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02x06 - Two of One

Posted: 04/09/22 19:33
by bunniefuu
Welcome to the very end
of the road not taken.

[TALLINN] Previously on
Star Trek: Picard...

Q went back in time
and changed the present.

- When was it?
- , in Los Angeles.

There is someone there to help.

My name is Tallinn.
Pleasure to meet you.

I have devoted my entire being
to protecting one individual.

Your ancestor.


- Let him go.
- [BORG QUEEN] I could take his body.

But it's you I want.

- Agnes...
- No, it's... It's not my blood.

But I think I just k*lled
our only way home.

Breaking the Shenzhen Convention
has serious consequences.

I'm doing this for our children.

[DR. WERNER] We have no choice
but to revoke your license

and your funding.

[Q] What a sad irony.

A geneticist whose daughter
has an incurable genetic disease?

Sunlight burns like fire.

But you do have this.

Analyze it.


[Q] If you like what you see,
give me a call.

Then maybe you can help me
with something that I might want.


- Kore? No, no, no, no.

What do you need?

Does the name Picard
mean anything to you?

The Europa Mission
launches in three days.

I'm not sure Renée will be on it.

"Are you ready for this,

or are you gonna choke
when they need you?

Because lives depend on it".
And that scares me.

[SEVEN] So no Europa Mission,
no Renée, no hope.

Everyone hates everyone.

We need to stop her from quitting
for the next hours.

She has to go to the gala tonight.

This is a maximum-security function.

Each guest is issued
a radio frequency invite

that corresponds to a database
of their entire life history.

So we hack the database.

Jurati will go in first,
infiltrate security,

and inject our IDs into the system.

It worked.

- I'm inside the surveillance room.
- Excellent.

Waiting for your signal.

[BORG QUEEN] Once I am gone,
you are alone.

You need me, Agnes.

- [RIOS] Admiral. Can you hear me?
- [TALLINN] Jean-Luc?

- [TALLINN] Oh, God. No.
- [RIOS] Don't go. Stay with us.

- [RIOS] Admiral, are you okay?
- [TALLINN] Jean-Luc!


- [RIOS] Admiral!
- [TALLINN] Rios, is he okay?

Stay with us, Jean-Luc.

- [YVETTE PICARD] Come find me.
- Okay, we have to get him to a hospital.

- [MAURICE PICARD] Look out!
- What about your ship?

Maman! Maman! [SCREAMS]

You did it again.


You called me Laris.

I thought that you might be an ancestor,

but she's Romulan,
so, um, didn't seem possible.

You know your voice does this funny
little thing when you say her name.

Who is she, anyhow?

Oh, no one of importance.

Thanks for that.

Now I know what it looks like
when you lie.

[PICARD] Rios, let's take our positions.

Once Jurati clones our IDs
onto these bracelets,

we can get past security.

[TALLINN] And then we
won't have to worry

about facial recognition
once we're inside.

[PICARD] Jurati, what's your status?

- [BORG QUEEN] Agnes... Agnes!
- [PICARD] Jurati?

- Agnes! Join as one... We could be.
- Jurati?

- I'm in position.
- [PICARD] Good. We're ready when you are.

Captured on purpose.

Clever little plan.

I do miss Locutus.

I'm % sure he doesn't miss you.

[PICARD] Picard to Jurati.
The line is moving.

I need you to speed things up.

Copy that. Uh, give me .


The key is in his pocket.

I know.

You probably should've waited

until he was standing
a bit closer to you.

You don't look like a -year-old
Southern heart surgeon.

[SCOFFS] Must be a mistake.


Here, try again.

If you'd like to give me a little
more control, I could help you.

[PICARD] Jurati, we're out of time.

[GRUNTS] Fine, I give up! Help me.

- Pull.

ID's uploading. [PANTS]

[SECURITY GUARD] You're good.

Enjoy your evening.

[PICARD] Thank you.

Better late than never,
but I knew you could do it.

- You're welcome.

[SIGHS] If you don't shut up,
I will find a way to destroy you.

I beg your pardon?

J... No, sorry, not for you.

