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03x06 - Clean as a Hound's Tooth

Posted: 04/06/22 11:16
by bunniefuu
'What on Earth is wrong
with you, George?'

Why can't you sleep?

I don't know,
but I'm worried.

See? I'm a nervous wreck.

You've never had this trouble
with the Sandman before.

Right. But lately, when
the Sandman heads for my bed

he gets sandbag.

Why? Why, Jane?

This is Dr. Droders,
with a word on a problem

common to so many
middle-aged males.

Chronic stress-related burnout.

And the earliest recognizable
symptom is sleeping difficulty.

Did you hear that, Jane?
Sleeping difficulty. That's me.

- Really, George?
- I've got burnout.

This tragic case is an example
of where this dreaded scourge

can lead. Early identification
of his areas of stress

might have saved him.

I gotta find my areas of stress
before it's too late.

Are you going to the doctor?

No. He charges so much,
it gives me stress.

I'll go straight
to the infirmary at work.

Oh, George, I'm so worried.

You've always been
such a ball of fire.

Don't say that, Jane.
What's a ball of fire do?

It burns out.

I will now project
your analyzed physical form

and we will see
your problem areas.

'Stress areas,
stress areas, stress areas.'

'Teeth, teeth,
teeth, teeth.'

Specific major stress area
is your teeth.

Ah-ha. So that's it.
My teeth.

I'll call and get an appointment
with the dentist right away.

And maybe I'll get
some sleep tonight.

What is causing general stress
in the rest of you

unknown at this time.
General stress cause, unknown.

'George Jetson!'

Get to my office immediately.

You hear me? Immediately!

I know what's causing
my general stress.

Jetson, I'd like you to meet
the Employer of the Year.

Gee, I'd like to.
Where is he?

I meant me. I'm the employer
of the year, you nincompoop.

You are?
Uh...oh, you are.

Sure you are, Mr. Spacely.

It's almost a foregone
conclusion that I'll be named.

The selection committee
is coming by tomorrow

for a look at what
a tight ship I run.

Well, judging by what
you pay me, Mr. Spacely

nothing could be tighter.

- Spacely, you there?
- What do you want, Cogswell?

I wanna see your face when I get
that Employer of the Year award.

That's what I want.

You don't have a chance,

Oh, no? Ha ha ha.

With your company's sure-fire
ability to foul up

whenever something's
really important.

Nobody's gonna foul up here,
Cogswell. Nobody!

Oh, no? Do you still have
that Jetson guy on the payroll?

- What about him?
- Oh, nothing. Ha ha ha.

He just seems to have
a knack of fouling up

when anything important
is on the line.

'Well, he's not going to foul up
anything this time, Cogswell.'

And you can forget
about winning that award.

Jetson, as a key employee,
I have to have you here tomorrow

to meet that committee.

Yes, sir. I'll be here
with bells on.

No, don't wear bells.

That's the kind of fool thing
I'm afraid of.

Just a figure of speech,
Mr. Spacely.

I mean, I'll be here
with pleasure.

Oh, and you better be darn sure
you make the best impression

you've ever made
in your life. Understand?

Yes, sir.
Don't worry about a thing.

I've got all day
to prepare for them.

Right up to my dental
appointment at 5 o'clock.

'Yes, I see, that
these are the problem.'

- They need a stress rest.
- A stress rest?

You mean I can't use
my teeth for a while?

Say, I just got delivery
on a radically new development

that would be just the thing.

These teeth are a remarkable
scientific breakthrough.

'They look just like plain old
store choppers to me.'

Yes. But actually, they're
micro-computer activated.

They fit over your old teeth.

And with this wonderful
new dental cement

you can rest assured they won't
come out and embarrass you.


Right. And forget about cleaning
'cause they automatically

stay clean as a hound's tooth.

You mean these teeth'll take the
stress and mine can just relax?

You got it. Now, you come back
in a couple of weeks

after I'm back
from my vacation

and we'll see
how you're getting along.

