen.

I did those things with you
whispering in my ear.

You have been leading me
down the Path of Darkness.

All in the name of some prophecy.

Sabrina, listen to me.

Whose bidding are you doing?
My father's? The Dark Lord's?

- Your own?
- Don't be ridic...

Abi in malem cursem.

Abi in malem cursem.

- Abi in malem cursem.
- Is that...

The rib you were using to control
the scarecrow who tried to k*ll me?

Why, yes, it is.

Your manipulations are over.

So why don't you go ahead and tell me
where you're keeping my doppelgänger,

- so I can end this once and for all?
- I don't know what you're talking about.

So you didn't suggest
I create a mandrake of myself,

so you could control it and k*ll me?

Where is it?

I don't know if it even exists.
I haven't seen it, I swear.

What do you think, Sabrina?
Should we trust her?

Like Hell.

Keep her bound until I come back.

- Where are you going?
- I'm going to find and k*ll my double.

And then I'll be back to k*ll you.

Sabrina, wait.

Hello? Who's there?

Hello there, Sabrina.

Hello. Do I know you?

We speak for Faustus Blackwood.

- Where are you going?
- To check on my friends.

You don't have any friends.

You're too much of a loud-mouthed bitch
to have friends.

I don't like your tone much.

Don't worry. We'll make this quick.

Do it.

And save her head for Blackwood.

What? What is she doing?

Why can't people just be nice to me?

Let us go, you crazy whore.


You're very nasty boys.

Wake up, Theo.

Quickly, boy. You must k*ll them.


Sorry, Harvey.

Roz? Harvey? Wake up.

Roz, wake up!

- Where am I?
- Harvey, wake up!

- Theo?
- Hey.

- What's going on?
- She was turning us into them.

How are you doing?

- I don't understand.
- It was... It was Sabrina.

She... She did something to us.

- She was trying to duplicate us.
- No.

- But don't worry, I k*lled them.
- It's not Sabrina. It's something else.

I saw it in one of my visions.
Like... Like a twin.


You m*rder*d my friends?

Run. Run! Go!


Cookies. Splendid.

Well, they're stale, anyway.

Still more than you deserve
after the dressing down you gave me.

Ah. I apologize, Sister.

That was for the sake of the Council.

- Hm?
- Oh, I had to play my part.

Appear impartial and severe.

So, tell me, Hilda.

Do you truly wish
to bring your High Priest to his knees?

S... Er, yeah. Of...

Well, of course I... Yes!


I'll see if I can persuade the Council.

Well, thanks.

- Er...
- But first, before that...

you must show me how...

how passionately
you desire Father Blackwood's demise.

How may I be of service, husband?





How long has the Caligari spell
been broken?

- Faustus.
- You lied to me, Zelda.

You said Baby Judas had consumed his twin.

Please, just give me the babe.

You stole my daughter

and left her to be raised by a wood-witch?

You foolish child.

What have you done? She is your sister.

And he is our father.

- Father.
- Prudence is your daughter.

She is your blood. Let me and Leticia go,

and I promise not to spill it.

Do what you must.
I have another daughter here.

But you will not be leaving the Academy
with Leticia.

Or alone, for that matter.


Sabrina, what is... what's going on?

It's my friends.

They're all dead.

Oh. What happened?

Harvey, Rosalind, and Theo.

Their heads were smashed in.

Their bodies pulped.

The ground was soaked in their fluid.

Sabrina, you're not making any sense.

They were so beautiful.

Why would anyone k*ll those poor souls?

They were going to love me.

- We would have grown up together.
- Hm...

I just wanted them to love me.

You love me, don't you?

Of course I do. But, erm,
perhaps you should lie down and rest?

Can I sit on your lap?

Sabrina, you're not yourself.

Won't you hold me?
And rock me? And comfort me?

Please, Cousin, don't say no to me.

I don't know what I'll do
if you reject me, too.

Ambrose, stay away from that imposter.

Er... Wait, it worked?

- Is she the mandrake?
- I'm the one true Sabrina.

The one with the sacred magics
handed down by our ancestors.

She's just a pathetic, powerless mortal.

k*ll her.

I should've done it myself,

but I felt...


Pity, I suppose.

Cousin, please, if you love me, k*ll her.

If you knew Ambrose,
you'd know he'd never hurt me.

Now, now!


There's only one way to settle this.

The evolved way would be
to be fair and square.

Hm? How easily you could k*ll her with
your magics. But where is honor in that?

And we Spellmans
are witches of honor, are we not?


Then what do you suggest?

We level the playing field, Cousin.

And I call upon witch law.

What happens when there is a conflict
between two witches

and one of them is far more powerful
than the other?

To settle the matter, we enter into
an old-fashioned duel with pistols.

A very gentlewomanly agreement
with a very quick verdict.

Let she with the quickest hand determine
which of ye be worthy of living.

I've never heard of such witch law.

Cousin Ambrose is always
teaching me new things.

And besides, this seems like a dignified,
honorable end for one of us.

