03x13 - A Tushful of Dollars

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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03x13 - A Tushful of Dollars

Post by bunniefuu »

Now, you think that's
their office's position
or just this A. D. A.?

I gotta ask you, Miss Silver.
Please don't take this
the wrong way.

It isn't you, is it?

It's not that you prefer
going to trial?

Not‐‐ No. No, no, no, no.
Not building up fees.

It's just you had said my mom's
case was really interesting...

and you'd love
to defend her in court.

Yeah, maybe we should.

I'd appreciate it.

Sure. That'd be fine.

[ Sighs ]
Now she's pissed off.

Who? Your mom's lawyer?

Mm. She doesn't want to approach
the D. A. about a plea
until the grand jury votes,

and it's a hundred percent
likelihood they're gonna indict.

Meanwhile, my mom's sure
she's going on trial.

She's afraid to go to sleep.
She's dreaming about it.

[ Pager Beeping ]
Diane, your family lawyer
says that this woman...

is one of the best with
this type of case, right?

I mean, Sylvia says
she kicks ass.

She's gonna stop by
on her way to court.

She has a hearing
on some other case.

Says we should talk
about what to do.

Hey. Simone.
Your world, boss.

Oh, yeah?
No, I know where it's at.

Okay. Right.


Homicide, Little Italy.

Well, I'll see you
at the house.

Yeah. Where are my keys?
In the‐‐

No Court TV
after I split.


See ya.
Okay. Bye.

Hey, what do we got?
D. O. A. Vincent Del Marco.

Carmine's son,
Carmine's house.

[ Woman Sobbing ]
One to the forehead.

That's the mother.
Says she was at the market.
Came home, found him.

‐ Tell you anything else?
‐ Get lost.


[ Police Radio, Indistinct ]

Mrs. Del Marco,
we're detectives.

We're very sorry for your loss.
Can you answer some questions
for us?

No, I don't know
what happened.

‐ So Vincent had been sh*t
when you came home?
‐ I was at the market.

When I got back,
he was dead.

Any idea
who might've done this?
I don't know.

I'd like to be left
alone, please.

‐ Hey, Bobby?
‐ [ Siren Wailing ]

‐ Let me in here.
‐ You gotta stay out
of this room, sir.

This is my house.
It's part of a crime scene.

Mr. Del Marco, I'm Detective
Simone. This is Detectives
Sipowicz and Martinez.

This is my house here.
I need to see my son.

He's dead.
Vincent is dead.
Go upstairs.

I don't know what to do.
Father Avacone is
at his sister's in Saratoga.

‐ I don't know what to do.
‐ Go upstairs. Go ahead.

Go on.
[ Sobbing ]

I've seen bodies before.

Well, if we let you see Vincent,
you gotta promise not to disturb
the crime scene.

‐ I won't.
‐ You might wanna hold him and
so forth. You can't do that.

[ Chattering ]

How did this happen,
Mr. Del Marco?

He do something,
or is somebody after you?

‐ He was k*lled close up, huh?
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ Nobody broke in?
‐ Nope.

All right. All right.
I know what happened here.

Do you wanna
let us in on it?

Do what you gotta do
and get out. Nobody here's
got anything to say to you guys.

I got it.

What's the story
on your D. O. A.?

Carmine Del Marco's kid sh*t
at his parents' breakfast table.

Family gave tremendous
cooperation. Nobody saw d*ck.

Anything on canvass?
[ Simone ]
James is still out.

We got a next‐door neighbor
who's got something. She didn't
want to talk at the crime scene.

‐ You want to contact O. C. C. B.?
‐ Get their ideas, any possible
links with Lucky Luciano?

Let's see what
the neighbor gives us.

Yeah, we just got a homicide
in Chelsea. Russell's up.

She's ready to catch.

Hey, Diane?

A homicide on 17th Street.
All right.

Might go into a lot of overtime.
You up to that?

Geez, I'd hate to make
some extra money on this job.

Yeah, okay.
Work it with Greg.
May I help you?

‐ [ Woman ] I'm here
to see Detective Simone.
‐ Greg.

[ Donna ]
Detective Simone?


I'm Marian Kadell. I live
next to the Del Marcos.

Detective Martinez
told me to ask for you.

