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03x03 - Candidate for Crime

Posted: 04/10/22 10:15
by bunniefuu
Now come on, people.

In county office,
I gave them trouble

on a local level
for four straight years.

As a United States Senator,

I'd be giving them
twice as hard a time,

and on
a national level to boot.

Of course,
they're threatening my life,

I'm threatening theirs.

Mr. Hayward, sir.
Rick Stevens, UPI.

Sir, your request here today
for police protection

the criminal elements--

Oh, let me make
myself clear.

I am here merely to report
to the proper authorities

the fact of my having
received those threats.

Now, I've accepted this, uh,
police protection reluctantly

and only at
the continued insistence

of concerned individuals.

Sir, isn't that rather
a cavalier attitude?

It seems to me that anyone,
much less a public official,

who's been receiving
threatening letters--

No, I will not be
intimated by these threats,

I will continue to campaign.

Well, will you limit
your public appearances?

Not in the slightest.

I believe that any candidate
for high public office,

who has pledged himself,
as have I,

to the eradication
of organized crime

and all the filth
that it engenders

had better possess
whatever selfless dedication,

whatever sheer guts
may be required to stand alone

with his only
protection being

the courage of
his convictions

regardless of personal risk.

This is what I believe, sir.

Thomas Jefferson
couldn't have said it better.

So with the election
less than a week away,

Nelson Hayward,
candidate for the U.S. Senate,

in a race to fill the seat
of the late Harold Lench

will have round-the-clock
police protection following

the reported threats
against his life.

I think I just clinched
your boyfriend's election.

I can understand now

why Nelson
finds you repugnant.

You know, you shouldn't
have turned that off.

I'm expecting
a bulletin any minute.

Like what?

what senatorial candidate

has been using
his beach house

to entertain his
own wife's secretary.

Nelson is not
happily married.

Look, I didn't tell
you to come here

to discuss
his marriage.

I told you to come here
to discuss

his affair with you.

That's none of
your business.

Let go of him.

It's time you called.
Listen, Gomez,

how about
that endorsement?

Let go now,
Linda, today.

I happen to be
in love with him.

If you were,

you wouldn't risk
ruining his chances.

Listen, Gomez,

we want that endorsement
by noon tomorrow.

Now save that bleeding-hearts
minority speech

for those 3,000
creeps you control.

Now if you like, uh,
heading that little

sweetheart union
of yours...

Hold on one second.
Hey, use your head.

He's gonna be in here
any minute, surrounded by

a covey of cops,
maybe newsmen.

Now if you
won't get out of town,

at least
get out of here.

Your job's with
the candidate's wife,

not the candidate.

All right, Harry,
I will leave for now,

but I won't stay away
unless Nelson tells me to.

You ought to know
by now

that Nelson does
whatever I tell him to do.

Well, I want to hear it
from him!

Have him call me.

Uh, I'm leaving
Sgt. Rojas down here

to keep an eye
on your car.

Um, I'll be standing by
if you need anything, sir.

Thank you, Sergeant.

How'd it go?

Made all three networks.

It's the greatest stunt
I ever thought of.

You know, all that garbage
about your life

being threatened
really pulls the old sympathy.

How was I?

You'd have been
better off

without that reference
to your guts.

Humility, Nelson,

Servant of the people.

If I could do
your talking for you

as well as your thinking,
I'd make you president,

not just senator.

Murray, can you talk?

Listen, I, uh, tried
muscling Gomez

into that endorsement,
but he wouldn't bend.

I'll tell you what
I want you to do.

Dig up a couple
of Chicano kids,

slip them a few bucks.

Let them figure you're working
for the opposition.

Get them to bust up
our East LA campaign office.


Here is your ecology speech
for tomorrow morning.

Gillis did
a terrific job on it

and I just improved it.

Read it word for word
and no ad libs, please.

Whose lipstick is this?

I asked her over.

Guess why?

To tell her
to get out of my life.

You guessed.

Harry, stay out of
my private life!

You don't have
any private life.

I'm telling you--

No, I'm tellin' you.

I've put too much
into getting you

where you are now

to take a chance
on blowing it.

Now whatever affects
your political life

affects me,

and Linda Johnson is
a political liability.

Harry, I need her.

You don't need
anybody but me.

You could get rid of
anybody but me

because I know where
the bodies are buried.

I buried them for you.

Now, that's why
I'm callin' this shot.

She's out.

Not just
until after the election.

You're gonna be
a happily married senator.

Linda's out.

You don't leave me
any choice, as usual.

Let me call her.

Linda, it's me.

Honey, I've got to see you.

No, not here.
At your place.

Um, give me
about 30 minutes.


For God's sake,

are you gonna take
a police escort to her place?

You want headlines
of my wife's secretary

taking an overdose
of sleeping pills?

Now let me break it to her
gently, personally.

But what about
that cop out there?

Oh, Sergeant.

Yes, sir.

Sergeant, uh, I wonder

if I can speak with you
for a minute.

Yes, sir.

Uh, not many people
know this,

but I smoke cigars.

Now this may sound
trivial to you,

but unfortunately
cigars are rather bad

for the political image,
so to speak.

The old
smoke-filled room cliche.

Anyway, uh, there are
invariably reporters

in the lobby
of this place.

So I was wondering
if maybe you could, uh,

go down to
the cigar counter

and pick me up
a box of Panatellas?

Oh, no problem.

Except, Mr. Hayward, I--I
really shouldn't be leaving

your room unguarded.

Oh, I think
Mr. Stone and I

can fight them off together
for a few minutes.

Yes, sir.

Is he the only one?

No, there's a couple
more down in the garage.

Harry, give me
your jacket.


Harry, this is
very important to me.

this is crazy.

Please, you've had
everything your way.

Just let me have
this much.

Give me your jacket.

Get in the car,
drive right out of here.

Drop the car off
the beach house

and call yourself a cab.

Mr. Hayward, sir!

Mr. Hayward.
Hayward, sir!





Happy birthday.

Oh, no, you didn't.

Oh, no!

Happy birthday!

Yes, and wearing my hat,
and my jacket,

zipping out of
the garage in my car.

For all I know,
they're still following

old Harry
all over the streets.

I love it.

Now there's a switch.

Imagine a husband
going through all that

just to be
with his wife.

That's a switch.

Well, you run for
office someday

and you'll see
how much privacy you get.

Honey. No, darling,
here, right this way.

Not on
Vicki's birthday.

We are having no press,

no police,
not even outside the house.

Thank you very much.

All right,
there you are, my dear.

And as for you,
my dear friends,

I can promise all of you

that at
the propitious moment,

we shall throw
the entire pack of you

right out of here,
with the utmost courtesy.

And because you're our
dear friends,

and in honor
of the occasion,

will you excuse me
just a moment.

Oh, he's going to
get your gift.

Police Department.

Just wanted to let you know
we keep our promises.

You're worried
about Nelson Hayward?

You'll find
what's left of him

in the garage
of his beach house.

Ladies and gentlemen,

for after dinner,
brandy, 1893.

I was saving this

to toast my election
to the Senate.

But I'm afraid not even
that could bring me

as much pleasure as
I'm having this evening.

To Victoria,
happy birthday, honey.

You're Italian, Lieutenant.

I'm Italian.

Cavelli is Italian.
You're a cop.

I'm a dentist.
Cavelli's a tenor.

None of us is Mafia.

You know any Italians
that are Mafia?

Any Italians
in your family Mafia?

Any Italians on
the police force Mafia?

Ah, when people talk
about the Italians,

do they think cops,
dentists, tenors?

The Pope, not even?

The Pope is Italian,
ain't he?

They think--

They think Mafiosa.

Mafiosa, Mafiosa.

Did I gag you?

A little bit.
Thanks, Doc.

