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04x15 - Ebb Tide

Posted: 04/09/22 08:10
by bunniefuu
- [Clark] Thanks, Bibbo.
- Mm-hm.

[door opens]

[door closes]

Superman, we need to talk.

I think you're a little confused.

[sighs] We're not confused,
but we do need your help.

[theme music playing]

Poseidonis needs us.

[both] Annax Orin.

- Anything?
- No.

We have found neither foot
nor fin of Ocean-Master.


No apologies necessary.

Orm has always been a slippery fish.

And I am aware Black Lightning
has twice pulled you away

to lead missions for the League.

Much of this
still makes little sense to me.

Ocean-Master, both before and after

he was revealed as my brother,

always had a method to his madness.

He was never about sowing chaos
for chaos' sake.

What did he truly hope to gain
from his attack?

He had to know that even in success,

Atlantis would never have
accepted him as king.

Perhaps, after six years
in an Atlantean prison

he simply wanted vengeance.

But then, why wait so long to take it?

And your report, La'gaan?

I wish I had better news, Annax.

There's unrest in nearly
every city-state, particularly in...


Yes, incited by Xebel's own King Nereus,

mass demonstrations,
protest... well, this.

Poseidonis' needs seem to supersede

those of the other seven principalities.

Our resources may be stretched thin,

but we could not
leave Poseidonis in ruins.

For the pride of Atlantis,

Orm cannot be seen to have won.

And the funds for these repairs

came from Poseidonis' own General Fund,

not from the Atlantean Treasury.

But with respect, My King,

this is not how the people
perceive the decision.

Ah, yes, perception.

When I was Aquaman, everyone complained

my focus was not on Atlantis.

Now that it is my sole concern,

no one is ever satisfied
with my decisions.

- Heavy the head that wears the crown.
- [sighs]

I knew you would understand, Kaldur'ahm.


[grunts] Whoa!

Well, Ghosty, we've covered
a lot of ground,

and have gotten exactly nowhere.

I'm still hoping this heat
trail leads us to something.

Anyway, what choice do we have?

You know, besides admitting
we're actually dead.



[grunts, groans]

Ma'al, ma'al, ma'al!

This is never gonna work.

[creature roaring]



Husband, rumors ride the
currents of every city-state

concerning the mysterious stranger

with the power to defeat
Neptune's Trident.

It all fits the Prophecy
of the One True King.

An enemy att*cked and was driven away.

How many times has that happened before?

Even against Ocean-Master
and the Trident?

Yes, we had help,

but that hardly fulfills any prophecies.

Whether it does or does not
will hardly stop the rumors.

[sighs] Perception.

All right. What are the
exact words of this Prophecy?

Show me the Tablet of the Widowhood

and the Prophecy of the One True King.

"Do seek Atlantis' Savior when,

The Labors Three are done, and then,

We crown our King, the One, the True,

And celebrate as all renew.

The Stranger come from out our past

To quell the Trident's threat at last...

Shall herald Seas that bring Red Death,

But Three will rise, restoring breath.

When best of these gains Arion's Crown,

Our One True King revives renown.

Anoint this King, the One, the True,

And celebrate as all renew."


So the first condition of the
Prophecy seems to have been met,

perhaps, too perfectly.

Is it possible Orm threw the fight

to make a hero out of his conqueror?

That kind of manipulation,
at least, is more his style.

Possibly, though the stranger
did have real magic, real power.

Another reason why we must find
them both, my brother and the stranger.

Until now, the priority
has been to repair the city

and capture Orm,
but gather the Widowhood,

make the search for 'our savior'
their top priority.

I will see to it.

[Wyynde] Delphis, I am certain

the families displaced by Ocean-Master's
attack appreciate your help.

I am not certain you understand

how much I value the opportunity

to be offering help to someone
other than myself.

That has not been my history.

[Kaldur] Then you are welcome to stay,

helping for as long as you wish.

Oh, thank you, Kaldur.

Um, could you please call your parents?

They do not want to be a bother,

but they are very worried about you.

[sighs] Yes, of course.

We shall give you some privacy.

[device chiming]

- Kaldur.
- Hello.

Calvin, it's Kaldur.

- I hope you are both well.
- [Calvin] We are.

And very glad you called.

For which, I assume,
we have Delphis to thank.

I would have called on my own.


Eventually, but thank you.

The truth is, son,
we're worried about you.

Wyynde tell us you've been
hunting Ocean-Master

in between missions
for the Justice League.

