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03x09 - Two Many Georges

Posted: 04/06/22 11:18
by bunniefuu
Mm, those pancakes look good.
I'll have a couple, Rosie.

Short stack comin' up.


'Glad you didn't order
scrambled eggs, George.'

Anything else, Mr. J.?

Some coffee, Rosie,
you better not send it airmail.


Ah-ah, sounds like
the office, I'll get it.

Hi, R.U.D.I. What's up?

Me, only I'm down.

Have to get rewired
so the office is closed.

Which means, you have the rest
of the week off, George.

I understand.
Thanks, R.U.D.I.

Oh, boy, a vacation.

At last, a chance to go fishing.

Let's see, where did
I put my poles?



Now, you'll have time to come
out to our hockey practice.

After that you can help us
with the amplifier

and our rock band rehearsal.

And we'll finally have a chance
to take some dance club lessons.

I was hoping to get to Global
Pond and rent a little boat.

If you don't fix
that drippin' sink, Mr. J.

you're gonna need
a little boat in here.

Okay-okay, but first I gotta
make a stop at the office.

R.U.D.I. says they want me to
pick up my new employee ID card.

Honey, since you're
going that way

'would you take Astro
to the V-E-T?'

- The V-E-T?
- V-E..

He's staying overnight
to get his S-H-O-T.

Oh, the sh...sure, I get it.


Here's the address.


While you're out,
here's some stuff I need.

And mail these, pick up
the dry cleaning

deposit this and here's
our grocery list.

Would you return these to the
library, I hope you don't mind?

Of course, he doesn't mind.
He's on vacation.

He's got all the time
in the world.

I didn't even have time
to have breakfast.

Ah, poor Astro.

'Elroy, stop that.
He'll smell an R-A-T.'

We're just going
for a nice ride.

See, play it smart,
use your head.

Jane, will you call
R.U.D.I. back and say

I'll be at the office
after I take Astro to the vet?


Hey, cut it out, Astro.


Hold it!

Can we talk?



Hey, dad, is your whole vacation
gonna be this much fun?

It's the perfect ID.

Your cells have
a genetic building code

and no one else
has one like it.

Naturally, Orwell.

That's all, George. I know
you're anxious to go fishing.

Fat chance, the family's
got me running errands.

Uh-ha, but what can I do?

I can't be in
two places at once.

Maybe you can. With this
it might be possible.

I think you've been wearing that
rope too tight around your head.

With the genetic code
we should be able to duplicate

any living thing.

I took a gene from that chimp

'and now I'm ready
for the big experiment.'

I'll add his gene
to the protoplasm inside

and then give it
a megablaster stimulator.






Look, George, it worked!
It worked!

Ha ha ha. I did it.

Oh, George, I'm a father.

You did do it,
it's an exact duplicate.

And that proves
I can do the same for you.

And there'll be two
George Jetsons.

The world should be so lucky.

You'd have a duplicate of
yourself to run those errands

while you're fishing.

No, it's too risky.

But it worked perfectly on the
other chimp. I-I mean the chimp.

Oh, come on, George.

Progress calls
for men of vision.

Eagles who dare and do.

Sorry, but I come from
a long line of chickens

who daren't and don't.

Okay, but call me if you
change your mind.

'Have a nice vacation.'

Hurry it up, Jetson.

We gotta give the kids
a little competition today.

All set.


You alright, dad?

Sure, sure, that was just
my regular warm-up.



Hey, I stopped it.


Jetson, you're a klutz.

I think that fixed it.

Would you play a C,
so we can tune up?

A C? Uh, well, sure.

I guess that's either
a black key or a white key.

It's easy, here.


What's that?

Uh, it's an F, like
in the Fourth of July.

Just remember

step, step, together.

Music, maestro.

[instrumental music]

Isn't this nice? That's one
of the best bands in town.

Whoopee! Sorry, I'm not
much good at this.

And I'm kinda tired.

Not too tired, I hope.

I told the children
you'd help them again

at the school tomorrow.

Again tomorrow?

And I signed us up
for another dance lesson too.

But you can't.

It's okay, they can take us,
I double-checked.

I was hoping...double.
Did you say double?

You did say double,
didn't you say double?

Stay here, I gotta make
a very important call.

I'll see you at the lab first
thing in the morning, Orwell.

The split is on.

Well, George Jetson,
I hope this town is big enough

for both of us.

Yours are very nice, George,
almost designer genes.

Did you bring an extra
set of clothes for your double?

Over there.
I hope they fit me.

I mean him, but him is I.
I mean, he is we, isn't us?