Well, we appreciate
your coming in, Mrs. Kadell.

This is my partner,
Detective Sipowicz.
How do you do?

How do you do? Could we
talk somewhere in private?

I'm very nervous
just being here.

‐ We'll go in this next room
here, have some coffee.
‐ [ Sipowicz ] Come in.

Thank you.

I just want to tell you up front
I'm not testifying at any trial.

All right. Let's just
take it slow, Mrs. Kadell.

A trial is not even
in the picture right now.
You want some coffee?

No, I just want to make it clear
because Jimmy's father
being who he is.

Vincent was the son
who was sh*t.

Jimmy is the youngest
Del Marco boy.

He k*lled Vincent.

You saw that happen?

Barbara Del Marco told me.

She came running over, crying
for me to call an ambulance.

She tell you
she seen the sh**ting?
No, she was at the market.

But she says,
"I know it's Jimmy."

She say if her sons
had argued?

Argued? No, listen.

I've lived next to
the Del Marcos for 24 years.

I've seen both those boys
grow up.

Jimmy was always bad.

He was so handsome.

But he had the coldest eyes
I've ever seen.

Like an animal.
Only Vincent was so sweet.

I'm telling you,
the wrong boy d*ed
this morning.

Were the boys involved
in their father's business?

Mobsters? Vincent?
[ Laughs ]

No, he owned his own
plumbing supply company
on Long Island.

‐ What about Jimmy?
‐ Jimmy? Well, Jimmy‐‐

Jimmy was always dressed
very nice, but he was a bum.

I know he was
arrested before.

All right. Well, thanks
very much for your help,
Mrs. Kadell.

[ Groans ]
Listen, I‐‐

I don't like being the one
to send Barbara's last boy
to jail.

She's a good friend of mine.
But he's caused so much grief.

Can you imagine?
To k*ll his own brother?

All right. Thank you.

Listen, you're not
gonna tell anybody
that I was here?

No, we won't.
Okay, thank you.

Another close‐knit
O. C. family.

[ Chattering ]

What do we got?
D. O. A.'s a white female,
48, Georgia Tierney.

sh*t in the head. Husband,
Theodore. He's inside.
Already lawyered up.

‐ Who's that?
‐ That's another one.

Works for
the one inside.
What's the one named inside?

Barry Ulin.
Oh. Barry Ulin, huh?

Should I know who that is?

Nah. Ignorance on lawyers
reflects a good upbringing.

[ Police Radio, Indistinct ]

The body's down here.

Did you find a w*apon?
Not in the bedroom.

That one wanted a warrant
to let us look anywhere else.

Contact wound.

Got a broken window here, Greg.

If it was a forced entry,
somebody cleaned up after.

Yeah. Window could've
been broke another time.

Then it could be a su1c1de.
Or he sh**t her
while she's sleeping.

Think he wants a lawyer
'cause she k*lled herself?

[ Police Radio, Indistinct ]

Mr. Tierney,
I'm Detective Russell.

I'm Barry Ulin,
counsel to Mr. Tierney. He's
not answering any questions.

Your wife's dead
in there, Mr. Tierney.

I'm following
my counsel's advice.
If you don't cooperate,

that makes us think of you
as a suspect.

You've got a right
to think. He has a right
not to say anything.

I would also appreciate it that
you restrict your activities...

to the area of the body
until you get your warrant.

‐ Did you k*ll her, Mr. Tierney?
‐ Hey, that's enough.

I'll be back
with a search warrant.

In the meantime, this house
and the crime scene are secured.

Don't let them in the bedroom
till we come back.

Got it.

What's it look like?
Looks like that guy
sh*t his wife.

[ Horns Honking ]

Hang out a while.
We're getting a warrant.


I'm George Weiss, David.
I work for Mr. Ulin.
I'm sorry about your mother.

What's the current version?
Has he changed his story
the last few minutes?

Your stepfather's upstairs.
He and Mr. Ulin would like
to talk with you.

I'm Detective Russell.
Do you know this man?

David, I know your
stepdad wants to see you.
My good buddy.

Hey, Counselor, you don't
represent this gentleman,
so get away from him.

Then I'd like to go inside.
I need to speak with Mr. Ulin.