Unless you're not honorable?

I am.

I understand these rules of honor.

So then, I challenge you, mortal,

to a duel.

Do you accept?


I'll see you tonight
at the witching hour, then.

At the place where we were born.

Forgive me, father, but...

what are your plans

for baby Letitia?

Well, first, to rename her Judith.

Baby Judith's twin birth
has destined her for greatness.

Your sister will have
the best of everything.

Her own establishment, private tutors.

And, upon her 16th birthday
at her Dark Baptism,

to perpetuate and purify
the Blackwood bloodline,

she will be espoused...

to her brother Judas.

A duel?
That seems so unwitchlike.


Are we having buyer's remorse?

Not a bit.

You're a terrible liar, Sabrina.

Just wait till you get your first cold.

Then you'll be sorry.

Ambrose, can you please not make this
any harder than it already is?

My apologies,
but it'll only get harder from here.

Once you k*ll the mandrake,
you'll never get your witch powers back.

Is there any other way?

To stop the prophecy?

Not that I can think of, alas.

Will it hurt her?

The mandrake?


Well, it is a vegetable.

But it is also you.

It has all your thoughts, wants and needs.

To exist, to be loved.

But it is different from you
in one fundamental way.

It's like a newborn.

Which means that
it hasn't yet learned things like...



No answer at Sabrina's.

Try again in a bit.

I'm never gonna eat
another vegetable again.

Like you ate vegetables before?

Harvey, I should've said this before,

when we were walking home
from Dr. Cerberus's.

But I don't wanna die
without saying it back.


I love you, too.

Sister Zelda, you have to hurry.

Prudence, what are you doing now?

Setting you free.

You were right about my father.

Hideous, isn't he?

Come with me.
We'll give you asylum at the mortuary.

- I can't leave my sisters.
- Bring Leticia.

And Dorcas? And Agatha?
If I don't protect them, who will?

And the others? I...
I won't leave the coven behind.

I'll go to the Council.
They'll help us end this lunacy.

You can't stop the prophecy.
You know that, don't you?

Sour grapes that we're dashing
your hopes for an apocalypse?

I don't care if the world ends,
one way or the other.

That's not my interest.

I'll survive, either way.

I am curious. How did you piece together
the daisy-chain of Satanic miracles?

I read about the prophecy
in the Codex Prognostica.

There's an entry about Sabrina?

A footnote.

About a shadow girl.

What does it say about Sabrina?

Don't you know the prophecy?

Of course I do,
I just didn't know anyone else did.

Why don't you read it to me, Mr. Scratch?

"And a half-shadow girl
shall be born of witch and mortal.

And in mockery of the Nazarene, she shall
perform Satanic miracles and profane acts.

Her final perversion
will allow the Dark Lord

to return to Earth in His true form

and open the Gates of Hell and
enslave the tribes of witch and mortal."

But don't worry.

That's not gonna happen.

You see, once Sabrina
finds and kills the mandrake,

she'll stop it from performing
the last perversion.

Oh, I...

My dear boy,
that's exactly what she'll be doing.

Enacting the final perversion.

- What do you mean?
- What was the Nazarene's last act?

He sacrificed himself.

And what is the ultimate perversion
of a sacrifice?


Unholy sh*t.

You can't b*at the Dark Lord at this game.

There's more.

- More?
- To the prophecy.

"And once He walks on Earth,
the girl will rule at His side,

and the new Dawn will begin."

The girl will rule at His side.

Once Sabrina ascends, I'll...

Mr. Scratch, we must stop Sabrina
before she dooms us all.



Sabrina? Ambrose?

Zelds? You're back. Oh. You all right?

Oh, Hilda, Father Blackwood
has utterly lost his mind.

We must convene the Council at once.

Mm. Oh. About that.

Funny story.


you k*lled Methuselah?

He got, erm...

a bit handsy.

- Methuselah did?
- Mm-hm.

The Council will demand
blood atonement for this, Hilda.

And poor Prudence,
she's on her own in there!

Alone against Blackwood.


- You're here.
- Sabrina.

You came.

- Did you bring the weapons?
- Yes.

And there's no other way
this can play out?

I wish there were.

For both our sakes.

The rules are this.

You'll turn your backs to one another,

count ten paces.

On ten, turn, sh**t.

May the best Sabrina win.










You sh*t early.

That's not fair.


No, it's not.

I... I... It's okay.

It's gonna be okay. It's going to be okay.

Shh. Don't be scared.

I'm so sorry.

I'm here.

Holding your hand.

It was a mercy k*lling.

It had to be done.

For all we know, it might have...

stopped the Apocalypse from happening.


Nick. Ms. Wardwell.

It's over.

Sabrina, that was the last step...

to complete the prophecy.

k*lling yourself.

It was the final perversion.

What are you saying?

The prophecy is being fulfilled.

The End of Days is upon us.

The Dark Lord will walk the Earth
in His true form.

The Gates of Hell will open.

And you will sit by His side and rule...

as His Queen.

Greg, move your head!