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02x05 - Just Add Saphron

Posted: 04/09/22 20:12
by bunniefuu
Previously on
"Just Add Magic"...

You must not trust him.

He remembers.

When Chuck's around,
bad things happen.

Becky: If Chuck's back,
nobody's safe.

my dad lost his job
because of Chuck.

You know, Mama P's
is still Mama P's.

Don't worry.
I won't be back.
Miss Perez.

Are you dating the woman
I met in the park, Amy?

I should have been
the one to tell you,

so I could explain.

Kelly, your friend is
a cool guy.

- Jake?
- I'm talking about Chuck.

He's up in the attic
looking at my records.

You stay away from
my family.

You stay away from
the cookbook.


[birds chirping]



[wood crackling]


Chuck didn't go back
to Gina's yesterday.

We have to be
really careful.

[sighs] Grandma,
what do you think he wants?

He wants to take
the magic.

And the last time
we tried to stop him,

he came after
our families.

Like Mama P's father.

Yes, he stole money
from the store where
Mr. Perez worked,

and hid it in his bag.

They could never prove
it was Chuck?

Mr. Perez was fired,

and he had trouble
finding work.

The shame was just
too much,

it destroyed
their family.

You look
all dressed up.

Where are you going,

I'm off to city hall.

Finally got my
500 signatures.

Let's see them try to
reject my stop sign now.

Though I'd settle for
a speed bump.

- Don't tell them that.
- I'm proud of you, Mom.

Thanks, honey.

I mean, after Buddy
nearly got hit by that car,

something had to be done.

Oh, that reminds me.
You're still okay

to take him to his
martial arts expo, right?

- That's today?
- Yes.

You can still do it,

Uh, yes,
of course I can.

You're gonna love it,

Okay, great. All right,
you guys have fun.

- Good luck, Mom.
- Thanks.

Come on, Grandma,
let's go.

You'll be okay
without me?

Don't worry, Grandma,
I'll be fine.

But if he wants the book,

then why didn't he
just take it?

I mean, he easily
could have grabbed it

when he was up here.

Maybe he can't.

When he touched the book,
it burned him.

It feels like Chuck's
coming after our families.

Maybe it wasn't just
a coincidence

that he saved Buddy.

[cell phone chimes]

[sighs] Great.

As much as I'd love to
hang around,

and discuss 1965 lost boy,
or whatever he is,

I have to go meet
my dad's new--

I can't say it.

Both: Girlfriend.

Now that my dad knows
I know about Amy,

he asked me to meet her.

And for some stupid reason,
I said yes.

Hey, look on
the bright side.

You get to try
that new restaurant
across from Mama P's.


I hear the chef
massages her ingredients.

I hear she makes you
smell the food
before taking a bite.

I hear there's
a magic cookbook

that can make
Amy disappear.

Darbie, no. I mean,
I know you're worried,

but you might
actually like her.

Unless she's a
fire eating animal trainer
with super powers,

I doubt it.

Poor Darbie.

Kelly. Look.

Look at these
new symbols.

These weren't there before.

I've studied the book
every day,

and I've never seen these.

What do you think
it means?

Don't forget your apron.

I don't want it.

But it's got
your name on it.

It's got yours, too.

Did you see that line?

People are so dumb,
they'll fall for anything.

And what kind of name
is that, "Saphroon"?

It's "Sa-phroon."

And I'm about to
interview for a job
with Chef Jasper.


- That woman is a hack.
- Takes one to know one.

- She uses people.
- Takes one to know one.

You don't want to
work there.

Definitely don't want to
work here.

- Good.
- Good.


I'm sorry I'm late.

- Darbs, you remember Amy.
- Hi, Darbie.


Why didn't we make
a reservation?

This is the
reservation line.

Cute bracelet.

You have good taste.

My mom does.
She gave it to me.


I'm gonna go check
the wait time.

- She hates me.
- She does not.

She'll be fine
once she gets
some food in her.

Darby just gets

I hope so.