Let's go. They'll be waking soon,
with some short-term memory loss

and I'd like to get back to
enjoying my... our evening.

- [RIOS] He's not gonna make it.
- [RAFFI] There must be something...

- [RIOS] We're losing him!
- [TALLINN] Stay with us, Jean-Luc.

[SEVEN] Quick, do something!

[TALLINN] What's happening to him?

[RIOS] Do something! He's flatlining!




[MUSA] Picard!


Get in here.

That's an order.


[RENÉE] Hi, there. It's nice to meet you.

I'd say so far so good.

But you know her best.

Uh, she looks all right,
but she's gotten

pretty good at putting on an act.

There's this thing
she does with her earlobe.

Right? [LAUGHS]

Truth is, I've been protecting Renée
from afar for years.

I may have lost my touch a little

when it comes to engaging with humans.

You've never spoken to her
in all those years?

Well, it's not just a rule.
It's a code we live by.

No connection.

I'm a ghost.

It's the best way to keep her safe.

And who is watching over you?

Ten hours to quarantine, Picard.

We just need to keep
Renée safe till then.


Who are we tonight, Agnes? I like it.

There is no "we".

I believe that's the proper pronoun
for when one shares one's body

with one's new friend.

We are not sharing.
You are a houseguest.

It's just until I can figure out
what to do with you.

[BORG QUEEN] You just
couldn't let me die.

You are not the one I was saving.

Now we're splitting hairs.

[BORG QUEEN] Oh, but it was fun
lying to your friends.

Especially the one
you had intercourse with.

It wasn't fun at all.

Well, not the intercourse, that was...

I hated lying to my friends.

It was an impossible choice.

I couldn't let the cop die,

but I couldn't k*ll the one thing
that could get us home either.

It's the best thing for everyone.

Keep telling yourself that, dear.

Will you stop talking?

Enough shoptalk. Let's play.

N-No. There's no play... No playing.

I told you, I have a mission
to accomplish.

I'm just saying, all of these
stress hormones aren't good for us.

I don't mind a little shot of adrenaline
with a norepinephrine chaser,

but I'd say we're past
the optimal amounts of cortisol here.

But whatever you say, Agnes.

You're in control here.

[BARTENDER] What can I get you?

- Club soda, please.
- [BARTENDER] Certainly.

[RIOS] Hey, Raff.

Perimeter's clear.

Looks like Renée's keeping busy.

And there is no sign of Q.


Wait for it. Wait for it.

- Ta-da!
- [CHUCKLES] Oh, goodness.

It's real, Raffi.


- I mean, you've got to.
- Uh, no, I'm... I'm good, sweetie.

Have you ever seen
actual matches like this?

Where they come in bunches
under this little cover? [CHUCKLES]

Wh-Who is this?
This whole thing here... This glow?

It's like you're... happy.

I'm just making the best of things.

[RAFFI] Mm-hmm.

Well, I know you. [BLOWS]
So I find that alarming.

Twenty-first-century Earth
isn't what I thought it would be.

- Hmm.
- Everything's so intense.

With all the cars and the honking
and shouting.

- It's dirty.

There's music everywhere.

[GROANS] The food is amazing.

- Cigars.
- Yeah, it's not just that.

No. You've been walking around
with that big goofy smile on your face

ever since you were locked up
with that doctor.

Did you know that she built
that clinic from the ground up?

The people in that community had
nowhere to go until she got there.

She saves lives.

Rios, do not even think
about going there.

- [SIGHS] I'm trying not to.
- Try harder.

Because when you meet someone
from a different century,

the relationship is
kind of built on lies.


[RIOS] Someone is enjoying themselves.

[RAFFI] Mm-hmm.

There's a lot of baggage
with those Borg implants.

It's kind of nice to see her
travel light for a while.




Does she normally drink like that?

Well, she's going into
quarantine tomorrow.

Maybe it's a last hurrah.

She's doing the thing with the ear.

That usually means the beginning
of a downward spiral.

I've got an intercept program.

I'm gonna see who she's texting.

She does seem to check
her mobile device quite a bit.

We all do that.



She's texting her therapist, Q whatever.

"I can't do this.