Taking a vacation!
How nice.

My first trip
to Rio de Jupiter.

I'm so excited.
I'm leaving this minute.

You're my very
last patient.

Well, thanks a lot. Have a good
trip. See you in two weeks.

Adios, amigo.

Rio, Rio, Rio, Rio.

Excuse me, doc. I'm real sorry,
but I think I gave you

the wrong technological teeth.
I need 'em back.

What's wrong with them?

Nothing. Except that they should
have gone to the veterinarian

down the street.
They're for a dog.

For a dog?
Those were dog's teeth?

Oh, no!

Mr. Jetson!
Mr. Jetson! Come back!

Oh, he's gone, and I've got
to get to the airport.

You're sure those teeth
were programmed for a dog?

Yeah. For a real bow-wow.

Clean as a hound's tooth.

Oh-ho. They are hound's teeth.

Hello, hello. I'm home.

Hello, George.
My, you sound better.

- How are you feeling?
- Great. We nailed the problem.

- It was my teeth.
- Your teeth?

Well, I'll be darned.

Have a hard day, Mr. J.?
Here's your slippers.

Thanks, Rosie.


Must've been a real hard day.

You usually put those
on your feet.

What are you doing, dear?

Jane, I couldn't control myself.

You think I'm having
a breakdown?

Of course not. Y-you're fine.

Hi, pop. I just took
Astro for a walk.

Hello, Elroy.
Hi, Astro.



Grrr. Woof. Woof-woof.

- Hey! Cut it out, George.
- What are you doing, pop?

George, I know you love Astro

but that's not the way
you usually show it.

I know, but I couldn't help it.

Come on, Astro.
Let's go get your dinner.

- Dinner?
- For Astro, dear.

Yes. Yes, I know.


[teeth chattering]






Back, Astro. Back.

Stop that, George.

[both growling]

Maybe it is burnout, dear.

Gosh. I don't know
what it is, Jane.

But ever since that dentist
put those experimental teeth

in my mouth, something funny
has been going on.

Experimental teeth?

Let me see, George.

They do look
kind of strange.

Are you sure he gave you
the right ones?

I bet you, he didn't.

'Look. These belong to someone
whose initials are K-9.'

K-9! Oh my gosh! No wonder.

That dentist must've
given me dog's teeth.

I gotta get them out.

- What's the matter, dear?
- They won't come out.

They're stuck in there
with super cement.

I've gotta catch that dentist
before he leaves town.

Hey, dad. You want me to get
a leash and go with ya?

Maybe you better, dear. I think
he was foaming at the mouth.

Oh boy!
He better still be there.

[growling and barking]

What do you think
you're doing?

Uh... I was just..

Gosh, I'm really sorry, officer.



Holy Toledo!
We got a doozy here.


[mailman screaming]

[George howling]

Here are his release papers.
He's really not like that.

It's just this trouble
with his teeth.

Lady, I got problems
with my teeth too.

But I don't go around biting
people and chasing cars.

Oh, Jane, am I glad to see you?
Thanks for coming, honey.

George darling,
are you alright?

Sure, I'm perfectly okay.

All that dog stuff is over,
but boy, am I starved?

Let's stop off somewhere,
and have a nice breakfast.

'What do you feel like having?'

Uh, do you know of a place
that serves a nice...kibble?

Bone, sir? You mean,
like spare ribs?

Spare ribs. Anything. I just
feel like having some bones.

For breakfast?

I'd like a bone.
What's it to you?

But no chicken bones,
'cause he might swallow them.

Yes, ma'am. And would the
gentleman care for a doggie bag?

Now you're getting personal.

Why should I want a doggie bag?
Do I look like a doggie?

I'm sorry, sir. I-I just thought
maybe for the leftover bones.

George, there was
no need for that.

Waiters always ask us
if we want a doggie bag.

Yeah, they do, don't they?
I guess I'm overly sensitive.