Relax, George.
He'll be a snap.

Oh, look how well
the new chimp is doing.

'He can do algebra?'

I upgraded his math gene.
Want an improvement in yours?

Don't need a thing.
No point in gilding the lily.

Ha ha ha.

Wait, you might touch up
my hockey game a bit.

Right, anything else?

Ah, maybe a smidgen
of electronic know-how.

'And a little help with music,
dancing, vocabulary'

'patience, positive thinking
and dandruff.'

Anything else?

Nope, I'm practically
perfect as is.





Get behind the screen,
he mustn't see you.

- I can't look.
- I see something.

Tell me it's not
another chimp.

'No, George. Look, look.'

'It's you. Ha, it worked.'

'Ha ha ha, it worked!'

'What a gorgeous hunk.'

We look exactly alike,
I'm free!

Oh, boy, this is gonna be
the most super vacation

any man ever had.


It's like having
a twin brother.

You're not completely identical.

Eh, look here.

'He's got a little blotch
beneath his ear on your neck.'

Oh, well, it will help me
tell you apart.

Beneath his ear on my neck?

What now, George?
Going fishing?

No fishing for me, too many
things to do with the family.

See you next week.

Orwell, you're a genius.

George Jetson can't go fishing

but George Jetson can.

Maybe, I'll go with you.

Great, I'll just stop
at the house and get the poles.


I can understand why
you like this, George.


I wonder if my double
picked up Astro at the vet's?

He probably didn't,
I'm very forgetful.

I'm sure he--

I better go check on me,
it'll just take a minute.

Wear this,
so you won't be recognized.

slurp slurp

Astro, you traitor.

No, he's not. See, he likes you.

Hi there, boy.

[Astro barking]

Leave the man alone, Astro.

The man?

How did the exam go?

Is the dog healthy?

Sorry, we give that information
only to the immediate family.


So, I'm not
the immediate family, huh?

Well, at least that guy
is getting banged around

in the hockey field about now.

Uh, let's check it
on the omni-scanner.


'I sure improved
your game, huh?'

But how is Elroy doing?

The picture is shot.
Too much interference.

'But I wanna find out
if he made the team.'

[dramatic music]




Wow! That Jetson
guy is a wiz, huh?

That's all for today, g*ng.

How is my, uh, his son doing?

See, George. You're a star.

Uh, let's get back to the pond.
You are on vacation, remember?

Ye-uh-um, right.
But I better stop at the gym.

Just to make sure Judy's okay.

- But--
- Fish weren't biting anyway.

I'll catch a cab
and get back to work.

Uh. I guess, it's hopeless.

Maybe not.

zip zip zip

You want a "C"
to tune up, right?

[piano music]

'Hi, George.'




Ah, just wanted to remind you
about the dance tonight.

Wouldn't miss it, honey.


He thinks he's going
dancing, with my wife?

Never, you hear me? Never!



Quick, Orwell.
We gotta do something.

He's going out with my wife.

Who is?

That no good-bum George Jetson.

Him? But that's you.

Remember you wanted a double,
to do everything you do.

Not everything.

Hockey is one thing.
Hanky-panky is another.

I just don't understand,
what Jane sees in that creep.

Well, I have been working
on this vanishing spray.


'George, are you really sure?'

I'll waste him.

Come on, Jetson, make my day.

Too dangerous, George.

I don't want
that to leave the lab.

We'll have to get him back here.

I guess we can use
my animal truck.

That's all he deserves.

I don't like doing this.

But if you insist,
I'll make up a batch of spray.


[instrumental music]

There they are.

Look, he's as klutzy I am.

[music continues]

'Where did I learn
to dance that good?'

'You asked for
the gene improvement.'

Now I gotta
get him out and fast.

But how?

I'll get him to chase me out
and you grab him.

George, you sneak.
You've been taking lessons.

Jetson, you better stop running
around with other guy's wives.


Don't give me that.

I've seen you with my wife,
you four-flusher.

Yah-yah, yah-yah.


[instrumental music]


Head him this way, George.

I got him, George.

You go in to Jane.

Who was that man?

No idea.

[music continues]

[dramatic music]

bang bang

bang bang bang

I know, it isn't easy
for either of us.

It'll go off in 60 seconds.

Then you'll be at peace.

So young.

So many songs to be sung.

bang bang

Open the door.

If you're smart dummy,
open the door.

You gotta help me.

I'm a fellow member
of the National Geographic.

There's no time for that.

Oh-oh, you guys
are driving me bananas.


swoosh boing


Not now.
I'm after bigger game.

Your time is up, Jetson.

