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03x10 - Spacely for a Day

Posted: 04/06/22 11:19
by bunniefuu


Your attention. Spacely alert.
Spacely alert.

Oh, why-why, hello,
Mr. Spacely.

What a nice surprise.

No, no, no. Very bad.

What is?

Jetson, Professor Nebula here
is an efficiency expert.

I've hired him to make sure
you're all working at top speed.


Ooh, terrible. This will never
do. Extremely inefficient.

That's better.

It is?

'Position optimized.'


'Movement optimized.'

Maintain this position and
you'll be twice as productive.

Ow! But how long will I last?

Nobody likes cry babies, Jetson.


Oh, Cosmo, where are you?

How can you leave your wife
waiting at the travel agency

for two hours?

For the last time, Petunia,
I'm not travelling anywhere.


Cosmo Spacely! You haven't taken
any time off in 30 years.

(Petunia) 'You promised me
a vacation together.'

What a terrible thought.

Uh, Petunia, who else
can run this place?

How can I leave?

For only two weeks.

There must be someone who
can take over for two weeks.

'Who, Jetson?'

My company specializes
in testing employees.

We can find out if anyone's
good enough to replace you.

Shut up.

Cosmo, let the man do it.

Alright, test everybody.
That'll show ya.

Come to think of it,
I like the idea.

It'll tell me who's
the deadwood around here.

Who's being overpaid.
Ha ha ha.

'Right here, Mr. Jetson.'

- Comfy?
- What's gonna happen?

All you have to do
is follow instructions.

Good luck.


Okay, pal.

We're gonna test
your powers of observation.

I see it, the little
silver ball.

Great! Only, I haven't
started yet.

You remember which one
the ball's under?

'Just keep your eye on it.
Okay, where is it?'

- 'That one.'
- A hundred points.

You sure you haven't taken
this test before?

- 'That one.'
- Two hundred points.

Okay, one more time,
double or nothin'.

- 'Jetson.'
- Mr. Spacely.

I need the sprocket statistics
for June and July.

Where are they?

In the file, sir,
under Sprocket Statistics.

Right. Interrupting Jetson
is a dirty trick, Spacely.

On the other hand,
the lower he scores

the more I can cut his salary.


Let's go, pal.

I haven't got all day.
Where's the ball?

- I forget, was it, uh..
- Time's up.

I remember.

That's the one I picked
before Mr. Spacely called.

Sure, pal.
That's what they all say.

That gives you
the old goose egg.


But I had it.


I will test
your mechanical ability.

'Please remember exactly
what I look like.'

What you look like, why?

You ought to put me back
together as fast as you can.

Wait for the bell.

[bell rings]

[upbeat music]



Oops, I-I see you're busy. You
go back to what you were doing.

Sorry, your time is up.

But I... but you..

But he..

He he he.

After this, I might just get him
to work for nothing.

Ha ha ha.

How'd you do on the test, dad?

I bet you scored so high

Mr. Spacely will
double your salary.

Ooh! That bad, huh?

We get the scores tomorrow.
But I know I flunked.

on mechanical ability

and powers of observation.

But, George,
you're very mechanical.

Last week you fixed our
Food-a-Rac-a-Cycle perfectly.


Well, almost perfectly.

And your powers of observation
are great, Mr. J.

You notice every mistake
even when I don't make any.

Maybe if Mr. Spacely
hadn't interrupted me

every five minutes..

He did?

No wonder you didn't do well.

George, you have to tell
Mr. Spacely

you want another chance.

You're right, Jane.
I will.

If I happen to run
into him tomorrow.

Welcome, you have
accessed the computer

of Nebula Test Headquarters.

You did it.

Show me George Jetson's
test scores.

Maybe they aren't
as bad as he thinks.

Jetson's score

seventy three.

That's pretty good.

Come on, let's tell him.

Out of a possible 1000.

Oh-oh! Dad's in deep trouble.

And you know Mr. Spacely.

No way he's gonna let dad
take that test again.


Poor George.

I'm gonna change dad's score.

Elroy, that's not right.