It's okay.

All right.

Here are the x-rays.


The x-rays. What?

That's too bad.

What's too bad?

What do you mean,
"too bad"?

You mean two bad, T-W-O,
or too bad, T-O-O.

What are you saying?

No. I don't know
what you're saying,

"two" or "too"?

When you say too bad,
you mean too bad like

too bad it's a rainy day

or too bad that
there are two that are bad?

It's too bad,

the wisdom tooth's
gotta come out

and the molar we can save
with a temporary.

We interrupt
Operatic Interludes

for a special news bulletin.

We have just received
an unconfirmed report

that Nelson Hayward,

candidate for United States
Senator from California,

has just been shot and k*lled.

I got to hear this.

It is understood that
Hayward eluded a police escort

that had been assigned to him

after numerous recent
threats on his life.

No arrests have been made yet,
but we'll keep you advised

as reports reach our newsroom.

Nelson Hayward?

They'll try to
pin it on the Mafia.

Don't let them
do it, Lieutenant.

I just saw this man
a little while ago.

I got to call my wife,
I got to get out of here.

You can't leave without
a temporary in that molar.

All right, Doc,
but make it fast.

Nelson Hayward.

I'll tell you
something else, Lieutenant.

You are an Italian cop.

No matter who you
catch for that m*rder,

they're still gonna
say it's the Mafia.

And that you're
covering for them.

Open wide.

Take my advice, Lieutenant,

change your name.

And don't bite down
on anything hard.

45 years, 5'11", 90 pounds.

2000, South Alameda.

6482, stand by,
information incomplete.

Give me a match?

m*rder's always depressing,
but you get over it.

for the U.S. Senate.

Here you are,

It doesn't make any
difference what party,

black or white...

Knocks the wind
out of you.

Something I can do
for you, Lieutenant?

No, just...

See, the streetlight
is broken.

I bet the kids
did that.

I remember that's
what we used to do.

Throw rocks and
break the streetlight.

Besides the items
I mentioned before,

there were his wallet,

pen, keys,
pack of gum and a hanky.

Now these items were
in his pants pocket.

Good evening.

You're late, Lieutenant.

In Hayward's pockets,

that's in his
camel hair coat pocket,

there was also
a pack of gum, same brand,

and a handkerchief.

But that's

Because what were in the pants
belong to the guy,

and what were in
the coat were Hayward's.

That's all we found.

All right.

Lt. Columbo, stay here.
I want to talk to you.

Yes, sir.

Charlie, what's
the Coroner say?

What was he
talking about?


That detective
who was just here.

I don't know.
I wasn't listening.

...attributed to
three g*nsh*t wounds

two of which
slugs appear

still lodged in
the upper abdomen--

Excuse me,
I'll be right back.

...with the third
having passed through

the left cranial area.

Anybody hear
the g*nshots?

No. Our men are canvassing
the neighborhood, sir.

There's no luck so far.


w-w-what did you mean
over there before

when you said about

it was understandable
about the stuff

being in Hayward's
coat and pants?

I never mentioned
Hayward's pants.

The wallet and key
were in Stone's pants.

Who's Stone?

You're kidding me.


Stone is the victim.

Not Hayward?

Oh, no, Lieutenant.

That's what we
originally thought until--

It's not Hayward?

Oh, boy.
What a relief.

Holy Christmas.

I just found out
it wasn't Hayward.

I already called my wife
to break the news.

She loves Hayward.

I didn't want her
to hear it on TV.

You better
call her back.

Thank goodness
she wasn't home.

Who's Stone?

Stone is
the campaign manager.

A case of
mistaken identity.

Have we got any fingerprints?

The boys are still
dusting the garage,

but they haven't come
up with anything yet.

Anybody see
anything unusual?

No, sir. No one.

Have we been
able to establish

an exact time
of the death?

That looks like
9:20 p.m.

The broken watch

on the wrist of the deceased
would fix the time.

The Coroner
confirmed that?

No he hasn't confirmed, but
he feels that's about right.

He'll give us a full confirmation
before noon tomorrow.

No, no, tell him tomorrow
morning is not good enough.

Tell him I want it tonight.

Now I may want to make
an official report

to the press tomorrow.
So I want it--

What time
do you have?


That's what I got.

I want to
get this for sure. Huh?

Excuse me,
I'll be right back.

Before I forget...

Where is he
going this time?

Can I see that?

I want you to hear this.

There's no question,
the k*ller was waiting

right outside
the hotel garage.

When he saw Stone drive off
in Hayward's car here,

there was no security around,

so he took advantage
of the situation.

He followed him
here and he k*lled him.

That must've
been what happened, sir,

because I tried
to follow the car.

Well, I lost it very
soon afterwards,

at the three-way

I took Sunset,
thinking he might be goin'

to his house,
but I was wrong.

That had to be it, sir,

'cause that was
the first time that Hayward

or somebody who
appeared to be Hayward,

was out of our sight.

The first and only time
and what happens?

He winds up dead.

Does anybody have any idea--

Who was the first
guy on the scene?

Uh, Miller.

We haven't been able
to locate him yet.

How much does the press know
about it so far?

Just that Stone's dead,
that's all.

Excuse me, sir,
I'll be right back.



Miller? You were
the first guy on the scene?


Was the light on?


Where is
the light switch?

I don't know,
I'm sorry.

I want all of you in my office
tomorrow morning.

Okay, Vernon,
let's hear your version.

I want you to hear this.

They couldn't be sure
what exit he used

if he did leave.

After all,
what if he went out

through the main lobby
and not the garage?

I don't care if they've
all left and gone home.

Wake them up if necessary.

Tell him
I'll be right back.

Hey, hey, hold it!

Hey! Hey!


Just want to check something,
one minute.

This guy's watch...

I just want to check...




Where the hell is he?

Coming, sir!



You keep disappearing.
Where were you?

Would you send
my car, please?

Lieutenant, look,

if it was Hayward
that was k*lled,

naturally, I'd head up
this investigation.

But it wasn't,
it was Stone.

So right now,
I'm more concerned

with Hayward's future,

that nothing happens to him.

So I'm going to concentrate
on his security.

It will be your job
to locate this lunatic,

whoever he is.

Yes, sir.

Is that my car?

Lt. Columbo.

We've finally located
Hayward, he's at home.

It took a long time
to locate him at home?

Yes, sir.
Well, we called earlier,

but the maid kept
insisting he wasn't there.

But I just called
and got a hold of his wife.

He's there,
all right.

some kind of a party.

Do they know about this?

Oh, no, sir,
I figured that

you'd want to make
the official visit.

Yeah. Yeah,
I guess I'd better.

Uh, excuse me, sir.

Excuse me.


can I help you?

Uh, I'm Lt. Columbo, ma'am.

I'd like to speak
to Mr. Hayward.

Oh, no need
for concern.

He's perfectly safe.
Thank you.

Yes, ma'am,
I--I know.

Uh, but I'd like
to speak to him.

This is important.
I'd like to--

I know it's important,

but we're having
a private party.

It's my birthday.

So why don't you
just go round the back

and get yourself
a piece of cake?

The maid'll fix
you a cup of coffee

and a piece of cake.

Thank you
very much, ma'am.

I appreciate that.

Don't be so serious.

Go have
a piece of cake.

Really, it's delicious.

Ma'am, I'm sorry.


It can't wait.

All right,
if it can't wait.

What's your name?


Lt. Columbo.

I know.
Usually, I get this.

Excuse us. This is
Lt. Columbo, the police.


Couldn't wait.

trapped me in my lair, eh?

I'm sorry
to disturb your party.

Oh, no, no, no, it's I
who should apologize to you.

After all, avoiding
your compatriots like that.