I'm not ready for this mission.

When this party is over,
I'm gonna tell Musa I'm out".

And Q is encouraging her to quit.

- Which is Musa?
- The mission commander.

Her boss.

I am going to speak with Renée.

Uh-uh. We're not breaking the code.

It's kept Renée safe her entire life.

- I understand that...
- What if Q is right?

What if she's not ready?

Perhaps it's you who is not ready.

This is her destiny.

You've done a good job.

Now let her go.

All right.

It will help her odds if we can get
Commander Musa out of play.

Yeah. We need Doctor Jurati.
She speaks his language.

Picard to Jurati.

Picard to Jurati.

[BORG QUEEN] Feeling better?
We needed a little break.

I just want you to live a little.

- But there's only so much I can do.
- It's by design.

This is / , remember?
Champagne, please.

Of course.

[BORG QUEEN] I've noticed we've been

getting some attention this evening.

It's the dress.

It's us. Together.

You're showing your potential.

Is your communicator down?
Picard's calling you.

Oh, I'm sorry, I th... I think we...

Um, I must've accidentally
turned it off. [CHUCKLES]

Are you doing all right?

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Do you wanna sit down?
You can lean on me.

I know. You were great that way.

Agnes, you've been through a lot.

Just a few hours ago,
you had blood on your hands.

Your eyebrows are doing
that cute little thing they do

when you're worried about me.

I just want you to tell me
what's going on with you.

- Why?
- Because...

I care about you. You know that.


Don't let fear get in the way.

Allow me.


Oh, wow. That's a strong pull.

Um, that's... that's not
what I meant, um...

No. I'm sorry. I think I'm...
I'm just not myself tonight.

No, it's, uh...

[CAPCOM] Counter thrusters
are off-line. Brace positions!

Cutoff unresponsive.

Impact in three...

two... one.



All right.

- [TALLINN] Where's she going?
- [PICARD] I don't know.

But we can't wait for Jurati.

[TALLINN] It's now or never.

What are you gonna say to convince her?

I'm not quite sure.


Adam Soong.

I believe we have a friend in common.

A Mr. Q.

He's not a friend.

That's what he said about you.

Listen to me. I have
nothing to do with him.

I have no interest in being part
of some... Whatever this is.

So do yourself a favor. Walk away.

I can't allow Renée
to complete this mission.

Stay away from her.

I could say the same to you.

I don't have a choice.

You really don't understand
who you're dealing with.

Neither do you.

[LEE] Doctor Soong.

Thank you for the generous donation

to the Europa Mission. I'm in shock.

- Welcome to the board.
- Hmm.

Anything we can do for you?
Uh, VIP tour?

Actually, there is something.

That gentleman...
[WHISPERS] ... is dangerous.


- [TALLINN] Stay with us, Jean-Luc.
- [RIOS] Don't go! Don't leave us.

- We're losing him.
- [TERESA] Clear!

[YVETTE PICARD] Jean-Luc. Look up.

[PICARD] Guys,
I think I'm in trouble here.


I've lost Renée. Does anyone have her?

[RIOS] I do.

She's on the move.

You can't push me like that.

[BORG QUEEN] I'm trying
to get you to understand

that good things happen
when you lose control.

Tallinn, I could use some
help down here.

[RIOS] Admiral, I don't know how much

longer Renée is gonna stick around.

We're jeopardizing the mission.

- We need to leave.
- [BORG QUEEN] Don't be ridiculous.

[RAFFI] Jean-Luc,
they've got the exits covered.

[PICARD] Tallinn,
they've got us surrounded.

[BORG QUEEN] You wanna help? Let's help.

Your friends need a distraction.

Initiating nanoelectronic pulse.

Lights out, Agnes.

Now, get to work.


I can't see anything.

[PICARD] Quick. Now we can go.