While still trying to mourn
your friend Conner.

We have talked about this.

You take on too much.

Yes, we have talked about this.

I only do what must be done.

You do more than that. You always have,

ever since you were a child.

As a child, I learned to be
responsible from the both of you.

[both chuckle]

- Oh...
- You learned to be responsible

because of us, certainly.

But we were anything but
good role models of that virtue.

Stop, you were wonderful parents.

We gave you love, always.

And maybe that was the best and most
important gift we could have given you.

But you forget how it was.

[Calvin] I was never home.

I was always leaving you alone
with your mother.

[Sha'lain'a] And I was
suffering from depression.

There were days
I could not leave our home.

You were my little soldier,
parenting me.

[Kaldur] You overstate things.

[Sha'lain'a] No, but it is sweet
you remember hard times fondly.

[Calvin] You took odd jobs when I
could find no work anywhere in Shayeris,

except with Krush's criminal g*ng.

We eventually got our acts together.

Your mother sought help, I found my way.

But the pattern was set.

Military training, sorcery school,

becoming protege to the King.

Kaldur, you have always been
the adult in the room.

You need to take time to just be you.

No, not until Orm is captured.

- He is too great a threat to Atlantis.
- [both sigh]

- [Wyynde] Kaldur... You need to see this.
- Huh?

Mother, Father, I have to go.

- Of course.
- We will talk again soon.

My friend Clark said
you wanted to see me.

Um, okay.

Thank Clark for us?

Look, we have a lot to explain.

It would help if you'd allow me
to telepathically link...

No. We talk with words.

I don't know you well enough
to give you access to my mind.

Fine, we are from the future.

We came back to your era
to prevent a disaster.

The death of Superboy.

[Chameleon Boy] We did save
his life outside the U.N. a year ago,

and no one knew,

But on Mars... we failed.

We can't tell you how sorry we are.

We really can't.

If what you say is true,

why not go back in time and try again?


[Saturn Girl] Our Time-Sphere
was destroyed.

We're stranded here now.

[Superman] Just the two of you?

[Chameleon Boy] There were three of us,

but we lost our friend in the same
expl*si*n that k*lled Superboy.

[Superman] I saw no evidence
of a second fatality.

[Saturn Girl] Neither did we.

But the last time we saw her,
she was flying to save Superboy.

And she never came back to us.

Eventually, we were forced to conclude

[sighs] she hadn't made it.

I'm so sorry.

But, if you lost your Time-Sphere,

how did you get here from Mars?

- We asked for help and she said yes.
- She?

Thank you for the warning, Nimue.

We haven't much time.

[creature howling]

[creature screeching]

- [creature roaring]
- [Conner grunts, groans]

Mother of Goat, Conner, get it together.

You have to believe to
touch anything. You know that!

- [creature roaring]
- [Conner grunts]


[roaring angrily]

[angry cry]

- Mera, what...
- Listen.

A new Chaos Lord was here.
Worse than Klarion.

She created this pillar of fire,
the source of these red waters.

Anything the red touches, dies.

I have warned the sea life
to steer clear.

High King Orin, to all city-states,

this is a priority alert.

Stay away from Poseidonis
and the red water.

If you are within
Poseidonis' dome, stay inside.

Do not open the portals,

or allow any Atlanteans to exit.

That is an order.

- But...
- Understood.


I can't maintain our protection
and my construct.

- Kaldur, take over the sphere.
- Yes, My Queen.

- What can I do?
- Exactly what you have been.

So, crowd control.


[gasps] Help!

He's my best friend. I...

You cannot. The Red would
breach the dome, dooming us all.

[Blubber] Help!

You must get me beyond the Red.

[Kaldur strains]


- Huh? King Orin?
- Hold on.

[Superman] You should have led
with Bio-Ship.

She's a darn good character reference.

What do you need?

You have to understand,

Superboy was a great inspiration to us.

With him dead, your future,

our present is a galactic disaster.

So, we need you to take his place

at a crucial moment in time.

We need you to be in
Happy Harbor, Rhode Island,

ten years from today,
at noon exactly.

And do what?

As Legionnaires, we have often asked
ourselves the question Superboy asked.

"What would Superman do?"

So, when the time comes, ask yourself,

"What would Superboy do?"

[Chameleon Boy] That's all
we can ask, or reveal.

I can do that, or try, at least.

But what about the two of you?

It's best we don't tell you.

The timestream's fragile.

[sighs] We're taking
a huge risk saying this much.