I'm sorry,
but it's my wife's birthday,

and I'd planned
this little surprise, you see.

I'll call
the Commissioner's office

in the morning
and apologize

and get those other detectives
off the hook as well.

Why don't you fix
yourself a drink?

Make yourself at home.
Take your coat off.

This, uh,
this security problem

really gets
to be an aggravation.

Excuse me, Mr. Hayward.


If I could have
a moment with you privately.

It's rather serious,
I'm afraid.

Oh? It is?

Well, dear, I guess

the old clothing switch
is a felony.

He'll probably
gonna tell us Harry and I

are guilty of aggravated
police avoidance. Eh?

No, sir,
nothing like that.

Excuse me, darling.

I'm from Homicide.

Oh, you're
a little premature.

They haven't got me yet.

Uh, yes, sir,
I know.

And we're mighty
grateful for that.

Uh, but there
has been a homicide.

There has been a homicide?

Yes, sir.

Mr. Stone,
your campaign manager,

he's dead.

Harry Stone is dead?


What? What?

Harry Stone is dead.


H-How? How?

At your beach house,
in the garage. Shot.

Oh, no.


Oh, no.

Oh, it's impossible.


I don't believe it.

It's all right, sweetheart.
I can't believe it.

We just--just saw him,
just this afternoon.

Under the circumstances,
I'm sure you understand.


We'll just say
good night.

Of course.

I want to thank
you all for coming.

I really appreciate it.

So sweet of you
to bring the gifts.

He was wearing
some of your clothes,

driving your car.

Probably somebody
thought it was you,

and shot him.

I pull a sophomoric prank
and poor Harry is...

Did you know,
sir, that he was going out

to your beach house?

Yes. I told him
to spend the night there.

All I can say, sir,

is whoever did it,
we'll get 'em.

He wasn't just
a campaign manager, he was

a--a very close
personal friend!

There was
a threat on his life.

It was on
the early news today.

I don't know
whether this is the time,

but for the purpose
of my report,

uh, I'd like to ask you--

Oh, leave me alone.
Please, leave me alone.

Good night.

Good night.

Goodbye, dear.

We'll be near
if you need us.

Call us, will you?
I will.

I'll call you tomorrow,

If there's anything
we can do for you,

anything at all...

Excuse me, sir.

...just call us.


Uh, I, uh...

Just for the purposes
of my report, uh,

could you tell me

what time
the party started?

It was...
I don't know.

Nels told us all to all be
there at 8:30 at the back,

so we could come in with him
when he came home.

The surprise bit.

Yes, it was
around 8:30.

At 8:30 he came,
and we all came in.

That's all.

Good night, Lucy.
Good night, George.

Uh, Ma'am, uh...

You know, whoever, uh,
made this threat

on your husband's
life is gonna know

that he didn't make
good on that threat.

So we're gonna have a man
posted out here tonight,

just--just to do everything
possible, uh, to, uh...

Okay. Good.

Sir, uh, your pen.


Don't tell me
a little thing

like Harry's
getting m*rder*d

is enough to make you
sleep at home tonight.

No, I forgot.

Police guard outside.

Can't step out tonight,
can you?

Vicki, let's don't go
at each other again.

Not tonight.

Come on.

Let's not.

Out of respect

for poor, dead Harry.

Besides, I wouldn't
want to see you

dissemble before
my very eyes again.

Your display of grief
is overpowering.

In spite of everything,

the man had been
with me a long time.


Come on,
let's go to bed.

Is that invitation

or just
a professional courtesy?

I wish you
wouldn't drink so much.

It's what I do best.

it's something that

you don't need
a steady partner, after all.

Come on, Vicki,
it's getting late.

we're going to bed.

you frighten me.

What are you
talking about?

That act you put on.


Mmm-hmm. When you heard
about Harry's being dead.

I was shocked!

That's what
frightens me.

You were
so convincing.

I know
how you despised him.

Well, it's
the political game

I've been playing
for so many years, too, Vicki.

After a while
you react the way

people expect you to,
not as you really feel.

That's true.

Maybe I was feeling
a little for myself.

I mean that b*llet
was meant for me.

I'm sorry, of course.
It's just that sometimes

I feel like you're
playing that game with me.

I tell you.

What if I filed
for divorce now?

Before the election.

That'd sober us both
pretty good, wouldn't it?

Wait a minute, Vicki, listen to me.
Listen to me.

I want you to believe
I'm sorry

for the things
that have come between us.

There is no other woman
in my life,

but, yes, I do want
to be Senator.

But never did I
ever want to lose you.

I never wanted that.

I wish you could
believe me.

Oh, honey.

Oh, Nels. Oh, baby.


Hey. I know what.

I've got a three-day
whistle-stop tour coming up.

Why don't you
come with me?

We'll campaign together,
like old times.

I can't.

I hate all those crowds.

No, you don't and they
love you, come on.

I do.
Come on.

Oh, listen, and then
I'll have to stay alone

all the time
in the hotel.

I won't be
leaving you alone much.

Come on.

You work
all the time--

No, no. Take--take that
appointments secretary

Harry got you.
What's her name?


Yes, bring her along.

Good to see you.
Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Terrific. Terrific.

You're wonderful,
wonderful, all of you!

Thank you so very much.
Thank you.

I'd like you to be sure

my little lady
gets home safely

and all that luggage
out in the limousine.

We'll take care of it, sir.

Thank you. Uh, Linda,
Miss Johnson.

You got a copy
of my itinerary?

You better pick one up,
right away.

Goodbye, darling,
I'll see you home.


Goodbye, sweetie. Thank you.

Thank you again,
very much.

Thank you, bye. Yes?

Sure, sure. Yes.
How are you? How are you?

Yes, how are you?
Glad to see you.

Thank you again so much,
so much, you really...

Just--just thank you, I can't
tell you, it's just terrific.

Oh, thank you.
All right there, all right.

Thank you very much.

Thank you so very much.
See you later.

We're gonna win it.

Hey, Lieutenant,
glad to see you.

Mr. Hayward. Saw the latest
poll and you're doing terrific.

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

You are voting in
this one, aren't you?

Oh, I vote. Every election,
I vote.

In our house,
you gotta vote.

Very sacred thing.

We sit around
the kitchen table

and we discuss.
And we vote.

Then you've made up your mind

about the candidates
in this election.

Don't worry
about my wife, sir,

she's crazy about you.

And you?

Uh, I'm still a little
bit on the fence,

if you know
what I mean.

We're just going
to have to put you

on the undecided list
I guess.

Oh, did you want to see me
about anything special?

Uh, oh, no, sir,
uh, nothing.

I mean, it can wait.
Whenever you're--

Oh, fine, fine.
Thank you very much.

I'll see you in a bit.

you've got something new

on the Stone death?

Uh, no.
Nothing concrete, Sergeant.

You don't have a match,
do you?

Don't be nervous.
The door is locked.

I can't help it.

I've missed you.

It's not easy being
around your wife all the time.

I know, I know it's been
very difficult for you.

It has been
for me, too.

They're going to wonder
what's going on in here.

I have
a very busy itinerary.

I worry about you.

How's that?

Well, the m*rder.

Oh, I'm well protected.
I'm overprotected.

I still worry.

That's nice.

You know, Harry was right
about one thing.

I shouldn't see you
until Election Day is over.

And anyway,
it's just a few days.


For Mr. Hayward.

I'll sign for it.

I'm supposed to
deliver it to him in person.

He's in conference,
he may be a while.

I'll take that.
Thank you.

Be right with you,

All right, Helen.

What else have got?

Lunch at 12:00
with Judge Forsberg.

The Hadassah tea has been
pushed back to 3:00--

All right, all right,
I'm sorry I asked.

Come on, Lieutenant.
Come on.