And here's your order, madam.
Steak, medium rare.




George, stop that!

Waiter, get this mad man
away from me.


What are you doing?
Get away from there.


Okay, okay.

Down, boy. Down!

- Get him out of here!
- Call the police.

'Don't ever come back.'

Oh, George, are you alright?

The teeth came out.
Come on, let's get out of here.

Oh, no! They're following me.

Run, Jane. I can't let those
things back in my mouth.

There's our car.
Get in, George.

[teeth chattering]

No! Get away from me. No!

Oh, boy! And I've got to
get to the Spacely's

and meet that committee.

- Sorry I'm late, Mr. Spacely.
- Where have you been, Jetson?

Never mind. Just see that
you make a good impression

on the committee.

Yes, sir. Are they here yet?

'No. I'm expecting them
any minute.'

I've had the conference room
set up for a reception for them.

That's nice.

- With food?
- No. No food.

Just coffee, tea,
some beverages.

Phew! That's a relief.

By the way, I plan to tell them
about your excellent idea.

For plant and
office theft reduction.

My idea? What idea
was that, Mr. Spacely?

Your idea to bring in those
Doberman guard dogs.




Have you gone
completely mad, Jetson?

Yes, sir.
I mean, no, sir.

To tell you the truth, sir,
it's my teeth.

Your teeth?

Yes, sir. They're reacting
to something here in the plant.

I can't have you acting
like a rabid hyena

in front of the committee.

Not a hyena, sir.
Just a rabid dog.

Uh, maybe I better
just go home and..

No! I may need you.

But-but, suppose I switch
the reception to my house.

- Would that help?
- Do you have any dogs, sir?

- No. No dogs.
- No sticks? No balls?

What? No.
No sticks, no balls.

Then I'll be perfectly fine.

Just think,
Employer of the Year.

What a thrill
it's going to be.

This is much nicer than having
them to the plant, Mr. Spacely.

You're doing fine, Jetson.
It's time I introduced you.

May I have your attention
please, ladies and gentlemen?

'Esteemed committee members,
I'd like you to meet'

one of my key employees,
George Jetson.

Very pleased
to meet all of you.

Jetson here is just one more
example of what I modestly call

'The Spacely touch.'

'Jetson typifies Spacely
judgment and Spacely quality.'

Very good, Jetson.
You made a nice impression.

Say, what was wrong
with your teeth earlier today?

To tell the truth, the dentist
gave me micro-computer

dog teeth by mistake.

Dog teeth? I'll be darned.

Well, you're fine now.

Yes, but I'm just lucky
you don't have any dogs.

No. No dogs. Mrs. Spacely
doesn't care for dogs.

She has cats.

Eeh, cats!



[guests screaming]


Jetson, you lunatic!
You're fired!

Sure, teeth. Now you come out.
Now that my life's in ruins.

No job. No hope.

'And everybody thinking
I'm a raving mad man.'

Oh, no you don't.

This time you're not getting
back in my mouth.

In fact, I've got only one hope,
you miserable teeth.

And that's destroying you.

I'll show you!

[upbeat music]


At last! I'm free of 'em.
Free, free, free.

Hi there, Jane.
How you doin'?

Hello, George.
My, you sound a lot different.

I've got great news.
My troubles are over.

Oh, George, they sure are.

- We're going to be rich.
- Rich?

Rich. Thanks to those
wonderful teeth.


George, this man
happened to see you bite

on to that mailman's bag
and hang on to it.

You were incredible. Thank
heaven, I tracked you down.

He's an advertising man,
and he's offering

five million dollars, if you'll
do the same kind of thing

for a dental cement commercial.

You are going to be
the Dento-Grab man.

"Dento-Grab. So strong,
your teeth will never come out

at the wrong moment."

Five million dollars?

Five million. It's a deal.

We sh**t out front
in 20 minutes. See you there.

