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02x06 - A Stitch in Crime

Posted: 04/10/22 10:13
by bunniefuu
Take it away!

Doctor, I don't know.
I think you should...

I've had enough. Take it away!

It's Dr.Hiedeman.


Okay fellas, get him up
on the examining table.

Take it easy. Take it easy.

Hold it, gentlemen. Hold it.
Let's take it easy.

Where do they have Dr.Heideman?

Emergency One.

And what is your diagnosis so far,

You probably have aortic valve disease.


You probably have
aortic valve disease or...

Mitral valve disease with
additional coronary artery disease.

I'd say aortic all right. And that is
a very good diagnosis, Doctor.

Is this an emergency or a medical quiz?

Severe chest pains.
They just brought him in in an ambulance.

Now don't get so alarmed, Sharon.

Yeah, Dr.Simpson and I have
everything in hand.

Now, that's not so bad.

Is his room ready?

I don't know.

I'll take care of it.

I think you'd better lie quietly, sir.

Now, don't be so darned efficient, Doctor.

If anyone asks for me,
say that I'll be in the lab.

What are you doing here?
I thought you went home.

Oh, I had to come out for a drive.

Thought I'd just check up on things.

Everything's stable.

This patient here of yours seems to be getting
along a lot better than I expected.

Temperature's back to normal.

Heartbeat's normal, too.

Very good, Doctor.

Well, there's no evidence
whatever of tissue rejection.

Have you given any more thought to...
to making an announcement?

Oh. There's no need to really.
No real hurry.

There are already rumors around...

...that we're very close to solving
the transplant rejection problem.

I've had people ask me
for the name of the drug

we're developing to counteract rejection.

Oh, don't let that bother you.

Of course... Brechman and his group
might beat us to it.

Oh, so that's the real problem, huh?

Who gets the credit?

No, no. I just think we've done
enough testing, that's all.

Listen, I'd like nothing better than for you
to go in and give the real operation now.

But I do think we need further tests.

Well, if you say we must wait,
we'll wait.

Doctor, your room is ready.

What room?

He was just brought in.
Severe chest pains.

Why didn't you tell me?

I'm taking my own blood pressure.
It's normal now. Besides...

Now, just a moment.

As far as your condition is concerned,
I'll be the doctor.

You've been postponing
this valve operation for weeks.

All right. No more arguments.
Set up the operation room.

Arrange for the operating room
tonight, if possible.

In the wheelchair, Doctor.

I'm perfectly capable of walking
to my own hospital room.

Oh, I must say for a doctor,

particularly one of the country's
supposedly leading heart specialists.

Alleged leading heart specialist.

You ought to have more sense.

All right. All right.

If you'll pardon my opinion, Doctor.

Ouch, you've got me
where you want me.

Doctor Hiedeman left his glasses
in here.


Oh, there they are.

Um. You might as well take this up, too.
It just came in. Might be important.

And I'll be up to check him out
in a few minutes.

I want to get Bixton to stand by
and assist on this one.

You let me know
when Hiedeman's ready.

Don't look so worried.

We've done valve replacements before.
He's going to come through just fine.


How's Hiedeman?

Dr.Mayfield is going to operate
this evening.

Is that the cable that came in
for Hiedeman?

Yes, why?

Well, I just wondered
if he got it all right.

Well, when did you give it
to Dr.Mayfield?

About an hour ago.

Thank you, Ms.Parker.

Thank you, Vera. I'll take it from here.

Mmm... now I know why I've always
disliked hospital rooms so much.

I can hardly wait
until I get you sedated.

Yeah? Yeah, I'll just bet you can.

This is for you.


From Germany?



"I have decided to accept your offer to come
and discuss our projects."

"I seriously believe," he says here,
"we need another year of tests, at least."

That's going to overjoy Dr.Mayfield, I'm sure.

Oh, I know. He's rather impatient
but he'll get used to waiting.

I'm glad you're so certain of that.

Ah, Sharon.

When I went back to get your glasses,
I'm sure he was reading your telegram.

Now, Sharon. I know you dislike
Dr.Mayfield but that's no reason for...

Dr.Mayfield is an opportunist.

He's been taking half credit for a project
that you've been on since the very beginning.

And he's not going to sit still
for another doctor.

Sharon, I am disappointed in you.

He is a very brilliant surgeon and
is a great help to me in my project.

I don't want to hear anymore about it.

I'm sorry, Doctor.

Besides, if he wasn't such a brilliant surgeon,
I wouldn't have him operate on me, would I?



Pressure okay, Charlie?

Pressure okay?


Lap sponge.

I said sponge.

What's on your mind?

Fibrillator on.



What's the matter with you?

Sorry. Sorry.

All right. He's all yours.

Gently, gently.


You made it look easy, again.

Thanks, Tom. I had some expert help.

It's okay, I'm buying.

I guess I ought to congratulate you, too.

Thank you.

You seemed a little uneasy today.

I did act as if it were my first time out.

I was worried.

Afraid something might happen to him?

I mean, the way you were watching me.

I feel foolish.

Well, you needn't have worried.

I told you he was going to
come through just fine.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.
Go ahead.