‐ We'll let your boss know
you want to see him.
‐ Go stand over here.

Go get the lawyer.
Do you have any idea what
happened to your mother?

She got m*rder*d. Came home this
morning. There's three messages
on my answering machine.

Each one
he's more wasted.
This is your stepfather?

First message he says
that there was a fight, the g*n
went off, and he k*lled her.

Next one she's trying to k*ll
herself, and he was trying to
take the g*n, and it went off.

Last one's a burglar. He says
she was going after a burglar,
and she fell.

These were on your machine?
Then Mr. Ulin wants me to
contact him as soon as possible.

David, come here.

You got that out good, Ted.

You must've been shoveling
coffee down your throat
the last six hours, huh?

We need to talk to you.
What's the point?

[ Ulin ]
David, can I please
talk to you?

You can't talk to your
father right now.

‐ Mr. Tierney,
you're under arrest.
‐ What is this?

‐ You're under arrest. Let's go.
‐ Barry.

It'll be all right.
On what basis
is he being arrested?

You can talk to your client
after he's been booked.

Take him in a separate car.
It'll be all right.


David, why don't you ride
to the station house with me.

Ride with me. Please.

This oughta be interesting.

[ Chattering ]

In here, sir.

Hey, James?

A sh**ting at 14th and Third.
Work it with Adrianne.

Okay, Lieu.

That's the D. O. A.'s husband
on my homicide, Lieu.
He's a collar.

Barry Ulin's his lawyer.
Barry's been busy
on the cell phone?

Mm‐hmm. What do we got?

D.O.A. sh*t at close range,
lying face up on the bed.

A pane in the bedroom window's
broken, but the window's
not unlocked or raised.

And there's no sign
of a struggle or ransacking.
What do you want?

I'm the riding D. A. I assume
this involves the Tierney case?

Ulin's wrapped
around the husband
and won't let him talk.

He wants a warrant
to let us look around.
We're leaving to get one.

The D. O. A.'s son shows up.
Husband's stepson.

He tells us the husband's
a big oiler.

Left a bunch of drunken messages
on the kid's answering machine
about sh**ting the wife.

I collar the husband
to keep him away from the kid,

but the kid
gets in the car with Ulin.

‐ Who now arrives
to get his client kicked.
‐ Detective?

One minute.
Have we got
enough to hold him?

Ulin's already been
on the phone with my boss.

I gather you
didn't find a w*apon?

I'll get a search warrant,
but there's no way the g*n's
gonna still be in the house.

So your sh*t's the message tape
from the son's apartment.

Without supporting evidence,
this tape will have to directly
incriminate for us to go to bat.

Excuse me!
I would like Theodore Tierney
charged or released.

Counselor, allegations have
been made against Mr. Tierney.

We're gonna look‐‐
Those allegations
come from David Tierney.

David spoke to me and told
me he was angry and upset...

when he talked to your
detectives and said things
he didn't mean.

You'd understand us wanting
to hear that from him.

Here's his phone number.
He'll also tell you
I'm now his attorney.

[ Pager Beeping ]
That's your beeper?

Are you gonna call
David Tierney?
I'll call him when I'm ready.

If Theodore Tierney is not
released in timely fashion,

I'm gonna run up some hours
on a civil lawsuit.

Nobody talks to him.

If you're gonna make a try
for the stepson, you probably
oughta get on that.

How's your mother?
What's that
supposed to mean?

Well, I think that
would fall under the category
of a polite inquiry, Detective.

She's all right.


Is that the assh*le
prosecuting Diane's mother?
What's he doing here?

He's riding today.
Caught Russell's homicide.

Small world.
But ugly.

So, what do you got?

Ah, there's nobody
at this Jimmy Del Marco's
last address.

Jimmy's got two rob‐as*ault
collars down in Midtown South,
and the guys over there say...

that his act is taking off
gays in the West Village,
plus shaking down bar owners.

You gonna check that out?
Yeah. B. C. I., they're sending
Del Marco's picture and a car.

We're gonna show it
around Christopher Street.
Just let me spruce up.

David, I would be
really grateful...

if you could come in
and talk to me in person.

Yeah. Great.
Thank you very much.


How are you, Diane?

Worried that I offended you,
for one thing.