[JURATI] ♪ We're running
with the shadows of the night ♪

♪ Baby, take my hand,
you'll be all right ♪

♪ Surrender all your dreams
to me tonight ♪

- ♪ They'll come true in the end ♪

♪ Oh, girl, it's a cold world ♪

♪ When you keep it all to yourself ♪

♪ Now, you can't hide on the inside ♪

♪ All the pain you've ever felt ♪

♪ Ransom my heart, but
baby, don't look back ♪

♪ 'Cause we got nobody else ♪

♪ We're running
with the shadows of the night ♪

♪ Baby, take my hand,
you'll be all right ♪

♪ Surrender all your dreams
to me tonight ♪

♪ They'll come true ♪

♪ In the end ♪


It worked.

Oh, I am proud of you, Agnes.

Thank you for the flood
of endorphins, by the way.

Those nasty little stress hormones
were getting in my way.

- Wh... What's happening?
- This was my plan all along.

Finally. The endorphins I needed.

I think I'll steer the ship for a while.

No. Wait. I... I'm in control.

Not anymore.

[PICARD] You seem upset.

Uh... I'm sorry.

I don't want to be rude,
but I'd like to be alone, okay?

[PICARD] In my experience,
when I'm distraught,

I find talking about something else
often helps.

Any suggestions then?

Look up.

Can you tell me about that ship?

OV- Shuttle.


I call her "Spike" because she's got
these kick-ass aerospike engines

that use less fuel.

I don't... mean any
offense... [CHUCKLES]

... but you seem a little up in the
years to be a security guard.


But... I am the wisest of them all.

Bet you're thinking they let anyone
be an astronaut these days.

Sometimes those who shine the brightest

feel the sting of fear and melancholy

in ways that others can
never understand.

You're talking like you know me.

You're Renée Picard,
astronaut of the Europa Mission.

You must be capable of such great
things to have come this far.



You remind me a bit of my mother.

She, too, loved the stars.

And she, too...


Sometimes fear is a friendly reminder
you're not ready for something.


Fear is fear.

It doesn't speak in riddles.

Fear means you're smart.

You understand the risks.

So, what are you afraid of?

I don't know where I
would begin. [CHUCKLES]

And you found a way to live with it?

I found that even in the darkest
circumstances, there is a light.

Sometimes, only a glimmer.

Trust that light.

Find a way back,
no matter what it takes.

Your mother...

was very lucky to have you.


Come find me.

[YOUNG PICARD] Maman! Maman!


Oh! [CHUCKLES] I almost forgot.

I was sent to collect you.

Doctor Jemison is going to make a toast.

They want all the astronauts
on the stage.

Will you be joining them?

I will.

[Q] I want you to remove an obstacle.

Renée Picard.

[RENÉE] Going around the outside
will get us there the quickest.

[PICARD] I'm afraid
this is as far as I go.

Thanks again for the pep talk.

I don't suppose you'd want
to catch a ride to Europa?

I feel like you could
hang in the cockpit,

keep everyone calm. [CHUCKLES]

Ooh. I'm very tempted.

But, uh, perhaps another time?

Why do I feel like I know you?




- [GALA GUEST ] Did you see that?

[GALA GUEST ] Oh, my God,
that man just got hit.

[RIOS] Admiral.


[TALLINN] Oh, God.

[GALA GUEST ] Oh, no.

- He's got a pulse.
- We have to get him to a hospital.

- They'll want ID.
- What about your ship?

A biobed is not a doctor.


I know someone.

Admiral, stay with us.



Does he have any conditions?

He's had some transplants.


- How many?
- All of them.


He's got an unstable arrhythmia.

- His heart's all over the place.
- [RIOS] What does that mean?

[TERESA] It means he's in the middle
of a major cardiac event.



- Oh. Is he okay?

[TERESA] He's back in normal sinus.

- Blood pressure is stabilizing.
- [SIGHS] Oh. Okay.

- Teresa...
- Everybody out!


My God, what happened to you?

[SOONG] I'm fine.



All my life...

All my life, I've invented. [SIGHS]

Machines, medicine.

I knew I could bend the rules.
Take the risks.

Were you driving?
Do I need to call someone?

I poured my heart into you.

I let myself believe you were the one.

You'd make it.

And now, after everything I did...

[SIGHS] Realize what I'm
capable of doing...

I still failed.

I'm still going to lose you...

my life's work.

You're scaring me.

I'm so sorry. I didn't stop her.