The line's busy.

Sharon. What's the matter?

Are you feeling all right?

Tell me the truth, Sharon.
What's bothering you?

What is this?

That's... that's suture.

If I remember correctly, we do
use suture to sew up in operations.

May I see it?

It's suture all right.

But I didn't bring this in
on the operating tray.

And I've handled enough suture to know
what it feels like. This doesn't feel right.

Sharon, I don't understand.

What's this all about?

If Dr.Hiedeman dies,
you take over the research project.

You do your own transplant operating,
and you get full credit.

Do you realize what you're saying?

Dr.Hiedeman survived the operation.

What if you've done something during
the operation that may cause him to die.

Sharon, I know you're not very fond of me.
But I never realized you were so obsessive.

If I were you,
I'd have that suture checked out.

If you're so sure
that I've done something that's...

...going to make lovable old Hiedeman
suddenly drop dead in a few days,

I'm sure the police would love to know
about it.

I suggest you take your suspicions
to them.

But before you lose yourself
in your hysteria,

would you please mark and file these
bottles and put them in the cooler tray.



Yes, right.

Right, that'll be all right.
8:00 a.m. sharp, right.

Get a couple good sh*ts of the area.

Hey, watch it. Be very careful.

Please stay back, folks, please.

Look, would you keep them back?

We want to keep this area clear.
Keep the evidence clean.

All right. Please stay back. Okay,
keep them back, would you please?

Lieutenant Columbo!

Over here.

Who's the victim?

Name is Sharon Martin,
a nurse at the hospital.

Is there any coffee around?

Haven't seen any.

How long's she been dead?

Looks like several hours.

Another nurse found her
on the way into work this morning.

Hey, you look tired.

I am.

My wife's not feeling too good.
Stomach trouble or something.

She'll be all right.

In the meantime, I'm dead.
I was up half the night.

Can I ask you for coffee?




Sir, we're trying to keep this area
clean for evidence.

Oh, yeah. Sorry.

So far the usual stuff.
Looks like her keys are missing.

Let's see what else we got there,
okay please. Let's check it out.

Yeah, right away.


All right, take off.
We'll check that report later.

All right, folks. It's all over with now.
I think you'd better go home now.

Keep them dispersed.

All right, keep moving folks, please.
It's all over with now.

Here's your orange juice, Lieutenant.

No coffee?

We're working on it.

Pretty much of a mess. Doesn't look like
she was molested or anything like that.

Somebody searched her
pretty thoroughly, though.

Went through her pocketbook,
coat pockets, glove compartment.

Probable m*rder w*apon. No prints.

There never are.

Excuse me. Do you want to hold that
over here for a minute?

This is Dr.Mayfield. Any calls for me?

Nothing? Fine.

Would you get me surgery, please?

Hello, Alex. Dr.Mayfield.

For my ten o'clock surgery,
would you order up...



Sharon? No.

No, I haven't heard yet.

They found her dead?

Oh, no. Where?

Well, what happened?
Do they have any idea who did it?

We don't know yet.

Just a minute. Who are you?

Uh, Lieutenant Columbo, police.

Alex, I'll talk to you later.

Sorry. Excuse me.
I didn't mean to interrupt,

but I have so much trouble
trying to find my way around hospitals.

You know, there are so many wings.

There's a north wing and a south wing
and an east wing...

No sleep last night.
It's very hard for me to think.

What'd you say?

I said what is it you want?

Oh, I'm looking for a Dr.Mayfield.

I'm Dr.Mayfield.

Oh, well I'm very pleased to meet you.

Terrible thing. Young girl like that.

She was my nurse, you know.

What was it? Robbery?

We're not sure of anything yet.

That's really the reason
I came up to see you, Doctor.

I thought maybe you could be
some help to us.

In what way?

Well, since you were close to her,

I thought maybe you could tell us
something about her personal life.

Oh. Well, then you think
it wasn't robbery?

Doctor, I don't rule anything out.
I just want to get a complete picture.

Well, I... I don't know how much
I can tell you about her personal life.

I mean, we worked together but she was
much closer to my associate, Dr.Hiedeman.

Yeah, I wanted to see him but uh...

Gee, I don't even want this.
I haven't had coffee yet.

Uh, where was I...?
Oh, Dr.Hiedeman, yeah.

I wanted to see him but I found out
he just had an operation.

Oh, thanks for reminding me.
I should be checking on him.

He's my patient, you know.

You must be a terrific surgeon.

Well, Dr.Hiedeman and I
do share a mutual respect.

Oh that. Oh yeah,
he must think you're very good.

No, actually Doctor, I was referring
to your great concentration.

Well, how is that, Lieutenant?

Well, when I came in, you say
you were getting the news of...

...your nurse's death on the phone.
I could see you were terribly upset.

But while you were on the phone,
you reset your desk clock.

Well, I fail to see the virtue in that.

Oh, you're too modest, Doc.

No, most people, they'd be
in such a state of shock,

they'd never be able to split
their concentration like that.

The way you did,
setting your clock there.

Well, it uh... it must have been
a purely reflexive reaction.

I really don't remember doing it.

Would you excuse me?

