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02x11 - Just Add Secrets

Posted: 04/09/22 20:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"Just Add Magic"...

You're using
too much magic.

I have it under control.

We need to
talk about Kelly.

We think she has
a problem.

Darbie: Who is she?

Hey, the book obviously

wants us to know
about this girl.


That's what the traveler
said to Grandma in her dream.

Ida: Chuck's trapped in
Lavender Heights.

Hi, Jake.


[bell jingles]


- [door opens]
- [bell jingles]

Mornin', Jake.
I'll take my usual.

Why don't you try
something new today.

what do you suggest?

Blueberry muffin?

You're funny.

I know, I know,
I'm a creature of habit,

but I love your
blueberry muffins.

give me your usual.

A smile, dude.


See ya tomorrow.

No, you won't.


Hi, honey.
Any fun plans today?

Not really.

The girls aren't
coming over?

Don't think so.

Well, are you going over to
Hannah or Darbie's house?


Something going on
between you?

You haven't seen each other
in a few days.

We're not always together.

You kind of are.


Hey. Even best friends
need some time apart.

How are you doing, Mom?
How's City Hall?

everything's great.

Thanks to my presentation
at the luncheon,

the mayor has asked me
to oversee

the Historical
Preservation Society.

Wow, Mom, that's great.

All those chain stores

that think they're gonna
take over Saffron Falls

are in for a rude awakening.

- [chuckling]
- [cell phone buzzing]

Oh. Receptionist
from work.

I've been trying to get these
theater tickets for your dad.

Sold out?


Man. You'd think
working at the mayor's office

would give me
a little extra pull.

Not that I would ever
flaunt my position.

I might be able to help.

but I don't see how.

I have my ways.

[phone line ringing]

Hey, Kelly.

The book is missing.

No, actually,
it's not.

It's safe.

Where is it?

Meet me at Miss Silvers'
in 45 minutes.

What's going on?

We're having
a little meeting.

Okay, well,
where's Mama P?

She declined
our invitation.

Too busy refilling
coffee cups, I guess.

Sit down, Kelly.

So, uh,
what's this about?

- You.
- Me?

Okay, I'm--
I'm confused.

We're worried about you.

We all feel
that you've become
too reliant on magic.

Well, that's ridiculous.
Why would you think that?

You've cooked
so many recipes,

our spices are
almost gone.

And you're cooking
by yourself.

The three of us
are the protectors.

Not just you.

You have a problem.

Well, how is it a problem
when I cook to help people?

You didn't help
me and my dad.

You spelled him.

To help you.

You complained
you wanted to spend
more time with your dad,

and that's exactly
what the spell gave you.

Yes, but it also made Amy
break up with him.

Well, they're
back together now,

and you had a great day
with your dad,

so really,
no harm was done.

That's not her point,

Please don't fight.

I have done a lot of good
with the magic.

A thank you would be nice.

Didn't I bring you back,

Yes, you did.

And didn't our
Curse Breaking Cake

allow you to play
in public again,
Miss Silvers?

You have a gift
for magic, Kelly.

All you girls do.

But you need to be careful.

You're young.
Go slow.

Where's the book?

Darbie and I have it.

We're gonna take turns
keeping it for a while.

Just give it to me.


I don't know why
you're doing this.

It's not forever.

We just think
you need to take
a little break.

We're doing this
because we love you.

Do you understand?

No. This is
completely unfair.

I don't have a problem,
but you've all decided
that I do.

So, fine.

I'll stop doing magic.

[door bell jingles]

Hey, Kelly.
Where are the girls?

We're not always

Eh, you kinda are.

- [sighs]
- Oh, I forgot.

The intervention.

I'm sorry
I couldn't make it.

You seem fine to me.

Thanks, Mama P.
I think so, too.

Did they take away
the book?


Deja vu.

I remember when they said
I had a problem with magic.

Can you imagine?

They're just jealous of us.

[bell jingles]

Hi, Jake.


Haven't seen you much
this summer. What's new?

My menu, for one.

Mama P asked me to
come up with a bunch
of new dishes.

She's gonna put them on
the specials board for
the rest of the summer.

- [chuckles]
- Come on, let me show you.

Deviled eggs.
My Grandma makes these.

Try one.


I love the cayenne.

What's this?

Ambrosia fruit salad.

Wow. Marshmallows and
whipped cream in a salad.

I've never had anything
like this before.

It was really big
in the '60s.


Oh, right,
before fruit salads were
supposed to be healthy.


I'm surprised.
You're usually into
the latest cooking trends.

What made you
decide to go retro?

Retro's gonna be
the next big trend.

Thank you.
See ya tomorrow.

I have a surprise
for you, Jake.

You do? What?

Where have you been
wanting to go?

The beach?

You hate the beach.

It's a joke.

Le Grande Falls Restaurant.

Oh, right.

I told you I was going to
make things up to you.

I'm taking you there
for lunch tomorrow.

- Really?
- Really?

That place
costs a fortune.

Jake told me he'd never had
a fine dining experience.