What's new
on the m*rder?

I've been
following the papers.

And I called your Commissioner's
office from Fresno.

But what's
being done, Lieutenant?


Sit down, sit down,
please, please.

So far, sir,
we don't have a thing.

Well, that's heartening.

Officially, that is.

And unofficially?

Unofficially we don't
have anything either.

Well, I don't understand--

That is,
the Department doesn't.

Now me, personally,
and believe me, sir,

that is extremely unofficial.

I want you to
understand that.

Would you get to the point,

Yes, sir.


Could I write
on this, sir?

I don't mean
on the picture.

I mean
on the back?

Anything you want.

You got plenty of these?

I just hate to
waste anything.

It's, uh,
a family trait.

Anything you want.

But Lieutenant, please,
just get to the point.

You know, my brother is 38,
and he's still got

his sneakers
from high school, you know.


this is embarrassing.
The one time I have a pencil

it turns out to be
the wrong kind.

Uh, could I borrow
that marking pen?


Uh, excuse me, Lieutenant,
don't misunderstand.

You're a very nice man.
I like you very much.

But I would hate
to have to depend upon you

if I was in a hurry
for something.

You know,
that's what my wife says--

I'm sure she does.

Get to the point,


Uh, I don't know how
important this all is,

but, uh, but you know,
it's better to get it out.

Uh, this is the, uh, street
in front of your garage.

Here's your garage.

Here's where the body
was found. Now, as I said,

uh, I'm not sure
what it all adds up to,

but, uh, I think
we ought to investigate--

Yes, Lieutenant, just...

Now, uh, according to
the prevailing theory

and believe me, sir,
all the boys

down in the Department,
they're convinced of this.

Of the prevailing theory?

Yes, sir.

That the k*ller was
waiting outside the hotel,

saw Mr. Stone drive out,

when there was
no security men around,

took advantage of
that opportunity,

to follow him out
to your beach house.

And that's when
he shot him.

Now, uh,

here's the thing that's
been troubling me, sir, uh.

Did you ever throw
rocks at the streetlight

when you were a kid?


Well, that must have
been what happened.

See the kids, they broke
this streetlight here.

The kids broke
the streetlight?


And, uh, I
just don't see

how the m*rder*r
had enough light

to see
Mr. Stone in the dark,

in order to sh**t him.

Well, he could have
used his headlights.

I mean, uh, that is
one answer that makes sense.

First thing
I thought of, sir.

But you see this street,
here, is very narrow.

Twenty-eight feet.

Now, uh,

I went down to
Motor Vehicles,

I got some models down.

I hope I haven't
forgotten them.

Oh, here we are.

Now you see, for me,

when I can see something,
it's clearer in my mind.

This is Mr. Stone
in your car, sir.

Comes up,
pulls into the garage.

k*ller follows,
makes a left turn,

to throw his headlights
into the garage.

The problem is,
he's blocking traffic.

I mean, right in
the middle of the sh**ting

a citizen comes down,
what's he gonna say?

"I'm in the middle
of the sh**ting, you know."

It's too chancy.

But I mean
hired K*llers are crazy,

who knows
what they would've done.

It only takes
a couple of seconds

to sh**t somebody.

I mean it's not like
he was blocking traffic

for a long time. Huh.

Well, it's not ideal
for a quick getaway, sir.

But, uh, well, maybe.

But I still don't see

how he could've got
any light in there.

You see,
if he pulled up here...

Now, remember,
you got that big car.

His beams would
shine directly

into the trunk
of your car.

So that the spot
where Mr. Stone was shot

would still be
in the dark.

Have you actually
tested this out, Lieutenant?

Oh, yes, sir,
we had actual cars up there.

And you're trying to
tell me

that there's no other angle
in which a second car

could use his headlights
to illuminate the spot

where Harry Stone
was k*lled?

Yes, sir. Uh, yeah,

was one other possibility.

You bet your life
there was one.

Here. Excuse me.

If he pulled in like this...
Granted his right headlight

would point directly
into the trunk of my car,

not throw off
any useful light.

But the left headlight
would have a clear path

to illuminate the spot where
Harry Stone was k*lled.

Now tell me
that's not possible.

Yes, sir,
it is possible.

I mean,
I-it's conceivable.

But that's like catching
lightning in a bottle,

for this car to hit
that exact spot.

But it is possible?

Yes, sir,
it is possible.

Uh, it's possible.

But then
the sh*ts couldn't come

from the right hand
half of the garage.

You see, sir,
according to Ballistics,

the k*ller was
in this area here.

And the sh*ts came
in this direction.

Now, if the second car hit
the mark that you suggested,

the k*ller would have to
lean out of the driver's seat

and sh**t from here.

The sh*ts would come
in this direction.

See, and that's contrary to
the ballistics report.

Hmm-mmm. hmm-mmm.

Very interesting.

Very interesting.

Hmm-mmm. I see.

You, uh,
you don't think

the m*rder*r followed
Harry out there

and that he was, uh...


A thought.

Suppose he
didn't follow him.

Suppose he was
already at the beach house,

just waiting.

Waiting for what, sir?

To sh**t me, Lieutenant,

to take out a g*n
and to sh**t me.

With all your
security around?

You see, sir,

if the m*rder*r didn't follow
Mr. Stone out, then

how would he know

that the security men
wouldn't have been there?

It's a good thought,
I didn't think of that.

Well. Well, now, what, uh,

what do you make of
all this, Lieutenant?

Nothing conclusive, sir.

But maybe the prevailing
theory is wrong.

Maybe this is not a case
of mistaken identity.

Maybe the m*rder*r

actually wanted to k*ll
Mr. Stone--

What're you talking about?
That is absurd.

Repeated threats
are made on my life,

and a man wearing
my jacket and my hat,

driving my car,
pulls into my garage

and he's shot down dead.

And you say that's not a case
of mistaken identity.

I don't believe that.
I just don't believe it.

I thought
you'd be relieved.

But I...

I mean, I mean,

I thought you'd be
happy to know that

the m*rder*r wasn't
trying to sh**t you.

Well, Lieutenant, it's--it's
not a case of relief.

It's a-- it's a-- it's a case

of just trying
to intelligently appraise

exactly what happened.

Absolutely, sir.

I have to admit
if it was me,

I'd feel relieved.

I think I've taken up
enough of your time.



Let me put this back.

I like to leave things
the way I found them.

Your marking pen.

You know,

isn't it funny
the way people react

under the stress
of a situation?

I wasn't talking
about you, sir.

No, I was talking
about Miss Johnson now.

I beg your pardon?

Miss Johnson.

The girl that came in here
to pick up an itinerary.

I happened to
hear that mentioned

when I was sitting out there.

So she came in and now
she walked out without it.

See, here it is, sir.
It's right here

on your desk
with her name on it.

Well, we were making
a number of additions

to the itinerary.
I suppose she forgot it.

You're correct about
one thing, Lieutenant.

These campaigns are
a lot of pressure.

Lot's of pressure.

Sure they are, sir.


There's one thing
I almost forgot.

Do you have
another minute, sir?


It's just one other
thing that bothers me.

Would you mind
closing the door, Lieutenant?


you know
it's almost 35 miles

from the hotel
to your beach house.

I believe so.

That's if you go direct.

If you drive around,
it could be more.

Of course.

Here's what bothers me, sir.

I personally made
that trip myself.

And, uh, I didn't race
the motor, you know.

Normal speed,

and I went in the evening,
it was cool.

And I didn't go in traffic,
no startin' and stoppin'.

So, uh...

Would you get to the point,

Yeah, it's just that, uh...

Well, it took
an hour and 50 minutes

for the engine to cool.

And, uh,

Mr. Stone died,
according to his watch,

at 9:20.