Oh sure. Yeah. Sorry I detained you.

Not at all.

Is there a coffee machine on this floor?


Dr. Hart, please. Dr. Hart.

Excuse us, gentlemen.


Yes, Lieutenant.

May I speak to you personally?

Go ahead.

I feel uncomfortable.

In what way?

In hospitals, around illness,
I uh... I feel kind of queasy.

Well, that's not uncommon, Lieutenant.

I know. I faint.

I mean, I actually pass out.

And in my line of work, that's
kind of embarrassing. Is there uh...

Is there something
that I can do for that?

There's only one sure-fire cure,

Stay out of hospitals
as much as possible.


I'll try, Doctor.

I can't believe it.
I just can't believe it.

I wasn't sure if I should tell you.

No, no, of course you should've.

Poor girl. Have the police made
an arrest yet?

No. They've got someone on it.
A Lieutenant Columbo.

I'm sure you'll be talking to him.
He's very efficient.

Believe me, if there's anybody can do
anything about it,

it's going to be Lieutenant Columbo.

All right, all right.

And since you're such a good doctor,

how soon do you think
there'll be a change for me?

A few days.

Just a few more days.

I'll check you later.

I just can't believe it.
We were so close, I mean...

Of course, in a lot of ways,
you know, we were far apart.

How is that?

Well, I mean
I've always been inner-directed,

and she was other-directed,
you know what I mean?

Well, not really.

I'm career-oriented. Sharon was motivated
by other's wishes, you understand?


I have personal, selfish goals and Sharon
was devoted to humanity. Do you follow?

Well, I'm beginning to get
some of the drift of it.

Excuse me, Lieutenant.

You were both nurses, that right?

Yes, but Sharon always was devoted to
healing. She always worked in hospitals.

Myself, I work in Beverly Hills
for a plastic surgeon,

because I selfishly enjoy being with
middle- to upper-middle-class people.

However, I don't meet any single men
unless they're ready for facelifts.

Uh, tell me, could you tell me a little bit
more about your roommate?

Well, I just know that Sharon never
did anything to harm anyone.

No idea why anyone would come into
this apartment and tear it up like this?

No, no idea.

Hey, Lieutenant. In here.

Take a look at this, sir.

You have a handkerchief?

Yes, sir.

Did you ever see these before?

No. What are they? Why are they
hidden under there? What is it?

Morphine. Hank.

Lieutenant, I know nothing about this.

I had no idea anything like this was
hidden in the...

Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt.
Hank, do you want to dust these?


We'll see.

Nothing. They're clean.

Good of you to come.
I'll see you later.

After the premiere, I got called out
on an appendectomy.

Hi, Lucille.

I should've been an orthodontist.
All the ones I know are cleaning up.

...a very important patient.

Now, I can't mention his name but
he's very big... How's it going, Barry?

He's very big
in the aerospace industry.

Welcome, sir.
Would you care for an hors d'oeuvre?

Oh, thank you very much. Yes,
as a matter of fact, I am a bit hungry.

Uh... let's see, uh,
what is that one, there?

Oh that's salmon on toast with caviar
and sour cream. It's delicious.

You don't have anything with
just plain cheese, do you?

Oh yes, sir, yes.
Right over here. Help yourself.

Thank you.

Collecting evidence, Lieutenant,
or just being sociable?

Oh, hello, Doctor.

I hope you don't mind my helping myself.
Your maid sort of insisted.

Oh, not at all. Here, have some crab.

Always eager to support
my local police, Lieutenant.

Thank you very much. Uh...
I'm really appreciating this, Doctor,

because I've been sort of off
my schedule all day today, you know.

I had very little sleep last night,

and I had that very early call
at the hospital so I missed breakfast.

And I was filling out reports
all during lunch and...

of course, here I am now so
I'm going to be home late for dinner.

That's very interesting.
So why are you here?

Well, I had a couple of things
I wanted to check out with you.

I think I'll have another one of these.

Uh... I'm sorry
if I interrupted your party.

Oh, no no. It's perfectly all right.
I was going to cancel it,

I mean, with all that's happened,
you know. But it was just too late.

I know about that.


Oh yeah. Um...

If you don't mind,
you could be a big help.

Of course.
Would you like to step outside?


Excuse me.

Take a few olives here, if I may.

They look very good. Thank you.

...a really good pediatrician.

Oh no, not again. Harry,
you'll never learn, will you?

Incidentally, forgive my appearance.
I didn't get a chance to shave this morning.

Oh, it's perfectly all right.
Don't worry about it.

Um... there's been a new development
in the case.

What is that?

We went to Ms.Martin's apartment.
We found it torn up just like her car.



Tell me, Doc.

At the hospital,

did she have, you know, access to
the drug security rooms, places like that?




Why yes. Dr.Hiedeman's
and my laboratory.

We use quite a variety of
dr*gs in our research work.

She had access to our supplies.

We went to Ms.Martin's apartment
as I told you.

It was not only torn up but
we found two bottles of morphine.

They were hidden there in the bathroom
under the wash basin.

What do you make of it?

Looks like someone knew she had dr*gs
and wanted them pretty bad.