You're always cooking.

It'll be nice for you
to be served for a change.

Thanks, Mama P,
that's really nice of you.

We have a
12:30 reservation.

Don't be late like you were
the other day.

- Late?
- Two hours late.

Two hours?
That's not like you, Jake.

It's not a big deal.

Uh, well,
maybe not for Darbie,

but you pride yourself
on being punctual.

You're not telling me

What is it?


The truth is
I decided to play hooky
and see a movie.

I saw that
Trudith Winters flick,

which was amazing.

Don't tell Mama P.

Didn't think to look
under my bed, did you,


It's the truth family,
and I need Jake to
tell me what's up.

What can I make
with cumin?


Because I need Jake
to spill the beans.


Can you keep a secret?

I guess.

You know how I
haven't been able
to sleep lately?

It's not insomnia.

I've been
staying up nights

Grandma's illness.

Dad, I-- I really don't think
that's such a good idea.

Well, how do you suddenly lose
the ability to communicate?

I need to know
what happened.

She's back to normal now,
and that's all that matters.

- What if she has
a relapse?
- She won't.

We don't know that.
What if it's genetic?

- It's not.
- We don't know that, either.

I'm gonna get to
the bottom of this.

Don't tell your mom.

She doesn't think it's
a good idea, either.

I didn't think of
the downside.

Is everyone gonna start
telling me their secrets?

[door opens]

Have I got something
to tell you.

Oh, no.

Don't tell anyone this,

Mayor Davies is
going to resign

so she can run for
state senate.

Why are you
telling me this?

And nobody knows this
yet, either--

I'm going to run
for mayor.

Mayor. Wow, Mom,
that-- that's huge.

- You can do it.
- Thanks, honey.

But let's keep it
our little secret for now.

- Where's your dad?
- Upstairs.

Oh, no doubt working on
his medical research

he thinks I know
nothing about.

Hey, Kelly.

Guess what.

No, Buddy,
I don't want to know
everybody's secrets.

I haven't brushed my teeth
in three days.

Hi, Jake.

How's it goin'?

Everyone's hungry today.

Oh, that's good.

Anything you want to
tell me?

No. I like your dress.


So, nothing else?

I saw you
a few hours ago.

Not much has changed
since then.


We got your message.

I'm glad you're not
still mad at us.

Course not.

I know you were
just trying to
look out for me.

So, what are we
doing here?

I thought
we could have lunch.
And I'm buying.

Three Jakewiches,

On the house.


Yeah, I'm having
a good day. Enjoy.

- Thanks.
- Thanks.

Kelly, I've been
keeping some secrets
from you.

Of course, you have.

I mean, really?

Remember when we
binge watched

the new season of
"Royals of Wembley"?

I had already watched it
by myself.

I couldn't wait.

And remember in
the first grade
when I said

I didn't have any
Goldfish crackers left?

I lied.

I just didn't
feel like sharing.

And while we're at it,

I feel guilty that
I like Amy so much.

Okay, well, I forgive you,

and don't feel bad
about Amy.

She's a very nice person.

I re-gifted the bracelet
you gave me for Christmas.

It was really nice,
just a little too clinky.

And clunky.

- Sorry.
- I understand.

And there's something else
that nobody knows yet.

I'm not going to
Fox Canyon.

Darby/Kelly: What?

I called our school and
I told them I'm staying.

I don't understand,
I thought you were excited.

Well, I felt left out
when you two rescued
our cookbook

from Chuck's trailer
without me.

Oh, Hannah,
it wasn't like that.

Wait a minute.

Why are we telling you
all of our secrets?

I can explain.

You cooked again,
didn't you?

We're under a spell.

Your lucky T-shirt.
I lost it.

It's a secret spell.
It's not supposed to
affect you guys.

I swear. It was just
supposed to affect Jake.

What's wrong with Jake?

Something's not right
with him.

I think he's
hiding something.

What are you talking about?
He just gave us sandwiches.

Exactly. Jake never
gives his food away.

And he put cilantro
in his Jakewiches.

He hates cilantro.

Oh, and get this.
He said the word groovy.

So? He knows I'm
trying to bring it back.

Kelly, listen to yourself.
You're look for any excuse
to cook.

No, Jake was late
for his shift,

and then he lied
and said that--

that he went to the new
Trudith Winters movie.

But he saw it last week
and hated it.

Hm. Well,
that makes two of us.

No, I'm telling you
he's hiding something.

Okay, so what is it?
What did he tell you?

Well, that's just it,
he didn't.

He's the only one who
didn't tell me his secrets.

Maybe he doesn't have any.

Everyone has a secret.

You didn't listen to
anything we said
this morning, did you?

- I did--
- And then you decided
to ignore it.

You really have
a problem, Kelly.

So, what'd you put
in the spell?

Elysian cumin in a
spill-the-beans recipe.

You even gave it
a name?

Did you write
a riddle, too?

Of course not.

How do you break it?

I actually don't know.


If you let me see the book,
I can figure it out.

No chance.

You're on a
magical time out.