- What does that mean?
- [cell phone rings]

- Darbie?
- You need to get here
right now.

- Is Amy really that bad?
- Yes.

No, that's not
the point. Look.

What's he doing there?

And what's my dad
doing there?

What are they doing there

Kelly: We're on our way.

- How about now?
- No.

Still no signal.

No, nothing.

Maybe the phone's broken.

Game works fine.

Please don't waste
the battery.

As soon as we have
a signal,

I have to
check in on Kelly.

I know.

Everything looks so good,

I'm having a hard time

I'm not. I'll just have
the grilled cheese.

Sure you don't want to try
something more adventurous?

No. When I find
something I like,
I stick with it.


Hello there.
And welcome to Saphroön.

My name is Noelle Jasper,

and I wanted to
introduce myself.

In today's rushed world,

I wanted to create
an environment

where meals
could be shared slowly,

and with loved ones.

The best way to
enjoy our food
is to share it,

family style.

That's a good idea.
I love to share.

I don't.
I'll just have
the grilled cheese.

- BRB.
- Darbie. Manners.

Excuse me.
I'll be right back.

- Sorry.
- It's okay.

I get it.

I was a 13 year old girl

- This place looks amazing.
- It's not.

- Where are they?
- On the patio.

To me it's more like
in the pocket, kind of.

Yeah, I agree.

Girls, this is
a nice surprise.

What are you
doing here, Dad?

I wanted to take Chuck out to
thank him for helping Buddy.

What are you doing here?

We just wanted to
check it out.

This place looks
really good.

Uh, why don't we
join you.

That would be great.

So, like I was saying,
Mr. Quinn,

if there's anything
you can do to help,

I would really
appreciate it.

Well, you know,
I'll call my boss
after lunch,

see what he thinks,
but I can't think of a reason
why he wouldn't hire you.

- Hire him.
- Yeah.

I'm gonna see if I can
get Chuck an internship
at my office.

I don't think that's
a good idea.

I mean, you know,
nepotism and all.

Nonsense, honey.

It's so nice to meet a kid
with such a good work ethic.

A word, Chuck.

we're in the middle
of a conversation.

Well, I know, but it'll
only take a second.

Darbie will
keep you company.

So, you like your food
slow cooked.

- Um--
- Hey, Scott.

Patrick, hey.

Darbie, you're with
the wrong dad.

- Come on.
- And you're with
the wrong woman.

What are you doing?

I came by to
check on Buddy,

and your dad
asked me to lunch.

Is that a crime?

Knowing you,

What do you want?

You haven't
figured that out yet?

You're not as smart
as I thought.

I said stay away
from my family.

Too late, Kelly.
Better get used to
seeing me.

Pretty soon, I'll be
part of the family.


Looks like my
maple glazed French toast
has arrived.

I think Chuck's trying to
get my dad fired from his job

just like he did
to Mama P's father.

but what can we do?

Your dad really likes him.

- You have to cook.
- Me?

I have to stay here
and keep an eye on Chuck.

Cooking magic spells
is not a one-woman job.

I can't do it alone.

Maybe you won't have to.

We need something
that will allow Mr. Quinn

to see through
Chuck's lies.

And we don't have
a lot of time.

I know exactly
what you need.

Lemon Lie-m Mints.

Oh, "lie-m,"
as in lie,

as in lie detector test.

Are you sure
this will work?

Whose handwriting
do you think this is?

Oh, you have
excellent cursive.

Thank you.

"None of us
are what we say,

"but some of us
do indeed waylay,

"and lies we tell
to cover our tracks,

"eat this mint to
see through our act."

What's the downside?

The truth can be
painful to hear.

First is was me,
my sis and my mom.

Until my mom, she--

She passed.

There was just
the two of us.

If it wasn't for
the kindness of our relatives,

we wouldn't have survived.

But-- [sighs]
it's time for me
to be independent.

I've been there, Chuck.

I grew up with
a single mom.