Lieutenant, Sharon was one of
the most devoted nurses I ever knew.

Are you inferring that she was
mixed up in dr*gs in some way?

I know what you mean.

It shook me, too. A woman like that.

But you never know,
Doc. You just don't know. I mean, today,

everything's up for grabs. You don't know
who's involved in what today.

The best people. Terrible.

By the way,
did she ever mention to you...

...the name of a man named uh...
uh, named Mac?


I don't think so. Why?

Well, in the laboratory,
by the telephone,

we found this.

That's her handwriting. Looks like
she had an appointment to meet...

meet a man named Mac this morning.

I'm afraid I never heard of him.

You think this Mac is what,
maybe an addict?

Don't know, Doc.

I do know that somebody busted into
her apartment. That part we do know.

What about her roommate?
Was she any help?

No, she couldn't give us any idea.

Listen, Doc.

Do you have anything
for an upset stomach?

Oh yeah, sure.

Come on inside. I'll give you something.

It's right in back here.
A couple right here.

Do you have this problem often,

Well, it comes and goes, Doctor,
usually when I've eaten too fast.

Make your cheeks go in like this...

Take um... take two of these right now,

and I'm going to write you a prescription.

If you don't feel any better in the morning,
you get this pill.

Oh thanks, Doc.

But those should give you
some immediate relief.

Thank you very much. I hope so.

Bless you, bless you.

I tell you this has been a terrible day
for me altogether.

And you know, on top of everything else,
this case has just gotten me down.

I know what you mean.
It's all just so hard to believe.

You know, it just...
just doesn't sit right with me.

I don't know what it is.
Especially that fingerprint business.

What fingerprints?

That's just it. There weren't any.

There were no fingerprints
in the apartment,

and there were none on the m*rder
w*apon. I had it all double-checked.

Sent it down to the lab
and all they could find was...

...some things that looked like
glove smudges.

Well, I don't follow.
What does that mean?

Well, I mean,

here you have this dope addict
who's so badly in need of a fix...

...that he wildly att*cks Ms.Martin
in order to get some dr*gs.

And yet he takes the time to put on
gloves before he att*cks her.

What do you think, Doc?

Doesn't sound much like
a dope addict, does it?

I'm afraid I can't be very much help.
I don't know anything about dope addicts.

Well, of course.

Well, listen, thanks a million.

I mean, it was real nice of
you to give me the time.

No trouble at all. Not at all.

Lovely party.
Continue to enjoy yourself.

Thank you.

Marsha, this is Dr.Mayfield.

Yes, how are you.

I know, it's just terrible.
Must be a strain on you, too.

Look, I'm gonna be free in about an hour.
Why don't you and I take a walk.

Down at the beach.

And ever since the police left, I've just
been sitting there in the apartment,

not wanting to move.
I just don't know what to do.

Well, I... I can imagine how you feel.

I suppose if I could put it into words,
I'd say I feel helpless.

You know there is something
you could do.

The police seem to think
that there was somebody...

...who knew that she had those dr*gs
and might've k*lled her for them.

I know. But who?

Well, let's think about it.
Maybe between the two of us,

we can come up with an answer.

I wish we could.

Could it have been someone
that she dated?

No, she never really dated that much.

I used to try to fix her up once in a while
but she was really totally introverted.

Unfortunately, I didn't know too much
about her personal life...

...except that
she lived very quietly and...

...did some kind of volunteer work,
a drug clinic, I think, or something.

Right, for veterans.


Marsha, you might have hit on
something very important.

Oh, I hope so.

Was there anybody in particular?

Did you know any of the people
that she worked with?

No, not really.
I only met a few of them.

Any particular one.

Maybe uh... a patient.

Wait a minute. There was a guy out there
she used to see. What was his name?

Sharon used to talk about
somebody named Harry.

Harry. Harry, yes! That was it.
Harry Alexander.

Oh Marsha, Marsha.

I think you've come up with
something very important.

I hope so.

You should go to the police about it.

Okay. What would you like to do now?

I think we ought to take you home.


Sure you don't want to
come up for a drink?

I'd really better get back.

Wouldn't be any trouble.

Some other time, maybe. Thank you.

Marsha, don't forget to tell the police.

I won't.


Excuse me.


I don't know what's the matter with me.

God bless you.

I'm developing some kind of an allergy.


I'll be with you in a moment.


How are you?


Oh, that's better. Sorry.

I think it was the crab meat.
I'm not used to that. Or those trees.

Oh, maybe the pollen.

Right. Whatever. At any rate,

Ms.Dalton, are you going this way?

Yes, my apartment. Come on.

We didn't get much of a chance
to talk before.

So that's why I came over again.
You don't mind, do you?

No, not at all.

Uh... that was Dr.Mayfield, wasn't it?


I thought it was.

Well, here we are.

Bless you.

I've got a great home remedy for that.

Here, I'll get you a glass of water.
It never fails.

What you do is you take
seven consecutive sips.

You don't breathe in between the sips.

You take each sip in cadence and then
you hold your breath for the count of four.

It always works.

Here, sit down.
Put your cigar down. Now...

Now what do I do with this?

Seven sips in cadence, yeah.
Then hold your...

