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03x07 - Wedding Bells for Rosey

Posted: 04/06/22 11:17
by bunniefuu
[men shouting]





'Love that Martian Vice.'

- Way to go, Don Beatty.
- Oh! What a hunk?

That's a hunk and a half.


- We gotcha.
- Let's keep him.

Are you kidding?

He's gotta get back
in there and fight.


- George!
- Daddy!

You know how it's gonna end.

Besides, I'm exhausted
from just watching.

I'm with him.

It's just an escape, dear.

You know real life
isn't that hectic.

Thank goodness!

Now, why don't we spend
a nice quiet evening.

Ha! Now, isn't this better?



That's Mac's voice.


What do you mean
you've to hide?

Rosie, tell your boyfriend it's
too late for playing charades.

But he says he's in
terrible trouble, Mr. J.

Does he need
an oil check or what?

[electronic buzzing]

crack crash

Citizens, hold that robot.

No! You made a mistake.

Hey, look what you did
to my front door!

I'm from the Department Of
Weights, Measures, And Robots.

This dang fool inspector wants
to destroy Mac, Mr. Jetson.

It's perfectly legal.
That clunker is a criminal.

Doesn't have his BEBOP.

Mac doesn't have any rhythm?

His Basic Electro
Bionic Operations Permit.

You know, George,
we just renewed Rosie's BEBOP.

But Mac's just a bunch of
spare parts I slapped together.

Who knows 'em permits?

The penalty for going 10 years
without a BEBOP

is immediate meltdown.

'Stand clear, citizen.'

'That old law hasn't been
enforced for years.'

Besides, it's full
of loopholes.

And I quote.

A belated BEBOPie, can get
the benefit of an extension

by betrothal
to a bona fide BEBOPer.

Is there an English translation,

Simple, citizen, the only way
to keep this clunker

from becoming
a bucket of sodder

is for a certified robot
to vouch for him.

Like when an alien
wants to live on Earth

and has to marry an earthling.

- Marry?
- Marry?





Well, that's just
a figure of speech. Right?

You can't possibly mean it.

'Marry the clunker
within 72 hours'

and I'll remove
his penalty sticker.

Otherwise he's metal soup.
Good day, citizens.

- But-but, but-but--
- Good thinking, Rosie.

Mac and I sure
appreciate this, ma'am.

You'll make
the cutest bride, Rosie.

But I didn't say anything


I demand a recount.

Morning, everyone.

Morning, dear.

- Hi, mother.
- Hi, mom.


Nothing like that
first cup of coffee.

'I'd like a moonberry muffin
with Jupiter juice, Rosie.'

After I dump
this garbage, Mr. J.



What's Mac doing here?

Following me everywhere I go.

He won't let me lift a finger.

Aw! Isn't that cute?

It's puppy love, Rosie.

It's annoying.
That's what it is.

Watch. Mac.


Sit, boy. Sit.

Huh. Breakfast.

Your fiance just wants
to be near you, Rosie.


I'll settle for a long distance
relationship. Thank you.

Don't anyone move.
I'll clean it up.

[Mac mumbling]

No, no, Mac!

I don't know if this
is gonna work, Mrs. J.

[Mac mumbling]

I thought it was the bride
who got the jitters.



Believe me.
I've got 'em.

I've just been dying to see
what's inside this shop.

Welcome to Wedding World,

Oh, you'll make a simply
lovely bride, my dear.

Well, thank you, but I'm not
even going steady with anyone.

Well, then.
Who's the lucky girl?

- Guilty.
- 'Oh, a robot. How modern.'

Slide this way, please.

Won't this be fun, Rosie?

Anything to have a break
away from Mac, Mrs. J.


First, madam will want
to select her China pattern

for her wedding shower.

Shower's out, lady.

I am DL model and can't get wet.

Ha ha. Madam's robot humor
is so...amusing.


Argh! Madam's robot humor
just came to an end.



Your friend
has excellent taste, madam.

That was our priceless,
moongem collection.

Dear me!

This is already
an expensive wedding

and it isn't even official yet.

Quick. Maybe we can lose him
in the next department.

May I suggest our
popular Mona Lisa design

if it's elegant simplicity
madam is looking for.

It's a hiding place
madam is looking for.

'Where's your dressing room?'



'Don't you know it's bad luck'

'to see the bride
in a wedding dress?'

Or to keep bugging her?

Push, push, push, Jetson.

I'm punching as fast
as I can, Mr. Spacely.

But I'm down
to my last finger.

Use your toes
if you have to.

The reputation of
Spacely Space Sprockets

is at stake!

I just have to beat
Cogswell this time.

We've always competed
at everything.

Graduated from
the same business class.