I arrived at the scene
of crime at 10:00,

43 minutes later.

When I put my hand
on the engine of your car,

it was cold.

All the heat was gone.
In only 43 minutes.

And your conclusion?

No conclusion, sir.

I just thought
it was strange.

Thought I'd mention it.

Thank you very much.

Mr. Hayward,
I forgot to mention,

we got so involved,

but I've asked to be assigned
to your security detail.

I just wanted you
to know about it.

Oh, Lieutenant, I'd hate
to take you away

from your other duties.

I'm sure
I'm adequately protected.

Oh, no reflection on the guys
on the job,

they're first class.

Now it's just that,

day before the election,
we consider it a crucial time

in terms of security.

I understand.

Lieutenant, it'll be a comfort
to know you're around.

Thank you very much.

Sir, uh, can I ask you
a personal question?


Nothing to do
with the case.

What did you pay
for the jacket?

Well, I don't remember

Not that one, sir.
The other one.

The other one?

Just a minute.

This one here.
Just arrived.

Oh, uh,
$200, I think.

No, just the jacket.

That's the price.

No pants?

After all,
it was tailor-made for me.

I had second thoughts

about this jacket.
It's, uh...

It's identical
to the one

that Harry was wearing
when, uh, when you found him.

Yeah, I noticed that.

Uh, where do you get
a jacket like that?

From my tailors.

in Beverly Hills.

Why, Lieutenant,
are you, uh, considering

a change of wardrobe?

Oh, no, no.
Oh, every once in a while

I think about
getting a new coat.

There's no rush.

There's still a lot of
wearing in this fellow.

Looks very functional.
Thank you.

Lieutenant, uh,
really, if, uh,

if there's
nothing else, uh...

I got a special affair
coming up Saturday night

and I'm in the market
for a coat.

I see. Good bye.

Yes. Appreciate it very much.

You're leaving
for Monaco tomorrow, huh?

The family?
Good. Bon voyage.

Mrs. Armstrong,
we'll see you back. Yes.

Uh, may we
assist you, sir?

Uh, yeah,
I'm looking for a jacket.

Do you have anything, uh,
particular in mind?

Uh, yeah, but, uh,

I don't see
any jackets here.

Well, naturally,
our clothes are custom-made.

Yeah, I understand,
but I thought you'd have

a model, at least something
that you could look at.

Well, exactly what
did you have in mind?

A sport jacket.

Any particular material?

Uh, something soft.


It could be.


Is that soft?

Camel hair, that's nice.

Soft. Is it soft?

Soft, yes.

Uh, any particular


But there are so many
shades of brown, sir,

there's, uh,
midnight brown...

Light brown.

On the light side?
Uh, cream.


Light. In that area.

Yes, uh, um, tan.
Would you say tan?

Could be
in that area.

More on
the tan side.

A light brown.

Something like between
this and this.

Let me show you


This material we call
Sands of Morocco.

Came in last week.

No lines.

No. No lines.
Oh, yes, you did say

you did say
light and beige.

This one, sir?
Right here.

Uh, it's too rough.

All right.
Let's try this one.

I'm sure this is
a very good material.

Oh, yeah.
Yeah, that's it.


Yeah, that's it.

Oh, that's beautiful.

Yes, it is.


Okay, now let me
ask you something.

If I had a jacket
made up in this material,

now, would that be
something that would fit me?

Monsieur, we have
the finest tailors

in all the world.

No, I don't mean--

We've been in this business
for quite some time.

No, I don't mean
that it would fit me.

What I mean is that
whether it would fit my...

Your personality? Right.

Yes. I guarantee
you'll be most satisfied.

Because I want to look...

I'm going to an affair,
you see.

Oh, splendid,
an affair, very nice.

Yeah, my wife's
bowling league's

having this dinner dance.

It's an annual thing,
$17.50 a couple.

I want to look good.

Your wife.
Very well, sir.

You think this
will be all right?

Oh, yes,
quite sure. Mario.

All right, all right,
let me take one of them.

You'll have that
ready by Saturday?

Well, sir, I,
um, I'm afraid

that is one of the things
we cannot do.

No, you see,

our customers are required
to allow us at least,

at least 10 days
following first fitting.

Ten days?

Thank you.
Excuse me, sir.

Oh, it's 10 days?



Look, I--I was kind of
afraid of that, but, uh...

I'll tell you who
sent me over here.

A friend of mine.
Mr. Nelson Hayward.

He gave me your name.

So I thought
that maybe you could

give me a--a rush job,
like you gave him

because he told me
he had one delivered

just like that today.

I saw it.

Mr. Hayward?

You did say
Mr. Nelson Hayward?


Mario, do you...
Oh, yes. I--I do recall.

Yes. That--that delivery
was made today.

Oh, yes,
I'm quite sure.

Uh, but as I recall,

the garment
that was ordered

to be first fitted for
Mr. Hayward was on the, uh,

Was on the 16th.


Oh, that long, huh?
May I see that?


Well, 10 days.

Right. Well,
that's a problem.

The affair is
Saturday night. Uh...

Uh, perhaps, may I suggest,
uh, department stores?


Thank you very much.

All right.

Thank you.
It is with a real pleasure

that we dedicate

this community
recreation center.

The California
Human Relations Society

can be proud of
its achievement

in helping maintain and create

new social
and recreational facilities

such as this one.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.
That's very nice.



Excuse me. Sorry.

Excuse me. Sorry.

Ma'am. Ma'am.

No, thank you
very much.

Ma'am, we've
never officially met.

I'm from the Police.
Lt. Columbo.

I'm investigating
Mr. Stone's m*rder.

Oh, Mrs. Hayward will be
through in a few minutes.

I was wondering

if I might have a word
with you.

Will you do this
for me now?


I don't know
anything about the case.

Excuse me.

Miss Johnson.
Miss Johnson.

That's your name?


You'd be surprised
how helpful

people on the scene
can be.

Let me see.

You're Mrs. Hayward's
appointments secretary.

That's right.

Could you tell me about
the arrangements you made

for Mrs. Hayward's
surprise party

the night of the m*rder?

I didn't make
the arrangements.

You didn't?


Oh, that's funny.

Why is that?


you know, my wife
is very well-organized.

I mean she takes care
of our social life.

I work these
strange hours, you see.

So I just assumed
that somebody

as busy as Mr. Hayward

would have somebody else
set up these things.

Well, then, maybe
you should ask

Mr. Hayward's secretary.
Excuse me.

I did ask her.

Didn't know
anything about it.

Well, what do you want
me to do about it?

Is Mr. Hayward good
about these things?

Birthday parties,
sentimental occasions?

Well, I don't know
Mr. Hayward that well,

but I understand that
he is quite thoughtful

and considerate.

Could Mr. Hayward have made
these arrangements?

I really don't know,

Could Mr. Stone have made
those arrangements?

Oh, what difference
does it make?

I don't know, Lieutenant.

No difference. By itself.

But if I could find out
who made the arrangements,

then I wouldn't be so troubled
by this other thing.

What thing?

The fact that Mr. Stone

never knew anything
about a party.

Mr. Stone didn't
know there was a party?

No, ma'am.

How do you know that,

I checked
his appointments calendar.

Oh, maybe it was
just an oversight.

Mr. Stone
was very efficient.

And my notes say
that from the start

of the campaign
till now, he kept

a detailed record
of Mr. Hayward's schedule.

Knew where to reach him.
Every hour.

Night or day.

Not one word
about the party.

But they weren't
close socially.

Why is that?

Uh, different kind
of men.

In what way?

Mr. Stone was rather crude,
rather aggressive.

You knew
Mr. Stone very well?

No, not really.

I was just
wondering who hired you.

Um, actually
Mr. Hayward hired me.