All right, rhythmically.
Okay, now start.

No, you don't breathe now.
You breathe later. Sips first.

One... two...

Okay, now hold your breath
for a count of four.

One... two... three... four.

You have a tissue?


I'm waiting.

I think it's clean.

Oh, here. This is clean.

Oh, I think that's better.

Hey, that works.

It's all right.

I think that works. Why that's magic.

That's terrific.

Gee, thank you very much.
Uh... Ms.Dalton,

I wanted to ask you some questions
about Sharon Martin's personal life.

Oh, yeah.

Look, Lieutenant, I think it'd be a good idea
if you looked up a Harry Alexander.

He was a patient at the VA drug clinic
when Sharon worked there.

Harry Alexander?

Yeah, she was sort of close to him,
you know.

It was a couple of months back.
I don't think she'd seen him recently.

Well, I'll write that down.

Thank you very much. You're
very helpful. Do you have a pencil?

Oh, yeah.

Uh... do you mind
if I ask you a question?

No, certainly not.

When I asked you about Sharon's personal
life, what did you think I meant?

I don't know. Her habits, her family life.
I guess it could mean anything.

You know,
that's what most people think.

I mean, I ask that question
all the time. I say, tell me about...

...someone's personal life
and people say to me,

"Well, what do you mean? Do you
mean what time they get home,"

"Or who did they see
or what their habits are?"

But you didn't do that. You came right
out with the name, Harry Alexander.

Well, there's a simple explanation
because I was just discussing him.

With Dr.Mayfield?


Oh, I see.

Mr.Alexander's name came into
your mind and you called Dr.Mayfield.

No, Dr.Mayfield called me,

because he was concerned about me,
you know, being depressed.

Oh, he called you. I see.

Well, that was very thoughtful of him.

Um, in other words,
it was just a social call,

and he brought up the name of
Harry Alexander.

No. he remembered
the fellow's name was Harry,

and I put it together from there.

I see. Well, good thinking.

Thank you very much.

Do you have any idea where
I can get a hold of Mr.Alexander?

No, I don't. I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry because you've been very
helpful. You have nothing to apologize for.

Thank you very, very much. I'm gonna
see if I can locate this fellow.

Just do it.

Doctor, I can't do it.

All you have to do is to go into my lab,

and on my desk,
there are some research papers.

It's very simple. And bring them in here
so I can have a look at them.

And you're supposed to be resting,

I'm tired of resting.

No, I won't do it. I'm sorry.
You're still a patient and...

What is it?

Uh... Dr.Hiedeman?

Perhaps you didn't see
the sign on the door...


Do you have a moment? I spoke to
the doctor downstairs at the desk,

and he thought it would be all right
if I asked the doctor a few questions.

Who are you?

Lieutenant Columbo, sir. Police.

Uh, please put out your cigar.

No, don't put it out.

This is still a sick room, Doctor.

I know what it is.

I also know that it's the first human thing
I've smelled in two days,

including your antiseptic presence.

Are you going to give me my shot
or just stand there looking officious?

So long.

And don't forget my research papers.

What is it, Lieutenant?
Is it about Nurse Martin?

Uh, yeah, Doc. I just want to
ask you a couple of questions.

From what I understand, she spent
a great deal of time with you,

the day before yesterday.
The day of her death. Is that true?

Yes. Yes, she came in to help me
prepare for my operation. Why?

Well, I've been speaking to some of
the people around the hospital here,

and a couple of nurses said
that she seemed odd,

you know what I mean, upset that day.
Did you notice that?

Yes, she did seem a little upset.

Uh, did she say why?

No. I just assumed
it was because of my operation.

You see, we've been pretty close
through the years.

Okay, I guess that was the reason,
then. Uh...

I want to ask you about this

May I ask what's going on in here?

Oh, you know Dr.Mayfield, don't you?

Oh yes. Hi Doc.

I was asking a few questions here...

Lieutenant, this is not a police smoker.

And I'm afraid your questions are
gonna have to wait until later.

Dr.Hiedeman is not to be bothered.

I don't really mind.

I do. I'm sorry, Lieutenant.

No, no. I understand.

He is the doctor.

Right. No, I understand.

Uh, could I have a word with you?



I'll see you later.

Hope you're feeling better,

I'll try to.

Uh, Doc. Since I can't ask Dr.Hiedeman,
maybe I can ask you.

Ask me what?

Does the name Harry Alexander
mean anything to you?

Alexander. Harry Alexander?

Maybe Sharon's roommate mentioned
the name yesterday afternoon.

Oh yes. Yes, of course. That's it.

Listen, I really appreciate you
following through the way you did.

I mean I know I was a bother.
You had to leave your party and...

Dr.Mayfield. Could you sign this?

Lieutenant, after you left yesterday,
it got me to thinking.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

After all, I want to do whatever I can.

Wonderful. Thank you.

Ms.Martin was seeing
this Alexander fellow...

...a couple of months back.
Do you know anything about that?

Not much.

She brought him around once or twice,
I think. I'm not sure. Why?

Well, I'm still digging into
Ms.Martin's personal life.

Do you know anything
about him? Alexander?