Oh, I don't know. I don't
think it's so irrational
to consider a lawyer...

possibly having interests
contrary to her client's.

Do you want to get
some coffee or something?

The reason
I've held off, Diane‐‐

with the D. A.'s reluctant
to discuss a plea for your mom,

it mildly weakens our position
to push the conversation.

I think why they're reluctant
is with you being a cop,

they have public relations

if they accept a plea
from your mom too early
in the process.

I know that makes sense.

No, thanks.
[ Sighs ]

On the other hand, just
the prospect of a trial is an
emotional strain on your mother.

And on you because
you're worried about her.

So to hell with Maury Abrams
and his public relations

Let me get together with him
and young Mr. Cohen...

and brief them on the case law
we'll use to kick their asses
if they go to trial.

Several of which cases
yours truly argued.

Then suggest
we're willing to talk deal.

If you think it's bad strategy,
it might hurt what kind
of arrangement you can make.

I won't let that happen.


I apologize
if you took offense.

Impervious to insult.
Occupational requirement.

[ Chattering ]

I'm Detective Sipowicz.
This is Detective Simone.

We need to ask you a few
questions about Jimmy Del Marco.

I don't need to see
a picture of Jimmy Del Marco.
I've seen enough of that guy.

‐ Jimmy shakes you down?
‐ I don't think he's gonna
come around this week.

Oh, really?

What did Jimmy D.
do this time?

‐ How do you know him?
‐ The G. Q. Manson?

I'm half blind
in my right eye...

'cause he p*stol‐whipped me
up and down the back alley
one night.

That's after he stole $150
I was gonna send to my niece.

Well, now there's
a good chance that Jimmy
blew his brother's head off.

Well, I hope you find him
and k*ll him in custody.

I'll say what I want, Paul.

I don't have a bar
to get torched.

Hey, why don't we go back to
figurin' that Jimmy's not gonna
be making his rounds anymore?

Just an impression I get.

A rather elegant Italian man
was in about Jimmy
an hour ago.

He left here
and went to Harvey's Bar,

and then a few minutes later
I noticed him walking
toward the Palazzo Tavern.

I think his visit's the basis
for Paul's impression.

‐ So, Paul, the old man
did come in?
‐ What did Carmine tell you?

You don't give the kid up,
he'll make him leave town?

Nobody home, Detective.

Hey, we are looking
to take this Jimmy
out of circulation for good.

Where can we find him?

Well, I can't give you
an address,

but Jimmy did
used to ride around
with another psychopath...

in a tricked‐out
black Cadillac.

What was that stupid
license plate?
"Mr. Groovy"?

"Dr. Funky."

Does that qualify
as a lead?


What's up?
Carmine reached out.

Promised all these gay bar
owners if they monk up,
he'd get Jimmy out of town.

A fruit in one of the bars gave
us a license plate we could try.
Some jerk drives Jimmy around.

Your guy did the double
James and Adrianne are working.

This guy lookin'
to set a record?

Husband and wife are
in a bridal shop getting fitted
for their daughter's wedding.

A guy in a silk suit
walks in to stick 'em up.

They're giving up their money,
but the guy murders both them.

Then he's trying
to whack the owner.
The g*n jams, so he splits.

And it's Jimmy Del Marco.
It's Jimmy Del Marco.

The owner recognizes the kid.
He's been in there
like three or four times.

You showed him
Del Marco's picture?
Yeah, he picked him right out.

You wanna talk to him? I'll run
Dr. Funky's license plate.


I don't understand.
What could've been
in his mind?

Take it easy, Mr. Hannon.

This is Detective Sipowicz.
He'd like to talk to you
a bit about what happened.

[ Hannon ]
I don't understand it.

I just said he m*rder*d them
for no reason, and he tried
to m*rder me for no reason.

‐ This is Jimmy Del Marco?
‐ I know him.

Mrs. Leon was trying
to get her ring off.

She had just given him
her purse.

And Mr. Leon, he had just
given his wallet over.
And he just opened fire?

She was struggling
to get the ring off,

and he yelled some obscenity
at her, called her something
and started sh**ting.

[ Panting ]
And also... he tried
to sh**t me too.

His g*n jammed. They
were just lying in blood.