I was doing
some, uh, volunteer work

during the primary.

I can understand that.

He's a very attractive man.

Yes, I like him, Lieutenant.

I like him for
what he represents.

He's a man of
great courage and integrity.

Well, I'm sure that's
what attracted you to him

as a candidate.

May I say this?

I think you're
a wonderful girl.

And I think that Mr. Hayward
is--is very lucky

to have someone like you
supporting him.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.


Excuse me, Officer.
Could you help me out?

Pull right up there,

I was wondering,
do you know--

Just pull it up there, huh.
Thank you.

You know where, uh,
Ridgeway Drive is?

I'm afraid I don't
know this neighborhood.

May I see your
driver's license, please?


I'm on the force, LAPD.
Lt. Columbo.

Uh, you have any
identification, Lieutenant?


Always in the wrong pocket.

This isn't
a Department car, is it?

No, this is mine.

Well, I'll have to inspect
your car, Lieutenant.

Oh, that's all right.

May I see your license,


You still live at the
same address, Lieutenant?

Yeah. Look, I just had
it in for a checkup,

only, uh, you know, a tune-up,
two months ago.

Well, it'll only take a couple
of moments, Lieutenant.

Would you try, uh, your lights
and your turn signal, please,

and open the hood for me?

This is
Lt. Columbo, LAPD.

Hi, Lieutenant.

I'm looking for
Ridgeway Drive.

Ridgewood, uh,
three blocks, turn left

and go about
a mile and a half.

It's on your right hand side.
You can't miss it.


Lieutenant, would you kindly

turn on your
windshield wipers?

They were working
perfect yesterday.

I must've lost one
in a car wash.

Sign right here,
please, Lieutenant.

Everything all right?

Your right turn
signal is out.

Your high beam
doesn't work

and your smog device
is leaking.

One of those
windshield wipers is out, too.

You'll have two weeks
to correct these things.

Thank you very much.

You ever, uh, considered
getting another car?

I got another car.
My wife drives it.

But that's nothing special.

Just transportation.

Thanks for the directions.

You're welcome.

Car is ready.

Okay. Listen, uh,

thank you very much
for the loan of the truck.

That helped me out.

Saved me a little time

and here's a little
something for you.

No problem.
Your bill's over here.

That'll be, uh,

That much, huh?

Not the parts so much
as the time it took.

It's not easy to work
on a car in that condition.

You take a check?

You haven't got
a credit card?

Uh, I'm
from the police.

Lt. Columbo.

What are you
undercover or something?

No, I'm underpaid.

What about the check,
would you take one?

Yeah. Sure,
I'll take a check.


I was sure I
brought my checkbook,

maybe I left it
at home.

You have
a countercheck?

Yeah. Over here.



You investigating that m*rder
last week at the beach?


My luck.

One night we have
a little excitement

and I miss it.

What do you mean?

Wednesday night
we ran out of gas.

Closed at 8:00.



Yeah, I know.

You better bring us
blue suits down there.

And a fresh shirt
and tie.

Yeah, I'll be
all right.

Black shoes
and black socks.

Mr. Hayward.


May I see you?

Excuse me a minute,

That policeman who was at
campaign headquarters

this morning?

He showed up at
the dedication this afternoon.

What did he want?

He makes me nervous.

What did he want?

He wanted to
know why Harry Stone

didn't know about
your wife's surprise party.

What does it mean?

Nothing. Nothing.

Just trying to make a name
for himself, darling.

Don't get nervous.

The important thing
is that you don't get upset.

Don't let him
get to you.



Oh, Mr. Hayward?

What is it you want,

Oh, nothing, sir.

I'm just looking for
the head security guy.

They told me
he was up here.

I think I'm working
that 8:00 shift.

I can't wait
to get started.

Uh, I last saw him
in the kitchen.

Oh. Oh, thank you
very much.

Oh, sir,

listen, a couple of things
came up

that I want to
discuss with you,

but I don't want to
burden you now,

because I can see you got
a lot on your mind.

Quite to the contrary.

There's no time
like the present.

What can I
do for you?

Why don't you gentlemen go on
and wait in the patio.

I'll be right there.

Oh, listen, I don't want
to inconvenience you.

Not at all.

You got this TV
thing on you mind.

No, no, no,
let's understand something.

You see,
you think I'm reluctant

to talk to you.
But you're wrong.

I will talk to you
as often as you want,

for as long
as you want

about anything
you want.


Oh, fine.

Well, uh, I'll tell you,
one of the things

that's bothering me--

Why don't we
sit down, eh?

Sit down here.
Make yourself comfortable.

Thank you very much.


one of the things
that's bothering me--

Would you like a drink?
I'll fix you a drink.

No. Thank you very much.

Uh, you see, uh...

You make me feel
so important,

I forgot
what I was going to say.

Uh... Oh.

Well, listen,
let me start with

how much I like
your jacket.

I really love it.

Do you mind?

Soft as butter.

Camel's hair.

Would you believe it? The first
thing I did this morning

when I left your
campaign headquarters,

I run right over
to your tailor's.

I'm sure
he was delighted.

He loves
a challenge.

What do you
mean, sir?

Nothing, nothing,
it's a small joke.

Oh, you mean about fitting me?
I'm not hard to fit.

No, just the legs.
Now, something goes funny

in here with the legs,
but, uh...

Uh, jackets, I pick them
right off the rack,

they fit like a glove.

I didn't go to the guy
for a good fit. No, sir.

Well, I went for the material.
And you know what?

And, uh...

This is the thing
that bothers me.

It takes this guy
10 days to make a jacket.

And you
need one by...


Too bad.

But that's not
what bothers me.

No, my problem is--

Lieutenant, I'm going to
make myself a drink.

You sure
I can't fix you one?


You were saying
your problem is...

Yes, I was saying
that my problem is

the jacket that you're wearing
was delivered today

which would mean that you
had to order it 10 days ago.

But the one that you
gave to Mr. Stone

was only ruined four days ago
when he got shot.

And, uh,

I just don't understand
how you would know

six days in advance

that you would
need a new jacket.

Oh, excuse me, Mr. Hayward,
uh, the director

would like to check
some camera angles.

Lieutenant, did you happen
to examine the jacket?

The old one?

Me, personally?
No, sir.

Because, if you had taken
the trouble to examine it,

you'd have found that
the cuffs had begun to fray

and there was
a little cigarette burn

in the left sleeve.

That's why, 10 days ago,
I ordered a new jacket.

Uh, what was it
you wanted?

The director would
like to see you, please.

Have I satisfied
you about the jacket?

Yes, sir.

All right if we walk and talk?
Do you mind?




this other thing
really troubles me, sir.

Just a minute.
I don't want to forget that.

Yes, this other thing
is a genuine puzzle.

I don't see
any answer to this.

Well, maybe
I can help you.

Let's hope so, sir.

For your sake or mine?

You're in good humor, sir.

I like to win.

Oh, well.

As I was saying, uh,

I don't see
any answer here, sir.

Uh, I went out to
your beach house

this afternoon.

I pulled out of your garage,
and I roared

down the street
at 70 miles an hour

and after three minutes
I stopped

and there was
nothing there.

No bar, no restaurant,
no gas station,

not even a private house.

Just a field,
highway, and birds.

What were you
looking for?

A phone, sir.

A phone?

Yes, sir.

Mr. Stone's broken watch

fixed the time
of death at 9:20.

The k*ller's phone call
came into the police

at exactly 9:23.

Where did
the k*ller call from?

That's what
I can't answer.

Closest public phone

is seven minutes away
in a gasoline station.

Beats me, sir.

And I've considered
every possibility.

You're sure?

As far
as I know, yes.