Been some hard times.

You're not alone,

I really want to
help you out.

[cell phone chimes]

Honey, we talked about
texting while eating.

But this is important.

put the phone away.


Mm. It's delicious.

I could use
some hot sauce.

I'll be right back.

- Friend drama?
- No.

- Enemy drama?
- Ah, no.

You want to talk?
I've been there.

No, thanks.

Between you and me,

the grilled cheese
was the way to go.

I've always been
a great orderer.

I could have told you

slow cooked
chicken and waffles
was a bad idea.


Hey, your dad told me
you love Trudith Winters.

"Exodus to Moonbai"
is my favorite book.

Mine, too.
I've read it five times.

I love the part
where they end up--

It's "Doomed Exodus
to Moonbai."

And it's just okay.

Why do you do that?

It releases the juices.

Sort of like warming up
before a concert.



I always thought of lemons
as being sour.

But that smells sweet.

It is sweet.
It's a Meyer lemon.

Shall we?


[liquid dripping]



- Good luck.
- Thanks, Miss Silvers.

Hey, can I ask you

Of course.

You're the only one
who's not afraid of Chuck.


I guess it's like
the Meyer lemon.

You thought it was
going to be sour.

People aren't only
what they appear to be
on the outside,

including Chuck.

Chuck appears to be
a manipulative liar.

the leather jacket,
there's an old soul,

and, believe it or not,
a sensitivity.


I hate to say it,
but I think he was
just using you.

He was definitely
using me.

Still, you can't
fake everything.

There was a time when
I wanted to give up piano,

but he convinced me
not only to keep playing,

but that I could be
a concert pianist.

So you really think
Chuck's not all bad?

I like to think
we all have good inside us.

Can't believe we don't have
any reception out here.

We need to call Kelly.

All you care about
is Kelly.

That's not true.

It is.

Let's just go home.

We can't. I have to
get you to the expo.

Why? You don't care about
spending time with me anyway.

Oh, Buddy.

Come here.

I'm sorry.

I really love
hanging out with you.

Then why do you only
spend time with Kelly?

It's complicated.

But you're right.

I haven't been
a very good grandma.

Can you forgive me?


How about if we
stop for some ice cream?

I know a great place

Can I have two scoops?

With sprinkles.


Oh, get in the car.

Hey. Good, you made it
just in time. Come on.

What did you cook?

Ooh, breath mints.
I need one of those.

- No.
- No.

Oh, no.
Don't tell me.

It's not just
a breath mint.

What's gonna happen to me?

It's just a
lie detecting spell.

It can't hurt.

I don't believe you.

There's Chef Jasper.

Don't worry.
It'll be okay.

Okay, well, I'm off
to go tell my dad
he's got bad breath.

Well, lucky for you
they put raw garlic
in everything.

I'm right here
if you need me.

I like to hire people
who like to grow here
at Saphroön.

People who understand
the gentle grace
of slow food.

Gentle grace is
my middle name.

So you understand
the art of slow cooking,

Do I?
I think all microwaves
should be illegal.


We could check out
record stores
on our lunch breaks.

Go through stacks

That's where the
real bargains are.

That'd be great.

So, you really want to
work with my dad, huh?

Are you kidding?
Of course I do.

I love computers,
and they're obviously
the way of the future.

That's a lie.

He has no interest in computers.

You know, I think it's
really, really nice

that you want to make money
to help your Aunt Gina out.

She means the world to me.

I don't want to be
a burden, you know?

More lies.
He's not doing this
for his Aunt Gina.

Hey, Chuck, you know,

maybe it was a little
premature of me

to try to get you
this job.

I think that position's
been filled.

Oh. Okay.

That's cool.

But we can still
hang out, right?

Check out that
vinyl store

in Lavender Heights
later today?

I'm really looking
forward to it.

Yeah, I've got
a lot of work to do.

Maybe some other time.


That's legit.

Well, thanks for
the lunch, Mr. Q.,

and best of luck
with your new app.