Darbie and I will figure out
a counter spell.

Want to know
where I'm going?

Not really.

Don't tell Mom,
but I'm meeting a guy

who says he thinks he knows
what happened to Grandma.

How's that possible?

I'm gonna find out.

I'm meeting him
at Mama P's.



I think we have a problem.

We need to find what
ingredients are used

in a recipe that's
opposite to Kelly's

Like a tight-lipped linguine
or a hold-your-tongue...


Eww. [chuckles]
That's gross.

But that's the right idea.

That's Rose,
the girl we saw before.

At least her eyes
aren't moving.

That's good.

But she's staring
right at us.



Okay, this is weird.

Really weird.

As much as
I hate to say this,

I'm gonna say it

Kelly needs to see this.


I'm glad you called me.

It was
the right thing to do.

You don't really think
that this guy could know

anything about...
magic, do you?

Of course not.

I'm sure he's just
some kind of kook.

But I wish your dad
would stop worrying about me.


Can I tell you a secret?

No, Grandma,
you don't have to.

I regret how I used
my morbium.

But you said that you--

I know.

Gina and Ida
were my best friends,

and I loved them.

And I had to find a way
to stop them from hurting
each other.

But when I broke us up,

I gave them no real way of
ever un-spelling themselves,

I was wrong.

Maybe you should tell them
instead of me.

I think it's a little late
for that now.

[bell jingles]

Mom? Kelly?

What are you
doing here?

Kelly told me about
your research.


Sorry, Dad, but I really
don't like secrets.

So, what did
the guy say?

What didn't he say?

Get this.
He told me he thought

Grandma was under
a magic spell.


- He said that?
- I know.

- Magic.
- Yeah. What a
crackpot, right?

I was hoping to get
some real answers about

what happened to you,

But maybe I should just be
grateful you're okay,

and leave it at that.

I love that idea,

Me, too.

Hey, who wants
some ice cream?

Don't worry.
I'm sure it's nothing.

[bell jingles]

The book won't let us go
to any other page.

It's trying to
tell us something.

I'm sorry.

I'm not getting it.

Okay, now we're
getting somewhere.

I'm not so sure.

It's the same drawing.

Okay, I'm starting to
get mad at you, book.

[pages rustling]

The drawings are
slightly different.

They look the same to me.

Her mouth is in slightly
different positions.


Turn off the lights.


That's our cookbook.

Do you think--

If Rose had the book,

then she must have been
a protector.

Like us.


What is happening?

I don't know.

Help me.

Help me.

Help me.

How can we help you, Rose?
What do you want?

Maybe she wants to
get out of the book.

That's a sentence
I never thought I'd say.

But this is just a drawing.

Unless it isn't,
and it actually is Rose.

You're trying to tell me
that this girl

is stuck in the book?

It makes sense.
Think about it.

Her eyes did move
the first time we saw her.

I was hoping we were just
tired and seeing things.

Kelly, you're still under
the secret spell.

Rose just told us
her secret.

We need to help her.


We have magic.
We need to use it.


I'm sorry for taking
the book away.

Yeah. Me, too.

Without your
secret spell,

Rose wouldn't have been able
to communicate with us.

No, no, don't apologize.
You were right.

I was afraid to
admit it, but...

I really do have a problem.

I had almost forgotten
who I am without magic.

What happened?
Why'd it stop?

Your spell just broke.

maybe it breaks

when the person who made it
tells a secret,

and you just did.

I guess so.

By the way,

you're awesome,
with or without
the magic.

Thanks, Darbie.

You guys are always
there for me.

taking away the book,

which I'm
really glad you did.

See? This is exactly why
I'm not going to Fox Canyon.

I can't be
without you guys.

Best friends
need to be together.

It's because we're
your best friends

that we want you
to go there.

The school's amazing.

It's the right move.

So what are we gonna do
about Rose?

I don't know.

But let's start by
calling a meeting.

[bell jingles]

Becky and Gina
aren't here yet.

You guys having
a meeting?


I'm not sure why.

With Chuck gone,
I thought our problems
were over.

Things just got

Ooh, gossip.
I gotta hear this.

You won't believe
what we saw in the book.

- It was--
- What's this meeting about?

Don't look at me.
I didn't call it.

Why don't you go home.
I'll close up.

I don't mind
hanging around.

Jake, why don't you
show them the new menu.

Impressive cursive.

"Jake's Heavenly Ambrosia,

"3 Piggies in a Blanket"--

This sounds like the food
my mom used to make.

"Tunnel of Fudge."
These all sound amazing.

Well, I got a lot of
cleaning up to do.

Kelly, what's wrong?

[bell jingles]

Is everything
all right?

No, it's not. Look.

It's the same

The person who
wrote this list

wrote this menu
on the chalkboard.

Chuck wrote this list.

My gut's been telling me
that there's something wrong
with Jake.

What are you saying?

The Jake who's
in your kitchen

is not our Jake.

Then who is he?

Both: [whispering]

I still have
a lot of food left.

Anybody hungry?