And you can't tell anyone about us,

or Bio-Ship or anything.

So, please, get on board,

so we can get out of the way.

[device beeps] Black Lightning
to Superman,

we're facing a global mystic crisis.

I need you in Agra at the Taj Mahal.

On my way. I have to go. Good luck.

To us all.

[sighs] Getting Superman
to take Superboy's place

should have fixed everything,

given us an instant reset.

So clearly Superman failed.

Didn't make it to Happy Harbor
or something.

You don't know that.

After multiple dousings
of Chronoton Radiation,

we may be so far outside
our original timeline,

we may never know
if we fixed things or not.

All we can do is keep trying.

[Orin] Get Blubber inside
and seal the dome.

- As you command.
- Thank you, Your Majesty.

Careful, brother.

I cannot believe even you would
capitalize on this calamity

for your own ends.

Then, for once, you are right, Orin.

I have, in fact, come to help.

After all, who wants to be
master of a dead ocean?

Now, hadn't you better retreat?

Re-entering Poseidonis is impossible,

and I certainly have no intention
of saving your worthless skin.

[grunts angrily]

[creature screeching]

[grunting, straining]

Together, then!

[Mera straining] Agreed.

[eel screeching]

[strained grunts]

My Queen, what will Ocean-Master do

should you both succeed?

Try to k*ll us, probably.

But one crisis at a time.

[eel screeching]

Still it resists.

- [creature snarling]
- [Conner grunts]


- [creature snarls]
- [Conner screams]


[grunting angrily]

[angry grunt]

[shrieking, grunting]

[both grunting]

[enraged grunts]

Ghosty, you're all right.

Ugh, why am I the only thing
that's solid to this creature?

[creature snarling]

- It's attracted to my rage?
- [creature snarling]


[deep breath]

[Wolf grunts and Sphere beeps]

[creature snarling]

Phew! Well, we survived the monster.

But obviously, it's pointless
following that thing's heat trail,

so, now what?

[sighs] What am I gonna do?


M'gann, what am I gonna do?

[wrench turning]


Suppression beams! [grunts]

[Mera] With everything we have!

Do seek Atlantis' Savior when

The Labors Three are done, and then,

We crown our King, the One, the True,

And celebrate as all renew.

The Stranger come from out our past

To quell the Trident's threat at last.

Shall herald Seas that bring Red Death,

But Three will rise, restoring breath.

When best of these gains Arion's Crown,

Our One True King revives renown.

Anoint this King, the One, the True,

And celebrate as all renew.

Neptune's Beard. The Prophecy.


[all] Prophecy.

[loud expl*si*n]

[grunting, panting]

- [Kaldur shrieks]
- [Ocean-Master laughs]

[grunts, groans]

[distant whispers] The Prophecy.

Delphis, stay here.

Fool! You think to thwart me again?


No. No!

Orm of Poseidonis, you are under arrest!

No. Not again. Never again!

[both grunting]

[Orm groans]


[Orm grunts]

Take him away.

Our pleasure, Annax.

You will regret this, brother.

[Wyynde] Delphis, is he...

Kaldur'ahm will be all right.

[grunts wearily]

- And the queen?
- I am fine, Husband.

Or will be.

[Mera gasps]

- Here.
- Wait.

You have saved us twice. Who are you?

[clears throat]

Merely a wanderer.

Happy to have been of service
to the Crown.

But what is your name?

I doubt you would have heard of me.

Nevertheless, we want to thank
and honor you.

Unnecessary. I neither need
nor want such things.



In days gone by, I was called Arion.

Arion? Arion, Lord of Atlantis?

Arion, the Founder of Atlantis?

Arion, the Failure of Atlantis.

[all] Did you hear that?
What did he say?

[all] Arion, Arion, Arion.

Arion, Arion.

Um, who is this Arion?

The answer, perhaps,
to an ancient question.

Said answer thus raising
a thousand questions more.

[all] Arion, Arion, Arion!

- [doorbell ringing]
- [door unlocking]

[Saturn Girl] Kid Flash,
we need to talk.

[device beeping]

[Vandal Savage sighs]

No, I think not.

Though the crisis with Child has passed,

I believe we should leave
our valued assets here,

where they may be kept safe
against the next crisis.

Inevitably, another one

always seems to be coming down the pike.

Have Psimon confirm that
the Psy-Backs are all intact.

Update the inventory.

Then seal this chamber,

making certain I have the only key.

And be quick about it.

Our focus must turn to Project Thrinos.

As of now, it is our sole priority.