I'll teach you
to fool around with your wife.

You wanna see the late movie?

I'd rather have
a nice cozy fire.


You've become quite a dancer.

Ah, it's easy
when you have a super partner.

Honey, I've been meaning to ask.

How did you get
that bruise on your neck?

'I'll get something for it
from the kitchen.'

Oh, don't be so nervous,
it won't sting.

It's gone!

Ah, I'm a quick healer.


Where's the medicine?

But it's all gone.

It's back again.

Forget the medicine.
It doesn't bother me.

I'll go check on the children.

You relax. I'll do it.

[instrumental music]


Come on, Astro. I'll take you
out, to the walking machine.

I turned your bed down, Mr. J.

Oh, uh, thanks.

A it's-it's a flea g*n
for Astro.

I gotta say somethin'.

The way you've given up
your vacation time

to help out everyone.

You've been wonderful.

Ah, yeah. Thanks.

Running errands.
Helping the kids with school.

Taking your wife dancing.
And never complaining.

'Yes, sir, I'd say that Jetson's
have about the best father'

'and husband in the universe.'

Well, end of commercial.

I just had to get
that off my transistors.

Isn't he an angel?

When he's asleep.

You are all angels.
All of you.

And you're entitled

to a wonderful
father and husband.

And we've got one.

You will now.

This is a far-far
better thing I do.

You goin' out?

Where to?

To join the Foreign Legion.

The Foreign Legion
sh**t fleas?

[instrumental music]

Where is George?
I gotta talk to him.

You're too late.

He just left to join
the Foreign Legion.

The Foreign Legion?

That's what he said.

He shouldn't be playin' hockey
without a helmet.

What's goin' on?

That sure was
a short enlistment.

Your double escaped, George.

Ah, we have to--

You? Oh-oh, no!

We caught the wrong one.

He said the Foreign Legion?

And he took his flea g*n.

I guess he wants to save
the world from k*ller bugs.

Oh, poor George.

But I'm George.

I'll be the judge of that.

I'll explain in the car.

But right now, George,
we got to find George.

Who was here?
Where'd George go?

As I understand,
it is the old story.

Your husband is out,
tryin' to find himself.



Remember, Jetson.

That signed paper
will mean you're in for life.

You'll leave immediately
for outer space patrol.

That's fine by me.

And the more outer, the better.


Come on, I ain't got
all night, sign it.



- How come he looks..
- Eh, twin brothers.

Ah, we just came down
to see George off.

Drop your paper in there,
and from that second you're in.

I gotta get
the other guys ready.

No, George, you gotta
stay with your family.

He's right.
I'm just a George-come-lately.

Ah, a message for me.
Ah, you hold him.

Tear up that paper, George.

Sorry, George. But I never
could see eye to eye with me.


honk honk click click click

The lab called.

The duplicate chimp
just dissolved.


And I will too. Any minute.

And Jane won't have
either of us.

She'll be all alone.

Gimme that paper back.


My family. Now orphaned.
And I can't do a thing.

Sure I can.

Remember, I'm the brainy George.

Okay, you're processed.
Get moving.

Ready when ever you are,

Ah-eh, yeah.

This is a far-far
better thing I do.

On the double!

I'm finally convinced
that really was me.

He's even using my line.

Hu-your left. Hut-hut-hut..

There you are.

Hey, I look good
in uniform. Don't I?

'But it won't be for long.'

'There he goes.'

That was a wonderful
gesture he made.

Yes, obviously I am a better man
than I am.

What are you gonna tell 'em?

Ah, it won't be easy.

I made a Super-dad for them.

Now they'll have to settle
for ol' Super-klutz again.

But I'll just have to be honest
and take my medicine.

George, what happened?
We were so worried.

Oh, there was a little
emergency at the office.

Does that mean you won't
have anymore vacation?

No, but about that..

...there's somethin'
I have to tell you.

Dad, if you are coming
to hockey tomorrow

well, ah, uh..

What is it, son?

Would you mind not making
all those classy moves?

It was more fun when
us kids had a chance to win.

About the band, I'm really proud
of you, but try to understand.

We need the practice.

Since everyone's being honest.

Honey, I really like
dancing with you better

the old way
without the fancy steps.

Just nice and slow
and real close.

Well, sure. If that's
what you all want.

No problem.

I'll hold back a little.
Just like before.

- Great!
- Thanks, daddy.

Now, everyone back to bed.

And that means you too, honey.

Goodnight, Orwell.

You sure have
a great family, George.

You're right.
They are wonderful.

I guess, it's all
in the genes.