Opened our factories
on the same day.

Even lost our hair
the same week.

'And I am going to produce
a billion sprockets'

'before he produces
a billion cogs.'

Even if I have
to k*ll you trying it.

So push, push,
push, Jetson.

George, I have
a crisis at home.

Can't it wait, honey?

Rosie's having
pre-marital problems with Mac

You're slacking off, Jetson.

There's a problem
about Rosie, sir.

Solve it
on your own time.

[siren blaring]

What's happening now?

'I'm pulling your robots
offline, Mr. Spacely.'

A surprise inspection, sir.

But my robots
are practically brand new.

And they're missing
this year's BEBOP.

Well, how much
is it anyway?

One credit.

Now, can I go back online?

Just as soon as
the paperwork's done.

Whew! You almost had me
worried there.

It'll take four weeks.

Four weeks!

'Jetson, you have to do
something about this.'

what about Rosie and Mac?

'Did you hear me?'

'Answer me, Jetson.'

I'm thinking.

And I plan to keep thinking,
until I think of another excuse.

Yeah, we have a caller woman.
What is your problem please?

I'm engaged to
a wonderful robot, Dr. Ruth.

'But now I'm having
second thoughts.'

I will be blunt.

Do you have
to get married, dear?

Yes, because of this
renewed BEBOP law.

Ah, you are not alone, sweetie.
I have seen nothing like it.

There has been an overnight
phenomenon of robots

complaining about
this old old law.

- Yeah.
- Hmm.

That sounds strange.

but we are stuck with it.

So be honest
with your emotion.

Yeah. And try to marry
into big money.

Have fun.

Mr. J, about Mac and me.

Not now, Rosie.

This BEBOP thing is
causing big problems at work.

- I don't understand it.
- I don't either, Mr. J.

I think there is something
fishy going on.

I'm going to check in with some
contacts. Would you come along?

Anything if it'll help
get Spacely off my back.

Someone in here might know
what's going on.

You better stay out here, Mr. J.
It's robots only.

And pretty rocking, dear.

[rock music]

Hey, boys, set your senses
on what just rolled in.

Hey, can I buy you some
lubricants, sweet thing?

Blow it out
your exhaust pipe, pal.


Say, Uniblab, trying to drown
your troubles in forty-weight.

And why not?

Spacely blames me for all these
robots being called offline.

Dumb human.

All because of that
phony old BEBOP law.

What do you mean phony?

You didn't hear it from me

but digitize this.

The commissioner of
Weights, Measures And Robots.

- He's a crook.
- No.

And he's taking bribes for
enforcing the BEBOP law.

So that's it.


If all that means
where's Rosie, she's inside.

But leave her alone, Mac.
She's trying to help us all.

Can I buy you
a can of imported oil?


Put it in lower gear, buddy.

I was just being friendly
with the lady.



You're out of line, Mac.
You're always out of line.

You follow me everywhere.

If you're not on my back,
you're in my face.

That's it, Mac.
I've had it.

'It's over between us.'


What wedding?
The wedding's off.


What's wrong, Mac?
Is Rosie alright?

- Rosie!
- Hey, human.

Don't you know your kind
ain't welcome here?

Let's process him, boys.



Are you alright, Mr. J?

Just like a walk
in the park with Astro.

Did you learn anything?

Plenty. I just hope
I wasn't too rough on Mac.

That's the rumor,
Mr. Spacely.

The BEBOP law
is a phony.

'And someone is bribing
a crooked commissioner.'

Good work, Jetson.

Now, sneak over to city hall
and find out who's behind this.

Oh, no! You've to get
someone else, Mr. Spacely.

Ha ha ha. You jest, Jetson.

No, sir. Whenever I spy for you
I get beat up or locked up.

This time, I'm putting
my foot down.

Then, do you know
where I'm gonna put my foot?

Did I just do
what I think I did?

I should never have switched
Mr. Spacely off like that.

If I find the proof he needs,
maybe he won't fire me.

- Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am.
- No harm done, Mr. J.

You shouldn't
be here, Rosie.

Look, I figured if I prove
the commissioner is a crook

I could get out and marry Mac
with a clear conscience.

Come on then.
Let's clean up this mess.

Hey, I'm working
this hallway.

Huh! Mr. Spacely.

Glad you came
to your senses, Jetson.

Oh, my back was beginning
to k*ll me.

The crook's, I-I mean the
commissioners office's this way.


Your plan has certainly
thrown the city into chaos.

But it's worth the little joke
we pulled on Spacely

eh, commissioner?

That conniving Cogwell's
behind this whole thing.

'Since I arranged
that surprise inspection'

'and shut down all his robots'

Spacely can't possibly produce a
billion sprockets before I do.