Tell me something,

Did you know,
did you know

that Harry Stone
always set his watch

five minutes fast so
that he'd never be late

for an appointment?
Did you know that?

No, sir, I didn't.

Everybody else knew that.

Instead of the time
of death being 9:20,

that would fix
it at 9:15.

Now, you say
it takes him 7 minutes

to go to the gas station.

Isn't that
what you said?

9:15 and seven
gives you 9:22.

Plenty of time
to get out change,

light a cigarette
and make a telephone call.

Does that
answer your question?

No, sir.

Station ran out of gas.
Closed early. 8:00.

Mr. Hayward, could we have you
now for a voice test, please?

I think we've held
them up long enough.

We'll talk later.

What about the house phone?

The m*rder*r
could've telephoned

from the beach house.

My keys to my house
were right with the car keys.

The call to the police
came in downtown.

From your beach house,
that's a toll call.

I checked
the telephone company.

No record of a call.

Want to step this way,
Mr. Hayward?

We'll give you some marks over here.

your ending mark.


Do you want to, uh, have me
just walking up to the camera,

or do you want to
discover me here right away?

I presume
that the paid telephone

in the gas station
was inside.

Inside, sir?

We'll have you walk
right into the camera,

it'll make you
appear more relaxed.


Yeah, sure.

Fine, fine.

Make up.

Let me see
the tie.

Okay, that's fine.
Thank you.



Good afternoon.

Do you have
a minute?


How long did you
know Mr. Stone?

Oh, a long time.

Did he always
wear those clothes?

What clothes?

About there.

Good. That's out of picture,
isn't it, boys?

These are
his shoes. Heavy.

Look at the soles
on them.

Okay, that's fine.
Thank you.

Oh, that was Harry.
He wasn't very stylish.

No. No Italian loafers
for him.

Yeah, if he wore it,
it was durable.

If it was nothing else,
it was durable.

You know,
that's what struck me.

It's the same
thing with his suit.

I checked with
the salesman and he says

that's how they
sell these things.

I mean, that's
their main feature.

They never
wear out.

Well, that's Harry.

Tape is rolling.

All right,
everybody, quiet please.

This will be a take.

"Hayward Campaign, Scene 3A.
Take one."

Very quiet.

Mr. Hayward, action.

Good afternoon.
I'm Nelson Hayward.

One of the major concerns
in our nation

and in this state is crime.

Many of us have been
its victims.

Why do you ask?

No, it just bothered
me because his watch

doesn't match
with his clothes.

Good afternoon,
I'm Nelson Hayward.

Come again?

Here's his watch.

See, it's
a skinny little thing.

It's easy to break.

Don't mix with the shoes.
Oil and water.

You follow
my meaning?

You know, you're right,


To give us additional weapons
to fight against the thief.

We better
get out of here

before we both
get in trouble.

We'll go over there.

If I'm elected to
the United States Senate,

I would propose new, tough

crime legislation.

Crime on the streets
today is a brutal reality.

And it's not gonna
stop until the criminal

no longer feels that
the courts...

Neither do I,
but it's interesting.

Do you know that
I actually went

to a jewelry store

and I actually
brought these shoes

and this suit
with me?

Now I said
to the salesman,

"Look, these are
very durable items.

"Now suppose
the owner of these items

"wanted the same
quality in his watch

"that he had
in his shoes.

What kind of
a watch would he buy?"

You know, the guy
had an answer.

Well, what did he say?

I got it right here.

Look at this watch.
You won't believe this.

I intend to look after
the rights

of these victims.

You can't
break it.

I don't care
what you do.

He's still ticking.

You're right.

I don't know what all
this means, Lieutenant,

but I agree with you.

I think Harry would
buy that kind of a watch.

Not that other
funny little thing.

You do?


Mrs. Hayward,

I'm gonna ask you
a question now.

I'm afraid it's
gonna be unsettling,

but I'm gonna ask it

Go ahead.

the criminal to run loose.

I want the decent,

citizen of this country

to be able to walk
the streets without fear.

This is Nelson Hayward.

I would appreciate
your support. Thank you.

Okay, cut.
Hold it. Thank you.

We'll do it again,

That was very good,
Mr. Hayward.

But, uh, you kinda lost
concentration in the middle there.

You were looking in the
direction of your wife.

All right, all right.
Let's do it again.

Right away, quick.


Nels, Nels,
we just got a break.

One of the newsboys

Davis' rebuttal
questions to us.

They're dynamite.

We can have you
briefed in an hour.

In a minute, in a minute. I'll be, uh...
Just one minute.

I'll be right back.

Yes, dear.

Honey, that detective,
he wanted to know

if at the night
of the party,

if you left the room
between 9:15 and 9:30.

Why did he
want to know that?

I don't know what he's up to, darling.
Just ignore him.

Honey, he's--he's a homicide
detective, he's not just--

I know. Don't let him
upset you. Don't, don't.

Okay. But he wanted to know
if--if you got along with Harry.

All right. Pay no attention
to him, darling.

You're getting

Look, wait a minute. He said
it wasn't a political m*rder.

That whoever
k*lled Harry--

Listen, darling, I'm at the
peak of a political career.

I'm under
enormous pressure.

is trying to k*ll me.

Now, that is a fact,
isn't it?

I don't know what
the police are up to.

Harry was k*lled
driving my car,

in my clothes,
and in my garage.

Do I have to get
gunned down in the streets

before anybody
believes it?

difficult enough, darling.

Don't make it any tougher than it is.
Huh? Okay?

It's gonna be
all right, baby.

I'll make it
all right.

I'll make it all right.

This is Larry Burrell

at the headquarters
of Nelson Hayward,

candidate for
the special election

for United States Senator.

The polls opened
at 7::00 this morning

here in Los Angeles.

And Registrar of Voters,
Roger Neufeld,

is predicting
a 72% voter turnout

which is exceptionally high
for an off-year election.

There is a real
air of excitement

here at Hayward headquarters

as the last statewide poll
showed him leading

by a margin of 8%.

However, the "Get out
the vote" campaign

continues in high gear

with the, uh,
professional staff here

coordinating with
volunteer groups

throughout the county.

We'll be bringing you
Election Day highlights

on the noon news,
and of course

starting at 5:00 p.m.,

we'll stay with
the voting results

until the final tabulations
are made.

This is Larry Burrell
at Hayward headquarters.

Send in Miss Johnson, please.

Good morning, darling.

That's for luck.

And I could use some.

Is something wrong?

Election Day.

Well, what is it?

Nothing I want you to
worry over, darling.

Come on, now.
There is something wrong.

Now tell me.
What is it? Please.

Come and take
a look at this.

Oh, no.

Easy, darling.

Oh, Nelson,
before Harry was k*lled,

there was
a possibility that

these were just idle threats,
but not now.

Where did you
find it?

On my desk this morning.

Well, haven't you told
the police yet?

Oh, no.

Linda, I'm scared.

Well, I should
think so.

Darling, no, no,
don't you understand?

The police
aren't going to help.

Lt. Columbo thinks

that all the threats
were fake

just for sympathy
and publicity.


They're never
gonna believe

that I didn't just plant
this thing here myself.

I tell you,
if just somebody else

would have found it.

The police will
never believe me.

All right,
I found it.

No, no,

I found it
just now.

No, it's best
you stay out of it.

Nelson, I'm not going
to stand here

and watch you
m*rder*d like Harry.

Ask Sgt. Vernon to
come in here, please.

Mr. Hayward,
one question, please.

Sorry, guys, no more speeches.
Now it's up to the people.

It's not political, it's this
latest threat on your life.

Any comment on that?

Well, of course I'm concerned,
it's obviously

from the same source
as all the others.

Happily, I'm--I'm
well guarded.

You have any
special plans for the day?

Well, just to hang around
the suite for a few hours.