No, I'm afraid not.

No, huh? That's too bad.

Lieutenant Columbo, telephone.

Where do I go?

Right over here.

By the way, Doc,
I sure want to thank you.

What for?

Those pills for my stomach.
They were terrific.

Good. I'm glad.

And I wanna thank you again for getting
Ms.Martin's roommate to help us.

Well, I just thought that
possibly she could be useful.

You were right and I'm very grateful.

You have a call for Lieutenant Columbo?

Thank you.

Could I see the Robinson chart, please?

Somebody wanted to speak to me?

Right here, Doctor.

Thank you.

Just a minute.

How is that for timing?
We just located Harry Alexander.



Excuse me. Uh... Harry Alexander?

Yeah. What can I do for you?

Lieutenant Columbo.

I'd like to talk to you.

What about?


Listen, can't we make it
some other time...

Just take it easy, son. Take it easy.
Take a walk over here.

I'm investigating the m*rder of a
friend of yours, Sharon Martin.

Yeah, what about it?

Well, I thought maybe
you could help me.

I haven't seen her in six months.

I know that.

Well, why are you asking me then?

There's evidence to indicate that
she was k*lled over some dr*gs.

Oh yeah. Listen, Lieutenant,
I'm completely straight.

I'm nowhere near any of that stuff
anymore. I'm straight.

But you were a close friend
of Ms.Martin's.

Yeah, she was special to me.

Tell me about it.

I met her when I was in withdrawal therapy
and we got to be close, okay?

And why haven't you seen her
in six months?

What's that got to do with you?

Don't be foolish.
You're an intelligent person.

Why'd you stop seeing her?

She said that we were close
because of my dependency on her,

like she was my doctor.

And it was bad for me and...

...I was replacing one crutch with
another crutch so she broke it off.

I never would have.
She was a beautiful person.

You have any idea who might've
k*lled her over dr*gs?

No. Why don't you check with the VA.
Maybe she was still working there.

I checked with them.
After you left, she quit.

Look, Lieutenant.
Like I told you, I'm clean.

If my boss ever finds out that
I've ever even been near that stuff,

I mean, ever,
it's just kiss the job goodbye.

You know a Dr.Mayfield?

Yeah, I met him once or twice
at the hospital.

Anybody ever call you Mac?


I didn't think so. Thank you.

Dr. Dodds, please. Dr. Dodds.

Well, anyway, I said hello.

But just like I told you,
she practically walked on past me.

Well, I could see she was upset
so I called to her.

You know, she was
always very friendly to me,

even though I'm not a nurse or anything.
But she just went right on by.

And you say you usually
come to work around midnight?

Well, when I have night duty.

Will you excuse us, please?

Oh, yes, sir.


Oh, what do you say, Doc?

Lieutenant, what are you doing here?

I'm still looking for a substantial piece
of evidence. That's what I'm doing.

In my wastebasket?

You know that fellow Mac
she had an appointment with?

I have a feeling
there's an important clue there.

And I'm looking for something, anything,

that will help me figure out
who this Mac guy is, you see.

That's my problem. Who's Mac?

You don't mind if I look around
in here, do you?

Be my guest.

I'll... we'll clean it up later.

I thought you'd be busy arresting
that addict boyfriend of Sharon Martin's.

Oh, you're right, Doc.
I did go out to see the guy but...

he seemed clean,
claimed he broke the habit,

says he hasn't even seen
Sharon Martin in six months.

And you believed him?

Yeah. Yeah, I guess I believed him.

I'm not a policeman.

But I can't imagine that
you'd dismiss a suspect like him,

just because he claimed
he hadn't seen her.

Yeah, that's true. But I'll tell you,

I'm finding it hard to believe that
her m*rder had anything to do with dr*gs.

I mean, you have those glove prints on
a m*rder w*apon and I'll tell you,

the more I speak to people
around here, people like yourself,

the more I find it hard to believe that...

...she's the type of woman to get
involved in that kind of thing at all.

What about the evidence?
Those bottles in her apartment.

That looks funny, doesn't it?

Yeah. I've been thinking about that.

The only answer
I can come up with is that...

...maybe somebody put them there to
make it look like that's why she was k*lled.

Is this the cabinet where
you kept those drug bottles?

Yes, that's it.

Besides yourself, who else had
access to this cabinet?

As far as I know, no one
has access to that cabinet...

...outside of myself and Dr.Hiedeman.


Are you insinuating that
I put those bottles in her apartment?

No, I was just...

I had no motive for k*lling her.

Oh, you're right about that.
No motive at all. No.

Hey, take it easy, fella.

Y'know that cleaning woman just now?
Y'know, she said something strange to me.

She said she saw Sharon Martin and
she was upset after the operation.

I'm afraid I don't understand.

Well, that just seems kind of funny,
doesn't it?

I mean, since it was so successful
that she'd still be upset.

Right in the middle of the room.

Hypodermic needle. Plus... of those little bottles of dr*gs
we found in Nurse Martin's place.

Right in the middle of the room.

I wouldn't worry about it, Lieutenant.
We all make mistakes.

Yeah, yeah, I guess we do.
What mistakes?