‐ All right.
‐ I know the family.

He came in to look at a tuxedo
several years ago...

and said my stock was a joke.

Did he expect I wouldn't
remember he insulted me?

Any chance you noticed
the car he was in?

Like the cars pimps drive.

Gold hubcaps.
Gold all over.
Thanks a lot.

You got an apartment
number? Thanks.

How'd you do
with Dr. Funky?
I got it.

Plate's registered
to a Joe Carlin. This guy
lives out in Brooklyn.

Yeah? Well, it sounds like
he did a bridal shop
in Manhattan this afternoon.

This guy lives like
five blocks from me.
Good. You can check your birds.

Hey, I do have
a new pair of Satinettes.
I'll show 'em to you.

‐ What?
‐ [ Siren Wailing ]

David, thanks
for coming in.

I'm sorry I put you
in this position.

I know you arrested him
because of me, and‐‐

I arrested your stepfather
because you said he admitted
k*lling your mother.

Have a seat.

He said a lot
of different things.

First thing was
that he k*lled her.

Look, I was upset.
I'm not sure what he said.

David, I'd like
to hear those messages
on your answering machine.

They're erased.
When did that happen?

This morning, before I went
over to their apartment.

I erased them
after I played them.

Look, what's the point?
If they hadn't been erased,

if I'd given them to you,
he's still never going to jail.

The point is telling the truth.
Speaking for your mother when
she can't speak for herself.

That's pretty, but my mother
never spoke for herself
when she had the chance.

She was as much of a drunk
as Big Ted.

She left a good man.

So she deserved
to be k*lled?

David, however
your stepfather's lawyer
got you to change your story,

I don't think he changed
your real feelings.

Now, is it possible
you didn't erase those messages?

They're still around somewhere,
and you're deciding what
you should do with them?


I wish you and I had met
under different circumstances.

Excuse me.

Think about what
you're doing, David.

‐ Yeah, okay.
‐ You promise?

Yeah, I'll think about it.

I'll be here.

Down here, Joe.

Give me a second.

Is that the guy you figure
for Del Marco's wheel man?

Yeah, it's Joe Carlin.
Okay, Midtown South called.

They got a 21‐year‐old
male hustler D.O.A.
in a garbage can.

Guy's been dead
about 18 hours. sh*t
with a nine‐millimeter.

So in going through
the guy's apartment,

they find six negatives
of him going down
on Jimmy Del Marco.

[ Groans ]

Plus a bunch of balled‐up
versions of a blackmail
note in the trash.

Kid's asking 1,200 bucks
for the pictures.

So you figure
that's what moved Jimmy
from shakedowns to homicides?

M.E. autopsies him.
Finds 12 one‐dollar bills
stuffed up his ass.

[ Scoffs ]
Yeah, Jimmy wants
to make his point,

but he don't wanna spend
a lot of money.

I've got an idea, Joe.
Why don't you tell us where
we can find Jimmy Del Marco.

‐ [ Joe ] Who's that?
‐ The guy you were driving
all afternoon.

‐ I was in bed all afternoon.
I got a cold.
‐ Well, I don't hear it in ya.

Of course, you being a physician
and all, you probably
prescribed yourself something.

What's that supposed to mean?

On you license plate,
it says you're an M. D.

[ Laughs ]
That's a joke.
"Dr. Funky."

Oh, so you're
not really a doctor.

So, Joe, when you were outside
that bridal shop in that quiet
little Caddy that you drive,

you got I. D.'d, man.

Three different people
picked you out of the mug books.

In your line of work,
it's probably a mistake
driving flashy wheels, Joe.

Especially when you got
a face like a dog's ass...

that probably draws
people's attention right there.

[ Laughs ]
You'll get nothing
from me, all right?

Jimmy Del Marco's
going down, Joe.

The bridal shop guy
I. D.'d him for those murders.

We got him whacking
some gay hustler
over some party pictures,

not to mention
he sh**t his own brother.

Yeah, well, I ain't
gettin' my head blown off.

Give up an address, Joe. You
were drivin' a car. You didn't
know what was gonna happen.

Let me tell you somethin'‐‐
how people get screwed.

I'm drivin' a person
out of harm's way...

as a favor
for somebody else.