And later, Mrs. Hayward
and I are going out and vote.

I'm not that confident.

So if I win by two votes,
you'll know whose those were.

Where's Columbo?

He's in the press room.





Mr. Hayward is back
in his suite, sir.

Oh, Sergeant!

Yes, sir?

Listen, uh, you let me know
if Mr. Hayward is ever alone.

Oh, no, we won't leave
him alone, sir.

No, I mean,
if he goes to the bathroom,

you know, to take
a shower or something.

All right,
right, sir.

And from the Los Angeles
County Registrar

we have word that 42%

of the registered voters
have already turned out.

Which is
unusually heavy voting

for this early hour
in a special election.

It looks like
we may be headed

for some kind of a record.

San Diego County also reports
a heavy turnout, and 36%

of registered voters
having already voted.

Bad weather in San Francisco
and some northern counties

have kept the totals low
there so far

with only 25% reporting
in San Francisco

and Alameda counties.

The Orange County vote

looks to be
exceptionally high

with over 50% of
registered voters

having cast
their ballots so far.

What's in the case,
please, ma'am?

Uh, Mr. Hayward's
asked me to bring it

from his office.

Is it locked?

I don't know.

Would you
try it, please?

I'll have to
take a look into it.

Mr. Hayward's
orders, ma'am.

Everything and everybody
coming into this suite

has to be searched.

Miss Dodds.
I'm sorry.

Perfectly all right.

I'm glad they're
taking so much precaution.

According, uh, to
the most recent polls,

the youth vote
is not expected

to play a significant role
in this election.

Both candidates
register strongly

with young people,

but a general apathy
toward this election

seems to have surfaced
on most college campuses.

We're now getting
some further word

from the Registrar of Voters
in San Francisco.

The turnout has
increased dramatically

and the percentage total
so far...

Mr. Hayward,
a lady brought this

from your office.

She's being searched.

Miss Johnson?

No exceptions,
Mr. Hayward. You agreed.

Okay, okay. You--you guys
mind if I go in there

and make a few
private phone calls?

Certainly not.

...lead that is expected
in San Diego

and Orange County.

Davis and Hayward
were considered

by most pollsters

to be running very close
in Los Angeles.

And those votes may turn out

to be a determining factor
in this election.

Well, there's no way
anybody can get out there

from the next suite,

but I wish you'd
stayed inside, sir.


...people in over two dozen
key precincts around

Los Angeles County.

And, uh, I'm just learning
from those precincts

that East Los Angeles
is turning out for Davis

with, uh, 48% of
the vote projected so far.

West Los Angeles
and Beverly Hills

reporting 42% of
the votes accounted...

All secure, sir.

And the West Valley
has so far reported

a turnout of 51%.




Sgt. Vernon.



The candidate's in
his bedroom alone.

He had some
personal calls to make.


Davis and Hayward

were considered
by most pollsters...

Miss Johnson,
would you please take this

to the office and
lock it in the safe?

Oh, yes.

I'm sorry about
that search before.

I'm not.

You will, uh,
join us later?


I'd be happy...


Hello, Linda.


Oh, Mrs. Hayward,
will you be, uh, needing me

this afternoon?

No, but I'm sure
that Nelson will.

Thank you.

West Los Angeles
and Beverly Hills

are reporting
42% of the votes

accounted for.

I assume we'll be, uh,
voting together.

Oh, yes, yes, of course,
darling. Right now.


We're just leaving

with the candidate
and his wife, to vote.

Good luck, sir!

Good luck.

Thank you very much.
Nice to see you.

How wonderful to see you.

...San Francisco and
other Bay Area communities...

Good luck.

...reporting that tabulations
are now underway

and we should be getting...

...statewide results,
and let me remind you

that these are
early scattered returns.

We're not even
projecting a winner

in most of these precincts.

Fresno now with 28 precincts
recording 5,434.

I'm sorry
about the search.

I wouldn't have
minded so much

had it been you
instead of her.


Hello, Lucy.

What a wonderful,
wonderful day.


How are you?

Davis, 1,138, Hayward, 2,014.

Visalia, 9 precincts
reporting, Davis, 411,

Hayward, 505.

Humboldt, with, uh,
4 precincts reporting,

Hayward, 211, Davis, 202,

Sacramento, 31 precincts
reporting, Davis, 4, 200,

Hayward, 3,460...

Out there!
Out there!

I'm all right.

This is Mrs. Hayward,
leave her be. I'm fine!

I'm fine, I'm fine.

Please tell everybody
I'll be all right!

Get some men in
that next room.

Quiet down out there!

Everything's under control!

I sat down here

and I started to
make a phone call

and moved my head
a little closer to the dial...

He fired from out there.

All I could see was a figure.

Get two men in that
suite next door.

After that,
get this hotel surrounded.

Nobody leaves.

Whoever it was, Mr. Hayward,
has to have been a human fly.

I don't know how he managed
that, uh, ledge out there.

You don't believe
anybody else

was in this room?

Oh, please, sir,
I didn't mean to imply--

That's exactly
what you're implying!

I'm getting sick and tired
of police innuendo!

I mean
if I fired the shot,

wouldn't there still be
a g*n here in the room?

Or on me or found
in the streets below?

Now, please, Mr...

Why don't you
search for it?

Just search for a g*n!
Go on. I insist!

You start right now with me!
Here, here.

All my friends here,
my wife,

and everybody
here in this suite!

Make room.
Let the Lieutenant in.

Step aside.

It's me, Sergeant.

Get him in here.

Somebody just took
a shot at Mr. Hayward.

Yeah, I heard.
Now I told Rojas

to forget about
surrounding the building

because the guy that fired that
shot is still in this room.


What's he
talking about?

It's all right,
It's all right, everybody!

He means me!


Isn't that right?

Yes, sir.

Just as I figured.

It's exactly
what I thought you'd say.

I fired the shot,
is that it?

Lt. Columbo,
was there a g*n in this room?

I wouldn't say so,
sir. No.

I mean would you concede
there's no g*n in the room?

Yes, sir.

All right,
let me show you something.

Is this a b*llet
hole in the glass?

Yes, sir.

Would you say
it was fired at an angle

calculated to hit
a victim in the head

here seated
at the phone in this chair?

Yes, sir.

And would you say that,

having failed to hit
the intended victim,

the trajectory indicates
that this hole in the wall

was caused by
the spent b*llet?

Yes, sir.

And would you further concede
that if this b*llet

proves to be from the same g*n
that k*lled Harry Stone,

then the same hand
fired both sh*ts?

Yes, sir.

Then all that remains for you
is to dig the b*llet

out of the wall and take it to
Ballistics for a comparison!

No, sir.

I've already dug
the b*llet out of the wall

and Ballistics
has already verified

that it came
from the same g*n.

Here's the b*llet.

Here is
the ballistics report.

No b*ll*ts in the wall.
b*llet's right here.

It's in
my handkerchief.

There she is.

You see, sir, this afternoon
when you told Sgt. Vernon

that you were going
to come in here

to make some
private phone calls,

I was over there
in the press room.

Now this room is 615,
and the press room is 616.

When you call from here,
it lights up over there

because you installed

that special
three-way rotary system.

So I kept watching the phone
for 615 to light up.

Yeah, it's lit up now.
Can you see that?

I kept waiting for
that button to light up.

It never lit up.

I didn't know what the hell
you were doing here.

I knew you
weren't makin' a call.

And I confess,
I got curious.

And when you and your wife,
when you went to vote,

I took advantage
of that opportunity

to come in here
and look around.

I found that b*llet hole
in the glass door

and that took me
to the wall.

I dug this b*llet
out of that wall

three hours before
you said that

somebody fired it at you
three minutes ago.

You're under arrest, sir.