See you later, Kelly.

What a strange kid.



Hey, Dad,
I was thinking

maybe we could go
record shopping sometime.

And maybe we could
go through stacks.

- [chuckles]
- What does that mean,

Oh, I can't wait
to show you.


[cell phone chimes]

So, how about
some dessert?

Do they slow cook
strawberries and cream, too?


- You didn't like the food?
- It was fine, I guess.

Well, I loved it.

Patrick, thank you so much
for bringing us here.

- You like it?
- Absolutely.

I'm gonna start slow cooking
all of my food.

- Even PB&J.
- [laughing]

My goal is to have
my own restaurant one day.

I've developed
17 original recipes

that I sell on
my own food cart.

Oh, well, I welcome
the entrepreneurial spirit.

I look forward to
sampling your creations.

No you don't.
You're lying.

Uh, tell me again
about the job.

Uh, would I just be
a waiter?

Because I really want
kitchen experience.

I may believe in
the are of slow cooking,

but I also believe in
fast-tracking young talent.

She'll never promote me.

All she wants is
cheap labor.

There's nothing I want more
than for my mentees

to share their ideas,
and to flourish.

Share our ideas
so you can steal them.

You know, Chef Jasper,

I don't think
this is right for me.

Thank you
for your time, though.

Are you actually
turning down a job here?

I guess I am.

Best of luck with
the restaurant.

And then we hike up to
Point Oneonta,

and set up camp.

We don't even
bring any food,

we just eat
what we can catch.

That sounds like
so much fun.

I love camping.

Wait a minute.

Amy's lying.

So, you go often?

I love the great outdoors.

Just tell me the truth.


What's your
favorite part?

I don't know.
Maybe fishing.

Why is she pretending
to be something she's not?

Amy, stop.

I know you don't
like camping.

I do like camping.

I mean, okay,
the last time I went
I was three,

and I cried
the whole time,

You don't have to
put on an act for me.

not for everyone.

That's a relief.

And frankly, I don't like
the food here, either.

Next time,

I don't understand.

Darbs, wait up.

I don't get it.
You have nothing
in common.

She hates camping.
Mom loves camping.

I know this is
hard for you.

But trust me,
it's gonna be okay.

So, is that ice cream
really named after you?

Mm, Becky's Butterscotch.

I grew up with Mr. Gomez.

He knew how much
I loved butterscotch.

Wow, Grandma,
you're famous.

And now we're really late
for the expo.

That's okay.
I'm having fun.

Me, too.

Thanks for reminding me
what's really important,

Ice cream?

That, too.

Phone's working.
You could call Kelly now.

That's okay.

I think Kelly can probably
handle herself for one day.

I'm with you, dude.


[bell jingles]

Did you forget something?

I've been thinking about
your offer.

While I don't really
want to work here,

- and I still maintain--
- Oh.

So you didn't get
the job.

I didn't take the job.

As despicable
as you can be,

you've been fair.

I can live with that.

So you want your job back?

- Yes.
- Great.

The dishes
need to be stacked.

Well, hold on.

I have some terms.

You want to negotiate?

A contract?

You think I'm gonna trust
a handshake?

A 20 percent raise.


Sharing tips.

Permission to sell
your own products.


Oh, no, no,
no, no, no, no.

Yes, yes, yes.
No magic.

Come on,
be reasonable.

You want me
to come back here,
those are my conditions.

We're gonna
bring this place back
the old fashioned way.

No more spells, Mama P.
No magic.


And just to be clear,
we're not friends.

I looked up to you.

I hope I can
make it up to you someday.

So do I.

I guess my dad likes her

even though she
doesn't like camping.

Hey. You know what will
take your mind off of Amy?

Check out what
we found today.

What are these symbols?

Mrs. Quinn:
Girls. Dinner.

Finally, a meal that
doesn't stress me out.

Mom made spaghetti.
Let's get some before
Buddy does.

Ooh, I love spaghetti.

[paper rustling]