I suppose you think what
Mr. Spacely did to him is right.

'I'm just givin' dad
what he would've got.'

'Seven hundred and eighty
seems fair.'

Uh, a little higher
just to be safe.

Boy, is dad gonna
be surprised tomorrow.

What the heck.

beep beep beep

Have a nice day, George.

All your employees had
an average score, Mr. Spacely

except one person.

Mr. Spacely, can I
take the test again?

I mean, with you
interrupting me..

I never interrupt.

Besides, everybody works
with interruptions.

Whose score
wasn't average, professor?

Mr. Jetson.

I knew I had been paying
you too much.

As of now I'm cutting
you salary in--

He scored higher
than anybody I've ever tested.

'George Jetson
is a brilliant executive.'

George Jetson?

My George Jetson?

He could run this company

Did you hear that, Cosmo?

We are leaving
to Munami Beach tomorrow.

But, Petunia, there
has to be a mistake.

I can't leave
Jetson in charge.

Test score
or no test score.

Cosmo...we are going.

Yes, dear.

I'm warning you, Jetson.

If you mess up

I'm burying you right along
with your test score.


I'm sick. I can't go
to work today.

You have to, George.
You are in charge.

That's why I'm sick.

And that's why I rented
this for you.

It's a one minute course
on how to build self-confidence.

Now, I'm going
to my aerobics class

'so you won't be disturbed.'

Don't worry, darling.
You'll be wonderful today.

You, sir, can be confident
and powerful.

No, I can't.

- Stand in front of a mirror.
- Yes, sir.

Look at yourself and say,
I can be the man I wanna be.

I-I wish you wouldn't
stare back at me.

I can be the man
I wanna be.

I can be the man
I want to be.

I can't hear you.

I can be the man
I wanna be.


I can be the man I wanna be!

Now get out there
and take command.

I am in command.

I am a leader of men.

'Mr. J.?'

Oh, ah, uh, uh,
good morning, Rosie.

- I got your breakfast.
- I don't have time.

I am a leader of men.

You can lead later.
Right now, sit down.

Yes, ma'am.

Mirror, mirror on the wall

I'll never make it.

[instrumental music]

'Good morning, George.'

Ah, I didn't do it, Mr. Spacely.
I would never sit in your chair.

It's only me, George

to give you a hand
on your first day at the top.

Just a second.

Sit down, George.

I'll work like this.

Uh, what do I do?

Make a decision based on these
buyer-skewed marketing models

calculations of mini-max
profit potentiality

and weather reports

'should we increase production
of our model number 27?'

What would Mr. Spacely do?

He'd increase.

Then I say increase.

You are doing
very well, George.

I am?


'This is my golden opportunity'

to get rid of Spacely Space
Sprockets once and for all.

Yes, sir.

Only how?
That's the question.

[bell rings]
I got it.

What's the name
of that deadbeat company

that never pays the bills?

You mean Universal Galactic
Products Unlimited

Mr. Cogswell?

Right! Right.

I'm gonna get Jetson to build
millions of sprockets for them.

He'll never know they won't pay
until it's too late.


Spacely, I'm gonna ruin you.

Ha ha ha.

Jetson. Cogswell here.

on your new position.

Thank you, sir. Of course
it's only for two weeks.

Well, that should
be long enough.

How about some golf
this afternoon, Jetson?

Just you and me.

You and me, Mr. Cogswell? Golf?

You don't trust me
do you, Jetson?

Well, Mr. Spacely always says..

Sure he does. And you're
right to be worrying.

Because we've had quite
a go around, Spacely and I.

Rivals for years.

'But I've never felt
that way about you, Jetson'

''cause you're different.'

You're a man
I can talk to, respect.

- I am?
- Sure.

Look at that ball fly.

Spacely couldn't hit
them like that.


Ha ha ha.

I like that in a winner.

Do you mind
if I call you... George?

Are you sure I hit that ball?
It didn't feel like it.

George ol' man

you don't know
your own strength.

Here's your ball.
I don't see mine.

I do.

Right next to the hole.

I did that?

You know what they say.

Good in golf,
good in business.

