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02x07 - Just Add 8529

Posted: 04/09/22 20:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"Just Add Magic"...

Terri just got
some great news.

They offered her a job
as the mayor's aid.

You're going to
a new school?

My parents are
making me go.

Darbie: Whoa.

I've never seen tiny trees
in a pantry before.

Mama P: So you're under
a fixer spell?

I think I'm trying to
fix the book.

No way.


Uh, can you pass me
the livonian sugar?

This is livonian, right?
That the bran family?

You're a fast learner.

And if we mix it with
some galafrasian cocoa--

That'll give me
the smarts?

Studying also gives you
the smarts.

Hey, I tried that.
Math's not my thing.

Got an A in history,


Seriously, Gina,
you're a peach.

Just don't tell
Ida and Becky.

Hey, I have a question.

If I added a pinch of
torian honey,

could I stretch the magic
into third period?

Well, that's not
in the recipe,

but it kind of
makes sense.

Guess I have a knack
for this magic stuff.


[glass breaking]



Hannah: Kelly.

- Kelly.
- Oh, hey, guys.
I didn't hear you.

Or get our texts,

"We're on our way."
"We're almost there."

"We're outside."
"We're coming up."

"We're standing
in your room."

But look at this.

Why does the Traveler
keep saying rose?

Is that a recipe?
I mean, you can cook
with roses, right?

Maybe it's
a new spice family.

I don't know.

Just like
how I didn't know when we
discussed it last night.

Let's just take a break.

You're right.

Hey, what do you think
8529 means?

That was the shortest break
in the history of breaks.

Come on,
let's get outta here.

I want to get
the first spin at
Dan's Doughnuts.

do you really think that
they're gonna give away

a year of
free doughnuts?

It's a publicity stunt.
Nobody ever wins.

This could be the year.

"You cannot win
if you do not spin."


We've gotta be
missing something.

Yeah, we're missing
sunlight, fresh air.

- And doughnuts.
- Okay, okay.

It's hard to argue
with that.

Terri: Kelly!
You ready?

- For...?
- You were gonna help me
with my speech.

We talked about this.

Right. Sorry, Mom,
I'm just... distracted.

Distracted doing what?
It's summer.

Summer is
very stressful.

- Yeah.
- Like today.

Do we get doughnuts
and then see a movie,

or a movie
then doughnuts?

Exactly. So,
where are you speaking?

I'm the keynote speaker at
the Women's Club luncheon.

That sounds fun.
What's the topic?

The historical preservation
of Saffron Falls.

There's plans to
tear a whole block down

in order to build
an outlet mall.

If we're not careful,
we'll become the next
Lavender Heights.

That's a hot button issue.

I'm sure
it will be packed.

Oh, I hope not.

I mean, I hope so.

I-- [sighs]
I'm a little nervous.

Public speaking is not my
favorite thing in the world.

Just pick one person
in the audience
to focus on.

Yeah, like the mayor.
She'll be there, right?

Yes. My boss.
This isn't helping.

You'll be great.
I'll be right down.

Okay, okay.

Guys, I'd better go
help my mom.

I'll meet you
as soon as I'm done.

Just make sure to
get there

before all they have left
are banana cream doughnuts.

I will, I'll just let her
run through her speech
one time.

I'm sure she'll be great.

From the
Greek revival columns
of City Hall

to the--

they're out of order.

I'm just gonna start over.

[clears throat]

Saffron Falls
isn't just a city.

It's a community.
[clears throat]

A community that was
founded back in 1845

by proud men and women
who built Main Street
brick by brick.

[clears throat]
If we aren't careful,

this is
what's going to happen
to our community.

[computer beeps]

- [beep]
- Wha--

- [beep]
- Oh, nothing's happening.

Honey, I think
my computer's broken,

it's supposed to be
hooked up to the TV screen.

You're computer's
not broken.

I told you
you have to click on
"mirror display."

I don't think I have
"mirror display."

Yeah, you do.
It's-- It's right here.


[electronic blips]

Oh! Great.

- Okay, where was I?
- Um, before you start,

I have a couple
little things.

Fire away.
This is really
important to me,

and I-- I want to
wow everyone.

You should try and remember
to make eye contact.

It's hard to hear you
when you're looking down
at your cards,

and you keep
clearing your throat,

which is a little

Keep a bottle of water

Anything else?

No, no.
You're ready to go.

Just remember,
mirror display and water.

- Okay.
Thanks, honey.
- Mm-hm.

I really appreciate it.

All right.
I better get going.

Have fun with the girls.

- Thanks. Good luck, Mom.
- Thank you.

Oh, do you need a ride?

No. No, I'm okay.

All right, honey.
Wish me luck.

- Good luck.
- Bye.


Chuck was clearly
looking for something.

He took very specific

Nicayenne parsley,
two tengu spices,

and my cullengot

I've never heard of a recipe
with that combination.

He might be cooking
more than one thing.

We need to stop him.

Oh, so now you believe me
about Chuck.

Yes, Becky,

Whatever he's up to,
it's very dangerous.

- We have to cook.
- I know.