Well, obviously, you misjudged this man
when you first met him, for one.

Oh that one. Oh, I don't think so.

Why not?

Well, Alexander was drugged,
I'll give you that.

I mean he had a fresh needle mark
in his arm, everything.

Right about here in the left arm.

And yet, when I saw him yesterday,
he was smoking.

Excuse me. Well, anyway,
I noticed he was left-handed.

What does that prove?

Well, I guess that's something
you wouldn't know about.

Just seems awkward to me, you know.

Why would a left-handed man
give himself a shot in his left arm?

Then you don't believe
that he k*lled Sharon Martin.

To tell you the truth, I doubt it.

But I think someone's going to an awful
lot of trouble to make it look that way.

Mm-hm. Only two people knew
about Alexander.

Marsha and me.

That's true.

Maybe Marsha knows
more than she's telling.

Well actually, I think she knows
less than she's telling.

I have a lecture.
You'll have to excuse me.


Lieutenant, what possible reason
could I have for k*lling her?

You ask tough questions, Doc.

So does a jury.

After the operation. Are you certain?

That's what the cleaning woman
on the floor said.

Why should she be upset
after the operation?

That's the point, Doctor, I don't know.

It was successful.

I know. Everything went very well.

You would think she'd be relieved.
It just doesn't make any sense.

What did she think of Dr.Mayfield?

Huh? Oh. Well, she felt that Dr.Mayfield
was a little too self-involved.

She never seemed to realize that
talented people are often like that.

Why, Lieutenant?
What are you getting at?

What's the matter? What is it?

Marcus and Carlson
Medical Supply Company.


That's it. M-A-C, that's it. Of course.

I should've thought of that before.

May I use this?


Hello, Miss? Yes, operator?
This is Lieutenant Columbo, police.

Would you put me through to a Marcus
and Carlson Medical Supply Company?

Yeah, I'll hold on.

Isn't that something? Capitals.
I should've known all along.

Those were initials she was writing.
That wasn't a man's name.

Who was writing what?

Sharon Martin made a note
in her appointment book for Tuesday.

The day after the operation.
M-A-C. I thought it was...

Hello, hello? Yes? This is
Lieutenant Columbo, police.

I'm just checking something out.
Could you help me, dear?

Do you remember whether or not
a Sharon Martin,

on Tuesday morning,
that's the day before yesterday,

made an appointment with anybody
over there?


She did.


Uh-huh... yeah...

All right. No, no, that'll be all right.
Thank you very much.

What'd you find out?

She made the appointment, all right. With
a chemist. 8 o'clock Tuesday morning.

The receptionist remembers
because she was so insistent and...

she was so upset when she called, but
she didn't know what she was upset about.

Why should she see the chemist?
And why be so upset?

I'll see you later, Doc.

Marcus and Carlson...
Marcus and Carlson.

Here we are. Just one of
the supply houses we buy from.

I can't imagine what she'd want to
talk to one of the chemists about.

Let's see. Here we are.

Just bedpans and clamps
and tweezers,

and scissors...

As far as I can tell from these invoices,

the only thing we buy from them
with a chemical base is suture.


That's the thread that they use
to sew people up with.

Yeah, well, it's a little bit stronger
than thread, of course.

Could you give me an example
of exactly how it's used, surgically?

Sure. Come on with me.

Boy, we're in luck today.

Dr.Irving is performing a resection.
He's going to be using a lot of suture.

Good. Do you think that we could
just uh... talk about the sutures?

Here's a wonderful example. Look how
Dr.Irving is sewing up that colon?

Yes, I see. It's very impressive.

Oh, he's got wonderful hands.

Do you think that you could
just talk about the suture?

Just sort of describe it
in so many words?

Oh, sure. Well, in this operation,

they're using dissolving suture
as opposed to the permanent kind.

I, I see. Uh...permanent?

Yeah, suture you use when you want
something to stay permanently.

Oh there are different kinds
than permanent?

Yeah, the dissolving kind.

Of course it's a different, it's a different
color and a different texture.


Yeah. It's made to hold for a few days
and then it just dissolves away.

Uh... you mean it just...
it just goes away into nothing?

Yeah. In a few days or when the wound
heals or when its use is over.

Um... is there any time
in a heart valve operation...

...that you shouldn't use
dissolving sutures?

Oh, you should never use it
in a heart valve.

You see, when the... when the suture
dissolves, then the valve would separate.

What was that?

When the suture would dissolve,
why, the valve would separate.

I see. Umm...

And how long after the operation would,
would it take for the valve to separate?

Oh, normally a couple of weeks
but in the case of a heart valve job,

why, the pressure would make the suture
give way in a matter of days.

I see. Matter of days.
Is that what you said?

Yeah, matter of days.

Thank you.


I feel fine. Why should I have
another specialist?

Barry Mayfield's one of
the best surgeons in the country.

No doubt about it. That's right.

And I'm not attempting in any way to say
I know anything about medicine. I don't.

All I'm saying is...

Lieutenant! I thought I told you that
Dr.Hiedeman was not to be disturbed.

Now if you insist
upon ignoring my orders,

I have no alternative but to call
your superiors. Goodbye, Lieutenant.