The person's relative.

assh*le jumps outta the car
for something he has
no reason to do!

‐ Like pulling a stickup.
‐ But for money he don't need!

[ Panting ]
He's got all the travelin' money
he needs... from his relative.

From Carmine?

That's how you wind up screwed.
And I do have a cold.

And I did get out of bed
to do a favor.

And I wind up in a disaster,
so screw the both of you!

Just tell us
where you can find him.
No way, man. No way!

Yeah, you don't want to
compromise your big future, Joe.

I see you operating
a huge fleet of limos.

I bought that car for 208 bucks
off a crackhead Arab kid...

whose life was ruined.

Mm. Must be
an unlucky vehicle.

Crime Scene found
a .25‐caliber shell casing
in Tierney's bedroom.

p*stol License Bureau
shows Tierney with a target
permit for a .25.

So how are we doin'
with the search warrant?
It's supposed to be on the way.

David Tierney wants
to meet us when we go
back to the apartment.

Well, that
can't be bad, huh?

It's not gonna make him
love his stepfather seeing
how the mother was ex*cuted.

Yeah. Maybe you
can flip him back.

[ Woman ]
Fifteenth. Yeah.

Hold on one second.
Hold on.

someone has information
regarding your case.

Line three.

Yeah? Can I help you?

‐ [ Chattering ]
‐ Uh‐huh. Mm‐hmm.

He's gonna be there?

Well, how many tanks
is it gonna take for us
to get inside there?

No, huh?
You can guarantee that?

What? Who might you be? Oh.

[ Dial Tone ]

Jimmy Del Marco's
playing gin at Salvatore's
Chess and Social Club.

He doesn't know anybody
dropped the dime.

And nobody'll give us
trouble going in.
[ Fancy ] Who says all this?

It was like this handkerchief
on the mouthpiece.
My money's on Carmine.

The son's still a psychopath.
Get E. S. U. to back you.

All right.

[ Siren Wailing ]

Your warrant
for that Tierney apartment.
Thank you.

Yeah. Excuse me if I don't
go over particulars with you.

I gotta hurry back
to get fitted for my patsy
outfit in your mother's case.

You follow that?
Not exactly.

But I hope
he's getting screwed.

Let's go.

How's it going?

David Tierney,
this is Detective Medavoy.

I don't know if you two
met this morning.

Yeah. Sorry
for your loss.

I wanted
to see my mother.

[ Police Radio, Indistinct ]

We got our warrant, Donny.

You're not aware
of any places in the house where
a w*apon might've been kept?

No. I didn't
come here very much.

All right. I'm gonna
look for the g*n in here.

I'll go over
the bedroom again.

You can come with me.
We can't disturb anything.

‐ Hi.
‐ Hey.

[ Man ]
Get one from the other side.

I got it.

Give us a second, huh?
[ Man ]

This was cold‐blooded
m*rder, David.

No g*n went off

There was no struggle.
Your mother was asleep.

Your stepfather
put a g*n to her temple
and pulled the trigger.

You think he should
get away with that?

But there's nothing
I can do about it.

That's not true.

I think you've still
got those messages.

You were too angry
to have erased them.

And they give you
too much leverage.

What do you mean, leverage?
Leverage, David.

Over your stepfather
who has a lot of money.
I'm a graduate student!

If I was so interested in money,
do you think I'd still
be studying for my Ph. D.?

Maybe you're interested
in money, but you don't
want to hold down a job.

What did you think
you were gonna see here?

What could you have seen
that would've changed your mind?

You'll never understand.

I understand. Go home
and have a good cry, David.

How the world
doesn't understand you.

[ Sighs ]

[ Simone ]
Get lost.
Yes, sir.

All right, let's be heads‐up.
This guy spent his whole day
sh**ting people.

Come on, Jimmy.
You don't need fours.

You're running clubs.

I'm running clubs.

The scumbag
in the corner.
All right. We got him.

It's in your face,
you dumb son of a bitch.

One of these days you're gonna
learn how to play, calling me
to steal all your money.

Maybe one day
your luck'll run out.

‐ All right.
You're under arrest.
‐ I'm in the middle of a game.

Yeah? What was your brother
in the middle of, Jimmy?

And how about those people
in that bridal shop?