But I don't have
enough spices,

which means...

We need Ida.



[cell phone chimes]

It was just 8529.

The numbers keep changing.



Oh, so close.


Told ya it was rigged.

You've been spinning this
since we were nine,

and we've never won.

Where is Kelly?

She'll be here soon.

I'm gonna miss this.

Why, is Dan's
going out of business?

No, but we're not gonna be
coming here together

after school anymore.

- Why?
- Because my new school

gets out an hour
after yours.

Never thought of that.

Things are gonna be
different next year.

Yeah, no more playing on
the same basketball team.


No more decorating
each other's lockers
for our birthdays.

No more eating the pepperoni
off your pizza every Friday.


This is awful.

Who's gonna remind me
to do my homework?

I can still text you.

I already have
an alarm set.


You know what?

I can wait an extra hour for
my after school doughnut.

2158, 2157, 2156...

2146, 2147--
Oops, wrong way.

2146, 2145...

...60, 59, 58, 57, 56...



Where'd he go?

33, 32, 31, 30...

...6, 5, 4,

3, 2, 1,
and zero.

[bird cawing]

There's nothing here.

Okay, I just bought
another doughnut.

I have one more chance.

I'm telling you,
it's rigged.


Wow, your mom
must have needed
a lot of help.

No-- Well, yeah,
she did, but, um--

- I saw Chuck.
- At your house?

No, after my mom left,
I was flipping through
the book,

and you'll never guess
what happened.

You stayed?

We were here
waiting for you.

Sorry, I--
I just got caught up.

I should have
called you guys.

Anyway, I--
Is that for me?

Not anymore.

So, where'd you see Chuck?

Come on,
I'll explain on the way.

Uh, this doughnut
still has a spin on it.

We don't have time.
Besides, no one ever wins.

8,414, 8,415...

- 8,418.
- We get it, Darbie.

So, I don't understand.
Chuck just disappeared?

That doesn't make
any sense.

Neither does
a magic cookbook
with a step counter.


I can't explain it.

The counter hit zero
and then nothing happened.

Well, maybe he was
just hiding.

But there was
nowhere to hide.

So, unless he
became invisible
in front of my eyes,

he went somewhere.

- That's it.
- What's it?

He became invisible.
Think about it.

That's why the book
had to help us with
the counter.

How else are we supposed to
find something we can't see?

Good point, Darbie.

We need to cook again.
A vision spell should work.

No.... No.

I think this
Vinegar Pie"

is our best chance.

Vinegar Pie?
How is that a thing?

It's not anymore.

It's from
the 19th century.

Sounds disgusting.

I think we need
a vision spice.

Grunde vinegar.
We have that.

"For seeing
what can't be seen."

That's less of a riddle
and more of a statement.

Works for me.


Here goes nothing.

Not bad.

there's more to the riddle
than we thought.

"For seeing
what can't be seen,

"you must first
be unseen.

"When you have found
what can't be seen,

"you will both be seen."


Kelly, where'd you go?

What do you mean,
can't you see me?

No, but we can hear you.

I'm right here.

Uh, Kelly,
you're invisible.

What? No way.

Am I gonna
stay like this forever?

No. The riddle says that
this will all break

once we find
what can't be seen.

Kelly: What if we're wrong?

What if we're not looking for
something invisible?

Then your parents will have
a lot of questions.

[cell phone buzzing]

- Hey, Mom.
- Honey, are you
still at home?

I think I left my speech
on the kitchen table.

- Kelly: I see it.
- Terri: Oh, great.

Okay, I need you to
bring it to me.

- You mean now?
- Yes, of course,

and please hurry up,
it's almost time.

You know, Mom,
maybe you don't want it.

I mean, you know this,
just talk from the heart.

Kelly, please,
I'm nervous enough.

Just get here.

[phone beeps]

Kelly: Guys, we have
a small hiccup.

Ya think?

I know you can't see me,
but I'm giving you a look.

I can feel it.

This day is going to be
very interesting.


Kelly: Come on, guys,
let's go.

I should probably grab
the backpack.

Don't want Buddy
eating this.

Kelly: Hey!


- You out?
- Kelly: Yes.


These muffins
are terrific.

Are you using
a different recipe

since you
opened back up?

Yes. I'm making them
with fewer ingredients.

I'm glad you like them.


I'll have a turkey sandwich
with an iced tea,

and a side of
livonian cinnamon.

We don't have
a secret menu here.

What you see
is what you get.

I know you
still have spices.

You may think
you know me, Chuck,

but I've changed a lot
in 50 years.

People don't change
that much.

Look at me.

I'm still
exactly the same
as I was in 1965.


Get lost, Chuck.

I need some spices.

Are you out of your mind?

I'm not giving you a thing.

I still have your
morbium seed.

Prove it.

I assume
you want it back.

I'll give you some time
to think about it.

[bell jingles]

Here you go,
Mrs. Quinn.

- Oh.
- Break a leg.

Where's Kelly?

Huh? Who?

My daughter.

Oh. She asked us to
bring these to you

since we were
headed this way.