Why aren't you happy, George?
It's all so wonderful.

Yeah. Wonderful.

Jane, I destroyed the teeth.

No! Why on Earth
did you do that?

Among other things,
'cause they made me lose my job.

Your job?

You have no job, and now you
can't earn the five million?

Uh-huh. Our ship finally comes
in and I've destroyed the dock.

Did somebody say "doc"?

Rio, Rio, Rio.
Hi, there. Remember me?

Do I? I'll say I do.

I was so worried about you.

I just couldn't enjoy
my vacation, so I came back.

Well, you're too late.

Those dog teeth
you gave me

have turned my life
into a howling mess.

I feel terrible about it, so I'm
here to either chisel them out

or, if you prefer,
fit you with a nice muzzle.

You won't have to chisel,
and I don't need a muzzle.

- The teeth are already out.
- 'That's good.'

Say, that means we can fit you
with the right ones.

Micro-computer teeth
for humans.

- Are they just as strong?
- Uh-huh.

They can bite
on to anything and hold?


I can still make a lot of money.
Put 'em in.

I don't have them with me,
they're at the office.

But I'll be right back
with them.

'I'll meet you out front.
And please hurry.'

You're just in time.
We're about ready to sh**t.

I'm not quite ready yet. We
actors have to get in the mood.

The mood? To bite something,
you gotta get in the mood?

Where is that dentist?

Uh, I think I'm getting into
mood. Yeah, I'm about ready.

Okay! Bring in the spacecopter.

- What's that for?
- You're gonna hang from it.

See that leather strap?
You hangs by your fangs.

Not a chance.

'You want the five million,
don't you?'

Then your choppers hang
from that chopper.

I thought I was gonna hang
from a mailman's bag again.

This is more dramatic.


Oh, these look a lot nicer.

Ready? Open wide.

Hurry up. He's here.
Come on.

Teeth, don't fail me now.

'That's it. We're rolling.

Very nice. Very good so far.

But I didn't get
the teeth in yet.

Oh, George!
Hang on, hang on!

What's going on?

Mr. Spacely,
what are you doing here?

I came to see George

but I didn't think
I'd see him like this.

[upbeat music]

'He did it, he did it.'

Oh boy! We'll make advertising
history with that shot.

Hah! Am I glad that's over?

So am I. I'm really sorry
I didn't get the other teeth in

but your own teeth
were incredible.

Didn't get 'em in?
I-I did that with my own teeth?

Uh-huh. You must drink a lot
of milk to have nice strong

toothies like that.

George. George,
what does it matter?

You did it.

What's he doing?
He can't take a nap now.


No problem. The cameraman
thought it was a rehearsal

and didn't roll the film. Ha ha.

So up you go,
one more time.

One more time? Uh-oh!

Jetson, you heard him.

One more time, and you've got
a job for life.

Mr. Spacely, you're doing that
'cause of his wonderful bravery?

Are you serious?

I'm doing it because I bought
50 percent of the stock

in that wonderful
dog-teeth outfit.

And our commercial needs
jittery George up there

in the wild blue yonder.

W-what, where?
What? Huh?

Here we go.
Let's try these, shall we?

Oh, my goodness,
I've done it again.

Oh, I've given him
vampire teeth.

N-now, Jetson.
Now, just a minute.

Jetson, stay back. Back.

Allow me to ask you,
Mr. Spacely.

What blood type are you?

[all screaming]

Are you sure you're
alright now, Jetson?

Yes, sir. The dentist removed
the vampire teeth, and I'm fine.

Just the same,
to be on the safe side

I think we better keep you
like this for a few days.

Yes, sir.

Oh, by the way, Mr. Spacely

did you win that
Employer of the Year award?

No. I'm sorry to say,
Cogswell won it.

'Oh, what a shame.'

It was all my fault,
and I feel terrible.

That's alright, Jetson.
I got even with him.

Huh? How'd you do that?

I gave him the name
of your dentist.