I may have stopped him.
Collateral. But not her.

Dad, it's me. Why are
you talking like this?

Why? The "why" matters.

The "why" of things matters,

and you, you are my "why".

Saving you, my life's work.


Dad, just be honest with me.

So... Jurati can sing.

- Any word from her?
- [RIOS] No. [SIGHS]

[TALLINN] We did succeed in
getting Renée into quarantine.

He's stable but not responsive.

I'll be back in an hour.

I have a son who's about to wake up

and wonder where I am
for the second time this week.

How long will he be out?

[SIGHS] Honestly, I don't know.

Everything's working. I'm not
sure why he's not waking up.

- Not good enough.
- She's doing the best she can.

- I don't need your help.
- [RAFFI] Okay.

Can we see him now?

- Sure.
- [RAFFI] Thank you.

- I know this is nuts.
- No.

It was super fun coming to my
raided clinic in the middle of the night

and sticking my hands
in your boss's chest.

You came.


I've used a defibrillator... [CHUCKLES]

... way more times than I can count.

Maybe your kid was messing with it.
Cracked it. [CHUCKLES]

Deep respect for a grown man
who will scapegoat an innocent child.

Who are you?

[SIGHS] I know what it
looks like, or not.

But trust me, we're the good guys.

Good guys never say that.


I think this is good.

I think we're good here.

- Hello, little girl.
- Hi.

[SOONG] Where do you live?

- Why don't I remember this?
- [YOUNG KORE] In a cave.

[SOONG] In a cave? I don't...

Before I give you a piece of cake,

I need you to close your eyes
and make a wish.

[KORE] Why have I never seen this photo?

Or any of these?

[SOONG] July th. Today was a good day.

Life signs are looking up.

I estimate Persephone
has a % chance of survival.


August th, Friday.

Persephone died from complications.
One month old.

[KORE] Who the hell is Persephone?


January rd. Despoina, age .

Persephassa's liver failure
caused her brain to swell...

Artemis is currently
in the midst of septic shock.

Proserpina is encountering

Thalia suffered multiple...

I have suffered another loss.


Hypertrophic cardiomyop...

Today... [SIGHS] ... was a hard one.


Frustration got the better of me.

I know now, this one will be the last.

And there's a... [SIGHS]

There's a sense of release in that.

I will do anything and everything
to make sure she survives.


[KORE] What am I?

Dad, what did you do?

[TALLINN] His amygdala's responding
as if he's in imminent danger.

All of his synapses are firing.

[SEVEN] That doesn't seem right.

Brain activity should be
minimal in a coma.


That doctor doesn't know
why he's still out.

What if this is mental?

All of his vital signs appear normal.

There's no brain swelling.
No brain bleed.

look up at the stars.

You have to get me out. Jean-Luc.

Uh. What's happening?

He's stuck in there.

And the longer he is, the harder
it'll be to ever get him out.


I could go in.

Sorry, what now? Inside him?

Maybe I can pull him out.

Using my neuro-optic interceptor.

The same synaptic pathways
I hijack to look outwards

could be traveled into the subconscious.

A kind of jury-rigged mind-meld.

Once I gain access to his mind,

I can hack into whatever memory
or thought he's fixated on.

In theory, interact with it.

Take his lead, get him to show me

- how to help him out.
- No.


Uh. His brain is comatose for a reason.

- It's protective.
- A lot of what we do is protective.

It doesn't mean it's good for us.

Guys, no, am I right?

As long as Renée is
being targeted by a...

god, or whatever this Q is,

no safe house on earth can protect her.

The only person who knows
anything at all about said god

is unconscious on this table.

You got a better plan, please.

Otherwise, I'm not waiting for him
to work shit out in there.

Teresa and us, we watch
over him out here.

Tallinn sees what she can do in there.

Raff, we don't protect Renée,
we don't get our future back.

And we need Picard awake to do that.

We have to try.

Fine. Why not?

Burrow into his psyche.

I mean... What could go wrong?

Tons, obviously.

But statistically, odds-wise, you know,

given everything that's happened to us

since we crashed into
this bullshit time period...

how much worse could it possibly get?