Hey, Carl, call my pop.
Joey, how about
a game of gin?

Hey, Carl, call my pop!
Yeah, I'll get right
on the phone, Jimmy.

Don't worry.
Let's go.

Thanks for all your help,
you lazy sons of b*tches!

There's the old man.
Waiting till the game's over.
Come on.

‐ Joe, are you
comin' over or not?
‐ Yeah.

‐ How's it going, Jimmy?
‐ Where's my old man?

I wouldn't be waiting
for the cavalry, Jimmy.

You oughta think
about a statement of remorse.

We got eyewitnesses
to those bridal shop homicides.

‐ What, and eyewitnesses
never went away?
‐ Who do you think gave you up?

Oh, my old man gave me up?
Why don't you sell that
to the yambos?

Jimmy, are they gonna
open the door for us
at that card room,

sit on their hands
while we grab you up,
without your dad's say‐so?

You know, I'd go big
with the remorse, Jimmy.

Or you went nuts.
You got hysterical
off those gay photos.

This guy's blackmailing you.
You suddenly snap.

You whack him. You shove
12 dollars up his heinie,

and then you stuff him
in a garbage can.

I don't know what
you're talkin' about, Officer.

And then this morning
at breakfast,

maybe your brother
requests something
from the citrus family.

He mentions fruit.
Hey, you take that wrong.

You blow his head off.
Now you're on a roll.

Hey, up your ass, pal!
Up your ass!

‐ Jimmy wants to get friendly.
‐ There's someone to see him.

Why don't you come in here?
We'll get friendly together.
You don't scare me.

Come on! Open the door!
Let's go!
Excuse me.

‐ You're dead.
You don't know me.
‐ Thanks, James.


No lawyer.

Can I see him?
We're gonna have to be
in there with you.

You oughta get your son
to understand the situation.

The only way he helps himself
is giving his side of the story.

I know what I gotta do.

Raise your hands.

‐ Where you been, Pop?
‐ Can he come out of there?

Your mother
don't stop cryin'.

I'm gonna get outta this.

She's cryin' about Vincent.

Who's gonna represent me?

All this
from not telling the truth.

You think you're
the first q*eer in the world?

Your brother gets a call
about pictures showing you being
q*eer, and you take his life?

Who's gonna
represent me, Pop?

Getting word
to that kid that drove you...
he should tell the truth.

What are you
doin' to me, Pop?

I asked him to drive you
out of town, not to be lookout
at some bridal shop.

I put him
in that car with you.

I take responsibility
for my actions.

What? Putting me in jail?

That's your responsibility.
What you did to innocent people.

If you want,
Al Lombardi'll represent you.

Ask him if your best sh*t
is giving a statement.

[ Sighs ]

Believe me, you can forget
about any statement.

Al Lombardi's
one of the best.

Al Lombardi
gets me a walk.

There they go.

You'll make
your client available
if developments warrant.

I know your client
doesn't have to answer,

but I am going to get
an order to produce
on his .25 a*t*matic.

You can save everyone
some time telling whatever
you're gonna tell me now.

‐ It was stolen.
‐ Mm.

‐ Which you never reported?
‐ No. I neglected to report it.

‐ Ah.
‐ Just as a point
of information,

what got you off
the invisible burglar scenario?

Did you explain to Ted
him breaking the window
out onto the street?

All the glass being
on the sidewalk? How that one
probably wouldn't sell? Huh?

Let's go, Ted.
Yeah, your client's
got some catching up to do.

‐ When's the last time you
were sober this near dinner?
‐ [ Fancy ] Diane‐‐

‐ What do you wanna be
when you grow up, Detective?
‐ Not like you, a whore lawyer.

Somebody representing

‐ Hi.
‐ Our table available?


Excuse me.

How'd it go with the D. A.?

I guess your mom will be
the final judge of that.

Although she didn't want
to hear the terms from me.

She told me to tell you
so the two of you
could discuss it.

‐ All right.
‐ Illegal possession
of the firearm goes away.

They charge the grand jury
to indict her with
second‐degree manslaughter.

Your mother will plead guilty.
She'd get five years probation.

‐ No jail time?
‐ No jail.

[ Sighs ]
Thank God.
As I said, Diane,

I think she would be
acquitted at the trial.