Why, look. He he.
It's still rolling.

A breeze must've blown it.

I got a hole in one.

I've always known there was
a hidden talent there, George.

Inner strength.
Leadership. Style.

Me? You really think so?

I do.

That's why I'm gonna
help you out, G.J. Ha ha.

Y-you don't mind
if I call you G.J, do you?

Right now I have more business,
than I can handle

so I wanna throw some
of it your way.

Because I'd like to see you
personally get ahead.

Even if you
do work for Spacely.

Gee, Mr. Cogswell. Thank you.

'Call Universal Galactic
Products Unlimited.'

'They are big buyers.'

Tell 'em, Cogswell sent you.


You are in charge.
You are a leader of men.

Hello, I'm George Jetson,
Spacely Space Sprockets.

Mr. Cogswell said you
could give us his order.

He did?
Well, sure. Happy to.

Uh, how many sprockets would
you willing to make for us?

- How many do you want?
- Uh, uh, a million?


- Really?
- Well, then two million.

Wow! Ha! I mean, okay.

Uh, let's make it three.

Uh, nice round number.

You'll let me charge it
of course?

Sure, I mean with
a company as big as yours..

Thank you.

Thank you, friend.

It's a pleasure
giving you the business.

I mean, doing business
with you.

I want production doubled.
No! Tripled.

Take a letter, Miss Galaxy.

To all employees.

Everyone will work
weekends and evenings

'until this order is finished.
You got that?'

Got it, Mr. Jetson.

I just heard about
the big order, George.

Congratulations, I told you,
you could do it.

You told me?
I told myself.

George, I only meant--

And it's Mr. Jetson
from now on.

Y-y-yes, sir.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
who's the meanest man of all?

- You are.
- You said it!

You call this soup?

But it's your favorite, George.

Cream of moon mush.

That was the favorite
of the old George Jetson.

Take it away.

Whatever you say, Mr. J.


Can't she move any faster?
She's inefficient.

Elroy, sit up straight.
Judy, don't eat so fast.


Can't waste time.

Brought a bunch of work
home from the office.

We've created a monster.

What do you mean
you won't sell me sprockets?

We're too busy,
come back next month.

You'll deliver by tomorrow

or from now on my business
goes to Cogswell.


George, I mean, sir.

That man has been our
best customer for 23 years.

So what?

I know you wouldn't want
to lose him to Mr. Cogswell.

So, I placed his order for you.

Cancel it. Universal's three
million sprockets come first.

Gee, sir. I can't
seem to get through.

Don't pull that with me,
R.U.D.I., I'll do it myself.


Open this door!

Yes, sir.

Down, please.

R.U.D.I., I said down,
do you hear me?

Okay, R.U.D.I.,
I've had it with you.


George, I was only
trying to keep you

from doing something
you'd regret.

Pack up your chips and go home.
Jetson's in charge now.

From now on, you get
all my business, Cogswell.

I'm through with Spacely.

You won't regret it. Spacely
is losing all his customers.


And Jetson is making
three million sprockets

that'll never get paid for.



And now, for the second part

to make sure Spacely is ruined.


Almost finished, Mr. Cogswell.

Trouble is these Virgillium
bricks keep breaking.

They're supposed to.

Hi, there, Cogswell old man.
What can I do for ya?

How about some golf
this afternoon, G.J.?

Great! I'll pencil you in.

He he he.

Watch this one.



What happened
to that wall?

Haven't you heard?

The recession of the
ozone layer is causing

molecular disintegration
throughout the galaxy..

everything brittle.

No. I-I've been
so busy lately.

I had to spray my
factory with Brittle Off.

Saved the building
just in time.

Thanks for the tip.

Maybe, I oughta look into
that for our plant.

If you can get this stuff.
Everybody's panicked.

It's sold out
in five minutes.

But I have to find some.

You know Spacely. He'll blame
me if his building falls apart.

Well, uh, only as
a favor to you, Jetson

'I did have
a little left over.'

I owe you one
for giving me this, Cogswell.

The pleasure's all mine.
He he he.