Right, right.

Take care of yourself.

Oh, sorry.

You don't have a match, do you?

Doc, Doc?

Doc! You got a second?

You know what I've been learning
a little about? Suture.



You going somewhere?

As a matter of fact, I was.

Yeah, I don't want to hold you up.

But I found out all about the different kinds.
You know, they have...

...permanent suture and that
there's dissolving suture.

Exactly what is your point, Lieutenant?

I'm not sure I have one.
Are you going down?

For instance,
you take Dr.Hiedeman's operation.

For an example.

Suppose somebody used dissolving
sutures to tie up things in his heart,

when they were supposed to be using
permanent sutures,

like that valve that you put in.

I mean, the stitches in there...

they would give way in a few days,
wouldn't they? It would k*ll him, wouldn't it?

Yes, it would.

See now, I don't know anything
about operating on anybody.

I don't know anything like that but...

with this fellow's heart condition
the way it was,

wouldn't everybody just think
he died of heart failure?

A surgeon wouldn't make
a mistake like that.

Dissolving suture is
an entirely different color.

Dr. Hart, please. Dr. Hart.

You're right. It is a different color.

I noticed that
when the fellow showed them to me.

But you know,

I'll bet somebody could take some dye
or something,

and color one to make it look like
the other.

I mean, you could fix it up so that
no one would know the difference.

That would be m*rder,
wouldn't it, Lieutenant?

Yes, yes. Yes, it certainly would, sure.

Uh... because that would explain...

...why Ms.Martin was so bothered
after the operation,

and it would explain why she wanted
to see the chemist... the company that made the suture.

That's m*rder. That certainly is.
No question about it.

What's so funny?

Excuse me, Lieutenant. I had to play it
as though you were serious.

You don't really believe
all those foolish things you say, do you?

I believe you k*lled Sharon Martin.

And I believe you're trying
to k*ll Dr.Hiedeman.

Lieutenant Columbo, you're remarkable.

You have intelligence.
You have perception.

You have great tenacity.

You've got everything except proof.

I want you to take good care
of Dr.Hiedeman,

because if he dies, we're going to
have to have an autopsy, aren't we?

I mean, we're going to have to know
whether a heart attack k*lled him,

or whether it was just dissolving suture.

Third floor, nurses' station, please.

Have the afternoon medicine
gone out yet?

Thank you.

Ms. Smith, please.

Okay, I'll check. Will you hold on, please?

Dr. Hart, please. Dr. Hart.


Is there something I can do for you?

I was just checking
Dr.Hiedeman's dosage.

Has he had his three o'clock yet?

No. I was just about to take it now.

Ah, fine.

I, I just can't breathe. I can't breathe.

It's all right, Doctor. He's on his way.

Call surgery. Get an operating room.

It's the new valve. It's not operating
properly. We'll have to replace it.


More suture, please.


All right. He's all yours.

Now, take it slow and be careful.

All right.

Please pardon the interruption.
I'm Lieutenant Columbo, police.

Some of these gentlemen are doctors.

I know this is unorthodox
but we do have a search warrant.

Just bear with us for a moment.

Be sure to check out everything,

the attendants, everything on this table
and the patient, too.

You better get him to the recovery room.

Lieutenant, what is this
little drama all about?

You just replaced a valve
on Dr.Hiedeman, is that right?

That's correct.

Then you had to replace the sutures.

I think our lab should take a look
at those old sutures.

I don't have to stand for this.

I'm sorry, Doctor.
You can't leave just yet.

I've never seen anything like this
in my life.

In the middle of a surgical area?

I suppose you realize that your superiors
will be hearing from the board of medicine.

This will just take a moment.
You'll have to be searched. Flores.

Are you sure?

Yes, I am.

Anything, Doctor?

Oh, nothing. Thank you, Ms.Morgan.

What about it, Doc?

I kept watch as you asked, Lieutenant.
There wasn't a false move.

He didn't leave the sutures you're
looking for in the patient.

I just checked out the tray. They all look
like permanent, acceptable sutures to me.

Lieutenant, nothing.

We turned that room inside out.
I mean, inch by inch.

Sergeant Latman and those other doctors
went over the operating table, the patient.

Nothing's gone in or out of there...

...without it being searched
with a magnifying glass. No suture.

Thank you.

You look a little dismayed, Lieutenant.

Now, if it's not asking too much, do you
mind if I continue with my day's work?

It certainly looks like
it's one on me, doesn't it?

You know, I really believed
it all fit together.

All the pieces, everything,
the k*lling of the nurse, everything.

Well, it goes to show you, Doc,
maybe I've been at this job too long.

Okay, you win.

You're finally rid of me.

You'll be all right, Lieutenant.
I'm sure you'll find others to harass.

So long, Doc.

You know, in a way,
I have to congratulate you.

Up until now, you really
had me going. I mean,

here you are. You're a surgeon.
A man that's got to be cool.

Even when you're angry, you're
controlled. You never lose yourself.

That's why it struck me funny when
you blew up in the operating room,

and you grabbed me and pushed me.

I mean, you know, there was only
one thing we didn't search.

You know what it was?

It was me.