Ha ha ha.

He he he. Time to finish
our business then, Cogswell.

Sit, Sentro.

Good boy.
Now, pay off.


'Five thousand credits,
commissioner. Paid in full.'

After you destroy
our contract.

It's as good as done.

There won't be
a shred of evidence. Get it?

It's the proof we need.
Get it, Jetson.

Yes, sir.


[intense music]




Hang on, Mr. J.

'I've got you now, Cogswell.'

I'll sue you for every
last cog you own.

Ha ha. Not without proof.

Fetch, Sentro.


The contract!
Nobody must ever see it.

Relax, commissioner.

It's as safe with Sentro
as in your zapolator.

Now, if you'll excuse us

uh, we have to attend a little
ceremony at my factory.

Feel free to drop by
and watch my billionth cog

roll out the line.

'That is after you finish
dumping the waste basket.'

'Ha ha ha.
He he he.'

toot toot toot

We tried our best, Mr. J.

I guess Mr. Spacely is going to
call up and fire me any moment.

Then I guess I'll have to go
through with my plans

to marry Mac.

- So there you are, Jetson.
- Don't worry.

I'll start cleaning out my desk
tomorrow, Mr. Spacely.

Rosie. Mac's flipped
his electroplated lid.

He left this note

saying that he plans to jump off
the Lunar Lovers Leap.

Mac, you crazy
hunk of scrap metal.

I can't let you do it.

Ahem. As I was saying
before I was interrupted

by your metallic
little soap opera

I've given this matter
serious thought.

I know. You want me to turn in
my key to the washroom.

And I've decided
to give you a raise.

A raise?

And put you in charge of solving
this whole BEBOP mess.

So if Spacely Space Sprockets
goes down the tubes

it's your fault.

Then I'll fire you and sue you
for everything you've got.

Thank you, sir. You sure know
how to give a man an incentive.

Now, what do we know so far?

Cogswell bribed
that commissioner

to enforce that BEBOP law.

And he shut down my plant by
arranging a surprise inspection.

Inspection. That's it.

We've gotta jet over
to Cogswell's factory fast.

So he can publicly humiliate me?

Not if we spring a surprise
inspection on him, sir.

You better be right, Jetson.

Don't jump, Mac.
I've changed my mind.


I won't let them
melt you down.

I'll marry you.





You what? You knew
I changed my mind?

And bought me
a piston wedding ring?

Oh! Come on.

'Punch your retros, Henry.'

We've gotta find a judge.

Looks like I'm gonna
beat you Spacely.

Your little surprise inspection
won't stop me.

Don't be so sure, Cogswell.

He's right,
Mr. Spacely.

Every robot has
its correct BEBOP.

You thought I'd be dumb enough
to fall for my own scheme?

- 'Except for your guard dog.'
- Sentro?

Besides being miswired
and outdated

this canine clunker
never had a BEBOP.

'The law is the law.
He's got to go.'

What have we here?

- It's mine.
- It's mine.

Wrong. It's mine.
I've got the evidence, boss.

'It's too late, Spacely.'

You'll go to jail, Cogswell.

But with a smile on my face

knowing I made
a billion cogs first.

I'll give you anything you want.

Uh, money,
a cushy government job.

'Will you get
rid of the BEBOP law?'

Anything. Don't tear up
that contract.

Shake on it, commissioner.

There's no stopping
me now, Spacely.

'I'm just one cog away
from a billion.'

snap crackle pop bang

That's the end
of the evidence.

And the end
of my beautiful plant.

When you complete repairs, fill
these out for a new inspection.


Jetson, your inept way of
bungling everything

has paid off again.

Why, thank you, sir.

'Mr. Jetson, you better hurry'

'if you expect to give
the bride away.'

Oh, my gosh!
I completely forgot about Rosie.

She doesn't have
to marry Mac after all.

Stop! Time out! I object!

'It's all over, Mr. J.'

But you didn't have
to get married, Rosie.

Who said anything
about married?

When Mac showed me
my wedding ring

I spotted this old BEBOP label
inside his drawer.

It must've been on one of the
spare parts I used to build him.

And the judge
just certified him. Mac's legal.

'Rosie, Martian Vice
is starting.'

'I'm busy tonight, Mrs. J.'

Oh, it's so cute
that you and Mac are dating.

We thought it'd be a good idea

before making any
future wedding plans.

Oh, you really do like
Mac, huh, Rosie?

Always have, Mr. J.

Especially now since Henry
rewired his voice circuits.

He can talk?

Well, sort of.

At the beep, the time
will be 9:14 and 30 seconds

At least we'll always
be home on time.

On time.