You were on your way
to City Hall?

I always come here.

The coffee shop makes
amazing grilled cheese.

Do you mean
that little deli
in the basement?

The best.

Oh. Well,
thank you, girls.

Though I'd like to be
thanking my daughter as well.

Guess she's just too busy
to come and support me.

I'm sure she just
didn't want to
make you more nervous.

Yeah, okay.
I'm not buying that.

What's going on with her?

What do you mean?
She's the same old Kelly.

No. No, she's
acting differently.

She's always in her room.

She barely
listens to me.

It's like I'm invisible.

- You're invisible?
- I wouldn't worry
about Kelly.

I'm sure she just needs
a little space.

I guess.

Well, thanks again, girls.
I really owe you.

No problem.

Do you mind if we
stay and watch?

Oh, sure.
I'd love that.

Oh, no. Oh, no,
they're all mixed up.


Oh. Mayor Davies.

Thanks again for
letting me speak today.

Oh, well, your passion
for historical restoration
is infectious.

You're going to be

Oh, thank you.
I'm just a little nervous.

Oh, you'll be fine.

Thank you.


I must be going crazy.

Get a grip, Terri.




[clears throat]

Saffron Falls
isn't just a city.

It's a commun--

Is this thing on?


Just a sec.

- [feedback]
- Oh!

There we go.

[clears throat]

Saffron Falls
isn't just a city.

It's a community.
[clears throat]

There's a movement to
tear down our heritage

in the name of progress.

Well, I don't buy it.
If we're not careful,

this is
what's going to happen
to our community.

[computer beeps]


One sec.

Sorry. Um--

[electronic blips]

Oh. This is
what's going to happen
to our community.

our first course of action

is to walk through
the neighborhoods.

We have to go
door to door,

and let people know
what we're doing here.

So remember,
women of Saffron Falls,

the fragile charm
of our small town

lies in our hands.

Thank you.




We don't have time
for this, Kelly.

We have to get to
the park.

If I've learned anything
from you two

it's that
there's always time
for doughnuts.

where's your ticket?

Got it.

Kelly: I'm walking in.

- Here for my spin.
- Good luck.


- [chuckles]
- We won!

That's impossible.

it isn't.

See ya tomorrow.

And every day
after that.


- Kelly.
- Kelly: I'm right here.

Did we just steal
a year's worth of
free doughnuts?

Kelly: No, I checked
behind the wheel.

- It's rigged.
- I knew it.

I'm gonna boycott
this place.

Well, next year.

Are you out?

- Kelly: Yes.
- Okay.

No. I'm not
going to do that.

Oh, come on, Ida.

He broke into
my house.

I don't care.

I'm not gonna
wipe his memory again.

We need to
keep him away from the
spices and the magic.

I'm not gonna
let him disappear
with my morbium

for another 50 years.

How do you know
he still has your
morbium seed?

Because he came by
a couple of hours ago

trying to make a deal.


Did you?

What do you
take me for?

Did you?

If I did,

we wouldn't be having
this conversation.

What kind of spices
did he want from you?

We didn't
get that far.

Well, he's nicayanne
and tengu spices.

Cullengot peppercorn.

That's a powerful

Especially with
my morbium seed.

I know this
looks strange,

but we can't risk
somebody bumping into you.

Kelly: Hey, look.

How can I look when
I don't know where you are?

Kelly: I'm pointing
in the window.

Behind you.

What could those three
possibly be talking about?

They can't stand
being in the same room
with each other.

Now they're besties?

I have to get in there.

I can use
my invisibility
to get close.

Oh, Kelly.

- Kelly?
- Oh, I think
she went in.

So, we're all in agreement.
We're doing this together.

I don't think
we have a choice.

This'll be the first time
I've agreed with you two
in 50 years.

Ironically, the last time
was because of Chuck, also.

Gina: Then it's settled.

But one more thing.

Do we include the girls?
They are the protectors.

And I hate to say it,

they're better than us.

That may be,

but Kelly's in
way over her head already.

I don't want her to know.

I'm in over my head?

I can't believe
my grandma.

We unfroze the town.

We also froze it.

Just sayin'.

18, 17, 16,
almost there.

They're clearly planning on
doing something to Chuck.

- 10, 9--
- We all saw how well
that turned out in 1965.

Let's just focus on
one problem at a time.

Three, two, one, zero.

[birds chirping]

we can see you.

And a dirty old trailer.

Darbie: Whoa.

I think we just found
where Chuck's been hiding.

How did he
make this invisible?

No clue, but it means
he knows how to do magic.

Big magic.

Let's go look.

Looks empty.

Let's go in.

- Really?
- Really.

- Huh.
- Ugh, how old is
this place?

Well, this comic
is from 1965.

I wonder if it's
worth anything.

It's such a mess in here.

Yeah. If I had an
invisible club house,

I wouldn't
clean it either.

Uh, guys.
Check this out.

Darbie: It has
the same logo as ours.

Lemon-Lie Mints?

Another magic cookbook?

We cooked that on

Vinegar Pie.

We made that today.

Chuck has our recipes.