‐ But if it's a deal you want,
it's a pretty good one.
‐ She's terrified of a trial.

Then you should tell her
to accept the proposal.

I will.

I, uh, appreciate this,
Miss Silver.

Well, off to whore
for another client.

[ Both Laughing ]

No, I don't actually‐‐
[ Continues, Indistinct ]

What is it, David?

It's important to me
you don't feel I was being
mercenary or corrupt.

So now we know what's
in the conversation for you.

I was confused and angry.
My shift's over.

I did destroy
those message tapes.

I called the phone company
to see if there was
any way to retrieve them.

There isn't.
That's what they said.

So what? You want
a gold star for trying?

His lawyer told me
even if you had the tapes,

you couldn't have gotten
an indictment.

Yeah? Well, that's
what the lawyer said.

He said the statements
were self‐contradictory and
wouldn't be usable as evidence.

David, your stepfather's
lawyer makes me sick,

but it's his job
to make me sick.

When you didn't stand up
for your mother,
you weren't doing any job.

You just didn't stand up.

I'm not taking
any money from him.
You were wrong to say that.

So you weren't greedy.
Only gutless.

If you've got some big reasons
for that, tell 'em to a shrink.
You and me are done talking.

Good night, Greg.

I guess that means
a drink's out.

See? All that education
didn't go to waste.

[ Police Radio, Indistinct ]

Bobby, five years probation.

Oh, Diane, that's‐‐
that's great.

Yeah. My mom's
gonna be so relieved.
Dougie too.

Yeah, this Miss Silver,
she really came through
for you, huh?

Yeah, she did.
[ Chuckles ]

She walks in just when
I'm tellin' that shyster Ulin
how all lawyers are whores.

Do you have
to transport Del Marco?

No, there's a uniform cop.
Come on. We're outta here.

Oh, look at this.

‐ My favorite couple.
‐ What?

Permit a beaten man
a little irony, Detective.

Did anyone ever tell you
you talk like a sissy?
Let's go.

One of the reasons I came
was to say I hope
there's no hard feelings.

The position I took
on your mother's case
was on instruction.

Turns out I was fronting
a public relations stall.

Sometimes the performers
don't know what the play
is really about.

All I know is my mother
didn't deserve to go to jail.

As I said, I don't think
my office ever planned
on going to bat.

'Cause it would've been
bad P. R.

Otherwise, you would've been
running up there
with your Louisville Slugger.

Last I looked, Detective, my
job specs don't make me arbiter
of who is and isn't guilty.

I'm supposed to be an advocate,
just like the lawyer
on the other side.

It's kind of a paradox
to have people say you're amoral
'cause you're doing your job.

Well, maybe if you got rid
of that smart‐ass grin.

Yeah. Well, it's hard
not to be entertained when
you're working a system...

where the detective in charge
of investigating a homicide
is seeing the k*ller's daughter.

‐ Whoa!
‐ Come here.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

That's twice that you said
that I looked to bag this case.

I'm not one of your
punk law school buddies.

Mouth off again to me, and
you're gonna be spitting teeth.

You're about five seconds
from me filing charges.

Oh, yeah? Well, I would hate
to be in a position where
I needed to use a lawyer.

[ Sighs ]

Where are your fives
on the Tierney case?

Out box upstairs.

[ Sighs ]

He's a little jerk.
Let's just get out
of here, Bobby. Come on.

‐ Good night, Sarge.
‐ Good night.

I think I might've blown it
with that David Tierney.

Fancy said we couldn't
make a case even
if he would've cooperated.

He kept coming on
like such a victim.

He's this poor puppet
being yanked around by his
tragic family situation.

I wanted to give him
a smack.

Well, that might've
moved him.

I should've worked with that
and let him go with it.

[ Sighs ]
But I couldn't. I just‐‐

I was afraid
to get inside. It‐‐

I kept seeing my brother
in this guy...

and not wanting Dougie
to quit on himself.

[ Sighs ]

I'm trying so hard
to believe people...

don't have to be trapped
by who they are or‐‐

or how they've lived.

You don't think
I'm trapped, do you?


No, I don't.

[ Sighs ]
Maybe I just came back
to work too soon.
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