But don't waste time. Get that
t*nk over to Spacely's building.

Use this to start the spray.

Thanks again.



'I can't wait to see
Mr. Spacely's face'

'when he finds out how
I took care of his building.'

Oh, I quit, Mrs. J. Workin'
around here isn't fun anymore.

With Mr. J. yellin' all
the time and speedin' me up.

We're all suffering, Rosie.

But remember, he's not used
to being a great executive.

And I'm not used to getting
runs in my ball bearings.

Guess I made a big mistake

when I changed
dad's score on the test.

Elroy, you didn't.
That's cheating.

Even if Mr. Spacely
did do it first.

You're going to tell
your father right now.

Honesty is the best policy.

And besides, it'll make
him easier to live with.


Mr. Spacely won't ever
forget me after this.

George! Elroy has something
important to tell you.

Make an appointment.
I'm a busy man.

Dad, that test you took,
you really did lousy.

- I changed your score.
- You what?

Tell me you're kiddin'.

Well, then, lie to me
and tell me you're kiddin'.

It's true, George.

Well, I'm still
a great executive.

Even Mr. Cogswell
thinks so.

That's why he gave me this spray
to save Mr. Spacely's building.

- Mr. Cogswell?
- Mr. Cogswell?

I wonder what's in here?

Jane, take Elroy home.
I have to start spraying.

Please, dad, wait.

See that, George?

You almost destroyed
Spacely Space Sprockets.

Mr. Cogswell tricked me.

I'm gonna tell him a few things
that'll burn out his visi-phone.

Come on, Elroy.

Let's take this terrible
stuff back where it belongs.

Any second now,
Harlan. Any second.

Spacely Sprockets
is gonna be history.

I found out just
in time, Mr. Cogswell.

That was a dirty trick!

Oh, I, uh, G.J.,
what are you talking about?

Don't G.J. me!

You know what's in that
t*nk parked over our roof.

I'm not spraying that
on Mr. Spacely's building.

Then you don't have
to, Jetson. Goodbye.

Because I'll do it myself.

Let's dump it on
Mr. Cogswell, mom.

I'm tempted, Elroy,
but it wouldn't be right.

We'll just
leave it for him.

So long, Spacely.

'Think of it, Harlan.'

At this moment, Spacely's
walls are beginning to melt.

Ah, Mr. Cogswell.

'The computers are dripping
down over themselves.'

Mr. Cogswell.

The floors
are turning into butter.

Mr. Cogswell,
it's happening here.

What? Here?


What are these sprockets
doing in my office?

Welcome back,
Mr. Spacely.

The sprockets, Jetson?

There was no place
else to store them.

I got an order
for three million.

We're producing
'em day and night.

Three million sprockets? Really?

Jetson, I underestimated you.

Who's the customer, my boy?

Universal Galactic
Products Unlimited.

Those deadbeats? They haven't
paid a bill in 25 years.

Ah, you think it's too late
for them to start, sir?

Jetson! You're fired!

So long, R.U.D.I.
It was nice knowing you.

He'll change his mind,
George. You'll see.

Never, never.

As in, I'll never get rid
of those sprockets.

- You see, R.U.D.I.?
- Jetson, help me.

My factory is melted.
I'm a desperate man.

Me too, Mr. Cogswell.

I got fired because of that
deadbeat customer of yours.

Uh, I'll buy the
sprockets from you.

- You'll do what?
- All three million?

Please! I need 'em for my
customers until I can rebuild.

You got him, George.
Charge him 50 percent extra.

That isn't enough.

It's plenty.
Take it, take it.

It's a deal, Mr. Cogswell.

But it'll cost you
one hundred percent extra.

That's space robbery.
I won't pay it.

There you go, Jetson.
Ruining me again!

Take it or leave it, Cogswell.

Oh, alright. You win, Jetson.
You're one tough cookie.

You did it, you did it.
The new you did it.

Now, what can I do for you?
A partnership?

- Percentage of the business?
- Anything you say, sir.

Good. Then how about your old
job back at the same salary?

Ah, yes, sir. It's
the new me and the old you.